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Psychiatric mind control Admiral Jeremy "Mike" Boorda Navy programming hit men and assassins Arlene Tyner

"unregulated MC technology could be the undoing of our civilization"

High-Tech Crimes and Electromagnetic Madness

Mind Control Part 4

by Arlene Tyner
October 2001

Part 1


This article was completed in July 2001,

months before the catastrophic attack of
September 11, 2001 in New York City and
Washington. It contains research that eerily
suggests the possibility that the World Trade

Center/Pentagon hijackers could have been

hypnotically programmed to murder thousands
of innocent people while taking their own lives.
So says psychiatrist Colin Ross, author of
BLUEBIRD: Deliberate Creation of Multiple
Personality by Psychiatrists. In a 9/13/01 essay
Ross writes, "Psychiatric mind control could be
used to create a terrorist like those who
hijacked the airplanes on September 11."
( ). This
view is buttressed by a 1952 declassified
document from the CIA's Bluebird program.
Among a series of questions its psychiatric
contractors would be researching is the
following: "Could we seize a subject and in the
space of an hour or two by post-H control have
him crash an airplane, wreck a train, etc.?"
("Post-H" stands for post-hypnotic)
Mohamed Atta, alleged to be the ringleader of
the hijackers, is described by a British woman
as being in a perpetual "trance-like state,"
wearing an icy, hypnotic expression. "I will
never forget his face. It was always set almost
in a grimace like he was in a trance," said Anne
Greaves, who knew him for six months at the
Huffman Aviation Flight School in Florida. "I
said 'hi' and he just looked straight through me
as if I didn't exist." Greaves reported that Atta
showed no emotion and walked toward the
aircraft with the "air of somebody doing
something they don't really want to do."

(Birmingham Evening Mail, 9/24/01)

Mohammed al-Amir, Atta's Egyptian father,
adamantly refused to believe the gentle son he
knew could commit such a horrific crime,
adding, "My son hates bin Laden." Charging
that his son was framed, al-Amir Atta insisted
that a close examination of Atta's picture
printed in newspapers showed that his son's
face had been superimposed on another man's
head. (Deutsch Presse-Agentur, 9/24/01;
Philadelphia Inquirer, 9/23/01)
This article completes a four-part series on
Mind Control begun in 2000. The first three
parts were published in Probe magazine in
the March/April, May/June and July/August
2000 issues. Part 1: Canadian and U.S.
Survivors Seek Justice can be accessed
at . Parts 2 and 3 are in print form
only, but can be purchased from the Probe
Arlene Tyner
October 2001
"I know the capacity that there is to
make tyranny total in America and
we must see to it that this agency
[the National Security Agency] and

all agencies that possess this

technology operate within the law
and under proper supervision, so
that we never cross over that abyss.
That is the abyss from which there is
no return."
Senator Frank Church, 1975 (1)

Admiral Jeremy Boorda

At 56, Admiral Jeremy "Mike" Boorda had

everything to live for. As Chief of Naval
Operations (CNO), he was at the pinnacle of
his career. Supported by a loving family and
widely respected as "an officer of legendary
devotion to the Navy," why would the admiral
suddenly and violently take his own life?
On May 16, 1996, Boorda was found shot
through the heart on a bench outside his official
residence in the Washington Navy Yard. The
police instantaneously diagnosed "suicide." But
Boorda's recent advocacy of suicide prevention
cast an eerie shadow on the official story.
"Can the sailor commit suicide and not have
the leader know that he or she was in
distress?" the admiral had asked in a speech at
the Annapolis Naval Academy the previous
month. Answering his own query, he continued,
"No. We can't ignore things we must work on

and if we hide them, we do everybody a

disservice." (2)
By all indicators, Boorda was not depressed.
His wife and several admirals vouched for his
high spirits only hours before his body was
found. To intimates, it made no sense that he
would destroy himself without warning.
Furthermore, as one woman on an Internet
listserve so astutely observed, "People who
commit suicide by shooting do not do it in the
chest." (3)
Mike Boorda was an unlikely suicide candidate
for another, more personal reason. He and his
wife Bettie were the main support for their firstborn son David, who is legally blind and
severely handicapped by congenital
malformations. The Boordas raised him to
adulthood in their own home while rearing three
other healthy children, two of whom are Navy
officers. Known to be very attached to David,
the admiral had planned early retirement to
spend more time with his family. (4)Would a
responsible and loving father suddenly opt to
leave his wife to care for their disabled son
Midway into research for this series, a number
of alleged mind control (MC) experimentees
began sharing their suspicions that Admiral
Boorda had been assassinated to prevent his
speaking out against nonconsensual human

experimentation in military weapons research.

Blanche Chavoustie referred me to a sinister
CIA document from the 1950s that entertains
ways of "disposing" of experimental MK-Ultra
subjects and people "who cannot be trusted" to
safeguard military secrets. Chemical lobotomy,
drugs, and "ultrasonics or some other radiating
energy" were the methods suggested as
possible alternatives to an "ice pick" lobotomy
or permanently locking the person away
someplace. (5) "Now, with new improved
techniques," Chavoustie says, "victims such as
Admiral Boorda have been known to selfdestruct on their lunch hour." (See Part 2 of this
series, May/June 2000 Probe for Chavoustie's
Two additional people told me Boorda could
easily have been done in by one of the surefire
assassination methods the Navy has finessed
after 50 years of covert research and field
testing. This little-known secret slipped out on
July 6, 1975 with an article in the London
Sunday Times, "How the U.S. Navy BrainTrains Political Assassins." The Times quoted a
speech by Navy Lt. Commander Thomas Narut
to a group of 120 psychologists at a NATO
conference in Oslo, Norway. Narut worked at
the U.S. Regional Medical Center in Naples,
Italy. He reported the Navy had been
programming "hit men and assassins" who
would kill on command; some subjects were

drawn from the ranks of convicted murders

serving time in military prisons.
The "damage control" boys soon moved in.
Narut was flown to London and forevermore
silenced. The Navy issued a statement in his
name saying his remarks were merely
"theoretical." Newspapers were told the
lieutenant commander was having "personal
problems." Narut's loose lips reached the U.S.
only through the Chicago Sun Times (July 7,
1975). (6)

Corroboration for the existence of an

operational MC assassination program can be
found in a declassified Defense Intelligence
Agency (DIA) document prepared by the U.S.
Army in January 1972 (Author: J. LaMothe);
Part III is titled "Mental Suggestion and
Controlled Behavior." Section B elucidates how
hypnosis can be used to create a multipersonality "super spy" assassin, based on the
writings of psychologist and Army consultant

George Estabrooks. (Part 2 of this series,

May/June 2000 Probe documents the U.S.
military's creation of Manchurian Candidates
going back to World War II.)
A 5/26/95 article in The Herald (Glasgow),
"Brainwash killers 'still in use'," contains
information about a psychotronic influence
system developed in the 1970s in the former
Soviet Union that creates programmable
"human weapons" through the use of hypnosis
and high-frequency radio waves. The article
warns that this system "has found its way on to
the free market, where mobsters and private
security firms are using it."
"Self-Initiated Execution"?

From the earliest days of the MK-Ultra program

in the 1950s, the CIA has systematically
searched for execution methods that could be
disguised as suicide. All indications are that the
macabre Doctor Deaths of the
military/intelligence world have succeeded,
using untraceable electro-magnetic (EM)
technology to commit the "perfect crime."
In 1995 Perceptions, an independent magazine
dedicated to environmental, political and health
issues, published a strange and scary story
titled "The Secret War Against Medford,
Oregon." Author Mark Metcalf revealed a 14year-old conversation with Dr. David Fraser,

former head of the Department of Toxicology at

the University of North Carolina. Now
deceased, Fraser had assembled a scientific
team that traveled to Oregon to investigate an
alarming cluster of suicides in the City of
Medford (Jackson County) in the early 1970s.
With a 1970 population of only 28,454, the city
saw the number of suicides between 1970 and
1975 rise from 2 to 10; in Jackson County the
number shot up from 13 to 24. Suicide rates
are calculated per 100,000 population and
averaged in 5-year compilations. Although the
number of suicides in and around Medford do
not meet the usual criteria for reliable rate
calculations, turning them into rates allows
comparisons. In 1975 Medford's rate of 17 per
100,000 was higher than for Oregon (15.4) and
for the USA as a whole (12.4). (7)
According to Metcalf, the scientists soon found
that Medford was being bombarded with ultra
low frequency (ULF) electromagnetic waves
originating from a nearby military base. The
commander of the military base told the
investigators that he knew about the radiation
but claimed it was caused by the Russians.
However, the ULF bombardment mysteriously
ceased the very next day after this
confrontation. After they returned to the east
but before the researchers could write up their
report, Metcalf wrote, "Several men displaying
CIA credentials arrived on campus and said

that the ULF waves beamed into Medford were

a 'national security' matter. They explicitly
threatened to kill each of the researchers,
including Dr. Fraser himself, should anyone
speak further about it. As far as I know, no one
did." (8)
On April 8, 1994, popular rock star/writer Kurt
Cobain (of Nirvana fame) was found dead in his
own home. He appeared to have been the
victim of a shotgun blast to the head three days
before. A deadly dose of heroin (three times
over) was found in his blood. His so-called
suicide note did not indicate he was going to
take his own life. Many fans believe the
evidence does not prove suicide and
that Cobain was more likely murdered. (9) But

The answer may lie in a technical document

purporting to reveal secrets of National Security

Agency (NSA) "psyops" (psychological
operations) and systematic MC. Posted on
several Web sites in 1999, it was provided by
an engineer who claims he had worked as a
consultant to the NSA and feared for his own
safety as a whistleblower (hence the author's
MC literature on the World Wide Web
constitutes the cutting edge of serious research
into radio frequency (RF) or directed-energy
weapons (DEW). At the same time, one can
easily find writings laden with wild, unproven
charges and undocumented speculation. It is a
daunting task to pluck the gems out of the
confusion and purposeful disinformation, which
are plentiful. (10) After two years of wading
through bizarre personal testimonies, and filling
up three file-drawers with scientific research,
hundreds of periodical articles, patents,
interviews, correspondence, and muckraking
pieces that support the existence of powerful
MC technologies, (11) I find this particular
document compelling and worthy of serious
Among several examples of "NSA self-initiated
execution (suicide)," it claims Cobain was a
casualty of brainwashing who was "terminated"
for "writing clues" about his victimization into
his songs. "Once the NSA puts on the highest
level of brainwashing pain, the subject expires

quickly," this document alleges. "Cobain used

heroin to numb and otherwise slow the effect of
the brainwashing." (12)
Rauni Kilde, MD, former Chief Medical Officer
of Finland, lectures and writes about an NSA
MC system using radio implants and
microchips connected to satellites that is
remarkably similar to what is described in the
"NSA psyops" document. "With electromagnetic frequency (EMF) brain stimulation
fully coded," she writes, "pulsating
electromagnetic signals can be sent to the
brain, causing the desired voice and visual
effects to be experienced by the target. This is
a form of electronic warfare." Kilde warns that
"connecting our brain functions via microchips
(or even without them, according to the latest
technology) to computers via satellites...poses
the gravest threat to humanity." (13)

A port quarter aerial view of the Russian Northern Fleet

AKULA class nuclear-powered attack submarine underway
on the surface.

The Boorda Mystery

The Boorda mystery deepens when a whole

range of facts gleaned from worldwide press
coverage of his shocking death is integrated
with the experiences of alleged MC
experimentees. One woman told me that in
March 1996 the Air Force and the Navy had
finally opened investigations into her claim that
she and about 500 other people were being
tortured by remotely controlled, neuroelectromagnetic (NEM) or RF weapons. Bizarre
stories alleging surveillance, electronic
harassment and remotely controlled torture of
people throughout the world are posted on
many Web sites. (14) The amply referenced
research of Cheryl Welsh, 1997 founder of
Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse
(CAHRA), supports many of these claims,
especially "Nonconsensual Brainwave and
Personality Studies by the U.S. Government,"
"The 1950s Secret Discovery of the Code of
the Brain,"and the Russian Book Translation
Project. (15)
In an article published last year in Matrix 3000,
Band 4, a German publication, Welsh writes,
"Heart attacks, suicides, assassinations,
blackmail, all can be done remotely leaving no
trace of evidence to tie it to the perpetrators."
Blanche Chavoustie is one of a number of
allegedly targeted individuals who had contact

with Admiral Boorda's office shortly before he

died. She points out that burial of the Navy MC
investigation followed quickly upon the
admiral's own interment; however the Air Force
probe may still be open. (16)
The nagging suspicion that Boorda did not
willfully self-destruct is bolstered by his
renowned toughness regarding media attacks
on the Navy and himself. Appointed by
President Clinton in 1994 to overcome the longrunning legacy of the 1991 Tailhook sex
scandal, Boorda soon made enemies within the
military. The "old guard" considered him a
"political admiral" appointed to dismantle the
notoriously racist and sexist Navy culture. They
were angered at decisions that halted the
career advancement of high-level male
personnel and supported the promotion of Navy
women and ethnic minorities. (17)
But Boorda very publicly asserted he would not
fall into the trap of feeling sorry for himself. He
was popular among rank and file sailors.
Eulogized as a "sailor's sailor," he was the only
enlisted seaman to rise to CNO in the nearly
200 years of Navy history. This made him an
outsider, resented by the blue-blood admiralty.
As the Guardian of London aptly put it, "Admiral
Boorda was short (5 ft. 4 in.), Jewish, clever,
gregarious, astute and knew his own mind. He
was hardly the Platonic role-model for the man
to command the most WASP-ish and hereditary

of the U.S. armed services." (18)

The admiral's body was found just after 2 p.m.,
about one-half hour before he was to meet with
two Newsweek reporters at Navy headquarters.
In the official story, Boorda abruptly went home
for lunch after being informed by Rear Admiral
Kendell Pease to expect accusations that he
lacked authorization to wear two Vietnam-era,
bronze "V" pins (decorations that signify valor
in battle).
Pease later told the press that Boorda had not
appeared unduly upset at the prospect of such
questions and responded matter-of-factly, "We'll
just tell him the truth." Boorda had already
removed the tiny pins from his uniform the year
before when questions were first raised about
them. After lying dormant for a year, the medals
issue was suddenly pushed into public view as
the most plausible motivation for Boorda
turning a pistol on himself. One of the two typed
notes found beside Boorda's home computer
was addressed "to my sailors" and said, "I
couldn't bear to bring dishonor to you." (19)
An inch-thick report by the Naval Criminal
Investigative Service was inconclusive as to
Boorda's motive for suicide. It cited several
unnamed people who insisted the admiral was
not distraught in discussing the medals query.
Significantly, the autopsy report was never
made public. A blacked-out version was

secured by the NYT under the Freedom of

Information Act (FOIA), lending credence to
suspicions of a coverup. (20) If the autopsy
unambiguously substantiates a self-inflicted
gunshot to Boorda's chest using the .38
handgun given him by his son-in-law (as
reported by the media), then why keep it

