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for the Digital Age


in Python
>>> Second Edition:
with Python 3
Maria Litvin
Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts

Gary Litvin
Skylight Software, Inc.

Skylight Publishing
Andover, Massachusetts

Skylight Publishing
9 Bartlet Street, Suite 70
Andover, MA 01810
[email protected]
[email protected]

Copyright 2010 by Maria Litvin, Gary Litvin, and

Skylight Publishing
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without
the prior written permission of the authors and Skylight Publishing.

Library of Congress Control Number: 2009913596

ISBN 978-0-9824775-8-8
The names of commercially available software and products mentioned in this book are
used for identification purposes only and may be trademarks or registered trademarks
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Printed in the United States of America

8 Counting
8.1 Prologue

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Combinatorics is a branch of mathematics that deals with counting all possible

combinations, arrangements, sequences, or sets of objects. For example: Ice cream
comes in two sizes, three flavors, and with any one of five toppings; in how many
different ways can you order an ice cream? It is often not feasible simply to list and
count all possible arrangements or combinations; combinatorics offers more
sophisticated methods of counting. These methods are not very complicated: they
basically use the four arithmetic operations. The trick is to know when to multiply,
when to divide, when to add, and when to subtract.
Counting methods came to prominence in the 17th century when Blaise Pascal
(1623-1662) and others got interested in computing the odds in gambling games. For
example, what are the odds of getting 11 when we roll two dice? To find out, we
need to know the number of all favorable outcomes (possible rolls that give 11) and
the number of all possible outcomes. Using combinatorial counting techniques, we
can analyze the likelihood of different arrangements and outcomes in card games
such as Poker and Blackjack, dice games such as Craps, and so on. We can also
analyze the complexity of computer algorithms and the running time and required
space for computer programs.

8.2 The Multiplication Rule

The key operation in combinatorics is multiplication.
Suppose an object is described by two independent attributes. The total
number of possible combinations of their values is equal to the number
of possible values for the first attribute times the number of possible
values for the second attribute.
The multiplication rule is illustrated in Figure 8-1.




Figure 8-1. 3 shapes of the mouth and 2 colors make

6 possible faces.
If an object has three, four, or k attributes, then we multiply three, four, or k numbers,

Example 1
How many two-digit positive integers are there?

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We can choose the tens digit in 9 ways (1 through 9) and the units digit in 10 ways.
The answer is 910 = 90.

Example 2
A license plate has three digits followed by three letters. All combinations of digits
and letters are allowed. What is the total number of possible license plates?

There are 10 ways to choose the first digit, 10 for the second digit, and 10 for the
third digit. There are 26 ways to choose the first letter; same for the second letter and
the third letter. The answer is 101010262626 = 17,576,000.

Example 3
How many different values can be represented in one byte?



There are 2 ways to set the first bit, 2 ways to set the second bit, and so on. The
answer is 28 = 256 .

The multiplication rule explains how very large numbers can easily arise in
combinatorial problems or why it is so hard to win the lottery.

Example 4
How many ways are there to cover a whole 19 by 19 Go board with white and black


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2361 more than 2 10120 , that is many times more than there are atoms in the


A combination lock has three wheels with the digits 0 through 9 on each
wheel. What is the total number of possible combinations? 3


Ice cream comes in two sizes, three flavors, and with any one of five
toppings. In how many different ways can you order an ice cream?


How many three-letter names are possible in Python, such that all letters are
in lower case, the middle letter is a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) and the other
two are consonants? 3


An experiment consists of tossing a coin 10 times. The outcome is recorded

as a string of ten letters, either H or T. How many different outcome
strings are possible?


In how many ways can we split 10 different marbles between two kids?
Hint: see Question 4.




What is the number of all possible subsets of a set of ten elements, including
the empty set and the whole set?
Hint: see Question 5.


What is the number of all possible colors that can be shown on a computer
screen, if the graphics adapter generates a color using 16 bits for each of the
red, green, and blue components of the color? 3


What is the number of all possible configurations of five disks of different

sizes on three pegs if we are not allowed to place a bigger disk on top of a
smaller one?

8.3 Permutations
The multiplication rule also applies when we want to count possible arrangements of
objects without repetition.

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Example 1
In how many ways can a coach choose three players, a point guard, a shooting guard,
and a center, from a team of seven players?

