Ur El Jezreel Merenptah Stele

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The Mer en Ptah Stele is an inscription by the Per Aa Merneptah (Pharaoh/King Mer en
Ptah) who ruled ancient Kamit (Egypt) approximately 3,200 years ago during the Nineteenth
Dynasty. The text of the stele describes the triumph of Mer en Ptah over the Libyans and
their allies in addition to his triumph over forces in Kanaana (Canaan). Kanaana was a
colony of the empire of Kamit at this time having been colonized hundreds of years prior.
The whites and their offspring have misused this stele to put forward the false notion that
line 27 of the inscription references the name israel. This would have been significant
because this would have represented the first mention of israel in the historical record, as no
evidence for the existence of an israel could be found outside of the fictional tales of the
bible. However, the truth of the matter is that this stele does not include the name israel.
Moreover, those Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans~Black People) who have been
brainwashed with the pseudo-religions of judaism/hebrewism, islam, christianity, moorishism,
etc. have foolishly attempted to trace their blood line back to the fictional characters of the
bible. In order to bolster their misguided claims, they have attempted to hang their hats on
the Mer en Ptah stele as evidence that israel and by extrapolation the children of israel
were more than a historical fiction. The proper translation of the name found on the Mer en
Ptah stele exposes the fallacy of their position. The term referenced on the stele is actually
Jezreel or Yezreel.

Isiraar (Jezreel) from the Mer en Ptah stele

[See our publication: KUKUU-TUNTUM The Ancestral Jurisdiction we demonstrate that the various
characters of the bible, quran and talmud are absolutely fictional, never existing of any race whatsoever
including abraham, isaac, ishmael, moses, aaron, david, solomon, sheba, menelik, jesus, yeshua ben
pandira, muhammed, bilal, yahweh, allah, buddha, etc: www.odwirafo.com/kukuutuntumpage.html ]

UR and EL
The ancient title Ur in Kamit (Egypt) means great, great in size, greatness. When applied to
individuals or entities it references great one, powerful one, noble one, etc. The feminine

version of the term is Urt. Ur and Urt are also rendered Wr and Wrt. In Coptic (Late Kamiti
dialect), Ur can be vocalized as OUR or OUHR:

The terms Ur and Urt (Wr and Writ) are used as descriptive titles of Divinities in ancient
Kamit. We thus have the usage Amen Ur, Amen the Great One, Heru Ur, Heru the Great
One, Urt Hekau, the Great One of Divine Words (incantations), etc.

The same usage is found in Akan culture. In the Twi language of the Akan people of Ghana
and Ivory Coast, West Afuraka/Afuraitkait (Africa) this term ur, ura [owr] is vocalized as
owura in the masculine context and awuraa in the feminine context.
[As shown in our publication Akan The People of Khanit (Akanland Ancient Nubia/Sudan)
www.odwirafo.com/Akanni_Khanit.pdf , the Akan people migrated from ancient Khanat (Khanit land,
Nubia) millennia ago and reestablished Akan (Khanat) culture in West Afuraka/Afuraitkait (Africa).
The language, culture and religion of the Akan today is directly descendent of the ancient culture.]

The terms owura and awuraa reference master and mistress, owner, lord. The phrase Me
wura (me owura) thus means My Lord or My master. Owura and Awuraa are honorific
titles assigned to individuals who are of a high social status. This honorific title is first and
foremost an appellation of the Creator of the Universe. In Akan Culture Nyankopon is the
Creator while Nyankonton is the Creatress. They are Ra and Rait, Creator and Creatress in
ancient Kamit. One of the honorific titles of Nyankopon is Awurade (Owurade) which is
translated as Owner, Master, Lord (Owura) of Possessions, Things, that which is Created
(Ade). Nyankopon Awurade is literally the same title found in Kamit: Ra Ur:
[See our Nyankopon-Nyankonton Ra-Rait: www.odwirafo.com/Nyankopon_and_Nyankonton-Ra_and_Rait.pdf]

We also have the Abosom (Deities) Awuku and Akua in Akan culture who govern the planet
Aku (mercury) and thus Awukuda or Akuada (wednesday). These two Abosom are called Set
and Nebt Het in ancient Kamit. An honorific title for Awuku or Aku in Akan is Owuraku
while the feminine version of this honorific title for Akua is Awuraakua. These same titles are
applied to these same Deities in Kamit. Set is called Ur Hkau (Owura aku) while Urt Hekau
(Awuraaakua) is a title applied to Auset and also Nebt Het and other Female Deities:

