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45-860MHz Radio receiver based on UV916-tuner

This receiver use a TV-tuner, a simple radio-circuit and a interface to a computer.

The computer control (set) the receiving frequency from 45860MHz
The purpose of this project is to learn about tuners, it's a preproject for my Spectrum analyzer project.
The UV916 or UV918 tuner is easy to find in broke TV or VCR:s.
It is a common tuner.
All contribution to this page are most welcome!

To build a Spectrum analyzer I needed a tuner. I also needed to learn how to control the tuner.
In some old broken TV I found the tuner UV916. It is a common used tuner.
The tuner is PLL synthesized controlled and the frequency can be set from 80-900MHz. The tuner is
programmed by a digital interface I2C standard using only 2 wires. The output from the tuner is European
standard 38.9 MHz.
By connecting the tuner to a radio receiver circuit, tuned to 38.9 MHz, I will be able to demodulate the
audio sound at the tuner frequency. With this unit I can scan and listen to all FM signals from 45-860
MHz. See figure below.

There is 3 parts in this project.

RS232 to I2C converter from the computer to the tuner
FM receiver for the 38.9MHz
Window software to control the tuner
On this page you will find all these parts and you will also be able to download the softwares for the
So go out and hunt for an old UV916 or UV918 tuner.

RS232 to I2C converter from the computer to the tuner

I2C use 2 wires. One is the SCL (clock line) and the other is the SDA (data line). A data transfer consist of
a 7 bits and a read/write bit. When the master (In my case the PIC16F84) clocks 8 data bit the slave (In
my case the tuner) answer with an acknowledge bit. I am not going to explain more how I2C works, you
can find more info about it on the internet.
The figure below shows a transmission of one byte over I2C.

The schematic below shows the interface between the computer and the tuner.
Inside the tuner (If you open the cover) you will find a circuit TSA5512 wich is the I2C controlled PLL
synthesizer in the tuner.

The PIC16F84 is common used microcontroller. You can find programer and software for this processor
all over internet.
On my meny page you find some software for this processor.
The output from the COM Port of the computer has RS232 standard. The voltage swings between +/12V. A circuit MAX232 converts the signal to 0/+5 Volt wich is the level the PIC can handle. Pin 17 and 18
on the PIC are used for the communication to the computer. The pin 12 is the SCL and the pin 11 is the
SDA wich both are connected to the tuner.
A simple testing to make sure the converter works:
Connect a oscilloscope or little speaker or piezo -summer at pin 13 on MAX 232. When the computer
send the 5 byte on the RS232 port (COM Port) you will see the signal or hear a clicking sound in the
speaker. At pin 12 on MAX232 you will have the same signal but the voltage level will be 0 to +5V
instead.Now, check at pin11 and 12 on the PIC. When all the 5 byte are transmitted you will find a I2C
data transmission (also clicking sound).
It is important that the crystal at the PIC is 4.000MHz, because it controls the baud-rate.
There is a LED in the schematic at pin 13. This LED will start to light when the first of the five bytes is
received. It will turn of when the last byte is received. The HEX-fil for the PIC (software) can be found at
the bottom of the page!
I some cases I can assist with the programming of this circuit.

The five internal registers in the tuner

I will explain in more detail about the data wich is transfered from the computer to the tuner.
The tuner has 5 register. You can find them in the datasheets (TSA5512) or in the table below.
The Windows Tuner program I have made, handles all the setting of the five registers.


MSB D6 D5 D4 D3

0 N14 N13 N12 N11
N7 N6 N5 N4 N3
1 CP T1 T0 1
and test bits
Output ports
P7 P6 P5 P4 P3
control bits

D2 LSB R/W Ack



Ack Byte 1


N10 N9

N8 Ack Byte 2



N0 Ack Byte 3

OS Ack Byte 4




P0 Ack Byte 5


MA1,MAO = 0 ,1 => Tuner always valid

N14 - N0 = Programmable divider
Example: N14-N0 = 1600 (decimalt) then the tuner oscillator will be 8 * 7812.5 * 1600 = 100MHz
CP = 0 Chargepump = 50uA fine tuning
CP = 1 Chargepump = 220uA fast tuning
T1, T0, OS = 0 0 0 =>Normal operation
P7-P0 sets the desired frequency band
The adress activates the tuner. By applying different voltage to P3 (Input pin on the tuner) at the tuner
different adresses can be selected. By selecting MA1=0 and MA0 =1 the tuner is always valid indipendent
of the voltage at P3 (I let it flow)
The divider register set the frequency in the tuner. If you multiply the content of this register with 62500
you will end up with the frequency the tuner will be locked at.
The charge pump register and testbits controls the tuning speed and some test performance can be
See datasheets for more info.
Output ports control bits select the desired band. There are three bands
LOW BAND 45-180MHz = $60
MID BAND 160-470MHz = $50
HIGH BAND 430-860MHz = $30
If you want to set the register by yourself and maybe make your own programs you must send the 5
control bytes to the PIC via RS232.
The baudrate should be 19200,e,8,1

FM receiver for the 38.9MHz

What the tuner does is to mix the RF from the input antenna with a internal osc (the frequency you have

programmed in the register).

The output product IF-signal from the tuner is 38.9MHz. The external FM-receiver will be set to receive at
38.9MHz always.
Example: Lets say the tuner oscillator is programmed to 144MHz.
We know the external receiver will always receive at 38.9MHz, therefore the RF frequency I will receive
will be: 144MHz-38.9MHz =105.1MHz.
You can also think like this : The RF-frequency I want to listen to is = the tuner programmed frequency
minus 38.9MHz.
In my program you will see tree windows. The first window shows the tuner oscillator frequency. The next
window shows the IF frequency ( the frequency the external radio receiver is set to). The last windows
show the receiving frequency.
The schematic below show the complete harware of the tuner and the radio receiver for 38.9MHz.

