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Quiz Contest Rules:

1.The medium of the quiz will be English, however a verbal

simplification can be made by the quiz master if desired by
the participants.
2. No. of teams will be decided on the basis of no. of participants.
3. Each team will consist of 2 participants.
4. Formation of teams will be done on the spot by lottery system.
5. Each correct answer will be awarded +5 marks.
6. Each wrong answer will be awarded -2 marks.
7. A team can pass the question to the next team if they don’t
want to reply & and the next team if reply correctly will be
awarded +2 marks for it.
8. A question can be passed on to next team for any no. of times if
not replied, but the question can be passed only once if
wrongly replied i.e. it cannot be passed on further after the
second wrong reply.
9. Each question is to be answered within 30 seconds, after
that it will be automatically passed on to the next team & the
next team is to reply same question within 10 seconds.

10. Each team will reply only when the question is asked to
them otherwise -2 marks will be awarded to the teams
involved and the question will be cancelled.

11. In total there will be six rounds, i.e. each team will get at
least six questions to answer, but if a team answers a
passed on question than that will be bonus for it.
12. Winners will be declared on the basis of maximum
marks scored.

13. In total there will be two winner teams i.e. first & second.

14. The Quiz master’s decision will be final in all the cases.
1. How many birthdays does the
average man have?
 A. 1
 B. 10
 C. 65
 D. 75
1. How many birthdays does the
average man have?
 A. 1
2. Some months have 31 days; how
many have 28?
 A. 1
 B. 2
 C. 9
 D. 12
2. Some months have 31 days;
how many have 28?
 D. 12
3. Is it illegal for a man to marry his
widow's sister?
 A. Don’t know
 B. No
 C. Yes
 D. Not Possible
3. Is it illegal for a man to marry
his widow's sister?

 D. Not Possible, because he is dead

4. If there are 3 apples and you take
away 2, how many do you have ?
 A. 1
 B. 0
 C. 2
 D. 3
4. If there are 3 apples and you
take away 2, how many do you
have ?
 C. 2, you took them
5. A doctor gives you three pills telling
you to take one every half hour.
How many minutes would the pills
 A. 20
 B. 40
 C. 60
 D. 90
5. A doctor gives you three pills
telling you to take one every half
How many minutes would the pills

 C. 60, start with the first, 30 min later

2nd, then 30 min for the third.
6. A farmer has 17 sheep, and all but 9
die. How many are left?
 A. 3
 B. 9
 C. 5
 D. 8
6. A farmer has 17 sheep, and all
but 9 die. How many are left?
 B. 9
7. How many two paisa stamps are
there in a dozen?
 A. 1
 B. 6
 C. 12
 D. 3
7. How many two paisa stamps are
there in a dozen?
 C. 12, a dozen means 12
8. You are participating in a race. You
overtake the second person. What
position are you in?
 A. 1st
 B. 2nd
 C. 3rd
 D. 4th
8. You are participating in a race.
You overtake the second person.
What position are you in?
 B.2nd, you overtake 2nd and took his
9. Note: This must be done in your head
only. Do NOT use paper and pencil or a
Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add
another 1000. Now add 30. Add another
1000. Now add 20. Now add another 1000.
Now add 10. What is the total?
 A. 6000
 B. 5000
 C. 4100
 D. 5100
9. Note: This must be done in your head
only. Do NOT use paper and pencil or a
Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add
another 1000. Now add 30. Add another
1000. Now add 20. Now add another 1000.
Now add 10. What is the total?

 C. 4100, can check with calculator now!

10. Mary's father has five daughters: 1.
Nana, 2. Nene, 3. Nini, 4. Nono. What
will be the name of the fifth daughter?
 A. Don’t know
 B. Nano
 C. Mary
 D. Nunu
10. Mary's father has five
daughters: 1. Nana, 2. Nene, 3.
Nini, 4. Nono. What is the name of
the fifth daughter?
 C. Mary
11. The number FIVE ends in the
5th letter of the alphabet. Which other
whole number shares a similar
 A. Eight
 B. One
 C. Fourteen
 D. Twenty
11. The number FIVE ends in
the 5th letter of the alphabet.
Which other whole number shares
a similar property?

 C.Fourteen, as fourteen ends with

fourteenth alphabet N
12. You could mix two of these paint
colours to obtain the third colour. The
remaining unused colour is...?
 A. Yellow
 B. Green
 C. Blue
 D. Orange
12. You could mix two of these
paint colours to obtain the third
colour. The remaining unused
colour is...?