If they came from three different teams, we could choose the first player in 7 ways,
the second player in 7 ways, and the third player in 7 ways. But here we cannot just
multiply 777 because all three players come from the same team. Once we have
chosen the first player, there are only 6 players left. So we can choose the second
player in 6 different ways. Once we have done that, there are only 5 players left, so
we can choose the third player in 5 different ways. The answer is 765.

Example 2
How many ways are there to seat 6 students in a classroom with 20 desks?

We can seat the first student at any one of the 20 desks, the second student at any one
of the remaining 19 desks, and so on. The answer is 201918171615 = 27,907,200.



An ordering of n different objects or symbols is called a permutation.

There are n ( n 1) ... 2 1 = n ! possible permutations of n objects.
We can choose the object for the first position in n ways, for the second position in
n 1 ways, and so on. Only one object remains for the last position.

Recall that the product 1 2 ... n = n ( n 1) ... 1 is called

n-factorial. It is denoted by n!.

It is possible to arrive at the above result in a different way. Let P be the number of

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permutations of n objects. Lets take n objects, call one of them x and set it aside.
There are Pn 1 permutations of the remaining n 1 objects. For each of these Pn 1
permutations, we can insert x at the beginning, between any two objects, or at the
end, thus creating n different permutations of n objects. So, from each of the Pn 1
permutations of n-1 objects, we now obtained n different permutations of n objects.
Therefore, Pn = nPn 1 . Also, P1 = 1 , because there is only one permutation of 1
object. It is now clear that Pn = n! . To complete the proof more formally we would
need to refer to mathematical induction, which is explained in Chapter 11.

Example 3
How many ways are there to put 5 different party hats on 5 people?

5! = 120.

Example 4
How many ways are there to arrange the cards in the deck of 52 cards?

52! = 80658175170943878571660636856403766975289505440883277824000000000000.



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How many three-digit integers have all different digits? 3


How many five-letter words (strings of letters) do not have the same letter
twice in a row? Count any combination of letters as a word.


How many ways are there to choose most likely to succeed, best athlete,
best dancer, best dressed, and class clown, a boy and a girl in each
category, in a graduating middle school class of 30 girls and 36 boys? The
same person cannot be chosen in two categories. 3


How many ways are there to seat 6 people in a row of 8 chairs? 3


How many ways are there to seat 8 people in a row of 6 chairs, with two
people left out?
Hint: assign chairs to people, not people to chairs.


How many pages will be required to print all possible permutations of letters
ABCDEFGHIJKL? Each permutation is printed on a separate line; 60
lines fit on a page.


Amelia is solving the cryptarithmetic puzzle

+ M O R E
--------M O N E Y

Her method is to try all possible substitutions of different digits for different
letters (excluding 0 for M and S, because a number cannot start with a 0).
If she takes one minute for each try (her addition skills are excellent) and
finds the answer after trying half of all possible substitutions, how long will
it take Amelia to solve the puzzle? 3




Two words are called anagrams of each other if they are made up of the
same letters used in a different order: for example, MANGO and AMONG.
Jesse decided to write a program that finds all anagrams of a given word by
generating all possible permutations of its letters and looking up each
permutation in a list of words (obtained in a file). If the program can
generate and look up 360 permutations per second, how long will it take it to
find all anagrams of BINARY? DECIMAL? What about

8.4 Using Division

In many combinatorial problems it is easier first to overcount, counting each
arrangement several times. This is fine, as long as we count each arrangement the
same number of times and know that number. Then we can get the answer by
dividing our total count by the number of times we counted each arrangement.

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Example 1
n teams are playing in a round-robin tournament; each team plays once with every
other team. How many games will be played?

There are n ways to choose the first team and (n 1) ways to choose the second team
for a game. That gives n(n 1) . However, this way we have counted each game
twice, because it doesnt matter which team is called first and which second. If
n(n 1)
we swap the two teams we get the same game. Therefore, the answer is

Example 2
How many words can we make from the letters A L A B A M A (assuming any
arrangement of letters is a word)?



If all seven letters were different, we would have 7654321 = 7! words. But the
four As are the same, so we get the same word when we permute them. We have
counted each arrangement of seven letters the number of times equal to the number
of permutations of four As, that is 4! times. The answer is
= 5 6 7 = 210 .

