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Case 1:15-cv-00587-UNA Document 1 Filed 07/10/15 Page 1 of 12 PageID #: 1




C.A. No.

Plaintiff Vineyard Vines, LLC (Vineyard Vines), for its complaint against
Defendant Rehoboth Lifestyle Clothing Co. (RLCC), alleges on personal knowledge as
to its actions, and upon information and belief as to the actions of others, as follows:

This action arises out of RLCCs knowing and intentional copying and

mimicry of Vineyard Vines iconic Whale Design trademark shown below.

More particularly, this is an action for trademark infringement, trademark dilution, unfair
competition, and several related federal, state and common law causes of action.

Vineyard Vines is a Connecticut limited liability company having its

principal place of business located at 181 Harbor Drive, Stamford, Connecticut 06902.

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On information and belief, RLCC is a Delaware business entity having a

principal place of business located at 77 Rehoboth Avenue, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971.


This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this case pursuant to 15

U.S.C. 1121 and 28 U.S.C. 1331, 1338 and 1367.


This Court has personal jurisdiction over RLCC because it is located

within this judicial district, has committed tortious acts within this judicial district, has
transacted business within this judicial district (including sales of the infringing
merchandise within this judicial district), and has otherwise made or established contacts
within this judicial district sufficient to permit the exercise of personal jurisdiction by this
Court over it.

Venue is proper within this Court pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1391(a) and

(b) because RLCC is subject to personal jurisdiction within this judicial district and a
substantial part of the events and injury giving rise to Vineyard Vines claims is
occurring within this judicial district.

In 1998, brothers Ian and Shep Murray set out to live the American dream

and left their corporate jobs to create a line of whimsical men's neckties inspired by the
colors and designs of Martha's Vineyard, a destination they loved to visit. The first 800
ties were delivered on July 3, 1998 and were sold out in the first week. As the popularity
of the neckties grew, the Vineyard Vines brand was expanded to a full line of casual
sportswear for men, women and children, accessories, and products for the home, all
drawing inspiration from the relaxed lifestyle of Martha's Vineyard.

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For nearly twenty (20) years, and since long prior to the acts of RLCC

complained of herein, Vineyard Vines has been engaged in manufacturing, distributing,

offering for sale and selling a broad range of uniquely designed luxury brand mens,
womens and childrens clothing and accessories. As such, Vineyard Vines has become a
leader in the clothing and accessories industry in this country and is well known for its
colorful, nautical and whimsical designs on its products. Probably the most well-known
symbol of the Vineyard Vines brand is its fanciful whale design (the "Whale Design"),
which was developed and first used by Vineyard Vines at least as early as September 1,
2003 and first registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office ("USPTO")
on July 19, 2005.

The signature Whale Design has become an iconic symbol representing

the Vineyard Vines brand and is prominently used on a wide array of mens, womens
and childrens sportswear and accessories, as well as other related goods.

Vineyard Vines now operates approximately fifty (50) Vineyard Vines

branded standalone retail and outlet locations throughout the United States and continues
to expand its retail presence through additional prominent in-store and store-in-a-store
facilities in many major retail stores, including Bloomingdales, Belk, Nordstrom, Saks
Fifth Avenue and Island Pursuits, as well as in boutique clothiers throughout the United
States. Vineyard Vines also promotes and offers its products for sale on its website,

As a consequence of Vineyard Vines longstanding and continuous use of

its Whale Design mark, Vineyard Vines business and merchandise have become closely
associated with one another in the mind of the public so that the public in this country has

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come to recognize the business and merchandise of Vineyard Vines, at least in part, by
the Whale Design. As such, Vineyard Vines enjoys substantial goodwill and a valuable
reputation under the Whale Design trademark.

