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U.S. Department of Transportation
Docket Management System
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Dear Sir or Madam,
Pursuant to Section 333 of the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 (the Reform Act) and
CFR Part 11, COMPANY NAME HERE, hereby applies for an exemption from the listed Federal
Aviation Regulations (FARs) to allow commercial operation of its UAS, so long as such operations
are conducted within and under the conditions outlined herein or as may be established by the FAA as
required by Section 333.
The Name and Address of the Applicant is:
Attn: Tate McCormick
Phone: (239) 839-9970
Email: [email protected]
Regulations from which the exemption is requested:
14 CFR Part 21 subpart H
14 CFR 45.23(b)
14 CFR 61.113(a) and (b)
14 CFR 91.7 (a)
14 CFR 91.9 (b) (2)
14 CFR 91.103
14 CFR 91.109
14 CFR 91.119(c)
14 CFR 91.121
14 CFR 91.151(a)
14 CFR 91.203 (a) and (b)
14 CFR 91.405(a)
14 CFR 91.407(a)(1)
14 CFR 91.409 (a)(1) and (2)
14 CFR 91.417(a) and (b)
COMPANY NAME HERE will be operating the DJI Phantom 3 Professional, with a total weight of
1280g. or 2lbs. 13oz. The total dimensions are 40.36cm. x 40.36cm. x 19.05 cm. or 16in. x 16in. x
7.5in. Under calm weather conditions, the maximum speed is no more than 16/ms. Or 35mph with a
cruising speed of 11m/s or 25mph.The DJI Phantom 3 Professional uses 4 motors, Motor Model DJI
3510, powered by a 4480mAh. 4S LiPo Lithium Polymer battery. There are four propellers, Propeller
Model DJI 1345, in use. The DJI Phantom 3 Professional is controlled by the C3 remote controller with
an operating frequency of 2.400Ghz. 2.483Ghz. The DJI Phantom 3 Professional utilizes a live video

feed, operating on a frequency of 2.4GHz. ISM with a maximum range of 1.2 miles. The applicant will
operate the UAS in line of sight within a closed off and predetermined area owned and/operated by the
property representative.


The operation limitations proposed for an equivalent or higher level of safety because operations will
further enhance the safety of the persons and/or property using conventional aircraft.
These limitations and conditions to which the applicant agrees to adhere to when conducting
commercial operations under the FAA issued exemption as set forth in the Flight Operations Manual
(FOM) include:

The UAS will weigh less than 55 lbs.

The UAS will have a maximum operating speed of no more than 35 mph.
Flights will be operated within the line of sight of the Pilot in Command (PIC).
A flight check list will be performed regarding the planned UAS operations prior to each flight.
Maximum flight time for each operational flight will be 20 minutes. Flights will be terminated
at 25% battery power reserve or 20 minutes of flight time, whichever occurs first.
Flights will be operated at an altitude of no more than 400 feet Above Ground Level (AGL) and
not more than 200 feet above an elevated platform from which filming is planned.
Minimum crew for each operation will consist of the UAS Pilot, the Visual Observer (VO) and
may include but not limited to a Camera Operator.
The UAS pilot will be a designated Pilot in Command (PIC) and will take and pass all
necessary certifications currently being approved by the FAA administration for commercial
A briefing will be performed regarding the planned UAS operations prior to each day's flight
consisting of all the day's production activities.
All flights will occur under the Visual Flight Meteorological Conditions (VMC) only.
The flights will occur no closer than a 5 mile radius of the geographical center/Airport
Reference Point (ARP) of a tower controlled or uncontrolled airport. The DJI Phantom 3
Professional has built in software for all FAA regulated 'No Fly Zones'.
If operations will be within a 5 mile radius of the geographical center/Airport Reference Point
(ARP) of a tower controlled or uncontrolled airport, the respective airports will be contacted
advising them of the estimated flight time, flight duration, elevation of flight, and other
pertinent information.
The operator will file FAA Form 7711-1, or its equivalent, as modified in light of the requested
exemption, with the appropriate local Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) no more than 72
hours but no less than 48 hours from planned operation.
The operator will obtain verbal/written consent of all persons involved with the planned
operation and ensure that only consenting persons will be allowed within 100 feet of the flight
operation, and the radius may be reduced to 30 feet based upon an equivalent level of safety
determination, as required under the FOM. With the advanced permission of the FSDO,
operations at closer range may be approved.
The PIC and VO will have been trained in operation of UAS and receive up-to-date information

for the particular UAS to be operated.

