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SPINE Volume 35, Number 22, pp E1221E1229

2010, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

A Novel Classification System for Spinal Instability in

Neoplastic Disease
An Evidence-Based Approach and Expert Consensus From the Spine
Oncology Study Group
Charles G. Fisher, MD, MHSc, FRCSC,* Christian P. DiPaola, MD,*
Timothy C. Ryken, MD, MS, Mark H. Bilsky, MD, Christopher I. Shaffrey, MD,
Sigurd H. Berven, MD, James S. Harrop, MD,! Michael G. Fehlings, MD, PhD,**
Stefano Boriani, MD, Dean Chou, MD, Meic H. Schmidt, MD, David W. Polly, MD,
Roberto Biagini, MD,!! Shane Burch, MD, Mark B. Dekutoski, MD,*** Aruna Ganju, MD,
Peter C. Gerszten, MD, Ziya L. Gokaslan, MD, Michael W. Groff, MD,
Norbert J. Liebsch, MD,!!! Ehud Mendel, MD,**** Scott H. Okuno, MD,
Shreyaskumar Patel, MD, Laurence D. Rhines, MD, Peter S. Rose, MD,***
Daniel M. Sciubba, MD, Narayan Sundaresan, MD, Katsuro Tomita, MD,!!!!
Peter P. Varga, MD,***** Luiz R. Vialle, MD, Frank D. Vrionis, MD, MPH, PhD,
Yoshiya Yamada, MD, and Daryl R. Fourney, MD

Study Design. Systematic review and modified Delphi

Objective. To use an evidence-based medicine process using the best available literature and expert opinion
consensus to develop a comprehensive classification system to diagnose neoplastic spinal instability.
Summary of Background Data. Spinal instability is
poorly defined in the literature and presently there is a lack
of guidelines available to aid in defining the degree of spinal
instability in the setting of neoplastic spinal disease. The
concept of spinal instability remains important in the clinical
decision-making process for patients with spine tumors.
Methods. We have integrated the evidence provided by
systematic reviews through a modified Delphi technique to
generate a consensus of best evidence and expert opinion to
develop a classification system to define neoplastic spinal

From the *Combined Neurosurgery and Orthopaedic Spine Program, Department of Orthopaedics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC;
Iowa Spine and Brain Institute, Waterloo, IA; Neurosurgery Service, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY; Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Virginia Medical Center, Charlottesville, VA;
Department of Orthopaedics, University of California, San Francisco, CA;
!Department of Neurological Surgery, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA;**Toronto Western Hospital Spinal Program, Department of Surgery, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Ospedale Maggiore, Ausl Bologna, Bologna,
Italy; Department of Neurological Surgery, University of California, San
Francisco, CA; Huntsman Cancer Institute and Department of Neurosurgery, Clinical Neurosciences Center, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT;
Department of Orthopedics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN;
!!Department of Orthopedic Oncology, Regina Elena Institute, Rome, Italy;
***Department of Orthopaedics, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN; Department of Neurosurgery, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL; Department of Neurosurgery, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh,
PA; Department of Neurosurgery, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,
MD; Department of Neurosurgery, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA; !!!Department of Radiation Oncology, MA General Hospital, Boston, MA; ****Department of Neurological Surgery, The Ohio State
University, Columbus, OH; Department of Oncology & Orthopedic
Oncology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN; Departments of Medical Oncology and Neurosurgery, MD Anderson Cancer Center, University of
Texas, Houston, TX; Department of Neurological Surgery, Mount Sinai
Hospital, New York, NY; !!!!Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Kanazawa University School of Medicine, Kanazawa, Japan;

Results. A comprehensive classification system based

on patient symptoms and radiographic criteria of the
spine was developed to aid in predicting spine stability of
neoplastic lesions. The classification system includes
global spinal location of the tumor, type and presence of
pain, bone lesion quality, spinal alignment, extent of vertebral body collapse, and posterolateral spinal element
involvement. Qualitative scores were assigned based on
relative importance of particular factors gleaned from the
literature and refined by expert consensus.
Conclusion. The Spine Instability Neoplastic Score is a
comprehensive classification system with content validity
that can guide clinicians in identifying when patients with
neoplastic disease of the spine may benefit from surgical
consultation. It can also aid surgeons in assessing the key
components of spinal instability due to neoplasia and may
become a prognostic tool for surgical decision-making
when put in context with other key elements such as neurologic symptoms, extent of disease, prognosis, patient
health factors, oncologic subtype, and radiosensitivity of the
Key words: spinal metastasis, instability, tumor, spine
oncology. Spine 2010;35:E1221E1229

