Corporate Finance Formula Sheet

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Assets = Liabilities + Shareholders equity


Revenues Expenses = Income


Cash flow from assets = Cash flow to bondholders

+ Cash flow to shareholders


Current ratio = Current assets/Current liabilities


Current assets Inventory

Quick ratio = 
Current liabilities


Cash ratio = Cash/Current liabilities


Net working capital to total assets = Net working capital/Total assets


Interval measure = Current assets/Average daily operating costs


Total debt ratio = [Total assets Total equity]/Total assets

= [$3,588 2,591]/$3,588 = .28


Debt/equity ratio = Total debt/Total equity

= $.28/$.72 = .39
Equity multiplier = Total assets/Total equity
= $1/$.72 = 1.39


Long-term debt
Long-term debt ratio = 
Long-term debt + Total equity
= $457/[$457 + 2,591] = $457/$3,048 = .15



Times interest earned ratio = EBIT/Interest

= $691/$141 = 4.9 times


Cash coverage ratio = [EBIT + Depreciation]/Interest

= [$691 + 276]/$141 = $967/$141 = 6.9 times


Inventory turnover = Cost of goods sold/Inventory

= $1,344/$422 = 3.2 times


Days sales in inventory = 365 days/Inventory turnover

= 365/3.2 = 114 days


Receivables turnover = Sales/Accounts receivable

= $2,311/$188 = 12.3 times


Days sales in receivables = 365 days/Receivables turnover

= 365/12.3 = 30 days


NWC turnover = Sales/NWC

= $2,311/($708 $540) = 13.8 times


Fixed asset turnover = Sales/Net fixed assets

= $2,311/$2,880 = .80 times


Total asset turnover = Sales/Total assets

= $2,311/$3,588 = .64 times


Profit margin = Net income/Sales

= $363/$2,311 = 15.7%


Return on assets = Net income/Total assets

= $363/$3,588 = 10.12%


Return on equity = Net income/Total equity

= $363/$2,591 = 14%


P/E ratio = Price per share/Earnings per share

= $157/$11 = 14.27 times


Market-to-book ratio = Market value per share/Book value per share

= $157/($2,591/33) = $157/$78.5 = 2 times


ROE = Net income/Sales Sales/Assets Assets/Equity

= Profit margin Total asset turnover Equity multiplier


Dividend payout ratio = Cash dividends/Net income

= $44/$132
= 3313%


EFN = Increase in total assets Addition to retained earnings

= A(g) p(S)R (1 + g)


EFN = p(S)R + [A p(S)R] g


EFN = p(S)R + [A p(S)R] g

g = pS(R)/[A pS(R)]
= .132($500)(2/3)/[$500 .132($500)(2/3)]
= 44/[500 44]
= 44/456 = 9.65%


Internal growth rate = 


EFN = Increase in total assets Addition to retained earnings

New borrowing
= A(g) p(S)R (1 + g) pS(R) (1 + g)[D/E]
EFN = 0


g* = ROE R/[1 ROE R]


p(S/A)(1 + D/E) R
g* = 
1 p(S/A)(1 + D/E) R


EFN = Increase in total assets Addition to retained earnings

New borrowing
= A(g) p(S)R (1 + g) pS(R) (1 + g)[D/E]


ROE = p(S/A)(1 + D/E)

g* = 


Future value = $1 (1 + r)t


PV = $1 [1/(1 + r)t] = $1/(1 + r)t


PV (1 + r)t = FVt
PV = FVt /(1 + r)t = FVt [1/(1 + r)t]


1 Present value factor

Annuity present value = C 
1 [1/(1 + r) t ]
= C 


Annuity due value = Ordinary annuity value (1 + r)


EAR = [1 + (Quoted rate/m)]m 1


EAR = eq 1


Bond value = C (1 1/(1 + r)t)/r + F/(1 + r)t


1 + R = (1 + r) (1 + h)


1 + R = (1 + r) (1 + h)




NPV = (co cN)/cN $1,000 CP


OCF = EBIT + D Taxes

= (S C D) + D (S C D) Tc
= $200 + 600 80 = $720


OCF = (S C D) + D (S C D) Tc
= (S C D) (1 Tc) + D
= Project net income + Depreciation
= $120 + 600
= $720


OCF = (S C D) + D (S C D) Tc
= (S C) (S C D) Tc
= Sales Costs Taxes
= $1,500 700 80 = $720


OCF = (S C D) + D (S C D) Tc
= (S C) (1 Tc) + D Tc


S VC = FC + D
P Q v Q = FC + D
(P v) Q = FC + D
Q = (FC + D)/(P v)


OCF = [(P v) Q FC D] + D
= (P v) Q FC


Q = (FC + OCF)/(P v)


Total dollar return = Dividend income + Capital gain (or loss)


Total cash if stock is sold = Initial investment + Total return

= $3,700 + 518
= $4,218


Var(R) = (1/(T 1)) [(R1 

R)2 + . . . + (RT 


Risk premium = Expected return Risk-free rate

= E(RU) Rf
= 20% 8%
= 12%


E(R) = Oj Pj


2 = j [Oj E(R)]2 Pj


E(RP) = x1 E(R1) + x2 E(R2) + . . . +xn E(Rn)


2P = x2L 2L + x2U 2U + 2xL x UCORRL,U L U


P = 

Total return = Expected return + Unexpected return

R = E(R) + U


Announcement = Expected part + Surprise


R = E(R) + Systematic portion + Unsystematic portion.


