Telephone Biller

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Project report

Telephone bill

Prepared By:- Pesavariya Seema V. (115400693053)

Mehta Archana B. (115400693096)
Project Guide:- Mrs. Nirali Bhatti
Submitted to:- Gujarat Technological University
As a partial fulfillment of the degree of:
Master of Computer Application.
For the year 2011-12.

This Project is developed in year 2010 to consider the requirement of Telephone
I thankful to Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff and College who have helped and
Guided me in preparing this project.
I am also thankful to my colleagues to help me to developing this project.
And to all my friends and my guided who has helped me in such a way to finish this
I am also thankful to Wikipedia encyclopedia the internet online library to guide
me to develop the project report.

Yours Faithfully,
Student Name
Pesavariya Seema
Mehta Archana

Telephone Bill
Project making is a one subject of BCA. The student gets a chance to have
practical knowledge of the software exposure as to gain control over programming
languages. The objective of practical training of BCA levels is to develop among the
students a feeling of software making in order to develop a practical bias in them as
supplement to the theoretical study of the computer application in general.
Such project making plays a dominant role in developing practical view points,
experience and also make them aware about the role situation of the software application.
This project is prepared under my knowledge, guidance given by our professors and
especially Thanks to concerned person, who has helped us to get knowledge on the
This project is a windows bases project.
The objective of this project is to maintain the details of Telephone Bill the main
objective of the project is to improve the Administrator efficiency facilitating it to
promptly address any kind of information sought for and to minimize the workload.
Hence this software is used to maintain working detail in the Telephone Bill thus
the user get better response with it.
Hence this software is used to providing good service to the registered
Authorities, thus an unauthorized person cannot access it.




Project Summary



Technology & Literature Review

Project Management






Project Planning

Risk Management System

System Requirement Study

User Characteristics and Software

Hardware and Software Requirements

System Analysis

Study of Current System

Problem & weakness of Current System

Requirement and New System

Feasibility Study
System Design

Data Flow Diagram

Entity Relationship Diagram

Data Dictionary
Implementation and Planning Details

Implementation and Environment

Project Modules Specification

Coding Standards

Testing Methods

Testing Cases


Screen Shot and User Manuals


User Manual
Limitation & Future Enhancement




Future Enhancement

The Project Telephone Bill is dedicated to the requirement of the Jamnagar.
Telephone Bill Works on the,Telephone Bill, The objective of this project is to maintain
the details of

Telephone Bill the main objective of the project is to improve the

Administrator efficiency facilitating it to promptly address any kind of information

sought for and to minimize the workload.
Hence this software is used to maintain working detail in the Telephone Bill thus
the user get better response with it.
Hence this software is used to providing good service to the registered
Authorities, thus an unauthorized person cannot access it.
This project is being developed with a view to automate the function of Telephone
Bill. Centre related services to Administrator Telephone Bill. Another objective of this
project is to maintain the details of the Telephone Bill. The main objective of the project
is to improve the Administrator efficiency facilitating it to promptly address any kind of
information sought for and to minimize the workload. Hence this software is used to
maintain Telephone Bill, in the Telephone Bill, Hence this software is used to providing
good service to the registered Authorities, and thus an unauthorized person cannot access
Breaking a problem into successively manageable parts for individual study.
Every application development project should begin with an analysis of the requirements
and clear list of goals. The basic aim of analysis is to obtain a clear understanding of

users needs & what exactly is desired from the software, and what constraints on the
solution are.
1. TC
2. Wikipedia encyclopedia

The manager who forgets that software engineering work is an intensely human endeavor
will never have success in project management.
A manager who fails to encourage comprehensive customer communication early in the
evaluation of a project risks building an elegant solution for the wrong problem.
Finally, the manager who pays little attention to the process runs the risks of inserting
competent technical methods & tools into a vacuum.
Project Management has two parts like:
1) Project Planning & Scheduling
2) Risk Management
The software project management process begins with a set of activities that are
collectively called Project Planning.
The first of this activities is Estimation.. whenever estimates are made, we look into
the future and accept some degree of uncertainty as a matter of course. although
estimating is as much art as it is science, this important activity need not be conducted in
a random manner. Useful techniques for time & effort estimation do exist. And because
estimation lays a foundation for all other project planning activates, and project planning
provides the road map or successful software engineering.

