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May 27, 2013: Robin has secured a restraining order from fellow officer of the court, and

newly elected Judge Elizabeth Johnson over a slap to my sons face, in which there is no
injury, where witness Savannah claims I was not mad, and that the slap was not hard.
Robin told me years ago that she did child support casework for many of Elizabeth Johnsons
female employees when Ms. Johnson was owner of Johnsons Steakhouse, now defunct. I
am served with the order and removed from my daughters preschool graduation by
Detectives Jeremy Amon and Bryan Ward. This is on videotape.
June 4: Friend Mark Mattison observes my report of this event on Facebook, and summons
me to his home where I spend five hours with he and his wife, Emily, Liz Johnson's sister. I
am told that Liz confessed to Al Wilkins (Liz and Emily's father, who lives next to Emily and
Mark) that Ms. Johnson felt "reserve" in signing the restraining order.
June 5: I hire Cynthia Angell to represent me. She tells me she has only worked with Robin a
few times, and observes no conflict of interests.
June 6: According to Shasta County CPS staff, Nicole Bradford: Robin McStay came to a
scheduled meeting at the department. Present were myself, CWS attorney (redacted) and
CWS Supervisor (redacted). Robin had a litany of complaints about the department and
handling of past referrals that were evaluated out with no further action due to not meeting
criteria. She was obviously upset and very confrontational and aggressive throughout the
June 17: Our first hearing. We have ALWAYS had a visiting judge, as Robin is the countys
SOLE child support attorney for the county for ten years. She is also department head
director of child support services. Judge Johnson presides, and orders therapeutic visits with
the kids. She also orders mediation in Shasta County. Robin informs the court that there are
"ongoing" investigations with Shasta CPS and Trinity County Sheriff. Judge Johnson
continues the restraining order on this basis, citing: "Let's be safe".
June 18: I meet with retired Judge Anthony Edwards--former husband to Cynthia Angell--to
discuss his views of warrant for the TRO and he seems surprised that Liz did not recuse from
this case from the beginning. I also show him the 8 minute video tape from 2008 of Robin
stating her mother will lie in court to say that I molest my son. This tape also describes
Robin's mother's execution of blackmail of Robin's father to get him to sign away his parental
rights. Robin states on video that this will be applied to me.
June 19: I meet with County Counsel David Prentice and CAO Wendy Tyler and offer them
the view of this videotape. I discuss facts surrounding our vitriolic divorce since 2009, when
Robin tried and failed to have me arrested THEN, and the subsequent actions through courts
in the years following to take my children from me.
June 25: I meet with Detective Bryan Ward for a videotaped interview regarding allegations of
abuse to my children. I offer him four selections of videotape, including the one I have
described here.

July 11: Shatsa County CPS caseworker Karina Pearson calls me to inform me that
allegations of physical abuse against Jackson are UNFOUNDED, and that secondary
allegations of sexual abuse against Savannah are also UNFOUNDED. Shasta CPS
investigated when Trinity County CPS RECUSED themselves over an observed conflict of
interests with Robin. I do not know the precise date or who made that decision.
July 12: I meet with Cynthia to offer her fifteen letters of testimony from mine and my
children's community that OVERWHELMINGLY state that I am an exemplary father. This is
also the date that Cynthia makes a report to Marshal Dan Diaz that I threatened physical
harm to Judge Johnson and to Cynthia--on or about July 2. Cynthias bill (that she finally sent
in December, 2013, after MANY requests) also reveals that she met with Robin that day, and
that the last time we met in her office was not July 2, but June 27.
July 15: Cynthia tells me just before our hearing that she must step down as my attorney, as
there is a rumor around the courthouse that I may be charged with a crime related to putting
videos on Youtube. She may be charged as well. In hearing, Judge Johnson appoints Cindy
Campbell to represent the children, and then recuses. Cynthia tells the court that Mr. McStay
would like to address the court, and would therefore like to represent himself from here on.
After hearing, I call the district attorney's office and speak with Mike Harper, who tells me he
has heard a rumor that I made threats to him.
July 17: I am served with a Lis Pendens, filed by Robin, prohibiting me from encumbering or
selling community property.