Boorda & "Cognitive Warfare"

The Guardian reported on May 18, 1996, there

was "another cruel twist to Admiral Boorda's
death" regarding a newspaper. It revealed that
Boorda had finally agreed to give "his first full
interview" for a series called "Bosnia: The
Secret War." (21) Few Americans know of the
admiral's role as advisor to President Clinton
during the controversial U.S. intervention in
Bosnia. From 1991 to 1994, Boorda was
Commander-in-Chief of U.S. Naval Forces in
Europe and Commander-in-Chief of Allied
Forces in southern Europe, based in Naples,
Italy. Despite "his position," Boorda had agreed
to speak to the London newspaper on
unspecified "highly controversial themes."
"The last years of Boorda's career were marked

by his insistence that the US take a robust line

and intervene militarily in the carnage of
Bosnia-Herzegovina," the Guardian said. "This
opinion became the admiral's anthem, and both
isolated and vindicated him within a Pentagon
which was stubbornly resistant to intervention."
(22) Could military opposition to Boorda's
Guardian interview have played a role in his
untimely and inexplicable death?
In October 1996 the respectable, Paris-based
Intelligence Newsletter alluded to "lurid reports"
that Boorda "was murdered because he was
about to reveal sinister undertakings by the
Navy in mind control and brain warfare." It
disclosed that the admiral "was deeply involved
in a study on the possibilities of cognitive
warfare, a form of mind control that uses
acoustical, optical and electromagnetic fields or
a combination of the three to interfere with the
biological processes of an enemy." (23) This
information provides a compelling reason to
see the medals controversy as a bogus
motivation for suicide. Corroboration for the
existence of "cognitive warfare" can be found in
New World Vistas, a 16-volume, 1996 Air Force
publication. The section on "biological process
control" says that it is possible "to create high
fidelity speech in the human body, raising the
possibility of covert suggestion and
psychological direction...[making it] possible to
"talk" to selected adversaries in a fashion that

would be most disturbing to them." (24)

The Intelligence Newsletter reported that
Boorda headed a secret body called the
Strategic Studies Group investigating
technologies for producing speech and "covert
suggestions" in the "enemy's head." It said
further, "The same techniques, say the experts,
could be used to prevent voluntary muscular
movements, control emotions and actions,
produce sleep and interfere with short-term and
long-term memory."
Could it be mere coincidence that these same
biological and psychological effects had been
reported by CAHRA members to Navy and AF
investigators in the months preceding Boorda's
sudden demise? Many alleged experimentees
also say they hear artificial voices inside their
heads or receive thoughts that are not their
own! Did Admiral Boorda find out about
nonconsensual human experimentation
conducted by the Navy, raise ethical objections
or even order them to cease, thereby rendering
himself too dangerous to live?

Questionable "suicide" of Aussie Attache

If Boorda was "taken out" by means of MC

technology that induces "suicide" by remote
control, he may be the highest ranking official in
recent years to have met this fate. But by no
means is he the only such suspected case of
murder most foul.
On June 13, 1999, in the Washington suburb of
Arlington, Virginia, Mervyn Jenkins, the North
American attache for the Australian Defence
Intelligence Organization (DIO) was found
hanged in the backyard of his home a week
before the Jenkins family planned to return to
Australia. Jenkins, an expert in covert action
and electronic warfare, had been posted in
Washington for a three-year assignment. He
had been stressed by bureaucratic infighting
between two Australian intelligence agencies
over which documents could be shared with the

CIA and the DIA. But would this happily married

father of three sons take his own life on his
48th birthday? His diary showed detailed plans
for his life in Australia 10 weeks into the future.
On April 16, 2001, the Australian Broadcasting
Corporation's (ABC) popular investigative news
show "Four Corners" probed Jenkins'
mysterious "suicide," which had produced a
storm of criticism in Australia, leading to a
government investigation. Not satisfied with the
results (the Blunn Report), Jenkins' wife filed a
lawsuit against the government. Both his wife
and mother appeared on the ABC broadcast, a
transcript of which is posted online. (25)
Betty Daly-King believes Jenkins was murdered
to prevent him returning home with knowledge
that the Pentagon didn't want him to bring back
to Australia. Daly-King is a Western Australia
peace and human rights activist who claims
she has been tortured with DEW in retaliation
for 40 years of working for alternative means of
resolving conflicts that lead to war. Focused on
ensuring peace in the Indian Ocean region, she
is responsible for peace studies professorships
in two Perth universities. Daly-King cites
several other cases of DEW being used to
silence scientists, activists and writers, just in
Western Australia alone.
According to the official story laid out by "Four
Corners," Jenkins was caught in the crossfire

between U.S. and Australian intelligence

agencies over the issue of intelligence sharing.
Daly-King believes that the conflict centered on
the Indonesion repression of East Timorese
who had voted for independence, with the U.S.
backing the Indonesians and the Australians
leaning toward the East Timorese
independence fighters. Influential Australian
organizations such as the Returned
Servicemen's League have historically
sympathized with the East Timorese because
so many had risked their lives to save
Australians during World War II, she explains,
and people-to-people relationships have been
maintained ever since. (26)
"The USA would do anything to appease
Indonesia to keep access through their straits
to get to and from Saudi's oil," she wrote to me.
"They were not amused at Australia being in
the forefront of restoring East Timor against
perceived Indonesia and USA interests! All that
lovely East Timor offshore oil, too."
A map of the Washington area posted on the
ABC Web site is chilling in its implications. With
large red dots, it visually depicts the Jenkins
home in Arlington surrounded on three sides by
the Pentagon, the CIA, the DIA headquartered
at the Bolling Air Force Base, and the British,
Canadian and Australian embassies. (27)

RAWAH, Iraq- Pfc. Phillip Ruiz, from 2d Platoon, Bravo

Company, 2d Battalion, 1st Infantry Regiment, provides
security during a presence patrol while the platoon is
stopped. 2d Marine Division is deployed in support of
Operation Iraqi Freedom to conduct counter-insurgency
operations to isolate and neutralize anti-Iraqi forces;
support the continued development of Iraqi Security Force;
support Iraqi reconstruction and democratic elections; and
to facilitate the creation of a secure environment that
enables Iraqi self-reliance and self-governance. (Official
U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Shane S. Keller,
2d Marine Division Combat Camera) (Released)
Mysterious Deaths in the British Defense Industry

An epidemic of unexplained deaths in

England's defense industry occurred from 1982
to 1988 (totally blacked out of the "free" U.S.
press). Twenty-five British computer
programmers and engineers working on
electronic warfare programs died in a rash of
suspicious suicides, disappearances, and
bizarre accidents. They were the subject of

British journalist Tony Collin's 1990 book Open

Verdict: An Account of 25 Mysterious Deaths in
the Defence Industry. Five of these scientists
were talented computer programmers who
worked for Marconi Underwater Systems (a
major contractor for the Reagan
Administration's "Star Wars" Strategic Defense
Initiative or SDI), or one of its subsidiaries.
Many worked for the government or military
installations directly. Britain's nuclear arsenal is
submarine-based. Most of the dead
programmers were working on top-secret
simulator programs used in underwater
submarine deception warfare. "In the majority
of cases, there were no eyewitnesses and the
periods before their deaths could not be
explained," Collins writes (28)
Investigations began when two young men
were found in Bristol, more than 100 miles from
their homes, where they had no apparent
connections. In 1986 Vimal Dajibhai, 24, was
found under a bridge with an unexplained
puncture mark on his thigh and his pants down
around the ankles. A few months later Arshad
Sharif, 26, alleged hanged himself by tying one
end of a rope around his his neck, the other
end lashed to a tree, and accelerating his car
until his neck snapped. Family members
interviewed by Collins said the two men were
actively planning their futures and had no
motive for suicide. Shortly thereafter, PhD

student Avtar Singh Gita, 26, who was working

on submarine warfare under a grant from the
defense industry, disappeared from
Loughborough University. Singh Gita's thesis
was titled "Underwater Signal Processing." He
was found in Paris months later, but could not
recall why or how he got there. (29)
Several gifted scientists and programmers
employed in other branches of the defense
industry died under suspicious circumstances
in 1987. Peter Peapell, 46, a simulator expert in
stealth and EW, was found underneath his car
with the engine running. David Sands, 37,
allegedly drove at high velocity into a brick wall,
after filling his car with cans of gasoline.
Richard Pugh, 37, was found dead in his home
with a plastic bag over his head and his feet
tied. Royal Air Force computer specialist Mark
Wisner, 25, was also found suffocated by a
plastic bag. Dr. John Brittan, 52, was found
dead in his garage with the car running; he had
been a computer expert at the Royal
Armaments Research and Develpment
Establishment. In 1988 the body of Russell
Smith, 23, who worked for the United Kingdom
Atomic Energy Authority in Harwell, was found
on a cliff. Family members of these deceased
individuals indicated no motive for suicide. (30)
Tony Collins concludes that "psychological
engineering" of suicidal behavior is a possible
explanation for these unexplained deaths. His

conclusion is based on the experience of

Australian engineer and investigative journalist
Joe Vialls who says he survived such macabre
manipulations in 1983. Vialls had become
unwittingly involved in a Cold War espionage
operation while working on a sensitive oil
drilling operation in India. He reports he
suffered both microwave radiation and posthypnotic suggestions implanted electronically
by unknown controllers, whom he suspects
were working for the CIA. Doctors who treated
Vialls at the London-based Medical Foundation
for the Care of Torture Victims verified that he
was susceptible to clandestine hypnosis and
post-hypnotic suggestions. Vialls, whose story
can be found in Collins' final chapter, has
published a book and many articles on
suspected Manchurian Candidate-type
assassinations as well as exposes of the U.S.
military's Omega above- and underground
communication system, which he believes has
the capacity for mind control operations
worldwide. (31)

Europeans Reject Invisible Weapons

Warnings on the perils of electronic MC can be

found in the European press. Scientists,
intellectuals and government officials there
have been banging the warning drums for
several years about dangerous U.S.
surveillance and NEM technologies. (32) A
1997 editorial in the British Medical Journal
alerted the healing profession to "guard against
its knowledge being used for weapon
development." Written by surgeon Robin M.
Coupland, the editorial warned that the new
category of "non-lethal" (NL) weapons,
including "devices generating infrasound or
electromagnetic waves, and devices for riot
control," was not covered by existing
international treaties banning chemical and
biological weapons. (33)
In 1998 a neuroscientist at the Institut Pasteur

in Paris cautioned that "advances in cerebral

imaging" were "capable of being used at a
distance" and would "open the way for abuses
such as invasion of personal liberty, control of
behavior and brainwashing." Another
researcher at the French Atomic Energy
Commission said imaging techniques have
reached the stage where "we can almost read
people's thoughts." (34) In 1998 the Scientific
and Technological Options Assessment (STOA)
panel of the European Parliament "shocked
European leaders" with its voluminous report
subtitled "Appraisal of Technologies of Political
Control." The CIA's mind control (MK-Ultra)
program is fully referenced therein. (35)
On January 28, 1999, while Congress and the
U.S. media were diddling with the impeachment
of President Clinton, the European Parliament
passed a resolution calling "for an international
convention introducing a global ban on all
developments and deployments of weapons
which might enable any form of manipulation of
human beings." (36) And a 1999 UN-sponsored
conference on human consciousness passed
an ethics resolution urging neuroscientists to
ensure their discoveries are used to serve
"human welfare, never warfare." What is known
as the Tokyo Declaration declares, "Today, we
have the intellectual, physical and financial
resources to master the power of the brain
itself, and to develop devices to touch the mind

and even control or erase consciousness." (37)

Secret MC technologies have already been
used by U.S. armed forces in Third World
interventions without any public discussion.
According to Judy Wall, editor of
Resonance(newsletter of the Mensa
Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group),
the EC-130E Commando Solo aircraft, built by
Lockheed at a cost of $100 million each,
conducts psychological operations through
broadcasts "in the standard AM, FM, HF, TV
and military communications bands." Wall
discovered that Commando Solo is equipped
with Silent Sound Spread Spectrum, a MC
technology that can "entrain the listener's
brainwaves into a preselected emotional state."
(38) Commando Solo aircraft were used as far
back as the 1983 U.S. military intervention in
Grenada, and later in Panama, Haiti, BosniaHerzegovina, and Iraq. (39)
The British ITV News Bureau reported that this
technology was used in Operation Desert
Storm in 1991 to demoralize Iraqi soldiers and
instill "a perpetual feeling of fear and
hopelessness." (40) In "Military Use of Mind
Control Weapons," Wall exposes how human
brainwave patterns known as "emotion
signature clusters" can be stored on a
computer, then piggybacked to Silent Sound
carrier frequencies to "silently trigger the
occurrence of the same basic emotion in

another human being." Voice commands can

also be used in subliminal messages attached
to music. (41)
The U.S. military's secret strategy for post-coldwar conflicts "short of war" is called "The
Revolution in Military Affairs," a deceptively
futuristic scenario based on an arsenal of
grotesque psychotechnologies unknown to the
American taxpayers who fund their
development. Among the new military-speak
one finds "strategic personality simulation,"
exactly the sort of neofascist MC that could
explain the bizarre harassment stories of many
hapless civilians. (42) Readers still skeptical
about the existence of MC technologies are
urged to check out "The Mind has No Firewall,"
an article published in the Army journal
Parameters (Spring 1998). (43) Evidence of
plans to incorporate mind control in future wars
is as unambiguous as it is repulsive.

Constructing Thoughtforms to Order?

Former Navy engineer Eleanor White traces

her victimization as an alleged involuntary NEM
experimentee to the spring of 1980 when she
asked the Bureau of Naval Personnel to update
her service record. The harassment began later
that year -- on the street, at work, and in six
successive apartments, she claims. "I just
thought I was the unluckiest human being on
the planet, entirely unique and alone," she
says, until 1996 when she found Ed Light's
Mind Control Forum on the Internet. (44) "The
near-perfect congruence of my effects with
what others were experiencing was like
entering a whole new life." This sameness of
"effects" is reported by hundreds of people
throughout the world. Many are well-educated
and hold down responsible jobs; others are
physically and psychological disabled by
torturous hospitalizations and years of abuse.

