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Rajah 1 menunjukkan system respirasi manusia.

Diagram 1 shows part of the human respiratory system.

P: .
Q: .
R: .
Rajah 1 Diagram 1

(a) Labelkan P, Q,dan R menggunakan perkataan-perkataan di bawah ini

Label P, Q and R on Diagram 1 with the following words.



[3 marks]
(b) Urutan di bawah menunjukkan urutan semasa menarik nafas di dalam sistem respirasi.
The sequence shows the flow of inhaled air in the respiratory system.



Labelkan Z di dalam Rajah 1 ./ Label Z on Diagram 1.

[1 mark]
(c) The movement of S causes the thoracic cavity to expand during inhalation. How does S
move during inhalation?


[1 mark]


Rajah 2 di bawah menunjukkan pertukaran gas-gas di dalam alveolus.

Diagram 2 shows the gaseous exchange in an alveolus.

Rajah 2 / Diagram 2

Kenalpasti gas-gas yang berlabel P dan Q./ Identify the gases labelled P and Q.
Gas P: ..
Gas Q: .
[2 marks]


Namakan proses yang menyebabkan pertukaran gas di dalam alveolus.

Name the process involved in the gaseous exchange in the alveolus.

[1 mark]

Apakah yang menyebabkan gas meresap masuk ke dalam kapilari darah.?

What causes gas P to diffuse into the bloodstream?


[1 mark]
[1 mark]

Nyatakan satu perbezaan antara darah X dan darah Y.State one difference between blood X and
blood Y.

[1 mark]
3. Diagram 3 shows a model of the respiratory system.

Glass tube

Diagram 3


Rubber sheet

(a) What do the balloon and rubber sheet represent?





Rubber sheet: .
[2 marks]
(b) (i) What happens when the rubber sheet is pulled downwards?

[1 mark]
(ii) Explain your answer in (b).

[2 marks]
(c) Name the process that is shown by activity (b)(i).

[1 mark]


Diagram 5 shows a process that takes place in the human respiratory system.

Diagram 5

Name the process shown in Diagram 5.

[1 mark]
Describe the movement of the following parts during this process.

Ribs: .


Diaphragm: .
[2 marks]
Explain briefly how air is forced into the lungs.

[2 marks]
3. Rajah menunjukkan keratan rentas batang pokok keembung yang direndam dalam dakwat
merah cair. Diagram shows the cross section of the stem of a balsam immersed in dilute red ink.
a) i) Lorekkan bahagian yang bertanda merah dalam Rajah_________
Shade the region which are stained red in Diagram _____.


ii) Nyatakan satu fungsi bahagian di (a) (i)

b) Mengapakah air penting untuk diangkut ke daun dari akar?

Why it is important for water to be transported to the leaf fron the root?

4. Satu aktiviti dijalankan untuk mengeluarkan gelang kulit pada pokok keembung seperti yang
ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 3. An activity carried out to remove the ring of bark of a balsam plant
as shown in the Diagram

(i) Apakah yang diperhatikan tentang keadaan pokok itu selepas 8 minggu? Lukis pemerhatian
anda di dalam kotak yang disediakan. What can be observed about the condition of the plant
after 8 weeks? Draw your observation in the box provided.
(ii) Apakah yang terkumpul di bahagian atas gelang selepas dua minggu?
What is accumulated at the top of the ring after two weeks?


(iii) Berikan satu inferens tentang pemerhatian di atas.

Give an inference of the observation above.

5. Rajah____ menunjukkan sistem peredaran darah manusia.

Diagram_____ shows a human blood circulatory system.

(i)Namakan organ X. / Name the organ X.

(ii) Nyatakan fungsi utama jantung. / State the main function of the heart.

(iii) Kadar denyutan jantung seorang murid meningkat selepas melakukan aktiviti kecergasan.
Jelaskan mengapa. / The rate of students heart beat increases after a vigorous exercises.
Explain why
2. Figure 2 shows a stomata on the surface of a leaf.


(a) Labelkan struktur Q dan R dalam Rajah ____ menggunakan perkataan-perkataan di
bawah./Label the structures Q and R in Figure 2 using the words given below.


Sel Pengawal
Guard Cell

(b) Apakah fungsi P? / What is the function of P ?
[1 mark]
(c) Mengapakah stomata penting kepada tumbuhan?
Why are the stomata important to plants ?
[1 mark]
(d) ___________________ adalah proses tumbuhan kehilangan air ke persekitaran.
[1 mark]


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