Because the Whale Design has a distinctive quality and has acquired

special and particular significance and very valuable goodwill as an identifier of

Vineyard Vines and its merchandise, Vineyard Vines has acquired proprietary rights in
the Whale Design under the common law as a trademark and service mark for mens,
womens and childrens clothing and accessories, and for related goods and services.
Those rights extend, without limitation, to the exclusive right to use the Whale Design
nationwide on and in conjunction with such clothing goods and related merchandise and

Moreover, Vineyard Vines Whale Design is the subject of several federal

trademark and service mark registrations. Those registrations include, inter alia, U.S.
Trademark Registration No. 2,969,692 which issued July 19, 2005 and pertains to the use
of the Whale Design as a trademark for various clothing goods. That registration (a copy
of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A) is valid, subsisting and incontestable.

On information and belief, RLCC operates one or more retail stores in

which it sells clothing, accessories and other merchandise. Those stores include a retail
store operated as Rehoboth Lifestyle Clothing Co. and located at 77 Rehoboth Avenue,
Rehoboth Beach, Delaware 19971.

It came to Vineyard Vines attention recently that RLCC has been and/or

is selling clothing articles which incorporate graphic elements depicting prominently

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unauthorized replications and imitations of Vineyard Vines Whale Design clothing

trademark. Images of some of these clothing goods (the Infringing Products) are
depicted in Exhibit B hereto.

Because of the striking similarities between Vineyard Vines Whale

Design trademark and the whale designs appearing prominently on the Infringing
Products, members of the public are likely to be initially interested in the Infringing
Products upon encountering them for sale by RLCC. Thus, such mimicry is likely to lead
to initial interest confusion or point-of-sale confusion as to the source, sponsorship or
other commercial affiliation of the Infringing Products with Vineyard Vines and its
clothing goods.

Additionally, because of such similarities, members of the public, who

encounter the Infringing Products being worn by RLCCs customers or other persons, are
likely to experience post-sale confusion as to the source, sponsorship or other commercial
affiliation of the Infringing Products with Vineyard Vines and its clothing goods.

The activities of RLCC complained of herein constitute willful

infringement and dilution of Vineyard Vines proprietary rights in the Whale Design
mark and have continued in spite of RLCCs knowledge that the use of such proprietary
mark, or any colorable imitation thereof, was and remains in direct contravention of the
exclusive proprietary rights of Vineyard Vines.

RLCCs unlawful activity results in irreparable harm and injury to

Vineyard Vines in that, among other things, it: deprives Vineyard Vines of its absolute
right to determine the manner in which its image is presented to the public through the
promotion and sale of goods bearing reproductions or colorable imitations of its mark;

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deceives and confuses the public as to the origin and sponsorship of such goods either
when members of the public initially encounter the Infringing Products, and/or at the
point-of-sale of the Infringing Products, and/or when the Infringing Products are
encountered in post-sale situations; wrongfully preys upon and cashes in on the
reputation and commercial value of Vineyard Vines as well as its exclusive rights in the
proprietary Whale Design mark; and irreparably harms and injures, or threatens to harm
and injure, the reputation of Vineyard Vines for providing quality goods.

Because of RLCCs unlawful activities, on May 27, 2015, Vineyard

Vines attorney sent via certified mail to RLCC the demand letter and materials depicted
in Exhibit B hereto. Nothwithstanding RLCCs receipt of that demand letter, RLCC
failed to respond in any manner. Subsequently, and as reflected in Exhibit C hereto,
Vineyard Vines attorney again sent the demand letter to RLCC, via email on June 30,
2015. Thereafter, on July 9, 2015, Vineyard Vines attorney telephoned RLCCs Soni
Chatani via her cell phone (302-236-6491), but Ms. Chatani hung up on Vineyard Vines
attorney as soon as he identified himself as such. Thus, RLCCs unlawful activities and
multiple failures to respond to Vineyard Vines have necessitated the filing of this lawsuit.
Count I
15 U.S.C. 1114 ( 32 of the Lanham Act)

Vineyard Vines repeats and realleges the contents of Paragraphs 1-20 as

though fully set forth herein.