The sheer volume of their highly literate

communications convinces me that every
allegation of psychological-warfare
experimentation cannot be conveniently
pigeon-holed as the paranoia of a disturbed
Eldon Byrd has been similarly persuaded. A
medical engineer, Byrd is retired from the Naval
Surface Weapons Center, Office of Non-Lethal
Weapons. A member of the U.S. Psychotronics
Association (USPA), he has published papers
on the telemetry of brain waves (measuring
them wirelessly from a distance), (45) and the
psycho-activity of extremely low frequency
(ELF) electromagnetic and scalar fields. After
corresponding with White and other alleged
experimentees for several years, he concluded
they were neither hallucinating nor allergic to
ELF waves. "You have convinced me that this
is something going on that should be
investigated," Byrd wrote White. He affirmed
that "images can be projected directly into a
human brain from a distance using the 'scalar'
component of a weak magnetic field." But he
questioned who would be so evil as to inflict
this technology on unsuspecting people? (46)
Lt. Col. Thomas E. Bearden, also a member of
USPA, is a PhD scientist, nuclear engineer, and
proponent of "the new physics," which may be
crucial to understanding the MC technologies
developed by the U.S. military-industrial

complex. Bearden publishes SPECULA, a

magazine devoted to psychotronics and bioenergetics. (47) His books include The
Excalibur Statement, Analysis of Scalar
Electromagnetics, and Gravitobiology: A New
Biophysics (Tesla Book Company). In a
February 1991 interview conducted by Michael
Hutchison, editor of Megabrain Report,
Bearden revealed that "scalar electromagnetic
phenomena" make it possible to construct
"thoughtforms to order, and input them directly
into the mind and longterm memory." This can
be done through "a hidden channel to pipe in
inputs" and it can be done "surrepticiously, from
a distance and without the knowledge and
consent of the individual affected," he said
further. Bearden calls this "the ultimate mind
control." (48)
On July 23, 2000, Byrd delivered a paper to the
26th annual conference of the USPA in
Columbus, Ohio, titled "Recent Advances in
Scalar Technologies." He told the audience that
many people claiming they are victims of
remote MC devices appeared to be highly
functional, and that there must be something to
their claims. He pointed to thousands of
documented cases during the Cold War of the
U.S. government experimenting on citizens
without their knowledge or consent.
He then cited a July 2, 1997 statement by
Major General Sydney Schacknow of the

Army's Special Forces (Ft. Bragg, North

Carolina) that our military was "working on
synthetic telepathy (the ability to read people's
intentions at a distance using a magnetic laser
-- a maser operating at extremely low
frequencies," which can "alter behavior at a
distance." In private conversation, Byrd told
one participant that Marines had been shown a
device that projects images into the brain from
a distance, and that a Superconductor
Quantum Interference Detector or SQUID
machine (a sophisticated EEG device) can
detect the mysterious rays many people
suspect are causing them pain. (49) Byrd's
paper at the 2001 USPA meeting in Columbus,
Ohio, July 20-23, is titled "Mind Control:
Paranoid Delusions or Frightening Reality?"

Synthetic Telepathy

"Synthetic telepathy is a term used to describe

the beaming of words, thoughts, or ideas into a
person's mind by mechanical means...some
type of electromagnetic transmitter...operating
in the microwave frequency band," begins a

May, 1995 article by Judy Wall in Resonance.

(50) The first known U.S. experiment in which
audible voices were communicated via pulsed
microwaves was carried out in 1973 by Joseph
C. Sharp and Mark Grove in Walter Reed Army
Institute of Research in the USA. Their success
was based on biophysicist Allen Frey's postWWII experiments with "microwave hearing."
Commenting on Sharp's "pulsed microwave
audiogram" in his 1985 ground-breaking
book,The Body Electric, Robert O. Becker, MD,
points out, "Such a device has obvious
applications in covert operations designed to
drive a target crazy with 'voices' or deliver
undetectable instructions to a programmed
assassin." He also noted, "Nearly two-thirds of
the $47-billion 1984 federal research budget
went for military work, and in the field of
bioelectricity the proportion was even higher."
In denouncing "the buying of science by the
military," Becker boldly declared, "To call it a
form of prostitution is an insult to the oldest
profession." Becker was twice nominated for
the Nobel Prize in Medicine, but his career
suffered because of his condemnation of the
military uses of bioelectric research. (52)
Two years ago the career of SUNY-Albany
Professor Kathryn Kelley also suffered a
setback because of her probes into the
mysteries of MC. In August 1999 Kelley's

provocative research on the surgical

implantation of communications devices to read
thoughts was suddenly shut down. She had
delivered a paper to a professional conference
in Orlando, Florida, in which she described
acoustic implants in human beings called
RAATS (short for radio wave, auditory,
assaultive, transmitting implants). Kelley wrote,
"When (short-wave) operators transmit to or
scan RAAT implants in victims, they can talk to
the victims remotely and anonymously, and
hear the victim's speech and thoughts." (53)

"The Bionics of Man"

In 1962 Dr. Leonid L. Vasiliev, an internationally

known Russian physiologist, remarked that "the
discovery of the energy underlying ESP
[extrasensory perception] will be equivalent to
the discovery of atomic energy." (54) The word
"psychotronics" was actually coined by

Czechoslovak researchers to legitimize

parapsychology as a scientific discipline. The
Czech Manifesto adopted at the 1968 Moscow
Parapsychological Conference declared,
"Psychotronics is, in essence, the bionics of
man." (55)
In the 1950s Soviet researchers invented a
medical device called the LIDA machine, which
uses modulated ELF waves to induce a trancelike hypnosis in human beings. According to a
1993Defense Electronics article, a Richmond,
Virginia company called Psychotechnologies
Corporation now holds the LIDA patent,
euphemistically called "psycho-correction
technology." (56)
The Soviets were also the first to use EEG
machines to catch "the moment when telepathy
lights up in the brain." However, the U.S. came
in a close second. In 1959 secret ESP research
on the U.S. atomic sub Nautilus made
headlines in France. Journalists asked the
sensational question, "Has the American
military learned the secret of mind power?" (57)
The U.S. officially denied theNautilus
experiments. But Carol Rutz remembers being
taken aboard this ship when she was 10 as part
of a CIA MK-Ultra psychic assassination
research program. Rutz reports being trained to
send psychic energy to a "certain high-placed
individual" to create a deadly aneurysm! (58)
(See Part 3 of this series, July/August 2000

Probe for secret government experimentation

using children.)
To understand the progression of electronic MC
technologies from the 50s through the 90s,
readers will benefit from consulting two online
timelines composed by Judy Wall and Cheryl
Welsh, respectively; a Fact Sheet with
documentation on Nonconsensual
Experimentation prepared by Welsh; and a
bibliography titled "Psychoactivity of
Electromagnetic Fields." (59)
"Zero-Evidence Weapons"

"For the first time in history," Eleanor White

writes, "one human being, from hiding, at a
distance, can control the thoughts and actions
of another, by way of undetectable hypnosis,
using still-classified electronic technology.
These devices have totally disabled the world's
justice systems." A board member of CAHRA,
White has compiled the collective research of
its members into a 136-page report, "The State
of Unclassified and Commercial Technology
Capable of Some Electronic Mind Control
Effects." (60) She warns that anyone with
knowhow and enough money could assemble
an arsenal from ordinary (but expensive)
electronic equipment and be totally immune
from prosecution. "Zero-evidence weapons,"
she says, "make revenge crimes routine and
easy." In the March 2000 issue of The

American Reporter, White calls for debate and

controls on all manufactured MC devices. (61)
In the late 1980s, activists in the Greenham
Common Women's Peace Camp began
experiencing headaches, nausea, vertigo,
depression, disorientation and short-term
memory loss. They were camped outside a
U.S. Air Force Base in Great Britain to protest
nuclear weapons and global militarization.
Strong signals of non-ionizing radiation
(microwave) up to 100 times the normal
background level were detected there. Women
peace activists in Seneca, New York,
experienced similar harassment. (62)
Julianne McKinney, an ex-CIA case officer,
believes she has been intentionally targeted by
EM weapons. The painful harassment made
her arms bleed, her gums rot and her teeth
crack. In the early 1990s, she conducted an
Electronic Surveillance Project, an offshoot of
the Association of National Security Alumni.
Her 22-page booklet, Microwave Harassment
and Mind Control, published in 1992,
documents many claims of NEM harassment.
White has coined the term "voice-to-skull" (v2s)
to describe an effect reported by hundreds of
people. But White herself does not hear voices.
"In my case and a few others," she says, "v2s
is restricted to fake alarm clocks ringing at 3

a.m, fake phone or pager ringing, and fake bird

choruses when no birds are around." In-home
attacks include forced awakening and sleep
deprivation, "hot needles" in the flesh, sexual
stimulation, body vibrations and itching, limbs
jerking wildly, and muscles manipulated
remotely (vocal cords forced to produce sound
against her will). White says she also suffers
apartment break-ins with items stolen and
clothing ripped. At work, she has experienced
mind-blanking attacks and inexplicable
computer malfunctions. Although she
acknowledges that "the actual weapons now in
use are tightly classified," she discovered
through years of research that "the primitive
weapons leading up to the current crop are
mostly unclassified and some are even
commercially available." (64)
White's Web site,,
contains a storehouse of credible research on
government-sponsored MC experiments and
technologies. It is a magnet that draws in
people from all over the world searching for
answers to the weird bio-electric phemonena
experienced in their own bodies, homes, and
communities. Thanks to White's e-mail
exchange depot, I have corresponded with
many highly articulate people from all walks of
life, and have interviewed some by telephone.
For example, I have learned of several cases
where people discovered through x-rays or

MRIs that family members had been implanted

with biochips during minor surgery, without their
knowledge or consent.
Biochips, now the size of an uncooked grain of
rice, are easily implantable for beneficial uses
as well as for surrepticious political control.
Applied Digital Solutions is now testing and
marketing its "Digital Angel" technology, a
biochip that makes possible the tracking of
people using Global Positioning Satellites. (65)
British Professor Kevin Warwick and his wife
are being implanted with biochips to test
whether they can read each other's thoughts
when separated by distance. (66)

PACIFIC OCEAN (Feb 20, 2008) At a single modified
tactical Standard Missile-3 (SM-3) launches from the U.S.
Navy AEGIS cruiser USS Lake Erie (CG 70), successfully
impacting a non-functioning National Reconnaissance
Office satellite approximately 247 kilometers (133 nautical
miles) over the Pacific Ocean, as it traveled in space at
more than 17,000 mph. President George W. Bush

decided to bring down the satellite because of the

likelihood that the satellite could release hydrazine fuel
upon impact, possibly in populated areas. U.S. Navy photo
DSM-IV: Diagnosis or Coverup?

CAHRA members complain about the knee-jerk

reactions of U.S. physicians (especially
psychiatrists) to their suffering. Some have had
bouts with hospitalization where they were
subjected to forced drugging and electroshock.
Many fear sharing their torments with family
and friends lest they be labeled "paranoid
schizophrenic" because they hear voices,
suspect they are under some kind of
surveillance, or suffer debilitating bio-electric
Many alleged experimentees felt somewhat
vindicated, however, when they read the
opening words of a 1997 NYT Magazine cover
story, "For decades, those who claimed to be
victims of clandestine radiation experiments
conducted by the United States Government
were dismissed as paranoid." (67) The Clinton
Administration exposes on radiation
experimentation using thousands of
unsuspecting North Americans opened the
door for alleged MC experimentees to speak
publicly about their claims.
The first three parts of this series have

documented how past leaders of the American

Psychiatric Association (APA) were secretly
involved in military/CIA MC research using
nonconsensual human subjects, especially
women and children in their care. Is it
happenstance or coverup that many reported
symptoms of NEM weapons have been written
into the diagnostic categories published in the
APA's Diagnostic Statistical Manual IV (DSM
One DSM IV criterion of "schizotypal
personality disorder" is "belief in clairvoyance,
telepathy, or 'sixth sense.' Under such a
sweeping definition, the entire cabal of
military/intelligence psychic experimenters
(including privatized, Pentagon-funded outfits
like Psi Tech) could be labeled "schizophrenic"
for indulging in "remote viewing" (ESP)
research for decades! (68) Significantly, a
History Channel offering called "Psychic
Espionage," aired in September 2001, never
ridiculed or cast "mental illness" aspersions on
any of the male scientists and CIA Stargate
functionaries who were interviewed.
Rauni Kilde believes that "psychiatrists working
for U.S. intelligence agencies no doubt
participated in writing and revising" what has
become a worldwide psychiatrists' bible.
"Victims of mind control experimentation are
thus routinely diagnosed, knee-jerk fashion, as
mentally ill by doctors who learned the DSM

"symptom" list in medical school," she says.

N. Renay Tanner suggests that people who
suspect they are targeted by electronic MC
seek legal remedies and medical assistance
through human rights organizations rather than
the medical profession. A Columbia University
graduate student focused on psychiatry and
human rights, Tanner is also United Nations
liaison for Support Coalition International, a
human rights organization devoted to
eliminating abuses by the mental-health
industry. Tanner believes the mental health
system functions for the purpose of social
control top-down and that "ideologically driven"
psychiatrists who cannot admit to any evidence
of fallibility will not help ameliorate the stresses
and trauma of nonconsensual experimentation.
Security Agency "Cutouts"?

CAHRA leaders bristle at suggestions that their

pain may be caused by some condition other
than purposeful manipulation by governmentfunded operators. They justifiably point to the
MK-Ultra program and the thousands of
documented cases of nonconsensual
experimentation. (70) Still, most people offer no
independent corroboration for their claims other
than pointing out symptoms in common with
other alleged victims and research proving that
anti-personnel, directed-energy weapons do

indeed exist.
One has to be skeptical of unscientific, longdistance evaluations of individuals based solely
on uncorroborated verbal reports, often
communicated via the anonymity of e-mail.
After all, many known physical ailments such
as electrical sensitivity and fibromyalgia could
produce similiar symptoms in different people.
(71) Some painful effects may also be due to
allergic reactions and EM pollution. Any
number of people who corroborate each other's
symptoms could be suffering from what a
recent New York Times magazine article called
"culturally specific" mental illness. (72) With
suspicion about unethical government-financed
experimentation more the rule than the
exception, and widespread computer
networking by people searching for answers to
their problems, the stage is set for an epidemic
of self-diagnosed victims. How does one
separate out genuine experimentees from
people whose symptoms may have physical or
emotional causes not connected with MC at
Some claims appear have more merit than
others. And a few people have named their
perpetrators as connected to private security
services, Air Force personnel, or huge military
contractors such as Raytheon (likely involved in
producing some of these weapons). For
example, Pat Mougey's tormentors appear to

be recruited by a security agency located on

the street where she lives. She reports some
harassers let her know she is under
surveillance. (73) She believes they use
commercially available, through-the-wall radar
to tape everything that goes on in the privacy of
her own home. (74) Mougey says she even
saw herself through a window on the television
screen in the house next door. I was skeptical
about this until I saw NSA high-tech
surveillance gadgetry on display in the
Hollywood movie, "Enemy of the State." A
private detective knowledgeable in surveillance
devices confirmed that such gadgetry does
exist in the real world and not just in the
imaginations of Hollywood writers.
"They have a device to control every part of the
body, including the throat," says Mougey. "I
have been in the ER more than once because
my throat was closed up and I could not
breathe." I became convinced there may be
truth in Mougey's claims by reading a 1987
report on the Attorney General's Conference on
Less Than Lethal Weapons. It revealed that
"scientific knowledge of human physiology is
progressing to the point where it may soon be
possible to target specific systems with specific
frequencies of electromagnetic
radiation...sustained, extremely low frequency
(ELF) radiation [that] can produce nausea or
disorientation..." (75)