[Note that in Kamit, Set is the Deity of the desert, the Communicator of Ra (Creator), the Divine
Trickster and operates through the planet mercury. In Akan, Awuku (Aku Ananse) is the Owner of the
desert, the Communicator of Nyankopon (Creator), the Divine Trickster and operates through the
planet mercury (Aku). See our publications: Awuku The Obosom of Awuku and Awukuda and Akua
The Obosom of Aku and Akuada for details about these two Deities and their identity in Khanit and
Kamit as Set and Nebt Het: www.odwirafo.com/akradinbosom.html ]

As an honorific title in Kamit, the term Ur or Uru also references Great God in general:

The plural of Ur in the dual aspect is Urui while the general plural is Uru:

In the language of ancient Kamit there was no letter L. There was/is a rolling R. The same
is true in the derivative Akan language today. The L sound is not used in Akan. There is
only the rolling R sound. In Kamit, when foreign words containing an L were translated
into the language and the Medut Ntoro script (hieroglyphs) the L sound would be
translated by using the medut or hieroglyphic symbol for the R. The same is true in Akan
today. When foreign words with an L are written or spoken by Akan speakers, an R is used
in place of the L. Thus the term mulatto a foreign term is written and pronounced by Akan
speakers as murato-ni. In the same fashion the foreign title and pronunciation
Ptolemy/Ptolemis used by greek invaders in Kamit was transcribed in the medutu as Ptua
Rmis (Ptoremis).
As we demonstrated in our publication KUKUU-TUNTUM The Ancestral Jurisdiction,
because of the interchange of the rolling R and L sound, the ancient title Ur from Khanit
and Kamit came to be pronounced Ul, Al, El, Il and L in later Afrisan/Afro-Asiatic/so-called
semetic languages.
This is the origin of the title El or Al and Ilu being used as a title for the Great God and
associated with Divinity in general in ancient Kanaana (Canaan) and Sumer prior to the
aryan/white invasions and afterwards.
The ancient Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) language taken to the Levant thousands of
years ago by migrants from Kamit would later become infected via contact with the white
eurasians who invaded the Levant millennia after we had already arrived and established
civilization. The Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) language, now infected with elements
from the indo-european language would produce the Afrisan/Afro Asiatic or semitic
[Note that Uru becomes Olu in Yoruba. We thus have the tites: Olorun [Oni Orun; Olu-Orun],
Olokun, Oluwa, etc.]

These facts are important, for the name and function of the Deity El is key to the definition
of the inscription on the Mer en Ptah stele.
From Wikipedia:

El (deity)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

El, seated on a throne with lion feet, wears conical horned headdress, a tunic and mantle. He receives gifts from a
priest or king or lesser deity. The winged globe is above them in the background. Stela found in Palestine.

l (written aleph-lamed,
e.g. Ugaritic: , Phoenician: , Classical
Syriac: , Hebrew: , Arabic: or , cognate toAkkadian: ilu) is a North-West Semitic word
meaning "deity".
In the Canaanite religion, or Levantine religion as a whole, El or Il was a god also known as the
Father of humanity and all creatures, and the husband of the goddess Asherah as recorded in
the clay tablets of Ugarit (modern Ras ShamrArabic: , Syria).

Linguistic forms and meanings[edit]

Cognate forms




the Semitic



include Ugaritic il,

pl. lm; Phoenician l pl. lm; Hebrew l, pl. lm; Aramaic l; Akkadian ilu, pl. ilnu.
In north-west Semitic use, El was both a generic word for any god and the special name or title of a
particular god who was distinguished from other gods as being "the god".[8] El is listed at the head of
many pantheons. El is the Father God among the Canaanites.
However, because the word sometimes refers to a god other than the great god l, it is frequently
ambiguous as to whether l followed by another name means the great god l with a particular
epithet applied or refers to another god entirely. For example, in the Ugaritic texts, il mlk is
understood to mean "l the King" but il hd as "the god Hadad".
The Semitic root lh (Arabic ilh, Aramaic Alh, Elh, Hebrew elah) may be l with a parasitic h,
and l may be an abbreviated form of lh. In Ugaritic the plural form meaning "gods" is ilhm,
equivalent to Hebrew elhm "powers". But in Hebrew this word is also regularly used for
semantically singular "god".
The stem l is found prominently in the earliest strata of east Semitic, north-west Semitic, and south
Semitic groups. Personal names including the stem l are found with similar patterns in
both Amorite and South Arabic which indicates that probably already in Proto-Semitic l was both a
generic term for "god" and the common name or title of a single particular god

The plural terms Uru and Urui became Ulum and Uluim and Elohim in so-called hebrew.
This is critical to understand, for El (Al) in ancient Kanaana (Canaan), prior to the invasion
of the whites and their offspring, is simply the Deity Ra Ur (Ur Ra, Ul/Al/El Ra) from Kamit.
The name Jezreel meaning El sows is the name of the fertile valley in the region of Kanaana
which is referenced on the Mer en Ptah stela. This is an ancient title of an ancient land that
predates the fictional account of a fictional people called the children of israel who never

Jezreel Valley
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jezreel Valley and Mount Tabor

Jezreel Valley

The Jezreel Valley (Hebrew: , translit. Emek Yizra'el), (Arabic: " Marj
Ibn Amer") is a large fertile plain and inland valley south of the Lower Galilee region
in Israel. The Samarian highlands and Mount Gilboa border the valley from the south and to
the north lies the Israeli cities Afula and Tiberias. To the west is the Mount Carmel range,
and to the east is the Jordan Valley.