 D. Orange
13. World Environment Day lies on
 A. 14th Nov
 B. 5th Sep
 C. 5th June
 D. 6th Aug
13. World Environment Day lies on

 C. 5th June
14. What is the first para of Quality
Policy of Ayurvet Ltd.
 a. “We at Ayurvet Ltd. are committed to provide our
customers, efficacious, quality, dependable and safe
 b. “We at Ayurvet Ltd. are determined to provide our
customers, efficacious, quality, dependable and safe
 c. “We at Ayurvet Ltd. are determined to provide our
customers, appropriate, efficacious, quality,
dependable and safe products”.
 d. “We at Ayurvet Ltd. are committed to provide our
customers, appropriate, efficacious, quality,
dependable and safe products”.
14. What is the first para of Quality
Policy of Ayurvet Ltd.
 A.
“We at Ayurvet Ltd. are committed to
provide our customers, efficacious,
quality, dependable and safe
15. When did Ayurvet received it’s ISO
9001:2000 certification
 A. September 2006
 B. October 2006
 C. August 2006
 D. November 2006
15. When did Ayurvet received it’s
ISO 9001:2000 certification

 B. October 2006
16. When did Ayurvet started its first
commercial production
 A. September 2005
 B. November 2005
 C. August 2005
 D. December 2005
16. When did Ayurvet started its
first commercial production

 B. November 2005
17. What is the inauguration date of
Ayurvet, Baddi factory.
 A. 11th Mar 2006
 B. 10th Mar 2006
 C. 11th Feb 2006
 D. 10th Feb 2006
17. What is the inauguration date
of Ayurvet, Baddi factory.
 B. 10th Mar 2006
18. Which product carries a package
 A. Afanil
 B. Vitadhan
 C. Vitacharm
 D. Newcharm
18. Which product carries a
package insert

 D. Newcharm
19. Which product does not carries a
package insert
 A. Mastilep
 B. Charmil
 C. Zerokeet
 D. Newcharm
19. Which product does not
carries a package insert

 B. Charmil
20. Expiry date for Ayucal D is
 A. 18 Months
 B. 36 Months
 C. 24 Months
 D. 30 Months
20. Expiry date for Ayucal D is

 C. 24 Months
21. Expiry date for Ruchamax is
 A. 18 Months
 B. 24 Months
 C. 36 Months
 D. 30 Months
21. Expiry date for Ruchamax is

 C. 36 Months
22. Product Caloz has how many units
per case
 A. 20 units
 B. 40 units
 C. 12units
 D. 30 units
22. Product Caloz has how many
units per case

 D. 30 units
23. Which is latest policy announced
by the HR of Ayurvet
 A. Mediclaim Policy
 B. Pers. acc. Insr Policy
 C. Veh. Loan Policy
 D. LTA Policy
23. Which is latest policy
announced by the HR of Ayurvet

 C. Veh. Loan Policy

24. Total no. of holidays other than
Sundays and Saturdays at Ayurvet this
year are
 A. 9
 B. 8
 C. 10
 D. 7
24. Total no. of holidays other than
Sundays and Saturdays at Ayurvet
this year are

 B. 8
25. Environmental conditions (Temp ºC
& R. Humidity %) as required at the AC
stores of Ayurvet warehouse are
 A. Max 25ºC & 55%
 B. Max 25ºC & 60%
 C. Max 35ºC & 65%
 D. Max 30ºC & 60%
25. Environmental conditions
(Temp ºC & R. Humidity %) as
required at the AC stores of
Ayurvet warehouse are
 D. Max 30ºC & 60%
26. The Quarantine area in the
stores is meant for keeping

 A. Herbs, yet to be sampled by QA

 B. Pkg mat., yet to be sampled by QA
 C. Chemicals, yet to be sampled by QA
 D. All of the above
26. The Quarantine area in the
stores is meant for keeping

 D. All of the above

27. A park is located in the Northeastern
United States. It's mid-winter and there is
a strong wind blowing in the east
direction. In which direction are the
leaves being blown?
 A. In the direction of wind
 B. Against the direction of the wind
 C. Every where
 D. No where
27. A park is located in the
Northeastern United States. It's
mid-winter and there is a strong
wind blowing in the east direction.
In which direction are the leaves
being blown?
 D.
No where, because it is mid winter
and there are no leaves on the tree!
28. There is a plane traveling from New
York to Canada at 300 MPH, but
unfortunately just as it reaches the border
between New York and Canada, it crashes
into a mountain. Where do they bury the
 A. in New York
 B. in Canada
 C. It will be a dispute
 D. None
28. There is a plane traveling from
New York to Canada at 300 MPH, but
unfortunately just as it reaches the
border between New York and
Canada, it crashes into a mountain.
Where do they bury the survivors?
 D. None, survivors don’t get buried!
29. Standing in an open pasture are a
Papa bull and a Baby bull, which
member of the family is missing?
 A. Mama Bull
 B. Buffalo
 C. Cow
 D. Ox
29. Standing in an open pasture
are a Papa bull and a Baby bull,
which member of the family is
 C.
Cow, there is no such animal as
mama bull, it’s called cow
30. You're the driver of a bus. You stop on a corner
and pick up 3 people. At the second stop 2 people
get off and 5 people get on. At the next stop 7
people get on and 4 people get off. At the fourth
stop, 7 people get on and 6 people get off. Finally,
at the last stop, 3 people get on and 5 people get
off. How old is the bus driver?

 A. 18 years
 B. I know
 C. I don’t know
 D. 22 years
30. You're the driver of a bus. You stop on a
corner and pick up 3 people. At the second
stop 2 people get off and 5 people get on. At
the next stop 7 people get on and 4 people
get off. At the fourth stop, 7 people get on
and 6 people get off. Finally, at the last stop,
3 people get on and 5 people get off. How old
is the bus driver?