But so long as human experimentation in

weapons development remains subject to
"national security" restrictions, it is impossible
to know for sure whether specific individuals
are experimentees in government or privatized
operations. We do know, however, that our
government spent millions on electronic MC
research. One hundred thirty boxes (130 cubic
feet) of classified documents on "behavioral
experiments" the CIA's Office of Research and
Development (ORD) were located in 1978.
They were found after John Marks (author of
The Search for the 'Manchurian Candidate')
requested ORD files "on behavioral research,
including...activities related to bio-electrics,
electric or radio stimulation of the brain,
electronic destruction of memory, stereotaxic
surgery, psychosurgery, hypnotism,
parapsychology, radiation, microwaves and
ultrasonics." (76)

A starboard side view of the aircraft carrier USS

SARATOGA (CV-60) as the ship enters the turning basin
at Naval Station Mayport upon completion of her final

cruise, a six month deployment to the Mediterranean. The

SARATOGA is scheduled to be decommissioned on
August 20, 1994 after more than 38 years of service.
Rogue Scientific Groups

As I delved more into the scientific end of MC

research, I became more convinced that the
U.S. military/industrial complex probably has
remote-control technology that can produce the
torture Mougey and others so vividly describe.
A 1999 article by engineer Tom Bearden, "Mind
Control and EM Wave Polarization
Transductions," corroborates my feeling:
"...rogue groups amongst Western clandestine
mind control researchers will probably arise if
they have not already done so. They will likely
seek to increase their personal control and
further isolate the programs from orthodox
government review and from government and
legislative control. They may even divert the
research into highly illegal and unethical
means, because it furthers their own rogue
agendas. That is how clandestine U.S.
government research can sometimes go sour,
unless great care is exercised by the oversight
committees in the House and the Senate.
Sometimes when rogue groups do gain control
and total secrecy of a given new technological
area, then what appears to be "U.S.
government operations" do start to encompass

a criminal and unethical operations [sic], hidden

usually beneath the deep veil of high
classification. Also, if it's "scientific," no one is
ever brought to justice, even if the "evil science
actions" are uncovered and publicly revealed."
Those who doubt the existence of classified
MC technology can draw their own conclusions
from several official responses to requests for
information on NEM weapons research. Margo
Cherney received a letter from the Air Force in
1999 in response to her request for material on
a 1970s Air Force project called
"Communicating via the Microwave Auditory
Effect." In denying her request to declassify this
material, the letter said "unauthorized dislosure
of the requested information could reasonably
be expected to cause damage to national
security." (78) Eleanor White received a letter
from a member of the New York Assembly in
1998 that said, "Unfortunately, information
concerning what was referenced in your letter
is highly classified, and I am not at liberty to
divulge such information to the general public."
In April 2000, White was able to discover a U.S.
Navy contract for Ultrasonic Acoustic
Heterodyning Technology with American
Technology Corporation. According to the
company's own publicity, hypersonic sound
technology "can target selected individuals in a

group or in a noisy environment and deliver

audio to that person." (80) This technology
makes possible some of the sound effects
White and others experience.
For several years CAHRA founder Cheryl
Welsh has been trying to organize a study of
500 alleged experimentees that would include
medical and psychiatric evaluations. Many in
the CAHRA network are very fearful of doctors
because they have experienced terrible abuse
in the medical system. Welsh has struggled to
convince them to join the study as she diligently
networks with EM victims in other countries and
raises money to insure the scientific viability of
what would become a ground breaking study.
People whose symptoms have other causes
need to be properly diagnosed and treated.
Pretenders and disinformation purveyors
among the hundreds of people alleging EM
targeting need to be exposed -- either by their
refusal to participate in the study or by the
objective evaluations of scientific and medical
investigators. (81)

Civilians Become "the Enemy"

Many CAHRA members report that their

complaints to local police have not gotten
serious attention. In some cases this could be
explained by collusion between local law
enforcement and federal authorities testing NL
weapons and surveillance systems in the
community. Crusading Alaskan
environmentalist Nick Begich reports a secret
agreement between the Department of Defense
and the Department of Justice to transfer NL
weapons to local law enforcement through the
National Institute of Justice. (82)
Like an international Paul Revere, Begich has
been circling the globe clanging alarm bells to
stimulate public debate on civilian control of the
military in the post-cold-war era:
"The weaving together of Department of
Defense missions with civilian Department of
Justice missions is unprecedented. Not since
the civil war has the military machinery...been

turned against United States citizens...This

raises serious questions regarding use of our
Department of Defense for domestic police
actions, which may be a violation of
constitutional law by being in conflict with the
narrowly-defined federal use of the military 'for
the national defense." (83)
How did civilians become "the enemy" in
peacetime? In a 5/12/99 interview on ABC
News, USPA member Lt. Col. John B.
Alexander was asked if he saw any domestic
applications for NL weapons. "Absolutely," he
answered. "In the U.S. today, we have a very
large disenfranchised population. The potential
for civil disorder is quite high, in my estimation.
This is an area in which non-lethal weapons
can play a vital role in restoring order,
protecting lives and property..."
Alexander directed the Non-Lethal Weapons
Laboratory at Los Alamos National Laboratory
in the 1980s. He is the same knowledgeable
military man who wrote way back in December
1980 that "there are weapons systems that
operate on the power of the mind and whose
lethal capacity has already been
demonstrated....The psychotronic weapon
would be silent, difficult to detect, and would
require only a human operator as a power
source." (84)
Without any any public review process, a joint

policy for NL weapons was adopted in 1995.

Highest priority was given to developing
unspecified technologies "most likely get dual
use, i.e., law enforcement and military
applications." (85) A 1994 draft of the
government's NL policy authorized use of
nonlethal weapons by our military in support of
domestic law enforcement. It chillingly replaced
the Cold War concept of an external "enemy"
(requiring stringent national-security
regulations) with the relatively benign term
"adversary," which could apply to anyone,
domestic or foreign. "Adversary is used above
in its broadest sense," this document says,
"including those who are not declared enemies
but who are engaged in activities we wish to
stop." (86)
The confluence of NL and high-tech electronic
weaponry can be gleaned from what little is
available in the media. The July 7, 1997 issue
of U.S. News and World Report reported that
the Air Force alone plans to spend more than
$100 million by 2003 to research the
"bioeffects" of what it called "exotic" antipersonnel, NL weapons. The ghastly
technologies acknowledged in this article
include blinding lasers (considered, but rejected
for use in Somalia), acoustic or sonic weapons
modeled after the Nazi's "vortex" technology
(causing nausea, "pain, spasms or even
death"), RF weapons that induce epileptic

seizures, "undetectable" VLF devices that

cause flulike symptoms, nausea and weakness,
and "tunable" microwave weapons that can
"cook the enemy." (87)
In March 2001, the Pentagon went public with a
portable people zapper euphemistically called
an "Active Denial System." Developed by
Ratheon Corporation and other Pentagon
contractors for crowd dispersal, this so-called
NL weapon "could cook a person's eyeballs" if
the operator so desired. (88) To its credit, CBS
News interspersed footage of huge antiVietnam War demonstrations involving
hundreds of thousands of Americans in its
announcement of this weapon. Comic strip
character Pogo's astute and much quoted
observation, "We have seen the enemy and
they is us" was never more applicable.
"It's war, Jim, but not as we know it," in the
8/3/97 issue of The Scotsman, offers the
following intriguing sentence: "Progress on
laser and acoustic technology has been
rapid...and a number of weapons are now off
the design board and are being tested in
Taxpayers footing the bill for this research have
the right to ask: On whom are these weapons
being tested and are the subjects protected
under the Nuremberg Code, international laws
and presidential executive orders? (89) Eleanor

White appropriately points out, "No government

agency will admit to being charged with ethical
protection of military and other government
classified human test subjects." Could criminal,
free-lance experimentation be conducted by
private enterpreneurs with security clearance
and on-the-job knowledge of how these
weapons work?
In 1999 USA Today lifted the veil on a secret
administrative court that grants security
clearances to employees of defense
contractors. "Felons gain access to the nation's
secrets" was its provocative headline. "Tens of
thousands of military and contractor personnel
are cleared each year," it reported. In its study
of 1500 decisions by the Defense Office of
Hearings and Appeals, the newspaper found
clearances were routinely bestowed on drug
users, kidnappers, pedophiles, murders,
exhibitionists and other convicted sex
offenders, chronic liars, and people with
histories of violence and/or convictions for
criminal fraud involving millions of dollars. (90)

Psyops Field Testing on Civilians?

Eleanor White believes the most bizarre

harassment she experiences amounts to
psychological warfare. The unknown
perpetrators, she says, occupy a "shadow
government" that includes some of the
country's biggest defense contractors and their
intelligence operatives. "They are behavior
science-oriented," she explains, "in creating
severe stress to test our limits." She believes
the perpetrators could be retired MK-Ultra
employees "who set up shop in private industry
away from congressional scrutiny," their paid
agents from private security outfits, or even
criminal groups who have secured the
technology on the military black market. "The
original MK-Ultra military/intelligence
experimenters were forced to share with the
corporate world," she says, "and the sharing
has now quite a few branches."
In 1992, the first George Bush Administration
added a little-known regulation to its National
Industrial Security Program Operating Manual
that reads, "Cover stories may be established
for unacknowledged programs in order to
protect the integrity of the program from
individuals who do not have a need to know.
Cover stories must be believable and cannot
reveal any information regarding the true nature
of the contract. Cover stories for Special
Access Programs must have the approval of

the PSO [Program Security Officer] prior to

dissemination." (91) This provision is quite
alarming. It means that unscrupulous
"experimenters," hired by private companies
with Pentagon connections, have a green light
to "lie by the book." They can easily cover up
the abuse of innocent people without any
accountability to elected civilian authorities.
"There is no punishment for rogue
scientific groups," writes Bearden.
"Shockingly, the U.S. government at
the highest level has shown...that
mass crimes against U.S. civilians,
perpetrated by portions of the U.S.
scientific community in direct
conspiracy and in secret, will likely
be condoned. The perpetrators will
not be indicted, tried, or convicted."
(Emphasis in the original)
He says further that:
" the "Big Science community,
there can be and there are rogue
groups. Lots of them. There is deep
cover, deep classification. And there
is very probably advanced mind
control research and testing, be it
legal or illegal. Hopefully, most of it
is legal and constrained. However,
some of it is almost certain to be
illegal and ill constrained." (92)

As news of this series disseminated throughout

the MC survivor network, academics and
independent MC researchers phoned or wrote
to offer useful information gleaned from their
own research. One such source is a doctoral
student in physics whose interest in
neuroscience spans the last decade. I will call
him Smith as he does not want his real name
used. Smith believes that covert field testing of
NEM weapons is combined with classic
surveillance techniques perfected during the
Cold War. He directed me to a "spy/counterspy"
Web site dissecting FBI methods used to
create fear, passivity and immobilization. (93)
They include constant harassment to build up
stress, total discrediting of his/her experiences
by driving the target "crazy," then labeling the
target as a "paranoid schizophrenic." The
intended outcome of this treatment is
depression, withdrawal and the target's
acquiescence in being controlled. Smith cites
the "learned helplessness model" of Martin
Seligman, as the operant conditioning used by
MC experimenters whose identity is protected
in "black" programs. (94)
Smith suggests that some alleged
experimentees are being used as the
"prototypes" of a new controlled life, victims of
a psychological warfare operation aimed, not at
a foreign "enemy," but at our own citizenry.
"Operatives get to train their mind-control and

harassment techniques on live prey," he

continued, "without fear of adverse
consequences from a bungled operation."
He points out that some alleged
experimentees, particularly women, are the
"ideal candidates" for this kind of operation:
"They live alone, are highly verbal (the more
associative one is, the easier it would no doubt
be to drive her crazy), individualistic, don't have
good family relations, and have obedient
relatives, often with connections to the security
services. It is easy for federal operatives with
top-secret security clearances to paint these
people as lunatics in order to be able to torture
them with America's tax dollars. Indeed, after
the cold war ended, there was a vacuum for
surveillance operatives who needed to be doing
something useful in order to justify their vast
funding. What could be more desirable from a
federal operative's point of view than to torture
in absolute safety and secrecy a few
unfortunate "freaks" with the very latest in
black-budget technology?" (95)

Assassination Mysteries and Mind Control

Remote viewer David Morehouse exposed the

existence of the CIA's Stargate "remote
viewing" program in his 1996 book Psychic
Warrior. (96) He revealed that Stargate was a
Special Access Program (SAP), which requires
the highest level of security clearance for
Sensitive Compartmentalized Information. (97)
NEM technologies would come under the
government's NL research apparatus and are
probably categorized as SAPs. Morehouse was
persecuted as a whistleblower, including
involuntary hospitalization and severe
psychiatric abuse. The public campaign to
discredit him was led by none other than John
Alexander, the "father" of NL weapons. (98)
Interestingly, Morehouse also told attorney
William Pepper that a sniper team of low-level
CIA operatives in the U.S. Special Forces was
responsible for the assassination of Martin
Luther King, Jr. in 1968. (99) Earlier
installments of this series have touched on how

mind control might have been the secret

weapon used to commit and cover up the
assassinations of President John F. Kennedy,
Robert Kennedy and Dr. King. A most
provocative and easily accessible article that
links MC with these crimes (as well as the
assassination of John Lennon and the mass
murders in Jonestown, Guyana) was written by
Curt Rowlett. It is titled "Project MKULTRA: Did
the U.S. Government Actually Create
Programmed Assassins?" (100)
Was Admiral Boorda -- like the Kennedy
brothers and Dr. King -- just the latest political
"adversary" marked for extinction by
undemocratic shadow institutions operating
above and beyond the law?
More than 25 years ago, Senator Frank Church
foresaw an abyss of no return. Today Thomas
Bearden, a military man who most probably has
seen the best and worst of human beings,
warns that unregulated MC technology could
be the undoing of our civilization:
"Human beings are still human beings. All the
good and evil is still there, regardless of the
group. The stage settings change, but the cast
of characters and the play never change.
It's sad, but 'twas ever thus. Hidden parts of our
own governments -- and other governments
throughout the world -- are no different from the

old medieval groups, where nobles etc. were

always plotting against the king, or using the
king's power for their own nefarious end. The
rogue groups today are no different from all the
scheming and conniving groups that destroyed
the Roman Empire. Great empires fall from
within, not usually from without!" (101)
(emphasis in original)
Arlene Tyner
July 2001


1. NBC, "Meet the Press," 8/17/75 transcript.

Quoted in Bamford, J., The Puzzle Palace,
Houghton-Mifflin, 1982, p. 379. In 1975 Church
headed the Senate Intelligence Committee that
exposed many unlawful practices of the
intelligence community, including MK-Ultra.

