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enhanced learning
for Key Competences
Over a hundred cross-curricular
ideas and activities for developing
key competences in education

This Comenius multilateral project has been funded with the support from the European Commission
Project number 517726-LLP-1-2011-1-BE-COMENIUS-CMP

Technology enhanced learning
for Key Competences
Over a hundred cross-curricular ideas and activities
for developing key competences in education.

Nicholas Daniels, Jeroen Hendrickx Editors

Jens Vermeersch, Project co-ordinator

Fernando Albuquerque Costa,Pierre Bailly, Jan Bierweiler, Linda Castaeda, Elisabete Cruz, Nicholas Daniels, Elmo De
Angelis, Kylene De Angelis, Koen DePryck, Bruna Durazzi, Giulio Gabbianelli, Gabriela Grosseck, Isabel Gutirrez, Jeroen
Hendrickx, Jenny Hughes, Laura Malita, Angela Rees, Pedro Reis, Anne-Marie Tytgat, Katleen Vanden Driessche Authors

TACCLE2 - Technology enhanced learning for Key Competences

Over a hundred cross-curricular ideas and activities for developing key competences in education.

Brussels, GO! onderwijs van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, 2014

If you have any questions regarding this book or the project from which it originated:
Jens Vermeersch
GO! onderwijs van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap
Internationalisation department
E-mail: [email protected]
Nicholas Daniels, Jeroen Hendrickx [Eds.]
34 pp. 29,7 cm.
ISBN: 9789078398400
The editing of this book was finished on 31st of August 2014.
Cover-design and layout: Bart Vliegen (
Cover picture: Koen Dassen
Project website:

This Comenius multilateral project has been funded with support from the European Commission
Project number: 517726-LLP-1-2011-1-BE-COMENIUS-CMP.
This book reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsiblefor any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

TACCLE2 by Fernando Albuquerque Costa,Pierre Bailly, Jan Bierweiler, Linda Castaeda, Elisabete Cruz, Nicholas Daniels, Elmo De Angelis, Kylene De Angelis, Koen
DePryck, Bruna Durazzi, Giulio Gabbianelli, Gabriela Grosseck, Isabel Gutirrez, Jeroen Hendrickx, Jenny Hughes, Laura Malita, Angela Rees, Pedro Reis, Anne-Marie Tytgat,
Katleen Vanden Driessche, Jens Vermeersch is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Belgium License.


Introduction 5

Communication in the mother language

Communication in foreign languages


Mathematical competence + basic competences in science and technology


Digital Competence 14

Learning to learn


Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship


Cultural Awareness and expression


Social and Civic Competence


Example Activity 24

Links 28

Conclusion 31

The Authors 32

This handbook is the result of a trans-national project called TACCLE2, which is an abbreviation of the title Teachers Aids on Creating Content for Learning Environments. The handbook aims to support teachers interested in using
e-learning to teach Key Competences or, as they are sometimes called, Core Competences1. This handbook is one of a
series that includes e-Learning for Primary Teachers, e-Learning for Teachers of STEM, e-Learning for Teachers of
Creative & Performing Arts and e-Learning for Teachers of the Humanities.
In this book we are focusing on web 2.0 - social software and applications that allow learners to create, share and publish content on line rather than simply being passive consumers of on line content. We are assuming that most teachers are already using the web as a resource - possibly employing web-based research activities as part of their normal
lessons which we call web 1.0.
Be warned, this is not a textbook, academic work or a book that addresses the ICT skills curriculum, nor is it a book for
ICT teachers or experts (although it could provide some inspiration to even the most confident amongst us!). It is designed to help every teacher to use e-learning methods and techniques to make their lessons more fun, more creative,
easier to prepare and to encourage improved learner engagement.

So, what is in the handbook?

The main part of the book is devoted to practical ideas for using ICT in your classroom and has not been designed to be
read from cover to cover more as something to dip into for some instant ideas. The ideas used in this handbook are
short and snappy and therefore easy to adapt, tweak, amend or expand in order to suit your students, curriculum and
teaching context.
In this handbook you will find 8 grids, each dedicated to a separate core competence. These are:
1. communication in the mother tongue
2. communication in foreign languages
3. mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology.
4. digital competence
5. learning to learn
6. social and civic competences
7. sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
8. cultural awareness and expression
The description youll find under each of the core competences comes from the European Reference Framework on
Key Competences for Life Long Learning published the European Commission. For those of you who are interested in
reading the complete document it can be found on The British Council website:
For each Competence weve selected 8 specific sub-competences composed of Knowledge (K), Micro Skills (MS) and
Attitudes (A). These were selected by teachers from across Europe that are working on the Taccle2 project. Each row of
the grid contains one of these specific sub-competences.
In the columns youll find two levels based on the European Quality Framework for lifelong learning (EQF). This provides a common reference framework that assists in comparing the national qualifications systems, frameworks and
their levels. It is a device created that aims to make qualifications more readable and understandable when applied to
different countries. It could also be used to aid those moving to another European country in order to work or to study
and to promote lifelong and life-wide learning in general. More advice can be found on the European Commission website
1 In this work we use both key competences and core competences mainly to avoid sounding repetitious!

Our Level 1 encompasses EQF 3-4 which in most European countries corresponds with higher secondary education.
Level 2 (EQF 5-6) corresponds in very broad terms with Bachelor degrees, Graduate diplomas and vocational higher
education. This handbook doesnt include EQF 1-2 because primary education has its own handbook
news/taccle-primary-book-out-now. We should also note that EQF 7-8, being equivalent to masters/doctorate level,
falls outside the scope of the project and therefore isnt covered in this handbook either.
On the intersection of rows and columns we have suggested ideas aimed at helping you to target a particular competence on a particular level. If the idea is suitable for both levels this is clearly indicated on the grid. Weve tried to give
you an overview of the best web applications out there. All the tools are free of charge (at least in their basic version)
and should work on different operating systems as most of them are browser-based. As ever, we strongly suggest that
you visit and review the tools you plan to use and decide for yourself if they are suitable and/or appropriate for your
learners and your particular teaching context a subject, theme or article which may be perfect for one group of pupils
or school may not be appropriate for another.
It goes without saying that these applications are only intended to support your teaching aims and should not be considered as end goal in themselves. In some countries core skills are taught implicitly and are therefore embedded in
broader, subject-specific activities; in which case distinguishing between the aim of the activity and the tool used to
achieve it isnt usually a problem. The objectives of ANY idea you try out will be specific to you and the students you
are teaching and will be related to your own scheme of work and, consequently, so will your assessment strategies. To
clarify: although this book is not about on line tools per se it will definitely help you to expand your toolkit, thus giving
you experience and mastery of even more on line resources that you can add to your existing teaching toolkit.
Weve also added a short chapter on the accessibility of digital learning material and how you can improve the accessibility of your lessons in general. Of course its impossible for every teacher to become a special needs specialist, but
by taking into account a few principles and guidelines you can help make the activities you produce more accessible to
more learners.