Project Planning Objectives

1. Software Scope
2. Resources

Although there has been considerable debate about the proper definition for
software risk,There is general agreement that risk always involves two characteristics
Uncertainty: - The events that characterize the risk may or may not happen.

i.e. There are not 100% probable risk

Loss: - if the risk becomes a reality unwanted consequences or losses will occur. When
risks are analyzed it is important to quantify the level of uncertainty and the degree of
loss associated with each risk. To accomplish this, different categories of risk are
Category of Risk:
1) Project Risk
2) Technical Risk
3) Business Risk
Types of Risk
1) Product Size Risk
2) Business Impact Risk
3) Customer Related Risk
4) Process Risk
5) Process Issues
6) Technical Issue
7) Technology Risk
8) Development Environment Risk
9) Risk Associated with staff size and Experience.

It Studies the current business system to find out how it works and where improvement
should be made? This study consider both manual and computer methods.
A requirement is a feature that must be included in a new system it may include a way of
capturing or processing data, producing information, controlling a business activities or
supporting management.
1) Predetermine objectives
2) Set of Components
3) Set of Process
4) Inter related and Interdependence
5) Sub System
6) Integration
Windows 2000/Xp

Pentium III or Advanced Processor
256 MB RAM
80 GB Hard disk or onwards
Monitor 1366 * 768 resolutions

This is implemented system is total file base system and it is very time consuming
to execute the process of Telephone Bill. it is not more efficient and effective to
implementing in real world.
This system require the more man power . so that it consume or man power and
money . it is very slow to work with this systems
A systems analyst is responsible for researching, planning, coordinating and
recommending software and system choices to meet an organization's business
Systems analysts may act as liaisons between vendors and the organization they
represent. They may be responsible for developing cost analyses, design considerations,
and implementation time-lines. They may also be responsible for feasibility studies of a
computer system before making recommendations to senior management.
Basically a systems analyst performs the following tasks:

Interact with the customers to know their requirements

Interact with designers to convey the possible interface of the software


Interact/guide the coders/developers to keep track of system development


Perform system testing with sample/live data with the help of testers


Successfully implement the new system


At present the Telephone Bill Centre maintains different registers for different
purposes for example Telephone Bill etc .Again there are a number of instances when:
A particular record is searched for tracking. A list of Telephone Bill and their evaluation
report given to them. A list of Telephone Bill is prepared. A list of available for the
Particular Telephone Bill all over work in efficiently.
All this causes a great amount of chaos and confusion. It was finally decided to
computerize the Establishment Office of the Telephone Bill.
The Preliminary Investigation starts as soon as someone either a user or a member of a
particular department recognizes a problem or initiates a request, to modify the current
computerized system, or to computerize the current manual system. An important
outcome of the preliminary investigation is determining whether the system requested is
feasible or not.
There are two specific groups of end-users:
Those who use the system. In this case the End-Users and Officer who actually
comes in control activity.
Those affected by the inputs and outputs of the system in study. In this case the
management who decides the schemes given to user, the slip amount taken from the staff
is involved.
To develop the initial scope of the system we need to get a broad idea of the
system in study. In this case we can identify the main process as to get the details of the
Staff, Trainee and other aspects, which gets the input from each fault maker. The output
of the system is also sent back to the respective staff and branch Office.
Requirements analysis in software engineering encompasses those tasks that go
into determining the needs or conditions to meet for a new or altered product, taking
account of the possibly conflicting requirements of the various stakeholders, such as
beneficiaries or users.

Requirements analysis is the first stage in the systems engineering process and software
development process.
A feasibility study is a preliminary study undertaken to determine and document a
project's viability or the discipline of planning, organizing, and managing resources to
bring about the successful completion of specific project goals and objectives. The term
is also used to describe the preliminary analysis of an existing system to see if it is worth
upgrading all or a part. Also known as feasibility analysis The term is also used to refer to
the resulting document. The results of this study are used to make a decision whether or
not to proceed with the project. If it indeed leads to a project being approved, it will
before the real work of the proposed project starts and be used to ascertain the likelihood
of the project's success. It is an analysis of possible alternative solutions to a problem and
a recommendation on the best alternative. It can decide, for example, whether order
processing can be carried out by a new system more efficiently than the previous one.

