Buy The House

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Buy The House, Sign The Contract, Protect The Asset

Sample Pages 147 155

Now, I need for you to know that once we do your paperwork we will send
copies of your paperwork to the administrations that need to have it the
most (the treasury and the likes explained in the package). The following
data below is where we will place your paperwork for public record. We want
to make sure that no one can deny the fact that you have corrected your
status. I hope that this is all clear to you.
National Republic Registry
The act or process of recording an instrument, such as a deed or
mortgage but not limited to the same in a public registry is called
recordation. The National Republic Registry is an online registry in which
recordings are electronically scanned and filed on the World Wide Web.
All original documents are put into the mail and mailed back to you
within 24 hours of receipt by their office. Additionally you will receive a
Certificate of Electronic Recording which contains your personal file
number and any certified copies that may be requested by you.
National Republic Registry 900 North Walnut Creek Suite 100 #283
Mansfield, Texas 76063 1-817-563-6702
147No Mortgage Non Protest No Jurisdiction
Now, I would like for us to re-cap on a few things before we move forward. I
need for tis tome to be a learning experience. Now, allow us to go over the
The Secretary of State is your chief administrative officer. The Secretary of
State has the power to seal documents.
Your Act of state announces your diplomatic arrival. It is sealed by the
Secretary of State. This document denounces any expatriations potentially
enforced or imposed.
As a sovereign being you must make a decree, whilst it is the nature of the
artificial person to ask for rights and this same individual believes that
ignorance of the law is a good excuse. If you are sovereign you must own
land or be entitled to land in sovereign apsects! This is a must. This is
your first capacity.
The Indemnity Bond identifies the surety. The debtor must indemnify the
bond. The Secured Party Creditor is the Indemnity. You are making a

distinction amongst the legal Fiction and Real Man (this is you).
The Debtor is the Trust. The Debtor is the transmitting utility or conduit
and this is what establishes you as the authorized signature.
3949A is not for the unlearned because it can land the unprofessional in jail
for improper use. Its pretty simple though, all a person has to have is
written dishonor from an account holder and that is the proof.
For now, there are two types of Deeds that you need to take into
consideration from this point forward. Remember, a deed is an instrument
that is used to transfer the title bargain and sales deed and Warranty
Many Black consumers do not know the distinction amongst these two types
of deeds. In short the...
Bargain and Sales Deed warrants only ownership and the right to convey.
In this case the seller professes to be the owner but there is no warranty
inclusive. In other words encumbrances are not identified.
Warranty Deed this deed extends back to the history of the property in
terms of its origin. The Warranty Deed identifies the fact that there are no
hidden liens or encumbrances other than the likes of that, which is on
public record. The warranty comes in because the grantor commits
themselves to the agreement by making it clear that in the event the
property fails, they will provide due compensation.
Next you need to overstand what a conditional interest is. You need to know
what a conditional interest means and represents to your future house
No Mortgage Non Protest No Jurisdiction

This is what you need to know as an educated consumer. You need to be

identified as a secured party buyer not borrower in these deals. I would
suggest that you endeavor to buy properties from the likes of those that
have recently paid for the debt of the previous owner of the body of estates.
When a company pays for the bankruptcy of a company to become the new
owner, often times they will consider the real estate in the form of the
houses that existed before the take over to be inventory. This inventory in
almost all cases is normally liquidated and sold for even cheaper rates to the
secured party creditor (private) on account to their status. This process is
another tome in itself.

A foreclosure represents taking possession of a mortgaged property as a

result of the mortgagor's failure to keep up mortgage payments. Because
this present days housing crisis, many banks and private companys have
taken it upon themselves to fabricate real estate interpretations of the law
to suit their personal desires and goals. In other words, many of the
foreclosure processes that are taking place today are very illegal in terms of
the ways that they are being executed.
Now, allow me to go into greater detail. In the event that your property
might be in risk of potential foreclosure I have some very effective advice
for you. Likewise, the potential buyer of the property should and will know
what to look for based on my upcoming explanation.
Now, remember amongst other types of deeds, the instruments used to
transfer the title is a bargain and sales deed or a warranty deed. When the
transaction is being made you must make sure that you are aware of any
potential conditional interests clauses in terms of your purchase of
In most cases, the banks that sell you the property have a conditional
interest other than you in the property. What the bank does without you
knowing is consolidates all of the purchases likened to yours and creates a
bond that represents the whole amount of debt combined on behalf of the
people that have to pay mortgage and sells these debts over to the
international bank for a profit so they do not have to lose capital on account
to the long wait for interest that yearly mortgage would guarantee.
This would be perfectly legal if the buyer was given full disclosure on this
matter but the buyer is not given full disclosure on this matter. In this way
the bank has a conditional interest on the property without having this
stipulation being mentioned in the title. Because this information has not
been fully disclosed to you, this would mean that the entity trying to
foreclose on your property owes you money for disgorgement. This means
that every last dollar that was made from your agreement illegally has to be
given back to you. Oh yeah, and we can forget all about that foreclosure
Now, there is something else that I have to point out about this matter. What
about the mortgage note? Good question!

