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Advertising Media Planning: A Primer

1. Introduction
The two basic tasks of marketing communications are message creation and message dissemination.
Media planning supports message dissemination. Media planning helps you determine which media to use-be it television programs, newspapers, bus-stop posters, in-store displays, banner ads on the Web, or a flyer
on Facebook. It also tells you when and where to use media in order to reach your desired audience. Simply
put, media planning refers to the process of selecting media time and space to disseminate advertising
messages in order to accomplish marketing objectives. When advertisers run commercials during the Super
Bowl game at more than $2.5 million per thirty-second spot, for example, media planners are involved in the
negotiation and placement.
Media planners often see their role from a brand contact perspective. Instead of focusing solely on what
medium is used for message dissemination, media planners also pay attention to how to create and
manage brand contact. Brand contact is any planned and unplanned form of exposure to and interaction
with a product or service. For example, when you see an ad for Volkswagen on TV, hear a Mazda's "zoom
zoom" slogan on the radio, are told by a friend that her iPod is the greatest invention, or sample a a new
flavor of Piranha energy drink at the grocery store, you are having a brand contact. Television commercials,
radio ads, and product sampling are planned forms of brand contact. Word of mouth is an unplanned brand
contact -- advertisers normally do not plan for word of mouth. From the consumer's perspective, however,
unplanned forms of brand contact may be more influential because they are less suspicious compared to
2. Media Objectives
How is a media plan developed? Media planning is a four-step process which consists of 1) setting media
objectives in light of marketing and advertising objectives, 2) developing a media strategy for implementing
media objectives, 3) designing media tactics for realizing media strategy, and 4) proposing procedures for
evaluating the effectiveness of the media plan.
Second, P&G's strategy included a mix of national media to introduce the brands. For example, television
advertising, such as a $5 million Super Bowl ad campaign, portrayed Fusion as an advanced technology
found in a secret government UFO lab. The TV ads also established the brand's signature orange and blue
color scheme. In store aisles, 180,000 display units promoted Fusion, using the brand's colors to catch
consumers' attention. "We're trying to put the product wherever men shop," said Pauline Munroe, marketing
director for blades and razors in P&G's Gillette business unit.[8]
Third, P&G's media tactics -- such as a Father's Day sweepstakes, an episode of NBC's The Apprentice in
which the show's teams competed to promote the razor, and sponsorship of competitive surfing -- helped
the company reach men of all ages. "Fusion will get so much attention that it will drive a lot of men to try
these grooming products," said Gary Stibel of New England Consulting Group.[9] Finally, P&G used sales
and market share targets to assess the effectiveness of the media plan. P&G expects sales of Fusion to
reach $1 billion in sales by year three.[10] P&G knows that the brand has already achieved 25% market
share in the U.S. Thus, although $200 million seems like a lot to spend on advertising a new product, it
represents a sound financial investment toward the tremendous future profit that P&G will gain from the new
shaving system.
2.1. Target Audience
The first objective of a media plan is to select the target audience: the people whom the media plan
attempts to influence through various forms of brand contact. Because media objectives are subordinate to
marketing and advertising objectives, it is essential to understand how the target audience is defined in the
marketing and advertising objectives. The definition may or may not be exactly the same, depending on the
marketing and advertising objectives and strategies.

