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SUIT NO. AP/134/12

















SUIT NO. OCC/56/12
























'Beware the ides of March!' Julius Caesar was told on the night of his
assassination. Such could easily have been some unheard direction
regarding August 2012 for those involved with the American
International School. The immediate background to this hotly fought
dispute was a tussle for control of the School described by the parties as
'the events of August 2012 '. Each set of parties have their version of the
basis of the dispute which I will set out anon.
The plaintiffs in suit number AP 134112 - Network of International
Christian Schools, and American International Schools (NICS and AIS)
filed the first action on 22nd August 2012 in the Fast Track Division of
the High Court against Laurie Korum, Marsden Tim Crosby, Dr. Laba,
and Akosua Busia. NICS is a non-profit organization registered under
the laws of Tennessee in the United States, and American International
School is a guarantee company registered in Ghana.
Three of the defendants in that suit - Laurie Korum, Dr. Laba, Akosua
Busia, together with American International School and one Cynthia
Agyepong commenced the second action OCC 56/2012 in the
Commercial division on 23rd August 2012. The defendants were NICS,
Michael Witt, James Patrick Sullins, Charles Hunsucker, Samuel James
Davies, Dr. Harry Vester Phillips 111, Seth Kwasi Asante. And Trustee
Services, who are the first registered members of AIS' s Executive
Council and its company secretary. On 14th January, 2013, the action

against the 2nd to 6th defendants was discontinued, and Mr. Asante and
Trustee Services became 2nd and 3rd defendants in this action
Mrs. Korum and Mr. Crosby are American citizens who worked with
AIS at the time of the dispute and Ms Busia, Dr. Laba and Ms Agyepong
are parents of children in the school. Ms Agyepong discontinued her
participation in the suit on 11th September 2012. The two suits were
consolidated and heard together in the Commercial division. This
judgment covers the two suits.
The version of the triggering events of that August by the plaintiffs in
AP 134/12 is that NICS is the sole member and subscriber of AIS and
had the power to appoint members of the School's Executive Council,
which is responsible for managing and directing the administration of
AIS. On 10th August 2012, an email (exhibit Y) was issued by one Steve
Stark, a Vice President of NICS, to Mr. Tim Marsden Crosby, then
School Director of AIS, directing him to go on indefinite administrative
leave and to stay off the school campus during that time. On August 22nd
and in exhibit Z, this leave was extended to termination of his
appointment and announced to him by Dr. Joe Hale, President of NICS .
Mrs Korum, then in charge of projects in the school, reacted to this
action by appointing Dr. Laba, Mrs. Cynthia Agyepong and Ms Busia as
AIS' Executive Council and filing a Form 17 indicating a change in the
school's directors with the Registrar of Companies in exhibit AAAA.
This new Executive Council wrote to revoke Mr. Crosby's indefinite
leave. They went on to terminate the appointment of Sheree Haley, the
school's principal, and Minta Berry, the business manager and forbade
them from entering the school's premises. The defendants in AP 134112
took control of the AIS premises, and stationed police there to deny any
agent or representative of NICS from entering the school. Eventually a
report to the police brought an end to this control.

During this time, the plaintiffs in AP 134112 alleged that the defendants
withdrew various sums of money from the school's accounts and the 2
defendant also took $58,500 and GHC 18,714 from the custody of the
school cashier which sums remain with him. They alleged further that
many students were withdrawn from the school as a result of this
situation and altogether the school lost $395,32.78 and GHC 2,050 as a
result of the events of that August.
The version of the plaintiffs in acc 56/2012 (aCC plaintiffs) is that
Laurie Korum is the originator, promoter, founder and director of AIS
and save for Seth Asante, all the Executive Council members of AIS
registered with the Registrar of Companies were never properly
appointed. They assert that these gentlemen had never been to Ghana,
and the executive council had never had a meeting since the school was
incorporated. It is their case that as legal adviser and Executive Council
member, Seth Asante admitted to the failings of this Executive Council
in an email dated 10th August 2012.
Apart from that, NICS had interfered with the day to day administration
of the school by purporting to dismiss the Registrar of the school - Mrs.
Joyce Crosby, and remove the director of the school Mr. Crosby - acts
which the acc plaintiffs alleged they had no power to do. They alleged
that NICS had appointed one Jim Korver as a new interim director
without any consultation with Mrs. Korum contrary to an agreement she
had with NICS. The plaintiffs described the actions of NICS as
undermining discipline and order in the administration of the school.
With these circumstances, and because the plaintiffs in acc 56112
already constituted the Director's Advisory Council of the school, they
re-constituted themselves into the Executive Council of the school when
they realized that the school had no functioning Executive Council, a
situation they described as contrary to law and the company's

regulations. They went on to allege that in violation of the laws of

Ghana and the regulations of AIS, NICS had levied, collected and
spirited away various percentages on all the income received by the
School amounting to $798,090 since the incorporation of the school,
which acts are illegal. They further alleged that the originally registered
and now' defunct executive council' had purported to pass a resolution to
change the mandates of the company's bank accounts at the Action
Chapel Branch of Fidelity Bank and seized control of the school's
finances and this was unlawful. They had also brutalized Mr. Crosby
through policemen from Legon Police Station and unless restrained,
would create panic and disorder in the school.
The issues that arise for resolution in the reliefs sought in the two suits
can be formulated under four headings: - the membership and corporate
governance of American International School CAIS)as a corporate body;
the internal administration of AIS, dealings of the parties with the
finances and funds of AIS; the lawfulness of the termination of Mr.
Crosby's employment with AIS and consequences thereof. I will
determine entitlement to these reliefs under these headings and they will
therefore not follow strictly the manner in which they are arranged in the
Membership of AIS
The AP134/2012 plaintiffs claimed against the defendants -jointly and
severally as their claim (i):

A declaration that the 1st Plaintiff CNICS) is the sole member of

the 2nd Plaintiff CAIS).

