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The woodcutter
The stepmother
The jester
The rooster
Tree 1
Tree 2
Tree 3
The witch
The star

In the cottage: the woodcutter and his wife sit at the table . Hansel and Gratel mime
a funny game. They are all silent. The jester enters the stage stumbling and
JESTER: Hello! Im PPPESaaaaaaaaaaJJ.JESTER. Yes, Jester and this is the
story of Hansel and.(thinking) and..
JESTER: Oh Thanks. Hansel and Gretel. (heading towards the children)Yuuh!
(pointing at the boy): This is Hansel. A poor little lad with a wonderful and pure
heart. (pointing at the girl) And this is Gretel, a loving and innocent soul.
(Heading towards the woodcutter and his wife)
JESTER: This is their father. A poor woodcutter with a large heart. A good man and a
loving parent tormented by( rising the voice and making faces at the stepmother)
a mean and evil wife.
Jester leaves the stage.

The children play ,sing and laugh.
WIFE:( irritated): Stop it, you two! Thats enough! Its time for bed now! ( talking
to herself) How can they be so happy when weve got nothing to eat? (to the
children) Stop it! STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!( to the woodcutter): They are so noisy!
They are..
THE WOODCUTTER (in a calm voice): children. They are just children. They like
playing , thats all. Dont be so.
WIFE: So what? Come on, say it! So bad, you mean? (to the children); Go to bed
immediately! Good night!
CHILDREN: Good night maam. (hugging and kissing their father) :Good night
WOODCUTTER: Good night children! Sweet dreams!
The children say their prayer and leave the stage. The woodcutter and his wife sit at
the table.
WOODCUTTER: You see, I wish we werent so poor
WIFE(standing up and pacing the room): Oh yes, but we are. Theres no flour left
in the pantry, we havent got any butter, any oil . weve got nothing to eat. Weve
got no food!( rising the voice) No food! Do you hear me? No..
WOODCUTTER: No need to say it. ( in a desperate voice) I know I know I know it
very well.
WIFE: ( sweetening her voice): Listen! How about.(whispers to the
WOODCUTTER: What? Getting rid of the children? Leave them in the woods? No
way! I cant do that!
(Hansel eavesdrops)
WIFE: Maybe a good soul will find them and take care of them properly. (kissing
him) Please!
WOODCUTTER: Be it! Ill pray for them. Innocent souls!
(the woodcutter and his wife leave the stage. Hansel enters the stage)
HANSEL: ( pacing the stage) Getting rid of usgetting rid of usnonono
Getting rid of us. Look! Some pebbles! Just what I need!
(he picks up little pebbles from the ground)
Dont worry Gretel! Well be just fine. Just fine!

He leaves the stage.

The rooster enters the stage.
The woodcutter, his wife and the children enter the stage.
WIFE: Its time children! Lets go in the wood! To gather little twigs.
They all go .Hansel scatters the pebbles along the path. The trees get on their way.
TREE 1: Poor children!
TREE 2: God bless you!
TREE 3: Be saved!
The wood cutter sets a big fire for the children. The children play and sing. The
woodcutter and his wife leave the stage.
GRATEL: Hansel! Hansel! Are they coming back? Im scared its so dark in here!
HANSEL: No Gretel! They are not coming back. But well be fine.
The star enters the stage
GRATEL: Look Hansel! A star!
Star bright, star bright,
Will you show my way tonight?
STAR: (not very convinced)
Come what may
But, for your sake
Thats the road you have to take!
The star shines on the road and the children see the pebbles
TREE1: Hurrayyyyyyyyyy!

TREE2: Good children!

TREE3: Go home now!