RLCCs use in commerce of a colorable imitation of the federally

registered Whale Design mark in connection with the promotion, offering for sale, sale
and distribution of clothing goods is likely to cause confusion, or to cause mistake or
deceive customers, potential customers, and/or other members of the public.
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Such acts constitute infringement of a federally registered trademark in

violation of Section 32 of the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. 1114.


The aforesaid acts of RLCC have injured Vineyard Vines in an amount to

be determined at trial.

The aforesaid acts of RLCC have also caused irreparable harm to

Vineyard Vines and, unless enjoined by this Court, will continue to cause irreparable
damage, loss and injury to Vineyard Vines, for which Vineyard Vines has no adequate
remedy at law.
Count II
15 U.S.C. 1125 (c) ( 43(c) of the Lanham Act)

Vineyard Vines repeats and realleges the contents of Paragraphs 1-25 as

thought fully set forth herein.


The Whale Design clothing mark is a famous trademark under 15 U.S.C.

1125(c)(2)(A), in that it is widely recognized by the general consuming public of the

United States as a designation of the source of Vineyard Vines clothing. The Whale
Design clothing mark became famous long prior to RLCCs unlawful use of its colorable
imitations thereof, as alleged herein.

RLCCs use of colorable imitations of the Whale Design clothing mark, in

connection with the unauthorized sale in the United States of its Infringing Products, is
likely to dilute Vineyard Vines famous Whale Design clothing mark, in violation of
43(c) of the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. 1125(c), by lessening the capacity of the Whale
Design clothing mark to identify and distinguish Vineyard Vines exclusively as the
source of products and services in the United States bearing or provided under the famous
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Whale Design clothing mark and by harming the reputation and goodwill of the famous
Whale Design clothing mark.
RLCCs unauthorized use of colorable imitations of the Whale Design


clothing mark in connection with the sale in the United States of RLCCs Infringing
Products is intended and has the effect of trading on Vineyard Vines reputation and
causing dilution of the famous Whale Design clothing mark.
RLCCs trademark dilution as herein alleged has injured and will continue


to injure Vineyard Vines in that Vineyard Vines has suffered and will continue to suffer
damage to its reputation and customer goodwill as a direct and proximate result of
RLCCs illegal conduct, unless such unlawful conduct is enjoined by this Court. In
addition, RLCC has been unjustly enriched by reason of its acts of trademark dilution in
that RLCC has achieved sales and profits as a direct and proximate result of its illegal

Vineyard Vines is entitled to recover all damages sustained as a result of

RLCCs actions, all profits realized by RLCC through its unlawful use of colorable
imitations of Vineyard Vines Whale Design clothing mark and in connection with
RLCCs offering for sale and sale of the Infringing Products.
RLCCs actions have been willful and deliberate, entitling Vineyard Vines


to recover treble damages and/or profits and an award of reasonable attorneys fees
against RLCC.
Count III
15 U.S.C. 1125(a)(1)(A) ( 43(a)(1)(A) of the Lanham Act)

Vineyard Vines repeats and realleges the contents of Paragraphs 1-32 as

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though fully set forth herein.


RLCCs use in commerce of colorable imitations of Vineyard Vines

Whale Design trademark is likely to cause confusion, or to cause mistake or deceive

consumers and other members of the public as to the affiliation, connection, or
association of those imitative designations with Vineyard Vines or as to the origin,
sponsorship or approval of RLCCs goods by Vineyard Vines.

Such acts constitute violations of 43(a)(1)(A) of the Lanham Act, 15

U.S.C. 1125(a)(1)(A).

The aforesaid acts of RLCC have injured Vineyard Vines in an amount to

be determined at trial.

The aforesaid acts of RLCC have also caused and, unless enjoined by this

Court, will continue to cause, irreparable damage, loss and injury to Vineyard Vines, for
which Vineyard Vines has no adequate remedy at law.
Count IV

Vineyard Vines repeats and realleges the contents of Paragraphs 1-37 as if

fully set forth herein.