The PIC and VO will be able to communicate by voice, radio, and/or text at all times.
Written and/or verbal permission and permits will be obtained from territorial, state, county, or
city jurisdictions, including law enforcement, fire or other appropriate governmental agencies.
If the UAS loses communications with the remote controller, or loses GPS signal, the UAS will
have the capability to return to a predetermined location within a designated location and land
The UAS will have the capability to abort a flight in case of unpredictable obstacles, weather, or


General Features:

3-axis camera stabilization
Precision flight and stable hovering
GPS/GLONASS positioning & auto return to home
On-screen real-time flight parameters
High Definition 4k camera
Camera tilt control
Film straight down
Supports Adobe DNG RAW
Adobe lens profile support
Camera parameter settings
Album synchronization
FAA no-fly zones locked out via installed software


Operating frequency of 2.400GHz 2.483 GHz

Communication Distance (open area) of CE:2000m; FCC: 2000m
Receiver sensitivity (1%PER) of 101 dBm +/- 2dBm
Transmitter power of CE:16dBm; FCC: 20dBm
Working Voltage of 1.2A @ 7.4V
Battery power of 6000mAh LiPo 2s

Operating environment temperature of 0C-40C or 32F-104F

Max Resolution of 4096 x 2162p @ 24/25fps
FOV of 94-85
Sensor size of 1/2.3


DJI Vision App

System requirement of mobile smart phone running iOS 6.0 or higher or Android 4.0 or

Given the small size of the UAS and the controlled environment provided the proposed operations will
adhere to the Reform Act's safety requirements. The approval of this application presents no national
security issues. Regarding the level of safety surrounding the proprosed operations and the public
benefit, reduction in environmental impacts, including but not limited to reduced emissions and noise,
the grant of the requested exemption is in the public interest. Accordingly the applicant requests that
the FAA grant the requested exemption with the minimum delay.
Commercial operation of an UAS, as described herein, which are equipped with camera(s) would
operate in the following manner:
1. The ability to offer training to persons individually or belonging to both private and/or public
organizations that have interests in the use and application of a UAS for the purpose of the safe
operation of a UAS to enhance the safety of the National Airspace System (NAS) as well as for
the protection of the persons and property.
2. Aerial inspection/photography for public and/or private use including television, public events,
cinematography and news gathering.
3. Aerial inspection/photography of residential/commercial structures under contract with the
owners or local government authority.
4. Aerial photography and/or video for public and/or private use including real estate, architecture,
land surveying, engineering and other related professional activities.
5. Aerial video/photography or providing live video feed to assist with search and rescue
operations in cases of an emergency or natural disaster only when the local authorities or
government has requested it by contract or donation.
6. Aerial inspection/photography of residential/commercial utility infrastructure including but not
limited to electrical power lines, wind turbines and cell towers.
The proposed operations will be conducted only over private or controlled-access property and only
after obtaining written or verbal consent from the property owner. No privacy issues are raised by this
14 C.F.R. Part 21, Subpart H: Airworthiness Certificates 14 C.F.R. 91.203 (a) (1)
Subpart H, entitled Airworthiness Certificates, establishes the procedural requirements for the issuance
of airworthiness certificates as required by FAR 91.203 (a) (1). Given the size and limited operating
area associated with the aircraft to be utilized by the Applicant, an exemption from Part 21 Subpart H
meets the requirements of an equivalent level of safety under Part 11 and Section 333 of the Reform

Act. The Federal Aviation Act (49 U.S.C.44701 (f)) and Section 333 of the Reform Act both authorize
the FAA to exempt aircraft from the requirement for an airworthiness certificate, upon consideration of
the size, weight, speed, operational capability, and proximity to airports and populated areas of the
particular UAS. In all cases, an analysis of these criteria demonstrates that the UAS operated without
an airworthiness certificate, in the restricted environment and under the conditions proposed will be at
least as safe, or safer, than a conventional aircraft (fixed wing or rotorcraft) operating with an
airworthiness certificate without the restrictions and conditions proposed.
The UAS to be operated hereunder is less than 55 lbs. (3 lbs.) fully loaded, carries neither a pilot nor
passenger, carries no explosive materials or flammable liquid fuels, and operates exclusively within a
secured and designated area. Unlike other civil aircraft, operations under this exemption will be tightly
controlled and monitored by both the operator and under the requirements and in compliance with local
public safety requirements. The FAA will have advance notice of all operations. These safety
enhancements provide a greater degree of safety to the public and property owners than conventional
operations conducted with airworthiness certificates issued under 14 C.F.R. Part 21, Subpart H. Lastly,
application of these same criteria demonstrates that there is no credible threat to national security posed
by the UAS, due to its size, speed of operation, location of operation, lack of explosive materials or
flammable liquid fuels, and inability to carry a substantial external load.
14 C.F.R. 45.23 (b). Marking of the Aircraft
The regulation requires:
When marks include only the Roman capital letter "N" and the registration number is displayed on
limited, restricted or light-sport category aircraft or experimental or provisionally certificated aircraft,
the operator must also display on that aircraft near each entrance to the cabin, cockpit, or pilot station,
in letters not less than 2 inches nor more than 6 inches high, the words "limited," "restricted," "lightsport," "experimental," or "provisional," as applicable.
Even though the UAS will have no airworthiness certificate, an exemption will be needed as the UAS
will have no entrance to the cabin, cockpit or pilot station on which the word Experimental can be
Given the size of the UAS, two-inch lettering will be impossible. The word Experimental will be
placed on the fuselage in compliance with 45.29 (f).
The equivalent level of safety will be provided by having the UAS marked on its fuselage as required
by 45.29 (f) where the pilot, observer and others working with the UAS will see the identification of
the UAS as Experimental.
14 C.F.R. 61.113 (a) and (b): Private Pilot Privileges and Limitations: Pilot in Command.
Pursuant to 14 CFR 61.113 (a) & (b), no person who holds a private pilot certificate may act as a pilot
in command of an aircraft that is carrying passengers or property for compensation or hire. An
equivalent level of safety can be achieved by current Regulations because the applicants UAS do not
carry any pilots or passengers nor property. The risks attendant to the operation of UAS is far less than
the risk levels inherent in the commercial activities outlined in 14 CFR 61. The operation and
limitations set forth in the FOM will equate to the safe operation of the UAS.
14 C.F.R. 91.7(a): Civil Aircraft Airworthiness.

