Exercise 1.: Label Each Verb Below Either (C) For Continuous Verb, (N) For Non-Continuous Verb or (M) For Mixed Verb

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Exercise 1.
You look really great! (you, work) out at the fitness center recently?
2. A: What (you, do) when the accident occurred?
B: I (try) to change a light bulb that had burnt out.
3. I (have) the same car for more than ten years. I'm thinking about buying a new one.
4. If it (snow) this weekend, we (go) skiing near Lake Tahoe.
5. A: What do you call people who work in libraries?
B: They (call) librarians.
6. I came to England six months ago. I started my economics course three months ago. When I return to Australia, I
(study) for nine months and I (be) in England for exactly one year.
7. Sam (arrive) in San Diego a week ago.
8. Samantha (live) in Berlin for more than two years. In fact, she (live) there when the Berlin wall came down.
9. If Vera (keep) drinking, she (lose, eventually) her job.
10. The Maya established a very advanced civilization in the jungles of the Yucatan; however, their culture (disappear,
virtually) by the time Europeans first (arrive) in the New World.
11. Shhhhh! Be quiet! John (sleep) .
12. It (rain) all week. I hope it stops by Saturday because I want to go to the beach.
13. Listen Donna, I don't care if you (miss) the bus this morning. You (be) late to work too many times. You are
14. I am sick of rain and bad weather! Hopefully, when we (wake) up tomorrow morning, the sun (shine) .
15. I have not traveled much yet; however, I (visit) the Grand Canyon and San Francisco by the time I leave the
United States.
16. I (see) many pictures of the pyramids before I went to Egypt. Pictures of the monuments are very misleading.
The pyramids are actually quite small.
17. In the last hundred years, traveling (become) much easier and very comfortable. In the 19th century, it (take)
two or three months to cross North America by covered wagon. The trip (be) very rough and often dangerous.
Things (change) a great deal in the last hundred and fifty years. Now you can fly from New York to Los Angeles in
a matter of hours.
18. Joseph's English (improve, really) , isn't it? He (watch) American television programs and (study) his
grammar every day since he first arrived in San Diego. Soon he will be totally fluent.
19. When I (arrive) home last night, I discovered that Jane (prepare) a beautiful candlelight dinner.
20. If you (need) to contact me sometime next week, I (stay) at the Sheraton in San Francisco.

Exercise 2. Label each verb below either (C) for Continuous Verb, (N) for Non-continuous Verb or (M) for Mixed
1. see
2. swim
3. read
4. understand
5. weigh

6. type
7. clean
8. mean
9. cut
10. have

Exercise 3 Write if the sentence is Active or Passive

1. The student is being taught. 2. I have been studying English for two years. 3. The car was washed yesterday.
.4. Kathy is being stupid. 5. John made dinner. 6. By next year, Julie will have been in Japan for more than six
years. 7. The kids talk to each other. 8. I am going to go to the circus. 9. The work is going to have been
finished by then. 10. The work has been being done by Judy.

Exercise 4
1. When Carol (call) last night, I (watch) my favorite show on television. 2. I (work) for that company for
more than thirty years. 3. Sharon (love) to travel. She (go) abroad almost every summer. 4. Thomas is an author.
He (write) mystery novels and travel memoirs. He (write) since he was twenty-eight. Altogether, he (write)
seven novels, three collections of short stories and a book of poetry. 5. We were late because we (have) car
problems. By the time we (get) to the train station, Susan (wait) for us for more than two hours. 6. Sam (try)
to change a light bulb when he (slip) and (fell) . 7. Everyday I (wake) up at 6 o'clock, (eat) breakfast at 7
o'clock and (leave) for work at 8 o'clock. However, this morning I (get) up at 6:30, (skip) breakfast and
(leave) for work late because I (forget) to set my alarm. 8. Right now, Jim (read) the newspaper and Kathy
(make) dinner. Last night at this time, they (do) the same thing. She (cook) and he (read) the newspaper.

Tomorrow at this time, they (do, also) the same thing. She (prepare) dinner and he (read) . They are very
predictable people! 9. By this time next summer, you (complete) your studies and (find) a job. I, on the other
hand, (accomplish, not) anything. I (study, still) and you (work) in some new high paying job. 10. The
students (teach, usually) by Mrs. Monty. However, this week they (teach) by Mr. Tanzer.
Exercise 5. Answer the questions:
1. Jane talks on the phone. Bob has been talking on the phone for an hour. Mary is talking on the phone.
~ Who is not necessarily on the phone now?
2. Jane paid when Bob answered her question. ~ Did Jane pay first or did Bob answer the question first?
3. Jane left when Tim arrived. Bob left when Tim had arrived. Tim arrived when Mary was leaving. John had left
when Tim arrived. After Tim arrived, Frank left.
~ Who did not run into Tim?
4. Jane is talking in class. Bob always talks in class. Mary is always talking in class.
~ Who's action bothers you?
5. Jane never left Jamestown. Bob has never left Jamestown.
~ Who is still alive?
Exercise 6. Correct the mistakes:
1. When I was a kid, I dreamt that I would always be an actor when I grew up. 2. I would live in London when I was a
child. 3. I used to going to the beach every day when I lived in Los Angeles. 4. When he asked for help with his
homework, I told him I was going to help him. I can never refuse a request for help. 5. She would constantly be tall
when she was in elementary school.
Exercise 7
1. I (go) to the cinema yesterday. 2. Peter (be) 12 next week. 3. My friend (listen) to music every evening.
4. They (clean) their car. It looks new again. 5. Listen! Mrs Jones (play) the piano. 6. He (break) his arm two
weeks ago. 7. They (write) a test now. 8. We (watch) a film tomorrow evening, but we haven't got the tickets yet.