So whats the story behind this handbook?

The launch pad for this new series was the popularity of the first TACCLE e-Learning Handbook for Teachers published in 2009. The original book covered the basics of e-learning practice, including how to use a basic toolkit of social
software tools together with ideas for using them in the classroom, teacher-friendly explanations of some important issues underpinning e-learning (such as metadata, copyright, web 2.0 and web 3.0) and some basic skills teachers need to
create learning resources. It also has a comprehensive glossary of terms and abbreviations related to e-learning. Print
copies of the original handbook are still available in limited numbers in English, French, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese,
and Spanish or they can be downloaded as pdf files at,en/. If you live
outside of these language communities there are also local translations in Arabic, Swazi and a few others.
The launch of the original TACCLE handbook was followed by a series of teacher training courses all over Europe. It was
feedback from these courses that sowed the first seeds of the follow-up books. In particular, because the courses (and the
original handbook) were targeted at secondary school teachers in general, the examples were generic and subject specialists found it difficult to apply them to their own discipline Podcasting is great fun but you couldnt use it in Maths!

The Taccle2 website

The Taccle2 website is an on line resource for teachers packed with instant ideas for using e-learning in the classroom. On the website, there is a designated area for activities dedicated to teaching key competences but you can also
navigate by technology and by topic across the site. You can also search the tags you never know what might turn up!
The site contains complete lesson plans for teachers who are just starting to experiment with e-learning together with
shorter posts on a much wider range of ideas for the more confident. Feel free to drop us a line and let us know what has
worked, what hasnt and why! We look forward to reading your contributions! At the very least, please send us some
examples of work that your class has produced so that we can use it to inspire others to have a go.
We would also encourage you to check out the other handbooks in this series - even the primary handbook could contain activities for younger secondary students or, with minor adjustments, activities from any of the handbooks could
be appropriate.

Finally, we want to add a word of warning! E-learning is NOT the same as IT as a subject area and is not necessarily
geared towards developing learners ICT skills, although it will undoubtedly help. Nor does it automatically tick the box
that says IT integrated across the curriculum but is a big step towards it! This book is to help you, as a teacher, take
the first steps in using technology as a routine part of your classroom practice. It is not another new initiative you have
to take on board and it is not extra work or extra subject matter you have to squeeze in to your already over-crowded
scheme of work. Most of the time, using e-technologies can actually save you time and energy and it can certainly go
some way to saving your sanity with a class that just isnt responding to the old faithful methods and resources.
We are not pretending that e-learning is the answer to every teaching problem and it should not become the default for
every occasion. Its fun, its stimulating, it fires students imagination and once you gain in confidence and fluency youll
wonder how you ever taught without it!

Communication in the mother language

Communication in the
mother language

K= Knowledge
S= Skill
A= Attitude

Communication in the mother

tongue is the ability to express and interpret concepts,
thoughts, feelings, facts and
opinions in both oral and written form (listening, speaking,
reading and writing), and to
interact linguistically in an appropriate and creative way
in a full range of societal and
cultural contexts; in education
and training, work, home and

1 Knowledge of functional
grammar (K)

Check your grammar with


2 Composing and structuring

written texts (S)

Essay Map: an easy tool to

structure your essay from

3 Adapt communication according to the audience (S)

Write a story in pairs or

groups and vote for the
submissions you like best:

4 Search for, collect and

process information (S)

Discover, collect and share

web content in a visually attractive manner Pearltrees.

5 Express oral and written arguments in a convincing way


Instigate a discussion in response to a thought provoking video using Vialogues.

6 Critical reading (S)

Read a book or article using

Curriculet. Answer questions
and engage in discussions.

7 Distinguish and use different

genres of text (S)

Use to collect web

content on a certain topic
and then zoom in on the different kinds of text.

8 Show an appreciation of
aesthetic qualities and a willingness to strive for them (A)

Use purposeful tools to write

a poem e.g. Tranquillity poet.

Level 1
EQF 3 4

Level 2
EQF 5 6
Work on your Grammar
(Basic, Intermediate or Advanced) with the Oxford English Grammar Course.

Use a mind mapping tool like

MindMup to plan a writing
Create a radio show on
Spreaker with a particular audience in mind.

Read, annotate, collect and tag

useful info from the web with
a social bookmarking tool like
Respond politely to a previously recorded statement on

Create a class blog in WordPress or Blogger and encourage critical and constructive
Create a magazine with informative, descriptive, instructive and persuasive texts with

Social bookmarking
Social bookmarking allows you to add, annotate, organize and share interesting resources on the web. You dont really collect the resources themselves but the URL that leads to them. This way you create a sort of minilibrary in which you label every webpage with tags (key words). These tags
make it easy to find the resources you need at a later stage.
Its possible to work together on these collections of resources. This makes
the application powerful and social, but it also risks making the library
unclear. In this case its a good idea to negotiate the tags you will be using.
A communal list with tags is called a folksonomy*.

Check out our example activity on page 24 to see

how this works.

On the Make Use Of website, Tim Brookes wrote

an extensive comparison between Blogger and
WordPress that is well worth a read:

Make sparkling writing

even more beautiful with

* A folksonomy is a system of classification agreed collaboratively by a group of people working together. It is sometimes
called collaborative tagging or social tagging.

Communication in foreign languages

Communication in
foreign languages
Communication in foreign
languages broadly shares
the main skill dimensions of
communication in the mother
tongue: it is based on the
ability to understand, express and interpret concepts,
thoughts, feelings, facts and
opinions in both oral and written form (listening, speaking,
reading and writing) in an
appropriate range of societal and cultural contexts (in
education and training, work,
home and leisure) according to ones wants or needs.
Communication in foreign
languages also calls for skills
such as mediation and intercultural understanding. An
individuals level of proficiency will vary between the four
dimensions (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and
between the different languages, and according to that
individuals social and cultural
background, environment,
needs and/or interests.