Example 3
There are five identical pairs of gloves in a drawer. If you pull out two gloves at
random, what are the odds that they will make a pair?

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We can pull the first glove in 10 ways and the second glove in 9 ways. However, if
the order is not important, we have counted each possibility twice. So the total
10 9
= 45 . We can pull a left glove in 5
number of ways to choose two gloves is
ways and a right glove in 5 ways, so the number of ways to pull out a pair is
5 5 = 25 . The number of ways to pull out 2 left gloves is
= 10 . The same for
two right gloves. The number of ways to pull out two gloves that dont make a pair
is 10 + 10 = 20 . So the numbers match: 25 + 20 = 45 . The odds of getting a pair are
25 : 20 = 5 : 4 (we say, 5 to 4).

Sometimes, a problem can be solved either by division or by anchoring specific

properties of an object or an arrangement.

Example 4
How many ways are there to seat a teacher and six students at a round table?
Arrangements are considered the same as long as each person has the same left and
right neighbors.



We can say that there are 7! total arrangements and 7 ways to rotate the table, so the
= 6! = 720 .
answer is equal to

Another solution may be obtained by sitting down the teacher anywhere at the table;
then there are 6! ways to arrange the students.

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In how many ways can we choose two puppies out of a litter of 12

puppies? 3


Ice cream comes in two sizes, three flavors, and with any two of five
toppings. How many different orders are possible? 3


How many words can we make from the letters T E N N E S S E E

(assuming any arrangement of letters is a word)? 3


How many ways are there to seat a group of six at a rectangular dinner table?
The host and the hostess must sit at the short sides and the four guests two at
each of the longer sides. Arrangements are considered the same as long as
each guest has the same neighbors.


In how many ways can we color the six faces of a cube in six different
colors? The cube can be rotated any way you want the colorings are
considered the same. 3


An airline is planning three non-stop flights from the East Coast of the
United States to the Caribbean. The airline serves six major cities on the
East Coast and 12 different Caribbean islands. Two non-stop flights can go
to the same island, but they cannot originate at the same East Coast city.
How many different configurations of the three flights are possible? 3


How many ways are there to place eight rooks on a chessboard so that none
of them threatens any other? A rook moves vertically or horizontally by any
number of squares. (The 64 squares on a chessboard are marked a1
through h8 and considered different; the eight rooks are considered
identical.) 3



8.5 Combinations
Combinations are selections of k elements from a given set of n elements (0 k n),
disregarding the order. This number is written and read n-choose-k.

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k are important numbers in mathematics and they have many nice properties.

n n
First of all, notice that there is a kind of symmetry: =
. Indeed, to choose
k n k
k objects is the same as to set aside the remaining n k objects. Note that = 1 .
Mathematicians have agreed that = 1 , so the symmetry is complete.

Lets derive a formula (with factorials) for n-choose-k using the multiplication and
division rules. Suppose we choose k objects as follows: we first arrange all n objects
in line, then take the first k. The total number of arrangements is n!. However, if we
rearrange the first k objects and/or the remaining n k objects, we will end up with
the same selection. There are k! ways to rearrange the first k objects and (n k )!
ways to rearrange the remaining n k objects. So we have counted each selection
k !(n k )! times. Therefore,
n (n 1) ... (n k + 1)
k =
k (k 1) ... 1
k !(n k )!

It is convenient to define 0! as 1, so that the formula works for k = 0 , too.

It is useful to remember the formulas for for k = 0 , 1, 2, and 3:



0 =1

1 = n

n n(n 1)
2 =

n n( n 1)(n 2)
3 =

Example 1
How many ways are there to split 4 different pencils between two children, so that
each gets two pencils?

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We need to choose two pencils for the first child the second child gets the other
4 4 3
2 =

Example 2
How many ways are there to choose 5 cards from a deck of 52 cards?

52 52 51 50 49 48
= 2,598,960 .
5 =
5 4 3 2 1



Example 3
How many different bit patterns in a byte have exactly three bits set?