The regulation requires that no person may operate a civil aircraft unless it is in airworthy condition. As
there will be no airworthiness certificate issued for the aircraft, should this exemption be granted, no
FAA regulatory standard will exist for determining airworthiness.
Given the size of the aircraft for maintenance and use of safety check lists prior to each flight an
equivalent level of safety will be provided.
14 C.F.R. 91.9 (b) (2): Civil Aircraft Flight Manual in the Aircraft.
Section 91.9 (b) (2) provides: No person may operate a U.S.-registered civil aircraft ... (2) For which an
Airplane or Rotorcraft Flight Manual is not required by 21.5 of this chapter, unless there is available
in the aircraft a current approved airplane or Rotorcraft Flight Manual, approved manual material,
markings, and placards, or any combination thereof. The UAS, given its size and configuration has no
ability or place to carry such a flight manual on the aircraft, not only because there is no pilot on board,
but because there is no room or capacity to carry such an item on the aircraft. The equivalent level of
safety will be maintained by keeping the flight manual at the ground control point where the pilot
flying the UAS will have immediate access to it.
14 C.F.R. 91.103: Preflight Action.
This regulation requires each pilot in command to take certain actions before flight to insure the safety
of flight. As FAA approved rotorcraft flight manuals will not be provided for the aircraft an exemption
will be needed. The PIC will take all actions as stated in the manufacturer FOM in the pre-flight
inspection section, including but not limited to reviewing weather, flight battery requirements, landing
and takeoff distances and aircraft performance data before initiation of flight.
14 C.F.R. 91.109: Flight Instruction.
Section 91.103 provides that no person may operate a civil aircraft (except a manned free balloon) that
is being used for flight instruction unless that aircraft has fully functioning dual controls. UAS and
remotely piloted aircraft, by their design do not have fully functional dual controls. Flight control is
accomplished through the use of a control box that communicates with the aircraft via radio
communications. The FAA has approved exemptions for flight training without fully functional dual
controls for a number of aircraft and for flight instruction in experimental aircraft. The equivalent level
of safety provided by the fact that neither a pilot nor passengers will be carried in the aircraft and by the
size and speed of the aircraft.
14 C.F.R. 91.119: Minimum Safe Altitudes.
Section 91.119 establishes safe altitudes for operation of civil aircraft. Section 91.119 (d) allows
helicopters to be operated at less than the minimums prescribed, provided the person operating the
helicopter complies with any route or altitudes prescribed for helicopters by the FAA. As this
exemption is for a UAS that is a helicopter and the exemption requests authority to operate at altitudes
up to 400 AGL, or not more than 200 above an elevated platform from which filming is planned, an
exemption may be needed to allow such operations. As set forth herein, the UAS will never operate at
higher than 400 AGL with the exception that in circumstances where the UAS is used to survey or
photograph a structure whose height exceeds 400 feet AGL, the UAS will not be operated more than
200 feet above the highest point on the structure. It will however be operated in a restricted area with

