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11th TZUICA TOURNEY Batumi 2013

Theme: Help-selfmates (hs#n) or help-selfstalemates (hs=n) with at least two switchbacks in each
phase and at least two phases.

Example 1 for Orthodox section

Geoffrey FOSTER
after Pyotr ZABIROKHIN
Orbit 2012


( 6 + 5 ) C+
b) wKb3 wRc4

Example 2 for Fairy Section

Uralsky Problemist 2007
1st Prize


( 10 + 9 ) C+
b) bPd3c5
=Vao ; =Lion ; =Pao

A) 1.Rc6 Sb6 2.Kb4 Qb8 3.Rc4+ Sd5#

B) 1.Rb7 Sc7 2.Kc3 Qc8 3.Rb3+ Sd5#

A) 1LIxd5 2.VAxd5 Sc5 3.VAg8 LIxd6 4.PAd5+ Sce6#

B) 1LIxe4 2.PAxe4 Sd3 3.PAh4 LIe3 4.PAee4+ Sdf4#

Thematic pieces:
wRc4 / bSd5 in twin A;
wRb3 / bSd5 in twin B.

Thematic pieces:
wVAg8 / bSe6 in twin A;
wPAh4 / bSf4 in twin B.

This award is dedicated to the memory of physicist Lon Foucault, on the occasion of his 194 th
birthday on September 18th, 2013. Lon Foucault is best known for the Foucault Pendulum, a
device demonstrating the effect of the Earths rotation.

Lon Foucault
(source: Wikipedia)

28 problems by 20 composers from 8 countries have taken part in this tourney.

The first decision was to establish eliminatory criteria.

In the first place and according to our thematic requirement, the composition must show
at least 2 switchbacks. Only one problem competing in the fairy section showed 4 switchbacks
a technical achievement which we would not have believed possible. In the orthodox section,
the presence of three switchbacks virtually ensured a prize in the orthodox section.

The quality of switchback motivations helped us to differentiate the honourable mentions

from commendations. We praised the good and pleasant constructions, with all white or black
officers used in the solutions. Interplay must also play an essential role in the solution.
We have discarded problems showing less inspired motivations of switchback, such as
unaesthetic captures of pieces, with repeated moves or lacking sufficient unity, hoping the
authors will be able to improve them.
This section is well represented, with 18 problems by 13 authors from 5 countries. One problem
was excluded as not thematic. The overall quality is good.
We propose the following ranking:
1st Prize, Orthodox Section Tzuica 2013


2nd Prize, Orthodox Section Tzuica 2013

(6+8) C+
2 Solutions
1...Rxc6 2.e7 Sxf4 3.e8=Q Sd5 4.Qe5 Rd6
5.Qf4+ Sxf4#
1...Rxe6 2.c7 Sxe3 3.c8=Q Sd5 4.Qc1 Rd6
5.Qe3+ Sxe3#


(10+10) C+
B: wQc8 h6

A: 1.Kxd6 Rxf4 2.Qxf5 Rc4 3.Ke6 Rxd3 4.Qf4+

B: 1.Kxf5 Rxd3 2.Qxd6 Rb3 3.Ke6 Rxf4 4.Qd3+

1st Prize: Mario PARRINELLO (Italy)

The only composition from the orthodox section featuring three switchbacks made by Black! The
thematic pieces are the same in both phases: bRd6 and bSd5 (twice). The strategy is similar in
both phases: Black destroys its initial direct battery in order to capture a white pawn on which the
promoted white Queen will sacrifice itself forcing the rebuild Black battery to mate.
Although the white play is not very exciting, we should note the exchange of role between white
pawns. The outstanding overall economy and homogeneity of effects deserve the highest
recognition. A worthy winner!
2nd Prize: Dmitry TUREVSKI & Boris SHOROKHOV (Russia)
The original usage of a black half battery which must not fire too early enabled the realization of
a triple switchback. The problem displays a subtle interplay, cleverly forcing the move order.
Again Black must capture a white pawn on which the white Queen will sacrifice itself, while
White must capture the two black pawns on d6 and f5. From a merely strategic point of view,
although the content is richer than in the previous composition, there is a price to pay: there are
no less than 5 cook stoppers and the moves Rc4xf4 and Rb3xd3 are repeated in the twins.
Nevertheless the exchange of roles between wQ and wK and bRs is very impressive.
bernd ellinghoven
1st HM, Orthodox Section Tzuica 2013