2.1.1 Demographics and Psychographics

The target audience is often defined in terms of demographics and psychographics. Syndicated research
services such as Simmons Market Research Bureau (SMRB or Simmons) and Mediamark Research Inc.
(MRI) provide national data on a number of demographics of U.S. consumers, including gender, age,
education, household income, marital status, employment status, type of residence, and number of children
in the household. Using demographic variables, for example, the target audience of a media plan could be
"individuals who are 26-to-45 years old with yearly household income of $50,000 or more" or "all households
with children age 3 years or younger."
Psychographics is a generic term for consumers' personality traits (serious, funny, conservative), beliefs
and attitudes about social issues (opinions about abortion, environment, globalization), personal interests
(music, sports, movie going), and shopping orientations (recreational shoppers, price-sensitive shoppers,
convenience shoppers). Mazda, for example, doesn't define its target audience by age, income or gender,
but by psychographic principles. Mazda targets people who have a need for self-expression, are young at
heart, and love to drive.[12]
One psychographic system which media planners often use is called VALS (short for Values And LifestyleS),
which was developed by SRI in the 1980s. VALS places U.S. adult consumers into one of eight segments
based on their responses to the VALS questionnaire. The eight segments are: Innovators, Thinkers,
Achievers, Experiencers, Believers, Strivers, Makers and Survivors. Each segment has a unique set of
psychological characteristics. For example, Innovators are "successful, sophisticated, take-charge people
with high self-esteem. Because they have such abundant resources, they exhibit all three primary
motivations in varying degrees.
2.1.2. Generational Cohorts
In addition to demographics and psychographics, generational cohort is another useful concept for
selecting the target audience. Because the members of a particular generational cohort are likely to have
had similar experiences during their formative years, they maintain analogous social views, attitudes, and
values. Generational cohorts in the U.S. are the Baby Boomers (about 70 million people born 1945-1964),
Generation X (about 17 million people born in 1965-1978), and Generation Y (about 60 million people born
between 1979 and 1994). Each of the cohorts possesses distinct characteristics in their lifestyles and often
serves as a reference group from which finer segments of the target audiences can be selected for specific
advertising campaigns.
2.1.3. Product and Brand Usage
Target audiences can also be more precisely defined by their consumption behavior. Product usage includes
both brand usage (the use of a specific brand such as Special K cereal or Dove soap) and category usage
(the use of a product category such as facial tissue or chewing gum). Product use commonly has four
levels: heavy users, medium users, light users and non-users. The levels of use depend on the type of
product. For example, Simmons defines heavy domestic beer users as those who consume five or more
cans in the past 30 days, medium beer users as those who consumer two to four cans, and light users as
those who consume one can in 30 days. For travel, Simmons' definitions are: three foreign trips per year
indicate heavy travel users, 2 foreign trips per year are medium travel users, and 1 trip per year are light
travel users. There is a popular saying in the industry: "the twenty percent who are heavy users account for
eighty percent of the sales of a product." This highlights the importance of heavy users for a brand's
performance. Examples of defining a target audience by product usage can be "individuals who dine out at
least four times in a month" or "individuals who made domestic trips twice or more last year."
2.1.4. Primary and Secondary Target Audience
The target audience in a media plan can be either primary or secondary. A primary target audience is one
that plays a major role in purchase decisions, while a secondary target audience plays a less decisive role.

In the case of video game players, for example, children's requests often initiate a purchase process;
parents often respect their children's brand selection. Thus, it is reasonable to consider children as the
primary target audience and their parents as the secondary target audience. If the parents are aware of the
advertised brand, it will be easier for children to convince them of the purchase. Media planners need to
examine and identify the role of consumers in shopping, buying and consuming a product or service to
target the right groups of consumers effectively.
2.1.5. The Size of Target Audiences
In the process of defining a target audience, media planners often examine and specify the actual size of a
target audience -- how many people or households fit the definition. Knowing the actual size helps
advertisers to estimate the potential buying power of the target audience. For example, if the target
audience of a campaign is defined as working women 26-to-44 years old who are interested in receiving
daily news updates on their mobile phones, media planners should estimate the number of these women in
the U.S. to quantify the sales potential.
2.2. Communication Goals
After media planners define the target audience for a media plan, they set communication goals: to what
degree the target audience must be exposed to (and interact with) brand messages in order to achieve
advertising and marketing objectives. For example, one communication goal can be that 75 percent of the
target audience will see the brand in television commercials at least once during a period of three months.
Another communication goal is that 25 percent of the target audience will form a preference for a new brand
in the first month of the brand launch. The different communication goals can be better understood in a
hierarchy of advertising objectives, such as Bill Harvey's expansion of an earlier model of Advertising
Research Foundation (ARF).

3. Media Strategies
Media planners make three crucial decisions: where to advertise (geography), when to advertise (timing),
and what media categories to use (media mix). Moreover, they make these decisions in the face of budget
constraints. The actual amount of money that an advertiser spends on marketing communications can vary
widely, from billions of dollars for multinational giants such as Procter & Gamble, to a few thousand dollars
for local "mom-n-pop" stores. In general, companies spend as little as 1% to more than 20% of revenues on
advertising, depending on the nature of their business. Regardless of the budget, some media options are
more cost effective than others. It is the job of media planners to formulate the best media strategies -allocating budget across media categories, geographies, and time. Let's look at each of these three
decisions in turn, and then consider cost effectiveness.
3.1. Media Mix Decisions
Which media should the advertiser use? Media planners craft a media mix by considering a budgetconscious intersection between their media objectives and the properties of the various potential media
vehicles. That is, they consider how each media vehicle provides a cost-effective contribution to attaining
the objectives, and then they select the combination of vehicles that best attain all of the objectives.
When making media mix decisions, planners look to a whole spectrum of media, not just to traditional media
vehicles such as TV, radio, and print. That is, media planners consider all the opportunities that consumers
have for contact with the brand. These opportunities can be non-traditional brand contact opportunities such
as online advertising, sweepstakes, sponsorships, product placements, direct mail, mobile phones, blogs,
and podcasts. The scale and situations of media use are especially important when evaluating suitable
brand contact opportunities. For example, product placement in a video game makes sense if the target

