DipTrace Tutorial

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DipTrace Tutorial

This document allows you to get started with ease by designing simple Schematic and its
PCB, pattern and component libraries, then trying different package features. The tutorial
includes step-by-step design guide and many additional insets that allow you to discover
program features. If you have any questions while learning the tutorial, contact our
support staff: [email protected]. We will be happy to be of assistance and gladly
answer all your questions. This version of tutorial was created for DipTrace ver. 1.30
(build Oct 22, 2006).

I. Creating a simple Schematic and PCB
1. Establishing a Schematic Size and Placing Titles
2. Configuring Libraries


3. Designing a Schematic
4. Converting to a PCB
5. Designing a PCB
5.1 Preparing to Route
5.2 Autorouting
5.3 Working with Layers
5.4 Measuring Trace Length
5.5 Manual Routing
5.6 Working with Vias
5.7 Placing Text and Graphics
5.8 Copper Pour
5.9 Locking Objects
5.10 Design Verification
5.11 Design Information
5.12 Printing


6. Manufacturing output


6.1 DXF output

6.2 Gerber output
6.3 Create NC Drill File for CNC Machine Drilling


II. Creating Libraries

1. Designing a Pattern Library
1.1 Customizing Pattern Editor
1.2 Designing a Resistor
1.3 Saving library
1.4 Designing a Capacitor
1.5 Designing a DIP 14 Pattern
1.6 Designing a DIP Pattern with a Variable Number of Pads
1.7 Placing the Patterns
2. Designing a Component Library
2.1 Customizing Component Editor


2.2 Designing a Resistor
2.3 Designing a Capacitor
2.4 Designing a Multipart Component
2.5 Designing VCC and GND Symbols
2.6 Using Additional fields
2.7 Placing the Components


III. Using different package features

1. Connecting
1.1 Working with buses and page connectors
1.2 Working with net ports
1.3 Connecting without wires
1.4 Connection manager in Schematic and PCB Layout


2. Reference Designators


3. How to find components in libraries


4. Electrical Rule Check


5. Bill Of Materials (BOM)


6. Importing/Exporting net-lists


7. Checking Net Connectivity


8. Using Electra Auto-router


I. Creating a simple Schematic and PCB.

This part of tutorial will teach you how to create a simple schematic and its PCB (Printed
Circuit Board) using DipTrace program.
This is a schematic that you will be creating using DipTrace schematic capture module:
Open DipTrace Schematic Capture module, i.e., go to Start All Programs DipTrace

If you run Schematic program first time, you will see the dialog box for color scheme
selection. We will use white background as more acceptable for printing this tutorial, you
can select the scheme you want. Also notice that you can change color scheme or define
colors you want any time from View/Colors.

The same dialog box will appear in PCB Layout module. Component Editor and Pattern
Editor use color settings of Schematic Capture and PCB Layout accordingly.

1. Establishing a schematic size and placing titles.

Establish a schematic size and place a drawing frame: File / Title & Sheet Setup, select
ANSI A in the Sheet Template box. Then go to the bottom of the screen, check the
Display Titles and Display Sheet boxes.

Notice that you can show/hide Titles and Sheet by selecting View / Display Titles and
View / Display Sheet from main menu.
Press the - button until the drawing frame can be seen. Notice that +/ or mouse
wheel allow you to zoom on the schematic. If a mouse arrow points to the component or
to the selected area, the Zoom can be achieved by pressing + / - or scrolling mouse
wheel. Also you can change zoom by selecting appropriate value from the scale box on
standard panel or simply typing it there.

To enter the text into the title field move the mouse arrow over that field (it should be
highlighted in green), then left-click on the field to see the pop up window with Field
Properties dialog box. In that dialog box you can type the text, define the alignment (Left,
Center or Right) and Font. In your case, type Astable Flip Flop, press Font button
and set the font size to 12. Then click OK to close that dialog box to apply changes.
Notice that you can also enter multi-line text into the title block fields.

You may zoom on the Title Block by moving the mouse arrow on it and pressing the +
repeatedly or scrolling mouse wheel up. Notice that you can use Zoom Window tool to
zoom on the defined rectangle of the design area: click on the Zoom Window tool (the
second button to the left of the scale box), move mouse arrow to the upper left corner of
the area that you want to zoom on, hold down the left mouse button and move the mouse
to the opposite corner and then release the mouse button. To return to the previous scale
and position, use Undo Scale tool (the button on the left side of the scale box).

Go to File and select Save As, type a name of the file you want to use and make sure
that it is in the needed directory. Press Save.

2. Configuring libraries
Before first using Schematic Capture and PCB Layout, you might want to setup your
libraries. Go to LibraryLibrary Setup:

Notice that on the right side you may see a text No Library File, disregard it and scroll
down using the scroll button on the right side of the All Libraries box. After scrolling
down, you will see all libraries that came with your software.
DipTrace package has two modes to activate libraries:
1. To get libraries from a specified folder:
This mode is active if Get Libraries from Folder box is checked, in the upper left corner
of the Library Setup window. To define the folder with libraries press button on
the right side of folder path. Make sure that you find the Lib directory that came with
the program. Later, you can point to any other location (for example, you may point to a
library named mylib which you would create to store your own symbols) but in the
beginning, before you become familiar with Libraries concept, please follow our
2. To activate libraries using the list:
This mode is active if Get Libraries from Folder box is unchecked. The list of active
libraries is enabled in this mode and you can edit it using the buttons at the right side of
this list: << adds the selected library from All Libraries list, adds the library
from hard drive, Arrow Up moves the selected library up, Arrow Down moves
the selected library down, Del deletes selected libraries from Active Libraries list.
Notice that the first mode is enabled by default.
All known libraries are placed automatically to All Libraries list (on the right side of the
dialog box). Also you can add or delete libraries from that list using Add or Delete
Close the Library Setup dialog box and all changes, if made, will be applied to the
Libraries panel.
If you want to move components from a design to a library, select these components,
move a mouse arrow over one of them, right-click, then select Save to Library. From
the Save to Library submenu you can add the selected component to active library
(shown on the left side of screen) or save them to a different library.

3. Designing a schematic
Open Schematic Capture module and using a mouse arrow, select a library named
Transistor in the upper right part of the screen and click on the Transistors button.
Notice that you can scroll libraries left and right using arrow buttons on the right side of
those buttons.
Scroll down the component list on the left side of the screen, to the transistor 2N4401 and
click on it. That will select a symbol and allow you to move it to the schematic. Move the
mouse arrow to the schematic and left-click once - that will place a transistor on the
schematic. To disable a placement mode, right-click.

How to move a symbol around? Hold down the left mouse button on the symbol and
move it until you find a proper place for it. If you need to move several symbols you
should select them first, then drag-and-drop. To select a single symbol, left-click on it. If
you want to select several symbols, press and hold down a Ctrl button and click on
each symbol that you want to select in your group of symbols. Also you can select the
group of symbols using a different way: move mouse to the upper-left corner of the
group, hold down the left mouse button, move cursor to lower-right corner and release
the mouse button (if the Ctrl key is pressed, the selection will be inverted).
Notice that a Reference Designator of the transistor is U1. If you prefer to change it to
Q1, place a mouse arrow over the U1 and right-click on it, then select a top item
(Designator) from the submenu. When a dialog box will pop up, type a new designator, in
this case Q1:

We need two transistors for our schematic, so select 2N4401 in the component list (on
the left side) and place it in the design area - the sheet you are working on. Notice that
you dont need to rename the second transistor to Q2 because its done automatically.
If you want to rotate the symbol before placing it on the schematic, press a Space Bar or
R button.


Select a library named Discrete on the library panel and find a suitable resistor.
Select RES400, which designates a resistor with 400 mils of lead spacing. By the way, if
you prefer a drawing in metric units, go to View / Units / mm.

Change a reference designator of your resistor to R1. Place a mouse arrow over a resistor,
right-click on it, select top item from the submenu and change U1 to R1, then click

We need 4 resistors on the schematic. Notice that you can simply place them from a
component panel on the left, the same way you placed the Q1 and Q2, but now we will
use another method. Select your resistor like in the picture above then copy it 3 times.
You can use 2 ways to copy this symbol:
1. Simply select Edit / Copy from the main menu, then select Edit / Paste 3 times or
right-click in the position where you want to place copy and Paste from pop-up menu.
2. The second method is named Copy Matrix. Select your resistor, then Edit / Copy
Matrix from the main menu (or simply press Ctrl+M).

In the Copy Matrix dialog box define the number of columns and rows (in our case 2
columns and 2 rows to get 4 resistors) and spacing (in our case 1 inch for columns and
0.4 inch for rows), then click OK. Now you can see the resulted matrix of resistors:

Move resistors to a proper location on your schematic and rotate by 90 degrees, use a
Space Bar or R button to rotate a symbol. Another possibility to rotate is by using Edit
/ Rotate command or right-click on the symbol and Rotate from the submenu.
You can use Shift key for orthogonal moving (by single coordinate only) if necessary.
Notice that you can scroll the design by using the right mouse button or mouse wheel:
move mouse arrow to the design area, then hold down the right mouse button or mouse
wheel and scroll your design to a new position.


Now we will display component types for the transistors: select the components Q1 and
Q2, then right-click on one of them and select Properties from the submenu. Click on
the tab Marking in the component properties dialog box.

Select Type in the field Show for additional marking. This will show type of the
selected components. Notice that descriptors are already displayed and Default defines
the use of general Schematic settings for the components, so displaying RefDes is a
general property. Click OK to close the dialog box and display the type of transistors.
Show pin numbers by selecting View / Pin Numbers / Show if they are not shown yet.
Notice that you can change numbers showing for selected patterns using right-click on
the pattern and Pin Numbers from its submenu.
Your Type markings and pin numbers (B, C, E) cross over other symbol graphics, so
you should move them around. To move the texts around, select View / Part Marking /
Move Tool from main menu or simply press F10 and then move Types and pin
numbers. Also you can rotate pattern markings while moving by pressing R or Space
key. By the way, in View / Part Marking submenu you can define general settings for
part markings. General settings of markings are applied to all schematic parts, except
ones which have their own settings (in our case the transistors have their own settings).

Note: you may use command Edit / Undo or click on the corresponding button in the
top of the schematic window if you want to go back to the previous version of schematic.
The program saves up to 50 steps. And you may use Redo button which is a functional
opposite of Undo. Remember to save the schematic: Select File / Save from main
menu or click on the Save button in upper-left side. If the schematic is still not saved,
the Save As dialog box will be opened to define the file name. If the file name is
already saved, you dont need to type it again, but click on the Save button or press
Ctrl+S only. If you need to define another file name, for example for backup purpose,
select File / Save As from the main menu.


Connect the resistor R1 to the base of transistor Q1: place a mouse arrow on the bottom
tip of the resistor R1 and left-click. Move the mouse arrow down and right to the base of
transistor Q1 and left-click to connect the wire between R1 and base of Q1.
To mirror the transistor Q2, place the mouse arrow over Q2 and right-click to select Flip
and Horizontal:


To move the resistor, place a mouse arrow over it, then left-click and hold while moving
a component around. When in a correct position, release the left button. Connect R4 to
the base of Q2, R2 to C pin of Q1 and R3 to C pin of Q2:

Notice that the wire is not straight between R3 and Q2; move transistor Q2 by placing a
mouse arrow over Q2, clicking left mouse button and holding it while moving Q2 left
until the wire connecting collector R3 and collector Q2 becomes a straight line. This is
not important for electrical connectivity but only from aesthetic point of view.
Select CAP100RP and place twice. Then change U1 and U2 reference designators to C1
and C2. Notice that you can place the first capacitor, rename its descriptor only and then
place the second one, or use Copy function to create the second capacitor.