July 19: I am arrested outside my home (this is a Friday) and booked into county jail. I am
charged with California penal code section 76a and 442a. My case number is 13F127. DA
case number is 13DA326. It is alleged by Cynthia Angell that I threatened serious bodily
harm to, and/or the life of both Cynthia and Judge Elizabeth Johnson. I spend five hours in a
holding cell before being bailed out through a very honorable friend by Weaverville Bail
Bondsman, Tom Doerpinhaus, who later offers me a fax he received from Robin--before he
was even called--citing the Lis Pendens, and claiming I do not have enough equity in the
property to cover the bail amount. The fax is dated July 17. It's likely this fax went to ALL
local bail bonds agencies.
July 26: Hearing with Judge Scheuler. Cindy Campbell, though ordered to appear, is a noshow. She makes no arrangements for someone to stand in for her. Restraining order
(therefore) continues. I offer that my prior attorney Cynthia Angell had offered four separate
therapists, all of whom Robin rejected. Judge Scheuler states that Robin does not have right
of refusal. Robin complains about who she thinks I will choose, and Judge Schueler tells her:
Maam, she could be Attilla the Hun. You dont have to like her. If Mr. McStay can pay for
and arrange a qualified therapist, he can choose anyone he likes. He admonishes her
several times, saying, Maam, I can see youre angry, but if you dont get that anger under
control, it will hurt you in the long run. Our next court date is scheduled for September 16.
July 27: Robin writes to Cindy Campbell that she has arranged therapeutic visits between me
and my children with MFT Dennis Harman. I do not know this person. She sends me a copy
of her letter. This is FURTHER BLATANT CONTEMPT for the will and stated order of the

July 31: Despite Robin's attempt to usurp my court ordered right, I have arranged visits with
MFT therapist Scott LaFein, and these begin today. After more than nine full weeks of
separation, I can hug my children and see their beautiful faces once again.
August 2: I meet with Trinity County Family Law facilitator Scott Lyon for help with my case.
August 4: I run into former Sheriff Lorrac Craig at Tops Market, who tells me that he heard
from Cynthia Angell that Robin threatened Cynthia with a lawsuit for advising me to put videos
on Youtube.
August 9: I meet with Dave Cox for a ninety-minute tape-recorded interview, bringing Jil
Chipman as a witness, who describes that Robin never paid her bill for TEN HOURS of
mediation Jil did in 2010, that Robin told Jil that she is the worst thing that ever happened to
her family, that Robin will steer away clients from Jil, and that Robin told Jil in 2010 that I
"have the power" to make allegations of sexual abuse against me during this mediation, two
years ago, and that Robin could get her mother to say anything Robin wanted her to say. Jil
also corroborates Sheriff Craig, that she heard directly from Cynthia that Robin threatened
Cynthia with a lawsuit. I also request from Dave that my arraignment on these felony charges
be post-poned so that I can continue to co-operate directly with the DA's office. If I am
appointed a public defender, it would likely be Derrik Riske, who has represented Robin in the
past, and has an observed friendship with retired Judge Edwards, former husband to Cynthia
August 14: I meet with court ordered Shasta County mediator Ruth "Becky" Andrews, who
spends not more than twenty minutes with me. She tells me that, because of these felony
charges, her hands are tied, and that she will recommend the TRO continue.
August 21: Eric Heryford requests that my arraignment be delayed until September 18. I
concur to Judge Schueler that this is prudent for my case.
August 22: Ruth Andrews writes her recommendation to the court: Since the felony charges
persist, that the TRO be made PERMANENT.
September 5: Robin violates the court order by refusing to bring Jackson to court-ordered
supervised visitation with Scott LaFein.
September 9: In a phone call to cancel our next meeting, and all future meetings, Trinity
County's Family Law Facilitator Scott Lyon tells me that he cannot work with me because of a
conflict of interests with Robin, with whom he works in some other matter.
September 12: Robin violates the court order, refusing to bring Jackson to Scotts.
