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Tutorial to Download

Digilab II Board
Now that you verified that your design is working, with ModelSIM, it is time to
download your design into the FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array). Let’s implement
the full adder. On the greatest hierarchy of you design you need to add an extra output.
We need to connect Vcc to an output marker.

Vcc is located in the General category. This extra step is required to enable the LEDs on
the board, therefore lets name the output Enable. Save your schematic and return to the
Project Navigator.

Before proceeding, once again make sure that the device properties are accurately entered
for the target FPGA (Refer page 1 of Xilinx VHDL tutorial)
Now from the Project Navigator right click on the schematic to be downloaded and select
New Source
This will open a dialog box, prompting you to enter a choice. Select Implementation
Constraints File, enter a File name and click Next>
This opens up the following dialog box in which select the appropriate source for
which the constraints file is being created.

Click Next! And then Finish!

The constraints file, constraints.ucf has been created

Double click on it !
This opens up the Constraints Editor. In the Design Object List – I/O Pins window,
assign the pin numbers for the inputs (A, B, Cin) and the outputs (S, Cout and enable)

In this window we will assign the Locations of our inputs and outputs to the pins of the
FPGA. (See Interconnect Table - Dio1B to D2).

The three inputs (A, B, Cin) need to be assigned to switches. Lets pick the first three
switches. The locations of the first three switches (SW1, SW2, SW3) are at locations P16,
P18, P21 respectively.

The two outputs (S, Cout) need to be assigned to LEDs. Lets pick the first two LEDs. The
locations for the LEDs (LD1 and LD2) are P44 and P46.

The output Enable needs to be assigned to P70 for every project.

Enter these values into the Locations field of the Constraints Editor. As seen below.

Save the changes and close. Return to the project navigator.

Right click on Implement Design -> Rerun.

If there are no errors generated the next step is to create a BIT file. Right click on
Generate Programming File -> Properties.

Click the Startup Options tab. And change the Start-Up Clock to JTAG Clock.

Click Ok.
Right click on Generate Programming File -> Run.

Now your BIT file is ready to be downloaded to the Digilab 2 board.

Make sure that the DIO1 board (the smaller one) is connected into tabs E & F of the
Digilab 2 board (the larger one). Connect the power supply to the board before you plug
the supply to the outlet. Once the Supply is connected and powered up, connect the
parallel port to the computer first, then to the board. There is a small switch next to the
parallel port on the board. The switch must be in the JTAG position. If it is not in this
position then Xilinx will not find the board. Now that everything is connected it is time to
download. Return to the Project Navigator. Double click Generate Programming File ->
Configure Device (iMPACT)
This will open up the following dialog box , Select Configure Devices
and Click Next !

Select Automatically connect... in Boundary-Scan Mode Selection and Click Finish.

If the board is not connected properly then it will generate an error saying that it cannot
connect to the board. If it finds the board then you can move on.

Now right click the picture of the Xilinx chip and select Program…
Select the bite file (filename.bit) and click ok.
The following menu will appear.
Click Ok. And the BIT file will begin to download.
If everything was successful the software will show you the following message.

Now flip the switches on the board, and see your design come to life!

For the ALU we suggest that you use the following switches for each of the 11 inputs.

A is a four-bit bus. Therefore, four switches will be needed.

A(3) -> SW1 -> P16

A(2) -> SW2 -> P18
A(1) -> SW3 -> P21
A(0) -> SW4 -> P23

B is also a four-bit bus.

A(3) -> SW5 -> P27

A(2) -> SW6 -> P30
A(1) -> SW7 -> P33
A(0) -> SW8 -> P35

There are three select lines. We will use the push buttons.

SW(2) -> BTN1 -> P37

SW(1) -> BTN2 -> P41
SW(0) -> BTN3 -> P42

There are four data outputs, and four “extra” outputs.

DATA(3) -> LD1 -> P44

DATA(2) -> LD2 -> P46
DATA(1) -> LD3 -> P48
DATA(0) -> LD4 -> P57

Z -> LD5 -> P59

OF -> LD6 -> P61
N -> LD7 -> P63
C -> LD8 -> P68
Digilab Digital I/O 1, Rev B to Digilab D2

DIO1B Signal D2 Pin Signal FPGA DIO1B Signal D2 Pin Signal FPGA
Pin Pin Pin Pin
A1 B39 B1 CA A39 A39 17
A2 B40 B2 SW1 A40 A40 16
A3 B37 B3 CB A37 A37 20
A4 B38 B4 SW2 A38 A38 18
A5 B35 B5 CC A35 A35 22
A6 B36 B6 SW3 A36 A36 21
A7 B33 B7 CD A33 A33 24
A8 B34 B8 SW4 A34 A34 23
A9 B31 B9 CE A31 A31 29
A10 B32 B10 SW5 A32 A32 27
A11 B29 B11 CF A29 A29 31
A12 B30 B12 SW6 A30 A30 30
A13 B27 B13 CG A27 A27 34
A14 B28 B14 SW7 A28 A28 33
A15 B25 B15 DP A25 A25 36
A16 B26 B16 SW8 A26 A26 35
A17 B23 B17 BTN2 A23 A23 41
A18 B24 B18 BTN1 A24 A24 37
A19 B21 B19 BTN4 A21 A21 43
A20 B22 B20 BTN3 A22 A22 42
A21 B19 B21 A1 A19 A19 45
A22 B20 B22 LD1 A20 A20 44
A23 B17 B23 A2 A17 A17 47
A24 B18 B24 LD2 A18 A18 46
A25 B15 B25 A3 A15 A15 49
A26 B16 B26 LD3 A16 A16 48
A27 B13 B27 A4 A13 A13 58
A28 B14 B28 LD4 A14 A14 57
A29 B11 B11 185 B29 A11 A11 60
A30 B12 B12 182 B30 LD5 A12 A12 59
A31 BLU B9 B9 188 B31 A9 A9 62
A32 PS2D B10 B10 187 B32 LD6 A10 A10 61
A33 GRN B7 B7 191 B33 A7 A7 67
A34 PS2C B8 B8 189 B34 LD7 A8 A8 63
A35 RED B5 B5 193 B35 BTN5 A5 A5 69
A36 HS B6 B6 192 B36 LD8 A6 A6 68
A38 VS B4 B4 194 B38 LDG A4 A4 70
A40 VU B2 VU B40 VU A2 VU

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