*****National Center for Spinal Disorders, Budapest, Hungary; Catholic University of Parana, Curitiba-Pr, Brazil; H Lee Moffitt Cancer
Center and Research Institute and Departments of Neurosurgery and Interdisciplinary Oncology, University of South Florida College of Medicine,
Tampa, FL; Department of Radiation Oncology, Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center, New York, NY; and Division of Neurosurgery, University of Saskatchewan, Royal University Hospital, Saskatoon, SK,
Acknowledgment date: August 12, 2009. First revision date: October
29, 2009. Second revision date: December 3, 2009. Acceptance date:
April 2, 2010.
The manuscript submitted does not contain information about medical
Corporate/Industry funds were received in support of this work. No
benefits in any form have been or will be received from a commercial
party related directly or indirectly to the subject of this manuscript.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Charles G. Fisher,
MD, MHSc, Deparement of Orthopaedics, University of British Columbia, Blusson Spinal Cord Centre, 818 W. 10th Avenue, 6th floor,
Vancouver, BC, Canada V5Z 1M9; E-mail: [email protected]


E1222 Spine Volume 35 Number 22 2010

Metastatic disease of the spine remains a common problem and its incidence is increasing as detection methods
improve and treatments for primary cancers allows patients with active disease to have a longer life expectancy.1
Recent data has shown that patients with metastatic epidural cord compression who undergo surgical decompression and reconstruction followed by radiation have
superior outcomes to those who undergo radiation alone
in terms of preservation of neurologic function and pain
relief.2 There is further evidence that surgical decompression for spinal cord compression from metastatic disease
before radiation therapy results in improved neurologic
outcomes and fewer wound complications.2,3 Thus, it
appears critical to develop treatment plans for patients
with spinal metastasis via a multidisciplinary approach
between medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, and
spine surgeons so that proper treatment and timing of
treatment can be employed.
For patients with spinal metastasis or primary neoplastic disease, neurologic status is only one factor that
influences surgical decision-making. While all patients
with the diagnosis of a primary spine tumor should receive surgical consultation, it is still not completely established as to when patients with metastatic disease of
the spine should receive surgical consultation and intervention. Surgical treatment decisions are broadly based
on spinal stability and patient-specific factors that include patient health, prognosis,4 and tumor histology.
Because spinal instability is not well defined in the literature, there are no evidence-based guidelines currently
available to aid in assessment of a particular patients
risk for spinal instability in the setting of neoplastic spinal disease. The concept of spinal instability, however,
remains critical in the surgical decision-making process.
Spinal instability as the result of a neoplastic process
differs significantly from high-energy traumatic injuries
in the pattern of bony and ligamentous involvement, potential for healing, neurologic manifestations, and bone
quality, and therefore requires a specific and different set
of criteria for stability assessment. Recently, systematic
reviews of the cervical and thoracolumbar spine literature have been unable to definitively describe what constitutes neoplastic spinal instability.5,6 Thus, for the purposes of clinical decision-making and future research, the
Spine Oncology Study Group (SOSG) defines spine instability as loss of spinal integrity as a result of a neoplastic process that is associated with movement-related
pain, symptomatic or progressive deformity, and/or neural compromise under physiologic loads.
Because of the lack of guidelines, spine surgeons currently rely on clinical experience to determine whether
instability is present in the setting of spinal neoplasia and
surgery is indicated. Although demanding for the spine
surgeon, the diagnosis of instability for the nonsurgeon
may be extremely challenging, often leading to inappropriate referrals of patients without instability or undertreatment of patients with instability, risking pain,
and/or neurologic deterioration. Development of a sim-

ple classification with easily assigned radiographic and

patient factors would help to facilitate communication
and appropriate referral between oncologists, radiologists, and orthopedic and/or neurosurgical spine surgeons to ensure that prompt and optimized treatment
plans can be developed. Furthermore, the classification
can lead to a more consistent therapeutic approach
among spine surgeons and will aid in education and scientific study. The purpose of this study is to use an evidence-based medicine process incorporating the best
available literature and expert opinion consensus to develop a comprehensive classification system for diagnosing neoplastic spinal instability.
Materials and Methods
Systematic Reviews

Before the start of this study, 2 systematic reviews57 of the

current spine literature were performed by members of the
SOSG to identify the best evidence for clinical, radiographic,
and pathologic factors that relate to neoplastic spinal instability in the cervical and thoracolumbar spine. The first review
sought to answer the question, how is impending or overt
instability of the cervical spine diagnosed in the setting of neoplastic involvement? The second systematic review dealt with
the problem of what defines instability or impending instability
in patients with metastatic disease of the thoracolumbar spine.
These systematic reviews, although inconclusive with regard to
defining exact instability criteria, nonetheless served as the
framework from which to guide an expert consensus on neoplastic spine instability.

