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Course Outline
Advanced Human Resources
Management & Development
Course Introduction
The course examines the evolving human resources function within today's
organizations. Participants will examine the changing roles and responsibilities of
human resources managers, the acceptance and integration of the human resources
function as a full business partner, and the higher expectations placed on human
resources leadership to make a significant contribution to the successful management
of the organization. Uniquely there will also be the opportunity to examine the critical
role of HR in well-being of organizations. Specifically, guidance backed with real-life
examples and case studies - will be provided on such issues as:
Recognized best practice in Human Resources,
The building blocks of a great HR function, and great HR practice,
examining organisational, relational and product issues
What makes for a great HR practitioner, and a highly effective HR function
A unique look at HR in what many view as its highest value-add role as part of
management team.

Who Should Attend

Human Resources Managers and leaders
who manage others and who want to
increase their ability to manage talent and
performance within their organizations.

supervisors and team leaders

Managers and Supervisors

Trainers and Personnel managers etc.

Guaranteed Results
We guarantee that we will meet or exceed
pre-determined expectations and learning

Value Proposition

Increase your working knowledge and

Overview and Objectives

This course has been designed principally and specifically for HR practitioners to
allow them to review and reappraise their own practices, and benchmark them
against current best practice.
Participants will explore the role managers and supervisors play in the successful
management of the organization's human resources. Upon completion, participants
should be able to anticipate and resolve human resource concerns
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your ability to manage human resources

and performance.

Learn specifically what you can do to

affect and impact the performance of your

Raise your individual skills in managing

staff and performance of your employees.

Align your people effectively with your

organizations strategic goals and objectives.

Motivate and inspire employees to raise

the bar and open up to more of their

Course Overview and Objectives cont

.Upon completion, participants should be able to anticipate and resolve human
resource concerns. and do the following:
Building a 21st century HR function
Human Resources Planning, Recruit t and Training personnel.

Orient personnel to organizational goals, policies, rules, and


Strategic Human resources Management

Facilitate cooperation.

Place incentives to encourage improved employee performance.

Evaluate employees.

Reward/discipline employees.

Assist in maintaining employee morale.

Perform outplacement services.

Competencies Emphasised


Interpersonal skills


Self Development

Developing others

Strategic Human Resource Planning

Systems Thinking

Personal Impact
Organizational Impact
Implementing the principles promoted on this course will have the following impact
on an organization
Managerial performance will be improved
The engagement of employees with the organization will be improved
The talent pool will be upgraded
Behavior will be aligned with an organization's cultural values

Course Outline: Module One

Session 1: What should be the expectations of a top-class HR function?
How has Human Resources as a function evolved over-time?
Early foundations in the areas of welfare
Growing contribution during the eighties and nineties driven by both IR
demands and evolving management theory
Coming of age in the new century through business partner, employer
branding, employee engagement now seen widely as a strategic
Theory & practice development in HR the evolution of best practice
A brief leap backwards original thinking on motivation
Key figures and thinkers in the development of today's HR practice
Key companies in developing HR practice first movers and experimenters
Group Work/Case study: Basic expectations of an HR function
Session 2: Best practice in HR
How and where does best practice HR diverges from basic
Drivers of HR best practice
Practitioners of great HR practice
Measurement of great HR practice focus on Investors in People
Challenges and opportunities in the HR field
What are some of the key focuses for HR in Banking & Finance
A first look at the challenges of multinational and multi-cultural HR
Group Work/Case study: HR across borders what stays the same, and what
is different

Individuals attending this course will

return to their organizations equipped
with the theoretical and practical
knowledge to be able to implement
effective Human Resources
management and development.
This will include knowledge of how to
address common problems with found
in HR management and how to make
and build a 21st century HR function

Course Venue
Swaziland (Mbabane/Manzini)
Training Materials( Soft Copies) and
notes Hand-outs
Tablet 10 inch (latest)/ Laptop
Tea Breaks/ refreshments
Course tuition
Personal action planning,
Certification and Follow-up support
(on request)