September 16: New Judge: Gerald Sevier. He grants Robin's request for a summary
divorce. The minutes later reflect that there was no objection (I tend not to interrupt, nor do I
know court protocols), but if I had been asked if I objected, I would have said YES. We dont
qualify for a summary divorce by any stretch of imagination. He considers Robin's other
request to sell an 80 acre parcel that I have leased for three years as the means to make a
living and to care for my children full time. He orders for the property to be appraised by a
realtor, and that the realtor may request to have a code enforcement officer accompany him

to the property, but orders that neither Robin nor myself may attend this appraisal. He also
accepts Ruth Andrews' recommendations in full, and the restraining order is made
permanent. He orders psychological evaluations be done through Dr. Reid McKellar. Cindy
Campbell attends this hearing and is in full agreement with Andrews recommendations.
September 17: I call Dr. McKellar to schedule a psychological evaluation. His answering
machine says he will return calls in two business days.
September 18: Judge Gerald Sevier presides over my arraignment. Robin attends and sits
front row. Eric Heryford dismisses the charges and Robin STORMS out of the courtroom in
clear and demonstrative tantrum.
September 20: I make a report to Deputy Will Oliver at the Trinity County Sheriff's office that
Cynthia Angell made false allegations to law enforcement, but fail to offer evidence. He says
my case is thin, that the DA's are not likely to proceed. I tell Deputy Oliver that I was advised
by Dave Cox that the sheriff's office is where I need to start, as the DAs have the evidence
they need to make charges. He politely takes my statement, and then later dutifully passes
his report to the DA. Mr. Heryford would later claim several times not to have received
September 26: Dr. Mckellar finally calls back and states he may not be able to schedule
Robin and I for psychological evaluations. He describes that the process includes examining
"collateral evidence", such as court filings, calls to childrens' teachers, and examination of
video evidence that I describe to him. He reports that--if what I am saying is true--Robin may
be guilty of "alienation of affection".
October 1: Realtor Don Coffin calls me in the afternoon, to state that he and Sheriff Haney
went out to the parcel with Robin to appraise it. Though Robin was court-ordered not to
attend, she did. This is BLATANT CONTEMPT.
October 2: Dr. Reid McKellar emails me to say that he cannot perform the psych evals. He
recommends Ray Carlson, whom is contracted with Trinity County CPS. Robin also does
work for Trinity CPS, which is why they initially recused from investigating the abuse
allegations, and why this was done by Shasta CPS. Robin and I email about whom to
choose, as I have found a clinical psychologistDr. Marilyn Wooleywho can schedule us
as soon as the following week. Since these were not put on any deadline, Robin has no
incentive to submit to these, and emails me that she will only work with Ray.
October 3: Robin violates the court order and refuses to bring Jackson to visitation.
October 10: Robin violates the court order and refuses to bring Jackson to visitation.
October 11: I submit a request to the court for a change in the TRO, since allegations of
abuse are long unfounded and felony charges have been dismissed. The court does not file
stamp it. I also request that the judge assign another evaluator, as Dr. McKellar is clear that
he cannot schedule us. I also request that these be put on a deadline. The clerk tells me she
will relay my request to the judge via email.

October 15: Given Robin's consistency with violating the court-ordered visitation, I ask for a
civil stand-by at Scott LaFeins office. Deputy Moore oversees, and asks me if I would like to
press charges against Robin for violating the order. Of course I do.
October 21: Superior Court Clerk Michelle Hubbard tells me that Judge Sevier is no longer
on our case, and that she is trying to get Judge Murray.
October 25: I receive notice from Judge Murray that my request for order is denied because I
"characterized" the order as a temporary order when "it is not".
October 28: I file another motion with the court, and am given a hearing on November 21.
On the same day, Robin files a motion, and is given a hearing with Judge Murray on
November 19.
October 31: Robin brings the children to Scott LaFein's. She does not drop them off and
leave, but stays and RAGES at me in front of the children, then takes Jackson with her home.
November 4: District Attorney Mike Harper calls me on the phone and tells me that his office
is rejecting prosecution of "child endangerment" allegations made against me by Robin in
This is also the day that Cynthia signs a one=page statement for the court, after
speaking with attorney David Perrine. After many requests, she also sends me her bill. It is
only then that I learn that she met with Robin in her DCSS office on the same day that she
made a complaint to law enforcement alleging I made threats to her and to Judge Johnson.
November 19: Hearing: Judge Murray considers Robin's request to have the 80 acre
property listed.
November 21: Because I failed to serve minors' counsel Cindy Campbell, she does not
attend, and there is no hearing.
November 27: I request another hearingso that we can accomplish the ordered psych
evalsand serve Robin and Cindy Campbell.