K= Knowledge
S= Skill
A= Attitude

Level 1
EQF 3 4

1 Knowledge of vocabulary (K)

Find definitions and improve

your English vocabulary with
the Professor Word bookmarklet.

2 Reading & understanding

authentic texts (S)

Simplify what youre reading

with Rewordify.

3 Self correction (S)

Develop your editing skills

with the Hemingway app.

4 Initiate, sustain and conclude conversations (S)

Create cartoon dialogues using Wittycomics.

5 Interaction in the foreign

language (S)

Practice with native speakers

in the Livemocha community.

6 Understand authentic spoken messages (S)

Create transcripts of videos

on and share
your notes through Google

7 Producing texts in the foreign language (S)

Choose a photoprompt that

inspires you and start writing
or create your own prompt
with PicMonkey before sharing it with peers.

8 Show an interest and curiosity in intercultural communication (A)

Take a look at Fastenseatbelts and then create a short

comic with Pixton to help
people avoid cultural misunderstandings.

Level 2
EQF 5 6
Test your understanding of
words using the adaptive application Use
the helpful functions (50/50,
definition etc.) to support your
Collect and share articles related to a specific subject in your
personal Flipboard magazine.

Use Storytoolz to analyze and

improve your authoring skills.

Hold a Google Hangout with

native speakers of the language you are learning.

Look for a perfect language

match on Easy Language Exchange.

Adaptive means that the technology will provide

different learning opportunities for different
students based on their responses to questions
and tasks.

Content curation
With the vast quantities of information available on line the process of
selecting, organizing and displaying information relevant to a particular
topic is becoming more and more important. As a teacher you are also a
content curator and its quite important for your students to discover the
value of this concept.
On line newspapers and magazines curated by teachers and/or students
are well suited to reduce the time sifting through on line information.
Applications like Storify make it possible to create timelines using social media sources like Facebook and Twitter. Content curation and social bookmarking (CS1) often go hand in hand.

Add captions to YouTube videos to prove your understanding and make them more accessible.

Write stories in

and immediately connect with
an audience.

Read our chapter dedicated to accessibility to

make sure every learner can enjoy these learning

Listen to people from all over

the world telling stories on
Cowbird. Respond with your
own story.


competence + basic
competences in science
and technology

K= Knowledge
S= Skill
A= Attitude

Mathematical competence
is the ability to develop and
apply mathematical thinking
in order to solve a range of
problems in everyday situations. Building on a sound
mastery of numeracy, the
emphasis is on process and
activity, as well as knowledge.
Mathematical competence
involves, to different degrees, the ability and willingness to use mathematical
modes of thought (logical
and spatial thinking) and
presentation (formulas,
models, constructs, graphs,
charts). Competence in science refers to the ability and
willingness to use the body
of knowledge and methodology employed to explain
the natural world, in order
to identify questions and to
draw evidence-based conclusions. Competence in
technology is viewed as the
application of that knowledge
and methodology in response
to perceived human wants or
needs. Competence in science and technology involves
an understanding of the
changes caused by human
activity and responsibility as
an individual citizen.

1 Expand knowledge of technology

and technological products and
processes. (K)

Collect groundbreaking scientific or technological discoveries on and let the class
(or the world) discuss what
impact each might have on the
natural environment.

2 Understand the impact of science and technology on the natural world. (K)

Get ideas from the Instructables

website or app (android and iOS)
and create your own product.
Document your creation process
with I Create to Educate or make
your own Instructable.

3 Measurements: measure distance, weight, time, angles, temperature (S)

Get information about all kinds

of units with the UnitsMeasures
from Wolfram Alpha and then
practice conversions with the
conversions module. The mobile
choice: Amount for iOS and Unit
Converter for Android.

4 Computational skills: basic operations, order of operations, use

of percentages. (S)

Play Math Workout for Android

and iOS and train your calculation skills every day.

5 Read, interpret and construct

tables, charts and graphs. (S)

Come up with some good questions for your research topic, put
a survey on line with Kwiksurveys
and then create on line charts
with Chartgo or Juice Labs.

6 Understand geometry: concepts

of point, line, plane, parallel; basic
properties of geometric figures,
calculate simple perimeters, areas,
volumes. (S)

Use Shmoop to learn all about

geometry, make flashcards and
complete exercises.

7 Develop the ability to use scientific data to achieve a goal or to

reach an evidence-based decision
or conclusion. (S)

Participate in real scientific

projects on Scistarter or Zooniverse.

8 Develop an attitude of critical

appreciation and curiosity. (A)

Get apps like SciFri and Mobento to fire your interest in science
and technology! Create a magazine with your topics of interest
using Joomag.


Level 1
EQF 3 4

Level 2
EQF 5 6
Read Gizmag for a few weeks,
choose one of the newest discoveries/developments in technology
and then write an article to explain
what impact it could have on everyday life. Bring all articles together
on a Weebly website.

Get going with the technology

of 3D printing with the free 123D
software web based tool or apps.

Mathematical competence
+ basic competences in
science and technology

With a 3D printer you make a three-dimensional object from a 3D model by laying down successive layers of material.

Practice estimating (and then

check) with free map tools.

Mobile Learning

Come up with your own calculus

questions and check your answers
with wolfram widgets. Need tutorials first? Go to Khan academy.
Use Gapminder to comment on
graphs, make your own graphs,
find links, correlations etc.

Coffee on the go, a sandwich on the go why not try learning on the go
too? Mobile learning allows students to break out from their desks or
from buildings altogether. Portable devices like smartphones and tablets make it possible for learning to occur anywhere - wherever there are
problems to be solved there is knowledge to be shared!
The number of educational apps is growing rapidly so websites like the
Educational App Store ( that offer an overview and evaluation of educational apps are a welcome aid for
teachers that want to tap into the possibilities of mobile technology.

Work together on an interactive

map with Google Maps, examples

Use Google Public Data Exlorer to

answer your research questions.

Listen to the podcasts on Skepticality and discuss them on an embedded Disqus community.

If you already use another type of forum in your

school, discuss the podcasts there. If you already
have a discussion forum theres no need to embed a
Disqus forum on your classblog, website or LMS.


