Ventrue Guide To Clan Prestige: Dignitas

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OWbN Ventrue: Guide to Clan Prestige (Dignitas)

A Sourcebook for One World by Night

Last Updated: 2015-05-21

OWbN Ventrue: Guide to Clan Prestige (Dignitas)

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OWbN Ventrue: Guide to Clan Prestige (Dignitas)

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OWbN Ventrue: Guide to Clan Prestige (Dignitas)

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The Latin word for "dignity," in the modern nights Dignitas is often described as "face" - as in, "saving face." Ventrue culture places
great importance on conducting yourself with dignity, grace and honor and on building a reputation of achievement and accolade.
Dignitas (the in-character word used to denote the unquantifiable concept of Clan Prestige) is mainly a function of title and status,
age and generation, and temporal power. A fluctuation in any of the above factors can influence the Dignitas of a Ventrue, but it is
the way that the Ventrue behaves through these fluctuations which defines how much Dignitas a Ventrue gains or loses, and how
fast. Dignitas is the measure of a Ventrues self, of his or her worth as a person and the more respected an individual becomes, the
more that will be expected of him or her.
Exactly what contributes to a Ventrues Dignitas is difficult to measure, but the following factors affect how the Dignitas of an
individual is perceived:
Titles and Social Status
Alliances, Personal Status, Positions Held, Social Stature)
Age, Lineage, and Reputation
(Age, Generation, Lineage, Reputation)
Accomplishments and Temporal Power
(Battles or Conflicts Won, Influence, Personal Accomplishments, Wealth)
In the same way that good breeding, a positive reputation, and several lauded accomplishments add to ones Dignitas, conflicts lost,
insults taken, failures recognized, and major scandals all serve to detract from a Ventrues Dignitas.


Please note that Clan Prestige (Dignitas) is a purely out-of-character mechanic. The player should view their Clan Prestige (Dignitas)
in the same manner as Morality - it is not an in-character mechanic, but something that must be role-played. For example, a player
should not tell others, in-character, that he or she has 3 Humanity, it is simply role-played.
Clan Prestige (Dignitas) is the undefinable amount of respect and deference that other Ventrue see fit to bestow on you; it is how
others see your character, combined with your own concept of importance and self-worth. Clan Prestige (Dignitas) should be
flexible, and should decrease and increase through game-play, constantly changing as the feeling primarily associated with the
character changes in the eyes of Clan Ventrue.
Though the majority of characters will never have a need to question the amount of Clan Prestige an individual is recognized as
having (usually done through a temporary expenditure of Lore: Clan: Ventrue for Ventrue characters), there are several situations
where the actual number of the Clan Prestige (Dignitas) Background may be relevant:

When two or more Ventrue come in contact for the first time and need to establish seniority
At large gatherings or meetings of Ventrue, to give order to seating or speaking order
When determining who can Nominate or Recognize for Clan Prestige (Dignitas)
When determining who can accuse or administer Punishments, or who can sit as Judge over a Court/Hearing

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Clan Prestige (Dignitas) is the undefinable amount of respect and deference that other members of the Ventrue Clan, all over the
world, have for any one Ventrue and it can be gained and lost depending on the actions and accomplishments of that Ventrue.
Temporary scandals or financial losses might reflect a temporary loss of Dignitas (until the Ventrue can recoup those losses) or
might become more permanent if the situation also becomes permanent.
Ventrue who have no Clan Prestige are either newly
embraced and still participating in their Agoge and/or Sect-initiation, are suffering some disciplinary punishment, or are uninformed
Dignitas is also heavily influenced by the methods which a Ventrue uses to attain and maintain power.
For example, if a Ventrue has (been discovered to have)
lied, cheated, or used duplicity to gain the position of Prince, that character
will gain only a grudging respect for his accomplishment. If another Ventrue who also ascended to the position of Prince did so with
honor and integrity, his Dignitas will be more widely respected because he will be viewed as going about acquiring power the right
It is up to the discretion of Storytellers whether or not to charge (or refund) XP for changes in the level(s) of the Clan Prestige
Background, but we recommend that whatever rule is used for Sect Status also be adopted for Clan Prestige.
Below is a short description of what is expected of a Ventrue at each level:
Clan Prestige: Ventrue x1
[Storyteller Approval for PCs. No requirement for NPCs]
You are considered a Neonate, and have been recognized on at least a city level as having completed your Agoge and hold
a nominal amount of Status in your Sect, though you likely do not hold any important city or Sect position. If you are a
Camarilla Ventrue, you have satisfactorily served the clan and the Directorate has likely taken note of you. If you are a
Ventrue-Antitribu, you have survived your Creation Rites and are likely a member of a pack.
Clan Prestige: Ventrue x2
[Storyteller Approval for PCs. No requirement for NPCs]
You are considered a rising star Neonate or a young Ancillae and likely have a moderate amount of Status in your Sect. You
are known throughout the ranks of the Ventrue in your region and have likely performed some service worthy of notice,
possibly garnering the attention of your superiors or Elders nationally or even globally. You might have an Elder for a
Mentor, or a childer or two of your own. You could be considered a figure of regional importance to the Ventrue and might
even hold an important city position such as Primogen.
Clan Prestige: Ventrue x3
[Storyteller Approval for PCs. No requirement for NPCs]
You are considered an older, well-established Ancillae or (Pretender) Elder and likely have a moderate to high amount of
Status in your Sect. You are known throughout the ranks of the Ventrue nationally or globally and the your superiors or
Elders know who you are and possibly come to you on occasion. You likely have an Elder as a Mentor, as well as your own
network of childer who bring information to you, and glory to your name. You could be considered a figure of National
importance to the Ventrue and might even hold an important city position such as Prince or Seneschal.
Clan Prestige: Ventrue x4
[For PCs and NPCs, Storyteller and Coord Approval]
You are well-established an Elder of Clan Ventrue. You are recognized by your clan as a figure of National or Continental
importance for the high amount of standing that you likely hold in your Sect, or for the position of power you now hold,
and have held for some while (such as Prince or Archbishop). Your in-game network of childer are probably formidable
Elders themselves.
Wherever you go, your reputation precedes you, and you are closely watched - some with jealousy,
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some with interest.

Clan Prestige: Ventrue x5
[For PCs and NPCs, Storyteller and Coord Approval]
You are considered an Elder of the most elite class. Globally recognized for your power, status, title, or any combination
thereof, Ventrue all over the world watch your every action. Every word that you speak is analyzed, criticized, or even
proselytized. You have likely achieved and maintained, for some while, both the highest standing and rank possible in your
Sect. You likely come from a Lineage which is well-respected, or pure.
Clan Prestige: Ventrue x6 (or higher)
[For PCs and NPCs, Storyteller and Coord Approval]
Only the greatest Legends of the Ventrue ever ascend to this level of importance or reverence. You will be forever
recognized for your importance to both your Clan and your Sect. When others hear the word Ventrue, your name is likely
one which comes to mind over all others, and nothing is considered beyond your reach.


The Dignitas Recognitions found later in this document are noted as suitable or unsuitable for starting PCs, and
certain Recognitions require Coordinator Approval before they may be acquired by a PC or NPC. For restrictions,
see the OWbN R&U Bylaws, Section 3.G.ii.17.B.
At character creation, a new Ventrue PC (in good standing) begins with
Clan Prestige: Ventrue x1
and one Dignitas
Recognition of the player's choice:
Coordinator Approval is necessary to begin with more than 1 Dignitas Recognition
Storytellers are free to create NPCs and must only seek Coordinator Approval when:
They wish the NPC to possess more than Clan Prestige: Ventrue x3
They wish to create the NPC with more than 6 Dignitas Recognitions
It is up to the discretion of Storytellers whether or not to charge (or refund) XP for changes in the level(s) of the
Background: Clan Prestige, but we recommend that whatever rule is used for Sect Status also be adopted for Clan

