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Third District Court of Appeal

State of Florida
Opinion filed May 27, 2015.
Not final until disposition of timely filed motion for rehearing.
Nos. 3D14-540; 3D14-539; 3D14-538
Lower Tribunal Nos. 12-48708; 11-40596; 08-77800

Milan Investment Group, Inc., etc.,


City of Miami, etc., et al.,


Appeals from the Circuit Court for Miami-Dade County, Gisela Cardonne
Ely, Judge.
Linda L. Carroll, for appellant.
R.A. Cuevas, Jr., Miami-Dade County Attorney, and Jorge MartinezEstevez, Assistant County Attorney; Victoria Mendez, City Attorney, and John A.
Greco, Deputy City Attorney, and Warren Bittner, Deputy Emeritus; Cole, Scott &
Kissane and Thomas E. Scott, Sr., and Scott A. Cole, for appellees.

Milan Investment Group, Inc., individually, and on behalf of all others

similarly situated1 (Milan), appeals three final summary judgment orders entered
by the trial court, in three separately-filed cases below, all in favor of the City of
Miami (City), Miami Downtown Development Authority Board (DDA), the
Miami-Dade County Property Appraiser (Property Appraiser), the Miami-Dade
Tax Collector (Tax Collector), and the Florida Department of Revenue (DOR)
(collectively referred to as Appellees).2

We conclude that the City is

constitutionally authorized to levy the ad valorem taxes at issue, and thus, affirm
the trial courts summary judgment orders.
On December 16, 2008, Milan filed a class action complaint for declaratory,
equitable, monetary and other relief against Appellees (Case No. 08-77800).
Milan, a real property owner in the Citys central business district,3 asserted in
its complaint that it, and other similarly situated property owners, had been
unconstitutionally taxed by the City an additional one-half mill ad valorem tax for
the 2008 tax year.4 The tax was levied by the City pursuant to City Ordinance
Milan sought class certification below, but the trial court did not rule on the
motion and it is not an issue in this appeal.
2 Although three separate appeals were filed, this Court consolidated the appeals
for all purposes on June 27, 2014.
3 The term central business district was defined by the Florida Legislature in
1965, with the passage of Chapter 65-1090, Laws of Florida, as the area in a
municipality establishing an authority zoned and used principally for business.
4 Milan sought class certification on behalf of all persons or entities that were

13029, passed in September 2008, which assessed a tax of one-half mill on the
dollar valuation of all property located within the boundaries of the Citys
Downtown Development District.

This ordinance was enacted pursuant to

Chapter 65-1090, Florida Laws, which, according to the City, authorized it to

impose up to an additional one-half mill on property located in the Citys central
business district.5
Chapter 65-1090 was enacted by the Legislature in 1965, for the purpose of
establishing a downtown development authority to prevent further deterioration in
the central business district and correct existing conditions in any municipality of
the state having a population in excess of two hundred and fifty thousand
(250,000) inhabitants. It authorized municipalities, such as the City, to create
and establish a downtown development authority to, among other things, plan
and propose, within the downtown area, public improvements of all kinds . . .
which may be necessary or appropriate to the execution of any such plan which . . .
will aid in the economic growth of the downtown area.6

Further, the

municipalitys governing body7 was authorized to levy an additional ad valorem

subject to the loss of their money or property by way of taxation for or on behalf of
the DDA and that paid such tax.
5 The City Commission annually adopts an ordinance for the purpose of levying
the DDA tax to properties within its borders.
6 The term downtown was defined in Chapter 65-1090 as a specifically defined
area or zone of the city in the central business district, established by the governing
body of the municipality.
7 The term governing body was defined in chapter 65-1090(1) as the elected