In the cottage the woodcutter and his wife sit at the table:
WOODCUTTER: Oh no! My children! My children! My beloved children!
WIFE: Dont worry!
Theres a knock on the door. The children enter the stage
CHILDREN: Father! Father!
WOODCUTTER: Children! I love you!
WIFE: Blah blah blah Go to bed now! Tomorrow well go again!
They all leave the stage except for Hansel
HANSEL: Again? Ive got no pebbles just a few breadcrumbs. God help us!
He leaves the stage.
ROOSTER: Cucurigu!
They all come on the stage and start going. Hansel scatters the breadcrumbs along
the way.
ROOSTER: I wonder where theyre going. (sees the breadcrumbs) Whats this? A
breadcrumb. I like it! Yummmmyyyyy!]
Its good, its tasty,
What I adore
My stomachs empty
Ill eat them all.
The rooster eats all the breadcrumbs and leaves the stage.
WIFE:(to the children) You stay here!
The woodcutter and the wife leave the stage

GRATEL: Here we are again! Look! The star !

Star bright, star bright,
Will you show my way tonight?
STAR: Come what may
But for your sake,
Wheres the way
You have to take?
HANSEL: oh no! the breadcrumbs! Theyre all gone! What shall we do?
They take different directions
THE TREES:The wind is strong/ the beasts are growling/ your way is wrong/ where
are you going?
Youre lost! Youre lost! Youre lost!

The children see a gingerbread house
HANSEL: Look Gretel !A house!
GRTATEL: Its so nice and beautiful .and.(licking her finger) delicious!
The children start eating. The witch enters the stage
WITCH: Munchi, munchi, munchi, munch/ I hear a noise?/ I hear a crunch?/Whos
there eating from my roof?/Whos there?/(starts running) Uf! Uf! Uf!
THE TREES: The wind! The wind! The wind!
WITCH(seeing the children) Oh hello there! ( smelling the children)Who are you?
GRATEL: Im Gretel and this is my brother Hansel.
WITCH: . Im Mrs. Witchmont
CHILDREN: How do you do
WITCH: How should I eat you? aaaaaaaaaaa How do you do. (smelling the children
again; pointing at Hansel) You are so thin! Take this cup of milk, and this bar

of chocolate, and this slice of bread, and this banana and this bowl of soup
HANSEL: I cant eat all maam thats too much
WITCH: Youre too thin boy. Now go to here(locking the boy in a cage)
GRETEL: Yes, maam!
WITCH: Clean this mess.(yawning) Ill take a nap.
The witch and Hansel leave the stage.
GRATEL: (looking for the broom) But, Mrs. Witchmont witch.witchwhere is
the broom? The broom?( starts crying) Oh no! shes a witch! A real witch!
Hansel! Hansel! Wake up! Wake up!
(Hansel wakes up)
GRATEL: Shes a witch!
GRATEL: Mrs. Witchmont. She wants to fatten you and eat both of us.
HANSEL: Lets pretend we dont know anything. Well find a way to run away.
WITCH(entering the stage) Let me see your finger boy. Are you fatter now?
Hansel shows her a chicken bone
WITCH: Youre damn thin boy. Girl! Put some water into the pot in the oven and
see if its hot enough.
GRATEL: I dont know how to do it. Show me
WITCH: These children! They dont know anything! Look! Thats the way you
Gretel pushes the witch into the oven
THE TREES :The witch is dead/ Just go and see/ Come take my hand/ And youll be
The trees release Hansel
GRATEL: Were free! The witch is dead. Lets get into the house
(they find the treasure chest).
Look Hansel! The star!
Star bright, star bright,

Will you show my way tonight?

STAR: Come what may / But for your sake/ Heres the way you have to take
The children leave the stage

In the cottage the woodcutter sits at the table:
WOODCUTTER: ( crying) Where are my children? Where are my children? That
mean woman and evil wife! Rest in peace! She died too soon! She made me
leave my children in the woods! Poor souls!
CHILDREN: Father! Father!
WOODCUTTER: My beloved children! Please forgive me! I love you!
CHILDREN: We love you too father!
(They laugh and sing and dance with joy. The jester enters the stage)
JESTER: This was the story of Hansel and Gratel ,two loving children with good
souls and warm hearts.

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