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Two or more players will sit around a 15 square by 15 square
playing board that is initially empty. At the start of the game, a set of 100
tiles, each marked with a letter and a point value, are placed so that their letters
are out of sight, either by placing them in a bag or by placing them face-down on
the table. Each player has a wooden holder, known as a "rack," for holding
letters to be played, which is empty at the start of the game.

2nd Step:
To decide who goes first, each player draws a single letter tile
from the bag (or, if there is no bag, from the tiles which have been laid facedown on the table). The player who draws the letter that is closest to "A" in the
alphabet goes first. If there are two players who draw the same letter, and that
letter is the closest to "A" of all letters drawn, then all players throw back their
tiles and draw another tile at random, repeating this process until a single player

wins the draw. After the first player takes a turn, the player to her or his left will
take a turn, and this process will proceed in a clockwise direction around the

3rd Step:
The first player takes 7 letters from the Scrabble bag and places
them out of sight of the other players on that player's rack. Other players
must then draw sufficient letters to put seven letters on their respective racks.
Players must draw their letters in the order in which they will play, but they
should not wait until it is their turn to draw their letters, as having the letters
sooner gives everyone a chance to think ahead about how they will play.

4rd Step:

The first player examines his or her letters to see what words can be made
from them. When a word has been found, it must be placed on the board
in a way that covers the center square. This square is marked by a star, and
is also a double-word score, giving the first play double the score it would
otherwise have. The word may be placed either horizontally or vertically, but not

5th Step:
After each turn, the player who has just played draws as many
letters as have just been played, so that there are always seven letters
on the player's rack at the end of the draw. Unless, of course, the letters in
the bag have become exhausted.

6th Step:

After the first turn, each player must play in a way that
makes at least one word using at least one tile that is already on the

7th Step:
The score received for a turn is based upon the point values that
appear on each tile used to make a word, and is modified based upon any
bonus squares that are covered by the letters that are newly-placed during that
turn. The follow kinds of bonus squares are marked in specific places on the

Double Letter Score: This means that a letter placed on this

square receives double the number of points that are shown on the

Double Word Score: This means that a word that is made

that includes the letter that is placed on this square receives double
the number of points that it otherwise would.

Triple Letter Score: This means that a letter placed on this

square receives three times the number of points that are shown on the

Triple Word Score: This means that a word that is made that
includes the letter that is placed on this square receives triple the
number of points that it otherwise would.

8th Step:
Scoring involves adding up the point values of all letters played,
as well as all letters already on the board that are in new words made
during the present turn. The letters that are newly played that are on double
or triple letter bonus squares are then individually doubled or tripled. The words
that are newly made that have newly-played letters on double or triple
word scores are then doubled or tripled; the entire word, including
squares that were already on the board, is doubled or tripled in this

9th Step:
When a turn is taken, the score is computed and written down,
usually on a piece of paper that is divided into columns, one column per
player. The score for each turn is added to the prior total and subtotaled, so that everyone knows the score as the game proceeds.

10th Step:
Play continues in this manner until there are no more letters in
the bag and the last player has had their turn, and someone has played
the last letter that they have, so that their rack is now empty. When this
occurs, the point values of all letters remaining on each players' rack are added
up and subtracted from that player's score, and these same point values are

added to the score of the player who "went out" (used up all of their letters) first.
This ends the game.

11th Step:
No matter who "goes out," it is the person having the highest
score who wins the game. Second place goes to the person with the
second-highest score, and so on.


Two to four players play in any game of Scrabble. The object of

Scrabble is to score more points than one's opponent. A player collects points by
placing words on the game board. Each letter has a different point value, so the
strategy becomes to play words with high scoring letter combinations.

1. The Scrabble Board

A Scrabble game board is made of up cells in a square grid. The Scrabble
board is 15 cells wide by 15 cells high. The Scrabble tiles fit within these cells
one to a cell.

2. Scrabble Tiles
Scrabble Rules Scrabble is played with exactly 100 tiles. 98 of these
tiles contain letters on them, while there are 2 blank tiles. These blank
tiles add a wildcard aspect to Scrabble. The blanks substitute for any letter in the
alphabet. Once played, a blank tile remains for the remainder of the game the
letter for which it was substituted when first played.
Various letters have different point values, depending on the rarity of the
letter and the difficulty in playing it. Blank tiles have no point value.

3. Tile Values
Here are the point values for each letter in Scrabble.

0 Points - Blank tile.

1 Point - A, E, I, L, N, O, R, S, T and U.

2 Points - D and G.

3 Points - B, C, M and P.

4 Points - F, H, V, W and Y.

5 Points - K.

8 Points - J and X.

10 Points - Q and Z.

4. Extra Point Values

Some squares on the Scrabble board represent multipliers. If a
tile is placed on this square, then the tile's value is multiplied by a
factor or either 2x or 3x. Certain tiles multiply the point value of an entire
word and not simply the tile on that space.
Double Letter Scores - Light blue cells are found isolated on the board.
When a tile is placed on this space, that tile's point value is multiplied by two.
Triple Letter Score - This is a dark blue cell on the Scrabble. The tile
placed on this square has its points multiplied by three.
Double Word Score - Light red cells are found running diagonally
towards the four corners of the board. When a player plays a word on one of
these squares, the point value of the entire word is multiplied by two.
Triple Word Score - This is a dark red square on the Scrabble board.
These are found on the four sides of the board equidistant from the four corners
of the board. When a word is played using this square, then the points for the
word are multiplied by three.
One Single Use - Note that extra point squares are only usable once. If
one player plays a word using this cells, then the next time that space is used to
make a word, the point value is not multiplied.
5. The Fifty Point Bonus
When a player is able to place all seven tiles from the tile rack on
the board at the same time, that player receives a 50 point bonus. In
end game scenarios, when the players hold less than the standard seven tiles,
a player does not get the 50 point bonus for using all the tiles on the

6. The End of a Scrabble Game

When all of the tiles have been taken from the bag and one player has
used all of the tiles on their rack, then the game ends.

7. Tallying Scrabble Scores

Once the game has ended, each player counts the points on the tiles
left remaining in their rack. Each player has that number deducted from their
final score.
The player who ended the game and who therefore has no more tiles
remaining is given an added bonus. Add the total of all points of all
remaining players with tiles left on their racks. This number is added to the final
score of the player who is "out" of tiles.
The Scrabble player with the highest score after all final scores are
tallied wins.




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: 11th of March 2015

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