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19th Annual Report

2Q02 - 2003

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The most respected
Consumer Durables

Titan Edge
Best Indian Lifestyle
Product Design

SANSCO SERVICES - Annual Reports Library Services -


Nineteenth annual report 2002-2003

Board of Directors
K Skandan (Chairman)
Bhaskar Bhat (Managing Director)
J J Bhabha (upto 24 July 2003)
N N Tata (from 7 August 2003)
Arun Ramanathan
Farrokh Kavarana
Ishaat Hussain
T K Balaji
A C Mukherji
Rama Bijapurkar
C G Krishnadas Nair
R Vljaykumar

Company Secretary
Usha lyengar

A F Ferguson & Co.
(Chartered Accountants)



Bank of Baroda

Directors' Report

Bank of America

Financial Statistics


Management Discussion & Analysis


Corporate Governance Report


Registered Office

Auditors' Report


3, SIPCOT Industrial Complex

Balance Sheet


Profit & Loss Account


Share Department

Schedules & Notes to Accounts


Tata Share Registry Limited

Unit: Titan Industries Limited
Army & Navy Building
148, Mahatma Gandhi Road
Mumbai 400 001

Consolidated Accounts


Interest in Subsidiaries


Accounts of Subsidiary Companies


Canara Bank

Hongkong Bank
Standard Chartered Bank


Titan Industries is a TATA Enterprise

in association with the Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation

SANSCO SERVICES - Annual Reports Library Services -

Nineteenth annual report 2002-2003
Titan Industries Limited

The Nineteenth Annual General Meeting of Titan Industries Limited will be held at the Registered Office of the
Company, at 3 SIPCOT Industrial Complex, Hosur 635 126, on Friday, September 12,2003 at 3.30 p.m. to transact the
following business:

To receive and adopt the Director's Report and Audited Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March
2003 and the Balance Sheet as at that date together with the report of the Auditors thereon.


To declare a dividend on Equity Shares.


To approve the declaration and payment of interim dividend as final dividend on preference shares.


To appoint Directors in place of Mr. Ishaat Hussain, Mr. F. K. Kavarana and Mrs Rama Bijapurkar who retire by
rotation and are eligible for re-appointment.


To appoint a Director in the place of Mr. K. Skandan who was appointed as an Additional Director by the Board of
Directors with effect from 30th October, 2002. Mr. Skandan holds office upto the date of this Annual General
Meeting under Section 260 of the Companies Act, 1956 read with Article 117 of the Articles of Association of the
Company, but who is eligible for appointment and in respect of whom the Company has received a notice in
writing under Section 257 of the Companies Act, 1956 from a shareholder proposing his candidature for the
office of Director.


To appoint a Director in the place of Mr. N N Tata who was appointed as an Additional Director by the Board of
Directors with effect from 7th August, 2003 and who holds office upto the date of this Annual General Meeting
under Section 260 of the Companies Act, 1956 read with Article 117 of the Articles of Association of the Company,
but who is eligible for appointment and in respect of whom the Company has received a notice in writing under
Section 257 of the Companies Act, 1956 from a shareholder proposing his candidature for the office of Director.


To consider and, if thought fit, to pass with or without modification, the following resolution as a Special Resolution:
"RESOLVED that M/s. A. F. Ferguson & Co. be and hereby re-appointed as Auditors of the Company, to hold office
from the conclusion of this meeting until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting, to audit the
accounts of the Company for the financial year 2003-04, including audit of Cash Flow Statements, on a
remuneration of Rs. 22,00,0007- plus service tax, out of pocket, travelling and living expenses."


The relative explanatory statement pursuant to Section 173 of the Companies Act, 1956, in respect of business
under item nos. 5,6 & 7 above is annexed hereto.




Members are requested to inform the Company's Registrars and Share Transfer Agents viz., Tata Share Registry
Limited, regarding changes, if any, in their registered addresses along with the PIN code number.


The Register of Members and the Transfer Books of the Company will be closed from Friday, 29 August 2003 upto
Friday, 12 September 2003 both days inclusive.