The plaintiffs in acc 56/12 also claimed jointly and severally against
the defendants as their claim c) for

c) A declaration that the 2nd Plaintiff is the originator, founder,

promoter, director and subscriber to the objects of the 1st Plaintiff
This controversy has arisen because although it is the case of NICS and
AIS in suit number AP134112, that NICS is the sole subscriber to the
Regulations of AIS, it is Mrs. Korum who signed the subscriber's page
of the Regulations of AIS and the Form 3 which required the signature
of the directors. She did not hold the power of attorney of NICS. NICS
claims that without issuing a power of attorney to Mrs. Korum, she was
asked to sign the Regulations of AIS on NICs behalf, while she asserts
that she did it in her own name as the founder, promoter and a subscriber
to the regulations of AIS.
When a court is called upon to resolve conflicting versions of facts, the
duty of the court is distilled in a crucial question articulated by her
Ladyship Georgina Wood CJ on page 69 of Sarkodie v. FKA Co Ltd
2009 SCGLR 65 in these words - 'the main issue for the court to
determine is simply that, on a preponderance of the probabilities, whose
story is more probable than not?' That question put differently IS whose evidence had more weight and credibility?
In the current case, the resolution of the conundrum
several rules of law.


assisted by

In the law of interpretation, words, expressions and documents with

special or technical meanings must be construed within the context of
their special meanings. See Biney v Biney 1974 1 GLR 318. The
critical exhibit for the determination of this issue is a special type of
document - the Regulations of a company.

I have studied exhibit B2, the Regulations of American International

School and find that on the proper evaluation and interpretation of the
document, Mrs. Korum cannot be held to be a subscriber to the
Regulations of NICS.
Exhibit BBB is the Form 3. This form is filed pursuant to Section 27 (1)
of Act 179 which requires that at incorporation, a company shall deliver
to the registrar particulars of its name, authorized objects, names,
addresses and occupations of its directors and secretary inter alia.
No matter one's involvement in the incorporation of a company, the
membership of a corporate body in Ghana is determined only from
actual subscription to the regulations of the company. The relevant
provision is found in Section 30 of the Companies Code Act 179 1961
with foundation in Sections 8 and 18
Section 8 - Right to form a company
Anyone or more persons may form an incorporated company by
complying with the provisions of this code in respect of registration
Section 18-Subscribing

to Regulations

(1) The Regulations of any company registered after the commencement

of this Code shall be signed by one, or more subscribers in the presence
of, and shall be attested by, one witness at the least
Section 30 - Constitution of Membership
The subscribers to the Regulations shall be deemed to be members of the
company and on its registration shall be entered as members in the of
this Code
As stated in Words and Phrases Legally Defined, Fourth Edition,
LexisNexis Butterworth 2007 Volume 2 page ... 'a member is not

necessarily a shareholder, because an unlimited company or a company

limited by guarantee may exist without a share capital'..... The
subscribers of a company's memorandum are deemed to have agreed 0
become members of the company, and on its registration shall be
entered as such in its registers of members.
And in a charity and company limited by guarantee such as AIS, the
subscribers are those who guarantee to pay the debts of the company in
the event of winding up, as provided for under Section 16 (5) of Act
Thus Membership is derived from subscribing to the Regulations of the
company and nothing more. It does not require the making of any
investment in the company beyond the commitments made with
subscription. These commitments are found in the Regulations to which
the subscriber sets out their details such as name, address, designation
and then appends their name and signature. The completion of the
Regulations with these details create a contract between the subscriber
and the company under Section 21 of Act 179 from which the law
confers membership and the member undertakes obligations and obtains
A study of exhibits B2 and BBB, the parts of the Incorporation
document of AIS which were tendered, creates a very disturbing picture
of incoherence. But that incoherence, when properly construed, also
compels the interpretation that Mrs. Korum cannot be held out as a first
director of AIS simply because she signed that form.
What do these two documents look like?
On exhibit B, the name of NICs, its address and description are provided
as a subscriber as required by that page of the document. Its stamp is
placed on the regulations where it is required to sign as a subscriber.

After its name and designation in the first part of the page, the words
'represented by' immediately follow, clarifying that the signature that
will be seen is the signature of NICS' representative. Thereafter, there is
a dotted line, indicating a deliberate place created for the signatory
representing NICS. Underneath the dotted line the name Laurie Korum
is printed, along with her designation as an American missionary and her
age; indicating that by prearrangement of the person who prepared the
regulations, she was designated as the representative of NICS. It is on
top of this dotted line that Laurie Korum has signed.
That page shows that whoever prepared the regulations, if they had
instructions to record Laurie Korum as a subscriber, knew enough to
have put her address in the address column, since the address of NICS
was written against their name, and in the right column. In the same
vein, if it was intended that Laurie Korum should be a subscriber, the
person who prepared the regulations knew that the proper place to put a
description of her would be in the third and final column of that last
page, instead of under her name, because they had done so for NICS.
However, her details are not found in these proper columns. By reason
of this, she could not have stood in her own stead to enter into the
commitments that lead to membership through the Regulations of a
company. Since the Regulations constitute a written agreement between
the members and the company, Mrs. Korum cannot be declared a
member of AIS by reason of the absence of her details within the
address and description of subscribers. This is the necessary technical
construction of exhibit B.
Regarding exhibit BBB on directorship, Although Section 27 (3)
requires that the return shall be signed by two directors and the secretary
of the company, the front part of Form 3 requires certain details of all
directors and secretary of the company.

Within the main regulations, as many as six gentlemen are listed as the
Executive Council, which is the board of directors for guarantee
companies. And yet only two names are listed as directors of the
company on the front part of Form 3 - Dr. Harry Vester Phillips 111 and
Seth Kwasi Asante. Clearly, whoever prepared the Form 3 failed to fill
in all the particulars of directors and chose to place on record the
particulars of only two directors though the law requires the particulars
of all directors and the signatures of two.
On the flip side of the Form 3, one finds that the required signatures of
the two directors who must sign these particulars are the signatures of
Mr. Seth Asante and Laurie Korum. Dr. Phillips did not sign the Form 3
even though his details as a director were provided on Form 3. Mrs.
Korum was not named as a director at all within main regulations where
the full list of the executive council members is provided and she is not
named as a director on the front part of Form 3 where the details of two
of the directors is provided. And yet she signed with Mr. Asante where
the two directors were supposed to sign.
My construction of this Form 3 is that the absence of the minimum of
her details as a director ensured that Mrs. Korum 'was not held out to be
and cannot be found to be a director of AlS. Again, the failure to write
the name of Mrs. Korum on any part of Form 3 can only mean that she
was never intended to be a director of AlS, otherwise her name would
have been with the pool of directors in the main regulations
The first rule of interpretation is that a court must discover the true
intention of the author of the document and arrive at an interpretation
that gives the document its real meaning. See The Law of
Interpretation in Ghana (Exposition & Critique) S. Y. Bimpong
Buta Advanced Legal Publications, 1995, pages 26 to 27