Flip C2, so the plus sign is on the right side, by placing a mouse arrow over C2, rightclick and select FlipHorizontal.
Move capacitors C1 and C2 between transistors Q1 and Q1 with respect to polarities:
Move resistors a little to the top to provide more space for connections. Notice that the
wires follow the components: place left mouse arrow over resistor, hold down the left
button while moving R1 up. Select Q2, R3, R4 and related wires by placing the
mouse arrow in the upper left corner of these objects, then hold down left mouse button
and move to opposite corner all objects in the rectangle will be selected when you
release the left mouse button.


Connect C1 (+) to collector Q1: move mouse arrow to C1 (+) pin, left-click, move to the
wire between R2 (A) and Q1 (C), then left-click to connect. Notice that blue squares
show the selection, use right-click to clear the selection if you are in the default mode and
double right-click if you are in another mode (first click to disable the mode and the
second one to clear selection). Connect C2 to between Q1 base and collector Q2.


Scroll down the component list in the right side to locate the LED and place two
components onto your schematic. Then change reference designators to LED1 and
LED2, rotate these symbols by selecting them and pressing R key or Space three
times and connect to transistors:

Place a battery symbol from Disc_Sch library. Then change battery RefDes and connect
the wires to complete your schematic (see on the picture below).

If you want to move existing wire, move the mouse arrow over it (the net should be
highlighted and mouse arrow shows possible moving directions) then hold down the left
mouse button and move the wire to new position. Notice that if you are in Place Wire
mode and click on the existing wire you start to create a new wire. (Place Wire mode
is enabled automatically when you try to place wire by clicking on some component pin,
also you can put on it by selecting Objects / Circuit / Place Wire or the corresponding
button on the objects panel in upper side of window). If some objects are not highlighted
when you move mouse arrow over them try to right-click to turn on the default mode. If
you want to delete the wire (node to node connection) move mouse over it, right-click to
open submenu, then select Delete Wire. To delete wire segment select Delete Line
from the wire submenu. Notice that you can use Undo to return to the previous
version(s) of the schematic.
Add component values: right-click on R1, select Properties from submenu, type
47k to Value field. Click on Marking Tab and go to
Main MarkingShowValue, then go to Additional MarkingShowRefDes and
click OK. This screen makes reference designators and component values visible:


Enter the remaining component values. Notice that you can select several symbols and
define Marking Settings for them all by opening Component Properties dialog box only

Notice that our battery was placed from library Disc_Sch. All *Sch libraries contain only
the symbols without patterns (you can preview the pattern in bottom left corner before
placement the component). If you want to convert a schematic to PCB you should attach
the related pattern first, otherwise the conversion will proceed but will show you errors
which will have to be corrected anyway: move the mouse arrow over a battery symbol,
right-click to show the submenu and select Attached Pattern. Add pattern libraries to
the dialog box by clicking Add button in the upper-right and selecting the library on
your hard drive (by the way all standard libraries are in <Drive>:\Program
Files\DipTrace\Lib folder). Select the library from a library list and the pattern from a
pattern list at the bottom-right side of the dialog box. The default battery pattern is
included into misc.lib. Define pin to pad connections for your component: click on the
pin name in the pin table (left side of the dialog box), then type related pad number in the
Pad Number field or simply left-click on the pad in the related pattern graphics (middle
of the dialog box).

When the pin to pad connection is done, click OK and it will close the dialog box and
apply changes.
Note: some symbols may not have the attached patterns (for example VCC, GND or
logical connectors Net Ports) and that will be shown in errors during conversion to
a PCB.
Our schematic is ready to convert to PCB. Do not forget to save it by selecting File /
Save from the main menu, by clicking on the Save button in the upper left side of
window or simply by pressing Ctl+S.
Also notice that you can print or save the schematic to BMP or JPG file. Select
File/Preview from main menu, then press Print All to print all schematic sheets,
Print Current Sheet to print the selected sheet or Save to produce BMP/JPG file with
defined resolution.


4. Converting to PCB
Notice that you can open DipTrace schematic files (*.dch) from the PCB Layout program
But to save your time after creating the schematic simply select File / Convert to PCB
or press Ctrl+B in the Schematic Capture module and the PCB Layout with your
project will be opened automatically.
However for Win 98/ME users it is strongly recommended to save your schematic file,
close the program, then run PCB Layout and open *.dch file from there. Incorrect
memory sharing in 9x/ME may cause program crash while running several package
programs at once. Win NT/2000/XP users may run several DipTrace modules at once
without such problems.
Also notice that in case of incorrect exit from the program or if you forgot to save the
project, it is possible to recover the latest job by selecting File / Recover Schematic in
Schematic or File / Recover Board in PCB Layout module.

If you plan to use another PCB Layout software to design a PCB or give it to someone
else, you can use netlist export feature of Schematic program. Select File/Export/Netlist
from main menu, then netlist format. DipTrace supports popular netlist formats, such as
Tango, PADS, P-CAD, etc. Also this feature is useful to check net structure.
We will use DipTrace PCB Layout module to design a PCB for our Schematic.
Place components according to your preferences and design rules. Moving component
around is accomplished by placing a cursor over the component and dragging it to a
proper location. Press Space Bar or R-key to rotate the selected components by 90
degrees. If you need to rotate components by different angle, select them, then make right
click on one of the components and choose Define Angle or Rotate Mode. Rotate
mode allows you rotate objects freely using mouse.

It is a good practice to keep power supply components in one area and functional blocks
grouped together. If circuit is high frequency, apply appropriate layout rules.
Notice that you can renew the PCB from updated Schematic file and keep component
placement and routed traces. Select File / Renew Design from Schematic then find and
open the updated schematic file.

5. Designing the PCB

5.1 Preparing to route
In PCB layout, make reference designators visible: Select View / Pattern Marking /
RefDes. This command allows a global RefDes visibility and shows all reference
designators on the screen (except for the components with individual settings). If the
marking justification doesnt look acceptable, select View / Pattern Marking / Main /
Justify in the submenu select Auto or another mode you want.
To define the individual parameters for the selected components: right-click on one of the
componentsPropertiesMarking. Also remember that you can use F10 or View /
Pattern Marking / Move Tool to move designators.
Probably the configuration of connections after placement is not convenient if you plan to
route the design manually, so select View / Connections / Optimize from main menu to
optimize the connections.

Let us show you how to change the net structure of our design and how to add/remove
connections. This step is not needed for this board, but just to let you know that its
possible: move the mouse arrow over any pad (for example R4 - B), right-click, then
select Delete from Net and the pad will be deleted from the net.


If you would like to add some pad to the net without creating connection (for example
you don't want to search the design for other pads of that net) move the mouse over that
pad, right-click and select Add to Net / Select from List.
Now move the mouse arrow over this pad, left-click, then move mouse to any other pad
and left-click on it. You have built the pad-to-pad connection (should be a blue line). If
you cant create such connection, probably you are not in default mode, so right-click to
disable the mode you are in. To delete existing connection simply try to create it
repeatedly and select Delete Connection from the submenu shown.
Also you can edit the structure of nets from the connection manager. To open it, select
Route / Connection Manager from the main menu and you can create new nets and
add/delete pads to/from nets.
If you have changed the structure of nets please press Undo until the design structure is
restored. By the way, if you lose the design or schematic because of incorrect exit from
the program, use File / Recover Board in PCB Layout and File / Recover Schematic
in the Schematic Capture to recover the latest project.
Notice that we havent determined the board outline yet. When using the autorouter, the
routed area (board polygon, for simple boards a rectangle) is created automatically
depending on the tolerances specified in autorouter setup. But in many cases we require a
fixed board size and must define it before the component placement and routing. To do
so, select Route / Place Board or the corresponding button on the routing panel in the
upper side of the screen, then place the board outline polygon by clicking in the key
points, right-click in the final point and select Enter.
Notice that you can build arcs in board outline by selecting Arc Mode after right-click.
To insert the point after completing board outline move the mouse over point-to-point

segment then drag-and-drop. When you right-click on the point of board outline the
submenu shows where you can make an arc with current middle point or delete the point
from board outline. Also notice that point coordinates are shown as hint when the cursor
is placed over the one of board outline point.

Also, you can define the board key points and/or size from the Board Points dialog box.
To open it, select Route / Board Points from the main menu.

In this dialog box you can Add, Insert and Delete the key points. The coordinates can be
shown and edited in the absolute and incremental modes (the second mode usually is
more convenient). If you check Arc box for some point, that point will be the middle of

arc and neighboring points start and end of it. For rectangular boards, check Create
Rectangular Board box and simply define the first point (base), width and height of the
board. Then click OK to apply changes or Cancel to close the dialog box. Notice that
you can use Route / Delete Board from main menu if you want to delete the board.
Notice that origin of our design is not defined yet. By default the program places the
origin in the center of screen and doesn't display it. To display the origin select
View/Origin from main menu or press F1. Now the origin (two blue lines) is displayed,
however its position is not correct for our board, so select the origin tool in the top of
screen near Arrow button (it shows Define Origin hint) and left-click in the bottom left
corner of the board outline.

All coordinates in the program will be displayed and edited regarding this origin. Also
you can change its position in any time.
Notice that all patterns have their own origin you can define in Pattern Editor we will
do it below while designing the library and pattern coordinates are the position of pattern
origin. It will be displayed while placing the pattern or opening schematic if different
from the pattern center point. To show or hide the origin of selected patterns, right-click
on one of them and select Pattern Origin from the submenu.
5.2 Autorouting
Now it is time to route your board. DipTrace has a high quality router, superior to many
routers included in other PCB layout packages available on the market today. Most of the
time, a simple PCB like the one shown, can be routed on a single layer (bottom side),
which obviously presents many benefits for prototyping, like efficiency and speed of

having a finished prototype. The traces might be a bit longer on a single sided PCB vs
two-sided but that most probably will be without effect on most designs.
You will first setup the router: go to Route / Autorouter Setup.
In the Grid Router setup dialog box uncheck Use All Layers box and change the
number of layers to 1 - routing of traces will be done on the bottom side. Notice that
you can change the autorouting quality by defining the Auto Setup parameter, but
higher quality autorouting takes more time, makes several routing attempts and chooses
the best layout. Also it is possible to autoroute single layer PCBs with jumper wires
(Allow Jumper Wires box). In our case, the board is simple and we can route without
jumper wires, but also it is better to select in AutoSetup box Normal routing mode at
least. Quick mode can be used for non-complex double-layer PCBs or when you try
preliminary autorouting for large multilayer PCB (where the final routing takes much
time). Press OK to apply changes.
Then select Route / Route Setup, change tolerances to 0.020 and press OK.
(0.020 traces are chosen with small prototype builder in mind, who possibly uses a laser
printer to make his bottom side laminations. An engineer/technician with preference and
access to UV light may use 0.013 traces and less, all depending on a collimating ability of
his exposure equipment).