Digital Competence

K= Knowledge
S= Skill
A= Attitude

Digital competence involves

the confident and critical
use of Information Society
Technology (IST) for work,
leisure and communication.
It is underpinned by basic
skills in ICT: the use of computers to retrieve, assess,
store, produce, present and
exchange information, and to
communicate and participate
in collaborative networks via
the Internet.

1 Develop an understanding of
the opportunities and potential risks of the Internet (K)

Use Telepathwords to check

the safety of your passwords.

2 Summarize, synthesise ideas

and make propositions (S)

On line collaborative mindmapping with Coggle.

3 Produce & present complex

information (S)

Edit & illustrate your data

with infographics from or

4 Support creativity (S)

Remix the web with Mozillas

Popcorn Maker.

5 Communicate (S)

Videochat directly from

your browser with vLine or

6 Collaborate (S)

Use Dropbox to share group

and collaborative work effectively and easily.

7 Search, select and process

information (S)

Play A Google a Day to

brush up and expand your
search skills.

8 A critical and reflective attitude towards information (A)

Evaluate a website with the

Radcab framework.

Level 1
EQF 3 4

These are new applications with webRTC technology which means you can videochat straight
from your browser without installing software
or plugins. Registration is optional. It is worth
noting that this only works with Google Chrome,
Mozilla FireFox and Opera.


Level 2
EQF 5 6
Use the interactive case studies
on the Digital Bytes website and
become a critical digital citizen.

Deliberate and decide upon

complex issues with cloud
based DebateGraph.

Digital citizenship
Schools should help student to become digital citizens, in other
words teachers have to make clear what is considered appropriate
and responsible behaviour on line. This means they have to know
about plagiarism and illegal downloads, but they also have to be able
to take precautions to guarantee their personal safety.
Digital literacy is also a big component of digital citizenship. Students need to be able to effectively and critically navigate, evaluate
and create information using a range of digital tools. They must also
be aware that digital rights come hand-in-hand with digital responsibilities.

Use Haiku Deck to help you

present your information in a
visually attractive way.

Create animated videos with


Start a private or public community on Google+.

Animation used to be very time consuming but

new technologies are making it a relatively easy
and quick process. A good alternative for Moovly
is PowToon.

Work together on Google

Drive to manage all documents
and communication.
Face the difficult search challenges of Daniel M Russell in
the Search Research blogspot.

Talk back to commercials with



Learning to learn
Learning to learn

K= Knowledge
S= Skill
A= Attitude

Learning to learn is the ability to

pursue and persist in learning,
to organize ones own learning, including through effective management of time and
information, both individually
and in groups. This competence
includes awareness of ones
learning process and needs,
identifying available opportunities and the ability to overcome
obstacles in order to learn
successfully. This competence
means gaining, processing and
assimilating new knowledge
and skills as well as seeking and
making use of guidance. Learning to learn engages learners to
build on prior learning and life
experiences in order to use and
apply knowledge and skills in a
variety of contexts: at home, at
work, in education and training.
Motivation and confidence are
crucial to an individuals competence.

1 Understand your own preferred learning strategies (K)

Create a Padlet wall to bring

together as many learning
strategies as you can think

2 Learning autonomously and

with self-discipline (S)

Choose a programming language and learn how to code

on Codecademy.

3 Planning (S)

Schedule all your meetings

with Calendly.

4 Reflect critically on the purposes and aims of learning (S)

Use an ePortfolio like

5 Self-assessment (S)

Practice with existing flashcards or create your own

with Quizlet.

6 Seek advice, information &

support when necessary (S)

Ask your questions on Open

Study, a free on line community of students.

7 Work collaboratively and

share what you have learnt (S)

Learn from your peers or

teach them something you
know with Stoodle.

8 Actively employ a problem

solving attitude (A)

Check out LessonPaths or

Gooru in your search for answers to difficult questions.


Level 1
EQF 3 4

Level 2
EQF 5 6

Take a note in Evernote every

time a certain learning strategy proves successful.

Start from simple math and

become a rocket scientist
through self-study on Khan

The well-known tutorials that made Salman

Khan famous are just a part of the Khan Academys adaptive assessment environment.

Use Remember the Milk to

manage all your tasks from all
your devices.

Dropr, or Pathbrite.

Create, publish, share and take

tests on the Gnowledge website.
Create a Facebook Group with
your classmates to exchange
info and support.

If Facebook is not allowed in your school, have a

look at Edmodo which is very similar but is specifically designed with education in mind.

Write collaboratively and

weave the best parts together
in a final text with Mixedink.

Professional learning Network

Use your PLN on Twitter to
find answers with the hashtag

Through a PLN you can connect with experts in your field and colleagues from all over the world. This allows you to build global relationships and work on your professional development.
If you want to join a weekly discussion on educational technology try
#EdChat & #EdTech. To get a complete overview of twitter hashtags
for education, check out To get started with Twitter, watch the video


Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Sense of initiative

K= Knowledge
S= Skill
A= Attitude

Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship refers to an individuals ability to turn ideas

into action. It includes creativity, innovation and risktaking, as well as the ability to
plan and manage projects in
order to achieve objectives.
This supports individuals, not
only in their everyday lives
at home and in society, but
also in the workplace in being
aware of the context of their
work and being able to seize
opportunities. This is also a
foundation for more specific
skills and knowledge needed
by those establishing or contributing to social or commercial activity. This should
include awareness of ethical
values and promote good

1 Awareness of the ethical position of enterprises (K)

Get inspired by GoodGuide

and create advertisements
with Pixlr that are honest
and impartial.

2 Project based approach (S)

Create an interactive story

or game with Scratch from

3 Collaboration (S)

Organise tasks, files and

projects with Azendoo.

4 Lead and delegate (S)

Use RealtimeBoard to manage your project on line.

5 Taking initiative and responsibility (S)

Gather a team around you

and develop an app with

6 Competing (S)

Collect ideas on Tricider and

let your peers vote for the
ones they like best.

7 Risk taking (S)

Use Popplet to brainstorm

and make sure that different
approaches and ideas are

8 Motivation and determination

to meet objectives (A)

Create a to-do list with Wunderlist and sync it across all

your devices.


Level 1
EQF 3 4

Level 2
EQF 5 6

Discuss the ethics of everyday

products on Soundcloud. Label
the products with QR codes
that link to the recording.

To read QR codes you need a QR reader on your

smartphone or tablet.

