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Vision Ground Classes

Test 3
Questions: 50
Time: 90 mins
Marks: 100
Set by Capt. Nalin Khanna

1. If an aircraft flew around the world along a parallel of 6230N at a groundspeed

of 512 kts, the flying time would be
a) 18 hours 10 minutes 22 seconds
b) 19 hours 28 minutes 48 seconds
c) 20 hours 18 minutes 12 seconds
2. The Latitude where the distance between two meridians is half the distance
between the same two meridians at 25N is
a) 6208N
b) 6231N
c) 6303N
3. The length of one nautical mile is:
a) Constant
b) Maximum at the poles
c) Maximum at the equator
4. Two aircraft depart from airfields 874 nm apart at the same time and pass each
other after 68 minutes. At the crossing point one aircraft has covered 65 % of the
distance. The groundspeed of the two aircraft are:
a) 501 & 270
b) 492 & 279
c) 481 & 290
5. A line drawn on a chart which joins all points where the value of magnetic
variation is zero is called an:
A isotach
B agonic line
C aclinic line
D isogonal
6. Given:
Airport elevation is 1000 ft.
QNH is 988 hPa.
What is the approximate airport pressure altitude?
(Assume 1 hPa = 27 FT)
A 1680 FT
B 320 FT
C 680 FT
D - 320 FT

7. An aircraft at latitude 10North flies south at a groundspeed of 445 km/HR. What

will be its latitude after 3 HR?
A 0350'S
B 0200'S
C 1215'S
D 2200'S
8. Given:
Distance 'A' to 'B' 2484 NM
Groundspeed 'out' 420 kt
Groundspeed 'back' 500 kt
The time from 'A' to the Point of Equal Time (PET) between 'A' and 'B' is:
A 193 MIN
B 163 MIN
C 173 MIN
D 183 MIN
9. The distance between positions A and B is 180 NM. An aircraft departs position A
and after having travelled 60 NM, its position is pinpointed 4 NM left of the intended
track. Assuming no change in wind velocity, what alteration of heading must be
made in order to arrive at
position B?
A 2 Left
B 4 Right
C 6 Right
D 8 Right
10. Given:
Distance A to B is 360 NM.
Wind component A - B is -15 kt,
Wind component B - A is +15 kt,
TAS is 180 kt.
What is the distance from the equal-time-point to B?
A 180 NM
B 170 NM
C 165 NM
D 195 NM
11. On a chart, the distance along a meridian between latitudes 45N and 46N is 6
cm. The scale of the chart is approximately:
A 1 : 1 850 000
B 1 : 1 000 000
C 1 : 185 000
D 1 : 18 500 000
12. On a Lambert conformal conic chart, with two standard parallels, the quoted
scale is correct:
A along the parallel of origin
B along the prime meridian
C along the two standard parallels

D in the area between the standard parallels

13. On which of the following chart projections is it NOT possible to represent the
north or south poles?
A Transverse Mercator
B Polar stereographic
C Direct Mercator
D Lambert's conformal
14. Which of the following correctly lists the order of available selections of the
Mode Selector switches of an inertial reference system (IRS) mode panel?
15. Given:
Direct Mercator chart with a scale of 1 : 200 000 at equator; Chart length from 'A' to
'B', in the vicinity of the equator, 11 cm. What is the approximate distance from 'A'
to 'B'?
A 21 NM
B 22 NM
C 14 NM
D 12 NM
16. The value of magnetic variation:
A varies between a maximum of 45 East and 45 West
B cannot exceed 90
C has a maximum of 180
D must be 0 at the magnetic equator
17. On a Direct Mercator, rhumb lines are:
A curves convex to the equator
B straight lines
C curves concave to the equator
D ellipses
18. When is the magnetic compass most effective?
A In the region of the magnetic South Pole.
B In the region of the magnetic North Pole.
C On the geographic equator
D About midway between the magnetic poles
19. Given:
TAS = 485 kt,
OAT = ISA +10C,
FL 410.
Calculate the Mach Number?
A 0.90
B 0.85
C 0.87

D 0.825
20. Parallels of latitude on a Direct Mercator chart are :
A straight lines converging above the pole
B parallel straight lines unequally spaced
C parallel straight lines equally spaced
D arcs of concentric circles equally spaced
21. Given:
True course 300
drift 8R
variation 10W
deviation -4
Calculate the compass heading?
A 322
B 294
C 278
D 306
22. Given:
Distance 'A' to 'B' 3623 NM
Groundspeed 'out' 370 kt
Groundspeed 'back' 300 kt
The time from 'A' to the Point of Equal Time (PET)
between 'A' and 'B' is:
A 238 MIN
B 263 MIN
C 288 MIN
D 323 MIN
23. A Rhumb line is :
A any straight line on a Lambert projection
B a line convex to the nearest pole on a Mercator projection
C a line on the surface of the earth cutting all meridians at the same angle
D the shortest distance between two points on a Polyconic Projection
24. An Oblique Mercator projection is used specifically to
A charts of the great circle route between two points
B radio navigational charts in equatorial regions
C topographical maps of large east/ west extent
D plotting charts in equatorial regions
25. Which one of the following, concerning great circles on a Direct Mercator chart,
is correct?
A They are all curves concave to the equator
B They approximate to straight lines between the standard parallels
C They are all curves convex to the equator
D With the exception of meridians and the equator, they are curves concave to the