2. "Navy colleagues believe Boorda could have

survived scrutiny," CNN, 5/17/96.
3. 5/23/96 posting of Linda Grant De Pauw to
"Women and the Military": http:
oorda.html . According to family and friends,
Boorda did not exhibit any of the military's
suicide warning signs:
4. USA Today, 11/25/96.
5. The CIA Papers: Bluebird, Artichoke, MKUltra. Volume 1 (pp. 126-129). Twenty
thousand MK-Ultra documents are available for
purchase on three CD-ROMs from the CIA
under the Freedom of Information Act for $30.
6. Scheflin, A. & Opton, Jr., E.M., The Mind
Manipulators. (Paddington Press, 1978), p.
470; Harry V. Martin & David Caul "The CIA
and the Mafia Mind Control"
( ; see also London Times, July 13,
7. I consulted John L. McIntosh, PhD, chair of
the Department of Psychology at Indiana
University South Bend. McIntosh, past
president of the American Association of
Suicidology, who retrieved the suicide numbers

and rates for Medford City and Jackson County

for 1968 through 1995. Medford ranked 9th
highest in the country in 1995.
8. Metcalf, Mark, "The secret war against
Medford, Oregon." Posted at: .
sicnet.htm ;
ml ;
10. For information on U.S. intelligence "cover
and deception" programs, see the Federation
of American Scientists' Secrecy and
Government Bulletin # 34,
See also Army document on Psychological
Operations: dod101/army/docs/st100-3/c5/5sect9.htm .
11. See list of MC patents: , and
several lists of books, articles and links on
Electromagnetic Mind Control:

13. Kilde, "Microchip Implants, Mind Control

and Cybernetics," SPEKULA (3rd Quarter,
1999). SPEKULA is published by medical
students and doctors in Northern Finland.
Posted at:
m.htm;; ;
Soviets organize against Psychotronic
15. Nonconsensual Brainwaves:; Code of the
Brain: ;
Electromagnetic Radiation (emr) Weapons: ; Russian
Book Translation Project:
16. My source provided a copy of the AF letter
opening an investigation; she destroyed a
similar letter from the Navy after Boorda's
17. Boyer, Peter J., "Admiral Boorda's War,"
New Yorker, 9/16/96, pp. 68-86; Kotz,
Nick,Washingtonian Magazine, December
1996; USA Today, 11/25/96; Daily Telegraph
(London), 11/26/96; "Bits of metal carry a
weighty message." Philadelphia Inquirer,

5/18/96, p. A1.
18. Rabinowitz, Dorothy, "Playing for the
airwaves," Wall Street Journal, 6/10/96, p. A16;
"Leader from the front: Obituary: Admiral
Jeremy Boorda," Guardian, May 18, 1996, p.
19. "Details of top admiral's suicide note
disclosed," LA Times, 11/25/96, p. A10. The
second note, addressed to Boorda's wife, has
never been released. According to Joe Trento,
bureau chief of the National Security News
Service, one of the notes was "typed and
dated" the day before the admiral's death. He
interpreted this as evidence Boorda's suicide
may have been caused by other issues than
the meeting with Newsweek reporters.
However, a typed, predated note could also be
viewed as a forgery that was part of a murder
coverup. See Washington Post, 6/8/96, p. A13.
20. "Navy Report Omits Suicide Notes," NYT,
21. This 6-part Guardian series, critical of U.S.
policy in Bosnia, began 1/17/96 and ended
22. Guardian, 5/18/96
23. "Getting Inside the Enemy's Head,"
Intelligence Newsletter No. 296, 10/3/96

(published by Indigo Publications of France,, and indexed in
24. Excerpt from New World Vistas: Air and
Space Power for the 21st Century, 1996,
Ancillary Volume, section on "biological process
. See also "U.S. Air Force looks to the
battlefields of the future," Microwave News,
Jan./Feb. 1997, p. 14.
Aide Under Probe Dead in Apparent Suicide",
Washington Post, 6/17/99. Transcript of
"Caught in the Crossfire":
26. Background on the U.S./Australia military
alliance can be found in two books by
Desmond Ball, A Suitable Piece of Real Estate:
American Intelligence in Australia (Sydney,
Hale & Iremonger, 1980) and Richelson, J.T. &
Ball, D., The Ties That Bind: Intelligence
Cooperation Between UKUSA Countries -- the
United Kingdom, the United States of America,
Canada, Australia and New Zealand (Allen &
Unwin, 1985); details about Indonesia's
intervention in East Timor can be found in
William Blum's Killing Hope: U.S. Military and
CIA Interventions Since World War II (Common

Courage Press, 1995).

27. Map:
28. Collins, OpenVerdict (Sphere Books, 1990),
p. 244.
29. "Demand government explanation of
deaths, disappearance," AP, 3/19/87; "Defence
Scientists Mystery Deepens," Financial Times
(London), 4/3/87.
30. "Open verdict on satellite scientist's car
crash," Guardian (London), 4/23/87; "Mystery
of the dead scientists: Coincidence or
conspiracy?," AP, 2/6/88; "Britain baffled by
deaths of 10 scientists involved in security," AP,
4/10/88; "Computer magazine says scientists'
deaths don't add up," AP, 4/13/88; "Scientists'
deaths 'not a plot'," Daily Telegraph, 2/13/89.
31. Vialls, Joe, Deadly Deception at Port Arthur,
2000: ;
"The Port Arthur Massacre" (Tasmania): ; "The
'Perfect' CIA Assassination," New Dawn
magazine, 1994 special edition:'Pe
rfect'%20CIA%20Assassination.html (see also "
'U.S. involved' in death of WPC at Libyan
Embassy, Guardian (London), 4/9/96); "Tesla's

Electromagnetic Pyramids," 9/98:
32. e.g., "Hidden messages: The use of
subliminal texts in music," Financial Times
(London), 3/30/95; "Hong Kong academic sues
U.S. government for 'mind control,'" Agence
France Press, 1/25/96; "Ban microwave and
acoustic weapons: Statement by International
Committee of the Red Cross," Reuters,
5/30/96; "Communicating with Thought Power"
(bionic brain implants), BBC News, 10/15/98;
""And the Voice said..." (Voice-of-God psyops),
New Scientist, 12/25/99-1/1/00
33. " 'Non-lethal' weapons: Precipitating a new
arms race," Brit. Med. J., Vol. 315 (7/12/97).
34. Butler, Declan, "Advances in neuroscience
'may threaten human rights,'" Nature, 391,
1/22/98, p. 316.
35. STOA report "An Appraisal of Technologies
of Political Control," is posted at.
36. The "Resolution on the Environment,
Security and Foreign Policy," #27:
m?redirected=1 (search by date).
37. 1999 Tokyo Declaration:

38. Wall, Judy, "Military Use of Mind Control
Weapons," Nexus magazine (Australia),
39. Wall, Judy, "Aerial Mind Control: A Threat to
Civil Liberties," Nexus magazine,
October/November 1999. See also
40. "High tech psychological warfare arrives in
the Middle East," British ITV,
41. Wall, op. cit., "Military Use of Mind Control
42. Metz, Steven & Kievit, James, The
Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short
of War, Strategic Studies Insitute, U.S. Army
War College, July 25, 1994. Cited in Babacek,
Mojmir, "The Psycho-electronic Threat to
Democracy: The Secret Arms Race,"
ll.htm. See also Bryce, Susan, "21st Century

Warriers," New Dawn, #59 (March-April 2000)
45. "Telemetry is coming of age," by Dean C.
Jutter, Wen H. Ko, & Thomas M. Spear, extract
from Engineering in Medicine and Biology
Magazine, March 1983:
46. Eleanor White correspondence, August
47. Bowart, W.H. & Sutton, Richard, "The
Invisible Third World War":
49. Dr. Byrd's comments were privately
communicated by a conference participant who
does not want to be named. Contact to order
proceedings of meetings.
50. "Synthetic Telepathy":

51. Brodeur, Paul, The Zapping of America:

Microwaves, Their Deadly Risk, and the Coverup, Norton, 1977, pp. 295-296; Becker, Robert
O. & Selden, Gary, The Body Electric:
Electromagmetism and the Foundation of Life,
Morrow, 1985, pp. 319. See also Possony,
Stefan T., "Psy-War: Soviet Device
Experiments," Defense and Foreign Affairs
Daily, 6/7/83. Microwave hearing is
documented in Lin, J.C., "The Microwave
Auditory Phenomenon," Proceedings of the
IEEE, vol. 68, January 1980, pp. 67-73 and
"The future battlefield: a blast of gigawatts?,
IEEE Spectrum, March 1988, pp. 54.
52. Becker, ibid., Chapter 15 and postscript, pp.
319, 333.
53. "Human Brain Implant Research
Suspended at Major University," Albany Times
Union, August 25, 1999.
54. Ostrander, Sheila & Schroeder, Lynn,
Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain
(1st ed.) (Prentice-Hall, 1970), p. 7. The second
edition, with six additional chapters, was
published in 1997 by Marlow & Co. See the
video "Soviet KGB Paranormal Files,"
broadcast on the Fox Family cable channel in
1999, for elaboration of Soviet breakthroughs in
MC over 50 years.
55. Ostrander, Ibid., p. 387-388.

56. Defense Electronics: htm
;Virginia Mind Control:
57. Ostrander, op. cit., pp. 6, 21. The LIDA is
patented in the U.S. (#3,773,049). See a partial
transcript of a CNN Special Assignment (1985)
video on Russian RF weapons:
U.S. declassified documents on 1995 Russian
TV show about mind control devices: ; Russian
Machine That Tranquilizes People: . CAHRA is
sponsoring a translation of the 1999 Russian
book, Psychotronic War and the Security of
Russia by V.N. Lopatin and V.D. Tsygankov: .
58. Personal correspondence; see Carol Rutz's
Web site: .
Her book, A Nation Betrayed: Secret Cold War
Experiments Performed on Our Children and
Other Innocent People will be available in 2001.
Another recent book by child survivors of the
MK-Ultra program is Secret Weapons: Two
Sisters' Terrifying Story by Cheryl and Lynn
Hersha (with Dale Griffis and Ted Schwarz),
59. Timelines by Wall

( ) and Welsh

( Fact
Sheet: t.htm .
Bibliography by Robert C. Beck and Eldon A.
Byrd: . See
also Jason Jeffrey, "Electronic Mind Control:
Brain Zapping," New Dawn magazine
(Australia), Parts 1 and 2, #59 (April/May 2000)
and #60 (May/June 2000):
60. March 30, 2000. . White's
subject44 index catalogs the latest MC
research: .
See for a
diagram depicting how an early version of the
technology might work.
61. "New Devices that 'talk' to minds need
debate, controls."
62. Keeler, Anna, "Remote Mind Control
Technology," In Keith, Jim (ed.). Secret and
Suppressed: Banned Ideas and Hidden History,
Feral House, 1993. Posted at
000435.txt; Bolman, Betsy, "The 'Zapping' of
Greenham and Seneca," Peace and Freedom,
January/February 1989 (monthly publication of
Women's International League for Peace and

Freedom available at the Swarthmore College

63. McKinney's story can be found in The
Whistleblowers, edited by Elizabeth Russell
Manning and Cheryl Welsh, Greensward Press,
P.O. Box 640472, San Francisco, CA 94109
($30.00). See also
/coldwar/microwave.html and McKinney, "The
Classic Mind Control Operation Revealed,"
nd_control.html/ .
64. Results of White's survey of MC effects are
posted at
See surveillance devices available for sale in
catalogs of Information Unlimited,, "and
Consumertronics Online Catalog, .
65. Update: Applied Digital Solutions, 7/31/00:;
Cox News Service, 12/27/99: .
66. Update: "Cyborg professor," Straits Times,
16_0727.html ; "New Tech Joins Brains,
Computers," Discovery News, 5/25/01,

67. "Atomic Guinea Pigs," NYT, 8/31/97. p. 38.
68. APA, Diagnostic Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders-IV, Chapter 23, Table 23-2.
Psi Tech: .
See also, Paranormal Management Systems, For a
biting critique of the unscientific evolution of this
manual, its sexist nature, and the corrupting
influence of huge drug companies on the
psychiatric profession, see Paula J. Caplan,
They Say You're Crazy, Addison-Wesley, 1995.
69. Kilde, op. cit., Endnote #13.
70. "A History of Secret Human
71. Electrosensitivity:
Fibromyalgia: and
72. Osborne, Lawrence, "Regional
Disturbances," NYT, 5/6/01, p. 98.
73. Mougey's story is posted:

ugey .
74. Through-the-wall devices are based on
"millimeter wave" technology: .
75. Sherri Sweetman, March 1987. Quoted in
Begich, Nick & Manning, Jeane, Angels Don't
Play This HAARP, Earthpulse Press, 1995, p.
76. Marks, John, The Search for the
'Manchurian Candidate,' Times Books, 1979, p.
77. Bearden, Explore (Vol. 9, No. 4), 1999.
78. Cherney's Web page:
79. Letter from Joan K. Christensen:
80. U.S. Navy Contract:
81. Medical study:
82. Begich, Nick & Roderick, Jim, Earth Rising
The Revolution, Earthpulse Press, 1999, pp.

117-133; the DoD/DoJ Memorandum of

Understanding signed by Janet Reno and John
Deutsch, 4/20/94: . See also
"Urban guerilla warfare and non-lethal
weapons,"Intelligence Newsletter #381, 5/4/00
(in Lexis database).
83. Begich & Manning, op. cit., pp. 175-176.
84. "The New Mental Battlefield: Beam Me Up
Spock," Military Review. For histories of NL
weapons development, see Aftergood, Steven,
"The 'Soft Kill' Fallacy," Bulletin of Atomic
Scientists, 1994
so94Aftergood.html) and two articles by British
journalist Armen Victorian: "Background on the
Aviary," Nexus Magazine(Australia), 1995.
( ) and
"Non-Lethality: John B. Alexander, The
Pentagon's Penguine," MindNet Journal, Vol. 1,
No. 86
85. Begich, & Roderick, op. cit., p. 117.
86. Begich, & Manning, op. cit., pp. 175-176. It
is unclear whether this language is included in
the final version.
87. U.S. News & WR:
s.htm . See also "Soon, 'Phasers on Stun',"
Nonlethal.html and Bryce, Susan, "Totalitarian
Technology: The Truth is Closer Than Fiction,"
New Dawn, #50 (September-October
1998): . See
also Filterman, Marc, Les Armes de L'Ombre
(Black Project Weapons), Editions Carnot,
1999, which covers secret and unknown
weapons developed in the last two decades by
the U.S., Soviets (Russians) and Europeans.
88. Lee, Martin A. "The Pentagon's people
zapper," San Francisco Bay Guardian, 4/2/01. . Add other
89. See "Bioeffects of Radiofrequency
Radiation" on the Web site of Brooks Air Force
90. Pound, Edward T., 12/30/99; also ""How
decisions and appeals are handled," 12/29/99
and "A few who got through," 12/29/99.
91. Horgan, John, "Lying by the Book,"
Scientific American, October 1992. Posted at

Americans for Democratic Action is on record

calling for public exposure and reclassification
of all SAPs. Its resolution is posted at .
92. Bearden, op. cit. Endnote #77
94. A summary of Seligman's work, with
bibliography, can be found
tm .
95. See the narratives of alleged MC
96. Psychic Warrior, St. Martin's. Also see
"Paranormal ESPionage," an interview with W.
Adam Mandelbaum, author of Psychic
Battlefield: A History of the Military-Occult
Complex, St. Martin's Press, 2000 in New
Dawn magazine, #62 (September-October
2000): .
97. A "Sensitive Compartmented Information
Nondisclosure Agreement" required of Defense
Department contract employees is posted at .
98. See Uri Dowbenko Interview with
Morehouse: "The True Adventures of a Psychic