From the layout of exhibit B, and especially the presence of the dotted
line after the 'words 'Represented by' and on top of her name, it is clear
that from the time of preparations of the regulations and particulars of
the company, it was understood that Laurie Korum would represent
NICS in signing as a subscriber to the regulations of AIS. Her name is
only tacked beneath the name and address of NICS after the words
'represented by' and the clear and unambigous interpretation of that act
is that she represented NICS in signing the Regulations. The absence of
further provision for her own details can only mean that beyond
representation, Mrs. Korum was not intended to become a member and
director of AIS
I will now utilize the law of evidence.
Section 10 of the Evidence Act 1975 NRCD 323 on burden of proof
defines a burden of persuasion as 'the obligation of a party to establish a
requisite degree of belief concerning a fact in the mind of the tribunal of
fact or the court.' It goes on in subsection 2 to provide:
(2) The burden of persuasion may require a party to raise a reasonable
doubt concerning the existence or non-existence of a fact or that he
establish the existence or non-existence of a fact by a preponderance of
the probabilities or by proof beyond a reasonable doubt.
As stated in Duah v Yorkwa 1993-94 1 GLR 225, it is the party against
whom a matter will be settled against if he fails to discharge the burden
of proof who carries the burden to adduce evidence regarding that issue.
Again, the burden of persuasion speaks to the quality and quantum of
evidence that is sufficient to persuade the court that what is being
asserted is more probable than what the other party claims.
None of the copious documents tendered in evidence showed a reference
to Mrs. Korum as a subscriber to the regulations of the company through

the years of the school and before the events of August 2012. The
audited accounts over the years never included her name as a director.
Interestingly even in the heat of the August 2012 events, an email
written by Dr. Laba stated explicitly what the AP plaintiffs have said and
this court has found. He wrote on page 2 of exhibit FFFF 'Mrs. Korum
also signed for NICS as subscribers to the objects of the company'.
This can only mean that on the preponderance of probabilities,
notwithstanding her execution of the incorporation documents, Mrs.
Korum was never intended to be, never agreed to be, and never held out
to be either a member or subscriber of AlS.
Other rules of evidence apply. The rule on conclusive presumption
regarding agreements in Section 25 of the Evidence Act 1975 NRCD
and the rule on parole evidence in~ection 177 of the Evidence Act must
apply to the evaluation of the matter on hand because of the fact that the
regulations are a written agreement between the company and its
Section 25-Facts

Recited in Written Instrument.

(l) Except as otherwise provided by law, including a rule of equity, the

facts recited in a written document are conclusively presumed to be true
as between the parties to the instrument, or their successors in interest.
Section 177-Extrinsic

Evidence Affecting the Contents of a Writing

(1) Except as otherwise provided by the rules of equity, terms set forth

in a writing intended by the party or parties to the writing as a final

expression of intention or agreement with respect to such terms as are
included in the writing may not be contradicted by evidence of any prior
declaration of intention, of any prior agreement or of a


contemporaneous oral agreement or declaration of intention, but may be

explained or supplemented(a) by evidence of consistent additional terms unless the court finds the
writing to have been intended also as a complete and exclusive
statement of the terms of the intention or agreement, provided
(b) by a course of dealing or usage of trade or by course of
(2) Nothing in this section precludes the admission of evidence relevant
to the interpretation of terms in a writing
(3) For the purpose of this section
(a) "a course of dealing" means a sequence of previous conduct between
parties to a particular transaction which is fairly to be regarded as
establishing a common basis of understanding for interpreting their
expressions and other conduct;
(b) "a usage of trade" means any practice or method of dealing in a
place, vocation or trade as to justify an expectation that it will be
observed with respect to the transaction in question;
(c) "course of performance" means, in respect only of a contract which
involves repeated occasions for performance by either party with
knowledge of the nature of the performance and opportunity for
objection to it by the other, any manner of performance accepted or
acquiesced in without objection.
The directions of Section 25 of NRCD 25 means that the absence of
Laurie Korum' s name as a director and her details as a member of AIS
as well as her signature over the words 'represented by' must be
conclusively presumed against her. Further, and by reason of Section

177 the presence of her signature within the director column where Dr.
Phillips, a NICS executive council member should have signed, and the
absence of her name and details as a subscriber, although room is made
for her signature as 'representative of NICS definitely shows a course
of dealing and course of performance between her and NICS when it
comes to who signed those incorporation documents for NICS. This
course of dealing and performance is emphasized when one examines
the manner in which the details of the subscriber to the regulations are
recorded on the last page of exhibit B2.
I find and hold that Laurie Korum is not a subscriber to the regulations
of AIS at the time of incorporation, but signed as a representative of the
subscriber. I also find that Mrs. Korum was not appointed a director or
executive council member by the sole subscriber of AIS, but she signed
on behalf of the NICS director.
Section 18 of Act 179 directs in subsection (1) that
The regulations of any company registered after the commencement of
this Code shall be signed by one, or more subscribers in the presence of
and shall be attested by, one witness at the least.
With the above finding and holding, the issue that arises is the import of
the absence of a power of attorney from NICS to Laurie Korum. Would
the absence of that power of attorney invalidate the validity of her
signature as a representative of NICS? The answer is a firm no.
Section 137 of Act 179 lists people who may act for a company as
including 'members in general meeting, board of directors, officers or
agents, appointed by or under authority derived from the members in
general meeting or the board of directors.'


Section 140 goes on to expand on acts of officers or agents. Subsection

2 directs that the 'authority of an officer or agent of the company may be
conferred prior to action by him or by subsequent ratification; and
knowledge of action by such officer or agent and acquiescence therein
by all the members for the time being entitled to attend general meetings
of the company or by the directors for the time being or by the managing
director for the time being, shall be equivalent to ratification by the
members in general meeting, board of directors, or managing director,
as the case may be. '
The testimony of Dr. Joe Hale was that all the members of the board of
NICS, were those who were whole sale listed in the regulations of AIS
as executive council members of AIS. This testimony was not
challenged and discredited. Thus, this court can rightly impute as a
matter of law, that the board of NICS had knowledge of Laurie Korum
signing the regulations of AIS as a representative of NICS and signing
as a director where Dr. Phillips was expected to sign as a second director
of AIS. Under Section 140 of Act 179, this knowledge would amount to
ratification of her authority as an agent of NICS.
Again, under Section 142, dealing with Presumption of Regularity by
'any person having dealings with a company or with someone deriving
title under the company' to make certain assumptions, I am satisfied that
the Registrar of Companies was entitled to presume the regularity of the
representation of NICS by Laurie Korum in her signing of the
regulations of AIS. It is within this context of law that I hold that the
lack of a written appointment for Laurie Korum from NICS at the time
she signed the regulations of AIS as a representative of its subscriber
would not invalidate the legality of that act. further convinced into the above finding from the tenor of the
emails tendered as exhibits A to AS. They show Mrs. Korum as a person

