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Minotaurs are bipedal, bull-like humanoids. Their legends hold that they originate
from the isle of Min, in the Golden Sea. Their religion honors a pantheon of
unnamed gods known as the Nameless who are said to live beyond the stars. To
honor these gods, many years into their past, they constructed stone walls that
formed out patterns only visible from the sky speaking praises to the Nameless.
Today, though the religion is no longer a major part of Minotaur society, they
continue to build their cities into a similar maze-like pattern of walls, as they
realized the defensive qualities of such structures. As a result, many non-minotaurs
struggle to find their way around in a Minotaur city, and very rarely have their cities
fallen in battle. In the modern Taurus Kingdom, most major cities have a Minotaur
city as the center structure, with Centaur longhouses built around the outside. The
Minotaur society now focuses less on religion and more on science and philosophy,
and they have made great strides in
intellectual studies, especially in the
fields of mathematics and philosophy,
though due to their lack of a desire to
explore, they have not made much
progress in maritime exploits.
Ability Score Increase: +1 Strength, +2
Age: Typically live to around 3000 years.
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 Feet
Vision: Darkvision
Perceptive: May add your proficiency bonus twice to Perception checks.
Labyrinthine Recall: Always have perfect memory in regards to paths they have
Minotaur Weapon Proficiency: Proficient in the greataxe, greatclub, and maul.
Tough Hide: Minotaurs cannot function well in armor. When wearing armor, they
have disadvantage on absolutely every d20 roll. However, when unarmored, they
may add double their constitution modifier rather than their dexterity to their base
AC. They may still wield shields if they have proficiency. Monks and Barbarians may
use their Unarmored Defense value for their AC if it is higher than their Tough Hide
Languages: Common and Taurus

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