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Table Of Contents
Chapter 1:
Love Spell Basics
Chapter 2:
The History Of Love Spells
Chapter 3:
Understanding Hellenistic Spells
Chapter 4:
Love Spells In The Renaissance
Chapter 5:
Casting A Love Spell
Chapter 6:
Love Spell Examples
Chapter 7:
Tools Used In Love Spells
Chapter 8:
Love Spells In Folk Tales
Chapter 9:
Variations Per Region
Chapter 10:
What The Critics And Proponents Have To Say


Magic exists. Who can doubt it, when there are rainbows and
wildflowers, the music of the wind and the silence of the stars?
Anyone who has loved has been touched by magic. It is such a simple
and such an extraordinary part of the lives we live. Nora
Get all the info you need here.

Love Spells
A Look At The Voodoo Of Love


Chapter 1:

Love is undoubtedly one of the best feelings that a person can ever
experience in his or her life. This strong emotion can uplift a tired
soul, and give joy and hope even to those who are already starting to
lose faith in themselves. It is that wonderful feeling that puts you in
Cloud 9 and makes you want to start dreaming of things, like forever
and happy ever after. Love is that thing that you read in fairy tales
and wish that it will also happen in your own life. It is about finding
your Prince Charming or Miss Right and spending the whole eternity
with that one person who has touched your heart. Love is the very
thing that makes the world go round and makes the whole ride a lot
more fun and enjoyable. And for some, love is simply that magical
feeling that takes you to an entirely different realm where only you
and your special someone exists.
Unfortunately, not all of us have been lucky enough as far as love is
concerned, and this is the very reason why love spells exist.


Love Spells An Overview

Love spells are actually the magical formulas that have been specially
designed in order to find, draw, bind, attract, or even induce love.
These spells are entirely different from sex magic, or spelled as
magick. The love spells in particular are aimed to procuring or
producing love, while sex magic, on the other hand, makes use of
sexual emotions and love at times in order to bring about that desired
results that can or cannot be associated to love in any way. For
instance, Tantric magick aims to accomplish the union with a god and
is related to the enlightenment state. Meanwhile, love spells are more
concerned in making a person fall in or out of love with another
Sorts of Love Spells
There are actually no sorts of love spells. Just like the usual spells, the
love spells can also range from those simple incantations up to the
complicated magical rituals. Love spells can range from something
like a prayer to that heartfelt wish. Also, love spells can be talismans,
amulets, sigils, voodoo dolls, mojos, fetishes, wangas, powders,
potions, and philters. In fact, love spells can take just about any form
that you can think of.

Purpose of Love Spells

You can use love spells for different purposes, such as:

Finding and attracting love.

Binding lovers.
Enhancing and stimulating love.
Maximizing sex appeal.
Beautifying the caster in order to attract love.
Divining the whereabouts or presence of love.
Whether you want to find your true love or you want to make sure
that your present love will last for a whole lifetime, love spells are the
best things that can help you achieve just that.


Chapter 2:
The History Of Love Spells

Love spells and their origin cannot be easily traced to a particular
place or culture because it has been in existence throughout the
numerous centuries in all corners of the world. This is the very reason
why pinpointing the history of love spells has been quite a difficult
task to accomplish.


The History
But if you will take a closer look, you will discover that almost all
cultures can find their own unique traces of spell casting in their past.
So far, love spells take on two forms.
The first one was based on the Curses that attempt to control the will
of the Target in order to fulfill the Casters desire or the person who is
asking for the Casters assistance.
On the other hand, the second form is much closer to those that are
extensively practiced today that make use of Rituals and Spells for
drawing one persons love to another.
The Greeks gave prayers and offerings to Goddess Aphrodite, hoping
that they will gain her favor about their love affairs. Just like the rest
of the cultures, there were those who have called out to those in the
realms of magic in their desire to get the love that they want.
If the Greeks had Aphrodite, the Egyptians had their Magick
practitioners and priests who channeled the gods will and provided
with the people with the help they needs as far as love is concerned.
Just like majority of the cultures, offerings and prayers were also
given to the gods so that they will give their favors to the requests of
the person who asked for assistance.
Meanwhile, the Druids carried out Magick with the use of special
rituals that use various kinds of herbs as well as other materials that
come from the earth.


They believed that this natural materials are sacred, each of which
has its own special power. Most of these materials have been utilized
in secret for bringing lovers together, while some were preserved to
be used for the special ceremonies during marriage.
Without a doubt, love spells boast of a rich history that has
transcended boundaries, with every culture and place having its own
set of stories and beliefs as far as love spells are concerned.
There is also no denying that love holds such an incredible and strong
power over the people, and the love spells happen to be the most
usual spells asked and performed in order to get the love that they
have been dreaming of. Whatever history these love spells might
have, nothing will change the fact that love is the very reason why you
often hear stories, poems, songs, memoirs as well as confessions.
After all, love is the very feeling that keeps the humanity humane.

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Chapter 3:
Understanding Hellenistic Spells

Different spells of compulsion and erotic attraction have been traced
back to as far as the Hellenistic Greece and their syncretic magic
tradition that made use of Hebraic and Egyptian elements. These
have all been documented in different texts including the Greek
Magical Papyri.
These have also been archaeologically traced on the amulets as well as
other artifacts that dated back to the 2nd century BC or at times
earlier up to the later part of the 3rd century AD. The magical
practices have then continued influencing the Gauls private ritual
among those in Roman Britain, the Germanic and the Celtic people.
The erotic magic then reflected the gender roles in the ancient Greece,
dismissing the modern misconceptions regarding sexuality and
gender roles.

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Hellenistic Spells
A classics professor in University of Chicago, Christopher Faraone
who specializes in practices and texts that pertain to magic, has
classified the Eros magic as the one practiced by the males, and Philia
magic in the case of the females.
This two kinds of spells can be directly associated to the women and
mens gender roles in the Ancient Greece. The Philia spells have been
used by the women since they depend on their husbands.
Back then, women have no power which is why they used all means
available for ensuring that their husbands will stay around, especially
with the men having more freedom of leaving behind their wives
every time they want to. A lot of women have used the Philia spells for
maintaining their beauty and keeping the much needed peace of
Women used Philia magic for keeping their male companion faithful
and at bay. The fundamental beliefs regarding sexual attitudes among
the Greeks have been dismissed by the discoveries in Philia love
potions, rituals and spells. These spells have not been utilized for the
sake of attaining sexual pleasure but instead, they served as kind of
medicine or therapy. Commonly, the Philia spells have been used by
the women in their attempts of preserving their youth and beauty,
something that will induce faithfulness in their partner.
A lot of Ancient Greek women used the love spells as a kind of
therapy. Whether the spells worked or not, these helped in making

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the ladies feel much more comfortable with the situation that they are
in, giving them the feeling of being in control of the things that are
happening around them.
On the other hand, the Eros spells have been primarily used by the
males and even prostitutes, serving entirely different functions in the
Ancient Greece. The Eros spells have been used for instilling passion
and lust in women, which will make them fulfill the sexual needs of
that man who has invoked the spell. With no freedom, the women
then only hoped that their situation will be better, which explains why
they have been into producing spells.
Conversely, men had all the freedom of doing the things they want to
do. The prostitutes, on another note, led lives that were actually
almost the same to the men than that of the women.
These prostitutes were free as far as finances are concerned, and they
can choose where they want to live, without being expected to serve
only a single man and home. Only the prostitutes were the women
who have been known for using the Eros magic for fulfilling their
sexual desires.

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