Pad Clearance in any case can't be smaller than Trace Clearance, so if you define Pad
Clearance to 13mil and Trace to 20mil, all the pad-to-trace and pad-to-pad clearances will
be not less than 20mil, but you can define for example 13 mil for trace clearance and 20
mil for a pad.

Also you can define the trace width for each net individually. Move the mouse arrow
over some pad of the net you want to change the settings, right-click, then select Net
Properties. In the net properties dialog box you can define the width of traces and trace
to trace spacing for the selected net only. Click OK or Cancel to close the dialog box.
Notice that you can use templates to save your time when changing width and clearance
in different dialog boxes and menus (such as manual routing). If you want to configure
trace templates select Route / Trace Templates from the main menu.

Notice for hobbyists: please be aware of the fact that a laser paper introduces some
degree of dimensional distortion due to heat expansion of paper. It all depends on your
laser printer and quality of paper. For many people it may be of no significance but for
some it may be important. One way to cope with it is to preheat the paper in the laser
printer by running it through a laser printer without printing on it (you may print just a
dot). For ink-jets that is not the case since ink-jet technology does not heat up the paper.
It is not to say that laser printer always distorts the image visibly but rather to make you
aware of possible source of dimensional discrepancies. Scaling an image is one method
or using Adobe Postscript is another (some prefer GhostScript because it is free). To
summarize, there are two methods of prototyping a PCB at home: using a TT (Toner
Transfer) or UV exposure. TT is definitely a method for a laser printer and UV exposure
is better served by an ink-jet printer.
Time to route your board: Route / Run Autorouter The board will be routed. If one or
more wires were not routed try to reroute: select Undo or Route / Unroute All, then
run the autorouter again. By the way if you define the Best quality in the Autorouter
Setup dialog box probably the autorouter has found the optimal result - so if there are
non-routed traces it means that the tolerances and/or placement of the component have to

be changed - a component has to have more clearance around or the traces are too thick.
However tying to route it again or making better mode may be a solution too.

The DRC (Design Rule Check) are running after autorouting and are showing possible
errors if exist (red and blue circles). Please correct the errors and rerun DRC by selecting
Route / Check Design from main menu or the corresponding button in upper side of the
screen. To change the design rules select Route / Design Rules from main menu. To
hide red circles select Route / Hide Errors. Also you can disable the DRC after
autorouting, simply uncheck corresponding box in the route setup dialog box (Route /
Route Setup from main menu).
Notice that if you want to finish your project faster, you can skip all topics until
Printing (5.12) because your PCB is ready to output. But if you want to learn some
features of PCB Layout (that can be learned with this design and probably are useful for
your further projects) in depth we recommend to learn the topics 5.3 5.11.
5.3 Working with layers
The traces that you can see are gray because they are placed on the bottom layer and
your active layer is Top. Also the program has Contrast mode to display layers by
default. Change the active layer: move mouse arrow to the list box in the upper right with
Top text and select Bottom. By the way, there are two such lists: the first is used to
choose the placement side (located on the objects panel near component placement tool)
and the second one to change active signal/plane layer (located in the right corner of route
panel); you can move the mouse arrow over these boxes and identify them by hint.


You might not like the contrast mode and black color of Signal/Plane layers so let us
change these settings now. Select Layer / Display Mode from the main menu. From the
appeared submenu you can choose the mode to show layers you like. We select All
layers to show all layers of the design with the same contrast. If you want to see current
layer only, then select Current.

To change the color and other layer settings, select Layer / Layers Setup from the main
menu. In the Layers Setup dialog box, select the layer and press button to change
its color. We have changed the colors: Top Red and Bottom Blue. Notice that you
can also rename the layers, add and delete layers from this dialog box (Top and Bottom
cant be deleted). You can also add the plane layer (notice that it cant contain traces),
define the net for plane (usually it is Ground or Power) and the method to build metal
zone of the plated holes for your plane layer. We recommend to create signal/plane layers
and to set the plane layer parameters before autorouting.

You can mirror the design to see the bottom side by selecting View / Mirror from the
main menu. Notice that you are not able to edit your design in this mode (view and
printing only), so select the same item from main menu again to continue.
5.4 Measuring trace length
Current project doesn't require such measuring because it is simple and low-speed,
however if you make high-speed circuits, video devices, etc. trace length is important.
First of all notice that hint of each trace includes its length by default this can be helpful
however is not enough to check trace length in real-time with ease.
Now please select several traces (you can use usual box selection or Ctrl key to select
exactly what you want). Right click on one of selected traces and choose Show Trace
Length from net submenu.


You will see small boxes with trace length near all pads of selected nets, they are also
highlighted while you move mouse over the trace. Values are shown in current units
(inches in our case) and are changed in real-time while you edit the trace.

Now please hide trace length using net submenu (select the same item) or Undo function.
5.5 Manual Routing
For our simple project we have received the final version of routed board using the
autorouter but for more complex projects for best result you will probably have to do a
manual correction after autorouting.
First try to edit an existing trace (you may have to switch to the trace layer you want to
edit by pressing the layer button in the upper top right corner): move a mouse arrow over
the trace, then drag-and-drop the trace to a new position. In this mode, the trace segment
is edited depending on the angles and can be either 90 or 45 degrees but you can also cut
the 90+ degrees angles by adding new segments.
DipTrace allows you to edit traces freely by selecting Route / Tools / Free Edit Traces
from the main menu or the corresponding button on the Route panel in the upper side of
the screen. Now you are able to move trace nodes and segments without any limitations.

Notice that you can change the grid size from the list box on the Standard Panel on the
left side of Scale box. If you want to edit traces and design objects without grid, simply
press F11 to disable the grid or select View / Grid from main menu.
Move the mouse over trace segment and right-click on it. You can see the net submenu
and here you can define the name of your net, add new node to the trace segment, change
the width and layer, delete lines and segments. Please note that DipTrace creates the vias
automatically between two segments placed in different layers. Select Switch Line

Layer / Top you will see that the trace segment you clicked on, has been moved to the
Top layer and there are two vias between this segment and adjacent one.

Change current layer to Top, right-click on that segment and move it back to Bottom.
Now we will try manual routing, so right-click on one of your nets, then select Unroute
Net from the submenu. Notice that Unroute Net command from net submenu is
applied to all selected nets; in our case there are no selected nets and only the net you
clicked on will be unrouted. Then select Route / Tools / Route Manual from the main
menu or corresponding button on the Route Panel (now you are in Manual routing mode).
Move mouse arrow over one pad of the non-routed net (until it highlights in red), then
left-click and define the key points of your trace step-by-step using left-click. Try to
right-click when placing trace the Route Manual submenu is shown. Now you can
finish placing your trace, cancel it, move step backward, change the route mode (90&45
of free), change the layer (a via will be placed and you will be able to route the next
layer), width of the next trace segments or place jumper wire.
Notice that submenu commands are duplicated by hot keys to make manual routing
process easier: M-switch between routing modes, T-switch to Top, B'-switch to
bottom, J-switch to jumper wire or back (if you are in Bottom layer, the jumper wire
will be placed to Top side, if in Top - then it will be placed to Bottom side), 1 - 0 in
the top of keyboard switching between layers (up to 10).
Switch layer to Top.


You can see that from the last specified key point, the trace will be in new layer, then
move mouse a little to bottom left, right-click and select from the submenu Enter or
press Enter key. Now you are in Top layer and the trace is placed, but not connected.

Now move mouse arrow over the trace end, which is not connected yet, and build the line
to the second pad of your net (notice that you should be in Route Manual mode). The
trace is connected to the second pad:

5.6 Working with Vias

DipTrace has two via types: usual vias that are parts of traces and appear automatically
when you move trace segment to another layer and static vias that works in the same way
as pads. Static via has more properties and can be used to connect trace to planes, etc.
Other useful feature of static via is hiding or removing it in some layers that allows you to
make blind/buried via. Usual via can be blind/buried too, but it is shown in the layers
between trace segments only and you can not show or hide it in other signal/plane layers.
Also if you got accustomed with other PCB Layout software, it is probably more
comfortable for you to use static vias only. We will work with usual via first, then place
static via and investigate some of its properties.
Currently our project has only one via between top and bottom layers, so to try working
with vias we will create more ones. So select the bottom layer from the Signal/Plane
Layer box on the Route panel, move mouse cursor on some trace, right-click and select
Switch Line Layer / Top from net submenu.


Now we have 3 vias. Select Layer / Via Properties from main menu.
In the dialog box shown you can change default via settings for the program. Change
outer diameter and hole diameter to another value (we will increase them a little). Draw
your attention to Apply To group Default Only should be selected by default, this
means only the vias of previous default size/type will be changed. Also you can change
default settings without applying them to existing vias or apply them to all vias of entire
design. Select Apply To: All and press OK to make changes and close the dialog


Now please move the mouse cursor to one of the vias, make right-click and select Via
Properties. In the dialog box shown you can change via settings for the point, trace or
net. Change the settings and press OK to apply them.

Notice that if you are trying to change the settings for current point only and nothing
happens, most probably you clicked on another trace segment. So try to click a bit closer
to the point or change current signal layer (in our case this can happen with upper-right
via and changing layer to Top or moving mouse arrow closer to the vertical segment
solves the problem).
Now please press Undo several times to return the board to the state it was after
autorouting, then select Layer / Via Properties from main menu and change the
parameters to the ones you normally use.
Static via is the same object as pad and has similar properties. We will review one of
them. Please select Objects/Place Static Via from main menu or appropriate button on
the elements panel (upper-right corner) and place several vias. They are displayed in the
same color as current layer, i.e. Red because we have red top layer.

You can easily connect them to nets, build traces, etc. in the same way as you do that
with pads. Now please make right click on one of those vias to display its submenu and
select Via Layers.


In the dialog box shown you can remove via shape and hole in some layers to make it
blind or buried one. Now please click on the Top layer to deselect it and press OK.
You will see that selected via is removed from top layer, however still exists in Bottom.

Notice that you can do the same operation with pads. Also all selected pads/vias can be
changed at once if you choose Apply to: Selected Components in Via/Pad layers dialog
box. To define custom settings for Paste and Solder Mask layers you can use Mask /
Paste Settings from pad/via submenu.
Remove static vias from your design to return to previous state.
5.7 Placing Text and Graphics
You probably want to add some text or graphics to your board (with DipTrace you can
even add a logo in Bmp or Jpeg format and export it to Gerber or DXF). Now we will add
the text to the PCB board. First you should select a layer to place shapes, texts and logos.
Move mouse to the list box with Top Assy text in the upper side and select Top Silk
from the list. Now all the graphical objects will be placed in the Top Silk layer . Notice
that PCB Layout program has different lists to select current signal/plane layer and the
layer to place graphics, also if you choose Signal/Plane as a layer to place graphics, all
shapes, texts and logos will be placed on the current Signal or Plane layer. This may seem
more complex than simply create only one list, but try this feature and you will see how it
saves you time.

You should make a board a little bigger to place additional object, so move the mouse
arrow to the upper left vertex of the board outline, then drag-and-drop it in the top
direction. Do the same with upper right vertex. Notice that you can add vertices to the
board outline try to drag-and-drop the segment (not vertex) of board outline.