Exercise 8
1. We ... TV when it started to rain. (to watch) 2. I wanted to visit you yesterday, but you ... at home. (not/to be) 3.
Look! It , so we can't to the beach. (to rain) (to go) 4. There are a lot of clouds. It soon. (to rain) 5. The sun
in the East. (to rise) 6. Since 1993 they their son every year. (to visit) 7. While the doctor Mr Jones, his son in
the waiting room. (to examine) (to wait) 8. If I study, I ... the exams. (to pass)
Exercise 9
1. She caught them while they _____.
a) was talked
b) were talking
c) did talked
d) is talking
2. I _____ my grandmother next week.
a) visit
b) will visit
c) would visit
d) should be visit
3. You should always _____ healthy food.
a) shall eat
b) eat
c) eating
d) was eating e) eaten
4. The bus _____ before I reached the bus-stop.
a) arrive
c) had arrived
d) will arrive
5. Look! The boy _____ the hill.

e) visiting

e) have arrive

a) climbs
b) is climbing
c) was climbing
d) were climbed
e) climbing
6. I _____ the pen before she did.
a) take
b) taken
c) had taken
d) took
e) is taking
7. I _____ in this school for ten years.
a) have been studying
b) has been studying
c) studying
d) were studying
e) studied
8. I _____ a letter tomorrow.
a) write
b) will write c) have written
d) has written e) write
9. She _____ cooking food daily.
a) like
b) likes
c) liking
d) is liking
e) has liked
10. I _____ my work now. Do not disturb me.
a) am doing
b) was doing c) were doing
d) do
e) done
11. The baby _____ usually well behaved.
a) is
c) has
d) shall
e) are
12. Scientists _____ a new planet.
a) had just discover b) will just discovered c) have just discover d) has just discover e)have just discovered
13. She _____ to London yesterday.
a) gone
b) go
c) went
d) will go
e) had went
14. If I _____ the address, I would have gone there.
a) know
b) known
c) had known
d) have known
e) knew
15. I met Jane while I _____ on the beach.
a) walking
b) walked
c) was walking
d) were walking
e) walk
16. She never _____ late to school.
a) come
b) comes
c) coming
d) came
e) is coming
17. The manager _____ soon.
a) arrives
b) will arrive
c) is arriving
d) has arrive
e) arrived
18. If she asks for money, I _____ her.
a) gave
b) give
c) will give d) given
e) gives
19. I did my homework when I _____ television.
a) was watch
b) watched
c) was watching
d) watching
e) had watched
20. London _____ a lot since 1975.
a) change
b) changed
c) will change
d) has changed
e) have changed

Exercise 10
1. Tomorrow you ......... sitting in a deck chair on the beach.
(a) are (b) were (c) will (d) will be
2. When Ted telephoned, I ......... watching television.
(a) was (b) will be (c) am (d) have
3. After the storm ...... finished, many people were found lying in the street.
(a) has (b) had (c) were (d) did
4. Tomorrow we ......... taking the day off.
(a) will (b) have (c) were (d) are
5. Where did you ......... for your holiday in the end?
(a) went (b) gone (c) go (d) going
6. I must admit you ......... tried but I'm afraid the answer is still no.
(a) did (b) will (c) do (d) have
7. Sometimes I wonder if I ......... ever succeed.
(a) do (b) shall (c) am (d) were
8. How many times ........ you been there?
(a) has
(b) will
(c) have
(d) did
9. She has .. working there since she left school.
(a) had (b) done
(c) have
(d) been

Exercise 11
1. Yesterday, my mother (go) shopping. 2. I (watch) TV now. 3. (be) there any cinemas in Paris in 1951? 4.
Where (be) you yesterday? 5. I (cook) when my father called me. 6. What are you (do)? 7. This morning, I
(make) my bed. 8. What do you (do) for a living? 9. Last weekend, I (visit) my friend. 10. The phone rang

when I (play) video games.

Exercise 12
1. I (go) to London when my mother phoned me. 2. Now, I (sleep). 3. Yesterday, I (eat) in a restaurant. 4.
Look, he (sing)! 5. He always (play) in the house; 6. What was he (read)? 7. The moon (shine), the forest
was beautiful. 8. (sit) down! 9. Last week, they (tell) me the horrible story of Frankenstein! 10. I never (draw).

