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Lesson Plan Form Day 1 Introduction to Webquest

Teacher: Mark Lanza Subject: Social Studies / Colonial America

Central Focus: Webquest of Colonial America Grade Level: 5th

State Specific Goal(s) and Objective(s) for the Lesson: 5.0 United States History and
Geography: Making a New Nation 5.4 Students understand the political, religious,
social and economic institutions that evolved in the colonial era. Content areas will include
5.4.3 (religious aspects). 5.4.5 (free market economic systems) and 5.4.6 (issues
surrounding slavery) Reading / Language Arts: 2.0 Reading Comprehension: 2.3
Discern main ideas and concepts presented in texts, identifying and assessing evidence that
supports those ideas. 2.5 Distinguish facts, supported inferences, and opinions in texts.

Pre-Assessments connecting to prior Knowledge / prior learning:

Students will have already done some work on Colonial America. Utilizing a KWL graphic
organizer on Colonial America, lesson 1 will re-enforce what kids already know (K) about
Colonial America and then what they want (W) to know about the 4 specific facets of the
work they are about to review. I will deviate slightly from the Webquest here using a
KWL chart instead of the Journal entries they are incorporating.

Identified Academic Language to be addressed: Any terms that are brought up during
discussion that are new to the kids will be added to a Word Wall. The Word Wall will be
in constant change with new words potentially added daily.

Learner Characteristics:
a) Special Need: None
b) English Language Learner: None
c) Other: 3 boys that require constant checking in to ensure they stay on task.

Lesson Delivery:
Set: Kids will be told that they will create a KWL graphic organizer narrowing their
review of study on the following Colonial subjects:

Life as a Slave,
Work of the Artisans / Trades
Farm Life /Crops Grown
Life and Role of Woman in Colonial America.

Kids will be told they are going to be doing a Webquest with the class divided into
groups of 6 to review, take notes on, act out in a tableau and complete their KWL graphic
organizers the above 4 scenarios.

Instruction: Day 1 will begin with a KWL graphic organizer which will tap into the
background knowledge the kids have regarding Colonial America. Focus will include the
four main topics with kids being told they will be working with computers specifically on a
webquest. A webquest is a website that allows the teacher to instruct students on various
curricular subjects via the Internet.

Assessment: First day is informal. How much knowledge do the kids have / retained
from previous lesson plans. What do they think the life of a slave was like? How many
artisans / trades can they think of? What were some of the crops grown by farmers? What
was the role of woman in Colonial times? Kids will each have their own KWL graphic
organizer and fill it out as the class discusses the topics

Know Want to Know Learned

Life of a

What were
the Artisans /
Trades of the

Farm life /crops


Life of Colonial

Closure: Kids retain the KWL graphic organizer in an appropriate folder.

Lesson Plan Form Day 2 / 3 (4) Webquest Data Gathering

Teacher: Mark Lanza Subject: Social Studies / Colonial America

Central Focus: Webquest of Colonial America Grade Level: 5th

State Specific Goal(s) and Objective(s) for the Lesson: 5.0 United States History and
Geography: Making a New Nation 5.4 Students understand the political, religious,
social and economic institutions that evolved in the colonial era. Content areas will include
5.4.3 (religious aspects). 5.4.5 (free market economic systems) and 5.4.6 (issues
surrounding slavery) Reading / Language Arts: 2.0 Reading Comprehension: 2.3
Discern main ideas and concepts presented in texts, identifying and assessing evidence that
supports those ideas. 2.5 Distinguish facts, supported inferences, and opinions in texts.
Pre-Assessments connecting to prior Knowledge / prior learning: Review KWL charts
from previous day.
Identified Academic Language to be addressed: Review wordwall terms /additions from
previous day.

Learner Characteristics:
b) Special Need: None
b) English Language Learner: None
c) Other: 3 boys that require constant checking in to ensure they stay on task.
Lesson Delivery:
Set: After tapping into the background knowledge of the kids (K) and what they want to
know (W), day 2 and 3 will focus on the L (learning) portion of the lesson plan(s).

Instruction: Kids are broken out into 4 groups of 6 kids. Each group will have 3 Mac
laptops with pair sharing between 2 kids. Each group will be assigned one of the 4 topics to
review. One student will navigate the Webquest with the other student filling out details
found on a sheet of paper. The website to be used for this webquest is: or use this tiny URL:

Kids will be directed to the website with the Introduction and Task read out loud together
to frontload the work to be done. Kids will then begin to work on the Process portion of the
webquest. Each table will create a detailed understanding of their topic and fill in
Each of the 4 topics has multiple websites for review so each group will need to decide
who reviews what to ensure minimal redundancy. Kids will add to a Word Wall any new
(to them) terms they have learned.

Assessment: Anecdotal observation. Are kids working together, are all kids contributing.
Note taking is critical here.

Closure: Each table will be asked how they are proceeding with a determination made as
to their progress. This research might take another day so the next lesson plan will assume
closure of data gathering. Homework will be kids finding / making props on their topics as
they will be giving oral report presentation to the class on what they have learned.

Lesson Plan Form Day 4 / 5 (6) Webquest Data Condensing
Teacher: Mark Lanza Subject: Social Studies / Colonial America

Central Focus: Webquest of Colonial America Grade Level: 5th

State Specific Goal(s) and Objective(s) for the Lesson: 5.0 United States History and
Geography: Making a New Nation 5.4 Students understand the political, religious,
social and economic institutions that evolved in the colonial era. Content areas will include
5.4.3 (religious aspects). 5.4.5 (free market economic systems) and 5.4.6 (issues
surrounding slavery) Reading / Language Arts: 2.0 Reading Comprehension: 2.3
Discern main ideas and concepts presented in texts, identifying and assessing evidence that
supports those ideas. 2.5 Distinguish facts, supported inferences, and opinions in texts.