8 8 7 6
= 56 .
3 =

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n n
is a neat formula, and it confirms the symmetry =
k =
. It is
k !(n k )!
k n k
not practical for some computations, though, because factorials get very large
quickly. For computer programs, it is more convenient to rewrite as a product
of fractions:

n k +1
n n n 1
k =
k k 1



How many ways are there to order a pizza with three toppings out of five
possible toppings? 3

Write for k = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.
Pat has 40 beads of which 35 are white and 5 are black. The beads are
identical, except for the color. How many different bracelets can Pat make
using all 40 beads? The ends of a bracelet are asymmetrical: one has a hook
and the other an eyelet. 3




Write a Python function nChooseK that calculates and returns as an
int. The function should work for 0 k n .
Hint: use a float for the
product of fractions, then convert it into an int, using the built-in function
round. Rounding helps avoid tiny inaccuracies in computer arithmetic.


How many ways are there to split 9 different stickers among three people,
three apiece? 3


How many different tic-tac-toe grids have 3 Xs and 3 Os?

Question 5.


How many ways are there to make a full house Poker hand from a deck of
52 cards? Full house is three cards of one rank and a pair of another
rank. 3


If you multiply out ( x + 1) ... ( x + 1) , what is the coefficient at x k in the

Hint: see

n times

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resulting polynomial?

Consider the following Boolean expression:

(( P Q) ( P Q)) (( P Q) P )
It has three and three operators. Suppose we reshuffle these six
operators to make new expressions. Show that among all different
expressions obtained this way, at least two will have the same truth tables.
Hint: dont do logic just count.

8.6 Using Addition and Subtraction

Addition comes into play when it is easier to split the set of all possible objects or
arrangements into two or more disjoint sets, count the arrangements in each of these
sets separately, and then add the results.



Example 1
How many ways are there to choose one or two ice cream toppings from five
available toppings?

One topping is not the same as two toppings! There are 5 ways to choose one and
= 10 ways to choose two. The answer is 5 + 10 = 15.

Example 2
How many ways are there to schedule two quizzes in a five-day week, if the quizzes
cannot be on the same day or on consecutive days?

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If the first quiz is on the first day, the second quiz can be on the third, fourth or fifth
day three possibilities. If the first quiz is on the second day, the second quiz can
be on the fourth or fifth day 2 possibilities. If the first quiz is on the third day, the
second quiz must be on the fifth day 1 possibility. The answer is 3 + 2 + 1 = 6.

If you have trouble counting objects or arrangements that satisfy a certain condition,
you may try to count all possible arrangements, then count the arrangements that do
not satisfy the condition and subtract their number from the total.

Example 3
How many ways are there to seat two adults and four kids in a row in a movie theater
so that the two adults are not next to each other?



The total possible number of arrangements is 6! = 720. Lets count the number of
arrangements where the adults are sitting together. The number of ways to choose
two seats together for the adults is 5; the number of ways to seat the adults in these
seats is 2; the number of ways to seat the kids in the remaining four seats is 4!. So
the number of arrangements where the adults sit together is 52(4!) = 240. The
answer is 720 - 240 = 480.


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How many triangles are there in the following picture?

Hint: count triangles of different sizes separately.


How many different ways are there to make 50 cents using quarters, dimes,
and nickels? 3


How many pairs of integers m and n, such that 2 m, n 12 , have no

common factors (except 1)? 3


Recall that a valid name in Python can consist of upper- and lowercase
letters, digits, and underscore characters, but cannot start with a digit. How
many valid Python names of length 3 or less are there? 3


The Andover co-ed indoor soccer league tournament requires a 7-member

team with at least two women. The Andover Pythons club has 8 men and 5
women. How many ways do the Pythons have to form a tournament team?


Given cards 2 through 10 in four suits (36 cards total), how many ways are
there to make 21 on three cards? Hint: consider separately the cases where
all three cards have the same rank, two cards have the same rank, and all
three cards have different ranks. 3




How many four-digit numbers have at least one 7 among their digits?
Hint: count the numbers that do not have any 7s. 3


How many positive integers below 1000 are not divisible by 6?


In the diagram below, how many different paths lead from A to B?


How many of them do not go through point C? 3

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A password can contain upper- and lowercase letters as well as digits; it must
include at least one uppercase letter and at least one digit. How many
different four- or five-character passwords are possible? 3

8.7 Review
Terms and notation introduced in this chapter:
Multiplication rule

1 2 ... n = n!
k =
k !(n k )!

Some of the Python features introduced in this chapter:


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