Spy,"Nexus, October/November 1997

( )
99. Ibid.
100. Rowlett's article:
101. Bearden, op. cit., Endnote #77


From the March-April 2000 issue (Vol. 7 No. 3)

Mind-Control Part 1:
Canadian and U.S.
Survivors Seek Justice

s is

nt is
nt is
Orlikow v. United States (1988)1

By Arlene Tyner
Gripping survivor-centered accounts of medical atrocities committed by CIA-funded mindcontrol (MC) researchers during the Cold War are rarely found in traditional U.S. media.2
Neither are they the subject of emotionally powerful TV docu-dramas commonly produced for
broadcast and cable television. In January 1998, the Canadian Broadcasting System (CBC)
courageously filled this void, although the blackout on government MC history is near-total in
the U.S.
The Sleep Room, a gut-wrenching four-hour miniseries, depicts the true story of Dr. Ewen
Camerons secret MKULTRA brainwashing experiments carried out in the late 50s and early
60s at Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal. Widespread publicity accompanying this major TV
event has empowered many other Canadian survivors of nonconsensual brainwashing
experiments in hospitals and prisons to come forward and seek justice in the courts.3
In Part I of the miniseries, gifted actors dramatize how vulnerable, trusting hospital patients
were transformed into virtual vegetables through doses of "electroconvulsive therapy" 30-40
times more powerful than usual, sensory deprivation, hallucinogenic and paralytic drugs, and
other psychological and physical tortures. Part II grippingly depicts the successful eight-year
U.S. lawsuit of nine survivors, who overcame fear to confront the humiliations and frustrating
delay tactics of the CIA lawyers. Joseph L. Rauh, Jr., a legendary Washington civil rights
attorney, and his partner James C. Turner eventually prevailed for their clients. In 1988, the
U.S. "national security" establishment agreed to an out-of-court settlement of $750,000.4
This extraordinary CBC drama was based on Anne Collins prize-winning 1989 book In the
Sleep Room: The Story of CIA Brainwashing Experiments in Canada. Collins exposed
Camerons 1930s-1940s history of ethically unsupportable experiments on psychiatric
patients. Many of the people methodically abused by Cameron had entered the Institute
suffering only from mild disorders such as anxiety and post-partum depression. By the time
they were released from the Sleep Room torture chamber, many had decades of memory
completely wiped out. Some did not remember their children and even had to relearn bladder
and bowel control.
A U.S. citizen since 1941, the Scottish-born Cameron resided in Albany, New York, from
which he commuted to Montreal each week. Before taking on the directorship at Allan
Memorial, which is associated with McGill University, Cameron was chair of psychiatry and
neurology at a medical school in Albany. He worked closely with Alan Gregg, medical-

sciences director of the Rockefeller Foundation, which provided grants to found the Institute in
1943.5 As director from 1943 to 1964, Cameron achieved a worldwide reputation, serving as
the first chair of the World Psychiatric Association, as well as president of the American and
Canadian psychiatric associations.
In one barely watchable scene of institutional cruelty, Cameron is filmed delivering a speech
to psychiatrists about his successes in "curing" mental illness. As he drones on, the camera
switches to scenes of terrified resisting patients being captured and restrained by doctors and
nurses, forcibly being dosed with drugs and high-voltage electroshock, then put to sleep for
weeks at a time in a room full of beds equipped with tape recorders and football helmets.
Winner in 1998 of the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Televisions Gemini Awards in best
picture and other categories, The Sleep Room touched the raw nerves of Canadian citizens.
Not only did they learn their government had been the CIAs junior consort during the Cold
War against Communism, they also discovered it had secretly granted $500,000 to fund the
Allan Memorial experiments. The CIA had only given Cameron $69,000 from 1957 to 1964.
As the lawsuit dragged on through the Reagan presidency, Rauh was forced to expose the
Canadian governments role in helping the CIA derail the lawsuit, in complete disregard for
pain and lifelong suffering of its own citizens.6 In 1992 the Canadian government coughed up
$100,000 for 76 Cameron victims. To date 127 of his patients have come forward with their
horror stories to seek compensation.
CIA psychologist John Gittinger initiated contact with Cameron after reading his article on
"Psychic Driving" in the January 1956 American Journal of Psychiatry. Gittinger persuaded
Cameron to apply to the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology, a CIA front set up in
1955 to disburse funding for what became a huge MKULTRA network in the U.S., Canada
and overseas (in collaboration with branches of the U.S. Armed Forces). The Human Ecology
Fund (its name was changed in 1961) operated secretly out of Cornell University in New York
Camerons brainwashing grant application proposed to "depattern" patient behavior through
the use of mega-doses of electroshock, to reprogram patients minds with repetitious verbal
messages 16 hours a day for six or seven days, during which time the patient would be kept
in partial sensory deprivation. Cameron called this technique "psychic driving." Brainwashing
would be completed by subjecting patients to drug-enforced continuous sleep, sometimes as
long as weeks or even months.7

The Sleep Room portrays two generations of CIA personnel as equally deadly, i.e., the 1950s
Human Ecology bureaucrats who approved the funding for what were considered "terminal"
experiments on non-U.S. nationals, and the 1980s CIA legal lords who maneuvered on
grounds of "national security" to withhold evidence of the agencys negligence and failure to
adhere to the Nuremberg Code. The callousness of the CIA scientists is aptly captured in this
fictitious dialog, where the scientists are discussing whether to fund Camerons proposal:

#1: Hes going to fry his patients. I can tell you

#2: Well, we wont worry about the patients.
Thats his problem. I just want to know if he can
brainwash them.
#1: He just might, you know. Hes right about
the memory loss with a shock like that. You
couldnt do that to volunteers.
#2: Well, should we give him the money?
#1: What have we got to lose? Its not like hes
doing it to Americans.
While the tone is apt, the misleading impression that neither the CIA nor Cameron were
experimenting on U.S. citizens (witting or unwitting) during this era is the miniseries biggest
flaw. According to the March 15, 1995 testimony of Claudia Mullen before the Presidents
Advisory Commission on Human Radiation Experiments (ACHRE), Ewen Cameron was the
high-voltage expert in a secret team of CIA doctor-brainwashers. Mullen and Chris DiNicola
Ebner told a visibly shaken group of scientists that memory-erasing electroshock, among
other horrors, was regularly used on physically healthy American children in the 1950s, 1960s
and 1970s.8 Unlucky enough to be delivered into CIA/military custody by abusive or uncaring
parents, children as young as eight years old were subjected to trauma-based mind control
(MC) programming to mold them into "Manchurian Candidate" spies, assassins and sexual
blackmailers.9 ACHREs final report documented more than 4000 experiments, and
anywhere from 16,000 to 23,000 unwitting victims!10 The numbers run past 200,000 when if
one includes the GIs deliberately exposed to radiation from atomic bomb testing.11

During this same era, U.S. psychiatric patients were also victimized. Harold Blauer, a patient
in the New York Psychiatric Institute, died in 1953 shortly after being injected with a highly
toxic dose of methyl-diamphetamine (MDA), a derivative of mescaline. Blauer had entered the
hospital suffering from depression after a divorce. He had made progress solely with the
talking cure. Blauer did not know that his psychiatrist, Paul Hoch, was a CIA consultant
secretly under contract with the Armys Edgewood Arsenal chemical/biological warfare lab.
This contract was negotiated through the New York State Department of Mental Hygiene,
which allowed trusting hospital patients to be used as part of the Armys search for "potential
chemical warfare agents."
The MDA was not administered for any therapeutic reason. Blauer was scheduled to be
released from the hospital in a few weeks. His objections to the series of injections, which
were causing him great pain and discomfort, were overridden by manipulative hospital
personnel. Blauer was threatened before the fourth nonfatal dose that if he didnt give his
consent, he would be moved out of the Institute to hospital settings that displeased him. The
fourth dose caused a violent reaction. The fifth killed him. The Army began its cover-up
immediately, the sordid details of which are recounted in the 1987 court decision awarding the
Blauer estate $707,044. The court affixed blame for Blauers needless death totally on the
U.S. government.12
The Blauer case reveals a direct lineage between Nazi research projects and the MKULTRA
program. Mescaline was tested on concentration camp inmates during the Third Reichs
search for a "truth serum."13 These and other Nazi experiments were intensively studied by
U.S. military scientists in occupied Germany. Under the CIAs Operation Paperclip, 1600
German and Austrian scientists were secretly brought to the U.S. Some had worked for I.G.
Farben perfecting Zyclon-B gas for the extermination of Jews and other doomed prisoners.
Many were being investigated for war crimes when they were rescued by a government intent
on using their knowledge and expertise in the Cold War against the Communist Eastern Bloc.
Hundreds of chemists and other scientists were given jobs at Edgewood Arsenal, which
supplied the drugs, chemicals and poisons for the CIAs counterespionage and assassination
programs during the Korean and Vietnam wars, as well as covert interventions in the affairs of
many Third World nations.14
Though the Cold War is over, the U.S. military/CIA bureaucracies still invoke "national
security" and "plausible deniability" to hide a vast arsenal of sophisticated mind-control and
psychological warfare technology.15 All of these weapons had to be perfected by means of
human experimentation. Psychiatrist Colin Ross found that many areas of brain research

heading in the direction of MC suddenly went "black" in the 1960s.16 His long-awaited
book, Building the Manchurian Candidate: Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by
Psychiatrists, will soon be published.
A hint about mind-control research first surfaced in the aftermath of the 1963 assassination of
President John F. Kennedy. When J. Edgar Hoover testified before the Warren Commission in
1964, he raised the possibility President Kennedy had been killed by a programmed assassin
dispatched by the Soviet Union. Alarmed, the Commission requested the CIA to produce
information on Soviet brainwashing. The resultant CIA memo (so controversial it wasnt
declassified until 1974) cryptically asserted the Soviets did not have any MC techniques or
drugs "not available in the West."17 However, neither Hoover nor the CIA told the Commission
that the U.S. had an operational program of Manchurian Candidates up and running since
World War II!18
The term "brainwashing" was first coined in 1950 by Edward Hunter, a CIA employee
operating undercover as a journalist, purportedly to explain how American POWs in Korea
were being coerced into confessing they used biological weapons.19Newspapers played up
fears that the Soviets, the Chinese and North Koreans were using a secret psychological
weapon against allied soldiers. This "brainwashing" scare was a successful CIA
disinformation strategy used to build support for an unpopular war.20 It also helped insulate
military and university researchers from accountability for violating medical ethics and criminal
The prevailing anticommunist hysteria that grew to justify the MKULTRA program and its
unambiguous violations of the Hippocratic Oath, the Nuremberg Code and many international
human-rights covenants was aptly summarized in 1954 by former President Herbert Hoover:
It is now clear we are facing an implacable enemy whose avowed objective is world
domination.... There are no rules in such a game. Hitherto accepted norms of human conduct
do not apply.... If the United States is to survive, long-standing American concepts of fair play
must be reconsidered... We must learn to subvert, sabotage and destroy our enemies by
more clever, more sophisticated, more effective methods than those used against us.21
The MKULTRA program began with a proposal by Richard Helms, then the CIAs Assistant
Deputy Director for Plans, to fund "highly sensitive" research and development using
chemical/ biological substances to alter human behavior. It was approved by CIA Director
Allen Dulles on April 13, 1953 and was overseen by chemist Sidney Gottlieb, chief of the

CIAs Technical Services Division (TSD). The first MC programs, called Bluebird and
Artichoke, were subsumed under the MKULTRA umbrella. This program came to embrace an
octopus-like network with names like MK-Search (1963-1973), MK-Delta and MK-Naomi
(assassination programs carried out by the Army 1953-1970).22 Between 1953 and 1963 the
TSD operated 149 subprojects in 80 U.S. and Canadian universities and medical centers, and
three prisons, involving 185 private researchers, 15 foundations and numerous
pharmaceutical companies.23
In 1973, with the Watergate scandal looming, outgoing CIA Director Helms ordered all
MKULTRA records destroyed. He testified before the Senates Church Committee two years
later that Gottlieb:
"...came to me and said that he was retiring and I was retiring and he thought it would be a
good idea if these files were destroyed. And I also believe part of the reason for our thinking
this was advisable was there had been relationships with outsiders in government agencies
and other organizations and these would be sensitive in this kind of thing but that since the
program was over and finished and done with, we thought we would just get rid of the files as
well, so that anybody who assisted us in the past would not be subject to follow-up questions,
embarrassment, if you will."24

Fortunately, 8,000 pages of mainly financial data escaped the CIA shredder, and
were declassified pursuant to a Freedom of Information lawsuit in the 1970s
filed by the Center for National Security Studies. Though woefully incomplete,
these documents nevertheless became the bedrock of John Marks
groundbreaking 1978 book, The Search for the "Manchurian Candidate": The
CIA and Mind Control.25
All branches of the military sponsored MC research in collaboration with the CIA.26 Most
civilian subjects were unwitting; even CIA employees and Army recruits who consented to
drug and hypnosis experiments were not properly informed as to their dangers. MKULTRA
clearly violated the Nuremberg Code requirement that subjects give "informed consent" to
participate in scientific research: "This means that the person involved should have the legal
capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice,
without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other
form of constraint or coercion." This Code was established in 1948 by the same U.S. Military
Tribunal that tried 24 Nazi doctors for deadly experiments on concentration camp inmates. It
was binding on the U.S. as of February 26, 1953.27