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Ventrue are recognized for Clan Prestige (Dignitas) in accordance with their actions and accomplishments. This means that gaining
Dignitas is not about qualifying by meeting a minimum, but about constantly proving, again and again, the Ventrues dedication
and devotion to the subject the Recognition focuses on.
The traditions regarding the nomination and recognition of Clan Prestige (Dignitas) are as complex as any other facet of Ventrue
culture. Depending on the Dignitas, a Superior or Peer might have the ability to nominate another Ventrue (and sometimes even
herself) for a Recognition. Once Nominated, another Ventrue or group of Ventrue (depending on the Dignitas requirements)
formally Recognize the individual for their accomplishments. The actual Recognition of Dignitas almost always requires the Ventrue
to be physically present, at a meeting of Ventrue. Many Recognitions have some sort of a formal ceremony or component to them,
and reveling in the glory that public praise brings may be extremely difficult to resist.
The generally accepted standard is for the individual (or group) who Recognizes another for a Dignitas to be within the same city or
region as the individual being Recognized. Contention arises when individuals from different areas are seen as attempting to bypass
the Regional authority. For Recognitions which are Nominated or Awarded by Peers, this usually will not cause concern. For
Recognitions from Superiors or by a vote, a Recognition from an outsider should have a very good reason why the Ventrues direct
Superior or Superiors are not announcing the Recognition themselves.
Finally, a Ventrue may gain many Dignitas Recognitions over time, however, he or she may only ever present as many Recognitions
one time
as they have Traits in the background, Clan Prestige: Ventrue.
For example, Juan-Miguel Ramirez is fairly well-respected member of the Camarilla and childe of Robert Kross. Ramirez has
Clan Prestige x3 and the Dignitas Recognitions: the Equerry, the Iron Circlet, the Lineage, and Paragon: The Scipio
(Transportation). When Ramirez shows up to a Clan Meeting to discuss business contracts with his nascent American
Cousins, he claims the following three Dignitas (one for each of his Traits in Clan Prestige):
Iron Circlet - So that all at the meeting understand that he places Clan Ventrue above all other interests
The Lineage - So that he may hopefully use the good standing of his Line to influence others
Paragon: The Scipio - So that he stands out as one of the most important individuals on the topic of shipping


Clan Prestige may be removed or reduced either permanently or temporarily, depending on the severity of the offense or behavior.
A permanent loss of Clan Prestige is usually only the result of truly abhorrent acts, or behavior which causes permanent damage to
Ventrue interests. A temporary loss of Clan Prestige could be a result of a myriad of offenses, failures, or embarrassments.
Temporary losses, administered by a Superior or through judgment at a Court Hearing, often last for a predetermined length of
time. Temporary losses may also have requirements (such as the achievement of a specific goal or task) which must be satisfied
before the offending Ventrue may claim the Recognition again. Permanent removal of some Recognitions may also come with a
physical realization of that loss. For example, a Sword could be broken, an Equerry might be slain, or a set of Golden Scales torn off
the lapel. Any Dignitas Recognition for which the description states may only be earned once, can never be regained if permanently
Regardless if a removal is permanent or temporary, the Clan Prestige (Dignitas) of a Ventrue should always be rebuked publicly, at a
meeting of the Clan.


Anytime you compare yourself to any other Ventrue, you will either be considered a Superior, a Peer, or a Subordinate. Many times
this comparison depends on the situation for which you are making the comparison. Generally, Dignitas is nominated and
recognitions announced based on your relation to the other Ventrue and the situation you are in, as described below.

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For many nominations, a Ventrue who might be your peer by position could highlight your worthiness using their status as an equal
in the eyes of the Sect. When it comes time to spread word of your accomplishments by Recognition, someone who is your peer by
Position (and not by Prestige) may not be well-known, or have enough connections within the Clan to spread the word of your
deeds across the globe. For this reason, when dealing with Recognizing Clan Prestige, it becomes important to have an individual
more globally accomplished than yourself to spread the word to others in the Clan.
When Nominating Dignitas:
If both your Clan Prestige and your Position
are less
than theirs, then you are a
If either your Clan Prestige or Position
is equal
to theirs, then you are a
If either your Clan Prestige or Position
is greater
than theirs, then you are a
When Recognizing Dignitas:
If your Clan Prestige
is less
than theirs, then you are a
If your Clan Prestige
is equal
to theirs, then you are a
If your Clan Prestige
is greater
than theirs, then you are a


Exactly who is considered a Peer, Subordinate, or Superior is often situation-specific. While a Ventrue with more Traits in the
Background: Clan Prestige: Ventrue may often be considered elder to one with lesser, the situation, political structure of the
domain, and several other factors could determine seniority in another manner.
For the purposes of Dignitas Nominations, Peers are most often Ventrue of equal station/position
or Clan Prestige, while
Subordinates are considered those with the lesser of both. While Superiors can always nominate for things that any Peer or
Subordinate may nominate for, if they do, they must cede their ability to Recognize that same award for the Ventrue they have
Nominated. Superiors are considered any Ventrue of higher station/position
or higher amount of Clan Prestige than the Ventrue
being Nominated.
For example, in the year 1924 AD, Arjan Voorhies, Ventrue Primogen of Amsterdam wanted to Nominate his broodmate,
Anna Jansen as deserving of the Daley Prize for her assistance in the Anarch incursions earlier that year in and around
Amsterdam. Since Anna did not have a position at the time of the nomination, and Voorhies was the Primogen, Voorhies is
considered Annas Superior. Since Voorhies need only be considered a Peer to Nominate Jansen for the Daley Prize, his
Nomination is announced and the topic is scheduled for vote at the next Regional meeting of the Ventrue.


When a Nomination is announced, one or more Ventrue know of your accomplishment. When a Dignitas is Recognized, however, a
powerful statement is made. It is a declaration that all Ventrue should know you by that deed or accomplishment, and the
reputation and social status of the Ventrue who declares the Recognition says almost as much about the Ventrue gaining the
Recognition as the Recognition itself.
For this reason, when dealing with Recognitions, Peers are Ventrue of equal Clan Prestige while Subordinates are considered those
of less. Superiors can always Recognize any Dignitas that a Subordinate could, but only if they were not the one who Nominated
that same Dignitas. Superiors are considered any Ventrue with a higher amount of Clan Prestige than the Ventrue gaining the
Since a Ventrue may only present as many Dignitas Recognitions as they have levels in the Clan Prestige Background, when a
Ventrue earns a new Dignitas Recognition, if the accomplishment is prestigious or significant enough, they will also gain a level of
the Clan Prestige background. If a Ventrue earns a new Dignitas Recognition and does not gain a level of the Clan Prestige
Background, then he or she may choose to replace one of the Dignitas that he or she currently presents with the new one. This
system helps to reinforce the distinction between those who truly achieve, and those who accomplish the absolute minimum in
order to qualify for Dignitas.
In the first example, Juan-Miguel Ramirez has Clan Prestige x3 and does not hold a position in the Camarilla. Ramirez has
been working for many decades to ensure profits from gold and other treasure collected from the Spanish Main have
consistently found their way into Ventrue coffers. His Sire, Robert Kross, who has Clan Prestige x4 and is considered
Ramirezs Superior nominates Ramirez for the Alph for his work on the Spanish Main. After a quick vote, Juan-Miguel
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Ramirez is Recognized for the Alph, and gains a corresponding level of Clan Prestige: Ventrue due to his efforts.
In the second example, Anya Krylova has Clan Prestige x2 and is known as a hothead, one who is governed by her passions
with a temperament normally attributed to a Brujah. Shortly before the Russian Revolution, she expands her network of
contacts on the Streets, Nominating herself for Paragon: The Barbary (Street). Her new childe, Nikolai confirms and
Recognizes her achievement, but because she has fallen out of favor with the Ventrue in her region, she does not gain a new
level of Clan Prestige: Ventrue. When she lists the Dignitas Recognitions that she holds, she may still claim the two that she
previously claimed, or may replace one of them with her new Paragon: The Barbary if she chooses, depending on who she is
interacting with.