tax on all real and personal property in the downtown district not exceeding onehalf mill on the dollar valuation of such property for the purpose of financing the
operation of the Authority.
Pursuant to chapter 65-1090s authority, the City enacted Ordinance No.
7370, which established a downtown development authority (DDA), effective
November 17, 1965, and authorized the City Commission to levy up to one half
mill ad valorem tax on all real and personal property located within the designated
DDA boundaries. Thereafter, the City expanded the geographic boundaries of its
DDA on three separate occasions: July 8, 1983, April 27, 1989, and December 12,
2002. The City assessed the one-half mill ad valorem tax on properties located
within the DDA every year from 1965 to the present.
In 1971, the Florida Legislature enacted a general law, chapter 71-29,
Florida Laws, whose purpose was to repeal numerous Florida general laws of local
application. Included within this comprehensive repealing statute was chapter 651090. Section 3 of chapter 71-29, however, preserved the DDA in a savings
clause.8 Thereafter, the DDA continued to function under the Citys annual levies
of an ad valorem tax that derived from chapter 65-1090. Subsequently, the Florida

body of a municipality, having legislative powers.

8 The savings clause reads as follows: (3) All of the enumerated chapters
contained in section 2 affecting a particular municipality or municipalities shall
become an ordinance of that municipality on the effective date of this act, subject
to modification or repeal as are other ordinances.

Legislature amended two statutes to update the underlying authority for the DDA.
In 1999, the Legislature amended section 166.0497 of the Florida Statutes to allow
the DDAs governing body to alter, amend or expand the boundaries of the
DDA. In 2008, the Legislature amended section 200.185(5(a)2. to confirm that the
governing body with the authority to approve certain DDA millage is the
governing body of the municipality.
In its complaint, Milan sought to have the court determine (1) that chapters
65-1090, 71-29, and 99-208 36, Florida Statutes, were unconstitutional; (2) that
the Citys levying of the one-half mill ad valorem tax on property in the central
business district was unconstitutional and illegal; (3) that the DDA ordinance had
been repealed; and (4) that the DDA was not an independent special district.
Further, Milan sought to enjoin the City and the DDA from operating the DDA or
levying and collecting any further sums in excess of the tax burden imposed by the
City generally. Finally, Milan sought a refund, on behalf of all members of the
Class, of all sums illegally collected.9
Appellees moved to dismiss Milans complaint below, asserting, inter alia,
that its claims were barred by: (1) the sixty-day non-claim statute pursuant to
section 194.171(2), Florida Statutes (except for the current years tax bill); and (2)

It is not clear from the complaint whether Milan sought a refund on behalf of
itself or any class members for taxes paid in the years prior to 2008, but it appears
so since it sought a refund of all sums illegally collected.

the general four-year statute of limitations for actions challenging a local

government ordinance or resolution, section 95.11(3)(c), Florida Statutes (2009).
The trial court granted Appellees motion to dismiss with prejudice, finding
the four-year statute of limitations had run before the filing of the complaint
because the cause of action accrued no later than 2002, the date the DDAs
boundaries were last expanded, as alleged in Milans complaint.
Milan appealed the dismissal, and this Court affirmed in part, reversed in
part, and remanded for further proceedings in the trial court. Milan Inv. Grp., Inc.
v. City of Miami, 50 So. 3d 662 (Fla. 3d DCA 2010) (Milan I). In Milan I, this
court recognized that [t]he central issue before the trial court at this procedural
stage was whether Milan Investments challengeintended for eventual
certification as a class actionwas barred by the four-year statute of limitations
and this Courts decision in Paresky v. Miami-Dade Board of County
Commissioners, 893 So. 2d 664 (Fla. 3d DCA 2005).
In resolving the issue, this Court held that the trial court correctly
determined that the four-year statute of limitations in section 95.11(3), Florida
Statutes, barred Milans challenges to the establishment of the DDA and its
boundaries, because [t]hose allegedly-unconstitutional statutes and ordinances
were enacted six years before . . . Milan Investments lawsuit was filed. We held,
however, that [i]n the case of the separate and later City ordinance imposing the