26. Given the following:

Magnetic heading: 060
Magnetic variation: 8W
Drift angle: 4 right
What is the true track?
A 072
B 056
C 064
D 048
27. The angle between Magnetic North and Compass North is called:
A magnetic variation
B alignment error
C compass deviation
D compass error
28. An aircraft was over 'Q' at 1320 hours flying direct to 'R'.
Distance 'Q' to 'R' 3016 NM
True airspeed 480 kt
Mean wind component 'out' -90 kt
Mean wind component 'back' +75 kt
The ETA for reaching the Point of Equal Time (PET) between 'Q' and 'R' is:
A 1756
B 1820
C 1742
D 1752
29. Given:
Distance 'Q' to 'R' 1760 NM
Groundspeed 'out' 435 kt
Groundspeed 'back' 385 kt
Safe endurance 9 HR
The distance from 'Q' to the Point of Safe Return (PSR) between 'Q' and 'R' is:
A 1313 NM
B 1467 NM
C 1642 NM
D 1838 NM
30. An aircraft was over 'A' at 1435 hours flying direct to 'B'.
Distance 'A' to 'B' 2900 NM
True airspeed 470 kt
Mean wind component 'out' +55 kt
Mean wind component 'back' -75 kt
The ETA for reaching the Point of Equal Time (PET) between 'A' and 'B' is:

A 1846
B 1721
C 1657
D 1744
31. Given:
Distance 'A' to 'B' 1973 NM
Groundspeed 'out' 430 kt
Groundspeed 'back' 385 kt
Safe endurance 7 HR 20 MIN
The distance from 'A' to the Point of Safe Return (PSR) 'A' is:
A 1490 NM
B 1664 NM
C 1698 NM
D 1422 NM
32. Approximately how many nautical miles correspond to 12 cm on a map with a
scale of 1 : 2 000 000?
A 329
B 43
C 130
D 150
33. An aircraft passes position A (6000'N 12000'W) on route to position B (6000'N
14030'W). What is the great circle track on departure from A?
A 279
B 288
C 261
D 270
34. Which one of the following statements is correct concerning the appearance of
great circles, with the exception of meridians, on a Polar Stereographic chart whose
tangency is at the pole ?
A The higher the latitude the closer they approximate to a straight line
B Any straight line is a great circle
C They are complex curves that can be convex and/or concave to the Pole
D They are curves convex to the Pole
35. What is the ISA temperature value at FL 330?
A -56C
B -66C
C -81C
D -50C
36. What is the highest latitude listed below at which the sun will reach an altitude
of 90 above the horizon at some time during the year?
A 45
B 66
C 0
D 23

37. An aircraft flies the following rhumb line tracks and distances from position
0400'N 03000'W : 600 NM South, then 600 NM East, then 600 NM North, then 600
NM West. The final position of the aircraft is:
A 0358'N 03002'W
B 0400'N 02958'W
C 0400'N 03002'W
D 0400'N 03000'W
38. Given:
Position 'A' is N00 E100,
Position 'B' is 240(T), 200 NM from 'A'.
What is the position of 'B'?
A N0140' E09707'
B S0140' E10140'
C N0140' E10140'
D S0140' E09707'
39. A negative (westerly) magnetic variation signifies that :
A Compass North is West of Magnetic North
B True North is East of Magnetic North
C True North is West of Magnetic North
D Compass North is East of Magnetic North
40. On a direct Mercator projection, the distance measured between two meridians
spaced 5 apart at latitude 60N is 8 cm. The scale of this chart at latitude 60N is
A 1 : 7 000 000
B 1 : 6 000 000
C 1 : 3 500 000
D 1 : 4 750 000
41. A chart has the scale 1 : 1 000 000. From A to B on the chart measures 1.5
inches (one inch equals 2.54 centimetres), the distance from A to B in NM is :
A 44.5
B 54.2
C 20.6
D 38.1
42. Which one of the following describes the appearance of rhumb lines, except
meridians, on a Polar Stereographic chart?
A Straight lines
B Curves concave to the Pole
C Ellipses around the Pole
D Curves convex to the Pole
43. At what approximate date is the earth furthest from the sun (aphelion)?
A End of December
B Beginning of January
C End of September
D Beginning of July

44. On a transverse Mercator chart, the scale is exactly correct along the:
A prime meridian and the equator
B meridians of tangency
C equator and parallel of origin
D meridian of tangency and the parallel of latitude perpendicular to it
45. Given:
Distance 'A' to 'B' 2346 NM
Groundspeed 'out' 365 kt
Groundspeed 'back' 480 kt
The time from 'A' to the Point of Equal Time (PET) between 'A' and 'B' is:
A 219 MIN
B 290 MIN
C 197 MIN
D 167 MIN
46. What is the local mean time, position 6525'N 12345'W at 2200 UTC?
A 0615
B 0815
C 1345
D 2200
47. On the 27th of February, at 52S and 040E, the sunrise is at 0243 UTC. On the
same day, at 52S and 035W, the sunrise is at:
A 0243 UTC
B 2143 UTC
C 0523 UTC
D 0743 UTC
48. The Local Mean Time at longitude 09520'W, at 0000 UTC, is :
A 0621:20 previous day
B 1738:40 same day
C 0621:20 same day
D 1738:40 previous day
49. The diameter of the Earth is approximately:
A 12 700 km
B 6 350 km
C 18 500 km
D 40 000 km
50. The parallels on a Lambert Conformal Conic chart are represented by:
A straight lines
B parabolic lines
C hyperbolic lines
D arcs of concentric circles

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