Organise your project by creating your first on line Gantt

chart with Toms Planner.

Collaborate and communicate

with your class/team with

Track what your team is working on via Catchapp.

Start a campaign on Causes

and try and change the world
for the better!

Project based learning

Project-based learning lets students work on real-world problems
and challenges. Usually the students work in small collaborative
groups and they have to take a lot of decisions themselves. The result
is often presented in front of an audience that also encompasses people from outside the class.
To complete their projects students need to organise their own
work and communicate with the outside world. Project based learning usually offers many opportunities to integrate technology into
schools. A relevant problem or challenge can encourage students to
explore, investigate and better understand the world they live in.

Play Startup Spirits and become the new Steve Jobs while
competing with your friends.

Start a (small) project with your

class and try to get it funded
on Kickstarter. set goals and show

your determination not to
break the chain.

In 2013 3 million people pledged 480 million

dollar to Kickstarter projects. Almost 20 000 of
these projects reached their target.


Awareness and

K= Knowledge
S= Skill
A= Attitude

Appreciation of the importance of the creative expression of ideas, experiences and

emotions in a range of media,
including music, performing
arts, literature, and the visual

1 Awareness and understanding

of your own cultural heritage

Explore where you live and

contribute a photo to the
Historypin community.

2 Understanding the cultural

and linguistic diversity in Europe and the world (K)

Create a tag cloud with

Wordle with the same word
in at least 20 different languages.

3 Understanding the importance of aesthetic factors in

daily life (K)

Create a Pinterest board

with images of beautiful/
surprising landmarks, events
etc. in your neighbourhood.

4 Basic knowledge of major cultural works, including popular

contemporary culture (K)

Explore Van Goghs masterpieces on Android tablet or

iPad with Touch Van Gogh.

5 Consuming and appreciating

cultural products (S)

Create your own gallery in

the Google Arts project.

6 Sharing and discussing opinions on cultural expression with

others (S)

Find an outspoken art review

on the internet and put it on
the Branch website to instigate a discussion.

7 Being able to express oneself

through a variety of creative
media (S)

Create beautiful picture

books with Storybird.

8 Appreciating and respecting

cultural, linguistic, ethnic and
religious diversity (A)

Use What We Watch to see

which videos are trending in
different countries and try to
find out why.

Level 1
EQF 3 4

digital storytelling
In a digital story you combine narrative with digital components like images, audio and video. These
stories are often shared on line in order to attract a larger audience. The stories range from simple
slides with narration to highly interactive videos. Because the resources available to the storyteller are
almost limitless, the creative possibilities are equally impressive. There are many free tools available
on the Internet to unleash that productive potential. Aside from Storybird you can try Narrable, Inklewriter, Map Tales, Make Belief Comix, Powtoon or Wideo.

Level 2
EQF 5 6
Create a Story map of an interesting place in your country.
Add text, photos and video.

Upload a video from the Unesco World Heritage YouTube

channel to Voicethread and use
it to discuss cultural diversity.

Cultural Awareness
and expression

Check out the Heilbrunn timeline of Art History

of the Metropolitan Museum in New York (http:// for a complete overview of art history.

Upload an image (picture,

map, work of art) of your city
in Thinglink and add aesthetic
ideas for improving the local
Take an image of a cultural
work you admire and bring it to
life with the augmented reality
platform Aurasma.

Create a Prezi presentation for

your favourite cultural work.

Write your own review on a

Tackk webpage, share it and
invite feedback from others.

Design flyers, posters, presentations, invitations and lots

more with Canva.

Use Movenote to explain how a

religious work of art illustrates
theological concepts of that

Look for inspiration on the world religions in

Art website ( of the Minneapolis Institute of Art.


Social and Civic Competence

Civic Competence

K= Knowledge
S= Skill
A= Attitude

These include personal, interpersonal and intercultural

competence and cover all
forms of behaviour that equip
individuals to participate in an
effective and constructive way
in social and working life, and
particularly in increasingly diverse societies, and to resolve
conflict where necessary. Civic
competence equips individuals
to fully participate in civic life,
based on knowledge of social
and political concepts and
structures and a commitment
to active and democratic participation.

1 Understanding of how individuals can ensure optimum physical

and mental health (K)

Play the Health Month game

to improve your health and
have some fun at the same

2 Knowledge of contemporary
events, as well as the main
events and trends in national,
European and world history (K)

Create a timeline with Dipity

to gain insight in the events
that shaped national, European and world history.

3 Knowledge of social and political concepts (K)

Play NationStates and see

what kind of country your
decisions would create.

4 Co-operating as a team (S)

Work & write together with

your fellow students in a
simple cloud based word
processor like Scrawlar.

5 Conflict treatment and resolution (S)

Use Narrable to describe

a potentially inflammatory
situation and your steps to
defuse the conflict.

6 Participate in social and working life in an effective and constructive way (S)

Play Poverty is not a Game, a

simulation of what happens
when you have to fend for

7 Awareness of ethical values (A)

Think of the environment and

use Print Friendly whenever
you want to print from the

8 Show a willingness to participate in democratic decisionmaking at all levels (A)

Use Student Response System Socrative to give students a taste of democratic


Level 1
EQF 3 4

Another example of a Student Response System is Kahoot.


Level 2
EQF 5 6
Watch the Explania Health
Channel for tips on healthy living and create a similar video
using Wideo.

Use the Newsy approach (one

topic, different sources) to create an on line newspaper about
current events with

Game based learning

Game based learning (GBL) describes an approach to teaching where
students explore relevant aspects of games in a learning context designed by teachers. To make game-based learning effective, you work
toward a goal, choosing actions and experiencing the consequences
of those actions along the way.
A big advantage is that you can make mistakes without taking risks.
Although similar, gamification is a different kind of learning experience. Gamification takes game elements (such as points, badges,
leaderboards, competition, achievements) and applies them to a
non-game setting.

Use Glogster to create digital

posters about political and social concepts.
Start a group in Wiggio to communicate, share files and manage to-do lists.

Play the PeaceMaker Game and

attempt to solve the conflict in
the Middle East.

Be aware that this game can provoke heated

discussions, take your time to explain the goals
behind the game.

Play Spent, an interactive game

that shows you what it means to
live on a very tight budget.

Play Quandary and help the

planet Braxos when the inhabitants face difficult ethical decisions.
Make a change in your community: play the Activate Game
from the iCivics website.