Exercise 13
1. My sister (buy) him a dog for his birthday last week. 2. Marceau and Yanis (go) to the cinema last Monday. 3.
Brunella (sit) behind the door when we were looking for her. 4. Annelore (break) her umbrella yesterday. 5. They
said they were tired and (go) upstairs to sleep. 6. Johanne (just lose) her keys on the pavement . 7. Ccile
(ride) a horse when she went to the circus. 8. The Scottish people (build) their detached house near the beach years
ago. 9. Jean (see) many boats over the see, when she was on holiday. 10. I (read) Romeo and Juliet when I was
10 years old.

Exercise 14
1. When I was a young boy, I (meet) Santa Claus. 2. Tony (study) for his math test as we speak. 3. Pat and Sean
(smoke) for the past three years. They would like to quit though. 4. She sometimes (lose) her temper. She scares
me a bit when she does. 5. I (understand) your point now. 6. I (see) this movie about a dozen times already. 7.
We (sleep) all day yesterday. 8. I finally (decide) to call her yesterday to ask her out. 9. She (be) never late. I
wonder why she is missing. 10. I (be) in class very early this morning to study for my math exam. 11. (be) you
mad at me last night? I didn't hurt you on purpose you know ! 12. (you, see, ever) Le Cirque Du Soleil? 13. We still
(go out, sometimes). 14. What (you, are, do) now? I'm cleaning my room. 15. I (visit) my uncle Bob in San
Jose last year. 16. They (call, negative) me since last week. 17. What kind of music (she, like)? 18. 3 years ago,
Doug completely (change) his lifestyle. 19. Who (invent) the lightbulb? I really don't have a clue. 20. I
(never, try) lobster in my life.
Exercise 15
1. I (do) my exercise yesterday. 2. I (work) in the farm last summer. 3. I (wear) my watch for 2 days. 4. I
(help)him with his work yesterday. 5. I (invent) a story. 6. I (drink) several beers in the evening. 7. I (hear) the
music of Bob Marley four days ago. 8. I (write) a letter to my sister two days ago. 9. I (make) this cake at 5.OO.
10. I (know) this lesson yesterday.

Exercise 16
1. My husband usually (to sing) in the bathroom. 2. My parents (never fly) yet. 3. I (to finish) my work by 5
o'clock. 4. I'm very hungry because I (not to eat) anything today. 5. I (to lose) my pen again. 6. My parents
(to live) in the country for over 20 years. 7. While I (to write) my homework yesterday, my little son (to sleep).
8. We (to meet) the neighbours when they (to walk) to the nearby cinema. 9. We (to leave) before the other
guests (to arrive). 10.Tom (to read) this novel twice.

Exercise 17
(1) I (see) my first baseball game when I (live) in New York. (2) How many pints of beer (he/drink) before
he (leave) the pub? (3) It (rain) so we (decide) to stay at home all afternoon. (4) By the time I (leave)
university I (be) to France fifteen times. (5) What (you/do) at the time the murder was committed? (6) When
we (get) home we saw that someone (break) in to steal the DVD recorder. (7) He (send) to prison four times
before he (decide) that it would be better to go straight. (8) I didn't realise I (lose) my credit cards until I
(try) to pay for dinner at the restaurant. (9) I (write) an email to my sister when she (ring) me. (10) She was so
upset by the news that she (drop) her tea and (start) crying.

Exercise 18. James Cook (1728-1779)

1. The British explorer James Cook was born in the village of Marton, Yorkshire, on 27 October, 1728. But his family
soon (moved) to another village, called Great Ayton, where Cook (spent) most of his childhood. 2. As a teenager
James Cook (develop) a fascination for the sea and (travel) to Whitby where he (find) employment on a coal
ship. 3. While he (serve) in the Royal Navy during the Seven Years' War (1756-1763), Cook (have) the
command of a ship. 4. After the war (end), Cook (take) command of the vessel Grenville and (go) to

Newfoundland to survey the coasts there. 5. While he (map) the coasts of Newfoundland, he (observe) a solar
eclipse off the North American coast. 6. Cook (send) the details to the Royal Society, England's leading scientific
organisation, and (win) their attention. 7. After Cook (publish) his observations of the solar eclipse, the Royal
Society (ask) him to lead a scientific expedition to Tahiti and (put) him in command of of the HMS Endeavour.
8. From Tahiti Cook then (go) to explore the South Pacific. 9. He also (reach) New Zealand, which only the
Dutchman Abel Tasman (visit) before Cook. 10. After Cook (map) New Zealand's complete coastline, he
(sail) to Australia's east coast. 11. Cook (name) the area New South Wales as it (remind) him of the south coast
of Wales in Great Britain. 12. In 1772, one year after Cook (return) from his first voyage to the Pacific, the Royal
Society (hire) him for another expedition to find the mythical Terra Australis. 13. On his journey, Cook
(discover) several islands and almost (go) as far as the continent of Antarctica. 14. He (make) maps of the South
Pacific and proved that Terra Australis (exist). 15. His third and last voyage for the Royal Society (take) him to
the west coast of North America where he (try) to find a passage between the Atlantic and Pacific. 16. He (can /
pass) the Bering Strait, however; the ice (force) him to return to Hawaii, which he (discover) earlier. 17. While
he and his crew (rest) in Hawaii, some Hawaiians (steal) one of his boats. 18. When cook and his men (try) to
get the boat back from the natives, a violent fight (break out) in which the natives (stab) James Cook to death.