December 4: Dr. McKellar emails to say that he is able to schedule me for a psych eval after
December 9: Dr. McKellar says he can schedule me for December 20th.
December 11: Dr. McKellar says he is mistaken, and cannot schedule me for December 20.
He offers me a date for January 16. I confirm this.
Scott LaFein and Savannah come to my house, and we do our visitation there. Scott
wants to encourage a transition to us living together again as a family. Robin does not bring
December 12: I offer Deputy Mark Potts vital pieces of evidence (that I did not previously
provide to Deputy Oliver) and ask if he is willing to investigate allegations of felony conspiracy
between Cynthia Angell and Robin. Further evidence of abuse of office and perjury are
offered. He says he will look into it.

December 17: Robin texts me to invite me to the concert that evening at Weaverville
Elementary School. Both of our children are performing. She tells me that this is a "once-in a
lifetime chance, and I wouldn't want you to miss it". She says she has spoken with the
principal, that she will not enforce the restraining order. She later texts to ask if I could
videotape it for her mother to see.
December 19: Hearing. Former attorney (and now very excellent friend) David Perrine
attends. Cindy Campbell attends, and despite expectations otherwise, Cindy definitely
advocates to Judge Murray that, given that conditions for the restraining order are unfounded,
since felony charges were dismissed, and after speaking with the district attorney's office and
reading Scott LaFein's very positive report, that she is now advocating a termination of the
order and restored custody of the children with their father. Robin immediately offers to the
court a stack of papers. She tells the court that these are necessary criteria for counsel to
represent minors, that Ms. Campbell fails to satisfy them, and that she is--therefore--at risk of
a malpractice suit if she continues to represent them. Cindy Campbell tells the court: "I take
this as a threat". She tells Judge Murray that she has limited family law experience, was
appointed to this case in absentia, and would like now to be removed from the case rather
than endure the threat from Robin of civil litigation. Judge Murray says he is not inclined to
change the order at this time, that he would like to have a day of evidentiary hearings to
decide "all issues". This is scheduled for February 6.
December 20: I send an email to Dr. McKellar, describing what took place in court the day
before and inviting him to speak with Ms. Campbell directly. Dr. McKellar sends me email
later that day, stating: "I just reviewed your email, and I received one from Robin as well. It
has come to my attention that I have a conflict with your case, and I will not be able to
complete your evaluation".
December 27: Sheriff's Deputy Mark Potts calls to inform me that he has been asked by his
superiors to discontinue his investigation in my case.
December 30: Marilyn Wooley calls me (back) and confirms that she can do our psych evals,
but that she needs a court order to do so.
January 4, 2014: I file a request with the court that the court order Dr. Marylin Wooley to do
psych evals, now that Dr. McKellar has excused himself. I am aware that Robin is seeking to
delay our hearing from February until potentially (at the soonest) May. I ask the court to hold
the hearing despite Dr. McKellars games, and detail my honest and good-faith attempts to
obey the court order to get my evaluation done.
I later run into Deputy DA Eric Heryford at Tops supermarket. I ask if he is willing to
accept a subpoena so he can tell the court the reasons for his confidence in dismissing felony
charges against me, and that he told me on the phone that he is concerned that Robin is
abusing her office. He adds that he does not find Robin credible, and that he would be happy
to offer testimony in my case.
January 6, 2014: Trinity County Sheriff Bruce Haney offers me ninety minutes of his time in
his office. He is friendly, and we joke with each other about the insanity of what has been
going on for so many years. He says that Robin and I MUST settle the issues between us.
He is genuinely shocked when I tell him I was arrested and booked into jail based SOLELY on

Cynthia Angells statement to Marshall Diaz, that there was no investigation, and no
corroborating or supportive evidence. He is further disturbed to observe the evidence I offer
him that Cynthia and Robin conspired to make false allegations against me. I tell him the DAs
have this same evidence, and are doing nothing about it.
January 8, 2014: Scott visits with Savannah at my houseto transition from his office visits
but Robin refuses Jackson.
January 10, 2014: I phone Trinity County CPS to request records of complaints or
investigations of me over the years. I speak with CPS Director Mario Angelone, who tells me
that there are certain members of the community such as those in county government
whose cases are noted sensitive in the computer. He tells me that Robin is among this
unique class, and that he would need his supervisors permission to access any of these files.