If you want to move the board outline, then select it (press Ctrl key and left-click on the
board outline segment), move mouse over the board outline and drag-and-drop it.
Remember that if you cant highlight some objects and edit them, probably you are not in
a default mode, so simply right-click to cancel the mode. Also the objects located in
inactive signal/plane layer cant be edited.
Select Text tool on the Drawing panel (the button with Abc), then left-click where
you would like to place your text, enter the text and press enter or click the mouse button.
Use the mouse to move your text around the design until find correct position for it.
Notice that if you want to change the font name and size by default select Objects /
Drawing Properties / Font from the main menu.


Notice that you can change a layer of the graphics and text objects at any time. Simply
select your objects, right-click on one of them, then Properties from the submenu. In
Shape Properties dialog box change Type and Layer fields to move the selected
objects to another layer or define different properties (such as Route Obstacle that is
used for autorouting).
Notice that you can also add shapes to Mask, Paste, route obstacle and board cutout
layers. These properties can be defined on the drawing panel or via shape properties in
the same way as silk or signal/plane layers.
5.8 Copper Pour
How about adding Copper Pour in the bottom layer? It is probably not needed (like the
text and some other things) for such simple PCB but let me show you how to add it and
then well delete it. Select the Bottom layer, then Objects / Place Copper Pour from
main menu or the Copper Pour tool on the objects panel (in the upper left side). Then
place the copper outline polygon by defining key points and right-click when finished.
You will see the following dialog box:


DipTrace has Shape-based copper pour system. The copper area is formed from lines
with fixed width. The Line Spacing parameter is used only if you choose non-solid fill
for the copper pour. Notice that you can connect your copper area to the net and choose
the type of connections, but we will not do this for such board. Click OK to place the
Copper Pour. Depending on Board tool can be used to save your time and to build the
copper outline automatically, if you want to use this feature, simply define two random
points and right-click when placing the copper pour, then check Depending on Board
and enter board outline to copper outline spacing (this feature saves much time when you
PCB has complex board outline or arcs in it).


Copper Pour object has two modes of fill: Poured and non-Poured. The second mode is
better if you want to edit objects on the layer where the copper pour is located. To change
copper pour state, properties and update it, right-click on the copper outline and select the
item you want from submenu.
Notice that if your active layer is Top, you are able to see and edit the objects placed in
the Top, Top Silk or Top Assy layer first. By the way for this board with copper pour it is
better to use Contrast mode to show the layers:


5.9 Locking objects

Sometime when you edit schematic or PCB you need to lock some objects to prevent
further editing of their positions and properties. In DipTrace you can lock selected objects
and components by side. Now please select several design objects, make right click on
one of them and choose Lock Selected from submenu.

Notice that locked objects have low contrast of selection rectangles (in our case they have
the same color as bottom copper pour, so we have to unpour it to see selection
rectangles). Also hint of the locked object includes Locked text.

You are unable to move, resize or edit locked object. Now please unlock all objects:
select all by pressing Ctrl+A and unlock all (Edit/Unlock Selected or Ctrl+Alt+L).
Also you can lock components after placing them on the top or bottom side. Select
Edit/Lock Components/Top to lock top components. Using this mode you can route the
board and don't worry that some components can be moved by accident. To unlock
components in the top layer select Edit/Lock Components/Top from main menu again.
5.10 Design Verification
DipTrace has number of features to verify your design, that are united in Verification
item of main menu. For complete verification of your board we recommend to use DRC,
net connectivity check and comparing PCB to Schematic.
DRC feature is one of the most important features, that allows you to check the distance
between design objects and allowable sizes. Most probably current PCB doesn't have
errors because it is simple. Press DRC button on the route panel or select Verification /
Check Design from main menu to check entire design - the error list or No Errors
message will be shown. Now select Verification / Design Rules to setup DRC feature.


In the design rules dialog box you can define clearances for different object types. Select
Check Copper Pours box and press OK to apply changes and close the window.
Now switch to the bottom layer (select Bottom on the route panel), turn off the grid
(F11) and move some trace segment a little to let it cross the copper pour, then run DRC
by pressing appropriate button on the route panel.

You can see the list of errors (currently it is only one there). Probably you use 1280x1024
or even higher resolution, so the window of error list will be smaller if compared to

design area (the screen examples were made on 800x600 to allow you to see all controls
Double-click on the error item the error location will be moved to the center of screen
and error circle targeted to let you recognize it easier. Now correct the error without
closing DRC window, then rerun DRC to renew the list.
Net connectivity check allows you to verify if all nets are properly corrected. For such
design this is not important, however if you have large design with many layers, pins,
copper pours or maybe even shapes in signal layers (where thermals or other things can
not be created) to connect nets, then net integrity check will be helpful for you. It checks
if all nets are properly connected and displays list of broken or merged ones. We will
review this feature in the tutorial in details below.
Now please select Verification/Check Net Connectivity and click OK. Most probably
your design will not have connectivity errors and you will see appropriate message.
Comparing to Schematic allows you to check if your PCB project corresponds to source
Schematic file. It shows net structure errors and unknown components. Select
Verification/Compare to Schematic from main menu, then choose Astable Flip Flop
Schematic file. If your net structure was not changed and has no errors, you will see
appropriate message.
Net connectivity check and Comparing to Schematic works in the same way as DRC and
you can select errors from a list to highlight them.
5.11 Design Information
How about counting number of pins or board area on our design? Currently it is not a
hard task, however if you have hundreds of pins and complex board outline with arcs it
may be impossible. So select File / Design Information from the main menu.

In the design information dialog box you can preview number of different objects, layers,
board size and hole sizes. To open Holes by Size window press ... button in the
bottom right.
Now delete copper pour from your design.
5.12 Printing
We recommend that you use print preview dialog box to print your PCB. To open it,
select File / Preview from main menu or the corresponding button on Standard panel in
upper left side of the screen. Notice that we didnt describe creating Titles in Designing
PCB section. If you want to display titles like on the screenshot below, then select File
/ Titles and Sheet from main menu and select ANSI A in the Sheet Template box,
check Display Titles and close the dialog box, before opening Print Preview window.

In the Print Preview dialog box you can customize the view of your PCB by
checking/unchecking the boxes in Objects group. If you would like to change your
design printing scale, then select it from Print Scale box or press Zoom In, Zoom
Out buttons in the right side of screen. To move your PCB around the sheet select
Move Board button in the right side (selected on the picture below) and move your
PCB. In the Print Preview dialog box you can also select current Signal/Plane layer and
the mode to show layers. If you want to get mirrored PCB and/or text, check Mirror
and/or Flip Text boxes. To print, click on the Print button. To save image in Bmp or
Jpeg file, select Save.


Close the Print Preview dialog box.

6. Manufacturing Output
6.1 DXF Output
You can use DXF output feature to export your design to many CAD, CAM programs
that allow you to import DXF files. If you used AutoCad for PCB design before
switching to DipTrace, you might want to edit some pieces of your design with AutoCad.
Also the DXF export function allows to create the edge for milling automatically, the
edge can be converted from DXF to G-code using free ACE Converter (you can
download it from our web-site).
Select File / Export / DXF from the main menu. Press Select All in the Export
DXF dialog box all layers of your design will be selected. Notice that Edge_Top and
Edge_Bottom are not the layers of your design. It is possible to select them by holding
down Ctrl key and click, but now we dont use these layers. If you want, you can
check/uncheck different boxes in the right side of dialog box to show/hide objects or
mirror your design or flip text. Now press Export and save your file. Notice that DXF
Export is not available in Freeware Edition, so please download full-function 30 day trial
from our web site to try it.


Now you can open it with AutoCad or another program that supports AutoCad DXF.

What do you think about producing your PCB using milling? This method is convenient
and cheap for non-complex PCBs. Let me show you how to do this with DipTrace.
Select File / Export / DXF to open DXF Export dialog box. Then select
Edge_Bottom, all traces of our PCB are in Bottom layer, right. Check Mirror box to
mirror the design (this will be how we see the board from Bottom side). Then define
Edge Width the center line of milling will be in edge width/2 spacing from design
objects and the depth of milling depends on edge width and instrument angle. Press
Export button and save DXF file.

Now please open your file with AutoCad or another program to view the result:


The edge exported from DipTrace is set of polylines with defined width. Before the
exporting DipTrace checks your design and if the object to object spacing somewhere is
less than edge width, then it shows the warning and errors to enable you to correct them.
Notice that CAD programs usually show the polylines with sharp angles and sometime
picture in CAD program have some issues (sharp angles), but when you mill the PCB or
simulate the milling with CAM program there will be no issues because of the radius of
Now convert your edge from DXF to G-code using ACE converter.
6.2 Gerber Output
Select File / Export / Gerber from the main menu. In the Export Gerber dialog box
select the layers (use Ctrl and Shift for multiple select) and objects to export, then
press Preview button.


In the Gerber Preview dialog box you can see how your Gerber looks like. In this
case we select three layers and our Gerber looks fancy with crossing objects. Usually you
define only one layer to export it to Gerber.

The Offset in DXF, Gerber, N/C drill and Pick and Place export functions is the
distance between zeros and your board in the Bottom Left. Also you can use design
origin by checking appropriate box in export windows.
Notice that DipTrace allows you to export any texts and fonts (even Chinese hieroglyphs)
or raster black and white images (for example logo) to Gerber, but you should define
Recognize Accuracy for such objects (for example, 4 mil is set by default). You can
use up to 0.5 mil accuracy. To export Board outline or board polygon select Board or
Board Outline layer.
Also notice that in case that Pad/Via Holes box is checked, 2 layers will be created for
each signal layer if there are through pads or vias: drawing and clearing. The second layer
is used to remove artefacts over the drill holes. Manufacturers usually prefer Gerber files
without pad/via holes, however sometime hobbyists make the holes themselves, so this
feature should be useful to make drilling process easier.
Now please close the Preview and click Export, if the apertures are not predefined the
program will ask you to set them automatically, then save your Gerber file. Please type
the name of your file with extension you need (for example Bottom.gbr), if you dont
type the extension the resulted file will be undefined (without any extension).
With DipTrace you can also export Drill Symbols for different types of holes. Open the
Gerber Export dialog box (Pad/Via Holes and MtHoles should be checked), then
check Drill Symbols box and press Set Symbols button. In the Drill Symbols
dialog box define the drill symbols, their size and line width, then close it and open
Gerber Preview to view the result.


6.3 Create NC Drill file for CNC machine drilling

To export current design to N/C Drill format, select "File / Export / N/C Drill" from main
menu. Then press Auto button to define tools and press Export. Use any extension
you want but remember to open that file in another program by using correct file
extension (for example Drill.txt or Drill.drl). Notice that you dont need to select the
layers for through holes, but if your hole is blind (for example internal via), then you
should select the layer(s) where hole is located . Also use Preview to view the result.


Congratulations! You have finished designing a simple project with DipTrace.

Please save your Schematic and PCB files we will use them in your future practices
with this tutorial. It took longer to read it then to actually finish the project.
P.S. Do not forget to check Use All Layers box in the Autorouter Setup dialog box if
you plan to route 2+ layers PCBs. Or you can simply define the number of layers before
autorouting your further projects.

II. Creating libraries

This part of tutorial will teach you how to create component and pattern libraries using
Component and Pattern Editors. Libraries are crown jewels of the design house and as
such needs to be treated and BACKED UP. Again: please remember to save your own
libraries in several places, just to be safer than sorry.