Expert Opinion
The SOSG is an international group of 30 spine oncology experts and thought leaders from North America, Europe, South
America, and Asia who meet biannually to discuss research,
assess the best evidence for current practices, and formulate
clinical trials to advance the field of spine oncology. Guyatt et
al8 have highlighted that a key component to evidence-based
medicine (especially when higher levels of evidence fall short) is
to employ consensus expert opinion.

Delphi Technique
The Delphi method is typically a group communication among
a panel of geographically dispersed experts. The technique allows the group to deal systematically with a complex problem
or task (in this case the question of how to define neoplastic
spinal instability).8 10 A modified Delphi process was used to
collect and distill knowledge from the SOSG by means of a
series of questionnaires interspersed with controlled opinion
feedback for the production of suitable information for decision-making.10
The modified process involved 7 defined steps for review of
the opinions.
1. An initial meeting of the SOSG was undertaken that included a round-table discussion, moderated by an appointed chairperson. The criteria deemed important to
clinical decision-making were identified. Twenty-four orthopedic and neurosurgical spine surgeons and oncologists with expertise in the area of spinal oncology were
asked to list factors relevant to the definition of spinal
instability in the oncology setting. The first round of criteria was then further organized, and the terminology

Neoplastic Spine Instability Classification Fisher et al E1223

Table 1. Results of the Statistical Analysis of Round 1 and 2 of the Content Validity Surveys
Factors Associated With Instability
Presence of pain at rest
Character of pain (i.e., changes with mobility)
Sclerotic tumor
Pain with percussion
Occipitocervical location
Cervicothoracic junction location
Complete pedicle involvement (bilateral)
Progression of deformity
Midcervical location
Unilateral pedicle involvement

Left Skewness

Right Skewness

Comparison Between Rounds 1 and 2

X (pointed)
X (pointed)
X (pointed)
X (pointed)

Increased rating P $ 0.034

Decreased rating P $ 0.031

Decreased rating P $ 0.037

ECOG/Karnofsky Performance Status assigns relative weight to the responses based on the pattern of their distribution. Left skewness indicates a pile-up of
scores to the left of, or below, the mean; right skewness is a pile-up of scores to the right of, or above, the mean. Strong skewness shows a significantly pointed
distribution. T-test comparisons of Round 1 and 2 responses were made to determine whether subsequent panel discussion swayed opinions on contributing





employed was refined to be consistent with the evidencebased systematic reviews.

A questionnaire was developed to assess the SOSG members opinions on the relative weight of importance of the
identified factors. The results were used to generate a
4-part survey addressing mechanical instability including
clinical features (12 items), radiographic features (12
items), anatomic location (9 items), and other (openended response). All participants then ranked these factors from 0 to 100 (0 indicating nonrelevance and 100
indicating absolute importance).
The open-ended responses were compiled and included in
the final results. The results were divided based on scoring
into 3 groups: highly relevant (!70); relevant; (40 70)
less relevant ("40). These groupings were used for a consensus-based discussion to develop a working definition
of oncologic spinal instability and a draft of a classification scheme. Further discussion occurred between SOSG
members in interactive forum.
A preliminary Spine Instability Neoplastic Score (SINS)
was developed.
A second-round questionnaire was developed and distributed via e-mail. Results were compared with the response
obtained in the first round. Further feedback from SOSG
members was used to refine the scoring system. First- and
second-round results were compared, showing no statistically significant changes in the relative importance of
any factors between rounds.
The SINS was applied to a series of representative cases by
a subgroup of SOSG surgeons to assess clarity and ease of
Open-ended feedback was provided by SOSG members
that led to consolidation of the SINS.

Statistical Analysis
Descriptive statistics for the rankings for the 40 factors associated with spinal instability were performed, including skewness
and kurtosis measures. Skewness and kurtosis are measures
indicating a departure from a normal distribution. Paired t tests
were used to assess the differences between the ratings by physician at Round 1 and Round 2 for the instability factors.

