Recode Dot Com

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Economising Culture

Carbon Defense League &
Conglomco Media Conglomeration was a free web service that allowed its customers to share product
information and create barcodes that could be printed and used to re-code items
in stores by placing new labels over existing UPC symbols to set a new price participating in an act of tactical shopping. at its core was a shared
database, updateable by our customers. Participation was free and required no
special membership agreements or software download. After entering the web
site, customers could choose to search and view information in the database
currently or add their own collected data to the system. Using the custom barcode
generator application, barcodes were drawn in real time and made available to the
user. We utilised only UPC-A type barcodes, one of the most common varieties
of barcode. It is used in most retail applications in North America and Europe.
On the web site, we showed users a process whereby they could obtain cheaper
prices for items in stores by simply re-coding items they planned to purchase,
or switch the labels on items to reveal messages for customers and cashiers that
might reveal the true prices of goods. The web site itself was a
mockery of, made to look nearly identical to its counterpart who
uses a consumer as revolutionary advertising approach to entice people to name
their own price for goods and services. simply wanted to take that
concept to its logical completion, allowing any price to be named and re-coded
in the store by the customer through barcode replacement. highly
encouraged re-coding name brand items with their generic equivalents as both a
safety tactic and a way to comment on the overpricing of branded items. The two

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unique processes we developed that are critical to the building of the database
are known as preshopping and postshopping. The processes required visiting both before and after the process of shopping.

After going live on March 12th, 2003, the web site went unnoticed
for close to 10 days when suddenly it began receiving attention on numerous
weblogs1 that understood the satire and appreciated the concept of the site. The
project was presented on March 23 at the Museum of Contemporary Arts in
Chicago, IL. This move behind the white walls made become Art. published the rst story on the web site on April 10th. That same day,
the domain name WHOIS masking service employed by, Domains
by Proxy, received a cease and desist letter from attorneys representing the
worlds largest retail employer, Wal-Mart. Domains by Proxy hid the registration
information for the domain name from public view for a price. At that time was averaging over 50,000 non-unique hits per day with a highpoint
of 96,000 hits in one hour alone. The servers running the site were bogged down
and access became sporadic at best. The site had struck a nerve and the attention
that was now being given to the sites creators was now much more a result of
Wal-Marts threats than of the sites actual content. Countless interviews were
granted with multiple media outlets including morning call in shows, college
radio programmes, investigative reporters, National Public Radio stations, the
British Broadcasting Company, and others around the world. The sites attention
was almost too much to believe. Not only was Wal-Mart upset by the site, but
also angered were Price Chopper (a chain grocery store whose self-scanning
check out aisles were featured), the Kelloggs corporation (whose Frosted Flakes


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cereal product was re-coded in the instructional video), the Federal Bureau of
Investigation, and the Federal Trade Commission. After consulting with several
lawyers who had offered the sites creators pro-bono legal counsel, the database
and barcode generator portions of the website were pulled down and replaced
by a 10 minute response video by the sites creators detailing the events and
presenting an argument retaliating against Wal-Mart.
The criminalisation of such a project by Wal-Mart, the worlds largest retail
corporation that serves to underline the double standard, critical deviant micronetworks and individuals must observe. Wal-Mart is a corporation that has shut
down efforts of employees to organise labour unions and works hard to hire
primarily part-time employees to avoid the cost of health insurance in the US.
They are only one example of a normalised corporate strategy which in the name
of capitalism serves only to punish individuals and protect boards of directors.
According to the Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights, the deregulation
of energy and the hidden handshakes between government and corporation is
responsible now for the accumulated theft of over $71 billion from the California
taxpayer.2 If we take this as only one instance of corporate theft and compare
it to the estimated 9 - 12 billion dollars in consumer theft estimated yearly, we
see that there is much work to be done to liberate capital, when the corporate
criminals go unpunished and shoplifters face harsh prison sentencing.
With such gross injustice on the part of these large corporations, consumer theft,
as a process that works to radically liberate stolen capital, has much more work
ahead of it. While consumer theft is still below the yearly estimated averages of
corporate theft, it is working hard to bring justice where courts have failed. It
should also be noted that the risks associated with consumer theft are usually
much greater than those associated with corporate theft. This means that an
18 year old girl stealing a set of AA Batteries from Wal-Mart faces most likely a
longer prison sentence than a board of directors member of Enron Corporation,
responsible for billions of dollars in theft and the loss of countless pension


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plans for its retiring employees. Its a tough job liberating capital, but due to
uncontrollable circumstances our heroes are out there in the aisles everyday.
These shoplifters are engaged in a micro-network of critical deviant practice.
These statistics were compiled by Hayes International, a theft consultancy
rm. These numbers might look staggering, but some simple math by means of
subtraction from the numbers we see below, shows that shoplifter liberators still
have a lot of work ahead of them. Total retail losses are approximately $33.21
billion annually, with 30%-40% of those losses coming from shoplifting.3
Table 1: Theft Incidents and Dollars lost to Shoplifters 4

From this position of limited power, the critical deviant is afforded the ability

occurring forever in a cycle of dissent. To clearly dene an ideology as rigid

to radically engage the administrators of the status quo, which in the capitalist

as anti-capitalist (take that to mean whatever you like) as an essential part

US are the corporations. Direct theft is one such effort. Simply the idea of

of critical deviant practice, limits the power of its exibility. It will dominate

theft, which is what essentially became about, scares the mega-

eventually because it is fertile ground for continued and contradictory dissent,

corporations straight into defensive attack mode. Corporations like Wal-Mart

unlike capitalism.

issue countless cease & desist letters to protect the system they have constructed,
that benets only corporate deviance but harshly punishes the critical deviant began to address issues of humour as well as property and theft.

practitioner. If only we had our own lobbying group then perhaps we might stake

The project worked very much in the tradition of the trickster mythology. Hyde

claim to having some role in governance. For now in the US we exist primarily

warns beware the social system that cannot laugh at itself, that responds to

as sacricial lambs to shove fear into the hearts of all those that might consider

those who do not know their place by building a string of prisons (Hyde 1998:

deviant anti-capitalist activity. This is of course not to say that all critical deviant

72). In discussing property and theft Hyde states:

practice must work to overthrow a capitalist regime in the US. Such an argument

Our ideas about property and theft depend on a set of assumptions about how

would be contrary to the essential principle of critical deviant practice that is

the world is divided up. Tricksters lies and thefts challenge those premises and


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in so doing reveal their artice and suggest alternatives. (1998: 72)


1. A weblog is usually a personal website with periodic updates and journalistic style entries.

This reinforces the notion that law is dened by the powerful by way of alleged
democracy, or more appropriately, a supposed rule by the majority. The laws
serve to uphold a notion of property which at its core is also subjective. By
questioning a law or boundary as did, hidden and unfocused
deeper questions emerge. Hyde asks who gave all of Pennsylvania to William
Penn (1998: 72)? It is the root of the question we ask where we nd the essential
questions. To accept that promoted theft requires rst to accept
that property ownership is not theft.

2. <>.
3. Both University of Florida and Hayes International surveys.
4. Hayes International survey. is a collaboration between Carbon Defense League <>
and Conglomco Media Conglomeration <>. The web site <> is currently ofine after a second legal threat from Wal-Mart attorneys in Winter
Lewis Hyde (1998) Trickster Makes This World: Mischief, Myth, & Art, New York: North Point

Text excerpted from forthcoming publication by Carbon Defense League.

Carbon Defense League & Conglomco Media Conglomeration 2004 Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0


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