January 13, 2014: I meet with CAO Wendy Tyler and with Trinity County Counsel David
Prentice for a second time. At this meeting, I offer signed declarations, and present evidence
that Robin and Cynthia conspired to make false allegations that landed me in jail and could
have potentially put me in prison on felony conviction, allowing Robin to completely (and
finally) sever my parental rights. David Prentice says he would not want to be in my shoes,
and tells me he finds the evidence very compelling.
January 14, 2013: Tom Barnett, Superintendent of Trinity Alps Unified School District informs
me on the telephone that as long as I have a restraining order against any of his students, I
will not be permitted to substitute teach in any of his schools.
January 15, 2014: Scott and Savannah meet at my house. Robin keeps Jackson with her.
January 17, 2014: I meet with Trinity Journal Editor in Chief, Wayne Agner, to present
aforementioned evidence that I believe the community has a compelling interest in knowing.
While meeting with him, I get a call from Savannahs therapist Deborah Scheide. She is
apologetic about not having been successful in trying to reach me up until now, and we speak
for thirty minutes. She tells me that she is going to write another report to the court, telling the
court that Savannah reports only positively about her father, that the ninety minute phone
calls are not too long, and that she loves and misses her dad.
January 29, 2014: Savannah and Jackson both come to visit at my house with Scott LaFein.
From here on, Jackson will attend every visit.
January 31, 2014: We have a hearing with Judge Murray. Petitioner asks for sanctions for
my failure to serve disclosures on time. I am sanctioned for $5,000 and prevented from
presenting any evidence at trial that should have been presented in disclosures. I later learn
that this means that the separate property contributions totaling $60,000 the 80 acre parcel
from my father's estate will not be considered as such by Judge Murray at trial. Judge Murray
sympathetically appeals to me: "Mr. McStay, you really need an attorney."

February 12, 2014: Ken MacHold, investigator for County Counsel, calls me to arrange an
interview with me regarding what I shared with County Counsel David Prentice and County
CAO Wendy Tyler. He arranges to come next week from Sacramento.
February 13, 2014: I meet with Dr. Marilyn Wooley for the first of four meetings to undergo
psychological evaluation.
February 17, 2014: I sign a contract to lease the 80 acre property, and given a first
installment of funds. I am in extreme poverty until this.
February 19, 2014: County Counsel's Investigator Ken MacHold meets with me for more than
two hours. He and I both tape record the interview. He is interested in evidence that
indicates Robin abused her office. We discuss her flagrant play on the county's Lexis-Nexis
database while we were still married, the facts discussed herein, and he is most especially
interested in the fax sent on July 19 to Weaverville Bail Bonds, urging against bail should I be
arrested. This is dated July 17, and sent from Robin's DCSS fax machine at least an hour
before Weaverville Bail Binds was even called. Ken has me sign--and we have this
notarized--a limited waiver of attorney-client privilege so that he may speak with Cynthia
Angell the next day.
February 20, 2014: I meet with Dr. Wooley a second time in Redding. I retain Howard
Churchill with the Redding law firm, Berg and Associates.
February 27, 2014: I meet with Dr. Wooley a third time, this time for two hours with both
March 6, 2014: I meet with Dr. Wooley a fourth and final time for my psych eval.
March 19: Hearing with Judge Murray. Robin has petitioned the court to sell the 80 acre
property, based on an offer received February 20 for $150, 000, three days after I singed a
lease agreement and received funds. The property was listed at $190,000, and Howard
Churchill argues that it is unreasonable to drop to such a low bid, given that the market has
not been tested at $180,000, which was recommended by Realtor Don Coffin. The court
grants the request, but provides me with five days in which to make a reasonable counteroffer.
March 24, 2014: I have received bona fide assurance from money lender Wayne Burditt that
he is willing to lend me $75,000 to buy out Robin's interest in the 80 acre property. I submit
this offer through Don, who drafts a formal offer in writing. Robin rejects the offer. The court
has not provided me any mechanism by which I may keep the property I have invested years
of separate property contributions into.
April 9, 2014: The agreement to sell the 80 acres is signed by the court.