Example Activity
Creating a radio show on Spreaker with a particular audience in mind
The subject of your radio show could be anything from science to Spanish but its also an excellent opportunity for
students to adapt that which they wish to communicate so that it reflects the needs and expectations of their chosen
audience. Are they talking to parents, fellow students, the school, the neighbourhood or whole the world?! Whilst the
aim is to tailor-make a radio show for a specific target group, students should not be afraid to challenge the audience
whilst, at the same time, being respectful and considerate. provides a platform on which it is possible to produce an Internet radio show. In other words, you
can use it to record, publish and share audio clips with listeners and/or followers. Of course you can upload an audio
file recorded in advance, but the real fun starts when you decide to make a podcast in the console and, if youre feeling
bold, you can also decide to go live with your own radio show.
Spreaker requires a registration and a few moments to fill in your profile settings. Your free Speech account is worth
10 hours and each episode is limited to 30 minutes (which is more than enough!). When youre ready, click Create to
start working on your radio show.
If you choose Broadcast, Spreaker will ask you to give a title to your show. Click next and allow the system to access
your microphone. This will bring you to Spreakers recording console where anyone can talk and mix like a real deejay.
Its a bit strange, but the buttons to add audio clips to the console are rather small. Because were beginners lets opt for
Record a new podcast instead of Broadcast LIVE! in the top left hand corner. Here we can upload a few audio clips
that we want to use in our podcast/show. These clips can be music files, recorded interviews, sound effects etc. Click
add on the Playlist window on the right.

Spreaker will immediately give you some examples of music fragments that are free from copyright. You can upload
your own clips, but always keep copyright2 in mind. The Spreaker library is rather limited, so have a look at sites like
Jamendo where you can listen to and download 370 000 songs that are both free of charge and legal to use. We especially like Free Music Archive, a site from an American radio station (WFMU) that was inspired by the open source
movement and Creative Commons. Its still in beta, but works fine.
2 You can find further guidance on copyright by visiting


In Spreaker, all the clips you upload will be visible in the list. If you click on an artist and then select one of his/her
albums all the songs in that album appear. You can listen to the songs and if you like them add them to your playlist. It
makes it easier to have the songs and audio clips ready in your playlist before you start recording but it is possible to add
new ones along the way. In the Sound FX window under the playlist you can add various effects in exactly the same way.
These effects can give your recording a real professional touch.
When everything is ready, close the window used to add the music and/or effects. Just click the small icon on the top
right and your back in the console. Drag the audio clips from your playlist to the decks in the console. Click the record
button (start with a jingle or an effect) and bid your listeners welcome! Switch between the decks and the microphone
to make an engaging recording. If youre making a longer episode (+15 min) its quite possible that youll have to allow a
commercial break (nothing is ever really free). In the Commercial Break window youll see a timer that warns you how
much time you have left before the break.
If your podcast/radio show is ready, its time to share. Of course people can find it on the Spreaker website, but you can
also add a player to Facebook or copy the embed code and paste it in a class blog or website. You can also send e-mail
with a link and invite people to listen to the show.
Making a radio show is great fun and it motivates students to have this connection with the outside world. By targeting
a specific audience the teacher encourages students to concentrate on adapting communication in certain settings and
in doing so gives them a genuine context in which to master an important micro skill.

Reserved parking spaces, ramps for wheelchair users, guide dogs, sign language interpreters and television subtitles
are all familiar examples of ways in which life is made more accessible to those with disabilities. As well as making
everyday life more accessible, these examples (and others like them) are important both morally and socially because
they promote inclusion and equality in a world where the demands of the majority often take precedence. But did you
ever think of checking your (e-)courses on accessibility? More and more learners are becoming engaged in e-learning
and among them there is a significant number with additional educational needs (AEN). Digital learning resources and
web-based learning environments should support the learning process and not create additional barriers for users with
AEN. There are many specific AEN, each with their own set of specific teaching and learning requirements. We wont
try to address the full range of access issues and the whole gamut of possible differentiation solutions, but maybe the
following suggestions can help us tackle some of the most common accessibility issues. These suggestions have been
made by experienced teachers with experience of teaching students with a range of AEN in a range of contexts. However, we must recommend that you seek advice regarding any new strategy that you wish to use in class with the relevant
department or people e.g. your AEN Co-ordinator, AEN Advisory Team BEFORE using it with students. Remember,
using the wrong strategy can cause more problems than using none at all ALWAYS get advice.

Hearing impairment
Without too much sweat, you can subtitle YouTube videos within YouTube itself or for example with CaptionTube.
Something a little more far-reaching is captioning. Captions aim to describe all significant audio content, spoken dialogue and non-speech information, such as the identity of the speakers, their manner of speaking, intonation etc. along
with any significant music or sound effects using words or symbols. A free program designed to add captions to videos
with accessibility in mind is MAGpie. This program can export captions to different formats like Microsoft SAMI,
SMIL (Quicktext of RealText) en W3C DXFP. Help on how to use this program is available on the NCAM website http:// A visit to - a
lending library with access to over 4000 captioned educational media - can be worthwhile too. Students who arent
suited to auditory learning will benefit as well as those with a hearing impairment.


Vision impairments
(The following may also be beneficial to learners with dyslexia)
For visually impaired students its important that you keep the display of information uncluttered and/or the layout
consistent from one page to the next. This will increase the effectiveness of screen readers like JAWS, Natural Reader,
Voice Over or Dspeech.

MS Word
use styles for titles and other headers
for text in columns, dont use a table, but use columns under page layout and provide sufficient white space
use relative font sizing and sans-serif typefaces, using upper and lower cases is more readable than italic, oblique or
condensed formats
add alt text to your graphics: format size alternative text
use proper punctuation
KISS: keep it short and simple, sentences of 15 words and paragraphs of 4 sentences are ideal
hypertext links: highlight the link, right click, a dialogue box will open that allows you to substitute the web address
with text
Word can check your documents on accessibility. Go to File<Info and choose under the Check for issues button
check accessibility. Word will point out accessibility issues and give you tips and warnings. This only works in the
2010 and 2013 versions of Microsoft Office.

if you prefer PDF formats, save your accessible Word document as .pdf, click options and tick the box for document structure tags for accessibility
when using existing PDF documents in your course, check their accessibility with the PDF accessibility checker
from the Swiss organization Zugang fr alle

dont overload the slides with text
minimum 24pt font size at 100% zoom
use the provided designs
when you use colour, check how it will look to a person with colour blindness through the Vischeck website www.
dont use light colours for the background, they can have a flickering effect
Eric Meyers S5 and HTMLSlidy (web-based) are very good programs to create accessible presentations
Consider converting all your text materials or documents to HTML. It allows screen readers to read out underlying
formatting, which may be an aid to navigation.
Provide auditory comments at crucial points in the course e.g. instructions for assignments and tests, a short synopsis
or podcast at the end or the beginning of a new chapter.