Ventrue tradition dictates that Superiors from different areas do not attempt to punish subordinates from other areas or regions.
Though technically possible, this behavior is considered a breach of etiquette. Instead, a Ventrue is expected to present the
grievance (or evidence) to their counterpart in the same region as the offending Ventrue so that punishment may be rendered
appropriately. On a similar note, Ventrue who are considered Subordinates must take extreme care when leveling charges of
scandal, offense, or crimes against a Ventrue considered their Superior.
Peers, however, have no such restrictions.
Ventrue who are considered Peers are free to call for condemnation, punishment, or the public rebuking of the Dignitas of another
Ventrue who are equal in station/position or Clan Prestige to themselves regardless of Regional boundaries. However, just because
one has the ability to call for punishment does not mean that it is always a good idea. Rashly accusing another Ventrue (would be
considered their Elder by Clan Prestige, but not position) is one of the fastest methods of having ones own Dignitas sternly rebuked.
Many would-be Judges may be strongly suspicious in cases where the accuser can be considered, in some way, the Subordinate of
the accused.
For example, Nova Arpad (
Prince of Mediasch, Transylvania) believes that Peter Kleist, a Ventrue who makes his residence
in the Domain of Berlin, has entered her territory searching for a fugitive without asking for Hospitality. Nova Arpad is
furious and confronts Wilhelm Waldburg, the Prince of Berlin (and a Strategos) about the issue, but Waldburg claims the
violation did not occur. Prince Nova Arpad (a Peer by Position to Prince Waldburg) could accuse Waldburg of shielding Kleist
from punishment, thereby calling into question his Loyalty to the Clan (ie. his Iron Circlet) and must weigh her evidence and
need for vengeance against the potential dangers of pitting her Dignitas against that of her fellow Prince.
The full process for a Peer Condemnation and the Rebuking of Dignitas are documented in the Punishments section of this
When a Ventrue loses Dignitas (usually due to a type of punishment), they also lose a level of Clan Prestige along with it. For
temporary removals, the corresponding loss of Clan Prestige may also be temporary, but for permanent removals, the loss of Clan
Prestige is always permanent.


A short description will be listed just below the title of a Dignitas Recognition. This usually tells the reader about the history of the
Recognition, or gives insight into what types of characters might be nominated for the Recognition.
Presentation: How the Recognition should be presented when in writing, or spoken; along with any additional notes.
Unless otherwise noted, a Ventrue can present one Recognition for each level of Clan Prestige: Ventrue that he or she has.
Certain Recognitions may have further requirements which modify this restriction.
Nominated by: Nomination is done by the Ventrue who first alerts other Ventrue that an individual should be considered
for Recognition. For many Recognitions, this is done by a Peer who is willing to serve as witness to the act or
accomplishment. A Peer is a fellow Ventrue of equal Clan Prestige, or Position.
Recognized by:
Recognitions are usually affirmed by a Ventrue considered to be the Superior of the Ventrue receiving the
Recognition. For Ventrue of The Board, this might mean one of higher position, or if a characters Prince is a Ventrue, they
might be able to serve in that role. Regardless of position, the Ventrue being considered as a Superior must have a higher
amount of Clan Prestige. Some Recognitions require a vote of the Board (all Ventrue in a Region, not just one City). In this
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case, the discussion and majority vote for the Recognition would need to take place during a Regional meeting of Ventrue
that has been announced well beforehand. Sample procedures for Ventrue voting are detailed in Clanbook: Ventrue
(Revised), p.43 and 53.
The act or accomplishment which must take place in order for a character to be Nominated and Recognized
Restrictions: Any additional restrictions which apply to the Recognition will be listed here. Also, whether a Recognition is
suitable for starting PCs will also be listed.

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Eleanor of Aquitaine, the heiress of the duchy of Aquitaine, was one of the most powerful and fascinating personalities of feudal
Europe. She lived until her eighties, ensured Aquitaine became one of the greatest fiefs in Europe, and eventually became one of
the greatest powers of medieval Europe in terms of both wealth and political power. Eleanor's court was a trend setter in the
medieval world, known for its sophistication and luxury; heavily influenced by the Spanish courts of the Moors, it gave patronage to
poets and encouraged the art of the troubadours, some of whom were believed to be in love with the beautiful Eleanor. This
Recognition is for female Ventrue who, like Queen Eleanor, hold power over their male peers.
Nominated by:
Recognized by:

The Aquitaine
Superior, who is female
A female Ventrue who, over male Clan-mates, gains and holds an official Camarilla position, or position on
The Board
Suitable for starting PCs

Ventrue who act without regard for their personal safety or profit, putting themselves at risk of Final Death to accomplish their goal
are often Recognized with the Cour de Lion. Literally meaning the heart of a lion, this Recognition may be earned more than once,
each time representing a larger and larger danger or adversity. Ventrue, who distinguish themselves through these acts of bravery
always do so in the face of great adversity, danger, or threats to their personal well-being and may even go on to forge fearsome
Reputations outside of Clan Ventrue.
Nominated by:
Recognized by:

The Cour de Lion [Date]; The Cour de Lion and all related pips are presented as one
Bravery in the face of great adversity or danger; Additional pips are added for each subsequent recognition
but are Nominated and Recognized by the same process and for greater dangers
Suitable for starting PCs

There was only one true foe for the Eastern Lords, the Tzimisce boyars and Kolduns who haunted Eastern Europe; this Recognition
reflects that ancient animosity. Named for a Slavic folk tale, this Recognition carries a lesson. In the folk tale, the Hero Dobrynya
defeated a Dragon named Goryinch by cutting off one of its three heads. The beast swore submission and promised to never again
trouble him; being a man of honor, Dobrynya accepted this. Soon, the beast broke its vow and Dobrynya was forced to hunt it down
and destroy it. In doing so, he freed the people who had been held in thralldom. The message is simple and obvious - a fiend can
only be dealt with in one manner.
The Recognition is given for the proven death of a Tzimisce - mere defeat is not enough. Dobrynyas Blade carries several marks of
distinction, as follows:
Blade of the First Night:
The least prestigious level was traditionally noted for killing younger fiends, those who did not hold
lands of their own. In modern nights this is the most common level of Recognition, as nearly all Sabbat Tzimisce are held to
be of this low status.
Blade of the Second Night: This level was handed out for the destruction of a Tzimisce Koldun. Tradition requires
confirmation of the Fiends use of magic, either by witnesses or by irrefutable evidence from the field of battle.
Blade of the Third Night
: This level of Recognition (also called Zabavas Deliverance, after the princess that Dobrynya freed)
was given for the destruction of a Voivode, and only then for one whose holdings were considered substantial. It is
extremely rare to see an individual claiming this Recognition. Tzimisce of this level must be deemed truly important
enough, mere pack leaders are not enough. Several times, even Sabbat Bishops have been ruled too minor; much depends
on the infamy of the fiend.

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Nominated by:
Recognized by:

Dobrynyas Blade: Blade of the [X] Night, [Date]; Only the highest Blade achieved is presented
Peer; for the Blade of the First Night, may be self-recognized if no other Ventrue are available
A Superior who holds an equal level Blade as the one being given; If no Superior is available, only the Blade
of the First Night may be self-recognized
The confirmed killing of a Tzimisce (Blade of the First Night), Tzimisce Koldun (Blade of the Second Night),
or Tzimisce Voivode or other extremely notable Tzimisce (Blade of the Third Night)
The Blade of the First Night, only, is suitable for starting PCs

Ventrue are known as traditionalists, and nowhere is this more evident than with the Equerry. On being appointed Whip, it is
customary for the Primogen to which the Whip serves to give the Whip the gift of a horse. This tradition was practiced by Primogen
of the Ventrue well into the 20th Century, as keeping horses was a symbol of refinement in a polite society. However, in the modern
nights luxury or classic automobiles have become the new standard of the wealthy and distinguished and younger Ventrue accept
this as a logical (and more useful) alteration to a time-honored tradition, though some antiquated elders have been known to ignore
this evolution of the tradition.
The type of automobile (or horse), as well as its use, upkeep and health are all criteria used to judge those recognized as Members
of the Equerry, and the Equerry gift itself is at risk from friend and foe alike. Elders have been known to test the security precautions
taken for the Equerry by attacking or stealing (or kidnapping) the gift. After all, if the Ventrue cannot be trusted with something as
simple as an automobile (or horse), how can he or she be trusted with a multi-national corporation?
One of the most feared punishments a Ventrue can face is the public rebuking of their Equerry. A Ventrue who is punished for his or
her failures as a leader may be forced to watch as his or her Primogen or Superior sends the gift to the car crusher (or glue factory,
for horses). In extreme cases, the accused could be forced into the humiliating act of killing their own horse as recognition of their
failures and shame. Once lost in any of these methods, the Equerry is lost forever and may never be regained.
Nominated by:
Recognized by:

