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A Public Document

Schwarzenegger Arnold Alois ( 916 ) 455-0873

(May use business address)

Office of the Governor, State Capitol Sacramento CA 95814

1. Office, Agency, or Court 4. Schedule Summary

Name of Office, Agency, or Court: ~ Total number of pages
including this cover page: 1,tq
Office of the Governor
Division, Board, District, if applicable: ~ Check applicable schedules or "No reportable
I have disclosed interests on one or more of the
Your Position: attached schedules:
Schedule A-1 I&l Yes - schedule attached
~ If filing for multiple positions, list additional agency(ies)/ Investments (Less than 10% Ownership)
position(s): (Attach a separate sheet if necessary.)
Schedule A-2 I&l Yes - schedule attached
Agency: ___________________________________ Investments (10% or greater Ownership)

Schedule B I&l Yes - schedule attached

Position: ______________________________ Real Property

Schedule C I&l Yes - schedule attached

Income, Loans, & Business Positions (Income Other than Gifts
2. Jurisdiction of Office (Check at least one box) and Travel Payments)

~ State
Schedule D ~ Yes - schedule attached
o County of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Income - Gifts
o City of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Schedule E I&l Yes - schedule attached
o Multi-County - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Income - Gifts - Travel Payments

o Other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ -or-
o No reportable interests on any scheclule
3. Type of Statement (Check IJt least one box)

o Assuming Officellnitial Date: ---1-----1_ _

5. Verification
~ Annual: The period covered is January 1, 2008,
through December 31, 2008. I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this
statement. I have reviewed this statement and to the best
-or- of my knowledge the information contained herein and in any
O The period covered is -----1---1_ _ , through attached schedules is true and complete.
December 31, 2008.
I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State
o Leaving Office Date Left: ~---1_ _ of California that the foregoing is true lind correct.
(Check one)
o The period covered is January 1, 2008, through the
date of leaving office.
o The period covered is -----1-----1_ _, through
the date of leaving office.

o Candidate Election Year:

FPPC Form 700 (2008/2009)
FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866JASK-FPPC
3/2120093:25 PM

SCHEDULE A-I - Form 700,01101108-12/31/08

Fair Market Disposed I
Name of Busines Entity General Description Value Nature of Investment . Acquired

Acacia Partners, LP. Invests in publicly traded stocks Over $1,000,000 Limited Partnership nla
Apollo Investment Fund IV, L.P. Private equity investments $100,001 - $1,000,000 Limited Partnership nla
Apollo Investment Fund V, L.P. Private equity investments Over $1,000,000 Limited Partnershi£ nla
Dawntreader Fund II., L.P. Venture capital investments $100,001 - $1,000,000 Limited Partnership nla
Dimensional Fund Advisors, Inc. Mutual fund management company Over $1,000,000 Stock nla
Goldman Sachs Capital Partners 2000, LP. Private equity investments Over $1,000,000 Limited Partnershi£ nla
Goldman Sachs Private Equity Partners III Private equity investments $100,001 - $1,000,000 Limited Partnership nla
Lansdowne European Equity Fund Invests in European equities Over $1,000,000 Open-end investment co. nla
Lansdowne U.K. Equity Fund Limited Invests in United. Kindom equities Over $1,000,000 Open-end investment co. nla
Morgan Stanley Ca£ital Partners IV., L.P. Private equity investments $100,001 - $1,000,000 Limited Partnership nla
Schroder Ventures Asia Pacific Fund Private equity investments in Asia $100,001 - $1,000,000 Limited Partnership nla
SEG Partners Invests in publicly traded stocks Over $1,000,000 Limited Partnership nla
Starbucks Corporation Coffee retailer $100,001 - $1,000,000 Stock nla
Terra Lycos Ventures, L.P. Venture ca£ital investments $10,001 - $100,000 Limited Partnership nla
Veridian Capital Partners 1\1 Venture ca£ital investments $10,001 - $100,000 Limited Partnership nla
Whitehall Street Real Estate Fund XIII, L.P. Invests in commercial real estate $100,001 - $1,000,000 Limited Partnership nla

Separate Property of Spouse

GS Core Plus Real Estate, L.P. Partnership Investing in income producing prop $100,001 - $1,000,000 Stock nla
Park Financial Holdin~ LLC Engaged in asset management $10,001 - $100,000 Stock nla
Shriver Family LLC Engaged in asset management $100,001 - $1,000,000 Stock 12/16/2008
General Electric Consumer and Industrial Products $2,UOO - $ i 0,000 ~tock Ria

Page I of 8 Pages
312/2009 325 PM

SCHEDULE A-2 - Form 700, 01101108-12/31108

Investments, Income and Assets of Business Entities/Trusts
I. Business Entity or Trust 2. 3. Investments and Investment in Real Property

Business li:ntity Bus I Fair Date Nature Gross Inc. Source(s) of Inv. I Name Fair Owner- Date
or Trust NlImr Addrr~s Trust General Description Mkt. Value Disp.fAcq'd of Inv. Position Received of Inc. R!!!!!::!!p, or Address Description Mkt. Val. ship Disp.fAcq'd

Oak Prod., Inc. 3110 Main Street Bus Holds intellectual >$1,000,000 nfa S-Corp None >$100,000 See Attached nfa nfa nfa nfa nfa n/a
Santa Monica. CA property and contract
90405 rights ofMr. Schwar-
zenegger's films.