Providing audio description with a video can be very helpful in some contexts. Audio description is a description of all
relevant image of a video speech. Audio description can include information about actions, characters, body language,
backgrounds, sets and on-screen text and graphics at points where the original sound of the video is not descriptive
enough for students to follow. Doing this yourself is not easy but you can give the following method a try. When using
the JW FLV Player audio description exists simply from an MP3 file. This can be made with any program that can record audio and save as MP3, such as Audacity (for Windows, Macintosh and Linux). Especially for longer videos, it is
best if the sound can be directly recorded in sync with the picture and sound of the video. A simple program like Windows Movie Maker (bundled with Windows XP or newer) or iMovie (bundled with Mac OS X) will do. After the audio
description is recorded as an MP3 file, it can be added to the JW FLV Player with a single line.

Epilepsy and related conditions

Flickering and flashing images should be avoided. They can result in seizures. This is the case with flashes and flickering in the 2-55 Hz range.
The Trace Centers Photosensitive Epilepsy Analysis Tool (PEAT) is a free, downloadable resource to identify
seizure risks in web content and software. The evaluation used by PEAT is based onan analysis engine developed specifically for web and computer applications. PEAT can help determine whether animations or video are likely to cause
seizures. Not all content needs to be evaluated by PEAT, but content that contains video or animation should be evaluated, especially if that content contains flashing or rapid transitions between light and dark background colours.
Learners who are easily distracted (students with ADD or ADHD for example), often find it hard to concentrate on the
content if there are distracting blinking screens and moving graphics.
Here are some rules of thumb for accessibility when creating an on line course
avoid graphics as buttons, but if must use them, include an ALT tag that describes the function of the button
provide auditory comments at crucial points in the course: instructions for assignments and tests, a short synopsis
or podcast at the end or the beginning of a new chapter
provide information about the general layout of the course and use navigation mechanisms consistently
include a bibliography or link list to sites and on line tools used to create the course. For example, if they are learning
about Pythagoras Theorem you may want to include a link to his biography or other sites of interest. Include a blurb
with the link so that students know they will be directed to a different site and what they can find once they get there.
test your website, course or linked web pages by using a text only browser (like Webbie) or a standard browser
with graphics and sound-loading features turned off
include an alt tag with all graphics
encourage users to adjust font size to suit them
when using chat or discussion features, post a text log file

Assistive Technology
If you want to try out some of the available (free) assistive technology or want to help your students to find technology
adjusted to their needs, try these links:



Activate Game
A Google a day
Digital Bytes
Easy Language Exchange
Essay Map
free map tools
Google Arts project
Google Drive
Google Hangout
Google Maps
Google Public Data Exlorer
Haiku Deck
Health Month
Hemingway app
I Create to Educate
Juice Labs
Khan Academy
Math Workout
Open Study
Oxford English Grammar Course
PeaceMaker Game
Poverty is not a Game
Print Friendly
Professor Word
QR codes
Remember the Milk
Search Research blogspot.
Startup Spirits
Story maps
Toms Planner
Touch Develop
Android + iOS

Touch Van Gogh

Tranquillity poet
What We Watch
Wolfram Alpha examples
Wolfram widgets


Android + iOS

The concept of a core or key competence has been introduced in management theory as an approach to identity. A business must be able to rely on core competences to define its existence in a larger environment. Extreme decentralisation
makes it difficult to do so as the organisation becomes increasingly dependent on external resources and services. Core
competences, in that sense, are the collective learning in the organization - co-ordinating different skills and integrating multiple streams of information and decisions.

From this perspective, core competences at the different stages of lifelong learning are the collective learning of humans: the skills, competences and abilities that define who we are and how we create our future. Their importance,
therefore, cannot be overstated. Acquiring them is essential in order for us to successfully participate in society.

The human race is diverse, as is the learning processes of each individual human. Being able to foster and nourish core
competences in the context of different study subjects is therefore essential - even more so than the matter and learning outcomes at hand. But if the core competences are more important than subject matter, how do we go about nurturing and developing them without disrupting the normal learning and teaching processes which predominantly focus on
subject matter and knowledge as an end goal? That is the question this book has tried to answer, pointing at the increasing range of great on line tools available that can develop students key competences as they learn in every area of the

These new tools will change the role of the teacher and require him or her to invest in diagnostic teaching and to learn
which core competences are required for their courses, which tools are available, how they work, and how learners can
use them most effectively. Teachers of all disciplines want to help students develop skills, attitudes and knowledge that
will give them a flying-start in life and we hope that this handbook can help them do this in a way that is fun, innovative
and interesting for everyone involved!

