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Re: Reassignment
Aurora M. Trinidad, Administrative Division Manager, Upper Pampanga River Integrated
Irrigation System (UPRIIS), National Irrigation Administration (NIA), appeals the
Memorandum dated January 8, 1998 of then NIA Administrator, Orlando V. Soriano,
reassigning her to the Office of the Operations Manager. Originally, Trinidad filed her
appeal with the Office of the Ombudsman, who later endorsed the same to this
Commission, considering that the same involves personnel action.
Trinidad, in her appeal, represented as follows:
"This has with (sic) reference to a memorandum from the Hon. Administrator Orlando V.
Soriano dated January 8, 1998 to the undersigned reassigning me from the Office of
the Administrative Division to the Office of the Operations Manager, effective January 9,
1998 thereby relieving me of my duties and responsibilities as Division Manager.
"As a good civil servant I obeyed what was directed/ordered to me although I knew that
there were technicalities in the said memorandum. Firstly, it is serve (sic) on January
13, 1998, Resolution No. 2946-A of the Omnibus Election code (sic) promulgated on
January 6, 1998 prohibits the transfer or detail of officers and employees in the civil
service effective January 11, 1998. Secondly, it does not comply with the Sections 7.2
and 9.1 in relation to 3.1 and 3.5 of NIA Memorandum Circular No. 47, s. 1989. It is
clear violation of Sec. 24 PD 807 CSC Rules and Laws which states that `An employee
in the civil service maybe re-assigned from one organizational unit to another in the
same agency and such re-assignment shall not involve a reduction in rank, status or
"I am at present in floating status. The anxiety and the trauma I've been suffering as if
I've done nothing good in my existence as Administrative Officer demoralized me more.
If this will be the situation employees in the field offices will fear of having the same fate
as I do."
The contested Memorandum reads, in part, as follows:
"In the exigency of the service and pursuant to NIA Memorandum Circular No. 47, 1989
the following UPRIIS employees are hereby re-assigned as follows:

AURORA M. TRINIDAD Manager, Adm. Div. Office of the Operations
Division Manager A Manager
"The above re-assigned personnel are hereby relieved of their present duties and
responsibilities and ordered to clear themselves of their present accountabilities.
"These re-assignments take effect January 9, 1998 and shall supersede other orders
inconsistent herewith and shall remain in force unless otherwise revoked by the
When requested to comment, Administrator Soriano stated in his letter dated June 1,
1998, as follows:
"a) Administrative Order No. 272 - All departments, bureaus, agencies, offices and
instrumentalities of the Government are required to adopt and implement a system of
rotation and assignment of personnel by which the talents, training, capacities and
abilities of employees in the Civil Service may be availed of and used in whichever
position or for whatever functions they are needed, without directly violating the existing
laws and rules on the Civil Service.
"b) Sec. 26, (7), Chapter V, Book V of Executive Order No. 292. Reassignment - An
employee may be reassigned from one organization unit to another in the same
agency; Provided, That such reassignment shall not involve a reduction in rank, status
or salary.
"c) The exigency and interest of the service was the foremost objective in making the
reassignment to improve operations and services to the farmers.
"In view of the above, it is recommended that the instant complaint be dismissed for
lack of merit."
The case stemmed from the issuance of a Memorandum dated January 8, 1998 by the
NIA Administrator, Orlando V. Soriano. In said Memorandum, Aurora M. Trinidad was
relieved from her position as Manager, Administrative Division, UPRIIS, Cabanatuan
City and was reassigned to the Office of the Operations Manager effective January 9,

Trinidad claims that her reassignment, was not in compliance with Sections 3.1, 3.5, 7.2
and 9.1 of NIA Memorandum Circular No. 47 series of 1989. Her rotation is not a lateral
movement or reassignment from her present organizational unit to another within the
agency as she was merely transferred to the Office of the Operations Manager without
any designated position. In addition, she claims that her re-assignment is not in
accordance with the Civil Service Law and rules.
The main issue presented in the instant case is whether or not there is sufficient basis
for the continued effectivity of the reassignment of Trinidad at the Office of the
Operations Manager. Thus, the resolution of this case shall focus only on the propriety
of the reassignment order considering that the Ombudsman has referred to the
Commission on Election (COMELEC) the alleged violation of COMELEC Resolution No.
2946-A promulgated on January 6, 1998. It may be worthy to mention that this
COMELEC Resolution prohibits the transfer or detail of officers and employees in the
Civil Service effective January 11, 1998.
After a careful evaluation of the records of the case, the Commission finds the
reassignment of Trinidad not in order.
The Guidelines to NIA Memorandum Circular No. 47, series of 1989, re: Guidelines to
Rotation, provides that:
"3.1 ROTATION - is the lateral movement or reassignment of a NIA official from his
present organizational unit to another within the agency. It involves change of
assignment to another of more or less the same work complexity and rank. The official,
however, retains his rank, status or salary. The movement does not require the
issuance of an appointment.
"3.5 RANK - denotes the relative standing of an official in the organizational hierarchy.
"7.2 The Rotation Order shall be issued not less that forty-five (45) days prior to the
effectivity in order to give the official concerned ample time to clear his desk and brief
his successor on matters such as, existing resources of the office, plans and programs,
on-going activities, commitments, special problems, if any, any other items affecting the
operation of his office. He shall clear himself of financial and property accountabilities in
his present station."

Significantly, Item 6.1 of the same NIA Guidelines provides as follows:
"6.1 The period of new assignment shall generally be for a period of three years."
Evident from the foregoing and other provisions of the NIA Circular is a policy of the NIA
to rotate officers and employees occupying particular positions which include the
position of Trinidad. However, the reassignment of Trinidad was made effective one day
before its issuance or less than forty-five (45) days prior to the effectivity (see Item 7.2
of the Guidelines to NIA MC 47, s. 1989), which is therefore not in accordance with the
aforecited NIA Guidelines.
Further, a scrutiny of the Memorandum reassigning Trinidad readily shows that she was
not designated to any position or given specific functions. Since, Trinidad was not given
any specific functions to perform, this makes her in a floating status. To place her in
such a situation for a long period of time will not serve the best interest of the service.
Clearly, the reassignment of Trinidad was done in haste.
The Commission, in the case of IBOT, Nida et al., CSC Resolution No. 953208 dated
May 22, 1995, ruled as follows:
"It is a well-settled rule that in the interest of the public service, temporary reassignment
of personnel may be made by the appointing authority. The only condition is that the
reassignment should not be used as a device to oust an employee away from the
position for which he was appointed. As held in the case of Cruz vs. Navarro, 66 SCRA
79, the Supreme Court ruled as follows:
`There is no question that we recognize the validity and indispensable necessity of the
well-established rule that for the good of public service and whenever public interest
demands, public officials maybe temporarily assigned or detained to other duties even
over his objection without necessarily violating his fundamental and legal rights to
security of tenure in the civil service. But as we have already stated, `such cannot be
undertaken when the transfer of the employee is with a view to his removal' and `if the
transfer is resorted to as a scheme to lure the employee away from his permanent
position' because `such attitude is improper as it would in effect result in a
circumvention of the prohibition which safeguards the tenure of office of those who are
in the civil service." (Garcia, et al. vs. Lejano, GR Bo. L-2220, Aug. 5, 1996)
WHEREFORE, the appeal of Aurora M. Trinidad is hereby granted and her
reassignment is set aside. Accordingly, the National Irrigation Administration is directed

to allow Trinidad to report back to her former post and discharge the duties and
responsibilities of said position immediately and the Regional Director of CSC-NCR will
monitor the implementation of the same.
Quezon City, March 2, 1999
Attested by:

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