Twenty-four fellowship trained spine surgeons (of the 26
in the group) completed the original questionnaire. His-

tograms were developed to assess the distribution of answers, and the skewness (a pileup of scores to the left or
right of the mean) and kurtosis (pointedness or flatness of the distribution) were assessed, and significant departures from the normal distribution were noted (Table 1).
All 24 physicians ranked the resulting 40 factors. Nine
factors scored greater than 70 and 19 scored between 40
and 70. The highest ranked factors included subluxation/translation (86.67 # 11.95), progression of deformity (86.52 # 13.60), facet destruction bilaterally
(78.75 # 13.85), and character of neurologic changes
(with motion) (77.71 # 19.89). The anatomic areas of
most concern were the occipitocervical junction
(70.83 # 16.33) and the cervicothoracic junction
(72.29 # 21.01).
Twenty surgeons subsequently completed the Round
2 questionnaire, and their answers were compared with
those provided in Round 1 (but only for those 20 surgeons) to determine whether there were any significant
changes of opinion that could be attributed to the group
discussion. Responses were compared via paired t tests.
The factors for which there was significant change at the
P " 0.05 level are listed in Table 1.
After integrating information from the previous
SOSG discussions and the 2 rounds of questionnaires, a
preliminary scoring system was developed. Consolidation of the scoring system was accomplished after final

Table 2. SINS Component Score for Spine Location

Spine Location
Junctional (Occiput-C2, C7T2, T11L1, L5S1)
Mobile spine (C3C6, L2L4)
Semi-rigid (T3T10)
Rigid (S2S5)


Spine location is scored based on global variations in the spinal architecture.

Junctional regions include occipitocervical (C0 C2), cervicothoracic (C7T2),
thoracolumbar (T11L1), and lumbosacral (L5S1) regions. Mobile segments
include those not in the junctional regions and those that do not articulate with
the rib cage. Semi-rigid segments are nonjunctional segments in the thoracic
region that articulate with the rib cage. Rigid segments are parts of the
nonjunctional sacral spine (S2S4).

E1224 Spine Volume 35 Number 22 2010

Table 3. SINS Component Score for Mechanical or

Postural Pain
Pain Relief With Recumbence and/or
Pain With Movement/Loading of the Spine
No (occasional pain but not mechanical)
Pain-free lesion

Table 5. SINS Component Score for Spinal Alignment

Radiographic Spinal Alignment

Mechanical or postural pain is scored in this section. Relief with recumbency

supports a structural or mechanical component.

application to a series of representative clinical cases.

The SINS is made up of the following 6 components.
Spine Location
This component considers whether the location of the
neoplasm is in a typically less stable location. Patients
with neoplasms in rigid segments (nonjunctional sacral spine) receive a score of 0, whereas those with semirigid segments articulate with the rib cage from T3T10
receive a score of 1. Patients with mobile segments
(nonjunctional and not articulating with the rib cage or
pelvis) receive a score of 2. These segments range from
C3C6 and L2L4. Patients whose neoplasms are located in junctional regions of the spine including occipitocervical (C0 C2), cervicothoracic (C7T2), thoracolumbar (T11L1), or lumbosacral (L5S1) regions were
graded as a 3 (Table 2).
Mechanical Pain
This component considers whether patients have mechanical pain associated with the neoplasm. Patients
with presence of pain without mechanical characteristics
receive a score of 1. Patients who have pain with movement, upright posture, or loading of the spine (mechanical) and/or those for whom this pain is relieved with
recumbence receive a score of 3 (Table 3).
Bone Lesion Quality
Bone lesion quality is considered among the components
affecting spinal instability. Patients with blastic (sclerotic) lesions receive a score of 1 while those with lytic
bone lesions receive a score of 2 (Table 4). Computed
tomography (CT) scan is the best modality for defining
this characteristic.
Spinal Alignment
Patients with de novo deformity in the sagittal or coronal
plane can be assessed with serial radiographs or by comparing supine and upright radiographs. These patients
received a score of 2. Subluxation or translation denotes
the highest contribution to instability in this subsection
Table 4. SINS Component Score for Bone Lesion Quality
Bone Lesion Quality
Mixed lytic/blastic


Subluxation/translation present
De novo deformity (kyphosis/scoliosis)
Normal alignment


This category is meant to describe spinal alignment between motion segments that are affected by tumor. Scoring of de novo deformity such as
kyphosis and/or scoliosis requires knowledge of prior imaging or may be
assessed with upright compared with supine radiographs.