Prof.Dr. Koen DEPRYCK

Vrije Universiteit Brussel


The Authors
Fernando Albuquerque Costa is an assistant Professor in the field of Educational Technology at the Institute of Education of the University of Lisbon. He has co-ordinated two national studies for the Portuguese Ministry of Education
into Teachers Competencies in ICT and ICT Learning Outcomes.
Pierre Bailly has been a French teacher in Belgium for 10 years. He has been involved in teaching and learning with
ICT in secondary schools as well as in teacher training for primary education. He was a lecturer in French for primary
education at Howest, University College West Flanders. He supports teachers and schools on integrating ICT in the
classroom, providing support for teachers as well as school leadership.
Jan Bierweiler is an English and history teacher at the Gymnasium Mnchberg, a German grammar school in Bavaria. He has been experimenting with e-learning since his time at university and is especially interested in the combination of traditional and computer-assisted teaching and learning.
Linda Castaeda is Senior Lecturer in Educational Technology at The Faculty of Education of The University of
Murcia (Spain). She is also member of The Educational Technology Research Group (GITE). She has a PhD in Educational Technology and has participated in several research projects on technology-enhanced learning.
Elisabete Cruz is a research fellow of the Fundao para a Cincia e a Tecnologia completing her PhD research in the
area of Theory and Curriculum Development. She is also a member of the Research Group for Education, Technology
and Society at the Instituto de Educao da Universidade de Lisboa. She has experience teaching ICT at school and
university levels and has participated in several research projects related to ICT and the curriculum.
Nicholas Daniels was a primary School teacher for 15 years and a deputy head teacher for 5 years. He currently works
as a senior researcher and teacher trainer for Pontydysgu. He is a writer of childrens fiction in the Welsh language and
in 2008 won the Tir na n-Og prize for book of the year.
Elmo De Angelis is an IT engineer and manager of Training 2000, a VET organization in the Marche region of Italy.
He is particularly interested in motivating teachers and students to use web 2.0 tools in the classroom and investigating
ways to improve teaching and learning across all education sectors.
Kylene De Angelis is an expert in vocational education and training (VET) and a partner in Training 2000, a VET organization in Italy. She co-operates in European research and development projects on new training methodologies and
on line didactics, innovative technology for training and the integration of young people and adults in learning processes.
Prof. Dr Koen DePryck teaches in the field of sustainable innovation in education at the University of Brussels and at
ADEK University of Suriname. He is superintendent of schools for the Antwerp school district. He advises on education for the Organization of American States and publishes and lectures extensively on a broad range of educational
Bruna Durazzi has a degree in economics and specialises in mathematics and statistics. She has been a teacher of
mathematics since 1983 and is currently concentrating on applying ICT tools in the classroom to improve her teaching
methodologies. She has had particular success in using ICT to improve teaching and learning outcomes with students
with additional educational needs.
Giulio Gabbianelli has a degree in Communication Sciences specialising in new media and sociology. He has worked
as a junior researcher at the LaRiCA (Research Laboratory on Advanced Communication) at the Faculty of Sociology of
the University of Urbino (Italy). Since 2009 he has worked for Training 2000 as a media expert and researcher.
Gabriela Grosseck is Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at the West University of Timisoara,
Romania. For almost a decade she was the editor-in-chief of the Romanian Journal of Social Informatics. She is the
author of many articles in the field of e-learning, a speaker at international events, workshop organiser and member of
several editorial committees.

Isabel Gutirrez is Senior Lecturer in Educational Technology at The Faculty of Education of The University of Murcia (Spain). She is also member of The Educational Technology Research Group (GITE) at the same university. She has
a PhD in Educational Technology.
Jeroen Hendrickx taught Dutch to foreign adults in Antwerp for 10 years. In that time he explored how education can
benefit from technology. Since 2012 he has worked for CVO Antwerpen where he encourages and supports teachers
who want to integrate technology in their (on line) classrooms. Find out more on
Jenny Hughes has been a maths teacher and teacher trainer for longer than shes prepared to admit. Currently she is
a senior researcher and teacher trainer at Pontydysgu, an Educational Research and software Development Company
based in Wales. Her interests include evaluation theory and practice and e-learning.
Laura Malita is a computer analyst and senior lecturer at West University Timisoara, Romania. She is also a researcher at the Romanian Institute for Adult Education (IREA), being coordinator of the LLL KA3 L@JOST project and G2
Learning city project. Her current research is in the field of Web 2.0 technologies for learning, teaching and social activities, social learning, digital storytelling for informal learning and job finding. She has also authored and co-authored
books and published more than 40 related articles.
M Paz Prendes is Lecturer in Educational Technology at The Faculty of Education of The University of Murcia
(Spain). She is a head of the Educational Technology Research Group (GITE) at the same university. She co-ordinates
several projects including Virtual Teaching (Vice-chancellor of Studies).
Angela Rees has taught Maths and Science to 12 - 75 year olds in Wales since qualifying as a Chemistry teacher in
2005. She recently gained an MA in Special Educational Needs. Angela works for Pontydysgu creating e-learning content, researching practical applications for educational technology and training in the use of web 2.0 tools.
Pedro Reis is an associate professor, researcher and sub-director at the IE-UL where he co-ordinates the PhD Programme on Science Education. He is specifically interested in ICT integration in science and environmental education.
Anne-Marie Tytgat is an industrial engineer and pedagogical advisor for technology education and ICT integration in
education to Flemish secondary schools. She provides guidance and support to schools that wish to develop a consistent approach to using ICT across the curriculum.
M. del Mar Snchez is Senior Lecturer in Educational Technology at The Faculty of Education of The University of
Murcia (Spain). She has a PhD in pedagogy and works at the Research Group of Educational Technology (GITE). She
has participated in several research projects on PLE, Web 2.0 and ICT in the classroom.
Katleen Vanden Driessche teaches mathematics at CVO Antwerpen (second chance education) and works as a SEN
teacher in a private practice. She has a special interest in the use of e-learning to support students with AEN in numeracy, mathematics and science.

Jens Vermeersch has an MA in history and an MA in communication sciences. He is an experienced manager of European projects in charge of the internationalisation department of GO! the official education of the Flemish Government in the Dutch speaking part of Belgium.




eaching has always been a challenging (albeit gratifying) profession and the demands on teachers are ever-increasing. In the
last decade you have probably been asked (amongst many other
things) to personalise learning, to integrate technology in and
outside the classroom and to focus on core competences while working
with your students. This all sounds great and will undoubtedly benefit students but where do you start?
The Taccle2 handbook on Core competences might be the right place to do
just that. In it youll find in excess of 100 short activities and ideas to implement the 8 Key Competences in your teaching practice. The vast majority
of the suggested activities are student-centered so learners will have to roll
up their sleeves and truly engage! This, we hope, enables them to move from
being consumers of information technologies to being active on line prosumers.
Teachers from 7 European countries identified what they considered to be
the most important knowledge, skills and attitudes within the Key Competences. They then looked for ways to help students develop their own personal skills, attitudes and knowledge in these areas. Every activity contains
at least one (but often two or even more!) recommended digital applications or resources. Therefore, the really curious amongst you could, technically, explore over 150 different on line applications and resources thus giving you a great overview of the educational opportunities that information
and communication technologies now have to offer.
Taccle2 is a project funded by the EU under its Lifelong Learning Programme. The key competences handbook is one in a series of five. Although
this book is not a step-by-step guide, we feel confident that any teacher with
a passion for teaching will discover many activities and applications that
will enhance and enrich their current practice.
So give it a GO! and remember to let us know what you think at

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