2nd HM, Orthodox Section Tzuica 2013

(8+7) C+
B: wPh5 h6
A: 1.Bh6 Kf2 2.Rg5 Ke3 3.Re5+ Kd4 4.Be3+
B: 1.Rh5 Kg4 2.Bg5 Kf5 3.Be3+ Ke4 4.Re5+

(10+6) C+
B: bRe1 c1

A: 1.Sf4 Kxd4 2.Kd7 Be2 3.Ke6 Kc4 4.Sfd3+

B: 1.Se6 Kxd5 2.Kd7 Rxc6 3.Ke8 Kc4 4.Sec5+

1st Honourable Mention: bernd ellinghoven (Germany)

An Erstdarstellung: mutual Indian with double switchback an extraordinary achievement in a
seemingly effortless construction! Both white pieces return to their departure squares without

capturing after performing a critical move and interference this is the only problem from the
tournament showing such a motivation. The paradoxical nature of the switchbacks is better
appreciated when trying to understand why wB or wR cannot turn back to their original squares
after performing for instance a four-moves Rundlauf. However, the rather poor black strategy
(i.e. only bK is playing in order to get into the mating net) prevents a higher classification.
2nd Honourable Mention: Kostas PRENTOS (United States)
A solid and convincing presentation, with many lines opened and closed. Three pairs of pieces
exchange their roles in a very satisfying diagonal-orthogonal correspondence. We liked a lot the
spectacular ending, with the cross-checks delivered by the batteries built during the solutions.
The repeated W2 is certainly a drawback, but is partly compensated by a second wK move. A
careful reader will certainly note some other disharmonic effects such as the B2 capture in the
twin, no Umnov mate in the first solution and the twinning involving the shift of the bR behind
the bK. However, the strong overall artistic impression more than compensates for these defects,
hence the distinction.
Francesco SIMONI
1st Comm, Orthodox Section Tzuica 2013


(7+8) C+
2 Solutions

1.Rg6 Rc7 2.Rgxf6 Sxe2 3.Rg6+ Sg3#

1.Bd5 Qb2 2.Bxf7 Rxe2 3.Bd5+ Re4#

2nd Comm, Orthodox Section Tzuica 2013
Dedicated to Eric Huber and Vlaicu Crisan


(10+5) C+
2 Solutions

1...Qh7 2.Be7! Rbxg6 3.Bc5+ Rb6#

1...Qf3 2.Rdd8! Bxf4 3.Rd7+ Bc7#

1st Commendation: Francesco SIMONI (Italy)

Both white and black pieces must first arrive on their initial squares before performing the
thematic switchbacks. The strategy is typical for helpmate: two black pieces are pinned and a
white line is interfered by two black pieces. One of these pieces must be captured on W2 by one
of the white pinners. Meanwhile the other black piece vacates the line and puts a guard on wK
flight. Both switchbacks occur at the third move, with black unpinned piece repinned and
opening the line of bBf1. Again we see three pairs of pieces exchanging their roles and black
battery mates. The captures of heavy black pieces on W2 are not very appealing and mars the
artistic impression.