 B. I know, you know because You're the

driver of the bus
31. Which is correct: “Five and four are
eight” or “five and four is eight”?

 A. First
 B. Second
 C. Both
 D. None
31. Which is correct: “Five and
four are eight” or “five and four is

 D. None
32. The first actress of the 'talkie' films
 A.Zubeida.
B. Nadira.
C. Fatima Begum.
D. Jaddan bai
32. The first actress of the 'talkie'
films was

 A. Zubeida.
33. Who is considered the 'Father of
the Indian Films'?
 A.Prithviraj Kapoor.
B. Dada Saheb Phalke.
C. Raj Kapoor.
D. Amitabh Bachchan.
33. Who is considered the 'Father
of the Indian Films'?

 B. Dada Saheb Phalke.

34. The movie Bride and Prejudice was
directed by Gurinder Chadha who also
 A.Dance like a man.
B. Bend it like Beckham.
C. Mitr, My friend.
D. Hyderabad blues.
34. The movie Bride and Prejudice
was directed by Gurinder Chadha
who also directed

 B. Bend it like Beckham.

35. Which Bollywood actor did PETA
(People for the Ethical Treatment of
Animals) vote as 'the hottest
vegetarian' alive?
 A.Shahrukh Khan.
B. Aishwarya Rai
C. Kajol.
D. Amitabh Bachchan.
35. Which Bollywood actor did
PETA (People for the Ethical
Treatment of Animals) vote as 'the
hottest vegetarian' alive?

 D. Amitabh Bachchan.
36. Shekhar Kapoor plans to make a
movie on the Buddha with Brad Pitt as
the male leading star. Which actress
has he selected for the female lead?
 A.Preity Zinta.
B. Aishwarya Rai.
C. Kajol.
D. Rani Mukherjee.
36. Shekhar Kapoor plans to make
a movie on the Buddha with Brad
Pitt as the male leading star.
Which actress has he selected for
the female lead?
 B. Aishwarya Rai.
37. In the Bollywood movie Black,
Amitabh Bachchan suffers from
 A.Blindness.
B. Parkinson's Disease.
C. Alzheimer's Disease.
D. Tuberculosis.
37. In the Bollywood movie Black,
Amitabh Bachchan suffers from

 C. Alzheimer's Disease.
38. Mumtaz Jehan Begum Dehlavi was
better known in the Hindi film world as
 A.Helen.
B. Tabassum .
C. Madhubala.
D. Waheeda Rehman.
38. Mumtaz Jehan Begum Dehlavi
was better known in the Hindi film
world as
 C. Madhubala.
39.Who plays the lead star in the
movie 'Page 3'?
 A.Rani Mukherjee.
B. Kajol.
C. Nandita Das.
D. Konkana Sen.
39.Who plays the lead star in the
movie 'Page 3'?

 D. Konkana Sen.
40. Who played the lead in
Ashutosh Gowarikar's movie

A. Aamir Khan.
B. Shah Rukh Khan.
C. Salman Khan.
D. Saif Ali Khan.
40. Who played the lead in
Ashutosh Gowarikar's movie

B. Shah Rukh Khan.

41. Sahiful Mondal, a destitute
from Kolkata, bagged the best film
award for his 15 minute film
'Aamra' at the International Kids
Festival in Naples. How old is he?
A. 11.
B. 15.
C. 9.
D. 13.
41. Sahiful Mondal, a destitute
from Kolkata, bagged the best film
award for his 15 minute film
'Aamra' at the International Kids
Festival in Naples. How old is he?

A. 11.
42. In which liquid component do
the blood cells move about?

A. Platelets
B. Plasma
C. White Blood cells
D. Red Blood cells
42. In which liquid component do
the blood cells move about?

B. Plasma
43. From where does the blood get
its colour from?

A. Haemoglobin
B. Plasma
C. Platelets
D. Capillaries
43. From where does the blood get
its colour from?

A. Haemoglobin
44. Which part of our body pumps
blood to all our body cells?

A. Brain
B. Kidney
C. Lungs
D. Heart
44. Which part of our body pumps
blood to all our body cells?

D. Heart
45. Which element in the blood
helps the body fight against
diseases and infections?

A. Red Blood Cells

B. Platelets
C. White Blood cells
D. None of the above
45. Which element in the blood
helps the body fight against
diseases and infections?