half-mill DDA levy for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2008, . . . the
challenged ordinance was enacted by the City within the limitation period and thus
the challenge is not time-barred. Accordingly, we affirmed the final summary
judgment as it pertain[ed] to the state and municipal actions establishing the DDA
and its territorial boundaries, but reverse[d] that portion of the judgment
determining that the four-year statute of limitations barred Milan Investments
constitutional challenge to the 2008 ordinance and remanded for further
proceedings. Milan, 50 So. 3d at 664.
On remand, Milan filed an amended complaint, wherein it again asserted the
2008 ordinance levying the DDA tax was unconstitutional, but also included the
2009 and 2010 ordinances levying the DDA tax on its properties for the 2009 and
2010 tax years.10 Milan sought, on its own behalf and on behalf of the alleged
class, declaratory relief, money damages and/or refunds of the taxes (which it had
already paid), and also sought relief under the Federal Civil Rights Act, 42 USC
1983. Appellees again moved to dismiss, but the motion was denied.
Milan also filed a second lawsuit against the Appellees (Case No. 1140596), seeking the same relief for the 2011 tax year; and a third lawsuit (Case No.
12-48708), seeking the same relief for the 2012 tax year.

Ordinance No. 13100 was adopted on September 24, 2009 and Ordinance No.
13205 was adopted on September 27, 2010.


Appellees filed motions for summary judgment in all three cases, which had
been assigned to the same circuit court judge. Milan also moved for summary
judgment in all three cases, and after a hearing on May 15, 2013, the trial court
granted summary judgment in favor of Appellees, and denied Milans motions for
summary judgment. Specifically, the trial court determined that the Third District
Court of Appeal, in Milan I, foreclosed Milans claim that there was no valid
authorization for the ordinance when it said [t]he City has the authorization, but
not the obligation, to impose the special levy of up to a half-mill to fund the
DDA. Milan I, 50 So. 3d at 664.

The court entered final judgments in favor of

Appellees by separate order in each of the three cases, and these consolidated
appeals followed.
The trial court determined it was foreclosed from reaching the constitutional
issue by this courts opinion in Milan I. This was in error, because the
constitutional issue was never raised in, nor decided by, this Court. The only issue
before the appellate court in Milan I was whether Milans claims were barred by
the statute of limitations. We recognize that, as a general rule, this Court does not
decide issues not ruled on by the trial court in the first instance. Akers v. City of
Miami Beach, 745 So. 2d 532 (Fla. 3d DCA 1999). This is especially true of
constitutional challenges. Glendale Fed. Sav. and Loan Assn v. State, Dept. of
Ins., 485 So. 2d 1321 (Fla. 1st DCA 1986). This rule may be relaxed if the
constitutional issues are fully briefed and relate to matters of law exclusively, and
the full record is before the court. Id. at 1325 (internal citations omitted). In the
instant case, the parties are in agreement that this Court should decide the
constitutional issues, as there is a complete record below and the issues were fully
presented to the trial court and have been fully briefed on appeal. Given the
unique posture of this case, and our de novo standard of review, we exercise our
discretion and reach the merits of the issues raised. We do so, however, in full

The Citys authority to impose an annual ad valorem tax to fund the DDA
originates in the Florida Constitution. Both Article VII, 1(a) and 9(a) of the
Florida Constitution require that the tax be authorized by lawin other words,
by an act of the Florida Legislature.
The requisite legislative enactment can be found in chapter 65-1090, Laws
of Florida. Chapter 65-1090 was the original legislation establishing the DDA and
granting municipalities such as the City the authority to levy and collect an ad
valorem tax on property located within the boundaries of the DDA. Section 11 of
chapter 65-1090 provides that the governing body is authorized to levy an
additional ad valorem tax on all real and personal property in the downtown district
not exceeding one-half mill on the dollar valuation of such property for the purpose
of financing the operation of the Authority.
Nonetheless, Milan alleges that subsequent legislationnamely chapter 7129, Laws of Floridarepealed chapter 65-1090, thereby terminating the Citys
authority to levy the DDAs ad valorem tax. However, although chapter 71-29
eliminated chapter 65-1090 from the roster of Floridas laws, through an express
savings clause chapter 71-29 preserved the substance of chapter 65-1090, including
a preservation of the Citys authority to levy the DDAs ad valorem tax.

recognition that such an exercise of discretion represents the rare exception to the
general rule.

