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FabTime Cycle Time Management Newsletter

Volume 10, No. 1

January 2009

Mission: To discuss issues relating to
proactive wafer fab cycle time management
Publisher: FabTime Inc. FabTime sells
cycle time management software for wafer
fab managers. New features in this month
include speed improvements for initial
entry to tool-state charts and the ability for
end-users to create and share custom
Editor: Jennifer Robinson

Table of Contents
Community News/Announcements
FabTime User Tip of the Month
Analyze MTBF Data in FabTime
Subscriber Discussion Forum
Main Topic Setting WIP Goals
in Wafer Fabs
Current Subscribers

Contributors: Professor Scott Mason

(University of Arkansas)

Welcome to Volume 10, Number 1 of the FabTime Cycle Time Management Newsletter!
This is the start of our 10th year of publication, and our 90th issue. We are grateful to our
loyal subscribers, and we wish you all the best in these difficult economic times. In this
issue, we have two community announcements, one about a special issue of Future Fab
magazine, and the other a call for papers for the next MASM conference. Our software
user tip of the month is about analyzing MTBF and MTTR data in FabTime. We have no
subscriber discussion this month, but we have listed some recent topics, and welcome
your feedback for future issues.

Tel: (408) 549-9932
Fax: (408) 549-9941
[email protected]

In our main article this month, we return to a topic addressed in Volume 9, Number 9,
controlling WIP in the fab. In that previous article, we discussed the management of WIP
bubbles. In this article, we discuss setting goals for WIP in the fab as a whole, and by
area, and the tracking of the absolute delta from WIP goals as a measure of variability.
We also discuss the importance of ensuring that WIP goals are consistent with other fab
goals, and illustrate this with a detailed example. While WIP levels are probably declining
right now in many fabs, we reiterate the point from last month that a downturn is a good
time to focus on fundamentals. Understanding and tracking your WIP levels in more
detail is a good place to start.
Thanks for reading!Jennifer

FabTime Cycle Time Management Newsletter Volume 10, Number 1

2009 by FabTime Inc. All rights reserved. Subscribe at

Community News/Announcements
Special ITRS Issue of Future Fab
Magazine Available
We received this announcement about a
new issue of Future Fab Magazine, and the
ITRS connection made us decide to share
the announcement with you all:
Presenting a new annual ITRS edition of
Future Fab our first issue of this year!
Let us take this opportunity to thank issue
sponsors. Without their continued support
in these difficult times, we would not be
able to bring you this Special Focus
Edition: International Technology
Roadmap for Semiconductors.
This issue brings you articles written for
Future Fab by all of the ITRS Technology
Working Groups (TWGs). These executive
summaries provide an overview of the
work that each TWG is tackling. At the
end of each synopsis youll find a link that
takes you back to the ITRS site for
complete details.
The Future Fab ITRS Annual Issue begins
with an introduction from ITRS Chairman
and Future Fab Panel Member, Dr. Paolo
Gargini, Intel Fellow and Director of
Technology Strategy for Intel Corp., and
follows up with articles which present
cutting-edge opinion and research on
ITRS-sponsored initiatives ranging from
ESH issues to wireless and mobile, and
from metrology to front end processes.
The issue is available for download from Download is
free, but requires a brief registration
Call for Papers: 2009 Modeling and
Analysis of Semiconductor
Manufacturing Conference (MASM
We received a call for papers from Scott
Mason, one of the three conference
organizers (with Ricki Ingalls from
Oklahoma State University and Shekar
Krishnaswamy from AMD), for MASM