and throughout the entire cumulative score. Patients

with subluxation or translation received a score of 4.
Patients with normal alignment receive a score of 0 for
this component (Table 5).
Vertebral Body Collapse
Anterior and middle column involvement by tumor is
denoted by this component of the scoring system. Patients with no vertebral body involvement receive 0
points, those with greater than 50% vertebral body involvement with no collapse receive 1 point, those with
less than 50% collapse receive 2 points, and those with
greater than 50% collapse receive 3 points (Table 6).
Posterolateral Involvement of Spinal Elements
Patients with no tumor involvement of the posterior elements receive a score of 0, whereas those with unilateral
posterior involvement receive a score of 1 and those with
bilateral involvement of pedicles, facets, and/or costovertebral joints receives a score of 3 (Table 7).
The SINS is generated by tallying each score from the
6 individual components. The minimum score is 0 and
maximum is 18. Scores of 0 to 6 denote stability,
scores of 7 to 12 denote indeterminate (possibly impending) instability, and scores of 13 to 18 denote instability. Patients with SINS scores of 7 to 18 warrant
surgical consultation.
The following cases illustrate application of the SINS.
Case 1. A 53-year-old woman with an 11-year history
of breast cancer that has been well controlled with systemic regimens of chemotherapy had been independent
and functioning without the need for narcotic medication. She sustained a pathologic T11 compression fracture 1.5 years ago that has been symptom free and resulted in vertebra plana and a functional thoracic
deformity. She presented with new-onset severe thoracic
back pain for 2 weeks and was found to have a new

Table 6. SINS Component Score for Vertebral Body

Vertebral Body Collapse
!50% collapse
"50% collapse
No collapse with !50% body involved
None of the above


Presence and extent of vertebral body height collapse are used to assign a
contribution of the score to the anterior and middle columns.

Neoplastic Spine Instability Classification Fisher et al E1225

Table 7. SINS Component Score for

Posterior Involvement
Posterolateral Involvement of Spinal Elements (Facet, Pedicle,
or CV Joint Fracture or Replacement With Tumor)
None of the above


The posterolateral elements of the spine component to the score allows

contribution from the posterior elements including pedicles, facets, and CV
joints. Bilateral involvement is scored as greater than double the contribution
of unilateral involvement because of the destabilizing nature of its effects.

pathologic fracture of T10 (Figure 1). She had mechanical back pain that was relieved by lying down. She
was neurologically intact on examination. Supine to
upright radiographs demonstrated an increase in kyphosis of 20.
SINS scoring for this patient was scored as follows:
spine locationsemirigid spine (T10) $ 1; mechanical
painpresence of mechanical pain $ 3; bone lesion
qualitylytic $ 2; radiographic spinal alignment
kyphosis $ 2; vertebral body collapse!50% $ 3; posterolateral involvement of spinal elements bilateral $
3. The final tally of component scores yielded 14 out of a
possible 18. This condition is deemed as indeterminate
instability but falls within the range of lesions that warrant surgical consultation for the oncologist and should
be considered a possible surgical candidate depending on
prognosis and other patient factors.
Case 2. A 65-year-old man with a 70-pack/yr history of
smoking presents with severe upper cervical neck pain
that was exacerbated by head rotation and relieved
slightly by supine posture. He had greater occipital

Figure 1. A, Thoracic and lumbar

sagittal computed tomography
(CT) scan of the spine showing
diffuse metastatic involvement.
Supine alignment demonstrates
approximately 25 of kyphosis at
the fracture site. B, Exploded
view of T10 and T11. T10 is a new
pathologic fracture with lesion
of lytic quality. It has greater
than 50% collapse of vertebral
height. Solid arrow indicates T10,
dashed arrow indicates T11 (LOH
indicates loss of height). C, Axial
CT scan through the T10 vertebral level. Arrows indicate bilateral pedicle involvement and
costovertebral involvement.

Figure 2. A, Sagittal computed tomography (CT) scan demonstrating lytic lesion of the left C2 lateral mass with pathologic fracture
and C1C2 subluxation. B, Coronal CT scan demonstrates extent of
lytic lesion and subluxation of left C1C2 articulation through the
pathologic fracture.

parasthesiae but was otherwise neurologically intact.