The IF signal from the tuner is filtered in a SAW-filter befor it comes to the receiving
chip. The SAW- filter is specially made for TV and VCR:s. This filter is a ceramic
filter and it is a sharp passband filter for 34.47MHz to 38.9MHz.
It supress all other frequency well.
If you follow the IF-output from the tuner at the circuitboard in a TV you will come to
the SAW filter.
Read more about SAW filter here!
The FM-receiver is based on the circuit MC13136. The LO oscillator is tuned by a inductor and a
capacitor at pin 1 to 49.6MHz.
This circuit has 2 mixers one is the LO and the other is crystall controlled at 10.245 MHz.
The IF in MC13136 is 10.7 MHz and therefore the receiving frequency will be 49.6 -10.7 = 38.9 MHz.
You can verify the frequency by connection a frequency counter to pin 3 wich is a buffered LO output, and
adjust C1 until you reach 49.6MHz. Two ceramic filters 10.7 MHz and 455kHz filter the IF and a quad-coil
demodulate the audio. This circuit is not difficult to build and adjust. See datasheets at bottom or more
The audio level output from this circuit is 50-200mV so you need an amplifier to hear the audio.
At pin 16 you will find the RSSI signal(signal strength indicator).

Window software to control the tuner

I have made a simple Windows program to control the tuner. The program set the 5
register. The program display 3 windows. The window at left shows the programmed
frequency (VCO). The second window show the IF frequency. In my case it is 38.9MHz.
You can edit this window and set different value. Remeber you should be between
34.47MHz to 38.9MHz to get the best performance from the SAW filter.
The last window will show you the frequency you are listening to, the true frequency.
The first thing you should do when you run the program is to set wich comport you are using.
A simple way to test that the tuner works is to monitor the tuning voltage by applying a voltmeter to the R1
resistor (Utuning), see schematic.
The voltage here should increase when you are increasing the frequency. In the begining of every band
the voltage is close to 0 volt and at the end of each band the voltage should be close to 25-33Volt.


The amplifier is Intended for a Yaesu FT790R
The M57716 Mitsubitshi hybrid delivers 20W-12.5V with 300mW input. The hybrid input is fit with an attenuator, so it can be
exited by the two FT790R outputs (0.3 and 1W). MRF646 transistors are a bit old, but they have stood the test of time, each
can give 40W-12.5V with 10W input, unfortunately I didn't get a matched pair and here they are in parallel. MRF646 stripline
sketch shown hereafter is intended to allow balancing inputs and outputs. The input/output line width are inverted, a mistake
that will be corrected. The last output stripline section is intended to do a band filter. Tunings will be done by means of
several adjustable capacitors (see sketch) and the amplifier unit should deliver about 100W when 14.5VDC powered. I
expect to be able to tune separately each transistor in order to see their behaviour and to determine the involved capacitor
values. Then I will try to tune them in parallel and to tune the output band filter. Work in the future, but I am already in late by
Ideas and advice will be welcome, thanks in advance.
3 years!
It is mainly intended for SSB operation but FM is also foreseen and a cooling fan is required, it will be simply triggered by
means of a 60 thermal switch. It could be an opportunity to implement a circuit with hysteresis effect and overheating
detection using a small c like a 12C509 PIC. Sensors could be two NTC resistors, and this device could be quasi-universal
and suitable to any transistorised linear amplifier cooling.
The PCB will be installed into a tin iron EURO case (162x102x50mm) that can be more or less seen on the photos. The
heatsink sizes are 150x100x40mm, the fan will be fit on the heatsink top.

Following some requests for information concerning SSB and ATV operation,
here are extractions from emails I sent

Unfortunately at the moment this UHF amplifier is not a priority (probably 2003, hi!).
The idea of building this amplifier comes from a Motorola application note. It can be found on the Motorola semiconductor
website together with the MRF646 data sheet.
With 10W, you will be able to drive only 1 MRF646 and theoretically to get 40W/12.5V or about 55W/14.5V with 12W
exitation and a better linearity. The M57716 -14.5V should give theoretically 27W therefore it should be possible to get
100W at least with 2xMRF646. The capacitors used on the Motorola schematic (expensives) are needed for broadband
operation (430 to 480MHz). For SSB operation and ATV as well, I think that the bandwidth should be enough if input and
output circuits were simplified as per the opposite schematic. 10 to 15pF air variable capacitors (see photos of a 100W VHF
amplifier on my web site) probably associated with fixed capacitors should be suitable for adjustments and tests.
PCB must be double-sided coppered with several links between the two sides and important, copper below hybride
striplines (50 ohm) and no copper below MRF646 striplines, draw a window. Rules concerning striplines and VHF/UHF
power transistor grounding can also be found on the motorla web site.
At first you have to reduce the hybride input power in order to get about 3W output and to drive the MRF646 input circuit
through coaxial cable and ROSmeter and trying to get the lowest SWR and then to adjust the output capacitors for
maximum output. Also a 10 or 47pF capacitor could help when soldered between the stripline and ground (location to be
found). An output pi circuit should be developed in order to reduce harmonics but it's never easy to achieve. When
increasing the driving power some test capacitors could not accept (mainly at output circuit) the power, chip UNELCO or
equivalent capacitors will be required. A good quality switching relay is essential at 438 MHz.
At your disposal for any further information, 73
Alain, F6ITV

0 3 0 0


0 3 2 1

9 2 1 9 5 5 1

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