If a project is seen to be feasible from the results of the study, the next logical step is to
proceed with it. The research and information uncovered in the feasibility study will
support the detailed planning and reduce the research time.
Feasibility is the determination of whether or not a project is worth doing. The
process followed in making this determination is called a feasibility study. This type of
study determines if a project can and should be taken. Once it has been determine that
project is feasible, the analyst can go ahead and prepare a project specification, which
finalizes project requirements.
In the conduct of the feasibility study, we usually consider seven distinct, but inter-related
types of feasibility. They are:
1. Technical Feasibility
2. Economical Feasibility
3. Operational Feasibility
4. Technical Feasibility
The Technical needs of the system are as follows:
Facility to communicate data to distant location. Response time under certain conditions.
Ability to process a certain volume of transaction at a particular speed. In examining the
technical feasibility, configuration is given more importance than actual make of
hardware. Here the configuration gives the complete picture about the systems
-How many workstations are required?
-How these workstations are interconnected so that they can operate and communicate
What speeds of Input and Output should be achieved.
As the above requirements of the system can be fulfilled easily with the technology
available in the market, therefore the proposed system is technically feasible.

Economical Feasibility
Economic analysis is the most frequently used technique for evaluating the effectiveness
of a proposed system. More commonly known as Cost / Benefit analysis the procedure is
to determine the benefits and savings that are expected from a proposed system and
compare them with the costs. If benefits outweigh costs, a decision is taken to design and
implement the system. Otherwise, further justification or alternative in the proposed
system will have to be made if it is to have a chance of being approved.
Proposed system for Telephone Bill Centre is economically feasible in terms of time and
effort of staff and management. Cost will be incurred at the beginning but the effort and
time saved by the proposed system far outweighs the cost incurred. Since the company is
not already computerized, so initially large amount will be involved but in due course
with the outcome of the system, the cost will be outweighed by the result of the
automated system.
Operational Feasibility
It is mainly related to human company and political aspects. The points to be considered
-What changes will be brought with the system?
-What company structures are distributed?
-What new skills will be required?
Project is not rejected simply because of operational infeasibility but such consideration
is likely to critically affect the nature and scope of the eventual recommendations.
For Telephone Bill apart from other facts as per operational feasibility is concerned we
need to see to it that the system to be developed should be user-friendly so that staff and
other personnels who are not computer literate find it easy to work with. As the office
staff does most of the work, so they might have to be trained.




Implementation is a phase where a number of activities that have been going on
parallel so far have to culminate. To ensure that all these activities indeed converge at the
right time and at the right place without any delays on account of unforeseen problems, to
get the software to be used as it should, is what managing the implementation phase is all
about. Typically the steps involved are:
Installation Plan: Much before the software could be actually ready; a detailed
plan has to be prepared in terms of hardware, procurement and installation. What
machines are to be installed at which location and at what point in time, provision of the
necessary infrastructure for installation of the same, site preparation, arranging any
machine specific or commodity software specific training for different categories of users
etc. are details which would need to be worked out. Likewise a plan has got to be made
for installation of the software to be implemented. Details of which modules are to be
enabled/disabled in each location have to be worked out. Therefore a comprehensive
installation plan needs to be in place, which gives location wise installation details as
relevant to different user groups.
So, for Telephone Bill an implementation plan was prepared at that right time.
Data Preparation and Conversion: Assuming that the system is expected to go live from a
particular date, all backlog of data has to be transcribed to fit into the new formats and
coding schemes, and rigorously errors are checked to ensure no loss of information.
For Telephone Bill all the existing REGARDING works and others was fed into the
system, as the details of the Telephone Bill is to be maintained old records also apart
from the fresh data.
Conversion Testing: Where data is converted from existing files or databases,
rigorous conversion testing needs to be done to ensure proper conversion.
The following steps testing were performed as a part of conversion for Telephone Bill.

Tallying of input and output records.

Extraction of sample records from both the old and new set of records. These are then
directly compared with each other.
Check value ranges of fields within each record.
Check whether the required relationships between records are maintained.
User Training: The successful implementation of any software is dependent in
good measure on the quality of training imparted. Different user groups need to be
identified. A training need analysis has to be done for each of these groups to find out
what kind of training is required for each. Getting trained on aspects that are not relevant
may sometimes tend to confuse the users.
Security Measures Taken: Security and controls are required not only for
preventing inadvertent mistakes made by users, but also to prevent misuse of the system
and ensure data integrity.
In an automated system Telephone Bill Application the following security measures have
been considered:
The following Tables and structure is used to develop Telephone Bill.