Exercise 19
1. Laura (wash) her hair right now. 2. Peter (be) in London yesterday. 3. Next Monday Mary (see) a new film with her
boyfriend. 4. The plane (land) at ten o'clock and it's now half past eleven. 5. John (not go) to school yesterday. 6.
Sometimes I (play) chess in the afternoon. 7. I (go) to work at eight every morning. 8. Tom and Chris (have) breakfast
right now. 9. Peter (live) in Birmingham. 10. We (play) tennis last weekend. 11. Sophie (be) ill yesterday. 12. The
museum (open) at 10 everyday. 13. Sarah has four dogs, three cats and a bird. She (love) animals! 14. Your girlfriend
(call) yesterday. 15. Richard and Pamela (walk) five kilometres everyday. 16. Jeremy (not know) how to play chess.
17. Ellen (not work) on Sundays. 18. The kids (watch) TV right now. 19. You (not come) yesterday! What happened?
20. The train from London (arrive) at 11.15 every Monday and Thursday. 21. John (be) in London in 1999. 22. Hugh
(sing) every morning while he take a shower. 23. I (live) in Stratford right now. 24. When I was a child, I (live) in
Oxford. 25. The match (start) ten minutes ago. 26. Sheila (call) Tom every night. 27. Harry (lose) the keys yesterday.
28. I (be) ill last week. 29. The bus (stop) every 200m. 30. They (buy) a new computer last year. 31. In twenty years'
time I (be). 45 years old. 32. I usually (get) up at 7 o'clock, but tomorrow I (get) up at 9. 33. Christmas (be) on a
Thursday next year. 34. Jack (like) going dancing. Last week he (go) to a disco and (spend) four hours there. 35.
Andrew (fly) to Europe next month. He (stay) there three months. After that, he (come) back to our country. 36.
Charles (look) just like his father. When he was a child, he (have) brown hair too. That means that when he is 59, he
(be) bald too! 37. Bye for now. I (see) you in two weeks' time. 38. It isn't raining now! It (stop). 39. I (dream) when the
alarm clock rang. 40. What (you do) yesterday afternoon? 41. This year we (travel) to Germany. 42. Jack and I (play)
table tennis when you called. 43. Last month prices (go) up 10 percent. 44. I (love) concerts but yesterday we (go) to a
concert that (be) really boring. I (like) it at all! 45. The train (arrive) late so I missed my connection. 46. You never
(write) to me! Come on, can't you just send an email? 47. I (see) your friend Judy last week.
Exercise 20. 1. When we (arrive), dinner (already, begin). 2. My friend (not see) me for many years when I (meet) him
last week. 3.He (already, learn) English before he (leave) for Australia. 4. I (be) surprised that he (not contact) me
sooner. 5. He (ask) me if I (find) the way easily. 6. The river (become) deeper after it (rain) heavily. 7. I (not yet, do)
half of the work when he (come) in. 8. When he (be) young, he (like) collecting stamps. 9. After I (have) some dry
biscuits, I (have) a drink. 10. I (see) him the moment he (enter). 11. The train (leave) before we got to the station. 12. I
will wait till you (be) back. 13. I will pay you as soon as they (pay) me. 14. I won't go until the war (be) over. 15. He
will be happy when he (hear) this. 16. If I knew he was there, I (take) you back. 17. He (study) English for a year and
then went to America. 18. Don't worry! You (show) how to do the exercise. 19. English (teach) all over the world. 20. I
will wait until you (be) ready. 21. I'd come if I (be) not so busy. 22. If I were you, I (see) a doctor. 23. I'll tell you as
soon as I (hear) anything from him. 24. Two days before he (fly) back to Sweden, we had a final meeting. 25. Will you
please call her as soon as you (know)? 26. What (happen) to me if I told them? 27. I (call) you when dinner is ready.
28. I wanted to buy it but they (already, sell) it. 29. He had an accident. His car (damage). 30. Your car (wash) at the
1. The train (leave) at 11.42. 2. On Sunday at 8 o'clock I (meet) my friend. 3. It (snow) in the mountains tomorrow
evening. 4. We (have) lunch at McDonald's at the weekend. 5. They (fly) to London on Friday evening. 6. Wait! I
(drive) you to the station. 7. The English lesson (start) at 7.35. 8. I (see) my sister in April.