Contat Us
Cell:+268 7668 5539
Tel: +268 7686 2805
Email: [email protected]

Advanced Human Resources Management and Development


Session 3: Building a 21st century HR function

Framework & Structure
How do we design an HR function capable of delivering best practice
Understanding the business
Look at Framework before Structure
Two possible frameworks pros & cons
Moving from Framework to Structure
What skills do I need in my HR team?
How do I structure my team to deliver best practice to my business?
How big should my team be?
Data, information and transaction processing
HRIS considerations selecting an appropriate system
What about the engine room a look at shared services/service
Best practice through the product lens
HR product offerings in detail the function reconstructed
Product-by-product review of expectations and best practice
Putting it into practice HR strategy & planning, and the annual calendar

Course Outline: Module two

Session 1: The environment for human resources management
Elements of an organization's environment
Changes that challenge manages of human resources
Improving the quality of work life
Session 2: Equal employment opportunity and affirmative action
Historical perspective of EEO legislation
Government regulation of Equal Employment Opportunity
Other Equal Employment Opportunity issues
Enforcing Equal Employment Opportunity legislation
Affirmative action
Session 3: Job requirements
The role and importance of jobs
Relationship of job requirements to HRM functions
Job analysis
Job design
Session 4: Human resources planning and recruitment
Human resources planning
Recruiting within the organization
Recruiting outside the organization
Recruitment of protected classes
Session 5: Selection
Matching people and jobs
Sources of information about job candidates
The employment interview
Employment tests
Reaching a selection decision
Session 6: Training
Training programs
Training non-managerial employees
Training managers and supervisors
Psychological principles of learning

Training Aids to be Used


Motion pictures


Colour slides

Overhead projector centre.




Charts and diagrams




Pre-questionnaire & End of

In order to meet and fulfill participants
training needs, pre questionnaires will
be distributed prior to the training and
we will use the information we gather
from them to tailor our training to fulfill
the participants needs.
In order to monitor and evaluate the
training end of course questionnaire will
also be used

Our Services/Products
The kind of services / products we do
generally fall under three key Units.
These include the following:

Consultancy and Research

In-house Training

Capacity Building

Contact Us
Cell: +268 7668 5539
Tel: +268 7686 2805
Email: [email protected]

Advanced Human Resources Management and Development


Session 7: Career development

Phases of a career development program
Career development programs for special groups
Personal career development
Session 8: Appraising and improving performance
Performance appraisal programs
Performance approval methods
Appraisal interviews
Improving performance
Session 9: Managing compensation
The compensation program
Components of the wage mix
Job evaluation systems
The compensation structure
Governmental regulation of compensation
The issue of equal pay for comparable work
Session10: Incentive compensation
Reasons and requirements for incentive plans
Incentives for non-management personnel
Incentives for management employees
Incentives for executive personnel
Gain-sharing incentive plans
Session 11: Employee Benefits
Employee benefits program
Major employee benefits
Employee services
Retirement programs
Session 12: Safety and health
Legal requirement for safety and health
Creating a safe work environment
Creating a healthy work environment
The management of stress
Session 13: Motivating employees
Using rewards to motivate employees
Ensuring equity to motivate employees
Designing work for employee involvement
Motivating employees through effective leadership
Session 14: The role of communication in HRM
The vital role of communication
The nature of communication
Downward communication systems
Upward communication systems
The informal communication system
Improving organizational communication
Session 15 : Employee rights and discipline
Employee rights
Disciplinary policies and procedures
Appealing disciplinary actions
Reducing complaints

Training Aids to be Used


Motion pictures


Colour slides

Overhead projector centre.




