Microbiology Lab Questions

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Introduction to Microbiology: QUIZ #2

1. What type of charge do most simple stain dyes have?

2. What type of net charge do most proteins, carbohydrates, and
nucleic acids have?
3. Who developed the important differential staining method that
is known as the Gram Stain?
4. What are the two basic groups that the Gram Stain procedure
differentiates microbes into?
5. What are two important reasons why we use the heat fixed
6. What color will Gram positive cells be after you finish the
Gram Staining procedure correctly?
7. What color will Gram negative cells be after you finish the
Gram Staining procedure correctly?
8. Why might Gram positive bacteria incorrectly appear to be
Gram negative after the Gram staining procedure?
9. What is the color of Safranin?
10. What is the challenge step concerning the Gram Staining

Introduction to Microbiology: QUIZ #3a

1. What type of medium is nutrient agar known as?
2. Why is nutrient agar classified as such a medium?
(Based on your answer from #1)
3. List the 3 main ingredients used to make nutrient agar besides
4. What is peptone?
5. Why is beef extract used to make nutrient agar?
6. What kind of media supports the growth of a wide range of
7. What is agar purified from? (be specific)
8. What is the only reason why agar is added to microbiological
9. Approximately what temperature does agar dissolve in water,
and at what temperature does agar solidify ?
10. List 2 bacteria used in the Gram stain lab. Describe the shape
and Gram stain result of each bacteria?

Introduction to Microbiology: Quiz #3b

1. When you gram stain an acid fast bacteria the results will reveal
that you are working with what type of bacteria?
2. What do acid fast bacteria possess in their cell wall?
3. What is used to drive in the acid fast stain through the cell
4. True or False? Acid fast bacteria are generally easy to stain.
5. True or False? The acid fast stain contains a challenge step.
6. What is the primary stain that is used for the acid fast stain?
7. True or False? The acid fast stain is not an important diagnostic
8. True or False? Acid alcohol will rinse out the primary stain
from cells that do possess waxes in their cell wall.
9. What percent of HCl is in the acid alcohol solution?
10. What are the two diseases that the acid fast stain can detect?

Introduction to Microbiology: QUIZ #4

1. What is the purpose of a serial dilution?
2. What is the range of cells that is considered to be reasonable
when dispensed into petri plates?
3. What are 2 consequences of crowding concerning fast
growing bacteria on a plate?
4. What are the 2 methods of plating?
5. Which type of plating involves putting a sample in a petri
plate and then mixing the sample with sterile molten agar?
6. What does CFU stand for?
7. What is the full equation for calculating the viable titer?
8. What is an axenic culture?
9. What is a pure culture?
10. How do we know that the viable titer method only counts
living cells?
Bonus: Write out the full equation for calculating the dilution

Introduction to Microbiology: QUIZ #5a

1g soil












1 ml

1 ml


1 ml

1 ml









1. What is the final dilution of test tube number 4 (TT4)?

2. What is the dilution factor of test tube number 3?
3. What is the dilution of test tube number 1?
4. What is the viable titer, also known as the number of live bacteria, in the 1 gram
soil sample?
5. What is the dilution factor of test tube number 4?

Introduction to Microbiology: QUIZ #5b

1g soil












1 ml

1 ml


1 ml

1 ml









1. What is the final dilution of test tube number 3 (TT3)?

2. What is the dilution factor of test tube number 4?
3. What is the dilution of test tube number 1?
4. What is the viable titer, also known as the number of live bacteria, in the 1 gram
soil sample?
5. What is the dilution factor of test tube number 2?

Introduction to Microbiology: QUIZ #6

1. True or False? The optimum temperature for cellular
metabolism is the result of the overall temperature
optimum of every enzyme contained within a bacterium.
2. True or false? Thermophiles grow at an optimum below
20o C.
3. True or False? Obligate aerobes only grow without the
presence oxygen.
4. True or False? Facultative anaerobes can only grow in
the presence of oxygen.
5. What is the function of the enzyme catalase?
6. True or False? A positive catalase test results in the
generation of oxygen.
7. What is the oxidase test used to reveal the presence of?
8. True or False? Methylene blue & resazurin are
colorless when oxidized.
9. True or False? Growth at high salt concentrations can
be described as halophilic.
10. True or False? A positive oxidase test results in a
colorless reaction.

