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Opportunity Strike:
Shatter Shields:
Circular Sweep:
Trip Attack:
Mighty Thrust:
Brutal Strike:
Mighty Thrust:
Highly Trained:
Shatter Shields:
Risky Opening:
Parrying Dagger:
Flurry of Blows:
Shield Bash:
Shield Throw:
Sneak Attack:
Mighty Thrust:

Roll to hit at disadvantage. If you hit, you also deal your attack modifier in damag
You may attack twice with any opportunity attack.

When fighting an opponent who has a shield, you may choose to target his shield
Roll to hit as normal. If you hit, you only deal your attack modifier in damage, bu

You may give up all of your attacks to make a single attack that affects all creatu
Roll to hit. The target of the attack must make a Dexterity Save with a DC equal
Roll to hit at disadvantage. If you hit, you add your attack modifier twice, rather t

Roll to hit at disadvantage. If you hit, you also deal your attack modifier in damag
When you make an attack roll, you may subtract any number up to your strength

Roll to hit at disadvantage. If you hit, you add your attack modifier twice, rather t
Roll to hit at disadvantage. If you hit, you also deal your attack modifier in damag

Roll to hit at -10. If you hit, the attack is a critical hit, and you have impaled your
When fighting a mounted opponent, if you hit them with a lance attack you can c

You may use your reaction to add 2 to your AC for a single attack that would hav
You may expend your bonus action to grant yourself advantage on one Longswor

When fighting an opponent who has a shield, you may choose to target his shield
You may give up all of your attacks to make a single massive blow. Roll to hit at d

You may give up all of your attacks to make a single massive blow to the head. R
Roll to hit as normal. If you hit, you only deal your attack modifier in damage, bu

You may wield a shield while wielding a pike in one hand and get the full benefits
Roll to hit at -10. If you hit, the attack is a critical hit, and you have impaled your

You ignore the AC bonus provided by shields carried by targets of your rapier atta
You may give up two attacks to make a single powerful strike. If you hit, the attac
You may wield a second weapon to gain the benefits of two-weapon fighting desp

When you make an attack with this weapon, you may make two attacks rather th
You may give up all of your attacks to make a single attack that affects all creatu

You may use a bonus action to make an attack with a shield you are holding. You
You may use a bonus action to make a ranged (thrown) attack with a shield you a
Shields grant you +3 AC, rather than +2.

When an ally is within 5 feet of your target, or when you have advantage to attac
Roll to hit at disadvantage. If you hit, you add your attack modifier twice, rather t

Roll to hit at -10. If you hit, the attack is a critical hit, and you have impaled your

Trident Master:
War Pick
Blinding Strike

Tridents become Versatile: d8/d10 for you, rather than d6/d8.

You ignore the AC bonus provided by shields carried by targets of your War Pick a
Roll to hit at -10. If you hit, the attack causes the target to lose an eye. If they los

Roll to hit. The target of the attack must make a Dexterity Save with a DC equal
You may give up all of your attacks to roll to hit at disadvantage. You deal no dam

attack modifier in damage to a creature of your choice adjacent to the target.

choose to target his shield. Roll attack and damage as normal. If you deal more than 10 damage, you instead de
k modifier in damage, but the target will take the same damage at the beginning of each of its turns until it or a

ack that affects all creatures within 5 feet. You may also choose to affect all creatures within 10 feet, but if you d
ity Save with a DC equal to your attack roll or fall prone. On a hit, you deal only your attack modifier in damage
ck modifier twice, rather than once. This attack deals piercing damage.

attack modifier in damage to a creature of your choice adjacent to the target.

umber up to your strength modifier from your attack roll to add that amount to the damage roll of that attack.

ck modifier twice, rather than once. This attack deals piercing damage.
attack modifier in damage to a creature of your choice adjacent to the target.

d you have impaled your target. They count as grappled by your lance, and can escape with a DC of 10+your S
h a lance attack you can choose to do no damage and instead knock them from their mount. They land prone.

gle attack that would have hit you.

vantage on one Longsword attack each turn.

choose to target his shield. Roll attack and damage as normal. If you deal more than 10 damage, you instead de
ssive blow. Roll to hit at disadvantage. If you hit, you deal a critical hit, and the has disadvantage on all attack a

ssive blow to the head. Roll to hit at -10. If you hit, you deal a critical hit, and the target is Stunned until the beg
k modifier in damage, but the target will take the same damage at the beginning of each of its turns until it or a

d and get the full benefits of both.

d you have impaled your target. They count as grappled by your lance, and can escape with a DC of 10+your S

targets of your rapier attacks.

strike. If you hit, the attack is a critical hit, and the target will take d4 damage at the beginning of each of its tu
two-weapon fighting despite the rapier being too heavy so long as you have a light weapon in your off hand.

make two attacks rather than one, so long as you take disadvantage on the attack roll.
ack that affects all creatures within 5 feet.

hield you are holding. You are proficient in this attack, which deals d4 damage.
attack with a shield you are holding. You are proficient in this attack, which deals d4 damage.

u have advantage to attack, you deal an additional d6 damage.

ck modifier twice, rather than once.

d you have impaled your target. They count as grappled by your lance, and can escape with a DC of 10+your S

targets of your War Pick attacks.

to lose an eye. If they lose one eye, they have disadvantage on ranged attacks and perception checks. If they l

ity Save with a DC equal to your attack roll or fall prone. On a hit, you deal only your attack modifier in damage
vantage. You deal no damage. The target must make a Strength or Dexterity save with a DC of your attack roll o

damage, you instead deal no damage, but his shield is shattered.

ch of its turns until it or another creature makes a successful DC 12 Medicine Check to stop the bleeding. Ongoin

within 10 feet, but if you do so you will have disadvantage on the attack roll. Roll to hit/damage only a single tim
tack modifier in damage.

age roll of that attack.

e with a DC of 10+your Strength Modifier (representing how far you've impaled them.)
ount. They land prone.

damage, you instead deal no damage, but his shield is shattered.

advantage on all attack and damage rolls until the end of your next turn, while attacks against the target have a

t is Stunned until the beginning of your next turn.

ch of its turns until it or another creature makes a successful DC 12 Medicine Check to stop the bleeding. Ongoin

e with a DC of 10+your Strength Modifier (representing how far you've impaled them.)

eginning of each of its turns until it or another creatures succeeds on a DC 12 Medicine check to stop the bleedin
apon in your off hand.

e with a DC of 10+your Strength Modifier (representing how far you've impaled them.)

rception checks. If they lose a second, they are blinded.

tack modifier in damage.

a DC of your attack roll or lose one Light weapon they are armed with, which ends up in your hand.

stop the bleeding. Ongoing damage does not stack.

damage only a single time.

against the target have advantage.

stop the bleeding. Ongoing damage does not stack.

check to stop the bleeding. Ongoing damage does not stack.

n your hand.

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