How do we explain the hundreds of thousands of human guinea pigs callously sacrificed
during the Cold War?28 As Paperclip researcher Linda Hunt concluded, "...we used Nazi
science to kill our own people."29 Perhaps survivor stories can help us understand what went
wrong and why our secular democracy allows huge bureaucracies of unsupervised,
supersecret warriors guided only by the cult-like religion of "national security" and the
obsessive search for "enemies of the state." The death of communism as a military threat has
not dented the religious zeal that still inspires the military/intelligence establishment.
James Stanley, a career soldier, suffered soul murder as an Army lab rat. He was given LSD
in 1958 without being warned of its dangers, as were 1000 other "volunteer" soldiers. Stanley
suffered hallucinations, memory loss, incoherence, and a negative personality change. Fits of
uncontrollable violence destroyed his family, and restricted his ability to earn a living. And he
never knew why until 1975, when the Army invited him to participate in a follow-up study on
"volunteers who participated" in LSD testing. In United States vs. Stanley,30 the Supreme
Court majority decided against Stanleys claim for damages. However, Justices Brennan,
Marshall and OConnor dissented, asserting their belief that the Nuremberg Codes standard
of informed consent applies to soldiers as well as civilians. In 1996 James Stanley finally
wrangled a $400,000 settlement from the government, but no apology for having ruined his
Unacknowledged civilian wreckage from unimaginably cruel brainwashing experiments
continues to bob to the surface from a vast sea of still-classified, cold-war experiments.
Survivors of ghoulish medical tortures or the families of deceased victims are turning up in
Canadian and U.S. courtrooms today demanding compensation for a lifetime of suffering.
Some Canadian plaintiffs appear to have a slight advantage over their U.S. cousins, who are
severely hampered by the 1973 Helms/Gottlieb destruction of MKULTRA records. Fortunately
for these survivors, paper trails are being unearthed in government, hospital and prison
archives. The eminently freer Canadian press also helps build public support for MC
survivors lawsuits.32
Gail Kastner, now in her 60s, did not discover Ewen Camerons experiments were the cause
of her "wasted life" until reading a newspaper story in the Montreal Gazette in 1992. She sued
the Canadian government and Montreals Royal Victoria Hospital in 1999 after the
government rejected her claim for damages. A "brilliant student whose domineering father
checked her into the institute for depression," Kastner says that Camerons electroconvulsive
"depatterning" treatments and insulin-induced comas for five weeks at a time are responsible
for a life of screaming nightmares, recurring seizures, loss of memory, and long-term

regression to an infantile state. Her husband, son and twin sister could not tolerate her bizarre
behavior, i.e. "wetting the living-room carpet, thumb-sucking, babytalk and wanting to be
bottlefed." Abandoned by her own family, she was rescued from homelessness by the Jewish
Family Service.33
During the era of Camerons brainwashing regimens, psychiatrists and psychologists in other
Canadian institutions were using similar methods to "treat" people haphazardly diagnosed
with depression, schizophrenia or, in prisons, what was perceived as "antisocial" conduct.
Dorothy Proctor was a rebellious 17-year-old when she entered the Prison for Women in
Kingston, Ontario on a three-year term for robbery. Primed first with sensory deprivation and
electroshock, she was administered LSD in 1961 by a prison psychologist, then locked into
"The Hole" to endure what for her was "Dantes Inferno."
Proctor, a Native and Black Canadian from Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, calls this "mind
rape." She says she was singled out for such "Nazi-style science" because she had twice
escaped from the prison, bringing unfavorable publicity to the authorities there. Proctor
asserts that the steady prison diet of LSD and other experimental drugs led her down the path
to drug addiction for 24 years. After publishing Chameleon: The Life of Dorothy Proctor in
1994, this articulate and determined woman launched a complaint with the Corrections
Service of Canada (CSC), saying she suffered permanent brain damage and hallucinations
haunting her to the present day.
"I was reduced to a lab rat, a monkey in a cage," she told the Ottawa Citizen (7/21/98), which
has been covering the Proctor and other Canadian human experimentation cases for a
number of years. A government inquiry turned up documentation (including clinical notes) that
Proctor was not the only victim of involuntary prison experimentation 1960-1963. At least 23
other women prisoners were also used as human guinea pigs. Only four of these women
have been found to date. And instead of complying with the CSCs recommendation of an
apology and financial compensation to Proctor, the Canadian government commissioned an
"ethics study" at McGill University. Meanwhile Proctor hired lawyer James Newland and filed
suit for $5 million in damages from the Canadian government, George Scott, MD, the prison
psychiatrist, and Mark Eveson, a psychologist affiliated with Queens University.34

While the emotional shock of The Sleep Room still electrified Canadian airways,
the Ottawa Citizen published an expose drawn from interviews, archives,
scientific journals and correspondence between doctors and prison officials. It
found that hundreds of federal prisoners throughout Canada were used for

pharmaceutical trials of untested drugs, sensory deprivation, and pain and

electroshock studies. It uncovered a 1968 trial during which defendant Christine
Bauman claimed that she suffered terrifying personality changes after being
given LSD in 1961 at the Institute for Psychotherapy, not far from Kingston
Prison where she had been incarcerated.35 Furthermore, archival materials
released through the Proctor lawsuit indicate that some abuses may have begun
as early as March 24, 1949, when a new electroshock machine arrived at
Kingston Penitentiary. Electroshock has a history of being used as punishment
in Nazi Germany and against Blacks in apartheid South Africa.36
By late 1999, additional Canadian women and men came forward to claim they were used in
prison and hospital experiments in the 1960s and 1970s. A class-action suit against the prison
system was filed anonymously by "Jane Doe," a 75-year-old grandmother who realized after
reading newspaper stories that she was one of the 23 women who were given LSD and other
terrifying "treatments" without their consent while in prison . Her lawsuit charges Scott and
Eveson with assault, intentional affliction of mental suffering, and negligence. Her access to
the Evesons clinical notes, released as a result of the Proctor suit, helped her recognize what
had been done to her 38 years ago.37
Less documented, however, are the connections of these prison experiments to U.S. mindcontrol funding sources. Canadian newspaper stories usually include the caveat that although
prison use of LSD and "shock therapy" coincided with CIA "brainwashing" experiments at
Allan Memorial Institute, no evidence has been found to link the programs. However, Allen
Hornblum, author of Acres of Skin: The Human Experiments at Holmesburg Prison, said on a
1998 CBC radio show that some of the experiments conducted in U.S. prisons during this era
were sponsored by the U.S. Army and the CIA. And he pointed out that shortly after seven
Nazi doctors were hung at Nuremberg for horrific experiments on inmates at Bergen Belsen,
Auschwitz and Ravensbruk, U.S. doctors were injecting plutonium and uranium into unwitting
hospital patients.38
Activist Lynne Moss-Sharman does not rule out a hidden connection between the Canadian
prison experiments and CIA/military brainwashing research. Moss-Sharman is the Canadian
contact for ACHES-MC (Advocacy Committee for Human Experimentation Survivors Mind
Control), and is herself a survivor of brainwashing experimentation during her childhood.39
The Canadian military had a close relationship with Edgewood Arsenal during the years it
funded MC experiments in hospitals and prisons.40

Moss-Sharman has been organizing support for federal prisoner Richard Carlson, who filed a
civil claim in October 1998. Carlson says his use in covert brainwashing experiments from
1968 to 1974 in several Kingston-area prisons caused a lifelong psychiatric disability.
According to Moss-Sharman, the authorities retaliated against Carlson going public about the
prison brainwashing experiments. They unsuccessfully tried to change his status to
"dangerous offender," which would have carried a mandatory life sentence for the bank
robbery charge, which he is also appealing.
Three people connected to Carlson have died under mysterious circumstances since he
launched his brainwashing claim. They include Tony Vaitelis, the second male inmate to make
claims similar to Carlsons, an unnamed former hospital orderly and potential witness to
prison brainwashing, and Carlsons 30-year-old son. Moss-Sharman says Carlson is
dangerous to Correctional Services Canada because he can name the inmates who died
during the prison experiments and can describe what happened in the experimental units.41
"Insulin shock therapy" was frequently used on Ewen Camerons patients at Allan Memorial.
In 1999 the widow of Yuan Woo (Jean-Paul Martineau), a former Royal Canadian Air Force
radar technician, went public with the story of how her deceased husband had been the
unwitting subject of "insulin shock therapy" experiments in Queen Marys Veterans Hospital in
1953. Martineau curiously changed his name to "Juan Woo" after being discharged. As a
result of medical mistreatment, Ms. Woo says, her husband developed such a morbid fear of
physicians, he postponed going to the doctor until he was near death from cancer in 1996.42
In the U.S., MC survivors and their families are hard-pressed to secure files documenting their
claims, if indeed such records escaped the shredder years ago. Since 1985 all litigants have
been hampered by C.I.A. vs. Sims,43 a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision that
undergirds the CIAs refusal to name its contract institutions and individual researchers on
grounds of "national security."44 Only 59 CIA/military contract institutions and a handful of
researchers consented to be publicly named in the 1970s when the MKULTRA program was
The most well-publicized U.S. victim of the MKULTRA experiments is Frank Olson, a
biochemist who worked at the Army Chemical Corps Special Operations Division at Ft.
Detrick, in Frederick, Maryland. On November 18, 1953, Olson was given a drink of Cointreau
secretly laced with LSD. He immediately became agitated and severely paranoid, a condition
that lasted for days. Olson was said to have committed suicide nine days later by jumping 13stories to his death through the closed window of a New York hotel. Members of his family did

not learn he had been drugged until 1975 when the MKULTRA behavior-control program was
exposed. They later received an apology from President Gerald Ford and a $750,000
However, after studying documents declassified in later years, Eric Olson believed his father
may have been pushed out the window. He had the body exhumed in 1994. A group of private
forensic researchers announced on the 41th anniversary of Olsons death that both forensic
and other evidence were "starkly suggestive of homicide."45 A second skull fracture (missed
in the initial autopsy) means Olson may have been hit on the head before his body went
through the window. Also the lack of cuts on Olsons body would appear to rule out the official
CIA story of his "suicide."46 Armond Pastore, the hotel night manager who kneeled beside
the dying Olson back in 1953, said, "I never heard of anybody jumping through a closed
window with the blind down."47 Last year a New York grand jury was looking at this new
The first CIA brainwashing case to go before a jury took place in 1999. I learned about this
civil trial through two articles in the Philadelphia Inquirer.49 This civil trial centered on the
tragic life of up-and-coming artist Stanley Glickman, who says that in 1952 in a Paris cafe,
MKULTRA czar Sidney Gottlieb had brought him a drink laced with LSD. Gottlieb denied
doing this, despite admitting he had spiked the drinks of other unsuspecting people in the
1950s. Glickman suffered a psychological breakdown from which he never recovered. After
collapsing he was rushed to American Hospital where he claimed doctors there administered
electroshock therapy "via a catheter up his penis" as well as more hallucinogenic drugs.50
After learning about the CIAs LSD experiments on unwitting subjects in the 1970s, Glickman
sued in 1983. His identification of Gottlieb was based on remembering that the strange man in
the bar had a club foot. Using the same delay-and-attrition tactics heaped on the nine elderly
Canadians in Orlikow, the CIA was able to delay the trial for 16 years. Glickman died in 1992
but his sister Gloria Kronisch continued the lawsuit. Dominick L. DiCarlo, a conservative chief
judge "on loan" from the U.S. Court of International Trade in New York City, presided.
What happened next will some day be the stuff of high drama in a Sleep Room-type teleplay
exposing the CIAs 50-year history of crimes against humanity. Finally being called to account
in a courtroom for overseeing a quarter-century of U.S.-style Nazi science, Gottlieb becomes
ill, causing postponement of the February trial. On the eve of the March date, he
unexpectedly dies. Both the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times obituaries report
that the Gottlieb family refuses to disclose the cause of his death. The online WorldNet Daily,

however, reports that Gottlieb, 80, died after a "month-long bout with pneumonia." According
to this story, he was admitted to the University of Virginia Medical Center in Charlottesburg on
February 14, and "lapsed into a coma" on March 5 "from which he never recovered."51
Are we overly paranoid to suspect the CIA of foul play here? Did life boomerang on the aged
Dr. Strangelove? Was this enthusiastic harvester of exotic poisons and inventor of bizarre
assassination delivery systems somehow silenced by same to prevent his spilling the CIAs
dirty secrets in a court of law?52
Anyway, the trial goes forward in late March, with the Glickman estate suing the Gottlieb
estate (the claims against Helms and the CIA had been thrown out). As the lawyers near their
final summations, Judge DiCarlo, 71, suddenly drops dead of a heart attack while exercising
in a federal gym located next to the court. His New York Times obituary makes no mention of
the controversial CIA trial (nor does the Times even cover the trial).53 However, the New York
Daily News, with more guts and pizzazz, reports that DiCarlos death "created a surreal scene
as paramedics and a priest called to give last rites mingled with jurors preparing to decide one
of the strangest cases being heard in the city."54 Goosebumps and paranoia strike again.
Was this Reagan-appointed judge a victim of the CIAs long-rumored, untraceable method of
inducing heart attacks? Or was it the stress of a CIA trial that killed him?
Almost on cue, Federal Judge Kimba Wood was assigned to take DiCarlos place, a move
prejudicial to the plaintiff since she had thrown out this case in 1997. The Second Circuit
Court of Appeals reinstated the lawsuit in 1998.55 After closing arguments, the jury

deliberated for seven hours before ruling against the Glickman estate.
But the evidence of foul play goes way beyond the spiking of Glickmans drink.
His Paris hospital records show that two of his doctors had been engaged in
LSD research at the time. Also, CIA files from 1952 reveal a special interest in
the heightened effect of LSD on people with hepatitis. One of Glickmans
American Hospital doctors had previously treated him for hepatitis, making this
once-promising young artist "the ideal guinea pig."56
I would like to thank Lynne Moss-Sharman, Kathy Kasten, Eleanor White and Blanche
Chavoustie for providing news articles and other research materials for this series.

1. 682 F. Supp. 77, 94 (D.C. 1988) (Civ. No. 80-3153). For a summary of the federal court
cases cited in this article , see "The Law and Mind Control: A Look at the Law and
Government Mind Control Through Five Cases"" by Attorney Helen McGonigle
2. Survivor testimonies, however, can be found on the Internet:
3. MacLeans, 4/21/97 (p. A3) and 1/12/98 (P. 66); The Gazette (Montreal), 3/13/97 (p. A3)
and 1/11/98 (p. C9); Toronto Star, 1/10/98 (p. SW10) and 1/11/98 (p. B7); Toronto Sun,
1/11/98 (TV 3); Ottawa Citizen, 1/10/98 (p. H4); CBC broadcast, "Fifth Estate," 1/6/98
4. For a history of Orlikow, see "Anatomy of a Public Interest Case Against the CIA," by
Joseph L. Rauh, Jr. and James C. Turner, Hamline Journal of Public Law and Policy, Vol. II
(2), Fall 1990. (
5. Collins, In the Sleep Room (Key Porter Books, 1998), pp. 94, 101-104.
6. Joe Rauhs lifelong history of defending victims of government abuse was postumously
rewarded in 1994 when President Bill Clinton awarded him the Presidential Medal of
Freedom. Rauh had died in 1992, the Canadian case against the CIA having been his last
7. Rauh and Turner, op. cit.
8. A videotape of the ACHRE hearing is available from Missoulians for a Clean Environment,
P.O. Box 2885, Missoula, MT 59806 (Phone: 406-543-7210). A transcript is posted at Tape 14: "Giving testimony
regarding survival as a government mind-control victim: My testimony and the backlash,"
Mullens presentation to the 1997 Believe the Children (BTC) Conference can be ordered
from BTC Repeat Performance, 2911 Crabapple Lane, Hobart, IN 46342. This tape also
includes the BTC presentation by therapist Valerie Wolf, BCSW, ACSW, BCD, "Assessment
and treatment of survivors of sadistic abuse."
9. Rappaport, Jon, Mind Control Experiments on Children, self-published book containing the

supporting documentation produced by legal and medical professionals for the 1995 ACHRE
hearings. (
10. Final Report of Presidents Commission on Human Radiation Experiments (ACHRE),
1996 (
11. ACHRE Report, ibid., Chapter 10.
12. Barrett v. U.S., 660 F.Supp. 1291 (S.D.N.Y. 1987). See Hunt, op. cit., pp. 170, 235 for
details on the Blauer case.
13 Lifton, R.J., The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide (Basic
Books, 1986), pp. 289-290.
14 See generally, Hunt, L., Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientists,
and Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990 (St. Martins Press, 1991).
15 "Wonder Weapons: the Pentagons quest for nonlethal arms is amazing. But is it
smart?" U.S. News and World Report, July 7, 1997.
16 Ross, Colin, "The CIA and Military Mind Control Research: Building the Manchurian
Candidate." A lecture given at the 9th Annual Western Clinical Conference on Trauma and
Dissociation, April 18, 1996, Orange County, California. Transcript and/or audiotape can be
ordered from CKLN-FM, 380 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5B 1W7 (phone 416595-1477; fax 416-595-0226). Transcript is posted at
17. Russell, D. The Man Who Knew Too Much (Carroll & Graf, 1992), pp. 673-674.
18. Ross, op. cit. See also George H. Estabrooks, PhD, "Hypnosis comes of age," Science
Digest, April 1971, pp. 44-50.
19. Russell, Dick, op. cit., pp. 193-194. According to historians Stephen Endicott and Edward
Hagerman, The United States and Biological Warfare (Indiana University Press, 1999), the
U.S. did use germ weapons in Korea.
20. Scheflin, A. & Opton, Jr., E.M., The Mind Manipulators. (Paddington Press, 1978), p. 107.