Members may please note that pursuant to Section 205 of the Companies Act, 1956 all unclaimed / unpaid
dividends upto the financial year ended 31 st March 1995, have been transferred to the General Revenue Account
of the Central Government.
Members may please note that in view of the amendment to Section 205A of the Companies Act, 1956 and
introduction of Section 205C by the Companies (Amendment) Act, 1999, the dividend remaining unpaid or
unclaimed for a period of seven years from the date of transfer to Unpaid Dividend Account of the Company will
be transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund set up by the Government of India and no payments
shall be made in respect of any such claims.

SANSCO SERVICES - Annual Reports Library Services -


Members are requested to write to the following address seeking any clarification in respect of unclaimed or
unpaid dividend and other related matters:
Office of Registrar of Companies
Coimbatore Stock Exchange Building,
683-686, Trichy Road,
Singanallur, Coimbatore 641 005
[Telephone No.: 0422-319640]


The dividend on equity shares, if declared, at the Annual General Meeting, will be payable within the statutory
period of 30 days to the members whose name appear on the Register of Members of the Company as on 12th
September 2003.


As per the provisions of the amended Companies Act, 1956, the facility for making nominations is now available
to the shareholders in respect of the equity shares held by them. Nomination forms can be obtained from the
Company's Registrars and Share Transfer Agents, viz. Tata Share Registry Limited.


The equity shares of the Company are listed at the following Stock Exchanges in India:
The Stock Exchange, Mumbai
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers
Dalai Street
Mumbai 400 001

The Madras Stock Exchange Ltd.

(Regional Stock Exchange)
Exchange Building
11 Second Line Beach
P.O. Box No. 183, Chennai 600 001


The Company has paid the annual listing fees to each of the above Stock Exchanges for the financial year


Members are requested to intimate to the Company, queries if any, regarding the accounts / notices at least 10
days before the Annual General Meeting to enable the management to keep the information ready at the
meeting. The queries may be addressed to : The Company Secretary, Titan Industries Limited, Golden Enclave,
Tower- A, Airport Road, Bangalore 560 017.


For the convenience of Members, the Company will provide a coach service from Bangalore on the day of the
Meeting. The coaches will leave for Hosur at 2 p.m. from Golden Palm Station (Old BRV Theatre), Cubbon Road,
Bangalore, and will bring the Members back to Bangalore after the Meeting.


Usha lyengar
Company Secretary
Registered Office:
3, SIPCOT Industrial Complex
Hosur 635 126
7 August 2003

SANSCO SERVICES - Annual Reports Library Services -

Nineteenth annual report 2002-2003
Titan Industries Limited

Annexure to Notice
As required by Section 173 of the Companies Act, 1956, the following explanatory statement sets out all material facts
relating to the business mentioned under item Nos. 5,6 and 7 of the accompanying Notice dated 7 August 2003.
Item No. 5:
Mr. K. Skandan was appointed as an Additional Director of the Company at the Board Meeting held on
30th October,2002 as a nominee of TIDCO. In terms of Sec 260 of the Companies Act, 1956, Mr. K. Skandan holds office
as a Director till the date of ensuing Annual General Meeting of the Company but is eligible for appointment. Notice
in writing has been received from a Shareholder of the Company signifying their intention proposing Mr. K. Skandan
as a candidate for the office of Director.
The Board considers it desirable that the Company continues to avail the services of Mr. K. Skandan and accordingly
the Directors recommend that he be appointed as a Director of the Company.
Mr. K. Skandan, IAS is Secretary to Government of TamilNadu, Industries Department.
Other than Mr. K. Skandan, none of the other Directors, are in any way, concerned or interested in this resolution.
Item No. 6:
Mr. N. N. Tata was appointed as an Additional Director of the Company by the Board of Directors with effect from
7th August, 2003. In terms of Sec 260 of the Companies Act, 1956, Mr. N. N.Tata holds office as a Director till the date
of the ensuing Annual General Meeting of the Company, but is eligible for appointment. Notice in writing has been
received from a Shareholder of the Company signifying their intention in proposing Mr. N. N. Tata as a candidate for
the office of Director.
Mr. N. N.Tata, is a graduate of Sussex University (UK) and has good knowledge and experience in sales and marketing
and possesses expertise in retailing business. He was appointed a Director of Trent Ltd. in December 1997 and is
presently the Managing Director since 1999. Prior to his joining Trent, he was associated with Nestle, UK as a Product
Manager and with Tata International Ltd. as a Senior General Manager.
The Board considers it desirable that the Company continues to avail the services of Mr. N. N.Tata and accordingly the
Directors recommend that he be appointed as a Director of the Company.
Other than Mr. N. N. Tata, none of the other Directors, are in any way, concerned or interested in this resolution.
Item No. 7:
Since the shareholding pattern of the Company is such that the provisions of Section 224A of the Companies Act,
1956, are applicable, the reappointment of M/s. A. F. Ferguson & Company as Auditors of the Company is required to
be made by a special resolution.
Accordingly it is proposed to reappoint M/s. A F Ferguson & Co. as auditors of the Company for the financial year
2003-04 on the remuneration set out in the resolution.
A copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company is available for inspection of member on any
working day between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. at the Registered Office of the Company from the date of this notice upto
the date of the Annual General Meeting.