who was enthusiastically seeking the creation of a Christian school

within certain specifications which NICS schools met, and she led a
group of like-minded people to invite NICS into the venture eventually
called American International School for the purpose. None of her
emails or NICS' communication indicated any discussion of her
involvement as a subscriber or director in the venture. It is not clear why
she did not insist on her inclusion as a subscriber and director at that
inception stage, since she was clearly in charge of many things at that
time, and she ended up signing for NICS, or why she has turned out at
this time to lay claim to the subscription of AIS, but I fmd that that claim
is not supported by the Regulations on their face.
Judgment is entered for NICS first claim in API134112 to wit 'A
declaration that the (NICS) is the sole member of the (AIS).
A study of Exhibits 1, 2 and 3 tendered by Mrs. Korum as her earliest
emails sent in 2005 and on behalf of the group of people she seemed to
be leading in seeking the creation of a Christian school of the ilk of
'NICS schools' in Ghana shows that the group could not find their way
around setting up such a school because it was a daunting task. The
emails showed a keen appreciation that the school they wanted would
actually be shaped by NICS, and not that of the seekers.
In her first email, after describing their frustration with the lack of
Christian, affordable, good academic educational options in Ghana, she
asked 'does NICS actually start schools like what we are talking about?
1 understand that NICS was involved with a Ghanaian school in Kumasi
and things did not work out so well. We are very specifically looking to
start an international Christian school primarily to meet the needs of the
missionaries as well as the Christian expatriates'. In her second email,
she says (..there is really a growing fervor hoping that NICS can work
with the families here to start something .... that a Romanian lady has

started rallying folks to get the money together to rent a facility ....I just
wanted to let you know that there is so much support for this kind of
relationship ..... '
By February 2006, her email to the group in exhibit A indicated that
'you might be interested to hear how things went this week with Joe
Hale, President of NICS and his efforts towards starting a NICS school
in Accra.' She ended that email with 'NICS will need to name the school
to start the registration process. Of course the final decision will be left
up to the NICSfolks but go ahead and make your suggestions ... '
AIS was eventually incorporated in August 2006. Clearly, by her own
assertions, Mrs. Korum was one of several missionaries who mooted the
idea of the Christian school in 2005 and she could hardly be described as
the' originator' of the idea of AIS. Further, even if she led the invitation
to NICS into Ghana for the founding of AIS, by the time the school was
founded, she could hardly be described as the founder and promoter
because she conceded leadership in creating the school as residing in
NICS and her own efforts as that of a convener for the group of
missionaries who wanted a 'NICS school' in Ghana.
I dismiss claim (c ) in OCC 56/2012 that Mrs. Korum is the originator,
promoter, founder, subscriber and director of AIS.
It is important not to mix up the two types of directors that are referred
to in this case. The first is the directorship under Act 179 which is
described as Executive Council for guarantee companies. The second is
the office of School Director - an office that Mr. Crosby filled at the
of the events of August 2012 which led to this suit. I will first deal
with the claims around directorship such as provided for under Act 179.

The plaintiffs in AP 134112 claimed as their claim (ii) and (iii)


A declaration that the 3rd and lh Defendants (Dr. Laba and Ms.
Busia) are not directors of the 2nd Plaintiff, not being members
of the 2nd Plaintiff's Executive Council.

A declaration that all actions taken by the 3rd and lh

Defendants (Mrs. Korum, Dr. Laba and Ms. Busia) in their
capacity as members of an illegally constituted Executive
Council are null and void.
The plaintiffs in acc 56112 also sought as claims (a), (b) and (i)

(a) 'A declaration that the 2nd to 6th defendants are not and have never
been properly appointed directors of the rt plaintiff company and/or a
further declaration that the first Executive Council of the l" plaintiff
council was never constituted.

b) A declaration that the mandate of the first Executive Council of the

Plaintiff company lapsed on the 20th October 2008 when the company
should have had itsfirst AGM of the company
i) a declaration that the Current Executive council of the school
constituted by the 3rd, 4th and 5th Defendants. '


A court is required to look at the legalities of the issues in a suit even if

the parties fail to do so. As the Supreme Court held in GIHOC
SCGLR 1 'A court was entitled to apply the law to the facts of the case
even if the parties were unaware of it. Therefore, while a court was
bound by the parties' evidence, it was not bound by the parties' legal
misconceptions arising there-from. '
The first point to make is that though suit number acc 56 was
commenced against all the Executive Council members named in the

incorporation documents the action against 2nd to 6th defendants, was

discontinued very early. These gentlemen never filed a defence and
were not heard on this claim which was made against them at the
commencement of the action. Thus any declaration concerning these
gentlemen would be in violation of a fundamental principle of natural
justice. In Awuni v WAEC 2003 -2004 471, the Supreme Court was
very firm about setting aside an administrative decision which penalized
students on the ground that the Council failed to give the students an
opportunity to respond to the charges before they took the decision
against them. This court ought to therefore dismiss the first part of claim
(a) which reads 'A declaration that the 2nd to s" defendants are not and
have never been properly appointed directors of the I" plaintiff
company' and I so dismiss.
The second part of that claim seeks ' ... a further declaration that the first
Executive Council of the Ft plaintiff council was never constituted'. Seth
Asante, the only member of that first Executive council who signed the
regulations is a party to this suit. Although the claim does not
specifically attack his membership of the Executive Council, by reason
of his presence in that Council, this court can consider the claim.
Section 181 (1) of Act 179 requires each director to first consent in
writing before their appointment. Section 181 (2) goes on to provide that
the first directors are to be named in the Regulations In the case of AIS,
only Seth Asante out of the named Executive Council members signed
the Regulations. But as already found, Laurie Korum signed as an agent
of NICS. Since agency of a corporate body does not constitute a power
of attorney of individuals who work with that corporate body, her
signature cannot as a matter of law cover the remaining directors. Thus
in essence, these named directors did not sign the Form 3 and I so find.
Although Trustee Services which incorporated AIS was part of this suit,

it chose not to appear in court and assist this court with the resolution of
this claim. I find from the records that there is no evidence that apart
from Seth Asante, anyone among the first Executive Council passed the
test of the legal requirements to be part of the Executive Council.
However, the law is not stiff when it comes to recognizing the role of
directors and does not rely only on the proper filing of a director's
records to identify directors. It makes room for a person to be saddled
with the duties and liabilities of director under Section 179 (2) of Act
179 if they represent themselves as directors, or knowingly allow
themselves to be held out as directors. This statutory provision was
given flesh in Commodore v Fruit Supply (Ghana) Ltd 1977 1 GLR
241 CA. It must be noted that this provision is a shield against the abuse
of the effect of being improperly held out as a director, and not a sword
to arrogate the position of directorship to oneself where the company has
not overtly recognized you as such or held you out to be such. It is a
shield for the protection of third parties who deal with persons as
directors without the knowledge of irregularities.
Thus in Quarcoopome v. Sanyo Electric Trading Co Ltd & Another,
2009 SCGLR 213, although the Supreme Court agreed that the plaintiff
had morphed into a de facto director by reason of being held out as such,
he was not a duly appointed director because there was non-compliance
with Sections 181 and 272 (1) of Act 179 which regulated he
appointment of directors. The greater concern of the Supreme Court was
also to set aside payments for the plaintiff for the performance of duties
as a director of Sanyo, not because he was not properly found to have
been held out as a director of the company, but because the payments
were awarded outside of the provisions of Act 179 on how director's
fees were to be set.