Authentication module

Administrator Module

Client module

other modules

Access Control:
Accesses Control can be defined as control established to ensure that only administrator
are accessed data with the proper authority. Different types of access control, which are
used in this software, are as follows:
Physical Access:
The best form of access control is the physical access control. Only authorized personal
should be allowed to do specific tasks like booting of the machine, mounting disks,
distributing reports etc.
In this software the database is centralized means all the data is stored at one
place called as server where as number of section (workstation) are attached to it.
Without the server nothing can be done. So, for starting server an authorized person
should be there.
Validations of data entered on various input screens are not a security for the system but a
control to ensure that clean data goes into the system. If data is not validated on input,
you will end up with a lot of inconsistent data.
In computer parlance, this is referred to as Garbage In, Garbage Out. If proper
validation is not done, user tends to lose confidence in the system and it eventually boils
down to a new project of clearing up the data. Typical validations done on input screen
are as follows:
Combo input System
Length of data.
Type of data (numeric, integers, alphabetic, alphanumeric)
Discreet values
Cross validation of data across various fields

Data Integrity:
We can have the best of validations in a system but invalid data can always get into the
system due to some recent changes done on the software, which was not tested
comprehensively, or due to corruption. Whatever the cause, it is a very good control
practice to periodically check the integrity of the data on the system. Data Integrity could
be verified by a number of techniques. Some of the used techniques are listed below:
Tallying number of records across various tables in the database.
Tallying critical fields across tables in the database.
Whatever be the technique, periodic validation of data will give us early warning signals
in case something is wrong with database.

security features:
In the Telephone Bill we have set the best security Features to operate the application,
When user logged into the software Application ask for the username & password which
are stored into a database & it will check both username & password condition, If user do
any mistake to entering the username & Password then application will count the wrong
username & password which is entered by user when user logged into application it will
display to the user that how many times the wrong username & password are entered this
system called Hack Detector.
Hack detector not only checking the condition of the username & Password it will
count how many times wrong password binged entered to the application to hack this
application. In every type of threats this application are securable any threats or viruses
cannot delete any important data of this application.
The other new facility is that we also can add new administrator password instead
of change the password the benefit of this feature is that the possibility of hacking is very
less because no one can change the current password we must add new password and the
new user & Password will add by whom who know the administrator secrete Password
only here is a two passwords are sated.

First one the user name & password when u logged into the software and the other
one is that Administrator password to add a new user account which is secrete and only
know by the administrator. If u want to add new user and if u dont know the
administrator password which is a master password u must called the administrator to add
a new account in the application.
In such a way this application is very secure. I have done my try best to developed a
secure application.
If user entered wrong Log in Password then following message box will
displayed: Then if user Entered a Correct Username & password Following will be
shown :
Same in the master password verification if user entered wrong password it will
shown error message& when user entered correct password it will display how many
times other user entered wrong password.
If user entered wrong Username & Password :
Then if user entered a correct Username & Password then :
User can access all the control of administrator like Add, Update, Delete, Edit,
All the menu can accessible by the user.


Software testing is an empirical investigation conducted to provide stakeholders

with information about the quality of the product or service under test , with respect to
the context in which it is intended to operate. This includes, but is not limited to, the
process of executing a program or application with the intent of finding software bugs.
The testing of software is a means of accessing or measuring the software to
determine its quality. Testing is done with one primary objective- to ensure the quality of
software before live operations. Testing involves operation of a system or application
under controlled conditions and evaluating the results.
To developed the advance security & user-friendly system I have implement all
the testing condition, strategies, testing plan, testing method.
Generally System or Software testing have following types included.