'r;;;~p;;g"i;~~''''''''''''''3i'i'o'M'~'i'~''si;~~t''''''''B~~··· .... F;·I~·~~~i"i;~d~;;~;k~ .... ·;$·i·:iiiiii:ooo...... ···;;J~· ....·.. ·"'S:C~;;;"""""N~;~"""""$i'o:ooo':""""HBO'H~~~" ....... ;;J~....................;;,;~ ........................;J~....................;;,;~·· .... ·· ....·.. ··;;,;~······ ..···· ..~i~ ......·
America. Inc Santa Monica, CA holdings $100,000 Video

'F;i~~~~'p'~'bii:"""""""3'li'o'M'~'i~'si;~~i'"·····B~~······F·i·i~~~~·b;;;;k~·· ..·············..$i·iio:ooi..:······..···;;J~············S:C~;;;········..N~;~·········li·o:iioo·:······..··S;~~~··&···· ...····;;J~·················...;;,;~ ........................;J;................... ;;,;~ ... ··············~i~··············.;J~·······

cations, Inc. Santa Monica, CA and trademarks $\,000,000 $100,000 Schuster

·M~;~·s·i;~~i ....·.. ·· ...... ··3i·i·o·M·~·i·~ si;~~i .. ....·.. ·B~~·· ··C~~h .. ..··..····......··..·······.... ····iiooo~·· .. ·· ..·.. ··.;J~ ........···S:C~;;;........ ··N~~~··· .. ········ ..$O·· .. ··.. ·· .. ····..·N;;~~ .............. ;;J~....................;;,;~ ........................;J~.................... ;;,;~.................;;,;~ ..............~~ ..... ..
Plaza, Inc Santa Monica, CA $10,000

·iii·2·M~;; ..···········....·.. ·3i··lii·M·~·i·;~~i·· .. ····B~~···· .. ·C;;;;;;;;~;~;~i·~~~i......·....·;-$i·:ooo:ooO· ..······;;J;·.... ······S:C~;;;·..··.... ·N~;~· ..·..·....····$O......·............N;;~~·· ..·........·R:p·......... ii"i2·M~i~·si~~~i·····c;;;;;~~;~;~i....;ii','ooii:iiiiii ..··..··p;~p········ ..·..~~ ..·····
Street, Inc. Santa Monica, CA estate ownership Venice, CA real estate

·pi~p~;;t·i~: ..·······...... ··3·li·o·M·~·i·~·si;~~i··· .... ·B~~·······O~~~··p;~f~~~d..·..·....·..·..$i·oo:ooi..:·....·..·..·.;J;·..·.... ·p~rt~~;~........ ··N~~~· ..··········..$O ............·......N;;~~ .......··..·..i~~:· ..·····c~ii·G~;d~:·Lid:······D~~~i~p~....····$i·iiii:iioi··:·· ..······Si'k·.····..·.... ···~i;·······
vestors Santa Monica, CA stock in CellGuide $\,000,000 ship location $1,000,000
90405 Ltd. software
for cell
••• n • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Page 2 of 8 Pages
3/2/20093:25 PM

SCHEDULE A-2 - Form 700, 01101108-12/31108

Investments, Income and Assets of Business EntitieslTrusts
I. Business Entity or Trust 2. l. Investments and Investment in Real Property

Business Entity BU51 Fair Date Nature Gross Inc. Source(s) of Inv.1 Name Fair Owncr- Date
or Trust Name Address Trust General Description Mkt. Value Disp.lAcq'd oflnv. Position Received oflnc. R~. _..;o;.;.r..;A_d..;d..;r_es_s_ Description Mkt. Val. ...!!!!!!... Disp.lAfQ'd
AS Ohio 3110 Main Street Bus Owns interest in >$1,000.000 n/a LLC None $0 None Inv. Easton Town Owns >$1,000,000 LLC n/a
Ventures, LLC Santa Monica. CA Easton Town Center, Center. LLC shopping
90405 LLC mall in
Easton, 011

.. ..
'F~;;~':r~~;~"""'"''''''''''3'ii'o'M;'i'~''si~~~i''' ···B~~·· ··i·i~id~"L~p i~t~~~~i ... ..·....·.. ·$·io·.oo·i·~·······.. ··-.;J~....·.... ·p~rt~~~: ..·..··.. ·N~~~....·..··;:$i·oo:ooo...... ··G~S·...yES....·.... ··i~~:··· .. ··G:S·.··yES·Sp~;~i······O;;~~·~~· ········$i·oo:oii·j":··· .. ·.. ·"L·p .. ········ .. ··~i~···· ..·
Partners Santa Monica. CA in G.S. YES Special $100.000 ship Special Partnership interest in $100.000
90405 Partnership Partnership regional