Exercise 1.
You look really great! (you, work) have you been working out at the fitness center recently?
2. A: What (you, do) were you doing when the accident occurred?
B: I (try) was trying to change a light bulb that had burnt out.
3. I (have) have had the same car for more than ten years. I'm thinking about buying a new one.
4. If it (snow) snows this weekend, we (go) will go skiing near Lake Tahoe.
5. A: What do you call people who work in libraries?
B: They (call) are called librarians.
6. I came to England six months ago. I started my economics course three months ago. When I return to Australia, I
(study) will have been studying for nine months and I (be) will have been in England for exactly one year.
7. Sam (arrive) arrived in San Diego a week ago.
8. Samantha (live) lived in Berlin for more than two years. In fact, she (live) was living there when the Berlin wall came
9. If Vera (keep) keeps drinking, she (lose, eventually) will eventually lose her job.
10. The Maya established a very advanced civilization in the jungles of the Yucatan; however, their culture (disappear,
virtually) had virtually disappeared by the time Europeans first (arrive) arrived in the New World.
11. Shhhhh! Be quiet! John (sleep) is sleeping.
12. It (rain) has been raining all week. I hope it stops by Saturday because I want to go to the beach.
13. Listen Donna, I don't care if you (miss) missed the bus this morning. You (be) have been late to work too many
times. You are fired!
14. I am sick of rain and bad weather! Hopefully, when we (wake) wake up tomorrow morning, the sun (shine) will be
15. I have not traveled much yet; however, I (visit) will have visited the Grand Canyon and San Francisco by the time I
leave the United States.
16. I (see) had seen many pictures of the pyramids before I went to Egypt. Pictures of the monuments are very
misleading. The pyramids are actually quite small.
17. In the last hundred years, traveling (become) has become much easier and very comfortable. In the 19th century, it
(take) took two or three months to cross North America by covered wagon. The trip (be) was very rough and often
dangerous. Things (change) have changed a great deal in the last hundred and fifty years. Now you can fly from New
York to Los Angeles in a matter of hours.
18. Joseph's English (improve, really) is really improving, isn't it? He (watch) has been watching American television
programs and (study) has been studying his grammar every day since he first arrived in San Diego. Soon he will be
totally fluent.
19. When I (arrive) arrived home last night, I discovered that Jane (prepare) had prepared a beautiful candlelight
20. If you (need) need to contact me sometime next week, I (stay) will be staying at the Sheraton in San Francisco.
Exercise 2
1. see M 2. swim C 3. read C 4. understand NC 5. weigh M 6. type C 7. clean C 8. mean NC 9. cut C 10. have M
Exercise 3
1. The student is being taught. PASSIVE 2. I have been studying English for two years. ACTIVE 3. The car was washed
yesterday. PASSIVE 4. Kathy is being stupid. ACTIVE 5. John made dinner. ACTIVE 6. By next year, Julie will have
been in Japan for more than six years. ACTIVE 7. The kids talk to each other. ACTIVE 8. I am going to go to the circus.
ACTIVE 9. The work is going to have been finished by then. PASSIVE 10. The work has been being done by Judy.
Exercise 4
1. When Carol (call) called last night, I (watch) was watching my favorite show on television. 2. I (work) have been
working for that company for more than thirty years. 3. Sharon (love) loves to travel. She (go) goes abroad almost every
summer. 4. Thomas is an author. He (write) writes mystery novels and travel memoirs. He (write) has been writing since
he was twenty-eight. Altogether, he (write) has written seven novels, three collections of short stories and a book of
poetry. 5. We were late because we (have) had / had had / had been having car problems. By the time we (get) got to the
train station, Susan (wait) had been waiting for us for more than two hours. 6. Sam (try) was trying to change a light bulb
when he (slip) slipped and (fell) fell. 7. Everyday I (wake) wake up at 6 o'clock, (eat) eat breakfast at 7 o'clock and
(leave) leave for work at 8 o'clock. However, this morning I (get) got up at 6:30, (skip) skipped breakfast and (leave) left