1. Designing a pattern library

Open DipTrace Patter Editor, i.e. go to Start All Programs DipTrace Pattern
1.1 Customizing Pattern Editor
After opening the Pattern Editor you might want to show origin and X,Y axis, so select
View / Display Origin from the main menu or press F1. Notice that you can change
origin any time while designing the pattern,. The origin will be zero point of the pattern
when you place, rotate it or change position by coordinates in PCB Layout.
The panel in upper side of design area is Pattern Properties panel, you can use it to
define pattern attributes and design the pattern from templates or types. You might want
to hide or to minimize it when designing the patterns. To minimize the panel, click arrow

button in its upper left corner. To close the panel click X button in the upper right, to
show it again, select View / Pattern Properties from main menu.

Use Ctrl+ and Ctrl- to Zoom In and Zoom Out in component and pattern editors or
simply enter (select) necessary scale in appropriate box.
1.2 Designing a resistor
Now you will design the first pattern of your library: resistor with 400 mils lead spacing.
First define the name and descriptor of your resistor. Type RES 400 in the Name field
and R in the RefDes field of Pattern Properties panel. In Pattern Editor and Component
Editor you define base RefDes, i.e. in our case when you place the resistors to design the
RefDes will be R1, R2, R3, etc. If RefDes is not specified, then program automatically
adds U to placed components or patterns.


Note: for the first pattern we will use Free type, but in future it is faster to use Lines,
I will show how to do this with other patterns below.
Now minimize Pattern Properties panel. Select Place Pad tool on the Objects
panel, move mouse arrow to the position where your first pad should be located, then leftclick to place it; move mouse to the position of second pad and left-click to place another
one. Then right-click to cancel placement mode.


The placement by sight is a convenient method, but not accurate, so we should check and
maybe correct the pad coordinates (you can see on the picture above that we place pads
with 300 spacing, but you need 400). There are several methods to change the object
coordinates and also simple drag-and-drop. In this case we will use Layer Objects
dialog box. In the right side of screen you can see the layers. Notice that those are only
logical layers for editing (not signal or silk layers). Now select the layers: move mouse
arrow over the Layer 0, hold down the left mouse button, move cursor to Layer 1,
then release mouse button. Select Layer / Merge Layers or the corresponding button in
the upper side of layers panel. Now you have a single layer with two pads on it; double
click on it to open Layer Objects dialog box.
Select the pad with incorrect coordinates and change them, then click Close button to
close the dialog box.


You might want to change the pad settings, i.e. shape, size, hole diameter, SMD or
Through hole type, etc. Notice that pattern has pad settings by default, that can be applied
to all its pads and also each pad can haw its own settings. To change the settings by
default for the pattern select Pattern / Pad Properties from main menu. In the Pad
Properties dialog box you can change the shape of your pad: Ellipse, Oval, Rectangle or
Polygon (click Points to define the number of vertices or point coordinates for polygonal
pad). A hole diameter is applied to Through pads only. Also you can use pad template
by selecting it from Template box. And to create your own templates, click >>
button to open templates manager. Notice that templates you can create here, can be used
for fast change of pad settings in different dialog boxes of Pattern Editor and PCB Layout


Please close Templates, change shape to Rectangle, width to 0.08, and On Board to
Surface, then click OK to apply changes.

Now you will change the settings of single pad. Move the mouse arrow over first pad,
right-click, select Properties (If the pad is not highlighted while moving mouse arrow
over it, right-click or use Default Mode button in the upper side of screen to switch to
default mode).
In the Pad Properties dialog box uncheck Default for Pattern box to enable the pads
own settings, change shape to Polygon, width and height to 0.09, then press Points
to open Polygon Points dialog box. Here you can define the type of polygonal pad and
if non-Regular, polygon point coordinates. Close the Polygon Points dialog box, then
change hole diameter to 0,04, On Board to Through and press OK to close the
dialog box and apply changes.

Notice that you can change pad coordinates and direction from the pad properties dialog
box. Also pad properties are applied to all selected pads (not a single one you clicked on).


Please define the following properties for the pads: The first 0.09x0.09, Rectangle,
Through hole diameter 0.04; the second 0.09x0.09, Ellipse, Through hole diameter
You will place the silk for this resistor. Select Rectangle button on the Objects panel in
the upper part of the screen, then place rectangle by clicking on two of its key points:


Disable rectangle placement mode (right-click or Default Mode button).

You might want to change the size of silk shape. You can do this in following ways:
using Layer Objects dialog box (double click on Layer 1 graphic in the right side),
right-click on the shape and selecting point from the submenu, or resize the shape using
drag-and-drop method (use it in this case). Please close the pattern properties panel (X
button in upper right corner of it), Zoom In the resistor by placing Ctrl+, change grid
size to 0.025in (the grid box is located to the left from scale box). Then move mouse
arrow over rectangle key points and resize (mouse cursor shows possible directions).


The resistor is ready.

Try to rotate and mirror the first pattern of your library, select Edit / Rotate Pattern to
rotate and Edit / Vertical Flip, Edit / Horizontal Flip to mirror.
Notice that if you try to select and rotate the objects of your pattern, the silk shapes are
sized in relation to pattern width and height (sometimes it looks fancy). The silk resizing
is used when you change the width and height of pattern by defining different parameters
when using Type of pattern (see designing DIP below).
1.3 Saving library
It is time to specify library name, comments and filename. You will add several other
patterns to this library in a minute, but we can define these parameters and save it now,
then add new patterns and simply click on Save button.
Select Library / Library Name and Hint from main menu. In the dialog box type the
name of your library (it should be short) and hint, then click OK. The name of your
library will be shown on the Library Panel in PCB Layout program, the hint will be
shown when you move the mouse arrow over the button with library name.

Select Library / Save from main menu or the corresponding button on the standard
panel in upper left side of screen. Find the folder to save, type filename, then click
Save. I recommend you to use different folders for Standard libraries
(<Drive>:/Program Files/DipTrace/Lib by default) and your own libraries (in this case
we have created My Libs subfolder in DipTrace folder).

1.4 Designing a capacitor

Capacitor has very similar pattern if compared to resistor, but we will use another set of
Pattern Editor function to create.
You might want to define the pad settings by default before adding new pattern and
placing the pads, so select Objects / Placement Setup from the main menu. Define the
following settings in Current Pads group: ellipse, 0.059x0.059, hole diameter 0.035,
On Board - Through. Then click OK.


Pad to Pad Spacing group of this dialog box is used to define the spacing when placing
the line, rectangle or circle of pads (you can find this tools in Objects / Place Pads
submenu or on the objects panel in upper right side of the screen).
Mt Hole Diameter group is used to define the mounting hole diameters. Mounting hole
in DipTrace has two diameters: outer the area where routing is restricted, and a hole
Notice that Placement Setup dialog box does not change the pad settings of current
pattern, but changes program settings which are used when adding a new pattern.
Add new pattern to the library: select Pattern / Add New To Library then select your
new pattern on Patterns Table in the left side of the screen (this table shows all patterns of
library you design/edit). Show the properties panel by selecting View / Properties from
main menu (if it was closed) or by clicking arrow button on its left side (if it was
minimized) and type the name and RefDes of the capacitor.


Select Lines from Type box, then define 1 to Number 1 (number of lines for
such type), 2 to Number 2 (number of pads) and 0.4 to Spacing 1 (pad to pad
spacing). Spacing is line to line spacing for Lines type we will not use it because
our pattern containss single line. Check variable parameter in the right side of Spacing
1 field, this will allow you to change lead spacing without pattern editor.


Notice that you can use different types (Lines, etc.) to design the patterns with fixed
lead spacing, number of pads, etc. (I suppose 95-100% of your patterns will be not
variable). Simply do not check variable parameter boxes.
Minimize pattern properties panel, then change the shape of first pad to Rectangle:
right-click on the pad, Properties, select Rectangle in the shape box and press OK.
Select rectangle tool on the objects panel in upper side of the screen and place rectangle
(this is first shape of the pattern silk screen), then select line tool and place two lines to
create + symbol.


The capacitor is ready. Do not forget to save your library sometime by clicking on Save
button in the upper left side of the screen.
1.5 Designing DIP14 pattern
You will design DIP14 pattern using pad line tool.
Add new pattern to the library (Pattern / Add New To Library from main menu), then
select this pattern on pattern table in the left side and specify the name and RefDes.
Notice that we can simply select Lines type and change number of pads to 14 as you
can see on the picture below (this is the fastest way to create such pattern), but now our
goal is to use pad line tool, so please select Free pattern type and minimize the pattern
properties panel.


Select Objects / Placement Setup from main menu and ensure the pad to pad spacing is
0.1 in. Close the placement setup dialog box and select Objects / Place Pads / Line or
corresponding button on the objects panel in upper right side of the screen. Then move
mouse to design area and place two vertical pad lines: left-click, move mouse arrow to
the bottom direction until line contains 7 pads (1 to 7), left-click to place first pad line;
then place second line from bottom to top (8 to 14). If you want to move one of the lines
select it on the layer panel, then drag-and-drop. Notice that lines were placed to different
graphical layers (on the right) and you can easily select the layer and move it to new
position. To control the line-to-line spacing use measure tool: select Measure button on
the objects panel in upper side of the screen, then move mouse arrow over the first point
of spacing, hold down the left button and move the mouse arrow to the second point of


Change the shape of first pad to Rectangle: right-click on the pad, select Properties
from submenu, then Rectangle in shape box and OK. Change grid size to 0.025 in
using grid box in the upper side, then create silk for DIP 14 using line and arc tools:

Select the origin tool and click on the first pad of DIP-14 to move pattern origin there.

You can also rotate the pattern using Edit / Rotate Pattern from main menu or
Notice that origin of DIP-14 is different from pattern center, however you can return it
there at any time by centering the pattern (Edit / Center Pattern). We also recommend to
use that feature for all newly created pattern to center the origin after creation if you don't
plan to make a a different thing.
1.6 Designing DIP pattern with variable number of pads.
You will design DIP pattern with variable number of pads. Add new pattern to the library
(Pattern / Add New To Library from main menu), define name and RefDes for new
pattern, then select Lines, set Number 2 to 20 and check variable parameter in the
right side of Number 2 field:


Zoom On your pattern using Ctrl+. Then draw pattern silk screen and change shape of
the first pad to Rectangle:

Show pattern properties panel using arrow button in the left side of it and try to change
Number 1 for example to 16. You can see that silk graphics as scaled with pattern, so
you can receive any DIP pattern with 0.3 in line spacing by changing single parameter.

Notice that you can change this parameter in PCB Layout from Pattern Properties dialog,
Component Editor and Schematic while attach the pattern.
In case you keep 1 while changing Number 2, the type of first pad can be reset to
default (in PCB Layout and other programs you will be able to edit number of pads using
up and down buttons on the right side of property field).
Our Pattern library is ready. Click on the save button, then close Pattern Editor module.
1.7. Placing the patterns
Open DipTrace PCB Layout module, i.e., go to
Start All Programs DipTrace PCB Layout. To add the created patterns to the
design using the pattern list in left side of the screen, you need to activate the library first.
Select Library / Library Setup from main menu, then uncheck Get Libraries from
Folder box to activate the list. Click on button in the right side of list, find your
library, then Open. My Library is added to active libraries. Notice that you can easily
move it to another position in the list if necessary. Close the library setup dialog box.