2009. We are providing an abridged

version of the announcement here.
The 2009 International Conference on
Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor
Manufacturing (MASM) will again be a
forum for the exchange of ideas and best
practices between researchers and
practitioners from around the world
involved in modeling and analysis of hightech manufacturing systems. We are
convinced of the worth and importance of
the continuation of the MASM events held
in Tempe, Arizona in 2000 and 2002,
Singapore in 2005, and Miami, Florida in
The MASM 2009 conference will be fully
contained within the Winter Simulation
Conference 2009 (WSC 09), the leading
conference in discrete event simulation
( WSC 09
features a comprehensive program ranging
from introductory tutorials to state-of-theart research and practice. WSC will take
place in Austin, Texas, USA from
December 13th to 16th. All attendees of
the MASM conference will register for
WSC at the same cost. All participants of
the WSC can attend MASM 2009 sessions.
WSC 09 will be held at the Hilton Austin
Hotel, December 13th-16th.
While we seek to know the current
semiconductor industry state-of-the-art,
neither presenters nor attendees need to be
in the semiconductor industry to
participate. We are interested in any
methodologies, research, and/or
applications from other industries such as
TFT-LCD, flexible displays, and bio-chip
that might also be utilized for the
semiconductor industry, and vice versa.
The conference will be built around the
following three tracks:
1. Operational Modeling and Simulation
2. Supply Chain Management and Fab

FabTime Cycle Time Management Newsletter Volume 10, Number 1

2009 by FabTime Inc. All rights reserved. Subscribe at

3. Enabling Computing Techniques and

Statistical Methods
Details about paper submission can be
found at
The deadline for paper submission is April
6, 2009.

FabTime welcomes the opportunity to

publish community announcements,
including conference notices and calls for
papers. Send them to
[email protected].

FabTime User Tip of the Month

Analyze MTBF Data in FabTime
A FabTime user contacted us recently to
ask where mean time between failure
(MTBF) data was located in FabTime. We
thought that others might share this
question, and decided to discuss MTBF
and MTTR (mean time to repair) data in
FabTime. Both can be found in the data
table of the Tool Downtime Duration CV
Trend and Pareto charts, available from
the Tool Downtime Charts category on the
Charts page. The reason their location can
be slightly difficult to find is that MTBF
and MTTR are not shown on the chart
itself. They are, however, available in the
data table. This is because there are a
number of data series involved. MTBF and
MTTR are reported separately for
scheduled downtime events vs.
unscheduled downtime events. For each
type of downtime (scheduled and
unscheduled), FabTime displays:
Count: The number of scheduled or
unscheduled downtimes that ended during
the time period.
Between (hours): The mean time
between downtimes occurring on any tool
in the group (e.g. if this value is 2 hours,
this means that every two hours, one of the
tools included in the group completed a
downtime event). Note that the time that

the tool is down IS included in the time

between downtime events.
Between per Tool (hours): The mean
time between downtimes occurring on
each tool. (e.g. if this value is 12 hours, this
means that each tool in the group
completed a downtime event, on average,
every 12 hours)
Duration (hours): The average duration
of the downtime events reported during
the period (MTTR).
Duration CV: The coefficient of variation
of the downtime durations during the
FabTime counts a downtime (scheduled or
unscheduled) when it ends within a period.
For a group of tools, FabTime calculates
mean-time-between downtimes as the
period length divided by the number of
downtimes. For a single tool, FabTime
calculates mean-time-between downtimes
as the group mean-time-between
downtime multiplied by the number of
tools. If the number of downtimes within a
period is zero or one, FabTime sets the
mean-time-between downtimes (for both a
group of tools and for individual tools) to
the period length. FabTime includes the
total downtime in the duration, even if a
portion of the downtime falls outside the

FabTime Cycle Time Management Newsletter Volume 10, Number 1

2009 by FabTime Inc. All rights reserved. Subscribe at

period. FabTime calculates the average

duration as the sum of durations for
individual downtimes during the period
divided by the number of downtimes.
Coefficient of variation (CV) of duration is
standard deviation of duration divided by
average duration. Coefficient of variation is
a measure of how consistent the
downtimes are from one to the next.
Youll find this data most useful when
generated for a set of like tools, over a
relatively long time period (perhaps a

month or more). The resulting

MTBF/MTTR data can be used to
populate simulation models, or to compare
with the expected performance of the tool.
An example of FabTimes MTBF/MTTR
data tracked by week, for four weeks, for a
tool group with six tools, is shown below.
If you have any questions about this
feature (or any other software-related
issues), just use the Feedback form in the

