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(Incorporated in Singapore)
(Registration No. 198301375M)


We refer to our update announcement dated 21 October 2011 on the legal proceedings in Indonesia
concerning our subsidiary, APAC Coal Limited (APAC).
We wish to announce that APAC has included an update on the aforementioned litigation in its
quarterly announcement dated 25 July 2013. The update has been extracted and reproduced below:
APAC had been advised by our former Indonesian litigation lawyer that the formal outcome of the
Judicial Review had been received from The Indonesian Supreme Court. The Judicial Review
verdict mentioned that the Administrative Court does not have any competency to examine the title
of ownership of the shares of PT Batubara Selaras Sapta ("PT BSS") and that only the District Civil
Court has such a competence.
PT Deefu Chemical Indonesia (PTDCI), the immediate shareholder of PT BSS has received the
judgement of the South Jakarta civil suit (registration number 223/Pdt.G/2012/PN.Jkt.Sel*). The
judgement mainly said that our petition was unacceptable due to "lack of the parties", this means
that the plaintiffs have to include all relevant parties either as defendants or co-defendants. The
existing claim of PTDCI brought against 4 parties as defendants i.e. (Hafrizal, Revli Orelius
Mandagie, The Chen Siang and Muchlis Karnanin) and 2 co-defendants, the Ministry of Law and
Human Rights (MOLHR) and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) are not
In another recent civil court judgement concerning PT BSS in Central Jakarta, this Central Jakarta
court had said that the rightful owners of PT BSS are Aan Rustiawan, Revli Orelius Mandagie, Japto
S. Soemarso and Herman Afif Sudiro. In addition, since the purchase of shares in PT BSS by
PTDCI involving previous parties i.e. Roosnawati/Heru Setiabudi and also the shares have been
transferred as well to Iyul Sulinah/Lisa Megawati (the parties named under the First MOLHR
Measure), at least they should also be included as co-defendants.
APAC has been advised by our lawyer, Purnomo Sumitro, S.H. and our Indonesian counsel, who
served the Letter of Intent on the Indonesian authorities under the Business Investment Treaty and
Protection, that PTDCI will consider to file a fresh civil suit with the inclusion of ALL defendants and
co-defendants pending the resolution of Investment Dispute Through Consultations and
Negotiations with the Indonesian authorities within the next 6 months.
*561/Pdt.G/2011/PN.Jkt.Sel has been replaced by 223/Pdt.G/2012/PN.Jkt.Sel due to a change of lawyer
following the appointment of Amir Syamsuddin as the Indonesian Law Minister. The change was necessary due
to the conflict of interests as the co-defendants are MOLHR and MEMR.

The Board will continue to keep our shareholders updated on any material developments in
connection to this legal case.
By Order of the Board
Luke Ho Khee Yong
Company Secretary
25 July 2013

This announcement was prepared by the Company and its contents have been reviewed by the Companys Continuing
Sponsor, Stamford Corporate Services Pte Ltd (Sponsor), for compliance with the relevant rules of the Singapore
Exchange Securities Trading Limited (the SGX-ST). The Sponsor has not independently verified the contents of this
This announcement has not been examined or approved by the SGX-ST and the SGX-ST assumes no responsibility for the
contents of this announcement, including the correctness of any of the statements or opinions made or reports contained
in this announcement.
The contact person for the Sponsor is Mr Bernard Lui whose details are set out below:
Tel: 6389 3000 Email: [email protected]

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