2nd Commendation: Manfred RITTIRSCH (Germany)

As in the previous problem, the black batteries are created with the same rear piece. The main
interest of the problem consists in the tries 2.Bd6? and 2.Rd6? which both fail for the same
reason: interference of the unpinned black piece. This neat dual avoidance and the attractive
position, in addition to the two pairs of pieces exchange their roles, enhance the problems value.
Of course, the judges couldnt simply resist rewarding a problem that was specially dedicated to
them. Thank you, Manfred!
This section is also well represented: 10 problems composed by 10 authors from 6 countries. The
overall quality is better than in orthodox section, as eight of the problems are awarded.
Because this is a thematic tournament, we favoured the density of the thematic presentation. In an
informal competition, the ranking would have been substantially different. Two problems
figuring in the award are actually of an excellent quality and would have definitely won higher
distinctions in any informal tourneys. However, as we have to stick to our established criteria, we
cant give them a higher place in this thematic tourney because they feature only two switchbacks
per phase. In spite of the rather special ranking in the present award, their intrinsic value is not
at all affected and we sincerely hope they will be widely quoted.
Prize, Fairy Section Tzuica 2013

(9+8) C+
B: bSc3 f3
2+1 Rook Locusts
2+1 Bishop Locusts
0+2 Nightriders
A: 1.Bb5 Nxb7+ 2.Kg3 Nf5+ 3.Kg4 Se2
4.Bd3+ Nb7#
B: 1.Sa5 Nxc7+ 2.Kh3 Ng5+ 3.Kg4 Sg1
4.Sc6+ Nc7#

Franz PACHL & Dieter MLLER

Special Prize, Fairy Section Tzuica 2013

(7+10) C+
B: wKb6 b5
2+1 Paos
1+1 Vaos
A: 1...Bc8 2.VAxe3 PAxc5 3.VAh6 Bg3 4.Sg5+
B: 1...Ra3 2.PAxf5 VAxc5 3.PAf1 Rgg3 4.Sf2+

Prize: Mario PARRINELLO (Italy)

The initial four direct batteries two white and two black already promise some interesting
strategy. The first two switchbacks are played in order to change white front piece placed in front
of the bK with another front piece placed behind the bK. Particularly impressive is the wK
switchback due to check. Then the new front piece turns back to its departure square forcing the
return of the bN. The very intensive rendering of the imposed theme is complemented by the
skillful usage of Locust family pieces, which ensure not only the soundness of the intention, but
also the usage of all white and black pieces in the final position. It is amazing this has been
shown in such an economical position. A truly outstanding piece of work, undoubtedly the best
composition of the whole tournament!
Special Prize: Franz PACHL & Dieter MLLER (Germany)
A splendid composition, combining several recent tournament themes: battery play (Tzuica 2008)
in diagonal-orthogonal correspondence (Tzuica 2009) with exchange of roles between four pairs
of pieces (Tzuica 2011) and switchbacks (Tzuica 2013)! Also the anticritical moves remind us of
the WCCT9 theme.
1st HM, Fairy Section Tzuica 2013


(7+11) C+
B: wBh8 c1
2+0 Nightriders

A: 1.Sg4! Rh2 2.Nxc7=bN Nf1 3.Bf6 Rh1

4.Bd8+ Nc7#
B: 1.Sf3! Bh2 2.Nxb4=bN Nf2 3.Bb2 Bg3
4.Bc3+ Nb4#

Michael BARTH & Franz PACHL

2nd HM, Fairy Section Tzuica 2013

(11+10) C+
B: wVAa4 g4
1+0 Leos
0+2 Paos
2+1 Vaos
A: 1...VAb5 2.VAxc6 VAe2 3.VAa4 Sd3
4.LEb5+ VAxb5#
B: 1...PAf5 2.VAxe6 PAf2 3.VAg4 Sf3
4.LEf5+ PAxf5#

1st Honourable Mention: Julia VYSOTSKA (Latvia)