RLCC has engaged in unfair competition with Vineyard Vines in violation

of the common law of Delaware and other states, by advertising, promoting, offering and
selling its products using colorable imitations of Vineyard Vines Whale Design clothing
trademark, and by trading upon the goodwill established by Vineyard Vines and thereby
misappropriating the benefits of substantial effort and money expended by Vineyard
Vines in establishing its rights in its clothing trademarks and the goodwill and reputation
of Vineyard Vines.

The aforesaid acts of RLCC have damaged Vineyard Vines in an amount


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to be determined at trial.

The aforesaid acts of RLCC have also caused Vineyard Vines irreparable

injury and, unless enjoined by this Court, will continue to cause irreparable damage, loss
and injury to Vineyard Vines, for which Vineyard Vines has no adequate remedy at law.
Count V
(6 Del. C. 2531 et seq.)

Vineyard Vines repeats and realleges the allegations of Paragraphs 1-41 as

if fully set forth herein.


RLCCs activities as described above constitute deceptive trade practices


Causing a likelihood of confusion or misunderstanding as to the source,


sponsorship, approval, or association with or certification of goods or services in

violation of 6 Del. C. 2532(a)(2); and

Causing a likelihood of confusion or of misunderstanding as to affiliation,

connection or association with, or certification by, another in violation of 6 Del. C.


Vineyard Vines has no adequate remedy at law and, if RLCCs activities

are not enjoined, will continue to suffer irreparable harm and injury to Vineyard Vines
goodwill and reputation.
Vineyard Vines demands a trial by jury of all issues so triable.

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WHEREFORE, Vineyard Vines respectfully requests the following relief:

Preliminary and permanent injunctions prohibiting RLCC, its officers,

directors, agents, principals, divisions, sales representatives, servants, employees,

resellers, associates, subsidiaries, affiliates, attorneys, successors and assigns and all
persons acting by, through, under or in active concert or in participation with or
controlled, either directly or indirectly, by any of them, from using the whale
designations which have appeared on the Infringing Products, and from using any other
colorable imitations of Vineyard Vines Whale Design trademark in connection with the
manufacturing, packaging, labeling, importation, exportation, advertising, promoting,
marketing, offering, selling or distribution of clothing goods and any other goods in the
United States;

Preliminary and permanent injunctions requiring RLCC to remove

all use of the infringing and dilutive designations from its web site, sales aids,
advertisements, and any other promotional material or medium;

An order requiring the surrender to Vineyard Vines of all goods and other

materials in RLCCs possession, custody or control bearing the infringing and dilutive
designations, for the destruction of such goods and materials by Vineyard Vines, and
requiring further the filing and service of a certified report by RLCC, identifying and
attesting to the surrender of those goods and other materials in such particular details as
the Court shall deem appropriate;

An accounting for all profits derived by RLCC and its affiliates from such

unlawful acts;

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An award of such monetary remedies in an amount sufficient to

compensate Vineyard Vines for losses it has sustained as a consequence of RLCCs

unlawful acts, as well as the profits of RLCC attributable to such infringements and

An award of Vineyard Vines damages, including treble damages, costs

and attorneys fees for RLCCs acts of trademark infringement and dilution, pursuant to
15 U.S.C. 1051, et seq., particularly including 15 U.S.C. 1114 and 1125(a) and (c);

All such other and further relief as this Court may deem just and proper.

Of Counsel:
Larry C. Jones
101 S. Tryon Street, Suite 4000
Charlotte, North Carolina 28280
(704) 444-1019
[email protected]

/s/ Kelly E. Farnan

Kelly E. Farnan (#4395)
Katharine C. Lester (#5629)
One Rodney Square
920 North King Street
Wilmington, Delaware 19801
(302) 651-7700
[email protected]
[email protected]
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
Vineyard Vines, LLC

RLF1 12468110v.1

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