Dialium Indum

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Dialium cochichinense Pierre

Schmidt, Lars Holger; Nguyen, Viet Anh
Published in:
Seed Leaflet

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Citation for published version (APA):

Schmidt, L., & Nguyen, V. A. (2005). Dialium cochichinense Pierre. Seed Leaflet, 91, 1-2.

Download date: 25. maj. 2015

No. 91 January 2005


Dialium cochinchinense Pierre

Taxonomy and nomenclature

Family: Fabaceae, subfam. Caesalpinioideae

Synonyms: No acknowledged synonyms. The species is often misspelled cochinchinensis.
Vernacular/common names: keranji (Malay trade
name for all Dialium wood); xoay, la met (Vietnam),
velvet tamarind (Eng.); kheng (Laos).
The genus consists of about 30 species of which
most species occur in Africa. Only 7 species grow in
SE Asia - Pacific. Within the subfamily the genus is
close to e.g. Koompassia.

Seed: smooth, flat and irregularly rounded, about 1214 mm long, 7-9 mm wide and 3-4 mm thick. Light
brown to straw coloured, usually with conspicuous
lighter stripes. According to one literature source the
1000 seed weight is 180 g. In Vietnam 2800-3000
seeds per kg was measured, equivalent to about 350g/
1000. Moisture content at maturity 17-18%.

Distribution and habitat

Native to Southern Myanmar, Thailand, Peninsular

Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, south of
20N. It occurs as a piooneer tree in dense evergreen
forest, and grows also in open dipterocarp forest up to
1200 m.a.s.l. It prefers well-drained soil like alluvial
soil e.g. along river or stream banks.


Cleaned, washed seed. Photo Lars Schmidt

The wood is used as timber for construction (doors,

windows), boat-building and daily utensils. The veins
are dense and fine and easy to polish. The wood is traded
internationally as Keranji. The inside of the fruits is edible and sweet like tamarind but not as tasteful.The pods
are sold at local markets in e.g. Vietnam.

Flowering and fruiting habit

Botanical description

Fruits are mature when they have taken a blackish

colour and the fruit flesh is sweet. Fruits are harvested
by shaking or breaking fruit bearing branchlets with
long handled tools e.g. in connection with climbing
or from the ground.

Deciduous tree, up to 25-35 m heigh and 80-100 cm

diameter. Trunk often straight with small buttresses.
Bark grey to whitish, exuding a little transparent
resin which turns red upon exposure. Leaves alternate, imparipinnately compound with 5-9 ovoid leaflets, 4-7 cm long, 1.5-3.5 cm wide, coreaceous, glabrous, base rounded, apex acuminate. Inflorescence
paniculate, 20-30 cm long, pubescent with many flowers. Flowers small, with short flower tube.

Fruit and seed description

Fruit: indehiscent pod, ovoid, slightly laterally compressed, 1.8-2 cm long and 1.3-1.5 cm wide, hard,
brittle tomentose. Each pod contains 1-2 seeds imbedded in a yellowish, sticky, sweet and edible substance.
There are 220-240 fruits per litre and 830-850 fruits
per kg.

Flowers hermaphroditic. Pollination by insects. Flowering season in Central Vietnam is March April.
Fruiting in the same area around August to late September.


Processing and handling

Extraction of seed and removal of the fleshy and

sticky pulp is rather tedious. The most effective way
is to break open the pod by hand, take out the seed
with pulp and clean them while sucking and eating
the pulp, then spitting out the seed. For large quantities, pods can be opened by grinding them in water
and then rinsing them under high water pressure on a
wire mesh screen, or by rubbing them on a wire mesh.
Pulp and fruit parts are easy to separate from seed by
floatation (seed sinks and fruit parts float). The seeds
must be dried to < 10% moisture content for storage.

Forest & Landscape Denmark

Storage and viability

Orthodox. There are no documented records available on long term storability, but since the seed can
easily be dried down to low moisture content, they
are probably storable for long time, in particular at
low temperature and humidity.

Dormancy and pretreatment

Like most other legumes the seeds have hard seed

coat, which must be scarified before the seeds will
imbibe and germinate. Any method (manual nicking, filing or burning, hot water or sulphuric acid)
used for pretreatment of hard seed can be applied.
There are presumably inhibitors in the fruit flesh, but
these will naturally be removed by processing and
cleaning. However, attempts to sow the whole fruit
in order to avoid the tedious pre-treatment will most
likely give very low germination.

Phytosanitary problems

Seeds which are not thoroughly clean will collect

both insects (ants) and fungi on the surface. Seedlings are sensitive to damping off fungi when grown
at close spacing with insufficient ventilation.

Selected readings

FIPI 1996. Vietnam Forest Trees. Forest Inventory and

Planning Institute. Agric. Publ. House, Hanoi. Page 421
Soerianegara, I. and R.H.M.J. Lemmens. (EDs.). 1994.
Plant Resources of South-East Asia 5 (1): Timber trees.
Major commercial timbers. Pages 161-166.

Sowing and germination

Germination is quick; at optimal conditions and after

proper pretreatment, radicle protrusion takes place
1-2 days after sowing, and seedlings with unfolded
cotyledons and two persistent leaves have developed
after 10-14 days. Germination is epigeal. When testing seeds are sown in sand. In the nursery, the seeds
are usually sown directly in polythene tubes



Authors: Lars Schmidt, Forest & Landscape Denmark

Nguyen Viet Anh, Central Forest Seed Company/
Vietnam Tree Seed Project

Forest & Landscape Denmark

Hrsholm Kongevej 11
DK-2970 Hrsholm

Phone: +45-35281503
Fax: +45-35281517
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.SL.kvl.dk

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