Charts and diagrams




Pre-questionnaire & End of

In order to meet and fulfill participants
training needs, pre questionnaires will
be distributed prior to the training and
we will use the information we gather
from them to tailor our training to fulfill
the participants needs.
In order to monitor and evaluate the
training end of course questionnaire will
also be used

Our Services/Products
The kind of services / products we do
generally fall under three key Units.
These include the following:

Consultancy and Research

In-house Training

Capacity Building

Contact Us
Cell: +268 7668 5539
Tel: +268 7686 2805
Email: [email protected]

Advanced Human Resources Management and Development


Session 16: The dynamics of labor relations

The labor relations process
Structures, functions, and leadership of labor unions
Government regulation of labor relations
Labor relations in the public sector
Contemporary challenges to labor organizations

Training Aids to be Used


Motion pictures


Colour slides

Overhead projector centre.

Session 17: Collective bargaining and contract administration

The bargaining process
Trends in collective bargaining
Administration of the labor agreement




Charts and diagrams




Session 18: International human resources management

Domestic and international HRM
Multinational corporations
Managers for the multinational corporation
HRM functions in MNCs
Session 19: Auditing the human resources management program
Contributing of the human resources audit
Conducting the audit
Indicators for evaluating the work environment
Utilizing audit findings

Course Outline: Module three Performance

Session 1:Performance Planning
Setting performance standards
Master performance discussions and expectations with your staff.
Define performance outcomes, establish measurements
Develop goals and strategies to meet those outcomes.
The Goals Grid: A tool for clarifying goals & objectives
Writing good work objectives
Objective setting and performance management
Setting SMART objectives
Adopting an Assertive and Confident Appraisal Technique
Interpersonal skills within the appraisal interview
Inspiring confidence in the appraisal
Overcoming resistance and handling un-co-operative individuals

Pre-questionnaire & End of

In order to meet and fulfill participants
training needs, pre questionnaires will
be distributed prior to the training and
we will use the information we gather
from them to tailor our training to fulfill
the participants needs.
In order to monitor and evaluate the
training end of course questionnaire will
also be use.

Our Services/Products
The kind of services / products we do
generally fall under three key Units.
These include the following:

Consultancy and Research

In-house Training

Capacity Building

Session 2: Performance Execution

The Performance Appraisal Interview:
Establishing open and honest communications
Questioning and listening skills
Planning and conducting a structured, balanced and participative
Review of current compared to previous performance
Session 3 .Performance Assessment
Giving Feedback
Completing the appraisal document
Using positive and action promoting language
The Follow-up Process
Identifying areas of concern

Contact Us
Cell: +268 7668 5539
Tel: +268 7686 2805
Email: [email protected]

Advanced Human Resources Management and Development


Session 4: Performance Coaching

Develop strategies to support your employees in performance objectives.
Diagnose problems and create a plan of action to improve performance.
Provide timely and meaningful feedback on performance.
Role of Coaching in performance management
Making skilled interventions
Giving constructive feedback. praise and linking to appraisals
Session 5.Performance Review Process
Avoiding pitfalls
Rating Performance
Applying tools to ensure fairness and consistency
Rating performance skills
Career Development
Horizontal and vertical career development
The role of the leader and attributes of a leader
Maintaining authority and respect
Leadership styles
How to achieving results through others
Motivation- The Vital Ingredients
Improving individual performance
Motivation factors
Motivational techniques and Practical steps in motivation
Different people with different needs


Training Aids to be Used


Motion pictures


Colour slides

Overhead projector centre.




Charts and diagrams




Pre-questionnaire & End of

In order to meet and fulfill participants
training needs, pre questionnaires will
be distributed prior to the training and
we will use the information we gather
from them to tailor our training to fulfill
the participants needs.
In order to monitor and evaluate the
training end of course questionnaire will
also be used

Our Services/Products
The kind of services / products we do
generally fall under three key Units.
These include the following:

Consultancy and Research

In-house Training

Capacity Building

Contact Us
Cell: +268 7668 5539
Tel: +268 7686 2805
Email: [email protected]

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