Member of the Equerry, [Date]; This Recognition is only given once, ever. If something happens to the
animal or automobile, under no circumstances is a replacement ever issued or recognized again.
Superior; Usually the Primogen to which the character serves as Whip
Serving as the Whip of a Domain, and holding the position for 6+ months
Suitable for starting PCs


As with the Equerry, when a Ventrue attains the cherished position of Seneschal within a Domain, they are Recognized in a manner
which complements their original Equerry. This is could be a riding accessory such as spurs, a saddle, or a bridle; or a fashionable
accessory for their automobile such as vanity plates, or other expensive leather equipment. Whatever item is chosen, that item is
then either crafted of, or plated in precious metal. If the horse of the original Equerry has died due to natural causes, it is considered
appropriate to present the Seneschal a small statue resembling the original gift.
If the Ventrue who is to be Recognized with the Equerry has not yet earned the Equerry, the Equerry is presented to him or her now,
with the additional accessory.
Nominated by:
Recognized by:

Member of the Equerry: Esteemed, [Date]; This Recognition is only given once, ever; This Recognition
supersedes the Equerry and a Ventrue with both only presents this, more prestigious Recognition
Superior; Usually the Prince of the Domain, if Ventrue, or of a neighboring Domain
Serving as the Seneschal of a Domain, and holding the position for 6+ months
Unsuitable for starting PCs

The hunting of demons and infernalists is a dangerous business. Those who have dealings with the servants of hell are often subtle,
corrupting and defiling everything they touch, and being able to properly combat these foes is considered less of a one-time
occurrence, and more of a life-long pursuit. Knowledge of demons, their powers, and expertise in the gifts that they imbue their
servants can be, in the circles of a polite society, damning when presented in the wrong light. Those who have proven their skill at
rooting out and destroying the complex web of a servant of hell, climaxing in the destruction of the Infernalist or demon itself are
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sometimes Nominated for the Exorcist.

Those Recognized with the Exorcist have researched, hunted, and permanently destroyed a notable Infernalist or powerful demon.
Usually confirmed by a peer, the Exorcist may be self-administered if no other Ventrue are available, however, there is less prestige
attached when this Recognition is self-administered.
Nominated by:
Recognized by:

Exorcist, [Description of the most significant Kill]; Only the most significant kill is presented; Exorcist and all
related pips are presented as one
Peer; May be self-recognized if no other Ventrue are available
A Superior; If no superior is available, may be self-recognized
The confirmed killing of an Infernalist or demon; Additional pips are added for each subsequent killing and
are Nominated and Recognized by the same process
Suitable for starting PCs

Ventrue who have distinguished themselves through the acquisition of status and prestige, position, accomplishment, or the
acquisition of wealth may be permitted to establish a House. The structure and concept of a Ventrue
House is similar to a coterie
which pools resources and assets in order to achieve goals which the various coterie-members might otherwise be unable to
achieve, individually.
In order to establish a House, a Ventrue must first locate one or two other
like-minded Ventrue who are willing or interested in
entering into a House together. When the potential member(s) is/are located, the House members, together, must locate a
separate Elder for each potential House-member (so, 2 or 3). These Elders must be individuals recognized as Superiors to all
potential members of the would-be House. Though there is no rule limiting the size of a House to a maximum of three members, a
Ventrue would find it difficult to locate any Elder who would take on the maddening responsibility of negotiating the creation of a
House larger than three.
Once located, these Elders supervise negotiations between the potential House-members in order to draw up the
document which clearly states what is expected from each member of the House. Each potential member of the House creates a
separate document between each other potential member; the exact terms and requirements between each member are never
openly discussed after each agreement is signed.
Qualifications for entrance, recurring tribute of Resources or Influence, defined hierarchical structures, and House titles are all
possible, as well as anything else that the Ventrue agrees to could be included in the agreement(s). In some Houses, all members
are equals, in others, a defined Patriarch/Matriarch of the House is specified; other Houses may use the title of Exemplar, or First,
Second, and so on to denote seniority. The exact requirements and conditions of membership should vary from House to House; the
roles and requirements of each House member should be determined by the roleplay between potential-members at the time the
House is created, and finalized when the
is signed.
Once the Elders and each potential-member find the terms of his or her contracts to be equitable, the House is formed and formally
The name of the House is traditionally drawn from either the founders name or some other name which the members
seek to memorialize, such as the name of a grandsire. Any name, however, may be selected as long as it is agreeable to the Elders.
The original documents of the
are kept with one of the Elders, and all members are expected (by the Elders involved) to
hold to the terms and conditions specified within. While s
ome Houses last only a few short years, others have held to the terms and
arrangements of the House for centuries, replacing members when necessary, and serving as cornerstones of Ventrue wealth,
power, and stability.
If a House is reduced to one member (usually only through final death or some type of punishment), the House is considered
disbanded, though there is nothing to keep the surviving member of the House from recreating it at a later time, following the steps
outlined above.
Nominated by:
Recognized by:

House [House Name]; Must always be presented

Self, in addition to other one or two other Peers or Subordinates; Creation of a House
Two or Three Superiors; One Separate Superior per proposed Member of the House
Each member must hold 5+ Personal Sect Status; have Clan Prestige: Ventrue 3+
Unsuitable for starting PCs

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Coordinator Approval Required


The Iron Circlet is the ultimate symbol for those who have proven that they are loyal and trustworthy members of the clan. The Iron
Circlet is also Recognized of Ventrue who distinguishes themselves by noble acts of altruism, leading some to consider it a sort of
catch-all Recognition, when no other seems suitable or appropriate.
Nominated by:
Recognized by:

The Iron Circlet

Proven loyalty to Clan Ventrue
Suitable for starting PCs

The Agoge tends to be both rigorous and harsh. Many Neonates are lucky to even complete the endeavor, let alone accomplish it
with honors. Those Ventrue who do surpass their contemporaries and complete the Agoge with exceptional skill may be Recognized
as a Light Bringer - a true rising star of Clan Ventrue. This can be a mixed blessing as those who are given the name Light Bringer are
expected to continue to excel. Should they falter, they will be reduced in Dignitas (the title of Light Bringer will be removed) and are
likely to be ridiculed.
Nominated by:
Recognized by:

Light Bringer; If ever Recognized with the Lineage, Light Bringer is replaced by that; If ever punished by a
Vote (Condemned, Censured, Tainted, etc.), Light Bringer may never again be presented
Sire; or Superior, if Sire is no longer available
Sire; or Superior, if Sire is no longer available
Successful in-character completion of the Accounting and Agoge; Light Bringer is intended for characters
who are embraced in game
Unsuitable for starting PCs

A distinguishing honor bestowed on Ventrue of exceptional caliber, the Peerage identifies those Ventrue who have ascended to the
highest levels of power within the Clan and have proven their exceptional leadership ability. Ventrue removed from their position by
punishment or who are forced to resign in disgrace, however, are usually stripped of this Recognition.
Nominated by:
Recognized by:

Peer of the [Rank]; Clan (Aedile), Realm (Praetor), or Crown (Strategos)

Superior; Usually the direct superior holding the next highest position, or, a fellow Strategoi
Holding a position in the Board of Directors (Strategos), or within a local Board (Aedile or Praetor) for 6+
Unsuitable for starting PCs


One of the few things all Ventrue have in common is a pure, unyielding hatred for those who call themselves Antitribu. Since the
birth of the Sabbat, Ventrue Elders have hunted these pretenders with vehemence, wherever they are found. As a result, Ventrue
Elders began recognizing Ventrue who have proven skill for destroying those who would foul their noble blood.
Nominated by:
Recognized by:

The Shepherds Crook, [Date]; The Shepherds Crook and all related pips are presented as one
Any; May be self-recognized if no other Ventrue are available
A Superior; If no superior is available, may be self-recognized
The confirmed killing of a Ventrue Antitribu Sabbat member; Additional pips are added for each
subsequent killing and are Nominated and Recognized by the same process
Suitable for starting PCs