Staging images demonstrated multiple right upper lobe
lung lesions consistent with lung cancer. Cervical spine
imaging is shown in Figure 2.
SINS scoring for this patient would proceed as
follows: spine locationjunctional $ 3; mechanical
painpresence of mechanical pain $ 3; bone lesion
qualitylytic $ 2; radiographic spinal alignment
subluxation $ 4; vertebral body collapse!50% tumor
involvement $ 1; posterolateral involvement of spinal elements unilateral $ 1. The final tally of component scores
yields 14 out of a possible 18. This score indicates that the
patient is in an unstable situation.
Case 3. A 69-year-old man with a recent diagnosis of
renal cell carcinoma presented with occasional back pain

E1226 Spine Volume 35 Number 22 2010

Figure 3. A, Axial CT scan demonstrating lytic lesion of T10 involving severe destruction of the
right pedicle. B, Multiple sequential sagittal magnetic resonance
images of the metastatic renal
cell lesion in T10.

and right T10 radicular pain. His pain occurred at night

while supine or during the day but did not particularly
change with posture. His radiographic studies are shown
in Figure 3.
SINS scoring for this patient would proceed as follows: spine locationsemirigid spine (T10) $ 1; mechanical painlack of mechanical pain, but presence of
occasional nonspecific back pain $ 1; bone lesion qualitylytic $ 2; radiographic spinal alignmentnormal $
0; vertebral body collapse/involvement greater than
50% involvement, no collapse $ 1; posterolateral involvement of spinal elements unilateral $ 1. The final
tally of component scores yields 6 out of a possible 18,
suggesting a stable lesion. However, it is important to
note that, as with all metastatic spine tumor cases, surgical decision-making is not based on spinal stability
alone. It has been shown that patients with solitary spinal metastasis from renal cell carcinoma who undergo
surgery have a survival benefit.11 In practice, this patient
was worked up in anticipation for surgery but surgical
intervention was not pursued because of a shared blood
supply of the tumor with the artery of Adamkiweicz.
The current paper describes the development of a Spine
Instability Neoplastic Score, which seeks to provide objective criteria to evaluate the relative stability of metastatic spinal lesions. We must emphasize that stability is
only one of many components used to determine management of the patient with a metastatic spine lesion and
is perhaps the most difficult component to judge, especially for the nonspine surgeon.
White et al12 defined spinal stability as the ability of
the spine to maintain its degree of motion while simultaneously preventing pain, neurologic deficit, and abnormal angulation. Spinal instability created by neoplastic
process appears to be different from that associated with

traumatic injuries. It is an ill-defined clinical entity based

on symptoms, signs, and imaging. The SOSG defines
spine instability as loss of spinal integrity as a result of a
neoplastic process that is associated with movementrelated pain, symptomatic or progressive deformity,
and/or neural compromise under physiologic loads. Impending spinal instability is also an important factor that
affects the clinical decision-making process in oncologic
spinal disease. There has yet to be a consensus on comprehensive definitions of either set of terms, but the importance of this task is clear.
Neoplastic lesions rarely follow the anatomic patterns
typical of traumatic ones and involve different biologic
healing potential and patient factors. The role for surgery in the setting of neurologic deficit and spinal cord
compression with metastatic disease is well established.2,3 However, in patients with metastatic spinal disease without neurologic deficit, it is important for oncologists (medical and radiation oncologists),
radiologists, and spine surgeons to recognize which situations are unstable or may lead to spinal instability and
neurologic injury. This will allow proper stabilization of
patients with severe mechanical pain and will hopefully
prevent painful collapse, neurologic consequences, and
inappropriate treatment planning for patients with impending instability.
The key components of a spine oncology stability classification system include the ability to guide clinical decision-making, content validity, reproducibility, reliability, and acceptance among practitioners. Above all, a
clinically applicable spine oncology stability classification system should be easy to use, should facilitate communication by providing a universal language among
practitioners (i.e., spine surgeons and oncologists), and
should address comprehensive components of the problem (spine stability in the setting of neoplastic disease) to
guide treatment. To this point, no single classification