The savings clause in chapter 71-29 placed the provisions of chapter 651090 into a municipal ordinance.12 As a general law, chapter 71-29 carries out and
implements the intent of Article VII, 9(a) of the Florida Constitution. We find
uninterrupted authority for the Citys ad valorem taxation to fund the DDA, from
the Florida Constitution through chapters 65-1090 and 71-29, and down to the
Existing legislation, passed subsequent to chapter 71-29, also supports the
conclusion that the Florida Legislature did not intend to repeal the authority
granted to the City to levy the one-half mill tax for DDA property.


166.0497, Fla. Stat. (2008) (authorizing the governing body of a municipality that
has created a downtown development district pursuant to chapter 65-1090 to
adopt an ordinance altering, amending or expanding the districts boundaries.);
200.185(5)(a)2., Fla. Stat. (2008) (recognizing that the governing body of the
municipality is the governing body of the DDA for the levy of millage).
Since preserving the DDA in 1971, the Legislature has on two occasions
amended statutes that acknowledge the DDAs existence. It would make little
sense for the Legislature to allow a municipality to alter, amend or expand the
The role and significance of the ordinance appears to be the genesis of Milans
concern. As Milan correctly points out, a municipal ordinance cannot be the source
of an ad valorem tax. See, e.g., State v. City of Port Orange, 650 So. 2d 1 (Fla.
1994) (citation omitted). In this case, however, the City is not originating the tax;
the savings clause is preserving within the municipality an authority to tax that is
already established by state legislation.


boundaries of a district, but prohibit taxation to fund the operation of the district.
Nor would it make sense to assure the districts governing bodys authority to levy
certain millage that it otherwise would have no authority to levy. These legislative
actions in 1999 and 2008 must be harmonized with chapters 65-1090 and 71-29.
Forsythe v. Longboat Key Beach Erosion Control Dist., 604 So. 2d 452, 455 (Fla.
Finally, Milan alleges that the additional ad valorem tax the City levies on
property owners located within the DDA violates Article VII, section 2 of the
Florida Constitution. This provision requires that [a]ll ad valorem taxation shall
be at a uniform rate within each taxing unit[.] Art VII, 2, Fla. Const. Milan
argues that DDA property owners are paying at a non-uniform rate as compared to
other property owners of the City.
Chapter 65-1090 authorized the levy on property owners within the DDA of
not more than a one-half mill in ad valorem taxes. This additional tax is tethered to
the municipal purpose that underlies the DDA: the continuing improvement of the
Citys central business district. In Gallant v. Stephens, the Florida Supreme Court
upheld the constitutionality of an additional ad valorem tax in an analogous
situation. Gallant v, Stephens, 358 So. 2d 536 (Fla. 1978).
In Gallant, a county established a municipal service taxing unit and levied
additional millage on county property owners for municipal services provided by


the county. As in the instant case, the local government itself levied the additional
millage within a defined geographical area; and approval of the additional millage
by a referendum of the area property owners was not required by the authorizing
legislation. The Court held that the uniformity of taxation requirement of Article
VII, section 2 was not violated because all of the property owners within the
municipal service taxing unit were taxed uniformly.

Id. at 540-41. The

Constitutions uniformity requirement does not inhibit a taxing authority, such as

the City, from levying additional ad valorem taxes so long as there is legislative
authority for the taxation.
Accordingly, we hold that the City was authorized, and continues to be
authorized, to levy the ad valorem taxes in the Citys downtown development area,
and affirm the trial courts orders entering summary judgment in favor of the City.


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