Pilot Scale Study of Horizontal Anaerobic Digester For Biogas Production Using Food Waste

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

Vol:5 2011-11-20

Pilot-scale Study of Horizontal Anaerobic

Digester for Biogas Production using Food
Yongsei Lee, Hyunsu Park, Youngseob Yu, Heechan Yoo and Sungin Yoo*

International Science Index Vol:5, No:11, 2011 waset.org/Publication/8096

AbstractA horizontal anaerobic digester was developed and

tested in pilot scale for Korean food waste with high water contents
(>80%). The hydrogen sulfide in the biogas was removed by a
biological desulfurization equipment integrated in the horizontal
digester. A mixer of the horizontal digester was designed to easily
remove the sediment in the bottom and scum layers on surface in the
digester. Experimental result for 120 days of operation of the pilot
plant showed a high removal efficiency of 81.2% for organic
substance and high stability during the whole operation period were
acquired. Also food waste was treated at high organic loading rates
over 4 kgVS/m3day and a methane gas production rate of 0.62
m3/kgVSremoved was accomplished.
The biological desulfurization equipment inside the horizontal
digester was proven to be an economic and effective method to reduce
the biogas desulfurization cost by removing hydrogen sulfide more
than 90% without external desulfurization equipments.

KeywordsBiogas, Biological desulfurization,

anaerobic digester, Korean food waste



HE average production of food waste in Korea is 15,000

tons per day in 2008 status quo, it reaches to 1/7 of total
food quantity and daily production quantity is expected as
17,000 tons per day in 2012 [1]. In Korea, the more than 90%
food waste has been converted to livestock feedstuff or
compost since the landfill of food waste was prohibited in 2005.
But the demands for feedstuff and compost made of food waste
are very low due to the low quality and poor sanitary condition.
In addition, there is a problem of producing secondary
contaminant, wastewater or leachate of food waste during the
process of making the resources [2]. On the other hand, food
waste has a potential of remarkably high production of biogas
compared with other organic waste resources such as livestock
wastewater and sewage sludge, because its organic substance

Yongsei Lee is with the Daewoo Institute of Construction Technology,

Suwon, Korea (phone: +82-31-250-1199; fax: +82-31-250-1133; e-mail:
[email protected]).
Hyunsu Park is with the Daewoo Institute of Construction Technology,
Suwon, Korea (phone: +82-31-250-1203; fax: +82-31-250-1133; e-mail:
[email protected]).
Youngseob Yu is with the Daewoo Institute of Construction Technology,
Suwon, Korea (phone: +82-31-250-1214; fax: +82-31-250-1133; e-mail:
[email protected]).
Heechan Yoo is with the Daewoo Institute of Construction Technology,
Suwon, Korea (phone: +82-31-250-1249; fax: +82-31-250-1133; e-mail:
[email protected]).
Sungin Yoo is corresponding author and with the Daewoo Institute of
Construction Technology, Suwon, Korea (phone: +82-31-250-1197; fax:
+82-31-250-1133; e-mail: [email protected]).

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 5(11) 2011

contents and degradation efficiency are usually much higher.

However, it is more difficult to treat Korean food waste with
anaerobic digestion due to the high loading rate of organic
substance, low pH with very high organic acids contents, high
nitrogen content, high salt and fat concentrations. Therefore,
development of efficient and stable treatment technologies for
food waste using anaerobic digestion was urgently required in
Korea as a promising alternative for the traditional recycling
methods of food waste.
The anaerobic digestion is a series of complex and symbiotic
microbial processes to produce methane and carbon dioxide
finally through the hydrolysis, acidogenesis, and
methanogenesis by various groups of microorganism.
Anaerobic digestion processes are classified into wet type and
dry type processes depending on the solid concentration of raw
material or contents inside the digester. The wet type process
adopting wastes usually within 10% of solids contents as a base
was the main system until the middle of 1980s, but the dry type
process digesting more than 20% of wastes in its solid contents
has been developed rapidly since 1990s in EU [3].
The dry type anaerobic process has an advantage of
minimizing wastewater production because it is not required to
add water for dilution to reduce high organic loads of food
waste. The thermal energy to maintain a designed temperature
of the dry type digester is far less than the wet type process as it
treats smaller volume with high concentrations of organics [4].
As commercialized dry type anaerobic digestion processes,
DRANCO process [5], VALORGA process [6], and
KOMPOGAS process [7] are representative. These processes
usually treat solid wastes (TS > 20%) such as agricultural
remainings, urban solid wastes and sludge cakes mainly in
Europe and other countries with Western living environment.
So, there were some difficulties to treat Korean (and Asian)
food wastes with higher contents of water, fat, and salts.
Accordingly, we developed a horizontal anaerobic digester
and operated in pilot scale to treat Korean food waste
efficiently and stably in consideration of characteristics of
waste. Also, to decrease equipment and operation costs for
external desulfurization facilities, a biological desulfurization
equipment was installed on whole wall above surface inside the
digester. For the removal of hydrogen sulfide in biogas, only air
is added to the headspace of the digester.


