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Data Warehousing- Fundamentals

and Design
Learning Objectives
Describe methods and tools for accessing and analyzing warehouse data
Define the decision-support purpose and end goal of a data warehouse
Explain the implementation and organizational issues surrounding a data
warehouse project
Describe the various technologies required to implement a data warehouse
Describe the role of meta data in data warehouse design and strategies to define
and maintain meta data
Use entity relationship diagrams to transform the business model into a
dimensional model
Define the process of designing a data warehouse database model
Transform the dimensional model into a physical data design
Explain the central concepts of dimensional data models
Analyze and transform business requirements into a business model

Who should attend

Audience includes Project Managers, Data Warehouse Administrators, Database
Administrators, and key personnel involved in the data warehouse project.

No specific prerequisites other than basic familiarity with a relational database and SQL.

Course Outline
Introduction and Overview
Course Objectives

Unit 1: Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing

Unit Objectives
The Road Map to Business Intelligence (BI)
Data Warehouses Compared with Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)
Management information systems and decision support systems (DSS)
Business Drivers for Data Warehouses
Typical uses of a data warehouse

Unit 2: Defining Data Warehouse Concepts and Terminology

Unit Objectives
Common Data Warehouse Definitions
Data warehouse properties and characteristics
Warehouse Development Approaches
Components of data warehouse design and implementation
Components of a data warehouse

Data Warehouse Compared with Data Mart

Dependent and independent data marts

Unit 3: Planning and Managing the Data Warehouse Project

Unit Objectives
Managing Financial Issues
Obtaining business commitment
Gathering Business and User Requirements
Evaluating the warehouse project
Implementation Processes and Requirements

Unit 4: Defining the Business and Logical Models

Unit Objectives
Describing the Enterprise Level Strategic Analysis Tasks
Defining components of business modeling

Unit 5: Creating the Dimensional Model

Unit Objectives
Describing Attributes of a Star Model
Identifying fact tables and their attributes from business measure entities

Unit 6: Creating the Physical Model

Unit Objectives
Translating the Dimensional Model into a Physical Model
Discussing the architectural requirements for the data warehouse

Unit 7: Storage Considerations for the Physical Model

Unit Objectives
Explaining Data Warehouse Sizing Techniques and Test Load Sampling
Describing Data Warehousing Indexing Types and Strategies

Unit 8: Strategies for Extracting, Transforming, and

Unit Objectives
Outlining the Extraction, Transformation, and Transportation Processes for
Building a Data Warehouse
Identifying extraction, transformation, and transportation issues

Unit 9: Refreshing Warehouse Data

Unit Objectives
Capturing and Applying Changed Data
Batch load requirements
Limitations of Methods in Applying Change
Purging and archiving data

Unit 10: Leaving a Metadata Trail

Unit Objectives
Defining Warehouse Metadata
Developing a metadata strategy
Examining types of metadata
Metadata Management Tools

Common warehouse metadata

Unit 11: Managing the Data Warehouse

Unit Objectives
Managing the Transition to Production
Managing growth
Managing Backup and Recovery
Identifying Data Warehouse Performance Issues

Unit 12: Analytical Capabilities

Unit Objectives
Defining Business Intelligence (BI)
Understanding the categories of BI and their use within the data warehouse

Unit 13: Summary

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