The Jezreel Valley takes its name from the ancient city of Jezreel (known in Arabic
as Zir'in; Arabic: ) which was located on a low hill overlooking the southern edge of the valley,
though some scholars think that the name of the city originates from the name of the clan which
founded it, and whose existence is mentioned in the Merneptah stele.[1] The word Jezreel comes
from the Hebrew, and means "God sows" or "El sows".[2] The phrase "valley of Jezreel" was
sometimes used to refer to the central part of the valley, around the city of Jezreel, while the
southwestern portion was known as the "valley of Megiddo", after the ancient city of Megiddo, which
was located there. The area has been known as the Plain of Esdraelon (Esdraelon is the Koine
Greek rendering of Jezreel)

From Wikipedia - Merneptah Stele:







Israel [correction: Jezreel]





While Ashkelon, Gezer and Yanoam are given the determinative for a city a throw
stick plus three mountains the hieroglyphs that refer to Israel instead employ the throw stick(the
determinative for "foreign") plus a sitting man and woman (the determinative for "people") over three
vertical lines (a plural marker):

According to The Oxford History of the biblical World, this "foreign people" "sign is typically used by
the Egyptians to signify nomadic groups or peoples, without a fixed city-state home, thus implying a
seminomadic or rural status for 'Israel' at that time." The phrase "wasted, bare of seed" is formulaic,
and often used of defeated nations it implies that the grain-store of the nation in question has been
destroyed, which would result in a famine the following year, incapacitating them as a military threat
to Egypt.[15]..

The proper translation of the above line from the Mer en Ptah Stele is Isiraar or Yisiraar
Jezreel. Jezreel or Yezreel was the lush, fertile valley where El sowed his seed. This goes back
to ancient times, prior to the biblical fiction. Those who read the medutu have always known
that Isiraar (eeh-seeh-r-aar) spelled Zirin (see-reehn) in arabic did not spell out israel. It was
a political ploy by the whites and their offspring to promote the false idea that Yezreel/Jezreel
on the stela was israel, for outside of the bible, there has never been an ancient inscription
found spelling out the name israel. Moreover, the formulaic phrase wasted, bare of seed is
not only used to reference this particular military campaign, but was used by the rulers of

Kamit on numerous occasions. It has the dual meaning of the nations seed being destroyed
as shown described above, but most importantly in this instance, Yezreel, was the land where

El sowed his seed. The destruction of the land, Yezreel, was literally the destruction of the
fertile valley. It has absolutely nothing to do with a blood lineage (seed) referencing the
fictional children of israel or the fictional group called hebrews.
The story of the hebrews and the children of israel is a trustorical fiction. None of the biblical
characters ever existed of any race whatsoever. The culture of ancient Kanaana (Canaan)
prior to the white invasions was the same culture of ancient Kamit carried by the migrants
over 6,000 years ago to the region. This includes the Divinity El which later gave its name to
the Yezreel/Jezreel valley.

Coffin of a Kanaani/Canaanite, 3,300 years old, found in the Jezreel valley. In the style of Kamit.

Kamit ruled Kanaana (Canaan) as shown in the shaded regions for over 500 years beginning approximately 3,570
years ago (1570 BCE).

Iah or Yah is the Male Moon Deity in ancient Kamit. Iaht or

Yaht is the Female Moon Deity. Note that in Coptic we have
the variations: IOH, IOOH, IOIH. These are dialectical
variants of the name spelled Iahu or Yahw in the medutu. Iah
Tehuti or Yah Tehuti is a title of Tehuti, the Deity of Wisdom as
He operates through the Moon. This is the origin of the name Yahw/Iahw/Iah/IH/Jah, etc. Yahw (Yahweh) and El
are two different Deities. See our KUKUU-TUNTUM The Ancestral Jurisdiction for details.


Left: Kanaana Deity EL. Right: Deity Ausar from Kamit. Notice the identical crown.

[This note will be part of a larger publication]

Copyright by Odwirafo Kwesi Ra Nehem Ptah Akhan, 13014 (2014).



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