Total risk = Systematic risk + Unsystematic risk


E(Ri) = Rf + [E(RM) Rf ] i


R = E(R) + I FI + GNPFGNP + r Fr + 


E(R) = RF + E[(R1) RF ]1 + E[(R2) RF ]2

+ E[(R3) RF ]3 + . . . E[(RK) RF ]K


2P = x 2L 2L + x 2U 2U + 2xL xUCORRL,U L U


2P   xj ij


i=1 j=1


x2 = 2xj i 2 = 2[x1COV(R1,R2) + x2 22 + x3 COV(R3,R2)



2 = 


RE = (D1/P0) + g


RE = Rf + E [RM Rf ]


RP = D/P0




100% = E/V + D/V


WACC = (E/V) RE + (D/V) RD (1 TC)


fA = (E/V) fE + (D/V) fD
= 60% .10 + 40% .05
= 8%


Portfolio = Levered firm =  Debt
Debt + Equity


+  Equity
Debt + Equity
Unlevered firm =  Equity
Debt + Equity



Unlevered firm = Equity + (1 TC) Debt Equity


Number of new shares = Funds to be raised/Subscription price

= $5,000,000/$10 = 500,000 shares


Number of rights needed to buy a share of stock = Old shares/New shares [15.2]
= 1,000,000/500,000 = 2 rights

Ro = (Mo S)/(N + 1)


Me = Mo Ro
Re = (Me S)/N


Percentage change in EPS

Degree of financial levrage = 
Percentage change in EBIT


DFL = 
EBIT Interest


Vu = EBIT/REu = VL = EL + DL


RE = RA + (RA RD) (D/E)


E = A (1 + D/E)


Value of the interest tax shield = (TC RD D)/RD

= TC D


VL = VU + TC D


RE = + ( RD) (D/E) (1 TC)


(1 TC) (1 TS)
VL = VU + 1 
(1 Tb)


Net working capital + Fixed assets = Long-term debt + Equity


Net working capital = (Cash + Other current assets)

Current liabilities


Cash = Long-term debt + Equity + Current liabilities

Current assets (other than cash) Fixed assets


Operating cycle = Inventory period + Accounts receivable period

105 days = 60 days + 45 days


Cash cycle = Operating cycle Accounts payable period

75 days = 105 days 30 days


Cash collections = Beginning accounts receivable + 1/2 Sales


Average daily float = Average daily receipts Weighted average delay [19.1]
= $266,666.67 7.50 days = $2,000,000
Opportunity costs = (C/2) R


Trading costs = (T/C) F


Total cost = Opportunity costs + Trading costs

= (C/2) R + (T/C) F


C* = (2T


C* = L + (3/4 F 2/R)1/3


U* = 3 C* 2 L


Average cash balance = (4 C* L)/3


Accounts receivable = Average daily sales ACP


Cash flow (old policy) = (P v)Q

= ($49 20) 100
= $2,900


Cash flow (new policy) = (P v)Q

= ($49 20) 110
= $3,190


PV = [(P v)(Q Q)]/R


Cost of switching = PQ + v(Q Q)


NPV of switching = [PQ + v(Q Q)] + (P v)(Q Q)/R


NPV = 0 = [PQ + v(Q Q)] + (P v)(Q Q)/R

Q Q = (PQ)/[(P v)/R v]


NPV = v + (1 )P/(1 + R)


NPV = v + (1 )(P v)/R


Score = Z = 0.4 [Sales/Total assets] + 3.0 EBIT/Total assets


Total carrying costs = Average inventory Carrying costs per unit

= (Q/2) CC


Total restocking cost = Fixed cost per order Number of orders

= F (T/Q)


Total costs = Carrying costs + Restocking costs

= (Q/2) CC + F (T/Q)


Carrying costs = Restocking costs

(Q*/2) CC = F (T/Q*)


2T F
Q*2 = 


2T F

Q* =


Q* =


2T F



(2 46,800) $50


= 6,240,

= 2,498 units
EOQ* =

2T F



(2 600) $20


= 8,000

= 89.44 units

Net incremental cash flow = PQ (d )


NPV = PQ + PQ (d )/R


(E[S1] S0)/S0 = hFC hCDN


E[S1] = S0 [1 + (hFC hCDN)]


E[St] = S0 [1 + (hFC hCDN)]t


F1/S0 = (1 + RFC)/(1 + RCDN)


(F1 S0)/S0 = RFC RCDN


F1 = S0 [1 + (RFC RCDN)]


Ft = S0 [1 + (RFC RCDN)]t


E[S1] = S0 [1 + (RFC RCDN)]


E[St] = S0 [1 + (RFC RCDN)]t




NPV = V *B Cost to Firm A of the acquisition


C1 = 0 if (S1 E) 0


C1 = S1 E if (S1 E) > 0


C0 S0


C0 0 if S0 E < 0
C0 S0 E if S0 E 0


S0 = C0 + E/(1 + Rf)
C0 = S0 E/(1 + Rf)


Call option value = Stock value Present value of the exercise price
C0 = S0 E/(1 + Rf ) t


C0 = S0 N(d1) E/(1 + Rf ) t N(d2)


d1 = [ln(S0/E) + (Rf + 1/2 2) t]/[ t]

d2 = d1 t


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