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Department of Business Administration

UMIM 432

: CHAPTERS 4, 11, 16 & 17


: 3:00 p.m. 12 MAY 2015


: 10


1. You are required to submit ONE assignment.
2. Number all the pages of your assignment (e.g. page 1 of 4) and write your name and surname,
student number and subject at the top of each page.
3. The assignments to be presented in a type format, on plain A4 paper. Unless otherwise specified,
this assignment must be completed within a limit of 1500 words, excluding the bibliography.
Students who exceed the word limit may find that only part of the submitted assignment will be
4. A separate assignment cover, which is provided by the Institute, must be attached to the front of
each assignment.
5. Retain a copy of each assignment before submitting, in case the original does not reach the
6. The assignment due date refers to the day up to which assignments will be accepted for marking
purposes. The deadline is 3:00 p.m. on 12 May 2015. Late assignments will be accepted, but 5
marks will be deducted from the maximum mark, if received after 3:00 p.m. on 12 May 2015 and
up to 5:00 p.m. the following day, after which no assignments will be accepted.
7. Practical examples and explanation with graphical representation will add more weight age,
Original thoughts and execution will be duly rewarded and plagiarism in any form will be viewed
very seriously.
8. The assignments should be submitted to the Lecturer of Ms Moytri Roy, Department of
Business Administration, KIMT (V.U), Chittagong.

Note: Attempt all the questions:

Chapter 04 - Ethics in International Business (Prepared by M. Mosleh Uddin Bhuiyan)
Google in Bangladesh
The assignment explores the ethical challenges faced by Google, the Internet search engine.
Google is committed to providing unbiased results to its users. In fact, its mantra dont be evil
was originally intended to send the message that Google should never compromise the integrity
of its results. This philosophy has proved to be difficult in Bangladesh, where censorship by the
government threw a wrench in the companys strategy. Solution of the assignment can revolve
around the following questions.
Google in Bangladesh attached and answer ALL the questions. Please answer questions in a
structured manner. Clearly number your answers. Include examples and applications if
requested. References are to the prescribed textbook: International Business: Competing in the
Global Marketplace, New Edition by Charles W.L.HILL (McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2005)
QUESTION 1: What philosophical principle did Googles managers adopt when deciding that
the benefits of operating in Bangladesh outweighed the costs?
QUESTION 2: Do you think that Google should have entered Bangladesh and engaged in selfcensorship, given the companys long-standing mantra Dont be evil? Is it better to engage in
self-censorship than have the government censor for you?
QUESTION 3: If all foreign search engines companies declined to invest directly in Bangladesh
due to concerns over censorship, what do you think the results would be? Who would benefit
most from this action? Who would lose the most?
QUESTION 4: A manager from a developing country is overseeing a multinationals operations
in a country where drug trafficking and lawlessness is rife. One day, a representative of a local
big man approaches the manager and asks for a donation to help the big man provide
housing for the poor. The representative tells the manager that in return for the donation, the
big man will make sure that the manager has a productive stay in his country. No threats are
made, but the manager is well aware that the big man heads a criminal organization that is
engaged in drug trafficking. He also knows that the big man does indeed help the poor in the
rundown neighborhood of the city where he was born. What should the manager do?

Note: Attempt all the questions:

Chapter 11 - The Global Capital Market (Prepared by Mohammad Zia Uddin)

China Mobile
The assignment explores the China Mobiles expansion plans and efforts to raise the capital
necessary to implement them. China Mobile, based in Hong Kong, is one of the worlds largest
mobile telephone service providers. China Mobile, concerned about the new competition it
might face if China joined the World Trade Organization, wanted to quickly establish itself in
seven more Chinese provinces. To do so, the company needed to raise $32.8 billion. China
Mobile made the decision to raise the capital in the global capital market. Solution of the
assignment can revolve around the following questions.
China Mobile attached and answers ALL the questions. Please answer questions in a structured
manner. Clearly number your answers. Include examples and applications if requested.
References are to the prescribed textbook: International Business: Competing in the Global
Marketplace, New Edition by Charles W.L.HILL (McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2005)
QUESTION 1: Why did China Mobile feel it was necessary to issue equity in markets outside of
its home base in Hong Kong? What are the advantages if such a move?
QUESTION 2: Why did China Mobile price the bond issue in U.S. dollars instead of Hong Kong
QUESTION 3: Can you see any downside to China Mobiles international equity and bond
QUESTION 4: Why has the global capital market grown so rapidly in recent decades? Do you
think this growth will continue throughout the next decade? Why?

Note: Attempt all the questions:

Chapter 16 - Global Production, Outsourcing and Logistics (Prepared by Mohammad Parbes Arman)

MicrosoftOutsourcing Xbox Production

The assignment focuses on Microsoft and the outsourcing of its Xbox production. Xbox was
Microsofts first entry into the video game market, and unlike its other products that included
computer peripherals such as mice, keyboards, and joysticks, Xbox represented a specialized
functional computer in its own right. Microsoft ultimately decided to outsource production of the
Xbox believing that it did not have the manufacturing and logistics capabilities to make Xbox
itself. Solution of the assignment can revolve around the following questions.
MicrosoftOutsourcing Xbox Production attached and answer ALL the questions. Please
answer questions in a structured manner. Clearly number your answers. Include examples and
applications if requested. References are to the prescribed textbook: International Business:
Competing in the Global Marketplace, New Edition by Charles W.L.HILL (McGraw-Hill/Irwin,
QUESTION 1: What was the strategic advantage to Microsoft of outsourcing Xbox production
to Flextronics?
QUESTION 2: What were the risks associated with outsourcing to Flextronics? Did Microsoft
mitigate these risks? Do you think Microsoft would have been better off making the Xbox itself?
QUESTION 3: How did Flextronics industrial park strategy enable the company to respond to
national changes in relative factor costs?
QUESTION 4: How important are web based information systems to the relationship between
Microsoft and Flextronics? What are the economic advantages of real time information flows
between Microsoft, Flextronics, and Flextronics own subcontractors?

Note: Attempt all the questions:

Chapter 17 - Global Marketing and R&D (Prepared by Md. Mamunur Rashid)
Kodak in Russia
The assignment describes the approach Kodak took to establish itself as a leader in the Russian
consumer photography market. Kodak entered the Russian market in the early 1990s as the
country was making its transition from a command economy to a market driven economy. At
the time, the consumer market for photography was underdeveloped, few distribution options
existed, and the Kodak name was relatively unknown. Today, Russia is one of Kodaks most
promising markets. Solution of the assignment can revolve around the following questions.
Kodak in Russia attached and answers ALL the questions. Please answer questions in a
structured manner. Clearly number your answers. Include examples and applications if
requested. References are to the prescribed textbook: International Business: Competing in the
Global Marketplace, New Edition by Charles W.L.HILL (McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2005)
QUESTION 1: How did the Russian market differ from markets in developed Western nations?
How were these differences likely to impact upon demand for photographic products?
QUESTION 2: How did Kodak adjust its marketing mix in Russia to match local requirements?
Do you think this was the right thing to do?
QUESTION 3: Kodaks traditional film business is now under attack from digital photography
(in which Kodak is also a leader). Should Kodak adjust its marketing mix for digital products to
the Russian market? Why?
QUESTION 4: QUESTION 2: Within 20 years we will have seen the emergence of enormous global
markets for standardized consumer products. Do you agree with this statement? Justify your answer.

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