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as Comptroller of the State of Illinois,



Plaintiff People of the State of Illinois, by and through Lisa Madigan, Attorney
General of the State of Illinois, brings this complaint seeking declaratory, injunctive,
and other relief and alleges as follows:
Nature of Action
1. The People bring this complaint so that the Court may provide a
declaration to Defendant as to what payments can and should legally be made in the
absence of enacted annual appropriations statutes.
2. Lisa Madigan is the Attorney General of the State of Illinois. Pursuant to
the Illinois Constitution, she is the legal officer for the State and has standing to
bring this action on behalf of the People of the State of Illinois.
3. Defendant Leslie Geissler Munger is the Comptroller of the State of Illinois.
Pursuant to the Illinois Constitution, she shall maintain the States central fiscal

accounts and order payments out of the funds held by the Treasurer.
4. Venue is proper in the Circuit Court of Cook County because it is a county
in which the transaction or some part thereof occurred out of which this cause of
action arose.
Factual Allegations
5. The State of Illinoiss 2015 Fiscal Year ended on June 30, 2015.
6. The 2016 Fiscal Year started on July 1, 2015.
7. The General Assembly passed appropriations legislation for the 2016 Fiscal
Year and the Governor vetoed most of that legislation. Once a veto message is
returned to the originating house of the General Assembly, that house has 15
calendar days to override the veto. If it does so, the other house of the legislature
then has 15 calendar days to override the veto.
8. As a result of the Governors vetoes, and as of the writing of this complaint,
the State has not enacted appropriations statutes for the 2016 Fiscal Year, other than
statutes providing education funding.
9. Payments for state obligations for the 2016 Fiscal Year are coming due
imminently and before completion of the veto override timeframe.
10. The Comptroller must process vouchers for payments to be made from
state funds.
11. Without enacted appropriations statutes or other lawful expenditure


authority, the Comptroller is not permitted to process vouchers for payment of state
12. An actual controversy has arisen in light of substantial uncertainty
regarding which, if any, payments may be authorized by the Comptroller in the
absence of annual appropriations statutes.
Count One Declaratory and Injunctive Relief
13. Plaintiff repeats and realleges the foregoing allegations as though they
were contained herein.
14. The Appropriations Clause of the Illinois Constitution provides that The
General Assembly by law shall make appropriations for all expenditures of public
funds by the State. ILL . CONST. art. VIII, 2(b).
15. The State Comptroller Act provides that no payment may be made from
public funds held by the State Treasurer except by warrant from the Comptroller. 15
ILCS 405/9(a).
16. That statute further provides that no warrant for the payment of money
may be drawn by the Comptroller without presentation of a voucher indicating that
the expenditure is pursuant to law and authorized. 15 ILCS 405/9(b).
17. Additionally, the Comptroller shall examine each voucher and determine
whether appropriations or expenditure authority other than appropriations are
available to make the expenditure of funds. 15 ILCS 405/9(c).
18. There are, however, instances in which an annual appropriation is not


19. Payments made pursuant to continuing appropriations, including without
limitation payments for debt service, judicial salaries, salaries of legislators, and
legislative operations (see, e.g., 15 ILCS 20/50-22), do not require an annual
appropriation and may be authorized by the Comptroller in the absence of an annual
appropriation. See Graham v. Ill. State Toll Highway Auth., 182 Ill. 2d 287 (1998).
20. Payments from non-appropriated funds do not require an annual
appropriation and may be authorized by the Comptroller in the absence of an annual
21. Payments for operations of the judicial branch may be authorized by the
Comptroller in the absence of an appropriation. See Jorgensen v. Blagojevich, 211 Ill.
2d 286 (2004).
22. The Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution provides that
federal law is the supreme law of the land. U.S. CONST . art. VI, cl. 2. Payments
mandated by federal law thus are not limited by state law restrictions concerning
legislative appropriations.
23. Federal consent decrees enforcing federal rights are federal law for the
purposes of the Supremacy Clause.
24. By virtue of the Supremacy Clause, the Comptroller must authorize
payments necessary to comply with federal consent decrees in the absence of an
annual appropriation.


25. Also by virtue of the Supremacy Clause, in the absence of an annual

appropriation, the Comptroller must authorize payments necessary to comply with
the States obligations pursuant to federal law, including the States participation in
federal programs requiring the expenditure of state funds.
26. In the absence of an annual appropriation, the Comptroller lacks authority
under state law to authorize payment of wages due to state employees. AFSCME v.
Netsch, 216 Ill. App. 3d 566 (4th Dist. 1999).
27. Pursuant to the Supremacy Clause, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA),
29 U.S.C. 201 et seq., requires the payment of federal minimum wage and overtime
to covered state employees in the absence of an annual appropriation.
28. The Department of Central Management Services has issued a statement
maintaining that it would take 9 to 12 months to prepare a payroll that complies with
the FLSA. See Exhibit A attached to this Complaint.
29. The first state employee paychecks of Fiscal Year 2016 are due to be issued
on July 15, 2015.
30. The Comptroller must receive the payroll information for that payroll on
or about July 10, 2015.
31. The People have a clearly ascertainable right in need of protection.
32. The People have a likelihood of success on the merits of their claim.
33. The People have no adequate remedy at law in the absence of an
emergency injunction.


34. The People will suffer irreparable harm in the absence of an emergency
35. The balance of the equities weighs in favor of granting injunctive relief.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiff People of the State of Illinois respectfully prays for
the following relief:
a. A declaration that the Comptroller, in the absence of an annual
appropriation, is authorized to process payment vouchers for continuing
b. A declaration that the Comptroller, in the absence of an annual
appropriation, is authorized to process payment vouchers for non-appropriated funds;
c. A declaration that the Comptroller, in the absence of an annual
appropriation, is authorized to process payment vouchers for operations of the
judicial branch;
d. A declaration that the Comptroller, in the absence of an annual
appropriation, is authorized to process payment vouchers to meet obligations
required by consent decrees;
e. A declaration that the Comptroller, in the absence of an annual
appropriation, is authorized to process payment vouchers to meet obligations
required by the States participation in federal programs;
f. A declaration that the Comptroller, in the absence of an annual
appropriation, is authorized to process payment vouchers for the payment of the


federal minimum wage and overtime requirements of the FLSA, or in the alternative,
a declaration that the Comptroller, in the absence of an annual appropriation and
payroll vouchers that comply only with the minimum requirements of the FLSA, is
not authorized to process payment vouchers for the state employee payroll;
g. A temporary and permanent injunction requiring the Comptroller to
process payment vouchers for continuing appropriations, non-appropriated funds,
judicial branch operations, consent decrees, and federal statutory mandates, in the
absence of an annual appropriation;
h. A temporary and permanent injunction requiring the Comptroller to
process payment vouchers for payrolls that meet only the minimum requirements of
the FLSA or in the alternative an injunction enjoining the Comptroller from
processing payroll vouchers until the enactment of appropriations statutes; and
i. Any and all other relief that this Court deems just.
Respectfully submitted,
Attorney General
State of Illinois
BY: /s/ Khara Coleman Washington
Assistant Attorney General
Deputy Solicitor General
100 West Randolph, 12th Floor
Chicago, Illinois 60601
(312) 814-2146
Attorney Code 99000


Under penalties as provided by law pursuant to Section 1-109 of the Code of

Civil Procedure, the undersigned certifies that the statements set forth in this
instrument are true and correct, except as to matters therein stated to be on
information and belief, and as to such matters the undersigned certifies as aforesaid
that he verily believes the same to be true.


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