Introduction to Microbiology: QUIZ #7

1. True or False? A psychrotolerant mesophile will grow
optimally at 50o C but can grow down to 35o C.
2. True or False? Mesophiles grow at an optimum below 20o C.
3. True or False? Aerotolerant fermenters can not tolerate oxygen.
4. True or False? Obligate anaerobes can only grow in the
absence of oxygen.
5. True or False? Obligate anaerobes usually require reducing
6. True or False? A positive oxidase test results in the generation
of oxygen.
7. True or False? All respiratory bacteria have cytochrome c.
8. True or False? Marine bacteria are moderate halophiles.
9. True or False? As a group bacteria have an optimum growth at
a pH of approximately 7.
10. True or False? Microaerophiles can tolerate high oxygen

Introduction to Microbiology: QUIZ #8

1. What is the term used to describe the lowest concentration of an
antimicrobial agent that stops the growth of the test organism?
2. What is the term used to describe the area of inhibited growth
of a lawn of test organisms?
3. True or False? Gram negative and Gram positive bacteria often
respond exactly the same to identical antibiotics.
4. True or False? It is common practice in most hospital
microbiology labs to test organisms isolated from infections
against a number of different antibiotics so that the most
effective antibiotics against various disease causing agents are
5. True or False? The metabolic state of the target test microbe
can affect its response to antimicrobial agents.
6. True or False? The size of the zone of inhibition depends on
how well the bacteria enforce their restriction zone from
invading bacteria.
7. Define alpha hemolysis.
8. Define beta hemolysis.
9. True or False? Pathogenic bacteria are not a part of the normal
flora of healthy individuals.
10. True or False? If the mannitol salt agar is yellow around
bacterial growth they are not metabolizing mannitol.

Introduction to Microbiology: QUIZ #9

1. True or False? Agents that kill or inhibit microorganisms may
be classified as disinfectants, antiseptics, or antibiotics.
2. True or false? Disinfectants should be exposed to mucosal
surfaces for at least a short time.
3. What is the term for molecules that are produced by one
microorganism that kill or inhibit other microorganisms.
4. True or False? Antiseptics should not be exposed to mucosal
surfaces as they could impart harm.
5. True or False? Active cells are usually less affected to
antimicrobial agents than dormant cells.
6. What type of hemolysis does Streptococcus pyogenes &
Staphylococcus generate.
7. A student didn't label the blood agar plates and doesn't
remember which plate was inoculated with Streptococcus and
which one had Staphylococcus. How can you determine which
plate was inoculated with Streptococcus.
8. True or False? Pathogenic bacteria are not apart of the normal
flora of healthy individuals.
9. True or False? Phenol red is yellow at neutral pH.
10. True or False? Severe human and animal infections can be
caused by heterotrophic bacteria carried on a normal individual.

Introduction to Microbiology: QUIZ #10

1. True or False? Most natural waters do not contain
2. True or False? Pseudomonas contain species that produce
fluorescent pigments and have the ability to grow on
asparagine as their single carbon source.
3. True or False? The direct isolation of intestinal pathogens
is practical.
4. True or False? Escherichia coli is used as an indicator of
human fecal contamination of water and food.
5. True or False? Escherichia coli is known as a coliform.
6. True or False? The advantage of the Multiple Tube
technique is that it will detect organisms at small titers?
7. True or False? The multiple tube techniques must be
calculated with the viable titer equation and serial
8. True or False? The multiple tube techniques will reveal
that gas production is an indicator of pseudomonads and
fluorescent pigments is an indicator for coliforms.
9. True or False? Coliforms are able to ferment lactose to acid
and gas.
10. True or False? Lauryl SO4 Lactose Broth retards the
growth of Gram positive bacteria.

Introduction to Microbiology: QUIZ #11

1. True or False? A negative presumptive test for coliforms
will result in gas present in the Durham tubes.
2. True or False? Bacteria other than Escherichia coli can
give a positive presumptive test.
3. True or False? The confirmative test consists of inoculating
a positive presumptive tube into phenol red lactose broth.
4. True or False? The completed test consists of inoculating
eosin methylene blue agar.
5. When performing the confirmative test what observation
would indicate a positive reaction for the presence of
Escherichia coli.
6. True or False? A positive completed test is the production
of acid and gas in the medium.
7. True or False? The presumptive, confirmative, and
completed test examine only one biochemical trait, the
fermentation of lactose.
8. True or False? The indole test will test for the ability of the
bacteria to produce indole from the amino acid tryptophan.
9. True or False? The methyl red and Voges Proskauer tests
are done in the same medium.
10. True or False? The citrate test will test for the ability of
bacteria to metabolize glucose as the sole carbon source.

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