April 28, 2014: Dr. Wooley's psych eval report is complete and delivered to Howard Churchill.
April 30, 2014: Escrow closes on the 80 acres. The proceeds from the sale are held in a
trust account in Robin's attorney's (James Graff) name.

May 1, 2014: We are scheduled for two full days of evidentiary hearing. Opposing counsel
asks the court for a continuation, based on the fact that the psych eval reports were only just
now submitted, and were due by statute tens days prior to trial. Minor's counsel, Cindy
Campbell offers that this is not in the best interests of the children, and she advocates
restored custody immediately. Judge Murray concurs, and orders both parties to agree on an
interim order which re-establishes custody of the children to their father before he will grant a
continuation. We agree to return to the status quo the children had known for years, that I
would have them 8 to 5 every weekday and every other weekend. Robin has scheduled a
vacation with them ahead of time, so this new order will take effect beginning the weekend of
May 16.
May 15, 2014: Dave Cox, now-retired Investogator for the Distirct Attorney's Office of Trinity
County informs me that in 2011, when my tenant on the 80 acre property was arrested, that a
contract was found on the scene, in the cabin. The found contract was signed by myself,
tenant and Robin McStay. Dave tells me that he phoned Robin a little while after and asked
her if she had a copy of the contract. Robin then presented Dave with a contract signed only
by myself and tenant. Dave calls this presenting a falsified document during an official
investigation. It is also obstruction of justice. Both are felonies. I ask Dave why she wasn't
prosecuted, and he shrugs that "it wasn't our case". He tells me that "everyone in our office
May 31, 2014: Sherry Chiusolo and Ray Schar, my mother's brother and his wife, whose
house I'd been staying in for the last ten months--in a separate one bedroom basement
apartment present me with an ultimatum. They ask me to sign a document that says I may
stay as long as I like, paying $500 monthly in rent, but I am not permitted to bring the children
onto the premises. They are aware I am videotaping our conversation. I refuse. Sherry then
threatens: "I will go to Robin".
June 3, 2014: I get a call from Trinity County Sheriff's Deputy Hess, who tells me that Sherry
has made a complaint; that I threatened harm to her dogs.
June 4, 2014: I come home from farmer's market to find that I am locked out of all gates. I
call the sheriff's office for a civil stand-by. Deputy Hess and Deputy Whitman arrive and
Sherry and Ray and I meet them at the gate. Ray is extremely aggressive and hostile, and
tells both deputies that he is going to kill me. He claims to be a witch, and that he will do it in
a way no one can catch him. Deputy Hess tells Ray that he will be hauled off to jail if he does
not calm down. Deputies inform Sherry that she must unlock the gate, and she does so.
June 5, 2014: Sherry and Ray present me--at Starbucks--with a 30-day notice. Ray again
tells me--in front of witnesses--that he is going to kill me.
June 6, 2014: Robin violates the court order by not bringing the kids to my house at 8 am.
Emails and texts exchanged the evening before make it clear that she knew she was not
within her rights to take them to Modesto that day, but she does so anyway.
June 6, 2014: Sherry has a friend serve me with a 3 day quit notice, alleging that I made
threats of bodily harm to her dogs AND to her.

June 9, 2014: Savannah reports to me that Robin was in a car accident of Friday (June 6),
driving to Modesto. She reports that Robin rear-ended someone in front of her, and that she
was texting while driving.
June 10, 2014: I take Savannah to Trinity County Sheriff to report the accident. Sergeant Will
Oliver takes Savannah's statement, and says he will speak to Robin about it. He calls me
back later to report that the DA will not prosecute, as the accident happened in Modesto.
June 11, 2014: Savannah reports that her mother was very angry the she told the sheriff
about the accident, and called Savannah a "liar". Robin admits in email that there was an
accident, but does not confirm that she was texting.
June 11, 2014: I am in Redding with Jackson at attorney Berg and Associates. Savannah is
with a friend in Weaverville. I text Robin at 4:10, to say I will be late dropping off kids. I tell
her 7 pm. At 6:15, I get a call from a Sheriff's deputy. Robin is heard in the background,
hysterical and furious. I tell him I am running late, and that Robin has already been informed.
She demands to know where Savannah is. Deputy tells her to calm down, that I am running
late from Redding, and that I will bring kids back when I return. He tells me that he is "very
aware" of my custody case, and offers his courteous sympathy.