·M·s··A"··c~·ii~t~;;i ..···· ..3i""lO·M~·i~··si~~~;········B~~·······H~id~·~~i:p·...i·~i~~~~i······$i·oo:ooi"·:············.;J~··········p~rt;;~~:··········N~~~··········$i·o:ooo·:··········G·~id;;;~~···········i~~:·········G~id;;;~~·S~~h~··········H~id~···········$i"oo:iioi"·:···.. ·····i::·p:· ············~i~·······

Partners Santa Monica. CA in Goldman Sachs $1.000,000 ship $100.000 Sachs Vintage Vintage Fund II. interest in $1.000,000
90405 Vintage Fund II. L.P. Fund II .• LP L.P. other pvt.
equity funds

·M·S·:.A:...R~~i·&i:....·....3i·i·ii·M;i·~··si~;t..·.. ·.. B~~...... ·H~id~·~~·L:P· ..i·~i~;;~t······$i·oo:oiii..:·..····..·...;J~· ........p~rt~~~:· ..···.... N~~~..·..·..·;:$ioo:iioo..·'\¥h;t~h~ii·Gbi~· ..·.. ·i~~: ....···..·....G~id;;;~~......··..···· .. R~~i ....··......$i·oo:iiii·j":.. ·....·.. i::·p: ......·......~i~ ..·....
Investors Santa Monica, CA in Whitehall Global $1.000,000 ship RE. L.P. 2001 Sachs estate $1.000.000
90405 Real Estate L.P. 2001 Whitehall Gbl. holdings
R.E. L.P. 2001

·v·~·~·i·~~·v~~i~~~ .......... ·3i··iii·M·;·i·~·si~;i........ B~~...... ·O~~~·;~·LP:·i·~i~;~~t·......$i·oo:iiiii"·:.......... ·-.;J~ ........ ·p~rt~~~: .......... N~~~............·..$O .... ·..............N~~~ ..............i~~: .............. R~~ip~i~i............ ·V~~t~;~..........$i·oo:iiii·i·:....··....L··P: ..............;J~ ...... .
Investors Santa Monica. CA in Redpoint $1.000,000 ship Technology Capital $1.000.000
90405 Technology Partners Partners Fund

... ......·..
·ij·~ii~d·O~k· i~~ ..
·3i·i·ii·M·~·i~ si~~~i ........ ......
B~~ ·C~~h ................................·.. $iooo~ ............ ............
-.;J~ S:C~~ .......... N~~~ ..............·$O.................. ·N~~~ .............. .................... ........................;J;.................... ................. .............. .......
-.;J~ ;V~ ;V~ ;V~ .;J~

Santa Monica. CA $10,000


·i:~g~~d·i~t;i ................ ·3i·i·ii·M;·i··...... ·B~~...... ·O~~..;·~~;;;;;;~~~;·~i.......... $·io:oo·i·:.......... ·;J~..........LLC..........·.... ·N~~~......·..;:$i·oo:iioo·...... p~i·i;;;~~i~~..........i~~:...................;V~ ......................;;i;....................;V~ .................;;,;~ ...............;J;........
Air. LLC Santa Monica. CA aircraft for lease $\00.000 Air. S.A.. via
90405 WF Corp Trust

Page 3 of 8 Pages
3/2/2009 3:25 PM

SCHEDULE A-2 - Form 700,01101108 - 12/31108

Investments, Income and Assets of Business Entitiesrrrusts
Sources of Income

Oak Productions, Inc.

T. Salvation Productions
Warner Brothers Pictures, Inc.
Sony Pictures
Vivendi Universal Entertainment
20th Century Fox
MGMlUS Services
Entertainment Partners DGA
Daniel Marshall Inc.
Simon & Schuster
Studio Canal (U.S.)

Page 4 of 8 Pages
312/20093:25 PM

SCHEDULE A-2 - Form 700 01101108 - 12/31108

Investments, Income and Assets of Business Entitiesffrusts - Separate Property of Spouse
1. Business Entity or Trust 2. 3. 4. Investments and Investment in Real Property
Date Date
Uusiness Entity or Trust Bus I Gen. Disp.l Nature Gross Inc. Souree(s) Inv.1 Fair Disp.l
Name Address Trust Deser. F.M.V.
~ ofinv. Position Received ofine. Real Prop. Name or Address Description Mkt. Val. Acq'd. Ownership

August 31. 1959 Trust 330 Madison Ave. Tr nla nia nia n/a nia $10,000 - nia Inv. Park Financial Asset $100,001- nia Limited
Eunice K. Shriver Grantor New York, NY $100,000 Holdings, LLC Management $1,000,000 Liability
FBO Maria Shriver (NY) Co.