Scroll the library panel to the right (using arrow buttons on its right side) until you find
My Library, then select your library. Place the patterns and change marking settings to
show RefDes and Type (View / Pattern Marking for common settings and right-click on
the pattern / Properties / Marking for individual ones). Notice that individual settings are
changed for all selected patterns.

We have forgotten to change the shape of first pad to Rectangle for the DIP14 pattern.
You will change it in PCB Layout: move the mouse arrow over the first pad of DIP 14,
right-click, select Pad Properties. In the dialog box uncheck Default for Pattern,
change shape to Rectangle and click OK. Notice that you can change default settings
for pattern pads: right-click on the pattern and select Pad Properties from the submenu.

The DIP 14 pattern is normal. Notice that if specified origin is different from pattern
centroid position, it will be shown while you place that pattern (or convert schematic to
PCB). Also you can easily show or hide pattern origin for all selected patterns: right-click
on one of them and select Pattern Origin from submenu.
Try to rotate different patterns and you will see that pattern origin is its rotation center.
Also when you move mouse cursor over the pattern, the coordinates shown are
coordinates of pattern origin.
Now you might need DIP 10, DIP 20 or DIP 24, but we didn't design them directly. So
move mouse over DIP_VAR pattern, right-click, select Properties from the submenu
and Main tab in the properties dialog box. Try to change available parameter Number
2 (you had checked it in Pattern Editor as variable) to 10, 20 or 24 (you can
preview the result), then click OK and you get new pattern. By the way, you can
rename it from DIP_VAR to DIP 24 in the pattern properties dialog box.


The same operation you can make with capacitors lead spacing. Please be attentive when
creating, placing and changing dimensions of the patterns with variable parameters.

2. Designing a component library

Open DipTrace Component Editor, i.e. go to Start All Programs DipTrace
Component Editor. You will design several components (including multipart
components) and will attach related patterns to them using your pattern library.
2.1 Customizing Component Editor
Customizing the Component Editor is the same as customizing Pattern Editor. After
opening the program, select View / Display Origin from main menu to show zero point
and X, Y axis. Component Properties panel in the upper right side of design area can be
minimized or closed using the buttons on panels upper side. Using this panel you can
define component type: there are 3 types of components here: Free (without any specific
properties), Rectangle and ShapeRect. The only difference for the second and third types
is silk rectangle for the last one. Also few words about Part Type and Part
parameters: The first one can be Normal, Power and Gnd and Net Port. The
component can contain only single Power and Gnd part (if you prefer to hide all power
net for your schematic, then place all power pins to this part). Net Port is mostly designed
as a single-part component and is used to connect wires together without visual
connections, it can be used for Ground or Power symbols, also for the schematics with
flexible structure (we will try to design such component and to use it - see below).


You might want to define pin settings before creating the components. So select Objects
/ Pin Placement Setup from main menu. We will not change these properties now, but
notice that length and X,Y Spacing should be divisible by grid step to create all part key
points on the grid points.

2.2 Designing a resistor
You will design the resistor using Free type and placement by sight. Please define the
component name and RefDes first, use the corresponding fields on component properties
panel. After specifying these attributes please minimize the component properties panel
using the arrow in its upper left corner.

Select Place Pin tool in the upper right side of the screen, then move mouse arrow to
design area and place two pins using left-click. Rotate one pin by 180 degrees: select it
and press Ctrl+R twice. Select the rectangle tool and place silk rectangle for the


Notice that you can move the pin(s) using drag-and-drop method. If you want to move or
rotate several pins, please select them first.
The symbol of our resistor is ready, but we need the attached pattern to be able to create
PCB from the Schematic with this resistor. So select Component / Attached Pattern
from main menu. In the attached pattern dialog box click on the Add button, then find
your pattern library and open it. Select RES 400 from the pattern list in the bottom right
corner of dialog box. You can see the resistor pattern appeared in the right side of dialog
box and blue connections between symbol and pattern (this is pin to pad connections). To
create or redefine such connection move mouse arrow over the part pin, left-click, then
move to pad and left-click to connect. To delete the connection simply right-click on the
pin or pad. When you move cursor over one of connected pins, they both are highlighted.
Click OK to apply changes and close the dialog box.


Notice that you can specify pin to pad connections using the connection list and this way
is preferred for medium or large components. Also pin numbers (related parts) can be
defined from pin manager (select Component/Pin Manager from main menu to open it)
or from pin properties dialog boxes.
The resistor is ready and contains both schematic part and PCB pattern.
Define the name and hint for your library: select Library / Library Name and Hint, then
type My Library in name field and This is my first component library in hint field
(you can use another name or hint, but remember the name should be short it
corresponds to the button caption on library panel in Schematic program).
Click Save button in the upper left side of the screen, define library path and filename
and then click Save to save the library.


2.3 Designing a capacitor

Select Component / Add New To Library from main menu to add new component to
the library and then select new component from component table in the left side of the
You will design the capacitor using Rectangle type, so define component name and
RefDes and then select Rectangle in Type box of the component properties panel.
Change component width to 0.1, number left and right pins to 1. Pin spacing is not
needed in our case because it can be used when number of left/right pins is more than 1


Now please minimize component properties panel, change grid size to 0.0125 in and
place capacitor silk using three lines and one arc. Use Ctrl+ to Zoom On the symbol.

Show pin names for your symbol: select the pins (or select all using Ctrl+A), rightclick on one of pins and select Pin Properties from submenu. In the pin properties
dialog box check Show Name and press OK to apply changes and close the dialog

Also notice that all newly created pins have Undefined electric type, so you can change
the electric type using pin properties dialog box or pin manager (see below). Electric type
is currently used for ERC feature only. Type property is used mainly for pin graphics,
you can try different types to see what it draws (or see Help).
Names are shown, but they are in strange positions (as for capacitor) and you need to
move them, so select View / Move Tool from the main menu or simply press F10, then
move mouse arrow over pin names and drag-and-drop them to new positions, then rightclick to return to default mode.
Notice that you can use such method to move pin names, numbers and part attributes in
the schematic capture.


By the way we have shown the names (not pin numbers) and they will not be changed
when changing the pin numbers, i.e. related pads. Also you can show inversion line in the
pin name: move mouse arrow over the pin, right-click and select the first (top) item from
submenu, then enter normal ~invert text and press OK, then move pin name using
move tool (F10). ~ symbol in the pin name is start or end of inversion, so using it you
can define the inversion for separate parts (signals) of the pin name.


Probably you dont need to display pin names for the components like capacitor and you
might want to display pin numbers. Notice that you can define general settings for pin
numbers in the schematic capture and all components have general settings by default,
but also you can specify separate settings to display pin numbers for each part in the
component editor.
Select Component / Pin Manager from main menu to open pin manager dialog box,
select pin 2 in the table and change the name to 2, then hide pin name for both pins:
select them (move mouse arrow to first row, hold down left mouse button, then move
cursor to the second one) and uncheck Show Name box. Close pin manager.
Notice that you can change pin numbers (i.e. related pads), coordinates, length, type and
electric type of pins from Pin Manager dialog box.


In the component editor you can define the individual component settings to show pin
numbers from Component / Pin Numbers menu and general program settings (the same
as in Schematic Capture) using View / Pin Numbers.
Now please select Show from one of these submenus to show capacitor pin numbers.
Notice that you will not be able to change individual component settings in Schematic
Capture. If you like to move pin numbers concerning to pins use move tool (F10).


The next step is attaching a pattern to the capacitor. Select Component / Attached
Pattern from main menu, then in dialog box your pattern library from library list and
Capacitor from the component list.

Notice that you can change lead spacing for the pattern because you specified it as
variable in pattern editor. But after converting Schematic to PCB all variable parameters
are blocked and the placed pattern have fixed number of pins and pin-to-pin spacing.
You can use the patterns with variable parameters when design simple projects and need
to be fast while attaching different patterns in Component Editor or Schematic Capture.
But we dont recommend you to use them for the complex designs, because there is a
probability of mistake when defining or changing the variable parameters.
2.4 Designing a multi-part component
You will design simple multipart component with four And-Not symbols and power
symbol. The attached pattern will be DIP14.
Add new component to the library, i.e. select Component / Add New To Library from
main menu, then select it in the component table. Define the name and RefDes.

The next step is creating component parts. DipTrace allows you to create separate parts
and part groups (similar parts) in the component. All parts in the part group have the
same pins, silk, etc. except pin numbers (i.e. related pads). Also parts can be Normal,
Power and Net Ports. Power parts and power nets can be hidden in the schematic capture;
the component can contain only one power part.

You will design the component with 4 similar AndNot parts and 1 power part. Select
Component / Create Similar Parts from main menu, type 4 in the dialog box and
press OK to apply. Notice that similar parts are created basing on currently selected

Now you can see the following parts: Part 1 (1), Part 1 (2), Part 1 (3) and Part 1 (4) in the
bottom left side of the screen. All the similar parts have the same part name and are
united by part name. You can change the part name for example to AN.
The next part will be power part. Select Component / Add New Part from main menu,
select new part tab in the bottom right side and rename it to PWR. Notice that new part
is separate part and do not belong to AN group.
Now design your power part: select ShapeRect type from the type box of the
component properties panel and specify the following parameters: width 0.3 in, in
spacing keep 0.1, left pins 2, right pins 0. Then select Power and Gnd from
the Part Type Box.


Select Component / Pin Manager from main menu, then change pin names to VCC
and GND, pin numbers to 14 and 7, electric type to Power, check Show Name
box for both pins. Notice that Type, Show Name and Length parameters you can
change for multiple pins.


Close pin manager dialog box, minimize component properties panel and see the first part
of your component. Use Ctrl+ to Zoom On.

You will design other parts of your component: select one of the AN parts, then define
the following parameters on the component properties panel: type ShapeRect, width
0.2 in, left pins 2, right pins 1. Then minimize component properties panel.
Select text tool in the upper right side of the screen, move mouse into your symbol, leftclick and type &, then press Enter or click to place the text.

Notice that we planed to design And - Not parts (not And), so the right pin has to
have inversion or Dot type. right-click on the pin, select Pin Properties from the
submenu, select Dot in the type field, then click OK to apply changes and close the
dialog box.
Notice that you dont need to design another AN parts. Try to select AN (3) or AN (4)
and you see that they are the same as just designed part. All parts in the group have the
design, but pin numbers should be different (not now, you will define them in a a few


Select Components / Pin Manager from main menu. In the pin manager dialog box
select the part, define its pin numbers, the select the next part and so on until you define
pin numbers for all AN parts. Then close pin manager.

Also notice that you can define Input and Output electric type to corresponding pins.
These parameters will be used for Electrical Rule Check feature in Schematic.
The next step is attaching the related pattern to multipart component. Select Component
/ Attached Pattern from main menu. In the attached pattern dialog box select your library
and pattern: you may use DIP14 with fixed parameters or DIP_VAR and define 14 for
Number 2. We will use the second way, because as you remember all the pads of DIP
14 have round shape and the first pad of DIP_VAR is rectangular. Notice that you
dont need to specify pin-to-pad connections because the pin numbers (i.e. pin-to-pad
connections) are already specified from pin manager. Select different parts in upper left
side of dialog box and see the connections to ensure they are right. Press OK to attach
the pattern and to close the dialog box.