C. White Blood cells

46. Continue this sequence in a
logical way. So the next letter to
appear is

A. S
B. N
C. E
D. F
46. Continue this sequence in a
logical way. So the next letter to
appear is

D. F, friday
47. Your most important meal is

A. Breakfast
B. Lunch
C. Dinner
D. Low calorie
47. Your most important meal is

A. Breakfast

Poor breakfasts are likely to

mar health, efficiency and martial
48. What filters wastes and other
harmful substances from the

A. Heart
B. Intestine
C. Liver
D. Kidney
48. What filters wastes and other
harmful substances from the

C. Liver
49. What process prevents blood loss
from an injured vessel?

A. Blood-Supply
B. Disorder
C. Transfusion
D. Clotting
49. What process prevents blood
loss from an injured vessel?

D. Clotting
50. Blood can be classified into
how many main types of groups?

A. Four
B. Three
C. Five
D. None of the above
50. Blood can be classified into
how many main types of groups?

A. Four
51. Which blood group is known
as the Universal Donor?

A. A
B. B
C. O +ve
51. Which blood group is known
as the Universal Donor?

C. O +ve
52. A high level of glucose in the
blood leads to which disease?

A. Cholesterol
B. Cancer
C. Diabetes
D. Anaemia
52. A high level of glucose in the
blood leads to which disease?

C. Diabetes
53. What is the transfer of blood
from one body to another body
known as?

A. Clotting
B. Transfusion
C. Disorder
D. None of the above
53. What is the transfer of blood
from one body to another body
known as?

B. Transfusion
54. What does the 10th avatar of
Vishnu (Kalki) ride?

A. An elephant.
B. A horse.
C. A Bull.
D. A Peacock.
54. What does the 10th avatar of
Vishnu (Kalki) ride?

B. A horse.
55. According to Hindu mythology,
who killed seven of her children by
drowning them in the river?

A. Goddess Ganga.
B. Kunti.
C. Gandhari.
D. Kaikeyi.
55. According to Hindu mythology,
who killed seven of her children by
drowning them in the river?

A. Goddess Ganga.
56. What was Lord Vishnu's first

A. As Varaha or a boar.
B. As Vamana or a dwarf.
C. As Matsya or a fish.
D. As Kurma or a tortoise.
56. What was Lord Vishnu's first

C. As Matsya or a fish.
57. Which popular dance is
believed to have been passed by
Krishna to his gopikas and is
performed on nine consecutive
A. Bhangra.
B. Kaikotikali.
C. Dandiya.
D. Garba.
57. Which popular dance is
believed to have been passed by
Krishna to his gopikas and is
performed on nine consecutive

D. Garba.
58. Where is the world's only
Brahma temple located?

A. Pushkar, Rajasthan.
B. Konark, Orissa.
C. Saurashtra, Gujarat.
D. Ernakulam, Kerala.
58. Where is the world's only
Brahma temple located?

A. Pushkar, Rajasthan.
59. Lord Dattatreya is confluence
of Bramha, Vishnu and who else?

A. Sai Baba.
B. Indra.
C. Maheshwara.
D. Ganesha.
59. Lord Dattatreya is confluence
of Bramha, Vishnu and who else?

C. Maheshwara.
60.Who freed Ahalya,wife of sage
Gautama from her curse?

A. Lord Krishna.
B. Lord Rama.
C. Lord Brahma.
D. Lord Shiva.
60.Who freed Ahalya,wife of sage
Gautama from her curse?

B. Lord Rama.
61. Which Hindu God is
considered to be the 'God of Good
fortune,' the one who removes

A. Lord Rama.
B. Lord Ganesha.
C. Lord Krishna.
D. Lord Kartikeya.
61. Which Hindu God is
considered to be the 'God of Good
fortune,' the one who removes

B. Lord Ganesha.
62. In the epic Mahabharata, the
ornaments kavacha and Kundala
were given to whom by the sun-

A. Nakula.
B. Arjuna.
C. Abhimanyu.
D. Karna.
62. In the epic Mahabharata, the
ornaments kavacha and Kundala
were given to whom by the sun-

D. Karna.
63. According to the epic
Mahabharata, who presented
Arjuna with 'Gandiva', an
incredibly powerful bow?

A. Agni.
B. Surya.
C. Vayu.
D. Varuna.
63. According to the epic
Mahabharata, who presented
Arjuna with 'Gandiva', an
incredibly powerful bow?

D. Varuna.
64. Which of these states is
famous for weaving carpets?

A. Sikkim
B. Kashmir
C. Tamil Nadu
D. Orissa
64. Which of these states is
famous for weaving carpets?

B. Kashmir
65. Name the famous 'tear-shaped'
lake located in the Himalayas.

A. Bhim Tal
B. Naini Tal
C. Nakuchia Tal
D. Sat Tal
65. Name the famous 'tear-shaped'
lake located in the Himalayas.

B. Naini Tal
66. Which of these places is a
famous ski resort?

A. Gulmarg
B. Panchgani
C. Dharamshala
D. Panchmarhi
66. Which of these places is a
famous ski resort?

A. Gulmarg
67. The famous Jamia Milia Islamia
university is located in....

A. Varnasi
B. New Delhi
C. Pune
D. Mumbai
67. The famous Jamia Milia Islamia
university is located in....

B. New Delhi
68. India is the world's leading
producer of this mineral.

A. Gold
B. Silver
C. Mica
D. Iron
68. India is the world's leading
producer of this mineral.

C. Mica
69. The Vanrani, the toy train
operates at ......

A. Matheran
B. Mumbai
C. Darjeeling
D. Mahableshwar
69. The Vanrani, the toy train
operates at ......

B. Mumbai
70. Where is the Chittorgarh fort

A. Maharashtra
B. Goa
C. Delhi
D. Rajasthan
70. Where is the Chittorgarh fort

D. Rajasthan
71. Which of these sanctuaries is
in Karnataka?

A. Gir Sanctuary
B. Kaziranga Sanctuary
C. Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary
D. Tadoba National Park
71. Which of these sanctuaries is
in Karnataka?

C. Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary

72. What is Berar district in
Maharashtra famous for?

A. Mangoes
B. Cotton
C. Paper
D. Forests
72. What is Berar district in
Maharashtra famous for?

B. Cotton
73. Manikaran is a pilgrim site
located in ....

A. Uttaranchal
B. Punjab
C. Jammu & Kashmir
D. Himachal Pradesh
73. Manikaran is a pilgrim site
located in ....

D. Himachal Pradesh
74. If you are visiting the Silent
Valley, in which state would you
be in?

A. Maharashtra
B. Kerala
C. Punjab
D. Kashmir
74. If you are visiting the Silent
Valley, in which state would you
be in?

B. Kerala
75. Which Indian city
manufactured balls for the World
Cup Football?

A. Ludhiana
B. Mumbai
C. Jalandhar
D. Chennai
75. Which Indian city
manufactured balls for the World
Cup Football?

C. Jalandhar
76. Which of these places grow
apples in abundance?

A. Manali
B. Leh
C. Ooty
D. Kodaikanal
76. Which of these places grow
apples in abundance?

A. Manali
77. Jhabua are tribals from ....

A. Gujarat
B. Rajasthan
C. Maharashtra
D. Madhya Pradesh
77. Jhabua are tribals from ....

D. Madhya Pradesh
78. Name the largest freshwater
lake in India.

A. Dal Lake
B. Powai lake
C. Wular lake
D. Chilka lake
78. Name the largest freshwater
lake in India.

C. Wular lake
79. Located in India it is Asia's
largest residential university.
Name it.

A. Banaras Hindu University

B. The Utkal University
C. Jawaharlal Nehru University
D. Anna University
79. Located in India it is Asia's
largest residential university.
Name it.

A. Banaras Hindu University

80. Rouff is a folk dance. It has its
origin in .....

A. Himachal Pradesh
B. Assam
C. Mizoram
D. Kashmir
80. Rouff is a folk dance. It has its
origin in .....

D. Kashmir
81. Name the oldest mountain
range of India.

A. Himalayas
B. Nilgiris
C. Aravallis
D. Vindhyas
81. Name the oldest mountain
range of India.

C. Aravallis
82. Which Indian State has most

A. Maharashtra
B. Madhya Pradesh
C. Kerala
D. Gujarat
82. Which Indian State has most

D. Gujarat
83. Name the annual fair of
Rajasthan that is famous for its
camel trading event.

A. Pushkar Mela
B. Kumbha Mela
C. Sonepur Mela
D. Suraj Kund Mela
83. Name the annual fair of
Rajasthan that is famous for its
camel trading event.

A. Pushkar Mela
84. In which year did commercial
cinema begin in India?

A. 1895
B. 1879
C. 1913
D. 1902
84. In which year did commercial
cinema begin in India?

C. 1913
85. Which is India's first Colour

A. Kisan Kanya
B. Mother India
C. Taj Mahal
D. Alam Ara
85. Which is India's first Colour

A. Kisan Kanya
86. Which was the first Indian
talkie movie to be released ?

A. Raja Harishchandra
B. Indrasabha
C. Ayodhya ka Raja
D. Alam Ara
86. Which was the first Indian
talkie movie to be released ?

D. Alam Ara
87. Which was the first
monochrome film to be fully
converted into colour in 2004?

A. Mughal-e-Azam
B. Raja Harishchandra
C. Sahib Biwi aur Ghulam
D. Naya Daur
87. Which was the first
monochrome film to be fully
converted into colour in 2004?

A. Mughal-e-Azam
88. Which Indian movie gained
entry into Hollywood's Oscar
Awards in 2003?

A. Devdas
B. Dil Chahta hai
C. Ashoka
D. The Legend of Bhagatsingh
88. Which Indian movie gained
entry into Hollywood's Oscar
Awards in 2003?

A. Devdas
89. Which playback singer has
been awarded the Bharat Ratna,
the nation's highest civilian

A. Asha Bhosale
B. Kishore Kumar
C. Lata Mangeshkar
D. Mohd. Rafi
89. Which playback singer has
been awarded the Bharat Ratna,
the nation's highest civilian

C. Lata Mangeshkar
90. 'Prem Rog' a movie directed by
Raj Kapoor is based on which
social cause?

A. Dowry
B. Widow-remarriage
C. Untouchability
D. Casteism
90. 'Prem Rog' a movie directed by
Raj Kapoor is based on which
social cause?

B. Widow-remarriage
91. Which was the first Hindi
Movie to receive the national

A. Kabuliwala
B. Do Aankhen Barah Haath
C. Mirza Ghalib
D. Anuradha
91. Which was the first Hindi
Movie to receive the national

C. Mirza Ghalib
92. Who is the only Indian to have
won an Oscar for Lifetime
achievement in films?

A. V. Shantaram
B. Raj Kapoor
C. Subash Ghai
D. Satyajit Ray
92. Who is the only Indian to have
won an Oscar for Lifetime
achievement in films?

