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MS ISO/IEC TR 10037 : 1995


MS 555 : 1985
ICS : 13.220.10





SIRIM. No part of this publication may be photocopied or otherwise reproduced

without the prior permission in writing of SIRIM

MS 555: 1985

This Malaysian Standard, which had been approved by the Mechanical Engineering Industry Standards Committee
and endorsed by the Council of the Standards and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM)was published
under the authority of the SIRIM Council in August. 1 985.

SIRI.M wishes to draw attention to the fact that this Malaysian Standard does not purportto include all the necessary
provisions of a contract.

The Malaysian Standards are subject to periodical review to keep abreast of progress in the industries concerned.
Suggestions for improvements will be recorded and in due course brought to the notice of the Committees charged
with the revision of the standards to which they refer.

The following references relate to the work on this standard:

Committee reference : SIRIM 406/2/6

Draft for comment :

D23 (ISC F)R

Amendments issued since publication

Amd. No.

Date of issue

Text affected

MS 555: 1985



Committee representation





Design and manufacture




Figure 1

Typical tag

Appendix A

Installation of fire dampers


MS 555: 1985

Committee representation

The Mechanical Engineering Industry Standards Committee under whose supervision this Malaysian Standard was prepared. comprises
representatives from the following Government Ministries, trade, commerce and manufacturer associations and scientific and professional bodies.
Association of Consulting Engineers (Malaysia)
Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers
Institution of Engineers. Malaysia
Malaysian Motor Vehicle Assemblers Association
Ministry of Defence
Ministry of Labour and Manpower (Factories and Machinery Departmentl
Ministry of Trade and Industry (Malaysian Industrial Development Authority)
Ministry of Works and utilities (Public Wbrks Department)
National Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia
university of Malaya

The Technical Committee on Fire Prevention. Protection and Equipment which prepared this Malaysian Standard consists of the following
Encik M. Chelliah (Chairmanl

Ministry of Housing and Local Government

(Fire Service Department)

Encik Zainal Abidin bin Muhammad!

Encik Cheng Eng Kit

General Insurance Association of Malaysia

Encik Ng Lam Shen

Association of Consulting Engineers

Encik Jon Song!

Encik Ooi Beng Slew

Master Builders Association

Encik Lam Kow Chit

Public Works Department

Dr. Tso Chih Ping

University of Malaya

Encik Ahmad Fatizi Hassan

Factories and Machinery Department

Encik Henry Lee Inn Seong/

Encik Loh Aik Eng

Malaysian Institute of Architects

Encik P. Sivakumaran

Malaysian Industrial Safety Association

Mejar udara Abdul Wahab bin Mohd Ibrahim

Ministry of Defence

Encik K. Sivagnanam (Secretaryl

(up to 16 May. 1984)
Encik Ng Chon Kiong (Secretary)
(from 18 December, 1984)

Standards and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia

MS 555 : 1985


This Malaysian Standard was prepared by the Technical Committee on Fire Protection. Prevention and Equipment
under the authority of the Mechanical Engineering Industry Standards Committee.
Although fire rarely starts in the ducts of ventilation and air-conditioning systems. the ductwork provides a ready
means by which fire and products of combustion in any part of the building can spread throughoutthe building. Fire
dampers are installed in openings in walls and ceilings that have been formed to permit the installation of airhandling systems, for the purpose of impeding spread of fire and products of combustion.
By. definition, a fire damper provides an effective barrier to the passage of fire and products of combustion, but when

its operation is initiated by the detection of smoke or other products of combustion, it may then be termed smoke
damper. The difference between a fire damper and a smoke damper is not a physical one but is in the method of
initiating the operation.
Afire damper is intended to partially restore the fire resistance of the wall or ceiling in which a hole had been formed
to permit passage of air from an air-handling system. The damper should therefore be securely mounted in the wall
or ceiling; only ductwork should be connected to thedamper casing, and in such a way that it will break free on
impact without dislodging the damper.
Fire dampers should be designed and constructed so that when opened minimal resistance to airflow is created. The
blade assembly should be of adequate strength to minimizeflutter at airvelocities up tothe maximum recommended
by the manufacturer, so as to obviate noise and metal fatigue problems.
As fire dampers are required to operate under emergency conditions infrequently, an important feature of their
design is that their eventual operation is not affected by the effect of corrosion. Conversely, frequent false alarm
operation of fire dampers can have a high nuisance value and can be costly in terms of time needed to locate and
reset or repairthe damperwhich has closed. The prevention hastherefore beentaken into account inthe preparation
of this standard. It also requires that provision be made during installation for convenient access to enable easy
removal for periodical inspection and replacement of the release mechanism incorporated in the fire damper
In view of the relatively high expense involved in facilities necessary totest fire dampers, it is anticipated that most
testing will be carried out by independent testing organizations. The fire resistance test is a destructive test and,
consequently, every damper cannot be tested. This standard requires that tests be carried out on type dampers
which are representative of production dampers.
This standard was based on the Australian Standard. AS 1682-1979. Specification for fire dampers.

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