for work late because I (forget) had forgotten to set my alarm. 8. Right now, Jim (read) is reading the newspaper and
Kathy (make) is making dinner. Last night at this time, they (do) were doing the same thing. She (cook) was cooking and
he (read) was reading the newspaper. Tomorrow at this time, they (do, also) will also be doing the same thing. She
(prepare) will be preparing dinner and he (read) will be reading. They are very predictable people! 9. By this time next
summer, you (complete) will have completed your studies and (find) found a job. I, on the other hand, (accomplish, not)
will not have accomplished anything. I (study, still) will still be studying and you (work) will be working in some new
high paying job. 10. The students (teach, usually) are usually taught by Mrs. Monty. However, this week they (teach) are
being taught by Mr. Tanzer.
Exercise 5
1. Jane talks on the phone. Bob has been talking on the phone for an hour. Mary is talking on the phone. ~ Who is not
necessarily on the phone now? Jane 2. Jane paid when Bob answered her question. ~ Did Jane pay first or did Bob
answer the question first? Bob answered the question first. 3. Jane left when Tim arrived. Bob left when Tim had arrived.
Tim arrived when Mary was leaving. John had left when Tim arrived. After Tim arrived, Frank left. ~ Who did not run
into Tim? John 4. Jane is talking in class. Bob always talks in class. Mary is always talking in class. ~Who's action
bothers you? Mary's 5. Jane never left Jamestown. Bob has never left Jamestown. ~ Who is still alive? Bob
Exercise 6
1. When I was a kid, I dreamt that I would always be an actor when I grew up.
used to
2. I would live in London when I was a child.
3. I used to going to the beach every day when I lived in Los Angeles.
4. When he asked for help with his homework, I told him I was going to help him. I can never refuse a request for help.
used to
5. She would constantly be tall when she was in elementary school.
Exercise 7
1. I went to the cinema yesterday.
2. Peter will be 12 next week.
3. My friend listens to music every evening.
4. They have cleaned their car. It looks new again.
5. Listen! Mrs Jones is playing the piano.
6. He broke his arm two weeks ago.
7. They are writing a test now.
8. We are going to watch a film tomorrow evening, but we haven't got the tickets yet.
Exercise 8
1. We were watching TV when it started to rain. 2. I wanted to visit you yesterday, but you werent at home. 3. Look! It
is raining , so we can't go to the beach. 4. There are a lot of clouds. It is going to rain soon. 5. The sun rises in the East.

6. Since 1993 they have been visiting their son every year. 7. While the doctor is examining Mr Jones, his son is
waiting in the waiting room. 8. If I study, I will pass the exams.
Exercise 9
1. She caught them while they _____ were talking.
2. I _____ my grandmother next week. will visit
3. You should always _____ healthy food. eat
4. The bus _____ before I reached the bus-stop. arrived / had arrived
5. Look! The boy _____ the hill. is climbing
6. I _____ the pen before she did. had taken / took
7. I _____ in this school for ten years. have been studying
8. I _____ a letter tomorrow. will write
9. She _____ cooking food daily. likes
10. I _____ my work now. Do not disturb me. am doing
11. The baby _____ usually well behaved. is
12. Scientists _____ a new planet. have just discovered
13. She _____ to London yesterday. went
14. If I _____ the address, I would have gone there. had known
15. I met Jane while I _____ on the beach. was walking
16. She never _____ late to school. comes
17. The manager _____ soon. is arriving
18. If she asks for money, I _____ her. give
19. I did my homework when I _____ television. had watched
20. London _____ a lot since 1975. has changed
Exercise 10
1. Tomorrow you ......... sitting in a deck chair on the beach.
(a) are (b) were (c) will (d) will be
2. When Ted telephoned, I ......... watching television.
(a) was (b) will be (c) am (d) have
3. After the storm ...... finished, many people were found lying in the street.
(a) has (b) had (c) were (d) did
4. Tomorrow we ......... taking the day off.
(a) will (b) have (c) were (d) are
5. Where did you ......... for your holiday in the end?
(a) went (b) gone (c) go (d) going
6. I must admit you ......... tried but I'm afraid the answer is still no.
(a) did (b) will (c) do (d) have
7. Sometimes I wonder if I ......... ever succeed.
(a) do (b) shall (c) am (d) were
8. How many times ........ you been there?
(a) has
(b) will
(c) have
(d) did
9. She has .. working there since she left school.
(a) had (b) done
(c) have
(d) been
Exercise 11
1. Yesterday, my mother
in 1951? 4. Where

w ere

(do)? 7. This morning, I

w ent

(watch) TV now. 3.


(be) there any cinemas in Paris

w as cooking

(be) you yesterday? 5. I

(cook) when my father called me. 6. What are you

w as m

(make) my bed. 8. What do you

my friend. 10. The phone rang when I

Exercise 12

am w atching

(go) shopping. 2. I

w as playing


(do) for a living? 9. Last weekend, I

(play) video games.




1. I

to London when my mother phoned me. 2. Now, I

in a restaurant. 4. Look, he

What was he

! 5. He always

? 7. The moon

9. Last week, they

. 3. Yesterday, I
in the house; 6.

, the forest was beautiful. 8.