Thus to the extent these persons were held out to the world as directors
through the regulations and subsequent documentations issued, I find
them as being caught under Section 179 (2) and recognize them as part
of the Executive Council of AIS. Claim (a) in Suit number OCC 56/2012
is dismissed in its entirety.
I find the consideration of Claim (b) in Suit number OCC 56/2012 to be
a mere academic exercise. Whether or not the mandate of the first
Executive Council lapsed, the evidence from Exhibit E is that NICS, as
the sole member of the company, resolved to keep these persons in
office. The appointment and removal of the Executive Council is a
matter reserved to the members of a company. I hold that the remedy
sought is without merit and is dismissed.
Claim (i) in Suit Number oce 56/2012 arises from exhibit AAAA
which was filed with the Registrar of Companies on lOth August 2012
recording that Dr. Laba, Cynthia Agyepong and Akosua Busia had been
appointed as directors and Secretary of AIS. Regulation 29 of AIS found
in exhibits B2 provides that Executive Council would be appointed from
among the members of the company. This gives NICS the sole
prerogative to appoint directors. The evidence before this court is that
members of this Executive Council were appointed by Laurie Korum in
her understanding that she is a member and subscriber to the regulations
of AIS. Having held that she is not, I hold that she did not have the legal
capacity to appoint directors for AIS. I dismiss claim (i) of the plaintiffs
in OCC 56/2012 and grant claims (ii) and (iii) of the plaintiffs in AP



The claims under this heading presented by the plaintiff in acc 56/2012
were in their claims b), c) and d). For the plaintiffs in AP 134112, it is in
their claim vi)
b. A declaration that by agreement and custom of the school, the 1st
Defendant cannot appoint a director of the school without 2nd
Plaintiff s consent.

c. A declaration that by law, agreement and custom of the school, the

1st Defendant has no power to authority over the day to day
administration of the school.
d. A declaration that the purported dismissal of Mrs. Joyce Crosby by
the 1st Defendant was wrongful, without authority, null and void
and of no effect.

e. An order of perpetual injunction restraining the defendants, by

themselves, agents, representative and/or appointees from
interfering with the management of the school.

From AP 134112

An order of perpetual injunction restraining the defendants, their

agents, assigns and privies from interfering in the management
and administration of the 2nd Plaintiff and

Since the 2 defendant denied the allegation that the school director
could not be appointed without the consent of Mrs. Korum, the plaintiffs
carried a burden of persuasion regarding these assertions.

In their pleadings, the plaintiffs averred in OCC/56/2012 that prior to

incorporation, she entered into certain agreements with NICS. One of
such agreements was that the management of the school would be in the
hands of a director head hunted by NICS and approved by Mrs. Korum.
It is trite learning that the terms of an agreement have to be specific,
identifiable and clearly agreed, that there has to be an exchange of
consideration between the parties to an agreement, and the parties have
to have the intention to create legal relations for any alleged agreement
to be enforceable. These are the fundamental elements of any contract.
In Fofie v Zanyo 1992 2 GLR 475, the inability to establish the
acceptance of clear terms of the alleged contract of sale led to the
Supreme Court affirming the decision of the High Court to dismiss an
action for specific performance. On the flip side, in Koglex Ltd (No.2) v
Field, 2000 SCGLR 175, the Supreme Court upheld the finding of a
contract when it was satisfied that clear and firm terms had been
concluded by the parties. A lack of positive evidence of the
fundamentals of contract should lead to the dismissal of a claim of
I have scratched my head no end to appreciate the applicability of the
principles of contract and agreement to the assertions of Mrs. Korum on
this issue of appointing the school director. Her averments and testimony
did not point to any intention to create legal relations, any consideration
nor the full parameters of this alleged agreement - to wit, what was
offered, what was agreed, and the terms of performance. It would seem
that this is the reason for the allusions to custom in the same claim.
However, this is a court of law and the orders made by this court have to
be firmly situated in law and not custom, unless the custom is considered
--for the purpose of determining the various elements of the applicable



law. I have not been given any factual circumstances for finding a
binding agreement that compels anyone who appoints the School
Director of AIS to obtain the consent of Mrs. Korum. Mrs. Korum stated
in the pleadings that when Charlene Berry was appointed school
director, she found her unsuitable and so she was removed. Again, when
Barry Bennet was appointed, she accepted him only in an interim
capacity. And Mr. Crosby stayed on as director because she approved
him as qualified and suited to run the school in accordance with her
vision. However, no evidence was given to this court to show the nexus
of elements that created a binding agreement around what seems to have
been a mere collaborative effort, at the most. This court received no
evidence to show the consideration for this arrangement and intention to
create legal relations regarding this consenting of appointment which
would elevate those situations into an agreement. I must dismiss claim b
and I so do.
I will next deal with claim (d). Mrs. Joyce Crosby was not a party to
this suit, she did not testify to support this claim concerning her, and not
even her husband, who was a party to the suit attempted to dive into the
hows and whys she was dismissed. As I stated when I considered the
claims involving the 5 defendants against whom this action had been
discontinued, this court cannot consider a claim concerning a party who
is not part of the suit and from whom no evidence has been taken to
corroborate the claims made. I must therefore dismiss this claim (d) in
OCC 56/12 as well and I so do.
Did NICS have power to authority over the day to day administration of
the school? It would seem that the basis of this claim is the claimant's
position that exhibit J, the Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU)
alleged to have been made between NICS and AIS for the management
of the school, is a bogus document. My evaluation is that even if the