D. Satyajit Ray
93. Which music director brought
Indian classical music into the film

A. Naushad
B. Khem Chandra Prakash
C. Saleel Chaudhary
D. S. D. Burman
93. Which music director brought
Indian classical music into the film

A. Naushad
94. Which of these places is not
located in Mumbai?

A. The Gateway of India

B. The Kamala Nehru Park
C. The Juhu Beach
D. The Charminar
94. Which of these places is not
located in Mumbai?

D. The Charminar
95. Thumba in Kerala is famous

A. It has several industries

B. It is a rocket launching station
C. It is a harbour
D. It has an international airport
95. Thumba in Kerala is famous

B. It is a rocket launching
96. Which state is known as India's
Spice Garden?

A. Kerala
B. Karnataka
C. Bihar
D. Uttaranchal
96. Which state is known as India's
Spice Garden?

A. Kerala
97. On which riverbank is Goa

A. Ganga
B. Mandovi
C. Gomati
D. Sabarmati
97. On which riverbank is Goa

B. Mandovi
98. The western ghats in
Maharashtra is known as

A. Nilgiris
B. Sahyadris
C. Cardamon Hills
D. Annamalai
98. The western ghats in
Maharashtra is known as

B. Sahyadris
99. Which State in India is the
largest producer of Soyabean?

A. Rajasthan
B. Gujarat
C. Uttar Pradesh
D. Madhya Pradesh
99. Which State in India is the
largest producer of Soyabean?

D. Madhya Pradesh
100. Which of these Cities located
in the state of Gujarat is famous
for zari production?

A. Surat
B. Rajkot
C. Surendranagar
D. Ahmedabad
100. Which of these Cities located
in the state of Gujarat is famous
for zari production?

A. Surat
101. Sishu is the literary work of
which Indian author?

A. Vikram Seth
B. Jawaharlal Nehru
C. Rabindranath Tagore
D. Arundhati Roy
101. Sishu is the literary work of
which Indian author?

C. Rabindranath Tagore
102. Name this Indian Tennis
player who has turned Hollywood

A. Leander Paes
B. Mahesh Bhupathi
C. Vijay Amritraj
D. Ashok Amritraj
102. Name this Indian Tennis
player who has turned Hollywood

D. Ashok Amritraj
103. Where is Fort William
located ?
A. Chennai
B. Goa
C. Kolkata
D. Mysore
103. Where is Fort William
located ?
C. Kolkata
104. In which garden was Sita held
in captivity in Lanka?

A. Panchvati
B. Dandakaranya
C. Chitrkuta
D. Ashokvan
104. In which garden was Sita held
in captivity in Lanka?

D. Ashokvan
105. Sita, was the daughter of
which king?

A. Janaka
B. Dasaratha
C. Vibheeshana
D. Himavaan
105. Sita, was the daughter of
which king?

A. Janaka
106. What is the name of Ravana's

A. Shrutakirti
B. Simhika
C. Mandavi
D. Mandodari
106. What is the name of Ravana's

D. Mandodari
107. Ayodhya was the capital of
which Kingdom?

A. Mithila
B. Indraprastha
C. Koshala
D. Lanka
107. Ayodhya was the capital of
which Kingdom?

C. Koshala
108. Rama is the incarnation of
which Hindu God?

A. Vishnu
B. Shiva
C. Brahma
D. Indra
108. Rama is the incarnation of
which Hindu God?

A. Vishnu
109. Which brother of Ravana was
cursed to sleep for six months at a

A. Vibheeshana
B. Indrajit
C. Kumbhakarna
D. Yoopaksha
109. Which brother of Ravana was
cursed to sleep for six months at a

C. Kumbhakarna
110. Who put up a brave fight to
protect Sita when Ravana was
carrying her away forcefully?

A. Jatayu
B. Jaambavan
C. Mareecha
D. Angada
110. Who put up a brave fight to
protect Sita when Ravana was
carrying her away forcefully?

A. Jatayu
111. Whose help did Ravana take
to carry away Sita?

A. Kumbhakarna
B. Khara
C. Vibheeshana
D. Mareecha
111. Whose help did Ravana take
to carry away Sita?

D. Mareecha
112. Who killed Indrajit, the son of

A. Rama
B. Lakshmana
C. Hanuman
D. Sugreeva
112. Who killed Indrajit, the son of

B. Lakshmana
113. Who set Lanka on fire?
A. Vaali
B. Sugreeva
C. Hanuman
D. Jaambavan
113. Who set Lanka on fire?
C. Hanuman
114. According to the Puranas,
how many heads did Brahma have
before Shiva plucked one out?
A. Five
B. Four
C. Three
D. Ten
114. According to the Puranas,
how many heads did Brahma have
before Shiva plucked one out?