1anuary 27, 1926 Trust 330 Madison Ave. Tr nia nia nia nia nia $0 nia nia nia nia nia nia Remainder
Joseph P. Kennedy New York, NY Interest
FBO Eunice K. Shriver

November 28, 1936 Trust 330 Madison Ave. Tr nia nia nia nia nia $0 nia nia nia nia nia nia Remainder
Joseph P. Kennedy New York,NY Interest
FBO Eunice K. Shriver

MOS Enterprises, Inc. 3 110 Main Street Bus Owns intellectual $100,001 - nia S-Corp None $0 nia nia nia nia nia nia S-Corp
Santa Monica, CA property and $1,000,000
author's rights of
Maria Shriver

Shriver Family Holdings LLC 330 Madison Ave. LLC Investments $100,001 - 817108 nia None $0 nia nia nla nia nia nia Limited
New York, NY $1,000,000 Liability

Page 5 of 8 Pages
31212009 3 :25 PM

SCHEDULE B - Form 700 01/01108 - 12/31/08

Interests in Real Property
Fair Market Nature of
Street Address or Precise Location City Value Interest

Assessor's ID No. 447102001701000 Malibu, CA $100,001 - $1,000,000 Ownership

Assessor's ID No. 338600102702000 Roosevelt, CA $10,001 - SIOO,OOO Ownership

Assessor's ID No. 3326 033 034 02 000 Hi Vista, CA S2,OOO - $10,000 Ownership

Assessor's ID No. ISS 17060 Carpinteria, CA >$1,000,000 Ownership

Page 6 of g Pages
31212009 3 :25 PM

SCHEDULE C - Form 700, 01101108 -12/31108

Income & Business Positions
(Income Other than Loans, Gifts, and Travel Payments)

Your Busiuess Gross Income Consideration for which

Name of Source Address Business Activity Position Received income was Received

Acacia Partners, L.P. 767 Fifth Avenue Public Equity Investments None >$100,000 Partial redemption of
New York, NY 10153-4798 partnership 'interest

Apollo Investment Fund IV Two Manhattanville Road Private Equity Investments None >$100,000 Partnership Distributions
Purchase, NY 10577

Apollo Investment Fund V Two Manhattanville Road Private Equity Investments None >$100,000 Partnership Distributions
Purchase, NY 10577

Morgan Stanley Capital Partners IV L.P. 1177 Avenue of the Americas Private Equity Investments None >$100,000 Partnership Distributions
New York, NY 10036

Dimensional Fund Advisors, Inc. 1299 Ocean Aveneue Mutual fund management None >$100,000 Dividends
Santa Monica, CA 9040 I company

Lansdowne European Equity Fund Ltd. 15 Davies Street Private Equity Investments None >$100,000 Redemptions of Shares
London WIK 3AG

Goldman Sachs Capital Partners 2000, L.P. 85 Broad Street Private Equity Investments None >$100,000 Partnership Distributions
New York, NY 10004

Goldman Sachs Private Equity Partners III, L.P. 8S Broad Street Private Equity Investments None $10,000-$100,000 Partnership Distributions
New York, NY 10004

Schroder Ventures Asia Pacific Fund 875 Third Avenue Private Equity Investments None >$100,000 Partnership Distributions
New York, NY 10022

Whitehall Street Real Estate Fund XIII, L.P. 85 Broad Street Real Estate Related Investments None $10,000-$100,000 Partnership Distributions
New York, NY 10004

Page 7 of 8 Pages
SCHEDULE C - Form 700 01/01/08 - 12/31108
Income & Business Positions - Spouse
(Income Other than Loans, Gifts, and Travel Payments)

Your Business Gross Income Consideration for which

Address Business Activity Position Received income was Received
Name of Source

GS Core Plus Real Estate 8S Broad Street Real estate related none $1,001-$10,000 Partnership Distributions
New York, NY 10004 investments

Shriver Family LLC 330 Madison Ave. Mutual Fund Investments none $100,001-$1,000,000 Partnership Redemption
New York, NY 10017

Park Financial Holdings LLC 330 Madison Ave. Investments none $10,001-$100,000 Partnership Distributions
New York, NY 10017

PO Box 188 Television Guild none $10,001-$100,000 Commercial Appearnce

Talent Fund
HalfMoon Bay, CA 94019

Page 8 of 8 Pages
Schedule D Form 700
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
Income - Gifts

Highness the Aga
Khan, Aiglemont,
60270 Gouvieux,
Prince Karim France

6100 Wilshire Blvd

Suite 400
Los Angeles, CA
Herb 90048

Ainsworth 39532 Floral

Managing Partner of
"'''''''"111'<: Partner, LLC nnlr~,,,.,, and Photo

319617 Mile Drive

P.O. Box 1786
Nancy L. & Pebble beach, CA I M.,n""in<l Partner of
Steve Metzger 93953 IP",n..,nill. Partner, LLC drink and chews