audience plays video games. Sweepstakes make sense if many of the target audience find sweepstakes
3.1.1 Mix Strategy: Media Concentration vs. Media Dispersion
A media planner's first media mix decision is to choose between a media concentration approach or a media
dispersion approach. The media concentration approach uses fewer media categories and greater spending
per category. This lets the media planner create higher frequency and repetition within that one media
category. Media planners will choose a concentration approach if they are worried that their brand's ads will
share space with competing brands, leading to confusion among consumers and failure of the media
objectives. For example, when Nestle launched its 99% fat-free cereal Fitnesse, the similarity of ads actually
increased the sales of the competing Kellogg's Special K Cereal.

3.1.2. Media Category Selection

Whether media planners select media concentration or media dispersion, they still must pick the media
category(ies) for the media plan. Different media categories suit different media objectives. Most media
options can be classified into three broad categories: mass media, direct response media, and point-ofpurchase media. A media planner's choice will depend on the media objectives. If the media planner wants
to create broad awareness or to remind the largest possible number of consumers about a brand, then he or
she will pick mass media such as television, radio, newspaper and magazine. If the media planner wants to
build a relationship with a customer or encourage an immediate sales response, then direct response media
such as direct mail, the Internet and mobile phone are good choices.
3.2. Geographic Allocation Decisions
In addition to allocating advertising by media category, media planners must allocate advertising by
geography. In general, a company that sells nationally can take one of three approaches to geographic
spending allocation: a national approach (advertise in all markets), a spot approach (advertise only in
selected markets), or a combined national plus spot approach (advertise in all markets with additional
spending in selected markets).
Media planners perform geographic analyses by assessing the geographic concentration of sales in two
ways. The first method is called the Brand Development Index (BDI) of a geographic region. BDI measures
the concentration of sales of a company's brand in that region.
The second method is called the Category Development Index (CDI) and measures the concentration of
sales of the product category (across all brands) in that region.
Media planners use BDI to measure a brand's performance in a given market in comparison with its average
performance in all markets where the brand is sold. Mathematically, BDI is a ratio of a brand's sales in a
given geographic market divided by the average of its sales in all markets. BDI is calculated for each
geographic area (Market X) using the following formula:
Market X's Share of Total Brand Sales
BDI = ----------------------------------------------- X 100
Market X's Share of U.S. Population
BDI doesn't tell the whole story, however, because BDI only measures the concentration of current sales.
BDI doesn't reflect the concentration of potential sales as measured by sales of the entire product category.
So, media planners use another number, CDI, in addition to BDI when allocating resources for spot

advertising. CDI is a measure of a product category's performance in a given geographic market in

comparison to its average performance in all markets in the country. The sales of a product category include
the sales of all the brands (the company's and competitors' brands) or at least all major brands that fall in
the category. The CDI formula is:

Market X's Share of Total Category Sales

CDI = ---------------------------------------------------- X 100
Market X's Share of U.S. Population
3.3. Media Schedule Decisions
Having decided how to advertise (the media mix) and where to advertise (allocation across geography),
media planners need to consider when to advertise. Given a fixed annual budget, should all months receive
equal amounts of money or should some months receive more of the budget while other months receive
less or nothing? Media planners can choose among three methods of scheduling: continuity, flight, and
pulse. Continuity scheduling spreads media spending evenly across months. For example, with an annual
budget of $1,200,000 a year, continuity scheduling would allocate exactly $100,000 per month. This method
ensures steady brand exposure over each purchase cycle for individual consumers. It also takes advantage
of volume discounts in media buying. However, because continuity scheduling usually requires a large
budget, it may not be practical for small advertisers.
The flight scheduling approach alternates advertising across months, with heavy advertising in certain
months and no advertising at all in other months. For example, a board game maker like Parker Brothers
might concentrate its advertising in the fall when it knows that many people buy board games as gifts for the
holidays. Or, with the same budget of $1,200,000, for example, a different brand could spend $200,000 per
month during each of six months -- January, March, May, July, September and December -- and spend
nothing during the other months, in hopes that the impact of advertising in the previous month can last into
the following month.
Pulse scheduling combines the first two scheduling methods, so that the brand maintains a low level of
advertising across all months but spends more in selected months. For example, an airline like United
Airlines might use a low level of continuous advertising to maintain brand awareness among business
travelers. United Airlines might also have seasonal pulses to entice winter-weary consumers to fly to sunny
climes. In budget allocation terms, a consumer goods brand may spend $5,000 in each of the twelve
months to maintain the brand awareness and spend an additional $10,000 in January, March, May, July,
September and December to attract brand switchers from competing brands. The pulse scheduling method
takes advantage of both the continuity and flight scheduling methods and mitigates their weaknesses.
However, this does not mean it is good for all products and services. Which method is the most appropriate
for a given campaign depends on several important factors.
4. Designing Media Tactics
Establishing media objectives and developing media strategies are the primary tasks of media planners.
Designing media tactics is largely carried out by media buyers. Media buyers select media vehicles to
implement established media strategies. Among the major factors that affect media vehicle selection are
reach and frequency considerations.
4.1. Reach Considerations
As a major component of media objectives, the planned level of reach affects not only media mix decisions
but also what media vehicles are used in each media category. High levels of reach will require a different

set of media vehicles than low levels of reach. That is, high levels of reach can be better served with a mix
that includes multiple media vehicles with different audiences so that cross-media duplication of audience is
minimal. For example, if there are three magazines that each reach a portion of the target audience but that
have few readers who read more than one magazine, advertising in these three magazines would reach the
widest target audience possible because of the low overlap of the readers of the these magazines.
4.2. Frequency Considerations
In contrast to high levels of reach, high levels of frequency can be effectively achieved through advertising in
a smaller number of media vehicles to elevate audience duplications within these media vehicles. A
commercial that runs three times during a 30-minute television program will result in higher message
repetition than the same commercial that runs once in three different programs.
Broadcast media are often used when high levels of frequency are desired in a relatively short period of
time. Broadcast media usually enjoy a "vertical" audience, who tune in to a channel for more than one
program over hours. Another phenomenon in broadcast media is audience turnover, which refers to the
percentage of audience members who tune out during a program. Programs with low audience turnover are
more effective for high levels of frequency.
4.3. Media Vehicle Characteristics
There are two basic calculations of media vehicle cost. The first one, cost per rating point (CPP), is used
primarily for broadcast media vehicles. To derive the CPP, divide the cost of a 30-second commercial by the
ratings of the vehicle in which the advertisement is placed.[SIDEBAR DEFINITION: CPP: The cost of a
broadcast ad per rating point (1% of the population) provided by the media vehicle that shows the ad.] The
formula for calculating CPP is as follows:
Cost Per Rating Point = Cost of the Ad / Rating of the Vehicle
For example, if the cost for a 30-second commercial ABC's "Grey's Anatomy" television program is
$440,000[32] and the rating of the program is 9.7, then CPP for this buy will be $25,360.
Another media cost term is cost per thousand impressions (CPM), which is the cost to have 1000
members of the target audience exposed to an ad.[[SIDEBAR DEFINITION for CPM: Cost Per Thousand (M
is the Latin abbreviation for 1000): the cost per 1000 impressions for an ad]] As you recall, the impressions
are simply opportunities to see the ad. one difference between CPP and CPM is that CPM also contains the
size of a vehicle audience. CPM is calculated in two steps. First, the gross impressions that an ad may get
is calculated using the rating of the program and the size of the market population. Second, CPM is
calculated using the cost and gross impressions. The two formulas are as follows:
Gross Impressions = Audience size * Rating / 100
CPM = Cost / Gross Impressions * 1000
Using the previous example, the rating of a television program is 10 and the cost for a 30-second
commercial is $25,000. If there are 5,000,000 adults in the market, then CPM for the buy will be as follows:
Gross Impressions = 5,000,000 * 10 / 100 = 500,000
CPM = $25,000 / 500,000 * 1000 = $50
Thus, CPM for this media buy is $50.

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