Subscriber Discussion Forum

We have no subscriber discussion this
month. Recent topics that have come up,
which readers might want to weigh in on,
The implementation of lean
manufacturing techniques in wafer fabs
(particularly success stories).
Short-term simulation of fab dynamics.
Implementation experiences for
dynamic x-factor.
Definitions for real-time line yield

Plus our most recent newsletter topics:

Improving Cycle Time during a
Downturn, Redux
WIP Bubbles in Wafer Fabs
Tool State Calculations for Cluster
Tools in Fabs
FabTime welcomes the opportunity to
publish subscriber discussion questions
and responses. Send your questions or
comments to [email protected].

FabTime Cycle Time Management Newsletter Volume 10, Number 1

2009 by FabTime Inc. All rights reserved. Subscribe at

Main Article Title

A topic that comes up from time to time
among our subscribers is that of setting
WIP (work in process) goals. A WIP goal
is a bit different from a moves goal or a
scrap goal. With WIP goals, you typically
want performance to remain within a
particular target band - not getting too
much higher than the goal, and not going
too much lower. An approach that we
recommend is setting a target WIP goal (by
fab and by area), and then measuring the
absolute delta to that WIP goal. We
discussed ways to do this with FabTime in
the tip of the month in Issue 9.09. But how
should the average WIP goal be set in the
first place? In this article, we discuss setting
WIP goals that are consistent with other
fab performance metrics.

In week 1 there are 100 wafers in the

In week 2 there are 200 wafers in the
factory (the 100 that you just started, plus
the 100 that are there because they havent
finished processing).
In week 3 there are 300 wafers in the
factory (the new 100 wafers, plus the 200
that havent finished processing).
At the end of week 3 (and every week
thereafter), 100 wafers exit the factory and
100 new wafers are started. Thus the WIP
is always 300 wafers (100 wafers * 3

Littles Law: The Relationship

between Cycle Time, Throughput and
The setting of WIP goals cannot be
separated from the setting of cycle time
and throughput targets. The relationship
between cycle time, throughput, and WIP
was first documented in 1961 by J. D. C.
Little. Littles Law states that at a given
throughput level, the ratio of WIP to cycle
time equals throughput, as shown in the
formulas below. (This section was adapted
from Issue 1.3 of the newsletter, and our
cycle time course material)

Week 1: 150 wafers WIP

Week 2: 300 wafers WIP
Week 3: 450 wafers WIP
Week 4: 600 wafers WIP
Week 5 (and every week thereafter): 750
wafers WIP (150 wafers times 5 weeks of
cycle time).

WIP = Throughput * Cycle Time

Throughput = WIP / Cycle Time
Cycle Time = WIP / Throughput
In other words, for a factory with constant
throughput, WIP and cycle time are
proportional. Here is an intuitive
explanation that shows why WIP must be
equal to throughput rate times cycle time.
Suppose you have a small factory, where
the average factory cycle time is 3 weeks,
and the factory is initially empty. Every
Monday morning 100 wafers are released
into the factory. In this case:

Now suppose that demand increases, so

starts are increased to 150 wafers per week.
And suppose that with more work in the
factory, average cycle time rises to 5 weeks.
Looking again by week, we have:

We can see in both of these cases that,

when we look at the WIP that is required
in the fab to support the throughput rate,
that WIP is equal to the start rate times the
cycle time.
To apply this rule of thumb to a larger fab,
suppose we have a fab that is starting 5,000
wafers per week, and is running a 10-week
cycle time on average. We can immediately
estimate that:
WIP = (5000 wafers per week) * (10 weeks) =
50,000 wafers.
We do have to adjust the above estimate
for yield loss, however. If we start 5000
wafers per week, and 10% of those wafers
are scrapped by the time that they leave the
fab, then our throughput rate will only be
4500 wafers per week. Applying Littles
Law to the start rate results in a WIP