MOU is a bogus document and cannot undergird NIC's dealings with

AIS, a matter I do not deal with at this point, the instruments for
resolving this claim lies with the law and not this MOU.
Section 179 of Act 179 gives the mandate for the administration of the
business of a corporate body to the directors of the company. The
abundant evidence before this court is that apart from being a member,
NICS is the controlling and directing mind of this school. It is the
directors of NICS who are directors of AIS. With this overflowing
evidence, and without the preclusion of law that a member of a company
cannot be involved in the internal administration of the company, I
cannot grant the declaration that NICS did not have power and authority
over the day to day administration of the school. Claim (c ) of OCC
56/2012 is dismissed.
I will deal with the claims for injunction later. I will now consider the
dispute regarding the funds and finances of the school.
The plaintiffs in AP 134/2012 have prayed for in their claims v) vii), i)
and ii) the following reliefs:

An order of accounts directed at the Defendants with respect to

all sums withdrawn by them from the 2nd Plaintiff s bank
accounts, and a further order directed at the Defendants to
refund all sums determined to have been wrongfully withdrawn
from the 2nd Plaintiff s bank accounts.
vii) Payment of a total sum of $395,321.78 and GH2,050
representing the total losses suffered by the 2nd Plaintiff as a
result of the Defendants' illegal and hostile attempts to takeover
the 2nd Plaintiff.
Against Mr. Crosby:
An order of accounts directed at the 2nd Defendant with respect
to the sum of $58,500 and GH18,714 belonging to the 2nd


Plaintiff which were in the 2nd Defendant's

under his control on 16th August, 2013 and

custody andlor

A further order directed at the 2nd Defendant to refund the sum

of$58,500 and GH18,714, as well as any other cash belonging
to the 2nd Plaintiff determined to have been wrongfully kept or
expended by the 2nd Defendant.

On the other hand, the plaintiffs in OCC 56/12 have also prayed for
k. A declaration that the levy and collection of a fixed percentage of
all incomes of the school by 1st Defendant is unlawful and in
breach of the regulations of the company and the laws of Ghana.
l. An order directed at the 1st Defendant to refund the sum of
$798,090.00 unlawfully levied and collected by 1st Defendant in
violations of the regulations of the school and the laws of Ghana.
n. A declaration that the resolution changing the mandates to the 1st
Plaintiff s bank account at the Action Chapel branch of the Fidelity
Bank is illegal, without mandate, null and void ineffectual to
constitute a change in the mandate to the bank accounts.
o. An order for all true, necessary and proper account to be rendered
by the 1st Defendant of all monies taken from andlor received on
behalf of the 1st Plaintiff and a further order that the 1st Defendant
pay back all such monies to 1st Plaintiff.

The evidence before this court is that during the events of August 2012,
Mrs. Korum and Mr. Crosby took the liberty of moving money from the

accounts of the school into the accounts of Compassion International, a

body which is a total stranger to the school. Clearly, no one including a
project director or a school director should be allowed to deal with the
money of an institution without being held accountable, even if their
intention was to utilize the money to save the school from bad
It is on this premise that I grant the claim for an order of accounts
directed at the Defendants in AP 134/2012 with respect to all sums
withdrawn by them from AIS' bank accounts, and a further order
directed at the Defendants to refund all sums withdrawn from the
school's bank accounts and which they cannot show were utilized for the
running of the school as a school, or for their functions as project officer,
school director and members of the directors advisory council at the time
when they held those offices.
Before dealing with the claims for damages by the plaintiffs in AP
134/2012, I need to present my evaluation of the 'hostility' and
illegality' that they are alleging regarding the events of August 2012 in
their claim (vii). The evidence before me shows otherwise. Clearly, the
school was very close to Mrs. Korum' s heart. She had led a group of
people to convince NICS to come and start the school in Ghana. She had
opened her home without cost to all manner of persons who came to
Ghana to work for the school after its incorporation. She had used her
cards to make payments for the school in certain cases, even if those
moneys were later refunded. The records do not even show that she was
near compensated for the manner in which she put herself out for this
And all the while, she had believed NICS to be a missionary charity
committed to Christian charity. When the auditors of the school and the
legal adviser of the school indicated that monies being taken out of the


school were irregular and unlawful through exhibit GG, it is not

surprising that she decided that something had to be done to stop NICS
from tampering with the school's finances and administration.
Further, with her signatures on the regulations and no record of a power
of attorney from NICS, I do not find it surprising that Mrs. Korum
imagined herself to be a member and director of AIS, however
misconceived those ideas were. Especially since it is supposed to be a
charity and not a company limited by shares for which she had to pay
money for her shares. Within this context, and with the leverage she
obviously had in the school's administration, I do not find her actions in
'reconstituting the executive council' with the Director's Advisory
Council' as hostile. I find it as done with altruistic intensions but
misguided to the extent that it was not backed by law.
Causation is an essential element required for a finding in tort. Two
reasons have been given by the different sides in this suit for why
students left the school in droves after August 2012. The plaintiffs in
acc 56/2012 posit that it was because NICS shut the school down for
three days and brought police on to campus to remove Mr. Crosby. The
plaintiffs in AP 134112 assert that it was because the defendants in that
suit embarked on what they call a hostile take over - a description I have
disagreed with - and brought police onto campus to disturb a staff
meeting and prevent certain teachers and administrators from coming to
the school for a period of time in august 2012. Then there were
injunctions obtained by both sides of the conflict from two different
divisions of the high court after the commenced their actions a day after
the other.
I have evaluated all these pieces of evidence and find that the exodus of
students from the school could have occurred for any number of reasons
including all or none of the reasons given by both sides of the conflict.

No clear evidence of the causation of the exodus by each of the students

that left the school was brought to this court. To that extent, I do not at
all find that the defendants in AP 134/2012 caused the losses alleged in
claim (vii) of that action and I dismiss that claim.
Now to the claim against Mr. Crosby for the return of $58,500 and
GH18,714 belonging to the school. Mr. Crosby denied that he had
taken this money which means that if he indeed took it, then it was with
a dishonest intention to appropriate money that was not his. Under
Section 125 of the Criminal and Other Offences Act 1960, Act 29 this
is plain stealing. Stealing is defined in Section 125 of Act 29 as 'a
person steals who dishonestly appropriates a thing of which that person
is not the owner
The Supreme Court made it very clear in Feneku v. John Teye 20012002 SCGLR 985 that in any allegation of a criminal act, even in a
civil trial, the standard of proof is governed by section 13 (l) of
Evidence Decree which requires proof' beyond reasonable doubt'. See
also Donkor v The State 1964 GLR 598
Generally, in a civil trial, the burden of persuasion IS on the
preponderance of probabilities. Where, however a criminal act is the
issue in a civil trial, the burden of persuasion requires proof beyond
reasonable doubt.
Although Mr. Crosby denied having received this money into his safe, I
must make clear in this judgment that I do not believe him. I believe Ms
Abbew-Mensah that indeed he asked for these sums of money and put
them in his safe. However as stated in Darko v. Republic 1968 GLR
203, if a court (...convicted in a criminal trial only because it took the
view that the accused person's defence was not to be believed, this
would be equivalent to shifting the burden of proof on to the defence. A