World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

Vol:5 2011-11-20

International Science Index Vol:5, No:11, 2011 waset.org/Publication/8096


A. Characteristic of Substrate and Microorganism Seeding
The pilot plant was constructed at a food waste recycling
company in Ansung-city, Korea to receive food waste easily.
The crushed and sorted food waste in the recycling company
was pumped through pipes and it was stored in a storage tank of
the pilot plant. The maximum hydraulic retention time (HRT)
of the storage tank was not over 3 days. The food waste in the
storage tank was added to the horizontal digester every 6 hours
(4 times per day) and the same quantity was discharged from
the horizontal digester to an effluent tank when the food waste
was added. The average characteristics of input food waste was
shown in table I.
Sludge of anaerobic digesters and dehydrated sludge cake
from Ansung sewage treatment plant and cow manure from a
livestock farm were mixed and used for seed materials of the
horizontal digester. The concentration of seeding sludge was
2.8% for TS, pH 7.5, and 9,250 g as CaCO3/L for alkalinity.



4.3 (0.36)

Alkalinity (mg/L)

Total organic acid (mg/L)

10,315 (689)

TS (mg/L)

199,047 (11,641)

VS (mg/L)

165,088 (4,235)

SS (mg/L)

127,498 (4,709)

CODcr (mg/L)

234,959 (37,181)

TN (mg/L)

7,433 (1,344)

NH4 (mg/L)

1,128 (170)

TP (mg/L)

2,537 (352)

( ) : standard deviation

B. Horizontal Digester
The horizontal anaerobic digester has a total volume of 15 m3
(working volume of 12 m3) and the section of lower part of the
digester was round-shape to avoid sludge precipitation in the
dead space (Fig. 1). A device for removing the sediment was
equipped in the bottom of the digester and the media for
attachment of sulfur-oxidizing microorganisms was installed
on whole wall above surface inside the digester to greatly
enhance the biological desulfurization. The vertical impellers
on a horizontal axis were designed to mix waste inside and
remove scum on surface in the digester. The agitating speed
was adjusted at 4 rpm.

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the horizontal anaerobic digester

C.Operation Condition
The storage tank was not heated to prevent excessive
acidification and aerobic decomposition, but the horizontal
digester (15m3, working volume 12m3) was maintained at
37-38 . No chemical for adjusting pH was added in the
digester. Food waste of 120 L/day, HRT of 100 days, was
added for initial 11 days of operation. Until the next 25 days of
operation, 220 L/day (HRT 55 days) of food waste was added.
Then, influent amount was increased to 300 L/day (HRT 40
days) for the third period and to 350 L/day (HRT 34 days) for
the last period. All the input amounts were divided by 4 and
added to the digester with 6 hours of interval. The produced
biogas was stored in a membrane type gas storage bag (biogas
holder) through the biological desulfurization equipment
installed inside the horizontal digester to remove hydrogen
sulfide and water-trap for the removal of moisture (Fig. 2).
Stored biogas was used for heating the horizontal digester using
a biogas boiler and remained biogas was discharged into the air.
Media was installed in headspace of the reactor for easy
attachment of desulfurization microorganisms which oxidized
hydrogen sulfide in biogas by injecting air. Plant operation was
also monitored and controlled through internet.
The pH, alkalinity, TS, VS, SS, CODcr, TN, NH4+ and TP
were measured according to the standard methods for the
examination of efficiencies of the horizontal digester treating
food waste.

Fig. 2 Process flow of the pilot plant

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 5(11) 2011


World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

Vol:5 2011-11-20


A. Horizontal Anaerobic Digester
The changes of alkalinity, total organic acid, and pH
depending on HRT were shown in Fig. 3. The influent was
increased gradually during the operation period and the HRT of
the digester was changed to 100 days, 56 days, 40 days, and 34
days accordingly. Average values of pH and total organic acid
content were 7.97 and 740 mg/L, respectively. These
parameters were maintained during the total operation period
with a small deviation. The alkalinity was increased above
25,000 m/L from about 10,000 mg/L in the initial. All of these
parameter indicated that a high stability was maintained in the
digester treating food waste during the whole operation period.