The multipart component is ready to enter into your designs.

2.5 Designing VCC and GND symbols
You will design VCC and GND symbols using net port type.
Select Component / Add New To Library to add a new component, then select it in the
component table. Define the name VCC on the component properties panel and select
Net Port in the part type box. Notice that all net ports have Net Port marking in the
upper right corner of their graphic on the component table.


Minimize component properties panel, then select Pin tool in the upper right side of
screen and place single pin, rotate it three times (select and Ctrl+R). Select line tool and
place silk line of the symbol.

Hide pin number by selecting Component / Pin Numbers / Hide from main menu. VCC
symbol is ready. Now please add component and create GND symbol in the same way.
Select Edit/Center Symbol for GND because in our case its origin is not in the center,
so you have to center it to make the part origin hidden by default in Schematic.

Notice that you dont need to attach patterns to net ports, because these symbols are used
only to connect wires together without visual connection..
2.6. Using additional fields
Default component fields in DipTrace include RefDes, Value and Type. However,
sometimes you need to add manufacturer's name, link to data-sheet, description or other
field to the component. In this case you can use additional fields which you can specify
Now select Component / Default Additional Fields from main menu. This dialog box
allows you specify default fields and their values that will be added to all new
components. For example if your design the library of LT components, you can add
manufacturer field and specify Linear Technology as its default value.
Please add Manufacturer and Datasheet fields: type Manufacturer in the name box,
select Type:Text and click Add button, then type Datasheet in the name box select
Type:Link, enter some link into Default Value box and click Add.


From now all your new components will have such additional fields. Close the dialog
box. Select Component / Add New To Library or press Ctrl+Ins to add a new
component, then select it, maximize Component Properties panel using arrow in its left
side and click Additional fields to see the list of additional fields for new component.
Now you can edit, add or delete additional fields to the component, however we will not


Select your capacitor. Notice that it has no additional fields, because we've created it
before changing Default Additional Fields. So we will add several new fields to it.
Click Add button, enter Manufacturer into the name field, select Type:Text and enter
your company name into the value field, then click OK. Notice that you can simply press
Enter key to accept and Esc key to cancel in all dialog boxes.


Add Web-site field in the same way, but select Type:Link and enter some real website address into the value field.
We've finished designing our library, press the button with diskette icon in the upper left
side to save your library and close Component Editor program.
2.7 Placing the components
Open the Schematic Capture program, i.e. go to Start All Programs DipTrace
Schematic. You should add your library to library panel first, so select Library / Library
Setup, uncheck Get Libraries from Folder box, press button at the right side of
active libraries list and open your library. Close the library setup dialog box to apply


If the origin is shown press F1 to hide it. Usually you don't need origin to design
schematics. However this feature works in the same way as in other package programs,
so you can use it if necessary.
Now please scroll library panel to the right using arrow buttons on its right side, then
select My Library. Select resistor in the component table and place it using left-click in
the design area, the same with capacitor.
Notice that you can also place the components using Objects / Place Part or the
corresponding button on the objects panel. In this case you dont need to configure
libraries via Library Setup dialog box.
We will see how to use additional fields of our capacitor. Please make right click on it
and select Links from submenu. Now you can easily open web-site you entered.


You can also display additional fields as Part Marking from View/Part
Markings/Main(Additional)/Additional or change via component properties window
(right click on the component and select Properties).

Select the multipart component from the component table. You have created the
component with similar parts and power part. All similar parts can be placed using one
item from part list (in our case AN (4)) or in the same way as separate parts. To change
the placement mode for similar parts, select View / Group Parts from main menu.
Power part can be placed automatically (if Auto VCC/GND is checked) or manually by
selecting from part list and placing to the design area.

Notice that active part and number of parts are shown in the component table.
Select AN (4) and try to place several symbols to the design area. The program
automatically select the part from part group and place power symbol for the component.


I will show you how to use NetPorts. Place more AN parts to receive two AndNot
components (IC1 and IC2) and two power symbols. Then select on the component table
VCC symbol and place two parts, the same with GND. Connect the pins. Notice that for
net ports program shows Type (or Name from Component Editor). You can unite two
net ports by defining the same type and two wires connected to the same pins of net ports
with similar type are connected. Move mouse arrow over the wire connected to VCC or
GND and you will see that all the wires connected to the same symbols belong to single


To rename the net which connects VCC pins right-click on the wire and select the first
item or right-click on the pin and Net Name.
Notice that you can form multipart components from the separate symbols and attach
patterns to them without using Component Editor. Simply check Allow Parts box in the
component properties dialog box (right-click on the part, then Properties) and define
the same RefDes to symbols, then Attached Pattern button to define related pattern and
pad to pin connections.
Also you can connect the pins to nets without wires (right-click on the pin, select Add to
Net, then select net, check Connect without wire and OK), unite nets by name
(check box in the net properties dialog box) and connect pins to the net with similar name
automatically (check box in the net properties dialog box). The last method is the fastest
way to connect VCC, GND (if you plan to hide power nets and parts), CLK, etc.
These features are described in details below.


III. Using different package features

This part of tutorial includes the description of important features that weren't reviewed
above. However notice that tutorial doesn't include detailed description of all DipTrace
features yet, we are expanding it step-by-step.

1. Connecting
1.1 Working with buses and page connectors
This section will show you how to use buses and page connectors in the schematic
capture program.
Select Objects / Circuit / Place Bus from main menu or the corresponding button on the
objects panel, then place bus in the design area by defining its key points. Right-click
twice to finish placement and switch to the default mode. Move mouse over part pin, leftclick, then move to bus and left-click to connect. In the dialog box appeared you can
define the name of new net in the bus or connect the wire to existing net (which are
already connected to that bus).

Notice that you can change wire to bus connection at any time: move mouse to the wire
segment connected to bus, right-click and Bus Connection from the submenu.
There are 4 nets connected to our bus, we will change Net 4 connection to Net 2.
Now C1:1 and IC2.2 : 5 are connected to the same net via bus.
The markings of wire-to-bus connections can be net names or numbers in the bus. Select
Connection to Bus from main menu to change them.


Now please add a sheet to the schematic. Select Edit / Add Sheet from main menu or
press Ctrl+L. You can see the list of sheets on the Tab in bottom left corner of
schematic main window. Select Sheet 2 there.

You can rename or delete the schematic sheet or insert blank one between two existing
sheets using right-click on the tab in bottom left and selecting appropriate item from the
Select Page Connector tool on the objects panel in the top and place it to your empty
sheet (it should have Port 0 name), then change the sheet to Sheet 1 using tab below
and place page connector there (it should be Port 1). Then connect existing bus to page
connector: select bus tool, then left-click on the bus, move mouse arrow to page
connection point (blue circle) and left-click to connect.

Move mouse over Port 1, right-click and select the first item from submenu and rename
page connector to Port 0. You can see that connection point color was changed to
green. This means that current page connector is connected to another one.
Notice that you can also connect more than 2 page connectors by defining the same name
to them.


Select Sheet 2 and create the bus connected to Port 0 there.

Notice that the name of your bus is the same as the bus on Sheet 1 has, i.e. this is the
same bus. Now you can place parts on the second sheet and connect their pins to Net 2
or Net 3 using bus or create new nets common for both sheets.

1.2 Working with Net Ports
We already tried to use net ports above to make VCC and GND connections. In the most
cases they are used in that way, however you can also make multiple connections using
net ports with several pins.
Place more parts on the second sheet, but do not connect their pins to the bus. Then select
Port_Sch on the library panel (notice that you can scroll libraries if necessary), find
Port 8 there and place it to the design area.
Make connections from the parts to Port 8, then place Port 8 to the first sheet and connect
the parts located on the first sheets to Port 8 too. Notice that net names connected to the
same pins of Port 8 on Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 are the same, i.e. all wires connected to
pin 1 of Port 8 parts are connected, the same with other pins. You can connect or
disconnect ports (i.e. easily change schematic structure) by changing Type string in net
port properties (right-click, then select Properties).

1.3. Connecting without wires

The pins can be also connected completely without wires. In this case they don't depend
on the sheet or part location. Move mouse arrow over the pin that is not connected yet,
right-click on it and select Connect to Net, in the dialog box shown select the net and
check Connect without Wire box, then press OK. On the picture below you can see the
pins connected to Net 0 and Net 4 without wires.


Now please scroll the design to blank area - we will try to connect pins to the net by
name. Place single GND symbol, move mouse over its pin, left-click to start creating
wire, then move mouse a bit up and press Enter key.

Right-click on the wire segment connected to GND and select Properties. In the net
properties dialog box rename net to GND and check Connect Pins by Name box. Press
OK to apply changes and close the window.
Now select Analog Devices library (AD) and try to place the first component a few times.
Notice that all GND pins of placed component are automatically connected to GND net
without wire. Also when you change that property for the net, the program checks all
existing parts for free pin which name is the same as net name.
This feature is the easiest way to connect pins which have the same name for all
schematic. These can be power, CLK pins or even data buses.

1.4 Connection Manager in Schematic and PCB Layout

One of the easiest ways to make connections in Schematic and PCB Layout is connection
manager. To open it select Objects / Connection Manager from main menu in
Schematic or Route / Connection Manager in PCB Layout.
Open connection manager in the Schematic where you are in. Select some net in the box
above the window, you will see all its pins. Now you can easily add/delete pins to/from
the net. To add the pin select part and its pin below, then press Add. Notice that only
free pins are shown there, so if you can't find the pin you need, it is already connected
(maybe to another net). Also you can create new net by pressing + button.
... and X buttons rename and delete current net respectively.


Press OK to apply all changes you made and close connection manager or Cancel to
close it and recover old net structure.

2. Reference Designators
From now on on we will work with schematic examples located in C:/Program files /
DipTrace / Examples folder or another place where you installed DipTrace.
Open Schematic_2.dch file from Examples folder.

On this Schematic you can see different types of pin connections made by our electronic
engineer, however our goal is to make some experiments with reference designators to
show you how it works.
Current Schematic contains 23 capacitors from C1 to C24 (C19 is missing), but when
trying to edit you probably need to insert for example C5 somewhere. So please try to
place a capacitor from the library you recently create (My Library). It will be our C5, but
currently it has C19 designator. Right-click on that capacitor and select the first item from
submenu, enter C5 and press OK. Program will show the warning message, but also
suggest to rename the component with shift of RefDes numeration. Select Yes.

The capacitor was renamed to C5 and old C5 became C6, etc. till C18 - C19. Now you
can see in connection manager that C19 designator is not missing, however you inserted
C5. In the same way you can place any component and rename its designator with shift of
other ones.
Now please rename your C5 to C30, then check capacitor designators in connection
manager C5 and C25-C29 are missing. To correct this issue simply right-click on the
capacitor (C29) and select Optimize RefDes / RefDes C - C30 become C24, why?
While optimizing the RefDes program removes all empty places in the designators array,
so C6-C24 become C5-C23 and C30 becomess C24.


Now please close your Schematic without saving and run PCB Layout module, then open
PCB_2 file from Examples folder. Rename C8 and C10 in the upper side of the board to
C28 and C30 (right-click on the component and select first item). Select File/Save As
and save changed PCB file somewhere.