June 19, 2014: I receive records from Trinity County CPS that detail Robin's many reports of
abuse over several years, all unfounded or inconclusive. In these records are emails
between Robin and S.O., where Robin is clearly noted pressuring Sherry to make reports to
CPS and to get a restraining order against me. Robin brags to S.O. that she got her
restraining order (from Judge Johnson) "in twenty minutes".
June 23, 2014: Minor's counsel, Cindy Campbell meets with Savannah alone at Mama
Llama. Savannah reports later that she told Cindy about the car accident, and that Robin
called her a liar.
June 25, 2014: First of two full days of hearing before Judge Murray. I have hired a court
reporter, and so everything is on record. Cindy Campbell attends, so issues are regarding
custody only. Robin is not finished presenting her case, so we are continued until July 30.
June 26, 2014: Second of two full days of testimony. Cindy Campbell cannot attend, so
issues are regarding property. Dave Cox testifies that Robin presented him in August, 2011
with a contract without her signature. he is presented with an original signed contract that has
her signature, and tells the court that this is the same document she presented him, only
without her signature. This is a prima facie felony.
June 27, 2014: Hearing with Judge Murray regarding Sherry Chiusolo's unlawful detainer.
She is represented by Michael Jarvis. Sherry states under oath that I made threats of bodily
harm to her and her dogs on May 29. I ask--as pro per--why she was willing to let me stay as
long as I like, paying $500 rent on May 31 when she was so frightened of alleged threats on
May 29. She fumbles ten seconds of silence and then a non-answer: "I thought I had to".
She also claims that she went to Robin's house (as she threatened to do on videotape, and
which Savannah had already reported to me) only to apologize to Savannah for yelling at her.
Judge Murray rules that this was an "at-will tenancy", and I am evicted this day.

June 27, 28 and 29, 2014: I move my belongings into storage, with kids helping, and we stay
at friend's homes three nights.
June 30, 2014: I rent a one bedroom cottage in town, and the kids and I are secure.
July 1, 2014: Savannah reports that Robin told her to go to her room, and that when
savannah refused, Robin dragged her (she demonstrates her whole body on the floor) across
the room by her arms to her room. Savannah reports that her arm "hurt really bad" afterward.
July 4, 2014: Robin violates the court order by failing to bring the kids to my house that
morning. She takes the kids to Modesto for the weekend, one day early. No provision in the
order allows for this.
July 8, 2014: I file a civil suit against Cynthia Angell, citing malpractice as well as other
causes of action.
July 9, 2014: Scott LaFein calls to set up an appointment to see kids, as provided in court
order. He tells me that Robin gave him a videotape of Jackson in some distress, apparently
caused by me.
July 10, 2014: I take both kids--one at a time--to meet with Scott individually. Jackson meets
first, and Savannah second. Savannah reports that she told Scott that her mother dragged
her, and that Scott asked if her mother gets angry a lot. Savannah reports that she told Scott
"she does".
July 17, 2014: Robin texts at 8:10 am that she will be late dropping off the kids. She says
she has "car trouble". Savannah arrives and tells me that Robin's car was "stolen". She says
that Robin was worried it might have been taken by one of Chato's friends (a girl with blue
hair and her boyfriend) who came to visit the house the day before. Chato is a man who has
been living in Robin's house--in the attic with pull down stairs, not legally permitted as a
bedroom--for the last several months.
July 22, 2014: Cynthia is served with my summons and complaint.
July 30, 2014: Last day of hearing with Judge Murray. Cynthia Angell is called as a witness
for Robin, but Judge Murray declines to hear her testimony. Cynthia had sent me an email
two weeks prior, threatening to abolish attorney client privilege in my family law matter due to
the civil suit against her, unless I drop the civil suit "with prejudice". I retain the email. Robin
openly denies making any of the statements as offered verbatim from our March 16, 2008
videotaped conversation. She is blatantly aggressive on the stand, and at one point, minor's
counsel Cindy Campbell reflects that Robin "bores holes" into Mr. McStay when he is
testifying, and asks Robin "what will it take" for her to relax her hostility against him. Judge
Murray takes all matters into submission and promises a ruling in writing in a few weeks.

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