21. Secret report to the Eisenhower White House, quoted in Hunt, Linda, op. cit., p. 263.
22. "C.I.A. Documents Tell of 1954 Project to Create Involuntary Assassins," New York
Times, February 9, 1978, p. 17.
23. New York Times, August 2, 1977, pp. 1, 16.
24. Foreign and Military Intelligence, Book I, Final Report of the Select Committee to Study
Government Operations With Respect to Intelligence Activities [the "Church Committee"
report], U.S. Senate (April 26, 1976), pp. 403-404. Quoted in Russell, op. cit. p. 775 (Note
25 Online version of Marks book:
25. Ross, op. cit.
27. Orlikow, op. cit., at 82.
28 Sea, G., "The Radiation Story No One Would Touch," Columbia Journalism Review,
March/April 1994 (
29. Hunt, op. cit., p. 268.
30. 483 U.S. 669 (1987)
31. March 6, 1996 article provided by Lynne Moss-Sharman (newspaper not identified)
32. Some examples from the Ottawa Citizen: "Debate over prison experimentation emerges
from shadows," 9/28/98; "Minister demands answers on prison experiments: Solicitor general
upset by Citizen account of inmates used as guinea pigs," 10/1/98; "LSD trials on inmates
unethical: Ignore proposal for compensation, McGill study says," 10/31/98; "Military tested
LSD on civilians: Canada funded Cold War probe into mind control," 12/7/98. From CBC
Radio, "Secret experiments on Canadas convicts," 11/9/98. From the Toronto Star: "Prisoners
used for frightening tests, new papers show," 12/18/99.
33. CBC Montreal (Ivan Slobod), 1/5/00; "Woman suing over CIA experiments," Globe and
Mail, 1/6/00; Hell for my family, Montreal Gazette, 1/11/00; "Shock treatment victim supports

suit," The Daily Miner (Kenora), 1/21/00.

34. CKLN Radio (Toronto) "Shrinkrap" interviews Dorothy Proctor and lawyer James
Newland, August 1998; "Inmates subdued with drugs, shock therapy, report says," Globe and
Mail, 10/31/98; Ottawa Citizen: "Burden of proof on LSD inmates: Government wont
compensate women without more proof that tests caused harm," 2/3/98; "LSD tested on
female prisoners," 2/28/98; "The case for prisons LSD tests," 3/1/98; "Pay LSD victims:
Reform (Party): Law and Order Party calls experiments on inmates sickening," 3/2/98;
"Privacy an issue in LSD probe," 3/20/98; "LSD experiments good research back then,"
7/10/98; "MPs demand inquiry into prison tests," 9/29/98; "Minister demands answers on
Citizen account of inmates used as guinea pigs," 10/1/98; "Scott stalling LSD report, critics
charge," 10/15/98; "LSD trials on inmates unethical," 10/31/98); "Government accused of
withholding files on prison LSD testing," 12/8/99;
35. " I was in a very bad state- LSD guinea pig says form inmate underwent dramatic
personality changes," Ottawa Citizen, 9/26/98.
36. Eastgate, J., "The Case Against Electroshock Treatment," USA Today (Magazine),
November 1998, p. 28.
37. "75-year-old guinea pig wants to sue," Ottawa Citizen, 12/9/99.
38. "This Morning," CBC Radio, Nov. 9, 1998. Interviewers: Avril Benoit and Rosie
39. In a 1997 interview on CKLN radio, Moss-Sharman recounts her own nightmare as a
child victim of CIA/military brainwashing experiments.
( Also see "Mind Games: Another
woman comes forward to claim the CIA used her as a guinea pig in hideous
experiments," Ottawa Citizen, 9/13/97 (posted at
40. "Military tested LSD on civilians: Canada funded Cold War probe into mind
control," Ottawa Citizen, 12/7/98.
41. Chronical Journal (Thunder Bay, Ontario): "Carlson gets access to prison file," 5/1/99;
"Carlson case adjourns," 10/27/99; "Convicted bank robber Carlson launches appeal bid,"

2/2/00. Two letters to the Canadian Human Rights Commission re: Carlson (11/9/99 from
Moss-Sharman and 12/30/99 from Patty Rehn, U.S. contact for ACHES-MC) are available
from the author upon request.
42. " The nightmares are real: Widow blames military for mans suffering," Ottawa Citizen,
10/11/99; "Was Canuck in CIA experiments? Widow wants to know why hubby suffered," Sun
Media, 10/12/99.
43. C.I.A. vs. Sims., 471 U.S. 159, 85 L.Ed.2d, 105 S.Ct. 1881 (1985).
44. A revealing account of the difficulties U.S. citizens encounter in making claims against the
government can be found in Budiansky, Goode, Gast, "The Cold War Experiments," U.S.
News and World Report, January 24, 1994.
45. Philadelphia Inquirer, November 29, 1994, B6.
46. Los Angeles Times, July 13, 1994, A4
47. The Independent (London), June 4, 1994, p. 8.
48. Baker, R., "Conspiracy: In 1952, Stanley Glickman was a promising young painter
studying in Paris. Then one night he shared a drink with some fellow Americans, and his life
fell apart. Did the CIA spike his drink with LSD? The Observer(Guardian Newspapers Ltd.),
February 14, 1999.
49. "Case against CIA that began with 52 encounter winds down," 4/30/99, and "Jury rejects
suit alleging 52 drugging," 5/1/99.
50. Baker, op. cit.
51. New York Times, 3/10/99 and Los Angeles Times, 4/4/99. See gottlieb.htm for the 3/11/99 WorldNet Daily obituary.
52. Regarding Gottliebs bizarre plans to assassinate Fidel Castro and Patrice Lumumba,
see Impact International, April 1999 (
53. "Judge Dominick L. DiCarlo, 71, Narcotics Fighter Under Reagan," New York Times,

4/30/99, C21. A 3/10/99 Gottlieb obituary written by Tim Weiner also makes no mention of the
Glickman trial.
54. Daily News, April 28, 1999, p. 2.
55. Kronisch v. U.S., 150 F.3d 112 (2d Cir. 1988). Posted on New Jersey Law
Journal website:
56. Baker, op. cit.
All materials within Copyright 2000 to CTKA. Do not republish or copy this material in any
form, electronic or otherwise, without written permission from CTKA.

I've been following news articles re: Nazi Gold but your documentary will still shocking. I hope
you will continue to update PBS viewers as more information unfolds. In all fairness, you
should include stories of courageous Swiss people who shielded or saved Jews or opposed
the bankers' collaboration with the Nazis.
Even though Switzerland was not an occupied country, weren't there organizations who
resisted what was going on? The video mentions the trains of Jews and slave laborers going

through the country at night. Was there no organized protest? How influential was the Swiss
Jewish community at the time? The documentary brings to mind Hannah Arendt's phrase
about the "banality of evil." For Swiss nationals to oppose the evils of that time would risk
ostracism at the least, and death at the worst. The same mechanisms operated here in our
own country during the 1950s witch-hunts. Those who spoke out or resisted totalitarians
acting under cover of Congress and the federal government saw their careers destroyed. Two
American Jews, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were executed during the hysteria. People who
resisted the government's story they were atom spies and believed in the Rosenbergs'
innocence often saw their careers derailed via red-baiting (guilt by association). We in this
country have our own cross to bear in accommodating to totalitarians with political power.
Arlene Tyner
Phila., PA
[email protected]

The Invisible Harry Gold - Google Books Result

Allen M. Hornblum - 2010 - HISTORY

... Ilene Weisberg, Arlene Tyner, Ted Krakow, Sam Dinerman, Chick Goodroe, ... and Thomas
Whitehead of Temple University Library's Special Collections ...

Flawed analysis of Rosenbergs

Julia Gorin's analysis of "our culture's long guilt" over the execution of Ethel and Julius
Rosenberg is anachronistic and flawed (Inquirer, Dec. 27). She raises the old "fanaticism vs.
love" canard while ignoring new information that contradicts her conclusions.
A number of recent cable TV documentaries have downgraded Julius Rosenberg from a
central role in atomic spying, and exonerated Ethel completely. Some new films on Cold-War
spies either omit the Rosenbergs entirely or treat them as tangential figures. Their tragic end
makes a perfect brief for opposing the death penalty.
Today the Justice Department's communist conspiracy theory would be laughed out of court.
And indeed it was - in a 1995 mock trial conducted by the American Bar Association. Not long
thereafter, a Los Alamos physicist revealed that he gave atomic bomb data to the Russians
many months before the Rosenbergs' alleged conspiracy materialized. Hall's admission thus
invalidates Judge Irving Kaufman's 1951 rationale for the Rosenbergs' death sentences - that
they were responsible for stealing "the secret of the atom bomb."

Declassified information on atomic espionage from KGB sources and the NSA/CIA is
contradictory. Their claims deserve healthy skepticism and a more sophisticated analysis that
considers the purposeful ambiguity and doublespeak of intelligence operations. Aging ex-KGB
agents, unable to live on their meager pensions, put food on their plates by selling verbal
information to American media outlets. Yet none has produced actual files documenting the
Rosenbergs as Soviet spies.
The NSA's Venona decryptions are human interpretations subject to error. None of the
intercepted Soviet cables released by the NSA was fully decrypted and translated. Venona
intercepts consist of incomplete sentences and paragraph fragments revised numerous times
over a 30-year period. Moreover, the identification of real people from Soviet code names
admittedly involved guesswork. The FBI has never revealed how and when it plugged the
Rosenbergs into raw decryptions.
But Gorin evidently believes in the literal truth of the Venona decrypts, which say that Ethel
was not a spy and the man the NSA claims is Julius was a non-atomic spy. Therefore, the
refusal of the Rosenbergs to confess to a crime they didn't commit was neither a "sacrifice"
for a "failed idea" nor a betrayal of their country or their children. In simple terms, it was the
most honorable thing to do.
Arlene Tyner
[email protected]

Mind-Control Part 1:
Canadian and U.S.
Survivors Seek Justice

s is

nt is
nt is

Orlikow v. United States (1988)1

By Arlene Tyner

1. CTKA/Probe Back Issues Index

Mind-Control Part 2: From Implants to Microwaves: A Case Study. Here, Tyner tells of mindcontrol history through a study of one woman and her bizarre ...
the experimenters will be particularly interested in dissociative states, from the
abaissement de niveau mental to multiple personality in so-called mediums, and an attempt
will be made to induce a number of states of this kind, using hypnosis.
From a declassified MK-ULTRA document referenced by researcher Arlene Tyner

Tyner, Arlene Mind Control Part 3: The Blowback Effect of Brain Tampering, Probe
Magazine, July-August, 2000

1. Healing the Unimaginable: Treating Ritual Abuse and

Mind ...

Alison Miller - 2011 - Psychology

... multiple personality in so-called mediums; and an attempt will be made to induce a number
of states of this kind, using hypnosis.' The government had finally ...

1. Forensic Aspects of Dissociative Identity Disorder

Adah Sachs, Graeme Galton - 2008 - Psychology

... multiple personality in so-called mediums; and an attempt will be made to induce a number
of states of this kind, using hypnosis." The government had finally ...

1. The C.I.A. Doctors: Human Rights Violations by

American ...

Colin A. Ross - 2006 - History

... and an attempt will be made to induce a number of states of this kind, using hypnosis.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank the people who suggested.

1. In Defence of Conspiracy Theories: With Examples

from ...

Brian Nugent - 2008 - History

... an attempt will be made to induce a number of states of this kind, using hypnosis."
( ...

1. Monarch: The New Phoenix Program - Page 177 -

Google Books Result

Marshall Thomas - Political Science

According to Arlene Tyner, Boorda could easily have been done in by one of the surefire
assassination methods the Navy has finessed after 50 years of covert ...

MAY 21, 1996

Admiral Boorda Memorial

Defense Department officials eulogized Admiral Jeremy Mike Boorda at a memorial
service.He died last week.

Former Navy Secretary James H. Webb

Ex-Navy secretary says top

officers lack 'moral
courage' Webb's
Annapolis speech
provokes angry exchange

April 26, 1996


Yes, Boorda had been publicly attacked by the sometimes surly former Navy Secretary

James Webb. In a blistering speech given at the Naval Academy, the blunt-speaking
Vietnam veteran tore into Boorda for many of the Navy's ills.
"Some (Navy leaders) are guilty of the ultimate disloyalty. To save or advance their careers,
they have abandoned the very ideals of their profession in order to curry favor with
We might add here, the snub-nosed Webb knows all about "currying favor with politicians" of
both parties. Originally a Democrat, he became a Republican and served one turbulent year
as Secretary of the Navy in Ronald Reagan's administration. In recent years, we have seen
him flip-flop back to the Democrats and compile a voting record as senator from Virginia that
largely supports the programs of leftist President Barack Hussein Obama.
Webb's verbal assault and a vitriolic unsigned letter run in the Navy TIMES, may have
annoyed Boorda, but a man with his strength of character doesn't usually take the coward's
way out of committing suicide and at the same time, damaging the Navy he loved all his life.

Some images:

Note: I'd heard of possible Boorda / Cuppett / chemTrails connection:

1. America Sold Out - Page 303 - Google Books Result

Ray Hope - 2003 - Religion

ured aircraft are now spraying "chemtrails" of "mycoplasmas/fungi spores''' in most ...Letter to
the Chairman, the Joint Chiefs of Staff by Al Cuppett Alexander "Al" ...

Chemtrails Hearing Arizona

Mostly , I want to make pdf of the above. It helps me to decode text if I can read and
listen simultaneously.
pdf file:

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