Usha lyengar
Company Secretary
Registered Office:
3, SIPCOT Industrial Complex
Hosur635 126
7 August 2003

Details of the Directors seeking appointment/re-appointment in forthcoming Annual General Meeting

(In pursuance of Clause 49 of the Listing Agreements)
Mr. N.N.Tata

Name of Director





Date of Birth






Date of appointment






Expertise in specific
functional areas

Rich experience in business

management and international

Rich experience in
business management and
international finance

Has rich expertise in the

field of marketing. Is
recognised as thought leader
on marketing strategy and
consumer related issues in India

Overall rich managerial and
IsIs presently Secretary to the
Government ofTamflnadu,
IrIndustries Department

Rich knowtedgeand experience

in sales and marketing and
possess the expertise in
retailing business


FU (England & Wales)

MBA (Wtwton) from University
of Pennsylvania, USA
FCA (England & Wales)



B. A (Economics) from University

of Sussex ande.lNSEAD,

List of Public Companies

in which outside
Directorships held as
on 31st March 2003

Tata Sons Ltd.

roan Industries Ltd.
Tata Inc.
Tau Homed ia Ltd
Tata Teteervices Ltd
Idea Cellular Ltd.
Tata Industrie! Ltd
Tata Internet Services Ltd
Tata MG General Insurance Co. Ltd
Tata AIG Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
CMC Limited
TataTeteervices (Maharashtra) Ltd.

Tata Sons Ltd.

Tata Industries Ltd.
Tata Tea Ltd.
Titan Industries Ltd.
Tata Projects Ltd.
Tata Infbtedi Ltd.
Tata International Ltd.
Tata AIG General Insurance Co. Ltd.
Tata AIG Life Insurance Co. Ltd.

Infbsys Technologies Ltd

Titan Industries Ltd
Godrej Consumer Products Ltd.
Arvind Mills Ltd.
Credit Rating Information Services India Ltd.

Tamil Nadu Petraproducts Ltd.
Titan Industries Ltd
T; Nadu Sugar Corporation Ltd.
Tamil Nadu Newsprint & Papers Ltd
Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation Ltd.
Tamil Nadu Industrial Investment Corporation Ltd.
State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu Ltd.
TTKB. Bio-Park Ltd
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd
Neyveli lignite Corporation Ltd
SSouthern Petrochemical Industries Corporation Ltd
sSouthern Iron 4 Steei Co. Ltd.
TIDEL Park Ltd
MahMta Industrial Park Ltd.

Trent Limited
Voltas Limited
Titan Industries Ltd

Chairman /Member of
the Committee of the
Board of Puttie
Companies on which
he /she is a Director
as on 3tst March 2003

Tata Sons Ltd.