me the horrible story of Frankenstein! 10. I never

Exercise 13
1. My sister BOUGHT (buy) him a dog for his birthday last week. 2. Marceau and Yanis WENT (go) to the cinema last
Monday. 3. Brunella WAS SITTING (sit) behind the door when we were looking for her. 4. Annelore BROKE (break)
her umbrella yesterday. 5. They said they were tired and WENT (go) upstairs to sleep. 6. Johanne HAS JUST LOST (just
lose ) her keys on the pavement . 7. Ccile RODE (ride) a horse when she went to the circus. 8. The Scottish people
BUILT (build) their detached house near the beach years ago. 9. Jean SAW (see) many boats over the see, when she was
on holiday. 10. I READ (read) Romeo and Juliet when I was 10 years old.
Exercise 14
1. When I was a young boy, I MET (meet) Santa Claus. 2. Tony IS STUDYING (study) for his math test as we speak. 3.
Pat and Sean HAVE SMOKED (smoke) for the past three years. They would like to quit though. 4. She sometimes
LOSES (lose) her temper. She scares me a bit when she does. 5. I UNDERSTAND (understand) your point now. 6. I
HAVE SEEN (see) this movie about a dozen times already. 7. We SLEPT (sleep) all day yesterday.8. I finally DECIDED
(decide) to call her yesterday to ask her out. 9. She IS (be) never late. I wonder why she is missing. 10. I WAS (be) in
class very early this morning to study for my math exam. 11. WERE (be) you mad at me last night? I didn't hurt you on
purpose you know ! 12. HAVE YOU EVER SEEN (you, see, ever) Le Cirque Du Soleil? 13. We still SOMETIMES GO
OUT (go out, sometimes). 14. What ARE YOU DOING (you, are, do) now? I'm cleaning my room.15. I VISITED (visit)
my uncle Bob in San Jose last year. 16. They HAVEN'T CALLED (call, negative) me since last week. 17. What kind of
music DOES SHE LIKE (she, like)? 18. 3 years ago, Doug completely CHANGED (change) his lifestyle. 19. Who
INVENTED (invent) the lightbulb? I really don't have a clue. 20. I HAVE NEVER TRIED (never, try) lobster in my life.
Exercise 15
1. I DID(do) my exercise yesterday 2. I WORKED(work) in the farm last summer 3. I HAVE WORN (wear) my watch
for 2 days 4. IHELPED(help)him with his work yesterday 5. I HAVE INVENTED(invent) a story 6. I DRANK(drink)
several beers in the evening 7. I HEARD(hear) the music of Bob Marley four days ago 8. I WROTE(write) a letter to my
sister two days ago 9. I MADE(make) this cake at 5.OO 10. I KNEW(know) this lesson yesterday
Exercise 16
1) sings 2) have never flown 3) will have finished 4) have not eaten 5) have lost 6) have been living 7) was writing / was
sleeping 8) met / were walking 9) had left / arrived 10) has read
Exercise 17
(1) I

*saw *

has he drunk

see my first baseball game when I

he/drink before he


to stay at home all afternoon. (4) By the time I

times. (5) What


*w as raining*

leave university I

rain so we

*had been*

you/do at the time the murder was committed? (6) When we

four times before he

my credit cards until I

leave the pub? (3) It

live in New York. (2) How many pints of beer

*w ere you doing

we saw that someone

sister when she

*w as living*

*had broken*


break in to steal the DVD recorder. (7) He

*had been sent*


be to France fifteen

ring me. (10) She was so upset by the news that she

start crying.

Exercise 18. James Cook (1728-1779)

w as w riting

get home

send/passive to prison

decide that it would be better to go straight. (8) I didn't realise I

try to pay for dinner at the restaurant. (9) I


*had lost*


write an email to my
drop her tea and


The British explorer James Cook was born in the village of Marton, Yorkshire, on 27 October, 1728. But his
family soon moved to another village, called Great Ayton, where Cook spent most of his childhood. 2. As a teenager
James Cook developed a fascination for the sea and travelled to Whitby where he found employment on a coal ship. 3.
While he was serving in the Royal Navy during the Seven Years' War (1756-1763), Cook had the command of a ship. 4.
After the war had ended, Cook took command of the vessel Grenville and went to Newfoundland to survey the coasts
there. 5. While he was mapping the coasts of Newfoundland, he observed a solar eclipse off the North American coast. 6.
Cook sent the details to the Royal Society, England's leading scientific organisation, and won their attention. 7. After
Cook had published his observations of the solar eclipse, the Royal Society asked him to lead a scientific expedition to
Tahiti and put him in command of the HMS Endeavour. 8. From Tahiti Cook then went on to explore the South Pacific.
9. He also reached New Zealand, which only the Dutchman Abel Tasman had visited before Cook. 10. After Cook had
mapped New Zealand's complete coastline, he sailed to Australia's east coast. 11. Cook named the area New South Wales
as it reminded him of the south coast of Wales in Great Britain. 12. In 1772, one year after Cook had returned from his
first voyage to the Pacific, the Royal Society hired him for another expedition to find the mythical Terra Australis. 13.
On his journey, Cook discovered several islands and almost went as far as the continent of Antarctica. 14. He made maps
of the South Pacific and proved that Terra Australis did not exist . 15. His third and last voyage for the Royal Society
took him to the west coast of North America where he tried to find a passage between the Atlantic and Pacific. 16. He
could not pass the Bering Strait, however; the ice forced him to return to Hawaii, which he had discovered earlier. 17.
While he and his crew were resting in Hawaii, some Hawaiians stole one of his boats. 18. When cook and his men tried
to get the boat back from the natives, a violent fight broke out in which the natives stabbed James Cook to death.
Exercise 19
is w ashing