A very ambitious conception with three switchbacks in each phase, showing a neat dual
avoidance at W1 (A: 1.Sf3? 5.Sg1! and B: 1.Sg4? 5.Sf2!) and Andernach refuted tries (A:
3.Be5? 4.Bc7+ Nxc7=wN#?? 5.Nf1!! and B: 3.Ba3? 4.Bb4+ Nxb4=wN#?? 5.Nf2!!). The
FML effects on B1 and the specific mixed-coloured switchback of the Nightrider enhance the
unity of the problem. We would have certainly preferred the idea presented in an improved
setting saving the expensive bRd4 and in twinless form. However, we respect the authors choice
to preserve the above mentioned tries. Considering also the attempts A: 1...Rxh2=wR and B:
1...Bxh2=wB justifying the keys, we can conclude that the fairy condition is actually used more
in the virtual play than in the real play.
2nd Honourable Mention: Michael BARTH & Franz PACHL (Germany)
White switchback is needed in order to open the line of Leo and remove the guard of the arrival
square. This allows black to perform the second switchback of the Chinese piece capturing the
white Leo, after placing the bS as a hurdle in front of it. This idea requires many technical pieces
on the board in order to ensure both the soundness and the usage of the second Chinese piece in
the final position. The twinning shifting the thematic piece is also an inevitable drawback. The
authors managed to avoid to a certain degree the total symmetric flavour.
Special HM, Fairy Section Tzuica 2013

(9+9) C+
B: bSe2 c2
0+2 Sirenes

Francesco SIMONI
1st Comm, Orthodox Section Tzuica 2013

A: 1.Ref5 SIxe3 2.Sxb4 Ra4 3.Re5+ SIxe6#

B: 1.Ba6 SIa4 2.Sxd3 Qf1 3.Bb5+ SIxc6#


(7+10) C+
3 Solutions
0+1 Camel

1.Qxb3 CAxg2 2.Qe6+ CAf5#

1.Rbxb3 Sxg2 2.Rb4+ Sf4#
1.Bxb3 Rxg2 2.Bd1+ Re2#

Special Honourable Mention: Juraj LRINC (Slovakia)

Another beautiful piece of work, mixing several motifs: four pairs of pieces exchanging
functions, diagonal-orthogonal correspondence, unpins and line openings, ending with superb

double pin mates. It is a pity the Sirene must capture twice in the first twin, while the bQ out of
play in the second twin mars the unity.
1st Commendation: Francesco SIMONI (Italy)
Two switchbacks in each solution, shown in three phases: White unpins a black officer and
captures bPb3 interfering wRa3 line, while the unpinned black piece captures wPg2 creating a
direct battery with bBh3. The whole play and motivation is well known from similar orthodox
problems, but the 6 switchbacks performed by 6 different pieces deserve recognition.
2nd Commendation, Fairy Section Tzuica 2013


(4+8) C+
2 Solutions
1+3 Grasshoppers
0+1 Nightriders

1.Be5! Nf5 2.Bc7 Gd7 3.Be5 Gf4 4.Bb2+

1.Bf6! Nd7 2.Bd8 Gc8 3.Bf6 Ge7 4.Bb2+

3rd Commendation, Fairy Section Tzuica 2013

(8+4) C+
B: wPg3 g6
2+0 Grasshoppers
0+1 Andernach Grasshoppers
a) 1...Rd1 2.Ge7 AGc2[c3=bQ] 3.Gc7 Qb2
4.Rg8+ AGc8[c7=bG]#
b) 1...Rg5 2.Gb7 AGxh3[g4=bR] 3.Gd7 Rh4
4.Qh8+ AGc8[d7=bG]#

2nd Commendation: Dieter MLLER & Sven TROMMLER (Germany)

This is actually one of the most economical achievements from the tournament! The white
Bishop performs a switchback to e5 (resp.f6) and a prolonged (yet unthematical) switchback to
b2, while Black creates a battery and guards flights with Grasshoppers. The problem is very
elegant and the interplay is well defined.
3rd Commendation: Themis ARGIRAKOPOULOS (Greece)
Another clever and economical composition, showing that a switchback doesnt require captures
in order to change something in the position! Thanks to the Andernach Grasshoppers hops, two
white pieces turn black and perform guarding duties. Although the double check in the first

solution is unfortunate, the exchange of functions between two pairs of white pieces is more than
We conclude this award with our congratulations to the winners and our thanks to all participants
for the time spent studying their problems.
Vlaicu Crian & Eric Huber
26th September 2013, Cluj & Bucharest

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