Approvals Committee of Directors
-Finance Committee
- Debentures Transfer Committee
- Properties Committee of Directors
Tata IronS Steel Co. Ltd
-Audit Committee
- Investors' Grievance Committee (Chairman)
Tata Industries Ltd
- Audit Committee (Chairman)
- Investment Comrnttee
Titan Industries Ltd
- Audit Committee
- Remuneration Committee
-Committee of Directors
Tata AIG General Insurance Co. Ltd
- Investment Committee
Tata Teteservkes Ltd
- Audit Committee (Chairman)
Tata Finance Ltd
- Investor Relations & Share Transfer Committee (Chairman)
- Remuneration Committee
-Audit Committee
Tata AIG Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
- Investment Committee

Tata Sons Ltd

-Audit Committee
Tata International Ltd.
- Remuneration / Compensation Committee
Audit Committee (Chairman)
Tata Industries Ltd.
- Audit Committee
Titan Industries Ltd
Shareholders Grievance Committee (Chairman)
Tata Infotech Ltd.
- Shareholders Grievance Committee
Tata AIG General Insurance Co. Ltd.
- Audit Committee (Chairman)
Tata AIG Life Insurance Co. Ltd
- Audit Committee (Chairman)

Infosys Technologies Ltd.

Neyveli lignite Corporation Ltd
Audit Committee
-Audit Committee
Shareholders / Investors Grievance Committee
- Investor Grievance Committee
Godrej Consumer Products Ltd.
-Audit Committee
- Human Resources Committee
Arvind Mife Ltd
- Investors Grievance Committee (Chairperson)
- Remuneration Committee
Credit Rating Information Services India Ltd
- Executive Committee

Trent Limited
- Investment Committee

SANSCO SERVICES - Annual Reports Library Services -

Nineteenth annual report 2002-2003
Titan Industries Limited

Directors' Report
To the Members of Titan Industries Limited
The Directors are pleased to present the Nineteenth Annual Report and the Audited Statement of Accounts for the
year ended 31st March 2003:
Financial Results
Rs. in crores



Gross profit



Cash operating profit




Operating profit before exceptional items

Exceptional items
Dividend Income
VRS Cost
Provision for diminution in value of investments









Net Profit
Profit brought forward
Less: Deferred tax liability of earlier years





Amount available for appropriation

Dividend paid on preference shares
Proposed dividend on equity shares
Proposed dividend on preference shares
Tax on dividends
Transfer to general reserve






Balance carried forward



Profit before taxes

Income taxes - Current
- Deferred
Profit after taxes for the year
Less : Income tax of earlier years

The financial year 2002-03 was, in many ways, a year of reckoning for the Company, a year in which several issues were
successfully addressed. Many initiatives were undertaken during the year to streamline operations, contain costs and
formulate a focused long-term strategy for the Company.
A voluntary retirement scheme (VRS) was introduced for the employees whereby the workforce of the Company was
trimmed by over 600 at a cost of over Rs.50 crores. This investment would have a payback over five years and
accordingly, the cost is being amortised over a sixty month period.
The Company also engaged the services of one of the world's leading consultancy firms to assist it in formulating its
long-term strategy and in reducing operating costs. Recurring benefits have begun to accrue to the Company
attributable to the implementation of the recommendations of the firm.
Interbrand, one of the world's leading brand valuation firms, was appointed to undertake a valuation of the Titan
brand in India. Their valuation of the Titan brand at over Rs.350 crores clearly reinforces the Company's belief in
continually investing in building and nurturing brands. Various options are under consideration to leverage this value
of Titan brand in the most optimal manner.

