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Br J Sports Med 2000;34:227228


Injuries of the sporting knee

Series editors: Jonathan Webb, Ian Corry
The declaration of a special interest in sports medicine and particularly an interest in sports orthopaedics reveals a referral base which includes knee injury as the most common presentation. Over the next four journal issues, this series will
examine the general pattern of acute injuries followed by the more specific topics of instability, patellar dislocation, patellar tendon lesions, meniscal injury, and articular cartilage defects.
By way of introduction, the first article highlights the magnitude of the problem, the common diagnostic inaccuracy, and
the need for a regional referral structure. It was written by Steve Bollen, who completed an overseas fellowship in sports
orthopaedics and has subsequently been a consultant in knee and ankle surgery at a district general hospital for eight years.
He is involved in the production of Best practice guidelines in ACL reconstruction on behalf of the British Orthopaedic
Association, and has treated many elite athletes mainly from the sports of soccer, rugby, and ballet.
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Southmead Hospital, Bristol
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast

Epidemiology of knee injuries: diagnosis and triage

In the Western world we live in a society obsessed by sport.
At recreational level, this allows an escape from the
pressures of modern life, and, at the elite level, sport is now
an established part of the entertainment industry, with
enormous material rewards for the participants. At all levels, injury is a constant threat, and, of all injuries, those of
the knee fulfil the athletes greatest fear of spending a long
time out of action. This is confirmed by a study from Sheffield, which showed the knee to have been the most
commonly injured joint and soccer and rugby to have the
highest risks.1 It has been said of our national game that it
is not so much a sport as a knee disease!
Not only may a knee injury require surgery followed by
months of rehabilitation, but permanent disability from
both sport and work may be the outcome. Indeed, a large
study from Scandinavia found that the most common
cause of permanent disability following a sports injury was
injury to the knee.2
There is little work on the pattern of knee injuries in the
United Kingdom, although a multicentre study is currently
in progress. The work that has been carried out abroad,


Ligament injury

Patella injury
Meniscus injury
Figure 1

Classification of 1833 knee injuries.1

however, has produced some interesting information. It is

not widely appreciated that ligament damage to the knee is
more common than any other type of knee injury pathology
(fig 1).3 Many medical students, general practitioners, and
paramedics may be familiar with the story of a weight
bearing, twisting injury producing a meniscal tear;
however, there is generally a profound ignorance about the
history and signs of the more common (and potentially
more devastating) ligament injuries. The miscellaneous
injuries category takes up a quarter of the total, and this is
made up of a selection of pathologies such as contusions of
the knee and traumatic bursitis. Projecting from American
figures, a casualty department covering a population of
400 000 should expect to see about 500 significant knee
injuries a year.
This begs the question of how they should be assessed
and managed. Any knee injury associated with an eVusion
or haemarthrosis ought to be assessed by an appropriately
trained clinician as soon as is practical. Acute injuries can
be immobilised in a long leg brace, which should be immediately available to anyone caring for players in a sport
where knee injury is a possibility. The situation is then
under control, and arrangements for clinical assessment
can be made. Plain x ray examination is mandatory to
exclude fractures and ligamentous avulsion fractures,
which may alter management. Magnetic resonance imaging rarely changes clinical decisions and is not a substitute
for a careful history and examination. It has been shown to
be less sensitive and specific for anterior cruciate ligament
(ACL) injuries than clinical assessment4 and has not been
shown to contribute to operative decision making.5
Prompt management can quickly return a sportsperson
to the playing field. For example, a player with a meniscal
tear can have arthroscopic surgery and return to sport at
three to four weeks after injury. Furthermore, as most of
the sportspeople injured are in the wage earning population, their time away from employment can be minimised.
This is cost eVective to society as a whole. At present, however, the player presenting with a knee injury tends to get a
poor deal. We know that an injury to the ACL is one of the

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Figure 2 Classification of 500 ligament injuries. ACL, anterior cruciate
ligament; PCL, posterior cruciate ligament; MCL, medial collateral
ligament; LCL, medial collateral ligament.