FabTime Cycle Time Management Newsletter Volume 10, Number 1

2009 by FabTime Inc. All rights reserved. Subscribe at

estimate of 50,000 wafers. Applying Littles

Law to the throughput rate, however,
results in a WIP estimate of 4500
wafers/week * 10 weeks = 45,000 wafers.
The real WIP number lies in between these
two values, because wafers are scrapped
throughout the process. If scrap is
distributed relatively linearly through the
line, we can take the midpoint of these two
values, and estimate the WIP as 47,500
wafers. More formally:
WIP = Start Rate * Cycle Time of Shipped Lots
* Yield Correction
Yield Correction = (1 + Line Yield)/2
This yield correction assumes that the
scrap occurs linearly across the line (or,
equivalently, all occurs at the mid-point of
the line). Applying this formula to our
example, we get WIP = 5000 wafers/week
* 10 weeks * (1+0.9)/2 = 5000*10*0.95 =
47,500 wafers.
Another nice rule of thumb that
immediately comes from Littles Law:
If you can cut cycle time by 10%, you
should see a corresponding 10% reduction
in WIP (where YC = Yield Correction):
OldWIP = (start rate) * (old cycle time) * YC
NewWIP = (start rate) * (new cycle time) * YC
= (start rate) * (old cycle time * 90%) * YC
= 90% * (start rate) * (old cycle time) * YC
= 90% * OldWIP.
Keep in mind that Littles Law doesnt say
that WIP and cycle time are independent
of start rate. Littles Law just says if you
have 2 of these three numbers, you should
be able to solve for the remaining one. The
tricky part is that cycle time and WIP are
really functions of the start rate. So
changing the start rate in fact changes all
three parameters, but Littles Law should
hold for the new numbers.
In our context of goal-setting, Littles Law
means that if you have a known start rate
and line yield, and you have a target cycle

time, then these values together determine

your average WIP. The only way to reduce
this average WIP is to either reduce the
start rate or take actions to reduce cycle
time and WIP together. (Well, you could
technically reduce your average WIP by
scrapping more wafers, thats not a very
good long-term solution).
The Relationships between WIP,
Moves, Turns and Cycle Time
Its important to make sure that your WIP
target is consistent with your turns and
moves targets. As discussed above, a cycle
time target, combined with a start rate,
determines expected average WIP. Start
rate, number of steps, and line yield also
can be used to obtain a rough estimate of a
fabs moves goal. For example, suppose in
our 5,000 wafer start per week fab we have
a weighted average of 420 steps per route.
To maintain steady state 5000 wafers must
complete 420 steps each week, on average.
As with the Littles Law calculation,
however, we need to adjust for the wafers
that are scrapped, and hence dont need to
be moved. Using the same type of linear
yield correction applied previously, we
Average Moves = Start Rate * Number of Steps
* Yield Correction
where Yield Correction is again equal to (1
+ Line Yield / 2).
In this example, average moves = 5,000
wafers/week*420 moves/wafer*(1+0.9)/2
= 5,000*420*.95 = 1995000 moves/week
= 285,000 moves/day (assuming 7 by 24
Once we have a goal for average WIP, this,
combined with our moves goal, determines
the fabs target turns rate, where Turns =
Moves / Starting WIP for a time period.
WIP turns measures how many times per
day, on average, each wafer is moved. The
turns rate is also an early indicator of a
fabs cycle time. If we know how many
times per day we move each wafer, and we
know how many steps the wafer goes