SANSCO SERVICES - Annual Reports Library Services -

Steps were taken during the year to restructure and downsize the Company's European operations where, as mentioned
last year, an amount in excess of GBP 9 million has cumulatively been incurred. The Company made a provision during
the year under review for an amount of Rs.10 crores for diminution in the value of its investments in Europe.
The three-year wage settlement agreement which came up for renewal during the year with the employee union ran
into some difficulty and required hard and painful decisions to be taken in the long-term interests of the Company.
The management was constrained to declare a lock-out in its most crucial fourth and last quarter of the year under
review.The lock-out resulted In a significant loss in revenue and profit for the Company, which till the end of the third
quarter was well on its way to achieving its targets for the year.
Many of the above initiatives impacted the results of the last year but in the opinion of the Company's management
they were essential in developments of the future interest of the Company.
Despite this, the Company showed top-line growth with income from operations going up from Rs.724.78 crores to
Rs.797.90 crores, an increase of 10%. This increase was fuelled by growth in the jewellery business whose results were
less impacted by the lock-out situation due to its limited in house dependence. The additional cost for many of the
initiatives stated above resulted in a 16% increase in operating and other expenses which went up from Rs.580.49
crores to Rs.675.50 crores. This, coupled with the impact of the lock-out, resulted in the Company's profit before tax
declining sharply from Rs.18.16 crores to Rs.9.78 crores.
The disturbances at Hosur had a severe impact on the Time Products division which historically generates a significant
part of its revenues and profits in the last quarter. Operating income of the division showed a slight downturn
Rs.457.12 crores to Rs.452.87 crores, and its profit before interest and taxes declined from Rs.51.52 crores to Rs.27.88
crores.The provision made for diminution in the value of investments in Europe has further eroded the bottom line of
the division. However, the domestic business of the division improved its performance delivering better operating
margins. Capital employed in the division grew marginally to Rs.492 crores primarily on account of the VRS payments.
A significant milestone was the sale of the 50 millionth watch during the year.This achievement within IS years of
commencement of operations is noteworthy even on a global standard.
The Jewellery division once again turned in an impressive 29% growth in operating income which increased from
Rs.267.66 crores to Rs.345.03 crores. The division's profit before interest and taxes grew by 8% to Rs.13.72 crores. Profit
before taxes grew by 129% to Rs 5.37 crores and capital employed simultaneously was reduced by Rs.11 crores to
Rs.124 crores.The jewellery business provides much needed balance to the Company's fortunes as the watch business
faces increasing competition in India.
The Company had issued cumulative preference shares of a total value of Rs.40 crores at various rates of dividend
from 7% to 10.50%. The terms and conditions for payment of preference dividend also vary. During the year ended 31
March 2003, interim dividend on preference shares amounting to Rs.3.67 crores was paid. No further dividend is
proposed on the preference shares.
After payment of dividend on preference shares, and dividend tax thereon, the distributable profit is Rs.2.54 crores
(Rs.9.30 crores in the previous year). In view of the sharp decline in profits, the Directors recommend a lower dividend
on equity shares of Rs.1.00 per share (10%), which results in an outflow of Rs.4.23 crores and a consequent withdrawal
from reserves of Rs.2.23 crores (previous year: accretion to reserves Rs. 2.96 crores). The shareholders will receive the
dividend tax free.

During the year under review, the Company redeemed preference shares aggregating Rs.10.50 crores at an average
dividend rate of 9.01% and privately placed an equivalent amount at an average dividend rate of 7.48%.
The Company raised a total of Rs.116.95 crores by way of borrowings from various sources, of which, Rs.90.01 crores
were by way of loans from commercial banks and the balance of Rs.26.94 crores from other sources. Borrowings of
Rs.93.18 crores were repaid during the year and Rs.13.35 crores was incurred as capital expenditure on infrastructure
in the Titan Township at Hosur, computer hardware, balancing equipment and facility upgradation.
Foreign currency loans, availed of to take advantage of low interest rates, resulted in a negative exchange difference
of Rs.1.31 crores on the revenue account, primarily because of forward cover contract costs, as compared to a
negative difference of Rs.2.73 crores in the previous year. Nevertheless, these borrowings proved cheaper in the
aggregate, when compared to the cost of rupee loans which averaged 11.57%.