most common ligamentous problems to present (fig 2).3

Despite this, a study looking at 119 consecutive, clinically
obvious, anterior cruciate ruptures presenting to a specialist knee clinic found a mean delay from injury to diagnosis
of 22 months.6 Most of these patients had been injured
playing sport, and the vast majority had attended and been
discharged from a hospital casualty department at the time
of their injury.
Of more concern was the fact that 30% of the patients
had been seen by an orthopaedic surgeon, and 28% had
undergone an arthrotomy or arthroscopy without the diagnosis having been recognised. Some 90% of these patients
had a classical history of an ACL injury with a weight
bearing twist, a pop or a snap, and swelling within four
hours; then a subsequent history of repeated giving way
episodes when trying to change direction oV the injured
leg. One patient had had no fewer than three arthroscopies
before being told his symptoms were imaginary despite
having a classical history and obvious physical signs. There
are a considerable number of patients who, with alteration
of lifestyle and an acceptance of symptoms, never have
their ACL injury diagnosed at all.
Even in those fortunate enough to have had a diagnosis,
the outcome may be less than ideal. A recently presented
study showed that, of failed ACL reconstructions referred
to a tertiary referral centre, the cause of failure in over 80%
of cases was technical error.7 These patients were often
subjected to lengthy periods of fruitless rehabilitation
before failure was finally accepted and the need for revision
acknowledged. A further multicentre study still in progress
has shown this picture to be similar around the United
In 1996, a survey of orthopaedic surgeons with an interest in knee surgery produced unanimous agreement that a
more focused approach was needed for the knee injured
patient.8 However, little progress has been made so far. A
working party convened at the time discussed minimum
quality standards and arrived at the following conclusions.
(a) All patients with an acute knee injury should be seen
within 72 hours by an orthopaedic surgeon or sports injury
doctor with a special interest in knee injuries. (b) Dedicated
acute knee injury arthroscopy and reconstruction operating lists should be set up and run by appropriately trained

and experienced surgical staV. (c) Patients with ligament

injuries should receive:
+ early accurate diagnosis
+ accurate counselling
+ appropriate rehabilitation
+ reconstruction, if necessary, by a surgeon with appropriate training, performing the procedure to a high standard on a regular basis.
With an incidence of about 30 cases of ACL injury per
100 000 people per year, any district general hospital should
have a suYcient throughput to provide a surgeon with
enough patients to maintain and improve his/her operative
skills. A hospital with a catchment area of 400 000
population will have about two fresh ACL injuries a week
presenting through their casualty department. The corresponding number of other knee injuries can be derived from
figs 1 and 2. ACL reconstruction is an operation with a
minimal margin for error and is not for the occasional
operator. We need to educate the sporting public that it is
reasonable to ask surgeons about their experience and results
for a particular procedure. Anyone who is a specialist in this
field is unlikely to take oVence. A surgeon performing less
than 20 ACL reconstructions a year is unlikely to maintain
and improve his/her skill levels. One would assume
appropriate training had been received in the first instance,
generally including a specialist training fellowship.
For the more complex injuries, a regional pattern of referral is desirable. Some of the serious but less common problems requiring reconstruction present so infrequently, that
no single surgeon will see suYcient numbers unless the
injuries are directed to a specialist centre. The surgery may
be particularly demanding, requiring familiarity with many
reconstruction techniques and diVerent types of graft, with
the local availability of allograft being very useful. Even
patients with complex injuries such as knee dislocation can
be oVered a good functional result if they have prompt
attention and appropriate reconstruction. This may involve
repairing or reconstructing all damaged structures at an
early stage, often within 10 days of injury before soft tissue
oedema creates technical diYculty.
In order to raise standards, regional referral should be set
up and supported. The British Orthopaedic Association
has recently formed a working party to produce guidelines
for best practice in the management of ACL injuries. Their
report will be controversial but will be a small step in the
right direction. Protection of the right to practice
occasional ligament reconstruction surgery is unjustified,
but only time will tell whether there is the political will to
see the recommendations implemented. With appropriate
subspecialist management, we may expect a brighter future
for the injured sporting knee.
Consultant Orthopaedic surgeon
The Yorkshire Clinic
West Yorkshire BD16 1TW
1 Nicholl JP, Coleman P, Williams BT. Injuries in sport and exercise. Sports
Council, 1991.
2 Kujala UM, Taimela S, Antti-poika I, et al. Acute injuries in soccer, ice
hockey, volleyball, basketball, judo and karate: an analysis of national registry data. BMJ 1995;311:14658.
3 Myasaka KC, Daniel D, Stone ML, et al. The incidence of knee ligament
injuries in the general population. Am J Knee Surg 1991;4:37.
4 OShea KJ, Murphy KP, Heekin D, et al. The Diagnostic accuracy of history,
physical examination, and radiographs in the evaluation of traumatic knee
disorders. Am J Sports Med 1996;24:1647.
5 Gelb HJ, Glasgow SG, Sapega AA, et al. Magnetic resonance imaging of
knee disorders: clinical value and cost eVectiveness in a sports medicine
practice. Am J Sports Med 1996;24:99103.
6 Bollen SR, Scott BW. Anterior cruciate ligament rupture: a quiet epidemic?
Injury 1996;27:4079.
7 Ng ABY, Bollen SR. Failed anterior cruciate reconstruction: orthopaedic
proceedings. J Bone Joint Surg 1999;suppl III:278.
8 Bollen SR. Ligament injuries of the kneelimping forward? Br J Sports Med

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Epidemiology of knee injuries: diagnosis and

Steve Bollen
Br J Sports Med 2000 34: 227-228

doi: 10.1136/bjsm.34.3.227-a
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