Mithras realized the value and necessity of rewarding gallantry in battle and loyal service and often awarded land or wealth, in
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addition to titles or other signs of merit. For these reasons, the Sovereigns Honour was created in the early days of the British
Adopting an old tradition, gold or silver chains were gifted to individuals as a mark of distinction for loyal service and proven loyalty
to the crown. Known as collars of Mithras Livery, these gifts were worn as pledges of loyalty; a tradition which continued even
after Mithras vanished and Queen Anne took the reins of rulership. In the modern nights, the Sovereign Queen Anne Bowesley
retains the sole right of conferring all titles of honour, and any Ventrue who claims residence in any of the Domains of the United
Kingdom may make a recommendation for a fellow Ventrue to receive this special Recognition.
Nominated by:
Recognized by:

The Sovereigns Honour, [Date]

Any Ventrue who resides within the United Kingdom
Queen Anne Bowesley, Prince of London
Exemplary service to the British Empire
Suitable for starting PCs;
Coordinator Approval Required

The history of Clan Ventrue draws much from the Roman Empire from history, to famous lineages and members. In homage to that
ancestry, Ventrue who become Primogen are given a sword to mark the occasion. How a Sword is presented and by whom is of
critical importance, as the reputation of the recipient is forever tied to the Ventrue conducting the ceremony.
The recipient, as a mark of their increased authority within the Clan, is allowed to choose their own sword. Much is read into the
type of blade chosen, and comparisons are made with those who have chosen similar blades in the past. Ventrue with keen tactical
minds have been able to gain significant insight into their fellow Primogen based on the choice of sword. Since the 17th Century, it
has become customary to employ a measure of guile and subterfuge during the sword selection process to throw off such
calculating analyses.
One of the most feared punishments a Ventrue can face is the public rebuking of their Sword. A Ventrue who is punished for his or
her failures as a leader may be forced to surrender his or her Sword to their Superior until a time that Ventrue proves himself or
herself worthy of once again carrying it. In extreme cases, the accused could be forced into the humiliating act of breaking their
Sword as recognition of their failures and lasting shame. A Sword lost in this manner may never be regained.
Nominated by:
Recognized by:

Bearer of the Sword, [Date]; This Recognition is only given once - ever. The Sword may be rebuked
temporarily as part of a Punishment, and permanent removal of the Sword is considered extreme.
Superior; Usually the Prince of the Domain (if he or she is Ventrue), or Sire
Achieving and holding the position of Primogen of a Domain for
+ months
Suitable for starting PCs


Ventrue who have killed their first member of the Sabbat are Recognized with the White Cross. Usually confirmed by a peer, the
White Cross may be self-administered if no other Ventrue are available, however, there is less prestige attached to a White Cross
which has been self-administered. Ventrue have been known to allow other Kindred the honor of delivering the coup-de-grace to
a member of the Sabbat in favor of waiting for more prestigious circumstances, but being caught doing so is considered to be a mark
of unprecedented arrogance (while not being caught is considered unconscionable good luck). The various ceremonies for
recognizing the White Cross vary in style and grandeur, from individual to individual.
Nominated by:
Recognized by:

The White Cross, [Date]; The White Cross and all related pips are presented as one
Any; May be self-recognized if no other Ventrue are available
A Superior; If no superior is available, may be self-recognized
The confirmed killing of a Sabbat member; Additional pips are added for each subsequent killing and are
Nominated and Recognized by the same process
Suitable for starting PCs

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For those who choose to be Recognized for their significant connections outside of Clan Ventrue, this Recognition can be dubious.
Ventrue will seek out Ambassadors for their connections to other Clans, and Ambassadors will often have to balance their duty (and
sometimes, loyalty) to Clan Ventrue against the friendships and allies that he or she has to maintain in the Clan of choice. However,
Ventrue who distinguish themselves as capable diplomats may soon find themselves with a wealth of connections, boons, and other
favors based on their expert services regarding the Clan of Choice.
Nominated by:
Recognized by:


Ambassador to Clan [Chosen Clan]; Purchase of the Merit: Clan Friendship [Chosen Clan]
In-character interactions with the Clan of Choice which has resulted in the Ventrue gaining significant
friendship with that Clan, as a whole; and the purchase of the Merit: Clan Friendship to represent this
Suitable for starting PCs;
Purchase of the Merit: Clan Friendship (3 Traits) is regulated by:
OWbN R&U Bylaws, Section 3.E.i

Current Archons are traditionally bound to wear a blue sash from the left shoulder to the right hip. Those Ventrue who are
Recognized with the Sash, who serve Non-Ventrue Justicars, have continued to argue against wearing it with all their might, feeling
it an unnecessary display, but are constantly outmaneuvered by the rest of the Clan.
For these Archons who serve Non-Ventrue Justicars, rather than a mark of distinction, the Sash is a warning sign that proclaims to
anyone who sees it that the Ventrue wearing it is a blood-bound pawn of a Non-Ventrue Elder. Visible representations, such as the
sash, decreases opportunities for subterfuge and intrigue - which is just the way the Clan likes it.
Archons who are currently serving the Ventrue Justicar are entitled to wear the Sash, if they choose.
Nominated by:
Recognized by:

Wearer of the Sash, [Title and Name of Justicar];

If currently an Archon to a Non-Ventrue Justicar, the Sash
must always be presented, otherwise, it is at the discretion of the Archon
Currently serving as an Archon to a Justicar
Unsuitable for starting PCs

There are those in Clan Ventrue who espouse the virtues of remaining neutral in the jyhad. These Ventrue believe that Clan
Ventrues role is to Chronicle Cainite history as it happens from a neutral and impassioned viewpoint. Due to this, some Ventrue
such as Bindusara, Cret, Ea Adapa, and Julia Antasia have distinguished themselves not as martial leaders or financial barons, but as
Lore Keepers, Historians, and Chroniclers of history.
Though Chronicler is the most well-known Recognition, other monikers may be chosen dependent on the focus of the would-be
Chroniclers studies. For example, if the majority of the Chroniclers Lores were mainly in Sect-specific Lores, he or she might be
Recognized as a Historian. If the Chroniclers focus was on Ventrue history and in-clan study, he or she may be referred to as a
Nominated by:
Recognized by:

Chronicler (or other, more fitting moniker such as Curator, or Historian)

Ventrue who possess at least Kindred/Cainite Lore x3 and either Sect Lore (in your Sect) x3 OR Ventrue
Lore x3; in addition to 3 other Lores of Levels 3 (or higher).
Suitable for starting PCs

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This dubious Recognition traces its roots to Berlin, to a time when Gustav Breidenstein, the Iron Fist would assign those Kindred he
suspected of treachery the honor of hunting and killing Lupines. All that is necessary in order to be recognized for the Crescent
Moon is for the Ventrue to acquire a Lupine pelt from the original Lupine, by his or her own hand.
Due to the danger involved, and several other more complicated factors such as the lack of humanity sufficient to revel in such
things as skinning a Lupine and keeping their pelt, those Recognized for the Crescent Moon are often considered unorthodox,
eccentric, or even aberrant.
Nominated by:
Recognized by:

The Crescent Moon, [Name, Location, or Description of the Kill]; Only the most significant kill is presented
The personal killing and skinning of a Lupine, and presentation of the pelt; Additional kills are not added,
but replace the original trophy if they are considered more difficult or prestigious
Suitable for starting PCs


The Jade Badge was first Recognized by Arthur Smith, Ventrue Elder of Hong Kong at the height of the first Opium war in 1830 AD.
The Jade Badge was created to honor those Ventrue who protected the assets of the Clan in the Far East, and since that time the
tradition of Recognizing those individuals who have demonstrated an ability to successfully deal with Kindred of the East (Kuei-Jin)
has been kept alive and well.
The meaning of this Recognition, however, is rarely publicized. Unless a Ventrue is well-versed in the Clans Secrets (i.e. Lore:
Ventrue x2), he or she might regard the Jade Badge as some type of variation on the Peerage, used to denote some obscure link to
the Far East.
Nominated by:
Recognized by:

The Jade Badge, [Chosen Character]; Each time this Recognition is given, another character is chosen
Peer who holds this Recognition
Proven ability to make deals with the Kindred of the East which turn out profitably for the Ventrue
Unsuitable for starting PCs


Drawn from Clan Ventrues involvement with the Roman Empire, the Laurel Crown was at one time given to Ventrue who made
specific political achievements within the framework of the Roman government. With the fall of Rome, the Laurel Crown has been
"reinvented" and has been given since the 11th century to recognize a Ventrues significant diplomatic achievements on behalf of
the Clan.
Those who are Recognized with the Laurel Crown are judged against the accomplishments of other recipients. While some Ventrue
might qualify numerous times throughout their careers, many wait several centuries or more for the "perfect" opportunity as the
Laurel Crown can only be Recognized once. A perfect opportunity is one in which the accomplishment trumps all other recipients.
In recent nights the Laurel Crown has been almost impossible to achieve. Many attest this to the fact that Hardestadt was
Recognized with the Laurel Crown for founding the Camarilla; an unassailable pinnacle of accomplishment that continues to irritate
other successful and accomplished Ventrue Elders.
Nominated by:
Recognized by:

The Laurel Crown; Must always be presented

Extremely significant Political/Diplomatic Achievements on the part of the Clan which trumps all other
Political or Diplomatic Achievements to that point
Unsuitable for starting PCs
Coordinator Approval Required

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Ventrue who exceed the ability of all others are often known as Paragons.
Representing a Ventrues dedication to one specific sphere of Influence (or other
background), the claim of Paragon broadcasts a bold statement - that he or she is
better suited at dealing with that area than any other.