Pre-Assessments connecting to prior Knowledge / prior learning: Each table will be

asked to confirm their readiness to discuss what was learned within their group and
collaborate together to give one presentation to the entire class.

Identified Academic Language to be addressed: Each group will have “discovered”

new terms and vocabulary to share when they do their oral presentations. They terms are
added to the Word Wall daily by individual learners.

Learner Characteristics:

a) Special Need: none

b) English Language Learner: none
c) Other: 3 boys that require constant checking in to ensure they stay on task.

Lesson Delivery:
Set: Day 4 finds the kids now sharing within their group what they have learned. They
need to create an approximate 4-5 minute presentation with each student speaking in front
of the class on something they discovered. Kids need to bring in the props they found /
made from home tomorrow to add to the lecture they will give.

Instruction: Kids must condense their prospective speeches. Students need to assume
1 minute / student content.

Assessment: anecdotal observation / walking table to table observing the process of

data gathering / condensing. Kids should begin speech draft (1 minute)

Closure: Find out from each table where each student is. Gauge further lesson plans based
on progress or lack thereof. If a table or group is severely lacking, find out why and utilize
explicit steps to get them back on track including finishing at home.

Lesson Plan Form Day 6 (7) Webquest Speech Rehearsal
Teacher: Mark Lanza Subject: Social Studies / Colonial America

Central Focus: Webquest of Colonial America Grade Level: 5th

State Specific Goal(s) and Objective(s) for the Lesson: 5.0 United States History and
Geography: Making a New Nation 5.4 Students understand the political, religious,
social and economic institutions that evolved in the colonial era. Content areas will include
5.4.3 (religious aspects). 5.4.5 (free market economic systems) and 5.4.6 (issues
surrounding slavery) Reading / Language Arts: 2.0 Reading Comprehension: 2.3
Discern main ideas and concepts presented in texts, identifying and assessing evidence that
supports those ideas. 2.5 Distinguish facts, supported inferences, and opinions in texts.

Pre-Assessments connecting to prior Knowledge / prior learning:

Check in with each table…who is ready, who is not.

Identified Academic Language to be addressed: Word wall should be filling up. These
new terms will be reviewed during / after each student’s speech.

Learner Characteristics:

a) Special Need: none

b) English Language Learner: none
c) Other: boys that require constant checking in to ensure they stay on task.

Lesson Delivery:
Set: Kids should now be ready to rehearse their one minute speech within their own

Instruction: Each table rehearses their speeches with one another critiquing
content, articulation, eye contact.

Assessment: Anecdotal observation

Closure: Kids instructed to come to class tomorrow in “character” and be prepared for
their speeches. Their KWL charts will be completed tomorrow as each student will have
their own “L” (Learned) filled in with the remaining “L” for the other 3 groups to be filled

Lesson Plan Form Day 7 (8) Webquest Speech Day

Teacher: Mark Lanza Subject: Social Studies / Colonial America

Central Focus: Webquest of Colonial America Grade Level: 5th

State Specific Goal(s) and Objective(s) for the Lesson: 5.0 United States History and
Geography: Making a New Nation 5.4 Students understand the political, religious,
social and economic institutions that evolved in the colonial era. Content areas will include
5.4.3 (religious aspects). 5.4.5 (free market economic systems) and 5.4.6 (issues
surrounding slavery) Reading / Language Arts: 2.0 Reading Comprehension: 2.3
Discern main ideas and concepts presented in texts, identifying and assessing evidence that
supports those ideas. 2.5 Distinguish facts, supported inferences, and opinions in texts.

Pre-Assessments connecting to prior Knowledge / prior learning:

Identified Academic Language to be addressed: Word wall should be complete now.

These new terms will be reviewed during / after each student’s speech.

Learner Characteristics:

b) Special Need: none

b) English Language Learner: none
c) Other: boys that require constant checking in to ensure they stay on task.

Lesson Delivery:
Set: Each group presents with each student giving their 1 minute speech

Instruction: Kids give their group speeches. those listening to fill in their
KWL organizers focusing on the L (learned) portion.

Assessment: Each student will be graded on KWL content and articulation and content
during 1 minute presentation. Rubric detail included.

Closure: Kids close out filling out their KWL organizer and turning them in
for assessment.

Webquest Grading Rubric

Beginning Developing Accomplished

1 3 5

Organization Needs prompting to Stays on task, Organized, stays

stay on task, little prompting on task, no promp-
needed ting needed

Data Struggles in data Able to get some Good data gathering,

Gathering gathering, little data, quality quality information
information gathered average.

Presentation Little eye contact, Reasonable eye Articulates detailed

does not articulate contact, reasonable information, good
information with little detail. ~ 1 minute. eye contact. 1minute
substance, less than presentation.
1 minute

KWL Graphic Little detailed Average detail Extremely detailed.

Organizer information

Total Score:

Beginning Developing Accomplished

1 3 5

Organization Needs prompting to Stays on task, Organized, stays

stay on task, little prompting on task, no promp-
needed ting needed

Data Struggles in data Able to get some Good data gathering,

Gathering gathering, little data, quality quality information
information gathered average.

Presentation Little eye contact, Reasonable eye Articulates detailed

does not articulate contact, reasonable information, good
information with little detail. ~ 1 minute. eye contact. 1minute
substance, less than presentation.
1 minute

KWL Graphic Little detailed Average detail Extremely detailed.

Organizer information

Total Score:

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