security perimeter, where buildings and people will not be exposed to operations without their preobtained consent.
The equivalent level of safety will be achieved given the size, weight, speed of the UAS as well as the
location where it is operated. No flight will be taken without the permission of the property owner or
local officials. Because of the advance notice to the property owner and participants in the filming
activity, all affected individuals will be aware of the planned flight operations. Compared to flight
operations with aircraft or rotorcraft weighting far more than the maximum 55lbs. proposed herein and
the lack of flammable fuel, any risk associated with these operations is far less than those presently
presented with conventional aircraft operating at or below 500 AGL. In addition, the low-altitude
operations of the UAS will ensure separation between these UAS operations and the operations of
conventional aircraft that must comply with Section 91.119.
14 C.F.R. 91.121 Altimeter Settings.
This regulation requires each person operating an aircraft to maintain cruising altitude by reference to
an altimeter that is set the elevation of the departure airport or an appropriate altimeter setting
available before departure. As the UAS may not have a barometric altimeter, but instead a GPS
altitude read out, an exemption may be needed. An equivalent level of safety will be achieved by the
operator, pursuant to the safety check list and live flight data monitoring, confirming the altitude of the
launch site shown on the GPS altitude indicator before flight.
14 C.F.R. 91.151(a): Fuel Requirements for Flight in VFR Conditions
Section 91.151 (a) prohibits an individual from beginning a flight in an airplane under VFR conditions
unless (considering wind and forecast weather conditions) there is enough fuel to fly to the first point
of intended landing, and, assuming normal cruising speed (1) During the day, to fly after that for at
least 30 minutes; or (2) At night, to fly after that for at least 45 minutes.
The battery powering the UAS provides approximately 25 minutes of powered flight. To meet the 30
minute reserve requirement in 14 CFR 91.151, UAS flights would be limited to approximately 10
minutes in length. Given the limitations on the UASs proposed flight area and the location of its
proposed operations within a predetermined area, a longer time frame for flight in daylight or twilight
VFR conditions is reasonable.
Applicant believes that an exemption from 14 CFR 91.151(a) falls within the scope of prior
exemptions. Operating the UAS, in a tightly controlled area where only people and property owners or
official representatives who have signed waivers will be allowed, with less than 30 minutes of reserve
fuel, does not engender the type of risks that Section 91.151(a) was intended to alleviate given the size
and speed of the small UAS. Additionally, limiting UAS flights to 10 minutes would greatly reduce the
utility for which the exemption will be granted. Applicant believes that an equivalent level of safety can
be achieved by limiting flights to 20 minutes or 25% of battery power whichever happens first. This
restriction would be more than adequate to return the UAS to its planned landing zone from anywhere
in its limited operating area.
14 C.F.R. 91.203 (a) and (b): Carrying Civil Aircraft Certification and Registration
The regulation provides in pertinent part:

(a) Except as provided in 91.715, no person may operate a civil aircraft unless it has within it the
(1) An appropriate and current airworthiness certificate. . . .
(b) No person may operate a civil aircraft unless the airworthiness certificate required by paragraph (a)
of this section or a special flight authorization issued under 91.715 is displayed at the cabin or cockpit
entrance so that it is legible to passengers or crew.
The UAS fully loaded weighs no more than 55 lbs. and is operated without an onboard pilot. As such,
there is no ability or place to carry certification and registration documents or to display them on the
An equivalent level of safety will be achieved by keeping these documents at the ground control point
where the pilot flying the UAS will have immediate access to them; to the extent they are applicable to
the UAS.
14 C.F.R. 91.405 (a); 407 (a) (1); 409 (a) (2); 417(a) & (b): Maintenance Inspections.
These regulations require that an aircraft operator or owner shall have that aircraft inspected as
prescribed in subpart E of this part and shall between required inspections, except as provided in
paragraph (c) of this section, have discrepancies repaired as prescribed in part 43 of this chapter..., and
others shall inspect or maintain the aircraft in compliance with Part 43.
Given that these section and Part 43 apply only to aircraft with an airworthiness certificate, these
sections will not apply to the applicant. Maintenance will be accomplished by the operator pursuant to
the flight manual and operating handbook. An equivalent level of safety will be achieved because the
UAS is very limited in size and will carry a small payload and operate only in restricted areas for a
limited period of time. If mechanical issues arise the UAS can land immediately and will be operating
from no higher than 400 feet AGL. The operator will ensure that the UAS is in working order prior to
initiating flight, perform required maintenance, and keep a log of any maintenance performed.
Moreover, the operator is the person most familiar with the aircraft and best suited to maintain the
aircraft in an airworthy condition to provide the equivalent level of safety.
An equivalent level of safety will be achieved because maintenance and inspections will be performed
in accordance with the UAS Manufacturer's User Manual. As provided in the FOM, the operator will
ensure that the UAS is in working order prior to initiating flight and perform required maintenance
In conclusion, satisfaction of the criteria provided in Section 333 of the Reform Act of 2012 (size,
weight, speed, operating capabilities, proximity to airports and populated areas, and operation within
the visual line of sight and national security) provide more than adequate justification to grant the
requested exemptions. We are prepared to modify or amend any part of this request to satisfy the need
for an equivalent level of safety. We look forward to working with your office. Please contact us at any
time if you require additional clarification or information.

Thank you,
Tate McCormick

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