A. Five
115. How many avatars of Vishnu
are believed to have come down to
Earth so far?

A. Ten
B. Nine
C. Eight
D. Seven
115. How many avatars of Vishnu
are believed to have come down to
Earth so far?

B. Nine
116. In the epic Ramayana, with
which weapon did Rama finally kill

A. Marika
B. Sushka
C. Prasvapna
D. Brahmastra
116. In the epic Ramayana, with
which weapon did Rama finally kill

C. Prasvapna
117. In the epic, Ramayana, Rama
asks Hanuman to fetch him a
medicinal herb that grew in the
Himalayas. What was its name?

A. Banafsha
B. Chaaksu
C. Ajmoda
D. Sanjivini
117. In the epic, Ramayana, Rama
asks Hanuman to fetch him a
medicinal herb that grew in the
Himalayas. What was its name?

D. Sanjivini
118. Who is the wife of Brahma,
and mother to the first man,

A. Sarasvati
B. Radha
C. Lakshmi
D. Aditi
118. Who is the wife of Brahma,
and mother to the first man,

A. Sarasvati
119. In the epic Mahabharata, who
is called Dharmaputra?

A. Arjuna
B. Yudhishtira
C. Bheeshma
D. Duryodhana
119. In the epic Mahabharata, who
is called Dharmaputra?

B. Yudhishtira
120. How many legs do the Hindu
gods Agni and Kuber have?

A. Two
B. Three
C. Five
D. Seven
120. How many legs do the Hindu
gods Agni and Kuber have?

B. Three
121. Who among these is the
Hindu God of Seas?

A. Varuna
B. Garuda
C. Narada
D. Indra
121. Who among these is the
Hindu God of Seas?

A. Varuna
122. In Hindu mytholgoy, which
kingdom did Kamsa rule?

A. Mathura
B. Dwarka
C. Kishkinda
D. Lanka
122. In Hindu mytholgoy, which
kingdom did Kamsa rule?

A. Mathura
123. How many days did the battle
of Mahabharat last?

A. 18 days
B. 100 days
C. 25 days
D. 10 days
123. How many days did the battle
of Mahabharat last?

A. 18 days
124. Which is the longest Indian

A. Godavari
B. Ganga
C. Brahmaputra
D. Yamuna
124. Which is the longest Indian

B. Ganga
125. Which river descends over a
cliff to form the famous Bhar
Chukki and Gagana Chukki Falls?

A. Tungabhadra
B. Krishna
C. Kaveri
D. Narmada
125. Which river descends over a
cliff to form the famous Bhar
Chukki and Gagana Chukki Falls?

C. Kaveri
126. On which river is the holy
shrine of Pandharpur situated?

A. Krishna
B. Ravi
C. Godavari
D. Bhima
126. On which river is the holy
shrine of Pandharpur situated?

D. Bhima
127. One of the oldest and holiest
Indian cities lies on the banks of
the river Shipra. What is its name?

A. Ujjain
B. Gandhinagar
C. Chandipur
D. Mysore
127. One of the oldest and holiest
Indian cities lies on the banks of
the river Shipra. What is its name?

A. Ujjain
128. Which river is believed to be
the daughter of the Mountain King,

A. Krishna
B. Ganga
C. Godavari
D. Kaveri
128. Which river is believed to be
the daughter of the Mountain King,

B. Ganga
129. Which is the muddiest river in
the world?

A. Nile River, Africa

B. Amazon River, South
C. Huang He, China
D. Ganga, India
129. Which is the muddiest river in
the world?

C. Huang He, China

130. Name the river whose main
tributary is the Tungabhadra.

A. Krishna
B. Godavari
C. Kaveri
D. Narmada
130. Name the river whose main
tributary is the Tungabhadra.

A. Krishna
131. Which river is often called the
'Southern Ganges'?

A. Godavari
B. Krishna
C. Sarayu
D. Kaveri
131. Which river is often called the
'Southern Ganges'?

D. Kaveri
132. The Mahanadi is known as an
Orissa river but in which state
does it originate?

A. Maharashtra
B. West Bengal
C. Madhya Pradesh
D. Uttar Pradesh
132. The Mahanadi is known as an
Orissa river but in which state
does it originate?

C. Madhya Pradesh
133. Which river joins the river
Ganga at Prayag?

A. Yamuna
B. Godavari
C. Krishna
D. Kaveri
133. Which river joins the river
Ganga at Prayag?

A. Yamuna
134. Which animal is the main
attraction in Assam's Kaziranga
National Park?

A. Zebra.
B. The one-horned rhinoceros.
C. lion.
D. giraffe
134. Which animal is the main
attraction in Assam's Kaziranga
National Park?

B. The one-horned rhinoceros.

135. From which animal is the
valuable Pashmina wool obtained?

A. black sheep.
B. deer.
C. ram.
D. Himalayan goat.
135. From which animal is the
valuable Pashmina wool obtained?

D. Himalayan goat.
136. Snakes that are active in
daytime generally have round
pupils. What about snakes that
come out at night? They have

A. horizontal pupils.
B. no pupils.
C. vertical pupils.
D. round pupils
136. Snakes that are active in
daytime generally have round
pupils. What about snakes that
come out at night? They have

C. vertical pupils.
137. Name the bird that migrates
from the North Pole to the South
Pole and back.

A. Arctic tern.
B. swallow.
C. crane.
D. penguin.
137. Name the bird that migrates
from the North Pole to the South
Pole and back.