Neoplastic Spine Instability Classification Fisher et al E1227

system has been validated and proven to comprehensively address all or even most of the important factors
involved in metastatic spine instability.
Previous studies in the spinal oncology literature have
used instability criteria adopted from trauma situations
or have failed to define the term instability entirely. In
studies that do assign a predetermined definition of instability, the criteria are often derived from biomechanical studies13 or adapted from theoretical considerations
without having been subject to rigorous methodologic
process or validation.14,15 Other authors have used clinical and symptom-related criteria to define instability in
their series of surgical treatment for metastatic spine disease.16 19 The NOMS (neurologic, oncologic, mechanical instability, systemic disease) criteria for decision-making have been used to guide clinicians in
choosing between radiation and surgical treatment for
metastatic spine tumors.16 20 The mechanical instability component of the criteria relies solely on the assessment of a patients movement-related pain. Different
types of motions and postures are characteristic of mechanical pain (and thus, as defined by NOMS, instability).16 20 This classification system has not been validated and fails to consider other key components of
instability such as radiographic parameters. In 2 recent
systematic reviews of instability in the setting of neoplastic disease of the cervical and thoracolumbar spine, it
was shown that there is a lack of level I evidence and
scarce level II evidence to clearly define the issue.5,6 Nevertheless, several clinical and radiographic parameters
were identified that likely relate to spinal instability with
neoplastic disease.
Mechanical (activity-related) pain is a consistent feature of oncologic instability.16 20 Axial spinal pain,
which is a mechanical pain exacerbated by movement
and relieved by recumbence, has been considered to be
associated with a structural abnormality in the spinal
column.16 22 Some authors report that a majority of patients presenting with spine metastases have mechanical
neck or back pain.20,23 Other types of pain, such as that
associated with periosteal stretching or nerve root/spinal
cord compression, are not indicative of instability, although they may coexist with instability. These types of
pain are clinically distinguishable by their distribution,
severity, and quality and are influenced by factors that
increase venous pressure (such as recumbency) or decrease edema (such as steroids). As described earlier, mechanical back or neck pain has been used as a component
of the NOMS classification system to aid in guiding
treatment for metastatic spinal disease.16 20 However,
pain is not the only feature that may be important in
defining spinal instability in the setting of neoplastic
Tumor size24 and location also influence the stability
of the spine. Involvement of more than 50% of the vertebral body could represent instability, as tumor size and
cross-sectional area within the vertebral body have been
shown to predict risk of pathologic fracture.13,2528 The

vertebral body collapse element of the SINS allows the

user to apply a score to a spectrum of tumor involvement
for the vertebral body. Tumor involvement of greater
than 50% confers a higher risk of subsequent vertebral
collapse from pathologic fracture and receives a higher
score depending on whether the collapse is less than or
greater than 50%. Risk of burst fracture generally increases with tumor size; however, there is no clear
threshold identified in the literature,13,29,30 so this assignment may be arbitrary. It is, nonetheless, a component of the score that was well accepted by the expert
Junctional regions of the spine are subject to transitional forces that place them at increased risk for instability leading to deformity.24,31 Unique biomechanical
force differences as well as blood supply characteristics
may put these regions at increased risk for neurologic
deterioration,31 and, thus, tumors in these regions receive the highest relative score in the SINS global spine
location component. The vertebrae supported by the
rib cage (thoracic vertebrae) and the rigid segments of the
sacrum are considered to have an added element of biomechanical protection. These segments are thus assigned
the lowest score. The remainder of the mobile spine
receives an intermediate score, if involved.
Lytic lesions inherently carry a greater risk of collapse7 because of a relative lack of mineralization; thus,
they receive the highest score within the lesion quality
component of the SINS. Assessment of bone lesions is
best performed by CT scan. While plain radiographs
may also be helpful, the sensitivity of CT for assessing
bony characteristics is much greater.32 Magnetic resonance imaging alone is unable to define this characteristic as well as CT. General bone quality is also a very
important factor to consider in assessing fracture and
stability risk. There is strong biomechanical literature to
suggest that the cross-sectional area of a defect combined
with the bone mineral density is an excellent predictor of
vertebral body failure and pathologic fracture risk.3335
In those patients with metastatic lesions of the spine, low
bone density is associated with greater fracture risk.36,37
Lesions may behave differently based on the surrounding
bone quality of the entire spine and thus low bone mineral density should also be considered as strong risk factor for instability.
Radiographically, the presence of deformity or the
possibility of progressive deformity has been taken by
several authors to indicate instability.38 40 Deformity
may occur progressively and may include a cumulative
effect from multiple lesions (e.g., the kyphotic deformity
that often occurs from several multiple myeloma compression fractures). These deformities often can settle
out and remain stable in a kyphotic or deformed posture without any further consequences because of compensation from normal spinal elements and hip and pelvic mobility. It should be noted that although static
deformity may not cause direct neural compromise, it
may impair individual patient function by the produc-