FabTime Cycle Time Management Newsletter Volume 10, Number 1

2009 by FabTime Inc. All rights reserved. Subscribe at

through, then we know, in effect, how long

the cycle time will be.
Continuing the example above, suppose
we have a fab with 47,500 wafers in WIP,
and the fab performs 285,000 moves/day.
The turns rate is 285,000/47,500 = 6. On
average, each wafer is moved 6 times per
day. If the weighted average process flow is
420 steps, and we move each wafer 6 times
per day, then the expected cycle time for
the fab is 420 steps / 6 steps/day = 70
days = 10 weeks.
Note that this worked out exactly to match
the 10 week cycle time that was an input
for the Littles Law calculation above.
Heres why (where YC = Yield Correction):
From Littles Law we have (1) Start Rate *
We also have the definition of WIP Turns:
(2) Turns = Moves / WIP
This can be re-written as:
(3) WIP = Moves / Turns
Substituting (3) into the right-hand side of
(1) we get
(4) Start Rate * CT * Yield Correction = Moves
/ Turns
But we also have our definition for moves,
(5) Moves = Start Rate * Number of Steps *
Substituting (5) into the top of the righthand side of (4) we get
(6) Start Rate * CT * YC = Start Rate *
Number of Steps * YC / Turns
Cancelling and rearranging terms, this
simplifies to:
(7) CT = Steps / Turns
And thus, we can start with the cycle time
used in the Littles Law calculation, and use
the definitions of Moves and WIP Turns
to simplify to get the definition of cycle
time used in the turns calculation. Please
note that this is not a formal proof. The
yield corrections, in particular, are

approximate. And the number of steps

obviously varies across flows, so that a
weighted average must be used, and this
changes as product mix changes. The point
is, however, that WIP goals, turns goals,
and moves goals are all connected, and
cannot be set in isolation from one
another. If you try to arbitrarily reduce
WIP, without making any fundamental
improvements that will also reduce cycle
time, then throughput will eventually fall.
Possibly this is the reason that most
Kanban implementations in wafer fabs are
not successful when limits on WIP are
imposed via Kanbans, unless equipment
variability is dramatically improved (a very
hard task), the decrease in WIP leads to
decreased throughput and urgent calls to
increase the number of Kanbans. Given
enough Kanbans, WIP levels rise and
buffer the fab against equipment
variability, throughput rises again, and the
Kanban system is eventually discarded.
WIP Goals by Area
The WIP in a production area is the sum
of the WIP in queue/on hold and in
process at all of the operations within that
production area. WIP goals for individual
production areas obviously need to sum up
to the total WIP goal. The WIP goals for
the individual areas are proportional to the
total cycle time that lots spend in each area,
again following Littles Law. So, if your lots
spend, on average, 1/3 of their total cycle
time in Photo, then the average Photo
WIP will be approximately 1/3 of the total
WIP. The target cycle time for each
production area is the sum of the target
cycle times for all of the operations in that
area. In FabTime, you can also use the
Factory Cycle Time Contribution Pareto
chart to look, for shipped lots, at the
percentage of time that lots spent in the
different areas, summed across all
Of course the actual WIP by area will be
much more variable from day to day than
will the total WIP in the fab. This is one of

FabTime Cycle Time Management Newsletter Volume 10, Number 1

2009 by FabTime Inc. All rights reserved. Subscribe at

the primary reasons that WIP turns by area

is better metric than moves by area for
driving improvements. The closer the WIP
in the area can remain to the goal,
however, the smoother the fab is running,
and the better the cycle time will be, as
discussed in more detail in Issue 9.09: WIP
Bubbles in Wafer Fabs. This is why we
recommend looking at the absolute delta
from the WIP goal over time, and trying to
reduce that. An example showing a WIP
Goal Delta Trend chart is shown below.
This chart shows the sum of the average
delta from WIP goal across two
production areas, trended by day.
In this article, we have discussed setting
WIP goals in wafer fabs by using Littles
Law, a formula that drives the relationship
between cycle time, WIP, and throughout
for manufacturing facilities. We have also
emphasized the need to ensure that WIP
goals are consistent with goals for moves,

