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Integrating storytelling objectives in daily teaching

Teaching objectives of storytelling skills training in the Suggested daily class activities
1. To help students feel at ease and minimize their stage fright c) Story warmers relax, group dynamics, trust-building.
when speaking to others- confidence building

2. To encourage students to select appropriate aids to

supplement their self-expression


3. To help students to learn to visualize images when learning

a story


4. To help students to empathize with others, and to show

emotion and mood with body language

Use puppets, any relevant objects, students own picture

Story time hat, scarf to draw attention of audience

Stick puppets to instruct change of voice of characters

Play narrator- dramatize story moments
Use TV episodes, comic books


Role play before a full length mirror

A story of gesture- e.g. from a happy girl to an old woman

who is coughing, when you find something in a box and feel


5. To encourage students to have spontaneous oral production

with emphasis on coherence, and the mood of the story


On the ball (Whoever gets a ball has to speak on a topic)

Continuous story (using Powerpoint, cue cards)
Impromptu stories/speech (e.g. If there is no sun tomorrow)
One-minute morning speech
Retelling: Change ideas, feelings, values of characters: a
hero into a heroine, foolish behaviour into brave behaviour;
expanding or reducing the story; combining 2 stories,
improving the story- change the sequence of events.(All
these can be drawn from stories in textbooks, or the short
stories in Reading Workshops).

6. To encourage students to have self expression with

emphasis on the use of body language, manipulation of
setting, to make a lively and communicative presentation


7. To encourage students to speak at a moderate pace, have

clear enunciation, and pay attention to the following
phonetic features: Consonant clusters, stress, linkage,
single word and phrases


8. A second target after pronunciationTo encourage

students to express other shades of meaning of a message
through a change of stress, and tones

More drama skills practice

Play charades#

Phonics workshop
Tongue twisters
Sound patterns practice
Retell a story with a change of words- original words into all
words with a particular consonant cluster, vowel..


A game to contribute a sent to a story-Fortunately (rising to

show positive aspect), unfortunately (fall to show negative
Games to elicit the use of question types (rise for questing
for information, fall for questing for agreement of the
content; and listing examples Do you want tea, coffee or
Horlick? (rise> rise> rise> fall)

Yes/No questions and Wh- questions; question tags.

(All these may be practice using dialogues at lower primary

9. To develop students ability to pay attention to the

coherence in speech delivery and to be able to memorize
chunks of utterance effectively.


CChu/LLSS/EMB/Sept 2006

Simon says (memory game)

Chinese Whispers (memory game)
Group picture story making
Add-a-line story making
3-part flow chart story, eight-box flow chart
Clothes line story making- clip some pictures on a clothes
line in the classroom. Ask groups to sequence them to make
a story from time to time.
Recount : students own experience-releasers e.g. a toy of
mine, a particular time when I was ill.
Ambiguous pictures- draw a stick person and a rectangle.
Students to guess what it is about, and what will happen
next. Teacher then draws the next bit of clues to encourage

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