E1228 Spine Volume 35 Number 22 2010

Table 8. Summary Table Including All Elements of

the SINS
Element of SINS
Junctional (occiput-C2, C7T2, T11L1, L5S1)
Mobile spine (C3C6, L2L4)
Semi-rigid (T3T10)
Rigid (S2S5)
Pain relief with recumbency and/or pain with
movement/loading of the spine
No (occasional pain but not mechanical)
Pain free lesion
Bone lesion
Mixed (lytic/blastic)
Radiographic spinal alignment
Subluxation/translation present
De novo deformity (kyphosis/scoliosis)
Normal alignment
Vertebral body collapse
!50% collapse
"50% collapse
No collapse with !50% body involved
None of the above
Posterolateral involvement of the spinal elements
(facet, pedicle or CV joint fracture
or replacement with tumor)
None of the above



tion of positive sagittal imbalance, compensatory lumbar

hyperextension resulting in foraminal stenosis, and secondary respiratory insufficiency due to volumetric decrease of the thoracic and abdominal cavities. At the
most severe level of the spectrum, subluxation, or dislocation is classified as overt translational instability
and receives the highest component score within the entire SINS.
The literature supports the consideration of the posterolateral vertebral structures including the pedicles,
facet joints, and costovertebral joints as a separate entity
and factor in the stability of neoplastic spinal lesions.25,41,42 SINS assigns a specific component score to
the posterolateral elements of the spine. Greater than
double the relative weight of scoring is assigned to bilateral over unilateral posterolateral complex involvement.
The comprehensive scoring system is presented in Table 8. Note that a minimum score of 2 and a maximum
score of 18 can be assigned to each patient. It is also
important to note that in the case of multiple spine lesions, stability scores are not summed. Each lesion or
general region of neoplastic pathology should be considered in the work-up of spinal neoplastic disease, but it is
suggested that scores be assigned separately. The SINS
system does not account for a global spinal score and
does not predict the nature of interaction within the
spine that is affected by multiple neoplastic lesions.
Many studies focus on specific regions of the spine
(e.g., cervical vs. thoracolumbar) and thus these results

are not necessarily generalizable to all regions of the

spine. Application of the literature to develop the scoring
system has been challenging in that one of the goals has
been to develop a system that provides application to
lesions throughout the entire spinal column. Expert
opinion and consensus generation has been invaluable in
reviewing and refining the most important factors that
can be used to unify the language of instability for
neoplastic spinal disease. As a result, 6 subcategories
were addressed and scored. The summed scores generate
a relative stability score that can be used to guide treatment and to alert the oncologist or other physicians as to
when they ought to consider surgical consultation and
when the spine surgeon ought to consider surgical treatment. It must be emphasized that the SINS is meant to be
only 1 component of the evaluation process when considering spine surgical referral or planning. If a patient
has neurologic deficit or high-grade spinal cord compression without deficit, surgery is certainly indicated regardless of the SINS score.
It should be noted that modifying factors that likely
contribute to spinal instability that are not accounted for
by this scoring system must still be considered. Multilevel (contiguous) spinal disease may be an important
factor but has been difficult to quantify and is not fully
understood. The role of noncontiguous lesions is also not
fully established. Previous laminectomies or other surgical procedures and previous radiation therapy (including
radiosurgery) may also influence the fracture risk. Similarly, the extent of diffuse bony involvement of metastatic disease and likely poor bone quality as in the patient illustrated by case 1 should play into clinical
decision-making. Patient body weight and activity level
may also influence spinal loading and impending instability. Prior surgery, especially involving laminectomy,
should also be noted and considered in the assessment
of spinal stability in this setting. All of the additional
factors should be considered qualifiers and dictate special consideration when assessing global spinal stability
in the setting of neoplastic disease.
The SOSG derived a comprehensive classification system
to aid in defining neoplastic spinal instability that includes the following factors: global spinal location of
tumor, pain, bone lesion quality, spinal alignment, vertebral body collapse, and posterior involvement. After
further validation and reliability testing, the SINS should
be useful to both spine surgeons and other clinicians for
the purposes of guiding patient care and future research.
Future study and flexibility in the system will probably
also be important when it comes to guiding treatment.
As interventions become less invasive, the timing and
threshold for intervention may also change. Most importantly, we must emphasize that in making surgical
treatment decisions, stability is only 1 component of
the process. Patient general health, tumor histology,

Neoplastic Spine Instability Classification Fisher et al E1229

prognosis, neurology, and patient choice must also be

Key Points
Spinal instability is a key component in the treatment decision-making for spinal oncology patients. Other key components are: patient general health, tumor histology, prognosis,
neurology, and patient choice.
The Spine Instability Neoplastic Score (SINS)
uses a comprehensive set of factors including:
global spinal location of tumor, pain, bone lesion
quality, spinal alignment, vertebral body collapse and posterior involvement, to aid in assessment of instability.
SINS will aid radiation and medical oncologists
as well as primary care physicians with respect to
timing of referral to spine surgeons for evaluation.
SINS will aid spine surgeons and oncologists in
developing treatment algorithms for patients
with primary and metastatic spine tumors.

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