Paragon of [Background] or the appropriate title listed

below; Multiple Paragons are all included as one,
Influence Paragon titles are as follows:

Nominated by:
Recognized by:


High Society

The Alderman
The Holy Star
The Tartan
The Caduceus
The Harpys Favour
The Trust
The Scale
The Quill and Scroll
The Eagle of Lagash
The Sargeants Bars
The Compass
The Barbary
The Scipio
The Black Tartan
The Alumni

Must possess the Paragon Merit, and have the influence
or background represented by that Merit at its
maximum level
Suitable for starting PCs

Ventrue who distinguish themselves through their service to Clan Ventrue and
great personal accomplishments in their Sect sometimes stand out, above and
beyond their peers. These Ventrue, distinguished from their peers by Reputation
alone, are often Recognized for that Reputation.

Reputation; Purchase of the Merit: Reputation; Must be

presented at all times
Nominated by:
Recognized by:
In-character interactions within the Ventrue Clan and
the Sect which result in the Ventrue gaining a
Reputation of note, and the purchase of the Merit:
Suitable for starting PCs;
Purchase of the Merit:
Reputation (2 Traits) is regulated
OWbN R&U Bylaws, Section 3.D.1

The Secrets of the Church and the Occult
Those claiming power and influence in the
Church or in the world of the Occult often find
themselves irresistibly drawn to innocuous
clues and endeavours, eventually finding
themselves immersed in a secretive culture
where no depravity is extreme enough to stop
their pursuit of ancient mysteries and forbidden
rites and rituals. Ventrue who gravitate toward
these small, secretive circles are often met with
several levels of initiation, each meant to
expose the member to a new of paranoid
agendas of the religious faction or occultist
For these groups, secrecy and half-truths are a
means of survival, and only the most senior and
trusted members may ever even suspect their
true purposes.
Examples of these include groups whose
members search for religious artifacts (such as
the Holy Grail), or the birthplace of those
connected to the divine, but whose real
purpose is to seek out and kill mortals who
could possibly be viewed as a religious Messiah,
or Antichrist. Another example would be a
group of Cainite occultists who seem to be
simple Noddist scholars, attempting to learn all
they can about the origins of the Cainite race;
while secretly seeking the mysteries of
For Storytellers, Ventrue with high levels in
these Influences could be initiated into one of
these secret groups. A newly initiated member
would likely be monitored secretly by these
groups and assigned tasks which would serve
to test his or her loyalty, and ability. Storytellers
are warned, however, that membership in
these groups often leads to knowledge and
secrets which are forbidden in many circles of
Sect politics, and may (if the character is not
subtle) lead to the characters ruin or demise.


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When a Ventrue attains the exalted position of Prince within a Domain, they are encouraged to add a badge of recognition to the
hilt of their Sword. This shows that the new Ventrue Prince has proven themselves capable of leadership at the highest echelons of
the Camarilla. Most Ventrue prefer the badge to be gold as it is a sign of wealth and prosperity, though there are those who enjoy
even more precious metals, such as platinum or palladium.
If the Ventrue who is to be Recognized has not yet earned the Sword, then the Sword and the adornment(s) are presented together,
One of the most feared punishments a Ventrue can face is the public rebuking of their Sword. A Ventrue who is punished for his or
her failures as a leader may be forced to surrender his or her Sword to their Superior until a time that Ventrue proves himself or
herself worthy of once again carrying it. In extreme cases, the accused could be forced into the humiliating act of breaking their
Sword as recognition of their failures and lasting shame. A Sword lost in this manner may never be regained.

Nominated by:
Recognized by:

Bearer of the Sword: Renowned, [Date]; This Recognition is only given once - ever. The Sword may be
rebuked temporarily as part of a Punishment, and permanent removal of the Sword is considered extreme;
This Recognition supersedes the Sword and a Ventrue with both only presents this, more prestigious
Peer, usually the Prince of a neighboring Domain; If none are present, then the Sire
Achieving and holding the position of Prince of a Domain for
+ months
Unsuitable for starting PCs

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The Alph was first created during the Age of Exploration for Ventrue who backed or funded noteworthy expeditions that brought
commerce and wealth to the coffers of Europe. The name refers to the fabled tale of Kublai Khan and the Silk Road, what many
consider the most significant development in trade ever. In the modern nights, the Alph is Recognized by Ventrue who discover
untapped resources or new industries. This is one of the few times that young Ventrue with foresight may be recognized for such
Like most honorifics, the Alph is a topic of conversation at gatherings of Ventrue. Young Ventrue always seem to be amused when
they are able to witness the interplay between, for example, two Ventrue who have been Recognized for the Alph; one for the
discovery of tea in the South Pacific and the other for being a pioneer of modern pharmaceuticals.
Ventrue are commonly Recognized for the Alph for new inventions and unique discoveries. In recent nights, attention has been
gained for accomplishments in the computer industry, including the creation of the internet, as well as for the invention of both
hybrid and electric automobiles.
Nominated by:
Recognized by:

The Alph for [Insert Accomplishment Here], [Date]

The discovery of untapped Resources or New Industries (new, not a variation on an already existing
product or products)
Unsuitable for starting PCs
Coordinator Approval Required


The Ventrue of the Camarilla take pride in maintaining order and many harbor a poignant dislike for Anarchs. Shortly before the
formation of the Camarilla, special recognition was given to those who were particularly dutiful in oppressing the young and
maintaining order at all costs. Unofficially named in honor of Mayor Daley of Chicago, who dispensed rioters during the democratic
convention with brutal force, the Daley Prize itself varies from region to region. The Eldest Ventrue often take a perverse pleasure in
seeing the Anarchs brought to heel and younger Ventrue keeping the world safe for their Elders.
The physical presentation of the Daley Prize always represents the most popular instrument of repression of the modern night. In
the past it has been represented by chains, pikes, jackboots, bayonets, stun sticks, nooses, and similar devices. Listed discretely and
varying from Ventrue to Ventrue without pattern, even if a Kindred outside of the Ventrue were to hear of the presentation, it
would likely be ignored as an irrelevant internal detail rather than what it truly represents.
The Daley Prize represents a mark of cruelty, and an approval of said cruelty by the most sadistic members of Clan Ventrue.
Nominated by:
Recognized by:

Awarded the [Weapon], [Date]

Oppression of the young and maintaining order at all costs, both within the Clan, and Camarilla
Unsuitable for starting PCs


Those who are recognized with the Iron Circlet who go on to prove themselves to be truly devoted and exceedingly loyal to Clan
Ventrue may be Recognized above and beyond their peers who hold the Iron Circlet. The Iron Circlet, Devoted signifies that the
Venture has been tested multiple times and has remained loyal to the clan, regardless of temptation.

The Iron Circlet, Devoted; Due to the significance of being truly trusted as a Loyal member of Clan Ventrue,
this Recognition may be listed separately from the Iron Circlet; If the Iron Circlet is ever lost (due to

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Nominated by:
Recognized by:

punishment, for example), this Recognition is also lost

Recognized as having the Iron Circlet, and an unparalleled and unshakable loyalty to Clan Ventrue
Unsuitable for starting PCs

Lineage is extremely important to every Ventrue, and almost every member of the clan takes the time to learn the history and
accomplishments of important or distinguished members of his or her Lineage. There are some Ventrue, however, who have
distinguished their Lineage as above and beyond the standards expected in a clan filled with societys elite.
Those who have succeeded in making themselves memorable may be afforded a prominent spot in the Lineage of Clan Ventrue in
lieu of Status, wealth, or other such gifts associated with great accomplishments. To have a prestigious Lineage reflects greatly on
both, that Ventrues Elders and his or her Childer. This is one of the few Recognitions which may be noted posthumously.

