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Teaching scheme:
Lecture: 3 Hrs/week

Practical: 2 Hrs /week

Examination Scheme:

TW: 50 Marks

Paper : 100 Marks

In semester Examination: 30 marks
Endsemester Examination: 70 marks
Duration: 3 Hrs.
Unit 1: Introduction of systems approach

(6 Hrs)

Introduction to System approach, Operations Research and Optimization Techniques, Use of

systems approach in Civil Engineering, Methods, Introduction to Linear and Non linear
programming methods (with reference to objective function, constraints), Local & Global
optima, unimodal function, convex and concave function
Unit 2: Non linear programming

(6 Hrs)

Single variable unconstrained optimization: Sequential Search Techniques-Dichotomous,

Fibonacci, Golden section
Multivariable optimization without constraints-The gradient vector and Hessian Matrix,
Gradient techniques, steepest ascent/decent technique, Newtons Method
Multivariable optimization with equality constraints - Lagrange Multiplier Technique
Unit 3: Stochastic Programming

(6 Hrs)

Sequencing n jobs through 2, 3 and M machines

Queuing Theory : elements of Queuing system and its operating characteristics, waiting time
and ideal time costs, Kendalls notation, classification of Queuing models, single chanel
Queuing theory : Model I (Single channel Poisson Arrival with exponential services times,
Infinite population (M/M/1) : (FCFS/ / )
Simulation : Monte Carlo Simulation
Unit 4: Dynamic programming:

(6 Hrs)

Multi stage decision processes, Principle of optimality, recursive equation, Applications of

Unit 5: Linear programming (A)

(6 Hrs)

Formulation of Linear optimization models for Civil engineering applications. The simplex
method, Method of Big M, Two phase method, duality

Unit6: Linear programming (B)

(6 Hrs)

The Transportation Model and its variants, Assignment Model, and its variants
Term Work
1. One exercise/assignment on each unit. Out of these any one exercise/assignment to be
solved using Computer
2. One exercise on formulation of a problem applicable to any field of Civil Engineering,
requiring use of LP/ NLP/ DP. Formulation of objective function and constraints (No
Reference Books
1. Operations Research by Hamdy A. Taha
2. Engineering Optimization by S.S.Rao
3. Operations Research by Premkumar Gupta and D.S.Hira, S. Chand Publications (2014)
4. Quantitative Techniques in Management by N.D. Vohra ( Mc Graw Hill )
5. Topics in Management Science by Robert E. Markland( Wiley Publication)
6. An Approach to Teaching Civil Engineering System by Paul J. Ossenbruggen
7. A System Approach to Civil Engineering Planning & Design by Thomas K. Jewell
(Harper Row Publishers)
e - Resources
1. Mathematical Model for Optimization (MMO Software)

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