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Analytic Rubrics

An analytic rubric resembles a grid with the criteria for a student product listed in the leftmost
column and with levels of performance listed across the top row often using numbers and/or
descriptive tags. The cells within the center of the rubric may be left blank or may contain
descriptions of what the specified criteria look like for each level of performance. When scoring
with an analytic rubric each of the criteria is scored individually.

Example Analytic Rubric: Articulating thoughts through written

communication final paper/project.
Needs Improvement (1)
Clarity (Thesis The purpose of the
supported by student work is not
Central ideas are
not focused to
and ideas.)
support the thesis.
Thoughts appear

Above Average
The central
The central
The central
purpose of the
purpose of the
purpose of the
student work is
student work is
student work is
identified. Ideas
clear and ideas are clear and
are generally
almost always
supporting ideas
focused in a way focused in a way always are always
that supports the
that supports the
thesis. Relevant
Details are
details illustrate the relevant, enrich the
authors ideas.
Information and
Information and
Information and
Organization Information and
ideas are presented ideas are presented ideas are presented
(Sequencing of ideas are poorly
in an order that the in a logical
in a logical
elements/ideas) sequenced (the
author jumps
audience can
sequence which is sequence which
around). The
follow with
followed by the
flows naturally and
audience has
reader with little or is engaging to the
difficulty following difficulty.
no difficulty.
the thread of
There are five or There are no more There are no more There are no more
than three
than two
(Correctness more misspellings than four
and/or systematic misspellings and/or misspellings and/or misspelled words
of grammar
grammatical errors or grammatical
and spelling) grammatical errors systematic
per page or 8 or
grammatical errors per page and no
errors in the
more in the entire per page or six or more than five in document.
document. The
more in the entire the entire
readability of the document. Errors document. The
work is seriously distract from the
readability of the
hampered by
work is minimally
interrupted by
Developing (2)

Sufficient (3)

Advantages of Analytic Rubrics

Provide useful feedback on areas of strength and weakness.

Criterion can be weighted to reflect the relative importance of each dimension.

Disadvantages of Analytic Rubrics

Takes more time to create and use than a holistic rubric.

Unless each point for each criterion is well-defined raters may not arrive at the same
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Developmental Rubrics
Developmental rubrics are a subset of analytic trait rubrics.
The main distinction between developmental rubrics and other analytic trait rubrics is that the
purpose of developmental rubrics is not to evaluate an end product or performance. Instead,
developmental rubrics are designed to answer the question, to what extent are students who
engage in our programs/services developing this skill/ability/value/etc.?
Generally, this type of rubric would be based on a theory of development.

Example Developmental Rubric: Intercultural Maturity

Initial Level of
Development (1)
Assumes knowledge is
certain and categorizes
knowledge claims as right
or wrong; is naive about
different cultural practices
and values; resists
challenges to ones own
beliefs and views differing
cultural perspectives as
Lack of awareness of
ones own values and
intersection of social
Intrapersonal (racial, class, ethnicity,
sexual orientation)
identity; lack of
understanding of other

Intermediate Level of
Development (2)

Mature Level of
Development (3)

Evolving awareness and

acceptance of uncertainty
and multiple perspectives;
ability to shift from
accepting authoritys
knowledge claims to
personal processes for
adopting knowledge

Ability to consciously
shift perspectives and
behaviors into an
alternative cultural
worldview and to use
multiple cultural frames

Evolving sense of identity

as distinct from external
others perceptions;
tension between external
and internal definitions
prompts self-exploration
of values, racial identity,

Capacity to create an
internal self that openly
engages challenges to
ones views and beliefs
and that considers social
identities (race, class,
gender, etc.) in a global

cultures; externally
defined identity yields
externally defined beliefs
that regulate interpretation
of experiences and guide
choices; difference is
viewed as a threat to
Dependent relations with
similar others is a primary
source of identity and
social affirmation;
perspectives of different
others are viewed as
wrong; awareness of how
social systems affect
group norms and
intergroup differences is
lacking; view social
problems egocentrically,
no recognition of society
as an organized entity

beliefs; immersion in own and national context;

culture; recognizes
integrates aspects of self
legitimacy of other
into ones identity

Willingness to interact
Capacity to engage in
with diverse others and
refrain from judgment;
relies on independent
relationships with diverse
relations in which multiple others that are grounded in
perspectives exist (but are an understanding and
not coordinated); self is
appreciation for human
often overshadowed by
differences; understanding
need for others approval. of ways individual and
Begins to explore how
community practices
social systems affect
affect social systems;
group norms and
willing to work for the
intergroup relations
rights of other

King, P.M. & Baxter Magolda, M.B. (2005). A developmental model of intercultural maturity,
Journal of College Student Development, 46(2), 571-592.

Advantages of Developmental Rubrics

Useful when the goal of evaluation is to determine level of development rather than the
quality of a final product.
o Especially when there is no expectation that students should or could fully
develop a skill or ability during the course of their education or potentially ever
(such as in Maslows Hierarchy of Needs, there is no expectation people can or
will become self-actualized).
Rubric can be based on relevant developmental theory.

Disadvantages of Developmental Rubrics

Conceptually, this type of rubric is more difficult to design.

Developing a developmental rubric requires a close tie between assessment criteria and
the theory of development.
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Holistic Rubrics

A holistic rubric consists of a single scale with all criteria to be included in the evaluation being
considered together (e.g., clarity, organization, and mechanics). With a holistic rubric the rater
assigns a single score (usually on a 1 to 4 or 1 to 6 point scale) based on an overall judgment of
the student work. The rater matches an entire piece of student work to a single description on the

Example Holistic Rubric: Articulating thoughts through written

communication final paper/project.
4. Above Average: The audience is able to easily identify the focus of the work and is
engaged by its clear focus and relevant details. Information is presented logically and
naturally. There are no more than two mechanical errors or misspelled words to distract
the reader.
3. Sufficient: The audience is easily able to identify the focus of the student work which is
supported by relevant ideas and supporting details. Information is presented in a logical
manner that is easily followed. There is minimal interruption to the work due to
misspellings and/or mechanical errors.
2. Developing: The audience can identify the central purpose of the student work without
little difficulty and supporting ideas are present and clear. The information is presented in
an orderly fashion that can be followed with little difficulty. There are some misspellings
and/or mechanical errors, but they do not seriously distract from the work.
1. Needs Improvement: The audience cannot clearly or easily identify the central ideas or
purpose of the student work. Information is presented in a disorganized fashion causing
the audience to have difficulty following the author's ideas. There are many misspellings
and/or mechanical errors that negatively affect the audience's ability to read the work.

Advantages of Holistic Rubrics

Emphasis on what the learner is able to demonstrate, rather than what s/he cannot do.
Saves time by minimizing the number of decisions raters make.
Can be applied consistently by trained raters increasing reliability.

Disadvantages of Holistic Rubrics

Does not provide specific feedback for improvement.

When student work is at varying levels spanning the criteria points it can be difficult to
select the single best description.
Criteria cannot be weighted.
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