International Science Index Vol:5, No:11, 2011 waset.org/Publication/8096

Fig. 4 Changes of solids (TS and VS) contents in influent and


Fig. 3 Changes of alkalinity, total organic acid, and pH

The removal efficiency of organic materials was shown in

Fig. 4 through measuring TS and VS of influent and effluent
with operation time. The averages for TS and VS
concentrations of influent were 199,047 mg/L, 165,088 mg/L,
respectively. In the summer season (after 70 day of operation),
however, TS and VS of raw food waste decreased by about
15%. The organic loading rate was 4.1 kgVS/m3day for the
period of HRT 40 days and 4.3 kgVS/m3day for the period of
HRT 40 days. The removal efficiency of organic materials was
81.2% at the HRT of 40 days and 73.7% at the HRT of 34 days.
About 10% reduction of the removal efficiency would be
caused by the decrease of HRT and a higher content of
cellulosic organics in food waste due to a seasonal dietary
condition of Korea.

The concentration changes of total nitrogen (T-N) and

NH4+-N of influent and effluent were shown in Fig. 5. For the
influent, only about 15-20% of T-N was NH4+-N. On the other
hand, around 75% of T-N was NH4+-N in the effluent for the
latter half period of operation. This indicated that most of
organic nitrogen in the influent was converted to inorganic
nitrogen as most of organic material was decomposed in the
digester. Generally, the nitrogen is not removed through the
anaerobic digesting process but only biochemical forms of
nitrogen are changed. For the latter part of operation, NH4+-N
concentrations in the digester were about 6,000 mg/L. Free
ammonia concentrations for this period would be about 600
mg/L because about 10% of NH4+-N concentration exists in the
form of free ammonia at this digester condition, pH 8 and 37.
Although the 600 mg/L of free ammonia is known to be above
toxic level for anaerobic digestion, any inhibitory effect was
not found in this study.

Fig. 5 Changes in concentrations of T-N and NH4+-N

B. Biogas and Biological Desulfurization

The biological desulfurization equipment was installed
inside the digester and used to remove hydrogen sulfide in
biogas in this experiment. While many conventional cylindrical
digesters have a similar biological desulfurization equipment
inside the digester, few horizontal digesters have this

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 5(11) 2011


International Science Index Vol:5, No:11, 2011 waset.org/Publication/8096

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

Vol:5 2011-11-20

equipment. The average concentration of hydrogen sulfide for

the first half part of operation before injecting air in the
biological desulfurization equipment inside the digester was
about 1,700 mg/L, but its concentrations were started to
decrease by biological desulfurization activity (Fig. 6). After 90
day of operation, hydrogen sulfide concentrations were
maintained at around 100 mg/L without any other treatments.
This level of hydrogen sulfide is low enough for the operation
of most generators without further pretreatment. We activated
biological desulfurization by injecting only 3-5% air of biogas
volume produced.
Methane contents of biogas produced from the digester were
in the range of 60-70% with an average of 65% during the total
operation period.
The biogas production from the digester during the
experimental period was shown in Fig. 7. The production of
biogas increased consistently and reached to about 40 m3/day
just after the beginning of the third period of operation at HRT
40 days. The daily production of biogas decreased as organics
contents reduced in the summer season after 60 day of
operation, which was described above (Fig. 4). With the
increase of organic loading rate (decrease of HRT), however,
the daily production of biogas increased to about 38 m3. The
biogas production rate was 0.97 m3/kgVSremoved for the
period of HRT 40 days and 0.99 m3/kgVSremoved for the
period of HRT 34 days. With the consideration of methane
contents in biogas, the methane production rate was 0.62
m3/kgVSremoved for HRT 40 days and 0.65
m3/kgVSremoved for HRT 34 days.

Fig. 7 The daily and cumulative biogas productions during the total
operation period

The treatment of Korean food waste using the horizontal
digester developed in this study was successful and all
parameters and factors analyzed indicated high efficiency and
stability of this digestion system. The following conclusions
were obtained.
1) The horizontal digester developed in this study was highly
efficient and stable by the effective mixing, minimized
precipitation and removal of sediment in the bottom, and easy
removal of scum.
2) The horizontal digester treated food waste at high loading
rate more than 4 kgVS/m3day and accomplished methane gas
production rates of 0.62-0.65 m3/kgVSremoved at HRTs of
40-34 days.
3) The biological desulfurization equipment inside the
digester removed more than 90% of hydrogen sulfide and it was
thought that this equipment could be an economic alternative
for saving the desulfurization cost of biogas.


Fig. 6 Changes in methane and hydrogen sulfide concentrations





International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 5(11) 2011


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