1. Laura (wash)

is going to see

didn't go


the afternoon. 7. I (go)

right now. 9. Peter (live)

w alk

in Birmingham. 10. We (play)



are w atching


in London in 1999. 22. Hugh (sing)

ten minutes ago. 26. Sheila (call)

yesterday. 28. I (be)


w as


four hours there. 35. Andrew (fly)

that, he (come)



w ill see

w ill come

w ill fly



back to our country. 36. Charles (look)

w ent


brown hair too. That means that when he is 59, he (be)

you in two weeks' time. 38. It isn't raining now! It (stop)
did you do


the keys

every 200m. 30. They (buy)

w ill be

45 years old. 32. I usually (get)

w ill be

on a Thursday

to a disco and (spend)

to Europe next month. He (stay)

to Germany. 42. Jack and I (play)

in Oxford. 25. The match (start)

up at 9. 33. Christmas (be)

going dancing. Last week he (go)

when the alarm clock rang. 40. What (you do)

w ill travel

every morning while he takes a shower. 23. I

Tom every night. 27. Harry (lose)

w ill get

didn't come

at 11.15 every Monday and Thursday. 21.


a new computer last year. 31. In twenty years' time I (be)

next year. 34. Jack (like)

how to play chess. 17. Ellen (not

TV right now. 19. You (not come)


ill last week. 29. The bus (stop)

up at 7 o'clock, but tomorrow I (get)

he (have)

yesterday. 15. Richard and Pamela

doesn't know

in Stratford right now. 24. When I was a child, I (live)



tennis last weekend. 11. Sophie (be)


animals! 14. Your girlfriend (call)

on Sundays. 18. The kids (watch)

w as

chess in
are having

at 10 everyday. 13. Sarah has four dogs, three cats and

yesterday! What happened? 20. The train from London (arrive)

John (be)


five kilometres everyday. 16. Jeremy (not know)

doesn't w ork

at ten o'clock and it's now half


to work at eight every morning. 8. Tom and Chris (have)



a bird. She (love)



to school yesterday. 6. Sometimes I (play)

ill yesterday. 12. The museum (open)


in London yesterday. 3. Next Monday Mary

a new film with her boyfriend. 4. The plane (land)

past eleven. 5. John (not go)

w as

w as

her hair right now. 2. Peter (be)

w ill stay


there three months. After

just like his father. When he was a child,

w ill be
has stopped

bald too! 37. Bye for now. I

.39. I (dream)

w as dreaming

yesterday afternoon? 41. This year we (travel)

w ere playing

table tennis when you called. 43. Last month prices


w ent

concert that (be)

up 10 percent. 44. I (love)

w as

really boring. I (like)

so I missed my connection. 46. You never (write)




concerts but yesterday we (go)

did not like

w rite

it at all! 45. The train (arrive)

w ent

to a

to me! Come on, can't you just send an email? 47. I

your friend Judy last week.

Exercise 20. 1. When we (arrive) arrived, dinner (already, begin) had already begun. 2. My friend (not see) had not
seen me for many years when I (meet) met him last week. 3.He (already, learn) had already learnt English before he
(leave) left for Australia. 4. I (be) was surprised that he (not contact) had not contacted me sooner. 5. He (ask) asked
me if I (find) had found the way easily. 6. The river (become) became deeper after it (rain) had rained heavily. 7. I (not
yet, do) had not yet done half of the work when he (come) came in. 8. When he (be) was young, he (like) liked
collecting stamps. 9. After I (have) had had some dry biscuits, I (have) had a drink. 10. I (see) saw him the moment he
(enter) entered.11. The train (leave) had left before we got to the station. 12. I will wait till you (be) are back. 13. I will
pay you as soon as they (pay) pay me. 14. I won't go until the war (be) is over. 15. He will be happy when he (hear)
hears this. 16. If I knew he was there, I (take) would take you back. 17. He (study) studied English for a year and then
went to America. 18. Don't worry! You (show) will be shown how to do the exercise. 19. English (teach) is taught all
over the world. 20. I will wait until you (be) are ready. 21. I'd come if I (be) were not so busy. 22. If I were you, I (see)
would see a doctor. 23. I'll tell you as soon as I (hear) hear anything from him. 24. Two days before he (fly) flew back to
Sweden, we had a final meeting. 25. Will you please call her as soon as you (know) know? 26. What (happen) would
happen to me if I told them? 27. I (call) will call you when dinner is ready. 28. I wanted to buy it but they (already, sell)
had already sold it. 29. He had an accident. His car (damage) was damaged. 30. Your car (wash) is being washed at
the moment
1. The train leaves at 11.42. 2. On Sunday at 8 o'clock I am meeting my friend. 3. It will snow () in the mountains
tomorrow evening. 4. We are going to have lunch at McDonald's at the weekend. 5. They are flying to London on
Friday evening. 6. Wait! I will drive you to the station. 7. The English lesson starts () at 7.35. 8. I am going to see my
sister in April.

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