Nominated by:
Recognized by:


Prestigious Lineage: [Name]; Purchase of the Merit: Prestigious Lineage (1-Trait, Camarilla Status Packet);
Must always be presented and does not count against the total number of Dignitas Recognitions which
may be represented based on the amount of Clan Prestige: Ventrue the character has (this does not mean
that it increases the amount of Clan Prestige the character has, however)
Ventrue who hold the maximum amount of personal Status in their Sect; have held Clan Prestige 4+ for at
least 1 year; and have been active in gameplay and maintained a good reputation for a minimum of 2+
years. The behavior and reputations of both the Sire and all Childer must also reflect positively on the
Unsuitable for starting PCs
Requires Coordinator Approval

Distinguished Ventrue who are sought out as teachers and role models for young Ventrue childer are sometimes rewarded with the
Recognition of Proctor. Though there are no official duties associated with the title, unofficially, Proctors find their advice sought by
both Sire and Childer alike.
Nominated by:
Recognized by:

Being a proven and respected role-model and teacher for members of Clan Ventrue
Unsuitable for starting PCs

During the Age of the Roman Empire, a Procurator was the governor of a minor province. In modern nights the title is bestowed on
Ventrue who hold significant amounts influence and power in a regional area. The title is somewhat similar in scope to that of a
Chairman of the Board, but with no official authority or duties. This Recognition is normally noted only of powerful Ventrue who do
not, but likely should, hold other positions.
Nominated by:
Recognized by:

Holdings of significant amounts influence and power in a regional area, represented by (5) Separate
Influences at Level 5), as well as any two of the following at level 4: Allies, Contacts, or Fame
Unsuitable for starting PCs


The strength of the Eastern Lords always lay in their control of mortal men and institutions. Many of their greatest victories came
not in personal combats, but in the form of servants striking by day. Mortal nobles fought countless battles, all to serve the agendas
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of the Ventrue. The Puppets Hand recognizes this tried and true stratagem.
This Recognition is intended to celebrate particularly impressive or cunning uses of mortal resources to solve a significant problem.
In the past, these were usually military conquests of considerable measure, but in the modern nights, this Recognition is given for
more subtle uses as well. Actions that serve to protect the Masquerade are held in particularly high esteem.
Nominated by:
Recognized by:

The Puppets Hand, [Date]

The successful use mortal resources to deal with a significant challenge; Significant is defined as something
of considerable measure, not every-day actions
Unsuitable for starting PCs


In past nights, a Serpentine Egg was gifted to Ventrue who had successfully committed treachery on behalf of the Clan. This
tradition fell into disuse after 1639 AD when the egg was given anonymously to the Ventrue Primogen of Brussels as an Embrace
Night present. A wave of similar gifts followed in attempts to humiliate particularly hypocritical Ventrue. Though some older
Ventrue still claim the Serpentine Egg among their distinguished accolades, many more modern Ventrue attempt to deliver them to
rivals at politically disastrous moments...
Nominated by:
Recognized by:

The Serpentine Egg; Must always be presented

Peer (Anonymously)
Vote (Anonymously)
Traditionally, for successful treachery on behalf of the clan, but is now Recognized as an insult to mark
those Ventrue who are particularly hypocritical in their beliefs and actions
Suitable for starting PCs

No one can ever be completely certain if a Surname is to serve as a warning to others, or an honor, something that a Ventrue
should be proud to carry. Either way, Ventrue who have truly distinguished their ideals and personality apart from all others will
sometimes earn a distinctive Surname, in lieu of being praised (or punished). In the Modern Nights, the Surname has fallen out of
use for the most part, with some Ventrue even going so far as to look down on this sort of title.
Some examples of Surnames include: The Dread Prince Stanislav; Orgom the Feared Monster of Belarus; Richard the
Lionhearted; The Gentle Lady Stephanie; and Ibraham the Moor.
Nominated by:
Awarded by:

Chosen/Awarded Surname; Must be presented at all times

In-character interactions within the Ventrue Clan and the Sect that distinguish a specific part of the
characters ideals and personality
Unsuitable for Starting PCs.

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Similar to how real-world politicians and corporate executives resign their positions rather than face the backlash of a public
scandal, Ventrue may also admit their failings to their Peers and Clan as a whole as a means of hopefully avoiding further
consequences. Though the negative impact of such a confession is always direct and significant, some Ventrue may be able to avoid
further (harsher) punishment by admitting their mistakes before others can uncover them and bring them to light.
Nominated by:
Recognized by:


Relinquished of [the Dignitas Recognition, Position, Society Membership, etc] for [the offense or scandal]
When Relinquished, a Ventrue loses the Dignitas Recognition, Position, or Membership in the Society in
question, as well as a level of Clan Prestige. Ventrue who commit no further scandals or are the target of
no other Punishments regain the loss of temporary Clan Prestige after one year, but the Dignitas
Recognition must be earned again, as it was the first time (if the Recognition does not specify that it may
only be earned once).
Suitable for starting PCs


When one Ventrue takes issue with another Ventrues actions or behavior, he or she may call for a hearing in order to publicly
rebuke or condemn the actions of said Ventrue. Doing so risks the Dignitas of both parties, but a Ventrue found to be operating with
what can be proven to be bad or poor judgment can certainly be punished so as to serve example that similar behavior will not be
tolerated. Ventrue whose shame is undeniable, but does not necessarily negatively impact other Ventrue on a large-scale, may find
themselves the target of this type of punishment.
Peer Condemnations and the Rebuking of a Ventrues Dignitas are the ways that Ventrue punish Peers that they see as not living up
to the noble birthright gifted to all Ventrue. Ventrue use Condemnations and Rebukes to question or highlight the misdeeds of
others inside or outside of their Regions, to highlight illegitimate Dignitas Recognitions, and to enforce decorum in addition to many
other reasons. The manner in which one Ventrue brings charges against another is almost as important as the charges themselves,
and Ventrue who seek to punish their Peers often take great care to avoid making false or unfounded accusations; the Dignitas of
both parties is at the mercy of the presiding Judge once the Hearing begins.
Nominated by:
Recognized by:


Condemned for [the offense]; and the possibly rebuking of the Digitas in dispute (or position within the
Clan or a Society, etc)
Superior; Administered by a Judge, after a Hearing which finds the party guilty
When rebuked, a Ventrue loses the Dignitas Recognition in question, as well as a corresponding temporary
level of Clan Prestige. Ventrue who commit no further scandals or are the target of no other Punishments
regain the loss of temporary Clan Prestige after one year, but the Dignitas Recognition must be earned
again, as it was the first time (if the Recognition does not specify that it may only be earned once).
Suitable for starting PCs

A Reprimand is very similar to a Rebuke/Condemnation, except that no Hearing is necessary. Ventrue whose shame is undeniable,
but does not necessarily negatively impact other Ventrue on a large-scale, may find themselves the target of this type of
Being issued by a Ventrue who is considered a direct Superior to the accused, this punishment is confirmed by a simple vote of the
Regional Ventrue, or Regional Board. Only a direct, regionally-appropriate Superior may issue this type of punishment and Superiors
are often careful with the frequency with which they use this form of punishment. Many view Reprimands as signifying the end of
all other possibilities to solving a problem, and when this punishment is invoked too often it can sometimes attract unwanted
attention. Part of serving as a Superior is supervising the young to ensure they do not make critical mistakes, and those whose rule
OWbN Ventrue: Guide to Clan Prestige (Dignitas)

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is overly cruel or haphazard may quickly find themselves removed of their responsibilities.
Nominated by:
Recognized by:


Reprimanded for [the offense]; and the subsequent rebuking of the Dignitas in dispute (or position within
the Clan or within a Society, etc)
Superior (Direct-only)
Voted On, Regionally (or by the group for some Societies)
When reprimanded, a Ventrue loses the Dignitas Recognition in question, as well as a level of Clan Prestige.
Ventrue who commit no further scandals or are the target of no other Punishments regain the loss of
temporary Clan Prestige after one year, but the Dignitas Recognition must be earned again, as it was the
first time (if the Recognition does not specify that it may only be earned once).
Suitable for starting PCs

Being declared as Censored is one of the most disquieting sanctions a Ventrue may be labeled with; a black mark on the name of
hapless recipient. This punishment is designated for Ventrue who have been proven to have dishonored the Clan in some way which
ensures that his or her honor will not be regained for some time. Censorship is also sometimes Nominated by the determinations of
a Judge at a formal Court as part of a punishment.
The Ventrue who receives this has been essentially black-balled. One who has earned this title is not privy to any of the Clans
resources, though they are still required to use their own to the benefit of the clan. They are not permitted to speak at meetings of
the Clan, or of the Board, and are not permitted to be Recognized for additional Dignitas or Rank within the clan until the
individuals Censorship has ended. Ventrue may freely refuse the Ethic of Succor from Ventrue who are currently Censored without
Nominated by:
Recognized by:


Censored for [the offense]; Must always be presented

Superior (for Removal as well); May also be nominated as part of a Judges sentence
Vote (for Removal as well); Gaining the Flaw: Censored (detailed in the OWbN Ventrue: Genre Guide)
To earn this label one must dishonor the Clan in a manner which is both large and lasting. Once Censored,
a Ventrue loses the a level of Clan Prestige permanently, and another level temporarily (to a minimum of
1). Censored Ventrue may not raise their level of Clan Prestige while Censored. Once Censorship is lifted,
Ventrue who commit no further scandals or are the target of no other Punishments regain the loss of
temporary Clan Prestige after one year. If any Dignitas Recognitions were stripped during the Censorship,
they must be earned again as they were earned the first time (as long as the Recognition does not specify
that it may only be earned once).
Suitable for starting PCs, but Storytellers are warned that this Flaw is harsh, especially for a new player and
should definitely talk with the player before allowing them to start with this stigma.

Should one become tainted, their sire and childer must also stand before a Vote, or be automatically named as Censored or Tainted,
depending on the severity of the offense(s). Thus, the sins of the Sire reflect on the childer and the sins of the Childe also show on
the reputation of the Sire.
Removal of this label is extremely difficult, almost as difficult as it is to earn. Removal of the Tainted punishment should only be
allowed when a Ventrue has done something of extremely great measure to assist the clan. Many Ventrue die trying to redeem
themselves after the reputations of their Lineage has been stained by a Tainted individual.
[Name], the Tainted; Considered to have No Clan Prestige whatsoever; Must always be Presented
Nominated by:
Superior (for Removal as well)
Recognized by:
Vote (for Removal as well); Gaining the Flaw: Tainted (detailed in the OWbN Ventrue: Genre Guide)
To earn this label one must dishonor the clan to the point of being unable to redeem themselves. Ventrue who have
been declared Tainted immediately lose all levels of Clan Prestige and are not recognized for any reason. They may not regain any
levels of Clan Prestige until a Vote is held declaring an end to the Tainted name casting a shadow over his or her Lineage. Childer or
Sires to Tainted individuals lose one level of Clan Prestige temporarily as part of their automatic Censorship (they do not lose the
permanent Trait as with normal Censorship), and may not regain any lost Clan Prestige until standing trial at a Hearing, as described
in the description of Censorship.
Unsuitable for starting PCs
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The friendship of the Ventrue Clan is extremely difficult to earn, but well worth the effort. Any Ventrue may nominate a
non-Ventrue to be recognized as an ally and friend of the Clan. In order to do so, the Ventrue must introduce the proposition at a
meeting of the Regional Board (all of the Ventrue in the Region). Once presented, the Ventrue discuss and vote on the proposal.
If the Vote is successful, the prospective recipient must then agree to accompany the Ventrue of the Region, by themselves and
unattended, to a secret meeting. Should the prospective recipient refuse to go with the Ventrue to complete the ceremony, he or
she will be denied the Christos just as if the vote had failed. This refusal would likely be viewed as a personal insult to the
nominating Ventrue, and possibly to the other Ventrue of the region as the test itself is a final check to ensure the proposed
recipient trusts the Ventrue, implicitly. Should the vote fail because the non-Ventrue has proven traitorous or dangerous to the clan,
it is not unheard of for the candidate to be shuttled to the secret ceremony, and never come back.
Just as a Regional vote can award the Christos to a non-Ventrue, a Regional vote of any other region of Ventrue may also remove
the Christos Award. Finally, a non-Ventrue may only ever be awarded the Christos Award once.

Nominated by:
Recognized by:


Christos [Appropriate title, as specified by the chart below]; Must be Presented

"Christos Dolofonos"
Useful Assassin [
"Christos Efpaideftos"
Useful Scholar [
No award
"Christos Thirion"
Useful Beast
No award*
"Christos Skiazo"
Useful Shadow [
Very Rare
"Christos Trelos"
Useful Madman
"Christos Lepros"
Useful Leper
"Christos Kleptis"
Useful Thief [
"Christos Ofis"
Useful Serpent Devil [
"Christos Triantafyllo"
Useful Rose
"Christos Magos"
Useful Wizard
"Christos Teras"
Useful Monster [
Very Rare
*There is no Christos for the Giovanni. Those with high levels of Ventrue Lore may have heard that there
was once a term: "Christos Ptoma" (Useful Corpse), but at some point during the Renaissance the term
and title fell out of use. Efforts to create a new term for the Giovanni have been rebuffed by clan elders.
Any Ventrue
Voted On, Regionally; The target character will gain the Merit: Clan Friendship - Ventrue (3 Traits)
The non-Ventrue character must have developed significant relationships with members of Clan Ventrue,
and must be considered a loyal ally to Clan Ventrue in at least one Region. The character being considered
should be willing to risk his or her life for any member of Clan Ventrue.
Suitable for starting PCs;
May only be earned once;
Purchase of the Merit: Clan Friendship (3 Traits) is regulated by:
OWbN R&U Bylaws, Section 3.E.i


Earning the ire of Clan Ventrue ensures that life will be difficult, and short. Much like earning Clan Friendship above, any Ventrue
may nominate a non-Ventrue as an enemy of the Clan. As with Clan Friendship, the Ventrue must introduce the proposition at a
meeting of the Regional Board (all of the Ventrue in the Region). Once presented, the Ventrue discuss and vote on the proposal. As
with Clan Friendship, this Enmity may be removed by a vote of any Regional Board of Ventrue.
Nominated by:
Recognized by:

[Name], Enemy of Clan Ventrue; Must be Presented

Any Ventrue
Voted On, Regionally; The target character will gain the Flaw: Clan Enmity - Ventrue (2 Traits)
To earn this label one must have made inconsolable enemies of members of Clan Ventrue, regionally.

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Suitable for starting non-Ventrue PCs;

Storyteller Approval;
The Flaw: Clan Enmity (2 Traits) is regulated by:
OWbN R&U Bylaws, Section 3.E.i

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In theory, all Dignitas Recognitions originated with an individual, or group of individuals. As challenges presented themselves, those
who devised solutions to those challenges were Recognized with praise, glory, and accolade for their efforts. For this reason, it
makes sense that characters should be allowed to devise their own Recognitions which originate with Regional-level challenges. To
help keep the theme of Custom Dignitas somewhat even across the organization, however, Player and Storyteller created Dignitas
(known as Custom Dignitas) is considered Coordinator Approval (
OWbN R&U Bylaws: Section
Custom Dignitas should, ideally, differ significantly in purpose from any of the other Dignitas presented in this document; it should
focus on a specific accomplishment. Custom Dignitas should also follow the format defined in the How to Read Dignitas
Recognitions section of this document.


This document was written by Brian Orlando (

[email protected]
) for use in One World by Night.
I would like to give special thank the following people for their contributions to this document:
Guajar Gazzalle
Sue Burnett
Trey Naivar
Many thanks go to the OWbN Ventrue 2011-2013 Coordinator Team who helped me put this document together, and to all of the
players of Ventrue - past, present, and future - for helping shape the world in which we all take so much enjoyment from.
Brian Orlando
Ventrue Coordinator, 2011-2013

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