SANSCO SERVICES - Annual Reports Library Services -

Nineteenth annual report 2002-2003
Titan Industries Limited

As on 31 st March 2003, the Company held fixed deposits of Rs.46.88 crores from the public, shareholders and employees.
There were no overdue deposits other than unclaimed deposits amounting to Rs.0.21 crore.
Capital employed rose from Rs.65Z56 crores to Rs.671.11 crores. Inventories rose from Rs.124.82 crores to Rs.141.92
crores reflecting the increased scale of operations. However, debtors declined from Rs.207.75 crores to Rs. 186.38
crores. The increase in Loans and Advances is primarily on account of transactions with affiliates.
During the year under review, the Company made payments aggregating to Rs.153.16 crores by way of Central, State
and local taxes and duties as against Rs.138.28 crores in the previous year.
International Operations
Shareholders will recall that the Company, with an eye on the future, had launched four initiatives simultaneously
during the mid nineties. These were, the launch of jewellery, entry into the Middle East, Europe and the Far East. Of
these, three have turned out to be successful, both in terms of sales and profitability. In Europe however, the cost of
entry, brand building and market development has been far in excess of what was originally envisaged and sales
have not kept apace. Consequently, large losses aggregating to about GBP 9 million have accumulated in the European
company and the funds employed in the European operations remain at USD 38.50 million.
Titan International (Middle East) FZE (TIME), the associate company which looks after sales and marketing of our
products in the Middle East and Africa, continued to do well selling over 3,00,000 watches. Sales turnover increased
from USD 7.46 million to USD 7.87 million, an increase of 5% while net profit increased by 32% going up from USD
407,631 to USD 538,742.
Titan Watches & Jewellery International (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd. (TAPL), the subsidiary company in Singapore, looking
after sales and marketing in South Asia, South East Asia, Australia and the South Pacific, had an exceptional year. While
2001-02 was the turnaround year for this company, 2002-03 was a year of growth. Sales turnover in 2002-03 grew by
28% over the nine-month period ended 31 March 2002, going up from SGD 7.07 million to SGD 9.04 million. The
operation posted a profit after tax of SGD 245,969 compared to SGD 103,713 in the previous period, a growth of over
100%. The Company has wiped out accumulated losses of the past and now has a small reserve of SGD 9,415.
Titan International Marketing Limited (TIML), the associate company in London, continued to face difficult times. Its
efforts to restrict operations to a few key markets with a view to contain costs, saw sales volumes and values
dropping significantly. Sales turnover fell from GBP 3.44 million to GBP 158 million and the net loss went up from GBP
1.09 million to GBP 1.24 million. While a number of initiatives have been taken to cut costs even further, Europe
remains the Company's most difficult overseas market. The restructuring of TIML by moving all back office operations
and co-ordination activities back to India is expected to have a positive impact on its operations in the current year.
Associate Companies
Titan International Holdings B.V. (TIHBV), the Company's wholly owned subsidiary in the Netherlands, ended the year
with a loss of Euros 591,234. Its subsidiary, Titan Brand Holdings N.V., which holds the overseas rights to our brands,
ended the year with a small profit of Euros 99,274.
RDI Print & Publishing Ltd, publisher of the Reader's Digest monthly magazine in India, continued to perform very
well, achieving a profit after tax of Rs. 11.32 crores on an income of Rs. 28.85 crores. It declared a total dividend of
Rs.635 per share for the year 2002-03 up from Rs.120 the year before. During the year, your Company was able to
purchase an additional 1,22,000 shares on which a return of over 35% (as dividend) has been received. However,
shareholders are aware that, since publishing is not a core business of your Company, steps are being taken to
dispose of its holding in RDI.
Titan TimeProducts Limited sold 5.61 million electronic circuit boards during the year under review and made a net
profit of Rs.6.53 lakhs. Its products continue to be of exceptionally high quality and costs are well controlled.
Titan Properties Limited is in the process of selling off its real estate holdings in Bangalore. The second phase of
development at the Titan Township near Hosur has almost been completed and sale of plots has commenced.
Construction of the school building at the Township, jointly with the Titan Foundation for Education, has also been
completed and will be inaugurated shortly.
Consolidated Financial Statements
The Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company prepared as per Accounting Standards AS 21, AS 23, and AS
27, with its subsidiaries, associates and joint venture has also been included as part of this Annual Report.

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