WIP turns, and cycle time. These metrics

are connected as follows: A cycle time goal
and a start rate together imply a WIP goal.
The start rate and number of steps in a fab
also imply a goal for moves. The WIP goal
together with the moves goal implies a
turns goal, and the turns goal implies a
cycle time goal, creating a circular effect.
This is shown visually in the PDF version.
In practice, WIP goals by area are more
variable, and hence more necessary to
track, on a day to day basis. WIP goals by
area are proportional to the cycle time that
lots spend in each area. We recommend
understanding the expected average WIP
for each production area, and monitoring
the absolute delta from that average over
time. This is a key indicator of WIP
variability. And, as we have discussed many
times in this newsletter, reducing variability
is essential to reducing cycle time. We hope
that you have found this discussion useful,
and we welcome your feedback.

FabTime Cycle Time Management Newsletter Volume 10, Number 1

2009 by FabTime Inc. All rights reserved. Subscribe at

Closing Questions for Subscribers

Do you use WIP goals in your fab? How
are they calculated? Do you try to track
WIP by area over time, to measure WIP
Further Reading
For another explanation of Littles Law,
and some graphs, see FabTimes cycle time
tutorial, at
See also FabTime newsletter Volume 9,
Number 9: WIP Bubbles in Wafer Fabs.
For other articles that discuss WIP
estimation, see the papers below. Most of
these papers are not available from
FabTime, due to copyright restrictions.
S. Bilgin and M. Nishimura,
Implementation of a WIP Modeling
System at LSI Logic, 2003 IEEE
International Symposium on Semiconductor
Manufacturing (ISSM '03), 293-296, 2003.
C.-S. Bong and K. V. Karuppiah,
Cycle-Time Reduction Under Product
Diversity in Semiconductor Back-End
Manufacturing, Proceedings of the
International Conference on Modeling and
Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing
(MASM 2002), Editors G. T. Mackulak, J.
W. Fowler, and A. Schoemig, Tempe, AZ,
April 10-12, 2002. 260-263. This paper
describes the application of Littles Law
and Kanban system for cycle-time
improvement in the high-volume, multipleproduct semiconductor manufacturing,
with the aim of reducing the WIP (WorkIn-Progress) that will slash inventory
holding costs. We do have permission
from the author to distribute this paper
electronically - please email
[email protected] for a copy.
N. Govind and D. Fronckowiak,
Setting Performance Targets in a 300mm
Wafer Fabrication Facility, Proceedings of the
2003 Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing
Conference, Munich, Germany, 2003. This
paper looks at calculating productivity and
WIP targets to measure production

performance for a 300 mm fab in a ramp

Wei Jie Lee, Optimize WIP Scale
through Simulation Approach with WIP,
Turn-Over Rate and Cycle Time
Regression Analysis in Semiconductor
Fabrication, Proceedings of the 2002
Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology
Conference, 299-301, 2002. This paper
presents and applies a methodology for
determining the optimal WIP scale of an
IC manufacturing fab.
Y. H. Lee and T. Kim, Manufacturing
Cycle Time Reduction Using Balance
Control in the Semiconductor Fabrication
Line, Production Planning & Control, Vol.
13, No. 6, 529-540, 2002. This paper
discusses how to determine the proper
WIP level for operations, and how to
control the balance of WIP flow to achieve
maximum throughput under short
manufacturing cycle times.
Y. H. Lin and C. E. Lee, A WIP
Estimation Model for Wafer Fabrication,
International Journal of Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications and Practice, Vol. 9, No.
3, 222-237, 2002. This paper explores the
significance of standard WIP in wafer
fabrication, and presents a method to
estimate the standard WIP level in front of
each workstation.
K. Miyashita (National Institute of
Advanced Industrial Science and
Technology), T. Okazaki (Hitachi East
Solutions, Ltd) and H. Matsuo (Kobe
University), Simulation-based Advanced
WIP Management and Control in
Semiconductor Manufacturing, Proceedings
of the 2004 Winter Simulation Conference,
Washington, DC, Dec. 5-8, 2004. (All
WSC papers since 1997 are available for
free download from The system
described in this paper optimizes work-inprocess inventory (WIP) levels to meet
demands and sets a target WIP level for
each workstation.

