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Agricultural Waste Management

What is waste management?

The proper management of waste from agricultural operations can contribute in a significant way to farm
operations. Waste management helps maintain a healthy environment for farm animals and can reduce the need
for commercial fertilizers while providing other nutrients needed for crop production. Agricultural waste typically
associated with animals includes but is not limited to manure, bedding and litter, wasted feed, runoff from
feedlots and holding areas, and wastewater from buildings like dairy parlors.
Best management practices (BMPs) such as pasture rotation and renovation to maintain adequate vegetative
cover, riparian buffers, and structures built to trap or retain waste should be utilized in order to prevent
contamination of both surface waters and groundwater. When this waste is carried in overland flow from rain
events, it is categorized as a nonpoint source pollutant, or one that originates from diffuse areas of land.
Nonpoint source pollutants are one of the primary water quality problems in the United States. Furthermore,
runoff and waste that does not pass through a vegetated buffer zone along the waterbody is likely to result in
bank erosion and subsequent property loss.

Why be concerned about waste

If not managed properly, agricultural waste from farm
operations can pollute the environment resulting in impacts to
water quality and a general loss of aesthetics. The
degradation of water quality can impact adjacent waterways
and groundwater both onsite and offsite. This degradation
reduces the ability of these resources to support aquatic life
and water for human and animal consumption. Nitrates,
which are commonly associated with fertilizers and agricultural
waste runoff, can seep into groundwater. Well water
contaminated with nitrates is hazardous to humans,
particularly infants, as it results in oxygen depletion in the
blood. As insinuated above, proper waste management can
reduce operating costs associated with fertilizer application if
managed properly.

In an extreme case of improper management,

livestock waste is concentrated in a riparian area
causing severe water quality problems.

What are the benefits of waste management?

Like most other aspects of agricultural production, there are requirements for the application and management of
agricultural waste on farms. However, the primary reasons behind managing agricultural waste make good sense
both environmentally and economically. Where feasible, the reuse of animal waste in farming operations can
reduce the quantity and hauling costs of commercial fertilizer. The contribution of animal waste increases the
organic matter content of soils, which not only increases nutrient availability for crops but also improves the
water holding capacity and tilth of the soil. Good waste management reduces the instances of well water
contamination and minimizes surface water pollution.

How would one implement waste management?

Fortunately, there are planning documents and BMP options available to farmers for managing agricultural waste.
Waste management is commonly part of an overall nutrient management plan developed for a farm. These plans
play an integral role in the comprehensive waste management planning process and are used to spell out how
farmers intend to maximize the benefit of nutrients available from farm waste products to benefit crop production
and minimize environmental impact. Although State and Federal governments are demanding more
accountability in agricultural waste management, many such plans are developed voluntarily as an important
aspect of the business. Developing a plan for how waste is managed on your farm not only aids in the tracking
Developed by the Hiwassee River Watershed Coalition, Inc.
with funding from the NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program December 2008

1 of

of operational costs and the making of better management decisions; it can also be used to leverage State and
Federal funding assistance. Self-regulation protects private property rights and reduces the need for
governmental control and regulations.
Site-specific waste management strategies should be developed and adhered to in order to maximize cost
efficiency and adequately protect local environmental resources. This will require that routine soil and waste
testing take place to match the crop needs to the nutrients available. By tracking the timing and application rates
(quantity) of agricultural waste required, the space required to store operational waste can be determined.
Waste can be stored as a solid in building structures, or as a
liquid in holding ponds or anaerobic lagoons. Being able to
store waste in an acceptable form until it is needed is a critical
component of a waste management strategy. If waste is not
handled properly or is not applied at the right time, valuable
nutrients are lost and environmental and human and animal
health problems are created. Besides the management
practices noted above, the BMPs listed below can be used to
improve waste handling and application:

A covered livestock feeding area located on an

upland section of pasture is one example of good
waste management.

Avoid over-application by only

applying manure to crops that can
benefit from the nutrients;
Do not apply waste to fields when
heavy rain is expected and runoff

such as riparian buffers and wetlands;

Do not spread waste near waterways;
Locate winter feeding areas in relatively flat upland areas;
Employ other conservation practices that minimize runoff and erosion to fields where
waste is applied;
Avoid spillage or overflow of lagoons, ponds and structures used to house waste;
Regularly check waste application equipment and make sure it is calibrated;
Where possible, divert runoff from land above livestock areas and away from nearby
surface waters and wells;
If an alternative water supply source is unavailable for livestock, create dedicated, limited
access points to streams for drinking; and
Consider adding flush gutters to livestock confinement systems to confine waste for
future application.
Other ways to improve waste management on farms is to routinely check areas where fuel and chemicals are
stored for spills and leaks and to be sure your farm is in compliance with applicable storage and handling
regulations. Keeping up-to-date on technologies designed to improve waste management and integrating them
into your waste management strategy is also good practice.

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