A. Arctic tern.
138. What is a gecko?

A. Dinosaur.
B. Common house lizard
C. bat.
D. snake.
138. What is a gecko?

B. Common house lizard

139. Name the bird that enters a
saltwater crocodile’s mouth to
pick out the parasites and food

A. Sparrow.
B. Kingfisher.
C. crow.
D. Nile plover.
139. Name the bird that enters a
saltwater crocodile’s mouth to
pick out the parasites and food

D. Nile plover.
140. Which animal can look two
ways at the same time?

A. Chameleon.
B. Lizard.
C. Snake .
D. Tortoise.
140. Which animal can look two
ways at the same time?

A. Chameleon.
141.Which bird's eye are larger
than its brain?

A. Eagle.
B. Owl.
C. Ostrich.
D. Parrot.
141.Which bird's eye are larger
than its brain?

C. Ostrich.
142. What is the gestation period
of an African elephant?

A. One year.
B. Twenty one months
C. Six months
D. Nine months
142. What is the gestation period
of an African elephant?

B. Twenty one months

143. Which of these animals walks
like a camel?

A. Cat.
B. Dog.
C. Elephant.
D. Giraffe.
143. Which of these animals walks
like a camel?

A. Cat.
144. Three people are accused of
vandalizing a police car, but possibly they
aren't all guilty.
Guilty people are lying, while innocent
people tell the truth. Who was/were the
Larry says: more than one of us vandalized
the car
Gary says: Larry and Jerry did it
Jerry says: all three of us are guilty
A. Larry & Gary B. Larry & Jerry
C. Gary & Jerry D. Lary
144. C. Gary & Jerry

If Larry is lying, then the vandal has to be Larry

alone. That means Jerry and Gary are telling
the truth, but that would create contradictions.
That means Larry must be telling the truth for
there to be no contradictions. Since Larry is
telling the truth, more than one person
vandalized the car. Since it can't be Larry, it
has to be Gary and Jerry.
145. Five people are suspects in a hit-
and-run, but only two are guilty. This
time the guilty people are telling the
truth, while the innocent people are lying.
CN: It wasn't Jay
Jay: It was KT and CN
KT: It was TS
TS: It was I
RJ: It wasn't KT

A. CN & Jay B. CN & RJ

C. Jay & TS D. KT & RJ
145.B. CN & RJ
If Jay is telling the truth, then KT and
CN are guilty. Jay would also have to be
guilty if he's telling the truth, but there
can only be 2 guilty people. This means
Jay must be lying and is innocent. CN
has to be telling the truth and is guilty.
Since Jay is lying, it can't be KT
because that would result in Jay telling
the truth. Since KT is innocent, RJ must
be telling the truth and is the other
guilty one.
146. T is older than F but younger
than S. S is older than B. B is
younger than F. Who is the
A. T
B. F
C. B
D. S
146. T is older than F but younger
than S. S is older than B. B is
younger than F. Who is the

C. B
The order from eldest to youngest
is S, T, F and B.
147. Hans is younger than Elsa who is
older than Paul. Paul is older than
Hans but younger than Bobby. Bobby
is younger than Elsa. Who is the
second youngest?

A. Elsa
B. Paul
C. Hans
D. Bobby
147. Hans is younger than Elsa
who is older than Paul. Paul is
older than Hans but younger than
Bobby. Bobby is younger than
Elsa. Who is the second

B. Paul
The order from eldest to youngest is
Elsa, Bobby, Paul and Hans.
148. Rhys is younger than Abbie
but older than Mack. Leo is
younger than Rhys and Ed. Leo is
older than Mack. Abbie is older
than Ed who is older than Rhys.
Who is the second eldest?
A. Rhys
B. Ed
C. Mack
D. Leo
148. Rhys is younger than Abbie
but older than Mack. Leo is
younger than Rhys and Ed. Leo is
older than Mack. Abbie is older
than Ed who is older than Rhys.
Who is the second eldest?

B. Ed
The order from eldest to youngest
is Abbie, Ed, Rhys, Leo and Mack.
149. M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O - What
letter would follow?
A. N
B. W
C. P
D. T
149. M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O - What
letter would follow?
A. N
March, April, May, June, July,
August, September, October,
150. Forward I'm heavy, backward
I'm not. What am I?
A. Earth
B. Moon
C. Weight
D. Ton
150. Forward I'm heavy, backward
I'm not. What am I?

D. Ton
151. There is a word in the English
language where the first two
letters indicate a male, the first
three letters indicate a female, the
first four indicate a great man and
the whole word is a great woman.
What is the word?
A. Princess B. Legendary
C. Mother Teressa D. heroine
151. There is a word in the English
language where the first two
letters indicate a male, the first
three letters indicate a female, the
first four indicate a great man and
the whole word is a great woman.
What is the word?

D. heroine

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