860 Via De La
Nancy L. & Paz, Suite B 5,
Albino Pacific Palisades,
90272 Construction Co.

2125/08 $115.00 Wine


Il=n.... writer 1 artist

Il=ro"" writer 1 artist


Buterbaugh Buterbaugh Florists

Calderon President of Mexico

Schedule D Form 700
Income - Gifts Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

813 Hurlbut Ave.

Sebastopol, CA Superintendent for Amador
Carey Mike 95472 County Office of Education 10/15/08 $5 o Book
Carrey commemorative Chess
Nawe No address found 10/15/0e $5 o piece
4 Times Square
New York, NY
Carter Commemorative Glass
Graydon 10036 Editor 10/27/08 $5e Item
1025 Connecticut
Center for Ave. NW, SUite
Environmental 1000 Wash. D.C.
Diplomacy 20036 Non profit 10/15/0e $100 Books
United Technologies Helicopter model ancl
Chenevert louis Hartford, CT 06101 President & CEO 10/15/0e $100 Book

130 Montgomery Sl
San Francisco, CA Hong Kong Economy &
Cheung Dans 94104 Trade Office 7/31/0E $70 DVD
400 N. Roxbury
City National Entertainmen Drive,Beverty
Bank t Division Hills, CA 90210 Bank 1219/08 $275.00 Wine
1606 Stockton
Suite 200
San Francisco,
Columbus Chris CA 94133 Film director 12115/08 $192 Wine
2185 Broadview
Terrace, CEO of Strategic
Hollywood, CA Perception Inc. (SPI) 1
Davis Fred 90068 Publicity 12117108 $125.00 Clothing

2001 lincoln
de Paula & da Marcia & Boulevard, Venice, Owner of Universal Art
Silva lucas CA90291 Gallery 7/25/08 $150.00 Art

12960 SW 132 Ave. Cigar humidifier and

Diaz Peter Miami, Fl33186 Cigar Mechanic Owner 12110/08 $8C shirt
1190 Wien,
Muthgasse 2, Journalist, Editor of
Dichand Hans Austria Kronen Zeitung, Austria 12115/08 $37.00 Book
1190 Wien,
Muthgasse 2, Joumalist, Editor of Kronen
Dichand Hans Austria Zeitung, Austria 1/17/08 $37.00 Book

8019112 Melrose
Suite One
los Angeles, CA Publicity Director
D'Orazio Ginnina 90046 Frey Wille 3/27/08 $248 Ties
12376 Figtree St. SHARP Grossmont Plaza
San Diego, CA Surgery Center
Dorin Adam 92131 Medical Director 7/31/08 $50 Book

Paul Duesing
Bemward House,
2600 Fairmount,
DueSing Paul Dallas, TX 75201 Architect 12115/08 $62.50 Ornament
1650 Lafayette
Santa Clara, CA ROEM, Corp. Real Estate
Emami Robert 95050 developer 12/18/08 $25.00 Cookies
1650 lafayette
Santa Clara, CA ROEM, Corp. Real Estate
Emami Robert 95050 developer 7/30/08 $50.00 Floral arrangement
1650 lafayette
Santa Clara, CA ROEM, Corp. Real Estate
Emami Robert 95050 developer 4/28/0e $75 Floral Bouquet
Schedule D Form 700
Income - Gifts Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

Chime Inst. Arnold

Charter Elementary
School - 19722
Collier Street,
Woodland Hills, CA Executive Director of Charter
Fabrocini julie 91364 Schools 5/16/08 $50.0 o Sweatshirt

Ambassador of 1732 Massachusetts Ave.,

Chile NW
Fernandez Mariano Embassy of Chile Washington, D.C. 2119/08 $5 o Book
A-1190Wien, Independent sculptor and
Gangl Max Ruthgasse 711/8 designer 6113/08 $150.00 Glass apple

12541 Beatroce
Street, Los Angeles,
Gehry Frank & Berta CA 90066 Gehry Partners, LLP 7/29/08 $60.00 Floral Bouquet

6323 NW. 99
Gonzalez Martha Doral, Florida 33178 Mr. Z Premium Cuts 7/25/08 $52 Food
8570 Wilshire
Blvd" Sute 250,
Beverly Hills, CA
Greenberg Jill 90211 Jill Greenberg StUdio 10/17/08 $70.00 Books
25, A-8160 Weiz, Press Officer for Special
Habe Heinz Austria Olympics Osterreich 12/4/08 $185.00 Hat and Award

8501 International
Blvd. Oakland, CA
Hadley-Amos Mary 94821 Souvenir Book Chairperson 10/27/08 $50 Book
174, quai de
Jemmapes Mobile phone Hand!~
Hedge Mike 75010 Paris Parrot Inc. 7/21/08 $240 Free Kit and doll
M.I.N.D Institute
2820 50th Street,
Sacramento, CA executive director of M.I.N.D
Henderson Robert 95817 Institute. 4/25/08 $100 Painting