court could not convict an accused because it did not believe his story. It
must go further and show whether his story did not create a reasonable
doubt either' .
Like an Agatha Christie story, the problem arises regarding how those
moneys left the safe. Nobody saw Mr. Crosby take them out of the safe
and leave campus with them. Apart from him, Ms Minta Berry had a key
and the combination to that safe. Ms Cabrera shared a door to his office,
and Ms Berry and Ms Cabrera entered his office and found the safe
empty. It is clear to me that between the time he received the money into
his safe and the time the money was found to have been removed from
it, any number of people, including and excluding these two ladies,
could have had access to the money.
I must hastily add that Ms Berry, Ms Cabrera and Mrs. Abbew Mensah
all testified in this case and none gave me the slightest reason to doubt
their credibility. On the contrary, I found Mr. Crosby extremely cagey
about the circumstances under which the money came into his custody. I
did not find him to have acted as a witness of truth. As a court of law
however, I am bound by law. I cannot decide this issue on a
preponderance of probabilities as in a civil case, but must decide it on
the basis of evidence which proves beyond reasonable doubt that it is
Mr. Crosby and only Mr. Crosby who took that money. I do not find that
the plaintiffs in AP 134/2012 brought that quality of evidence to this
court and I dismiss their claim (i) and (ii) against Mr. Crosby.
The plaintiffs in OCC 56/2012 are seeking a declaration that the levy
and collection of a fixed percentage of all incomes of the school by 1st
Defendant is unlawful and in breach of the regulations of the company
and the laws of Ghana.

Section 10 of Act 179 pointedly provides that


(1)A company limited by guarantee may not lawfully be incorporated

with the object of carrying on business for the purpose of making
profits. '
(2) If any company limited by guarantee shall carryon business for the

purpose of making profits, all officers and members thereof who shall be
cognisant of the fact that it is so carrying on business shall be jointly
and severally liable for the payment and discharge of all the debts and
liabilities of the company incurred in carrying on such business, and the
company and every such officer and member shall be liable to afine ..... '
Again, any income earned in Ghana is subject to tax. What was the
evidence before the court? NICS did not deny receiving flat rates of 6%
from AIS every month to cover services it was allegedly performing for
the school. This was confirmed by Ms. Minta Berry, the business
manager of the school and Mr. Nipah, the auditor of the school, the two
of them testifying on opposite sides of the case. These monies had
reached $798,000 by the time the auditor of the school raised alarm bells
in exhibit 29. And yet exhibits 8 series were copious documentation
covering specific expenses that NICS invoiced and sought
reimbursement for from AIS.
As much members of guarantee companies may provide services to the
company and earn fees, such fees ought to be subj ect to the payment of
tax. What is clear from this evidence is that under the cloak of being
non-profit organizations, NICS was being given money from the income
of AIS for whatever activities on top of the reimbursements that NICS
had bothered to present records to Ghana in the form of vouchers or
receipts to prove their expenses. They were not paying taxes for this fee
they were earning for whatever services the flat fee covered.


I was not at all impressed by the glib 'Christian'

posturing of Dr. Hale

regarding the work NICS was doing at AIS when it came to the records
placed before him on the mechanism NICS had designed to move the
school's money out of Ghana and I must say so in this judgment. I was
also not impressed with exhibit J, which was obviously created to justify
the movements

of this money and I find it a sham. All its signatories

were supposed to have signed it in January 2006, including Mr. Seth

Asante, who ostensibly was not known to Dr. Hale by then. And counsel
for NICS in their addresses has sought to create the impression that
exhibit J was a pre-incorporation
contract. However by January 2006,
the name American International School had not been settled on. It was
in exhibit 25 dated 24th April 2006 that Mrs. Korum asked Mr. Asante to
reserve the name American
school itself was incorporated


School for the company. The

on 2nd August 2006.

Exhibit J is an obvious sham, bogus and has no Christian integrity and I

think it is a real shame that Dr. Hale swore on a bible, talked extensively
about prayer and scripture, and sought to hoodwink this court with it to
justify the monies being lugged out of Ghana for alleged services.
Indeed, the situation

is even more horrifying

evidence that all the NICS affiliated

were sending these monies

when one examines his

schools in developing

to NICS in the United


States for these

services, and yet he could not attest that due taxes were being paid on
them. See exhibit 7.


56/2012, it is my

considered order that NICS is ordered to immediately

return the sum of

In response to the claims (k), (1) and (0 ) of



from Ghana

since the opening

of AIS to the

accounts of AIS in Ghana. Secondly, this court orders the head of Ghana
Revenue Authority

for any

to audit AIS' books to determine




as fees

what taxes are

for services


purportedly performed for AIS. This audit should cover all the different
types of levies NICS has placed on AIS in different names such as
CRISIS fund, CARE fund. It is my considered view that if AIS decides
to retain money out of Ghana for any purposes such as paying for the
care and crisis of some of its teachers, these sums should go under he
lens of Ghana Revenue Service. Such audit should include all payments
made directly to NICS in the United States from students at AIS which
are retained for unaccounted purposes by NICS. The head of Ghana
Revenue Authority responsible for taxes is ordered to complete this
exercise within six months of this judgment and file a report with the
Registrar of Companies in its oversight responsibility for guarantee
companies, as well as the Registrar of this court for retention as part of
the records of this suit.
It is my sincere hope that the appropriate office within the American
Embassy will assist the Ghana Revenue Authority with gaining access to
information for this exercise.
Again, I must express my profound dismay with the Registrar of
Companies for the unbelievably reckless and feckless manner in which
so many ventures are set up as non-profit organizations with no
mechanism for monitoring that their income is used for charity instead
of as a scheme for persons to earn money without paying tax to a
country brought to its knees by poverty. I believe it is high time
Parliament took up its responsibility of setting up a Charities Authority
to ensure that income obtained through the activities of alleged nonprofit organizations such as churches and other institutions are actually
used to partner social development instead of being taken by
organizations that effectively dodge the tax net. .
l-must dismiss claim (n) in acc 56/2012 because I have already held
that to the extent that AIS held out the gentlemen on the board of NICS