Testing plan

Testing Strategies

Testing Method

Test cases

Software testing methods are traditionally divided into black box testing and
white box testing. These two approaches are used to describe the point of view that a test
engineer takes when designing test cases.
Black Box Testing
Black box testing treats the software as a black box without any knowledge of internal
implementation. Black box testing methods include equivalence partitioning, boundary

value analysis, all-pairs testing, fuzz testing, model-based testing, traceability matrix,
exploratory testing and specification-based testing.
Specification-based testing
Specification-based testing aims to test the functionality according to the
requirements. Thus, the tester inputs data and only sees the output from the test object.
This level of testing usually requires thorough test cases to be provided to the tester who
then can simply verify that for a given input, the output value (or behavior), is the same
as the expected value specified in the test case. Specification-based testing is necessary
but insufficient to guard against certain risks.
Try different inputs and see if we get the correct output:
Input 1
Input N

Black Box

Black Interface Errors

Errors in Data Structures or external database access.
Initialization Errors
Boundary value testing.
White Box Testing
White box testing, by contrast to black box testing, is when the tester has access to the
internal data structures and algorithms (and the code that implement these)
Types of white box testing
The following types of white box testing exist:

code coverage - creating tests to satisfy some criteria of code coverage.

For example, the test designer can create tests to cause all statements in
the program to be executed at least once.

mutation testing methods.

fault injection methods.

static testing - White box testing includes all static testing.

White Box

Guarantee that all independent paths within a module have been exercised at least once.
Exercise all logical decisions on their true and false sides.
Execute all loops at their boundaries and within their operational bounds.
Exercise internal data structures to ensure their validity.
Unit Testing
Unit testing, also called module or component testing is testing individual software units
independently of the other units in the same system. The programmer does this testing.
Unit testing is recognized as one of the most efficient ways to reduce the density and
proliferation of errors in a software application. Unit testing has been done for each
ITEM of the system. We have followed the following procedure to perform unit testing:

Identified the scenarios for each action in all the screens.

Tested main method in each screen to invoke that screen.

If user Id and password will be correct then a massage as Welcome to the
Telephone Bill will be displayed in the massage box. All the modules are connected
properly with main menu. This can be displayed on the status bar. Where the entire
module can be shown .Implementing the test plan in the software with data.:There are two methods are used for implementing the test plan.
Testing with the dummy data: - Testing in this way means testing with data which not
original or it is dummy. With this method accuracy of the system can be judged according
to some extents. If the system is running correctly with this data then it can be inferred
that software has been tested successfully.
Testing with Live data: - Testing with live data means testing with original data. This
means that system is tested with data taken from the actual user. This is very accurate as
compared to dummy data. If the system is running correctly with this data then it can be
inferred that software tested successfully.


Main Page

Customer Section

Add Customer Detail

Invalid Entered value



Deleted values

Billing Section

Edit in Billing Section




Billing Details

Exit from program


Limitation is the major part of every application & system, In every Application
there are always some limitations are there.No of any application and software is without
any limitation.
Here I have done my try best to solve every limitation but some of the limitation I
cant solve because of the level of my course, time limit, and my knowledge.
Hence my application has a some limitation are here.
1. Large Database cant be handle.
2. Refresh Record - After every transaction you should refresh record source.
3. data type validation I cant give all proper data type & data length validation
because of the time limit
4. Image error here in tiles item entry form I give a facility to store image but the
limitation is that if the image is removed from system of moved the error will
Security: - Data is secure. Only the administrators can do backup and restoring
of data type of job.
Large Database Supports: - Using file system of c++ means large number of
records can be managed without facing any problem.
Every application is not full of every facility even Microsoft co. not gives us a full flange
facility, even Microsoft is also developing enhancement , first Microsoft has developed
dos operating system, then they decided to developed a window based operating system.
Now days they had already launch the new operating system windows vista. Same as this
application is not full of every facility, because of limited knowledge and time limits.
In future Ill developed this application by the bound connectivity. And this application is
became very user friendly, So users can easily operating the application without mouse
also, User can direct use keyboard keys. In future this application is became is very userfriendly.


The main purpose of this software is to computerizing the Telephone Bill The
meaning of computerization of Telephone Bill Management System is that, at current
time Gold centre has no any other software to maintain all works of gold management
And the future scope of this software is very good and easy on the basis of changing of
objective and analysis report. The future scope of this project is listed below.
End User supports: -

The proposed system is developed with roles like oracle

and visual basic it means that if proposed Screen increases his users it just has to add
more machines and can install client software to new machine to provide Enquiry on one
machine, Registration on other and so on.
Security: - Data is secure. Only the administrators can do backup and restoring
of data type of job by giving login name and password. To operate the program also
administrator has to enter password.
Large Database Supports: - Using oracle as RDBMS means large number of
records can be managed without facing any problem.

The Bibliography contains references to all the documents that were used to develop the
Programming with ANSI C++
C++ complete reference
Balaguruswami C++

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