4920 W. Pico Blvd.

Los Angeles, CA
Honovich Helena 90019 Terra Traditions Employee 11/11/01 $50 Albums

4920 W. Pico Blvd.

Los Angeles, CA
Honovich Helena 90019 Terra Traditions Employee 11/5/0e $60 Picture holders
1639 North Valley
Drive, Las Vegas,
Hom Roy NV 89108 Perfomner - Siegfried & Roy 6/20/08 $135.00 Clothing and Books
1162 Sonora Cl
Sunnyvale, CA Proback repair system
Hughes R.S. 94086-5378 OWner of R.S. Hughes Inc. 11/21/08 $80 (x2)
8433 N. Black
Canyon Highway
#100 Phoenix, AZ
Hughes John 85021-4859 Hughes Marketing 10/2210E $150 Fitness bow

201 Mission Street,

Suite 2450 San
Francisco, CA Executive Director, Shinnyo-
Inouye Harumitsu 94105 en Foundation 3/5/08 $135 Flowers

6 Forest Park Drive,

Farmington, CT
Jacobs Jim 06032 Vice Chaimnan Net Jets 4/22108 $369.96 GAS paid $239.96 Steaks

6 Forest Park Drive,

Famnington, CT
Jacobs Jim 06032 Vice Chaimnan Net Jets 4/18/08 $260.00 Wine
Schedule D Form 700
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
Income - Gifts
204 5th Ave. New Founder of Pentagram
James Biber York, NY 10010 Architects 10/22108 $10 o Book
800 W. Olympic
Blvd., Suite 406,
Los Angeles, CA Chairman & CEO of
Johnson MichaelO. 90015 Herbalife 12123/08 $125.0 o Herbalite products
Bee group
Am Hubland D- Dept of NeuroBio Behavior
Jurgen Turtz 07074 Wurzberg and Ecology 6/20/08 $7 o Book

3343 West School

House Lane,
Philadelphia, PA Talk Show Host of Harry Jay Paper mache cigar,
Katz Harry Jay 19129 Katz 4/16/0B $195.00 Cigars

649 North Madison

Avenue, Los Owner Kaufman Art Galleries
Kaufman Steve Angeles, CA 90004 I Artist 11710B $750 GS paid $360 Art

6456 Deep Dell

Place, Los Angeles,
Kemp Jennifer CA 9006B Previous Employee 7/30/0B $120.00 Antique dumbeUs

243 Surtview Drive,

Pacific Palisades,
Knapp Patrick & Bliss CA90272 Attomey 4/25/0B $137.50 Wine
1 Invicta Way
Hollywood, FL CEO, Invicta Watch
Lalo Eyal 33021 Company of America 212210B $1600 GAS paid $1,21C Watch
667 S. Las Vegas
Las Vegas, NV Public Relations Manager for
B9109 Moonstruck Chocolate Co. B/B/OE $BO Hats, T-Shirts
Unman Darren

400 Lawson Way,

Sacramento, CA Lucas Public Affairs
Donna 95864 Group 12/23/08 $75.00 Chocolates
1556 Great Hwy.
Apt. 104 San
Francisco, CA Intemational Association of
All Good Friends 11/5/0B $BO Bible
Luis Stephanie 94122-2B56

242 Nevada street,

San Francisco Ca
Painter 517108 $50 Painting
McCarthy Florence 94110 - 6105
Kennedy High
School, 11254
Granada Hills, CA
High School Student 12110/08 $75.00 Clock
Mora Carlos 91344

Hats, Stress
Balls,Chapsticks, Pens,
3B55 Atherton Road
6/9/0B $93 Bag
Morgan Steve Rocklin, CA 95765 CEO, Wetlands Inc

362 Copa de Oro

Los Angeles, CA Recording Executive I co-
founder of A&M Records 12/10/08 $81.25 Plants
Moss Jerry & Ann 90077

9100 Van Home

Granola Bars and
Nature's Path Way Richmond BC
10/27/0B $70 Cereal
FoodS V6X 1m Canada Food Products
1 Dr. Carlton B.
Goodlett Place,
Room 200, San
Newsom & Francisco, CA
Mayor of San Francisco 7/31108 $110.00 Wine
Siebel Gavin & Jen 94102
Schonaugasse 64
Joumalist I Kleine Zeitung 8/15/08 $150.00 Wine
Nohrer Gerhard Austria
ScheduleD Form 700
Income - Gifts Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

700 Anderson Hill

Road, Purchase,
Nooyi Indra K. New York 10577 Chairman & CEO of Pepsico 5/23/08 $75.0 o Gift baskets of food
1327 Alturas
Wichita, Kansas
Owings Terry 67216 Artist 10/9/0e $5 o Art

122 A East Foothill

Blvd, #306 Arcadia, Supreme Master Television
Park Laura CA91006 USA Employee 10/31/08 $7 6 Book