as its Executive Council on its official records, they should be

recognized as the Executive Council of the school. Act 179 gives the
Executive Council authority to manage the school and any resolution
passed by the Executive Council in relation to the affairs of the school
cannot be held to be illegal or unlawful.
The claim vi) in AP 134112 and p) in acc 56/2012 are mirror images of
each other. Both parties claim perpetual injunctions restraining the
defendants in the various suits, their agents, assigns and privies from
interfering in the management and administration of the 2nd Plaintiff.
A final or perpetual injunction is an equitable relief the grant of which is
dependent on the existence of a right coupled with circumstances which
make it equitable to make the ~rder. See Snell's Equity, 31st Edition
(John McGhee QC ed) Thomson Sweet & Maxwell 2005, page 382.
Before dealing with these claims, I deem it fit to stop and consider a
matter counsel for the plaintiffs in AP 134/2012 brought up in his
addresses which is the locus standi of the plaintiffs in acc 56112 to seek
and obtain the orders they are praying for in this court. After
determining that Mrs. Korum is not a member or executive council
member of AIS and the remaining plaintiffs are also not executive
council members, this court cannot consider the question of whether
they have a right at law for the perpetual injunction sought without first
determining whether they have locus to sustain the reliefs sought.
AIS purports to be a Christian charity, a non-profit institution that is by
law compelled to provide the services it registered to the country. As
Christians, citizens and parents of children in the school at the time the
dispute commenced, I have no hesitation in finding that these persons
have an interest in the proper running of the school and a cause of action
regarding the reliefs under consideration.


Regarding the claim for injunction by the plaintiffs in acc 56/12, I have
dismissed the claim for declaration that the defendants did not have
power and authority to interfere with the day to day administration of
AIS. In such a situation, should the court grant the injunction to restrain
the 1st defendants from' interfering with the management of the school?'
Such an order would be untenable because NICS is not just the sole
member of AIS, NICS also holds the blue print for managing the school.
I dismiss the claim for injunction by the plaintiffs in acc 56/12.
As stated earlier, the defendants in AP134/2012 are also parents of
children in the school and Christians with an interest in the charity that
AIS purports to be. In that wise, I will also decline the order for
injunction sought by the plaintiffs in AP 134/2012 to restrain the
defendants from meddling in the internal affairs and administration of
the school, since such an order may be misconstrued to mean that they
are forever precluded from raising any complaints they may have
regarding any matter to do with the school. If AIS wants to conduct
business in Ghana and enjoy the freedoms of a corporate body paying
taxes, free of interference by persons without shares in it and who do not
transact business with it, it is my humble suggestion that they convert
from 'non profit charity' to a company limited by shares ..

Now was the termination of Mr. Crosby's employment wrongful? It is

trite learning that either party to an employment contract may choose to
terminate the contract. See Hemans v. Ghana National Trading
Corporation 1978 GLR 4, Nartey Tokoli v. Volta Aluminium Co Ltd
1987-88 2 GLR 532, Ghana Cocoa Marketing Board v. Agbettor 198486 1 GLR 122.The problem arises with termination that is contrary to
the agreed terms of the employment contract. The evidence shows that
for months prior to being relieved of his duty, NICS, as the organization
permitted by the Executive Council of AIS to manage the school,


nagged Mr. Crosby about his alleged 'leadership style'. He was then
placed on 'indefinite administrative leave'. It was after this that Mr.
Crosby's employment was terminated for the part he played with those
who revoked his administrative leave, purported to reinstate him, and
took over the running of the school.
The law has always made room for implied terms in any form of
contract. Mr. Crosby's contract is with AIS and was tendered as exhibit
L. It definitely must be an implied term of any contract of employment
that when an employee joins forces with others who claim control over
the organization he works for, against those who recruited him, any
termination of his contract of employment is entirely justified. I find the
termination of Mr. Crosby's employment as per exhibit Z lawful, and
dismiss his counter claims.

Mr. Crosby has also claimed for damages on the grounds that he did not
have access to his certificates etc. I note that on exhibit Y, as far back as
August 10 2012, Mr. Steve Stark informed him that 'if you wish to pick
up some personal items please do so if you wish, otherwise please
refrain from coming on campus except at Mr. Korver's request..' Clearly
if Mr. Crosby had wanted his certificates, he could have picked them up
and there is no evidence that he was restrained from doing so. Indeed, I
appointed him part of an interim management committee pending this
judgment but he chose to leave the jurisdiction. His other claims are
In summary, regarding suit number AP 134/2012, I grant claims i, ii, iii,
v, and dismiss claims iv, vi, vii. Also against Mr. Crosby, I dismiss
claims i, ii,. I dismiss all of Mr. Crosby's counter claims. Regarding the
counterclaims of the other defendants, I dismiss all the counterclaims
except counterclaims 1,m, and p


Regarding suit number,


56/2012, I grant claims k, 1, 0, and dismiss

claims a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, I, j, m, n, p. Each party is to bear their own












Sarkodie v. FKA Co Ltd 2009 SCGLR 65

Biney v Biney 1974 1 GLR 318.
Duah v Yorkwa 1993-94 1 GLR 225
2007/2008 SCGLR 1






Awuni v W AEC 2003 -2004 471

Commodore v Fruit Supply (Ghana) Ltd 1977 1 GLR 241 CA.
Quarcoopome v. Sanyo Electric Trading Co Ltd & Another, 2009
Fofie v Zanyo 1992 2 GLR 475,
Koglex Ltd (No.2) v Field, 2000 SCGLR 175,
Feneku v. John Teye 2001-2002 SCGLR 985
Donkor v The State 1964 GLR 598
Darko v. Republic 1968 GLR 203,
Hemans v. Ghana National Trading Corporation 1978 GLR 4,
Nartey Tokoli v. Volta Aluminium

Co Ltd 1987-882 GLR 532,

Ghana Cocoa Marketing Board v. Agbettor 1984-861 GLR 122.



Section 30 of the Companies Code Act 179 1961

Section 8 of Act 179
Section 18 of Act 179
Section 30 of Act 179
WQrds and Phrases Legally Defined, Fourth
Butterworth 2007 Volume 2


LexisN exis


Section 16 (5) of Act 179.

Section 21 of Act 179
The Law of Interpretation in Ghana (Exposition & Critique) S. Y.
Bimpong Buta Advanced Legal Publications, 1995, pages 26 to 27
Section 10 of the Evidence Act 1975 NRCD 323
Section 25 of the Evidence Act 1975 NRCD 323
Section 25 of NRCD 323
Section 177 of NRCD 323
Section 18 (1) of Act 179
Section 137 of Act 179
Section 140 of Act 179
Section 181 (1) of Act 179
Section 181 (2) of Act 179
Section 179 (2) of Act 179
Section 10 of Act 179
Snell's Equity 318t Edition (John McGhee QC ed) Thomson Sweet &
Maxwell 2005, page 382.


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