FabTime Cycle Time Management Newsletter Volume 10, Number 1

2009 by FabTime Inc. All rights reserved. Subscribe at

Brian D. Neureuther, Estimating

Cycle Time in Complex Job Shops, Journal
Of Integrated Design And Process Science, Vol.
6, No. 3, 93-104, 2004. This paper looks at
the application of Littles Law to

semiconductor factories, and discusses

factors that may cause the pure application
of Littles Law to break down.

Subscriber List
Total number of subscribers: 2840, from
476 companies and universities. 21
Top 20 subscribing companies:
Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. (226)
Intel Corporation (149)
Micron Technology, Inc. (83)
Chartered Semiconductor Mfg. (80)
X-FAB Inc. (71)
Western Digital Corporation (68)
Texas Instruments (64)
Analog Devices (61)
Infineon Technologies (61)
ON Semiconductor (58)
Freescale Semiconductor (57)
International Rectifier (55)
TECH Semiconductor Singapore (55)
NEC Electronics (53)
STMicroelectronics (49)
IBM (45)
NXP Semiconductors (45)
Cypress Semiconductor (43)
Seagate Technology (36)
ATMEL (34)
Top 3 subscribing universities:
Virginia Tech (11)
Arizona State University (8)
Ben Gurion Univ. of the Negev (8)

New companies and universities this

Selantek, Inc.
Sensor Dynamics
SPG Media
Note: Inclusion in the subscriber profile
for this newsletter indicates an interest, on
the part of individual subscribers, in cycle
time management. It does not imply any
endorsement of FabTime or its products
by any individual or his or her company.
There is no charge to subscribe and receive
the current issue of the newsletter each
month. Past issues of the newsletter are
currently only available to customers of
FabTimes web-based digital dashboard
software or cycle time management course.
To subscribe to the newsletter, send email
to [email protected], or use the
form at
htm. To unsubscribe, send email to
[email protected] with
Unsubscribe in the subject. FabTime will
not, under any circumstances, give your
email address or other contact information
to anyone outside of FabTime without
your permission.

FabTime Cycle Time Management Newsletter Volume 10, Number 1

2009 by FabTime Inc. All rights reserved. Subscribe at


FabTime Cycle Time Management Software

Turn fab MES data into information and save
time and money

Are your supervisors swamped with daily reports, but lacking

real-time information?
Is it difficult to link equipment performance to cycle time?
Does each new cycle time analysis require IT resources?

Instead of spending time

preparing reports, shift
facilitators can get the data
they need quickly from
FabTime, and then spend
their time making real

FabTime can help. FabTime saves your management team time

daily by turning fab MES data into information, via a real-time webbased dashboard that includes lot dispatching. FabTime saves your
IT staff time by breaking the cycle of custom-developed reports. With
FabTime, the end user can filter for exactly what he or she needs,
while staying in a comprehensive framework of pre-defined charts.
Most importantly, FabTime can help your company to increase
revenue by reducing cycle times up to 20%.

I use FabTime every day, and so do the supervisors who

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where I need it when I come in every morning.

Mike Hillis
Cycle Time and Line Yield
Improvement Manager
AMD Fab 25

Jim Wright
Production Manager
Headway Technologies

FabTime Subscription
One low monthly price includes
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End user and system
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Unlimited users via your
Software maintenance and
regular upgrades (approx. 6 per
year, via our no-downtime patch
Add-on dispatching and
planning module for a slightly
higher monthly fee

Contact FabTime for technical
details or a pilot project quote.
FabTime Inc.
Phone: +1 (408) 549-9932
+1 (408) 549-9941
Email: [email protected]

FabTime Benefits

Copyright 2009 FabTime Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Cut cycle times by up to by 20%.

Focus improvement efforts on the tools that inflate cycle time.
Improve supervisor productivity cut reporting time by 50%.

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