713 WSW Loop 323

Parker Troy Tyler TX, 75701 Technofolk Artist 8/4/08 $16 o Framed piece
34 Ruedu
Mouchotte 75699
Paris Ceded 14 -
Pepy Replica of a high spe!ed
Guillaume France Director General of SNCF 517108 $6C train

840 Gessner Suite

1400 Houston,
Perez Gilberta Texas 77024 President of Cemex 12110/08 $50 Book
1358 Budapest,
Szechenyi rakpart Member of the Hungarian
Peter Agh 19 Parlaiment 10/8/08 $100 Book

113 N. CedarSl
Glendale, CA 91206
Peterson Petra none 6/9/08 $70 Cigars
PO Box 430 ST.
Peterson Terry George VT 84771 Hybrid light 5/20/0e $90 Solar lite, cd/dvd
9465 Wilshire
Boulevard, #212,
Beverly Hills, CA Large balloon
Pitt Lou 90212 Agent 7/30/08 $140.00 arrangement
Planet 4667 S. Las Vegas
Hollywood Blvd.
Resort & Las Vegas, NV
Casino 89109 Entertainment 4/16/08 $70 Shirts and Hats

1141 Central Ave.

Puehringer Josef Wilmetter, IL 60091 The Crystal Cave 6/23/0e S80 Mugs and Vase
166 N. Cannon
Drive, Beverly Hills,
Rey Joyce CA 90212 Realtor 7/30/08 $80.00 Cigars
1121 'L' Street,
Suite 409
Sacramento, CA
Reynolds Eileen 95814 Tejon Ranch Company 7/24/08 $89 Shirt and Photo
9339 Caroil Park
Drive, Suite 150
San Diego, CA Chief Operating Officer,
Rice Casey 92121 Tachyon Networks Inc. 2119/08 $60 Cycling Jersey

Robbins Research
51625 Desert Club
Drive, Suite 207 La
Quinta, CA 92253-
Robbins Tony 2983 Motivational Icon, Author 7/11/08 $344.95 Cigars
1601 North
Sepulveda Blvd.
Suite 509
Manhattan Beach, Affiliate, The Michael Russell Authentic Mongolian
Robins Chris CA90266 Group 6/9/08 $380 Shield

1100 South Flower

Street, Suite 3200
Los Angeles, CA Vice President, Anschutz
Roth Michael 90015 Entertainment Group 2119/08 $120 Jacket, hat, t-shirt
Schedule D Form 700
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
Income - Gifts

61 North Beverly
Park, Beverly
Saban Cheryl Hills, CA 90210 Philanthropist 4/23/08 $95.00 Chocolates

2301 Wilshire Blvd.,

Santa Monica Santa Monica, CA
Florist 90403 Florist Company 7/30/08 $70.00 Flowers

Embassy of Mexico
1911 Pennsylvania
Washington DC
Sarukhan Arturo 20006 Ambassador of Mexico 6/5/08 $50 Book
4045 North Saint
Helena Hwy
Calistoga, CA
Sattui Dalio 94515 Owner - Castello di Amorosa 1218108 $75 Wine

Golf balls, tees, cuff

links, stickers, watch,
ties, pen, iPod nano, key
chains, pins, flask,
A-SOll Graz-Burg leather case, 1GB
Schutzenhofer Hermann Styria, Austria 1st Chief Deputy, Styria 6/13/08 $250.00 memory drive, polo 'shirt
361 Pike Blvd. Ste.
Lawrenceville, GA
Shead Alexander 30045 Alexander & Associates 7/17/08 $200 Charcoal portrait

Rives du Moulin,
Rue Principale,
68420 Herrlisheim I
Sipp Christian Elsaro Personal Trainer 5/6/08 $150.00 Picture

lindengrove, Founder National
Westlake Village, Heritage Collector's Bronze bust of CA
Spellerberg David CA 91361 Society 8/15/08 $1200 GAS paid $810 condor

230 Park Aveneue,

7th Floor
New York, NY
Suchard Mordechai 10169 Rabbi 6/9/08 $100 Book
715 California
Avenue, Santa
Monsignor Monica, CA Reverend at St. Monica's Waterford crystal
Torgerson Lloyd 90403 Church 12119/08 $250.00 vase
2000 Evergreen
Street, Ste. 100
Sacramento, CA Dept of Boating and
Tsuneyoshi Raynor 95815 Waterways 7/21/0E $280 Lifevests

Unknown 700 Hicksville Rd.