According to investopedia nB2s4uoj

Definition of 'Foreclosure - FCL'

A situation in which a homeowner is unable to make principal and/or interest

payments on his or hermortgage, so the lender, be it a bank or building society,
can seize and sell the property as stipulated in the terms of the mortgage

Investopedia explains 'Foreclosure - FCL'

In some cases, to avoid foreclosing on a home, creditors try to make

adjustments to the repayment schedule to allow the homeowner to retain
ownership. This situation is known as a special forbearance or mortgage

Now, remember what I was just telling you. The commercial bank that sells
you the property is servicing the loans to the international bank. This
process represents the conditional interest that the commercial bank has
that has not been identified on the title. This works to your advantage in the
event of foreclosure because you know that the bank does not have the
mortgage note because they sold it.
When they, the Bank try to foreclose on your property, all you have to do is
challenge the bank by demanding that the bank prove who is the holder in
due course. This means that the seller (in most cases these days the bank)
will have to show the original documentation with your signature on it
(mortgage note or promissory note).
The seller in most cases will not be able to produce the mortgage note
because they sold it, plus they have conditional interest in the property
other than what you agreed to that is not identified on the title. You may
think that this information may not work in your favor but let me tell you
The banks have been playing this game for so long and getting away with it
that they have yet to change their strategy. These demons will not change
their strategy until our people complain in the right circles. Stop letting
them get away with these things. Do you overstand what I am saying to you?
Now, if you want to take things just another step further which you should,
you need to sign these contracts in the color that corresponds with your
status in addition to punctuating your autograph with a declaration of
character affirming your legal disposition followed up with a UCC code.

Yes, this is exactly what you need to do. I am very excited about teaching
you all of these things. Please continue to hold my hand on this matter.
Once you have a corrected status you need to overstand how imperative it is
to sign in specific colors. Now, continue to walk with me.
Once your status is corrected you need to sign in Purple ink to denote your
sovereignty when it comes to purchasing. For being an owner is a right
granted to you by your creator and no man can supplant this reality.
In the event of a potential discharge or actual discharge then I would
suggest that you sign in red in most cases when it comes to the paperwork
because the implication that is being made is that you are the debtor and
you will confirm that this is not true by simply signing in red ink denoting
the flesh and blood, organic living soul that you are.
Now, you also need to know that when you sign your appellation (we dont
say name) or place your autograph on a contract particularly in the case of
real estate, you need to suffix to your appellation the Uniform Commercial
Code (UCC) U.C.C 3-402(b) and write NO PROTEST at the bottom of your
autograph. Keep in mind that all of this will be written in purple ink. I will
show you how to use your straw man and your trust to pull all of this off.
This is the right formula to protect your asset as well as sign the
contract so that any underhanded deals will not have to be honored on
your behalf as you are making it clear that anything outside the terms
of agreement that you signed to will not only, not be honored but you
are not binded to any interpretation to the contract but your very own.
If the seller does not want you to place your autograph like this then
move on; another entity will not mind that is either not aware of this
or does not mind because they have the best intentions. Do you
overstand what I am saying to you? It is our time to reign supreme
again. Use this data to your advantage.
Sample Pages 166 170

Now, some people have called the

County government and did not no what
to say or ask in regards to the tax lien or
tax deed. I took the time out to create a
template for you so that you can speak to
the county government representative so
that you can get what you
need in real time without annoying

Firstly, the general information that you should know before calling the county government
to inquire about tax deeds or liens is, the state, interest rate and redemption period of your
prospect or potential real estate investment.
Check out the template on the next page.
It is not enough to make a living. You should enjoy living as well.
Here is what you say when you call the county government to inquire about the Tax Lien
and the Tax Deed.

My name is (your full name) who might I ask that I am speaking to?
I am from ------ and I would like to know if you can give me some assistance on finding
out when will your county be conducting another Tax Lien / Tax Deed sale.
I would like to know how if possible can I have the list of parcels that will be available
at the auction sent to me?
Is there a website where I can get general information about the upcoming auctions or
is calling the county like I have my best methodology?
Does the county have a financing program available?
Where will the auction be held and how does one go about registering?
What type of titled of the property will be issued upon purchase?
What form of payment is the most conducive?
Is the auction a premium auction, bid down the interest, other format?
Close out respectfully.

Alabama is a tax lien state, with a 12 % interest rate, and a redemption period of three
years. Taxes are due on October 1 and are considered delinquent the following January. A
perpetual first priority lien state (read Introduction to the Tax Lien Tax Deed workbook).

Arizona The interest rate is 16%, redemption period of three years. The tax lien sales are
conducted every February. One of the most coherent lien states there are in terms of getting
the property. Get your list, send your prospects to the treasurers office and put your deposit
down in anticipation of the auction, a competitive bid process.

Colorado is a lien state and has a nine percent interest rate, 3 year redemption period, with
a competitive bid process. Bid down the interest rate is employed. This means that the person
willing to get back the lowest percentage for their investment in the lien. Keep in mind the
interest starts at 9%. You need to know that people do this when they have the money and
the patience to wait for the property to go into foreclosure. People also do this when they
have enough money to make several small investments (read Pennies Are for Millionaires
by Nysut: Amun-Re Sen Atum-Re).

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