Close PCB Layout and open Schematic Capture again (notice that you can open it
directly from PCB Layout by selecting Programs/Schematic from main menu, however
we don't recommend to do this for Win 98/ME users).
Open Schematic_2.dch file and find C8 and C10 ...oops, sometimes it is really hard to
find the component with specified RefDes on big schematic or PCB, so press Ctrl+F (or
select Edit / Find Object from main menu). Type c8 and press Enter to find it, C8
will be placed in the center of design area and highlighted.

Notice that you can minimize Find Object window by clicking the arrow in its upperleft and use it while editing your design without showing all parameters.
Zoom In the schematic to see C8 and C10 better.
Notice that PCB_2 is the design related to Schematic_2 and we've renamed these
capacitors there. We can rename them here too, but what do you think if while designing
complex project you renamed a few hundreds of components (according to their positions
on PCB) and don't remember their old designators.
In this case we can use Back Annotate feature, so please select File/Back Annotate
from main menu and the PCB file you saved in open dialog box.
Now you can see that all designators in Schematic (in our case C28 and C30) are changed
according to PCB.


3. How to find components in libraries.

DipTrace includes the impressive number of components in Standard libraries (approx
50,000) and we enlarge these libraries step-by-step. The libraries are formed by
manufacturers and components are sorted there. However sometimes we don't know the
manufacturer of some component or it may be produced by number of manufacturers or
we don't know its full name, but only digits in the end of its name, etc. To make
searching components easier all DipTrace modules have special searching feature.
If you are in Schematic, select Library / Search Components from main menu. For
example we need some component that contains 232 in its name, but we don't
remember other characters, letters or so, because a friend recommended it about a month
ago. So type 232 in the Name field and press Find Now.
In several seconds the program shows 112 components in the results list which contain
232 in their names. You can also preview the component, its pattern and library where it
is located.
Also you can place the selected part of the component directly from search window by
pressing Place button.
Notice that we have searched Active libraries, however you can select the libraries you
want or search all known libraries (select appropriate item in Search In group).
The library list is active only if Search In: Selected is activated.


Notice that you can search component libraries in Schematic and Component Editor
(Component / Search in Libraries) and pattern (footprint) libraries in PCB Layout and
Pattern Editor (Pattern / Search in Libraries).
Also search function is included into all placing/inserting etc. dialog boxes where you
may need to search libraries for components or patterns, however those dialog boxes
allow you to search through their library lists only.

4. Electrical Rule Check

Electrical Rule Check (ERC) feature helps you reduce the probability of error while
designing schematic. Run the schematic module if you are not there and open
Schematic_2.dch from Examples folder. First of all we have to define electrical rules, so
select Verification/Electrical Rule Setup from main menu.
In the dialog box shown you can define incompatible pin-to-pin connections that may
cause error or warning while running ERC by clicking in the grid cells with green, yellow
and red squares. Pin Type item in Rules to Check box means checking pin-to-pin
connections defined in the grid; Not Connected - looking for free pins that are not
connected; Only One Pin in Net - looking for nets with only one pin, i.e. the nets that
make no sense may be potential errors in net structure; Short Circuit - looking for
Power to GND connections, you can define the mask for power and ground pins in
Power Pins for SC group.


Keep the default settings and press OK or Cancel to close the dialog box.
Now select Verification / Electrical Rule Check (ERC) from main menu. If you make
the check for Schematic_2, it should show one warning for Bidirectional to Output
connection. To localize the error on schematic double click on it in case your resolution
is more than mine while writing the tutorial, you will see the net and pins highlighted in
the design area. You can correct the errors and rerun ERC without closing ERC results


5. Bill of Materials (BOM)

DipTrace Schematic module has powerful BOM feature that allows you to customize
columns and rows, add tables or pages to existing project, export files to Excel CSV
format or save as text file with appropriate table formatting.
Select Objects / Bill of Materials from main menu. Specify Table Rows: Component
Type, add the columns with settings you can see on the picture below, select Create
On: New Sheet and ISO A4 in the sheet template box. Check Adjust by Width to
stretch the table accordingly to page width. Press Place Table button to add new A4
sheet with ISO title and BOM table to your project.

The BOM dialog box will be closed and new sheet added to your design. Select Sheet 2
display titles and sheet using View menu and edit the row height and number of lines
for cells where the length of strings exceed column width (left-click in the appropriate
cell, then change text and row height).


Now we have BOM table on the additional sheet, which we can print with the project.

Also notice that you can place the table to the same sheet with Schematic: select Create
On: Current Sheet, press Place Table and choose table location after closing the dialog
box (left-click in design area).
If you have multi-sheet schematic with many components, then it is possible to create
separate table for each schematic page directly on it.
You can export the file directly from BOM dialog box or from the placed table after
editing it (for example you need some columns that can not be inserted via BOM dialog
box). Tables in Schematic and PCB Layout can be easily saved to CSV or text with
formatting: right-click on the existing table and select Save to File from table

6. Importing/Exporting netlists
DipTrace allows to create netlists of different formats to transfer them to other software
packages, and import netlists from other programs. Also exported netlist can be used to
review net structure of schematic file via notepad or other text editor.
To export netlist in Schematic select File/Export/Netlist from main menu and set netlist
type. A netlist will be created from the drawing opened in the current Schematic window.

Let us see how to import a netlist in Tango format created by other program. To do that,
open a new document in PCB Layout and select File/Import/Netlist/Tango, then select
tango_1.net file from C: / Program files / DipTrace / Examples folder or another place
where you installed DipTrace and open it. Program is trying to find components and
patterns included in the netlist. Then a window with listed components, their RefDes and
pattern names appears.


So in the first column we can see RefDes of components, in the second column their
patterns, and in the third column types of components. If the program couldn't find the
pattern for the selected component, then in Pattern field below the table 'none' will
appear. For example, component C41 that comes first in the list has CAP 225 pattern that
isn't included in DipTrace libraries. In this case you need to choose a library containing
that pattern (probably you will need to create that pattern by yourself) or select an
alternative pattern, if possible. To attach pattern to a component, click Add.
In the appeared window you need to choose a library and a pattern in it, and press OK
afterwards. The selected pattern will be attached to component 41. Its name and the
name of the containing library are shown in Pattern field and Library.
Also notice that you can attach patterns to components by type or to all components that
have the same pattern property at once. Now please add patterns to all components in the
list using this feature. Notice that components with attached patterns have star symbol
at the end of pattern name. If a component doesn't have a pattern attached, it simply won't
be imported. That's why you need to make sure that all components have attached
You should also remember that pin numbers and their quantity for a component in a
netlist and pad numbers of the attached pattern should match.
After that click Import to complete import. If your netlist has components without
attached patterns, appropriate message will be shown. Select No to cancel importing
and attach all patterns or Yes to import without some patterns.


7. Checking net connectivity

One of the most important features to verify your design before prototyping is net
connectivity check. It allows you to check if all nets are connected and reports all isolated
areas (not depending on connection type: traces, thermals or shapes).
Now please run PCB Layout module and open PCB_2.dip file from C: / Program files
/ DipTrace / Examples or another place where you installed the program. Select
Verification / Check Net Connectivity. In the dialog box you see you can define
objects that will be used as connectors while checking connectivity, typically it is
recommended to keep all boxes checked. Press OK.
You will see the progress bar, then No Errors found message, so the design is correct
and we will make a few errors to see how the feature works.
Select Edit Traces tool on the route panel, then move mouse to the trace that connects
C16:2 to via to GND copper pour in Bottom layer, right-click and select Unroute Trace
(connection will be hidden in this case because of copper pour).


The second error will be isolated copper pour area. Switch to Bottom layer and scroll to
bottom right corner of the design. Now place two shapes (arcs or lines) to signal layer
(appropriate box on drawing panel) to isolate one of the vias and update copper pour
(right-click on its side and Update).

This is a simple situation you can find by yourself, but if you have complex design with
number of layers and thousands of pins, isolated copper pour areas and non-connected
pins can be unnoticed.
Now select Verification /Check Net Connectivity and click OK. You can see
connectivity check result which reports Net 7 as broken one with 3 areas: first area is
copper pour and all pins connected to it, second is C16:2 (our first error with SMD pad)
and third one is isolated copper pour area.

To make further correction process more comfortable you can save result to the text file.

8. Using Electra auto-router

DipTrace allows you to use highly efficient Electra auto-router. PCB Layout has modules
that export data into *.dsn format used by Electra as source data for trace creation, and a
module that imports routing result from *.ses format.
If you don't have Electra auto-router yet, you can download trial version from DipTrace
web-site to evaluate it: http://www.diptrace.com/downloads/electra_trial.exe
Please install Electra trial before continuing.
Now please run PCB Layout program and open electra_unrouted.dip file from C: \
Program files \ DipTrace \ Examples. Notice that your file includes 2 signal layers and 2
plane layers (Pwr and Gnd). Also plane layers contain unpoured copper pours that are
connected to appropriate nets. In future if you would like to create several planes in
single physical layer, you have to place several copper pours with appropriate shapes and
properties into single plane layer. Electra connects SMD pads to plane layers
automatically while routing traces.


Notice that you have to define trace width and clearance before autorouting. Select
Route/Route Setup and change trace width and clearance to 8 mil. Also you can define
custom settings for some nets (for example power) via their properties (right click on the
pad that belongs to net and select Properties).

Trace width for the net should be not bigger than size of pads that such net connects.
Otherwise in some cases auto-router will be unable to complete your design.
Also check if via settings are correct (Layers/Via Properties). We use 40 mil vias with 20
mil hole for current design.
Now select Route / Electra/Specctra Integration / Export Autorouter DSN from main
menu and save your file. Notice that you should keep existing project without changes.
Run Electra auto-router. If you have trial version click Continue in the first window, then
uncheck Autoload Demo Design box in the next window and click OK. Select
File/Open from main menu and open your DSN file.

Click AutoRoute button on the left panel to route your PCB and wait a few minutes while
Electra routing and optimizing your board. Notice that such design is not very complex,
so you can easily route it using Electra 2L (2 signal layers, unlimited pins).
When the routing process is completed, press Save button and save routing results as SES
file, that you will be able to import into DipTrace.


Now switch to DipTrace PCB Layout program. Notice that component positions of your
design should be kept without changes. Select Route / Electra/Specctra Integration /
Import Autorouter SES from main menu and open your file.

You can also Zoom In your design to check routing accuracy.

Also to complete your design please select all, right-click on one of the copper pours in
plane layers and choose Update to pour them. Then run Check Net Connectivity to verify
if all nets of your design are properly connected.
Notice that discounts on Electra auto-router are available for registered DipTrace
customers. You can find prices and discounts at http://www.diptrace.com/electra.php
That's all for now.
Thank You for your interest in our software product and learning this tutorial!
We will enlarge the tutorial in future by adding description of existing features that are
not here yet and by upgrading DipTrace package with appropriate changes in tutorial.

DipTrace Links
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact our customer support at
[email protected] and our staff will gladly answer all your questions.
To communicate with other DipTrace customers, suggest new features for DipTrace and
discuss them, join DipTrace Community at Yahoo!: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/diptr
Download the latest version of DipTrace at http://www.diptrace.com/download.php
Check your version and build (Help / About) and compare it to the one on our web-site.
Order DipTrace on-line at http://www.diptrace.com/order.php

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