Donor Bethpage NY 11714 10/22108 $10e Flowers
Donor Left at Capitol 7/28/08 $13C Flowers
Donor Left at Capitol 71B/Oe $65 Vintage souvenir plate

4120 Douglas Blvd.

Granite Bay, CA
Vestnys Richard 95746 8/4/08 $5e Ashtray and Cigars
State Assembly
Sacramento, CA
Villines Mike 98519 Assembly Republican Leader 12129/0S $SC Wine and Almonds
2700 Patriot
Blvd., Suite 420,
Glenview, IL
Viner Victor 60026 FounderlCEO of ColdMoji 8/19/08 $120.00 Knee wrap prototypes
Schedule D Form 700
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
Income - Gifts

2790 Green Street

San Francisco, CA Consulate General of the Vodka and Book
Vinokurov Vladimir 94123 Russian Federation 12128/08 $130

UC Davis Department Chair and

One Shields Avenue Professor Viticulture and
Waterhouse Andrew Davis, CA 95616 Enology 7mOS $50 Wine

1801 Skyline Drive

Russellville, AR
Weygand HelenW. 72S02 Founder, Mind Psi Biotics 214/0S $90 Crystal World Globe
9S0 9th Street
Suite 2000
Sacramento, CA Founder/Chairman - CA
White Bob 95814 Strategies, LLC. 10m08 $300 Crystal bowl
PO Box 26959
Las Vegas, NV TIcket to UFC event at
White Dana 89126 UFC 3/1/0S $203 ColumbUS
151 Farmington
Ave., RW3H
Hartford, CT 06156-
Williams Ronald A. 3213 CEO of Aetna Inc. 12110/08 $20 Calendar
151 Farming10n
Ave., RW3H
Hartford, CT 06156-
Williams Ronald 3213 Chairman and CEO of Aetna 10/27/0S $30 Calendar 200S-2009
5 Columdia Aliso
Wyland Robert Viejo, CA 92656 Photographer 11/14/0S $SO Book

Selamicesme Bozki
Sokak N. 3 K. 4 D.
10 Kadikoy. Istanbul
Turkey 10/S/0S $100 Book
Vonet Zeki

Income - Gifts Name

Travel Payments, Advances,
Arnold Schwa/,zenegger
and Reimbursements

• Reminder - you must mark the gift or income box.

• You are not required to report "income" from government agencies.


California State Protocol Foundation (501 (c) (3))
1215 K Street, Suite 1400
Sacramento, CA 95814
Non profit

DATE(S): .J!_L.1!i 08 _..J!...;..1§..J 08 AMT: ~$_ _--=-6.: :.8. :. .;1.c: ;9. : ;. 6 DATE(S):~~_ - ~~_ AMT: $ oo _ _ _ _ __

(If applicable) (If applicable)

TYPE OF PAYMENT: (must check one) ~ Gift 0 Income TYPE OF PAYMENT: (must check one) 0 Gift 0 Income

DESCRIPTION: Hotel for Border Governors' Conference, DESCRIPTION: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Universal City, CA


California State Protocol Foundation (501 (c) (3))


1215 K Street, Suite 1400


Sacramento, CA 95814

Non profit

DATE(S): J1J 03 1 08 _~~_ AMT: $, _ _ _1-,-,9,,-2_51_ DATE(S):~~_ - ~~_ AMT: $-_ _ _ __

(If applicable) (If appNcable)

TYPE OF PAYMENT: (must check one) ~ Gift 0 Income TYPE OF PAYMENT: (must check one) 0 Gift 0 Income

DESCRIPTION: Travel costs for National Governors' DESCRIPTION: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ oo_ _ _ _ _

Association meeting in Philadelphia

Comments: ___________________________________________

FPPC Form 700 (2008/2009) Schoo E

FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC .wwwoofppcoocaoogov

FORM 700

For the Period

January 1,2008 to December 31,2008


I, Paul D. Wachter, Trustee of the Schwarzenegger Blind Trust ("Trust") established

on November 14,2003, by Trustor, Arnold Schwarzenegger ("Trustor"), declare that I have
not revealed to the Trustor any information concerning assets of the Trust acquired after
November 14, 2003. I provided all necessary information to Trustor concerning the
disposition or existence of any of the original assets of the Trust for disclosure on his
Statement of Economic Interests for the period January 1,2008, to December 31,2008. The
Trust is in conformance with California Code of Regulations section 18235(b) and no
information has been revealed to Trustor except that which is required under California Code
of Regulations section 18235(b)(3) and (4).

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the
foregoing is true and correct.

Executed on February~2009 at Santa Monica, CA.

Paul D. Wachter, Trustee

Schwarzenegger Blind Trust


FORM 700

For the Period January 1,2008 to December 31,2008


Pursuant to Government Code section 83112 (Blind Trusts for Public Officials) and
California Code of Regulations section 18235 (Reporting Interests in a Blind Trust), I
transferred certain assets, in trust, to Paul D. Wachter, as Trustee of the Schwarzenegger
Blind Trust on November 14,2003. All assets placed in the trust on November 14,2003,
and not disposed of by the trustee prior to December 31,2008, as well as any assets acquired
after November 14, 2003, by the trustee and about which I have learned, have been disclosed
by me on my Statement of Economic Interests for the period January 1, 2008 to December
31, 2008, to which this statement is attached.

Executed on ----.J..--=--.!:~=:.!-.=..1__n.,}-~~~_TT_I--' California.

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