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Vol. 6, No.

1 February 2007 ISSN 1811 7023

special report

the criminal justice system

the Philippines
is rotten
The meaning of article 2: Implementation of human rights
All over the world extensive programmes are now taking place to educate people on
human rights. As a result today there exists a vast number of persons and organisations
firmly committed to human rights; more than at any other time in the history of humankind.
Yet human rights continue to be monstrously violated.
It is time for the global human rights movement to examine why it may not yet be
achieving real improvement in the global human rights situation. One factor hindering
honest examination is the belief that improvement of knowledge about human rights will
by itself end human rights violations. This is a myth based on the corresponding belief
that education is itself capable of improving things.
In reality human rights can only be implemented through a system of justice. If this
system is fundamentally flawed, no amount of knowledge—no amount of repetition of
human rights concepts—will by itself correct its defects. Rather, these need to be studied
and corrected by practical actions. Hence research and intimate knowledge of local issues
must become an integral part of human rights education and related work.
article 2 aims to do this by drawing attention to article 2 of the International Covenant
on Civil and Political Rights, and make it a key concern of all partners in the global human
rights community. This integral article deals with provision of adequate remedies for human
rights violations by legislative, administrative and judicial means. It reads in part:
3. Each State Party to the present Covenant undertakes:
(a) To ensure that any person whose rights or freedoms as herein recognized are violated shall have an
effective remedy, notwithstanding that the violation has been committed by persons acting in an
official capacity;
(b) To ensure that any person claiming such a remedy shall have his right thereto determined by
competent judicial, administrative or legislative authorities, or by any other competent authority pro-
vided for by the legal system of the State, and to develop the possibilities of judicial remedy;
(c) To ensure that the competent authorities shall enforce such remedies when granted.

Sadly, article 2 is much neglected. One reason for this is that in the ‘developed world’
the existence of basically functioning judicial systems is taken for granted. Persons from
those countries may be unable to grasp what it means to live in a society where ‘institutions
of justice’ are in fact instruments to deny justice. And as these persons guide the global
human rights movement, vital problems do not receive necessary attention. For people in
many countries, international human rights discourse then loses relevance.
Other difficulties also arise with article 2. One is the fear to meddle in the ‘internal
affairs’ of sovereign countries. Governments are creating more and more many obstacles for
those trying to go deep down to learn about the roots of problems. Thus, inadequate
knowledge of actual situations may follow. A further and quite recent disturbance is the
portrayal of national human rights institutions and their equivalents as surrogate agencies
for dealing with article 2 related issues. Some state parties may agree to new national
human rights institutions taking on this role because they know that by doing so they
may avoid criticisms of a more fundamental nature.
Thus after many years of work, the Asian Legal Resource Centre began publishing
article 2 to draw attention to this vital provision in international law, and to raise awareness
of the need to implement human rights standards and provide effective remedies at the
local level in Asia.
Relevant submissions by interested persons and organizations are welcome.
Foreword: The rotten criminal justice system of
the Philippines must be cleaned out 2
Basil Fernando, Executive Director, Asian Human Rights
Commission & Asian Legal Resource Centre, Hong Kong

Introduction: The criminal justice system of

the Philippines is rotten 4
Editorial board, article 2

The criminal justice system of the Philippines is rotten 7

Philippines Desk, Asian Human Rights Commission, Hong Kong

Rotten to the core: Unaddressed killings, disappearances

& torture in the Philippines 29

Getting away with murder 116

Asian Human Rights Commission, Hong Kong

Six suggestions to improve the criminal justice

system of the Philippines 126
Asian Legal Resource Centre, Hong Kong

Appendix I: Statement of UN Special Rapporteur on
extrajudicial killings after visit to the Philippines 128

Appendix II: The Melo Commission Report 135

Appendix III: Open letters to the Philippine authorities 160

Appendix IV: Witness Protection, Security & Benefit Act 182

Appendix V: Online petition—Stop the killings! 187

Appendix VI: Concluding observations of the UN Human

Rights Committee on the Philippines 190

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 1

Foreword: The rotten criminal
justice system of the Philippines
must be cleaned out

Basil Fernando, Executive Director, Asian Human

Rights Commission & Asian Legal Resource Centre,
Hong Kong

o the ordinary person in the Philippines, neither the police
nor the prosecution and courts inspire any confidence.
While the country's elite is good at the use of sophisticated
and elegant rhetoric on justice and democracy—sometimes
couched in the jargon of the right, sometimes of the left—the
ordinary person knows that it is far removed from reality. The
fine words of the constitution, the bill of rights and various laws
ostensibly introduced to protect the people are completely divorced
from the crass reality of the absolutely inefficient, corrupt and
careless policing, prosecuting and adjudicating systems.
Within the last couple of years, the Asian Legal Resource
Centre and Asian Human Rights Commission have gathered
hundreds of stories that speak to this gap between fine words
and reality. Over a hundred of them are contained in this report,
“The criminal justice system of the Philippines is rotten”
(article 2, vol. 6, no. 1, February 2006). The stories reveal a pattern
of extreme cruelty and state complicity. Filipinos are being
threatened, tortured, abducted, killed and destroyed with a
brutality that no civilised state would permit. This cruel
behaviour is permitted, and encouraged, because the country’s
institutions for criminal justice are in fact so barbaric that
together they bear no resemblance to any modern system of
Most in the Filipino elite will find such remarks offensive.
They will respond that their laws are modern: many of them
adapted from those of the United States and other longer-
established jurisdictions; the constitution has assimilated
modern international human rights jurisprudence. They will point
out that the Philippines has ratified more international laws on
human rights than other countries in Asia, and its government
is outspoken on human rights in regional countries, such as

2 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

Burma. But where are these laws found to be implemented
effectively? How many Filipinos enjoy the rights promised to them
under United Nations conventions?
Rights are made real not through the enactment of laws but
their implementation. Implementation depends on institutions:
police, prosecutors, courts. If these do not function at all, or other
“ ultimately,
criminal justice
than as envisaged under the laws, then grand declarations of
rights remain meaningless and people’s lives are made miserable. is about
In the Philippines, law-enforcement agencies are utterly
corrupt and unscrupulous in their dealings with the public. If
rights on paper are ever to be given life there, the top priority
must be to transform the country’s errant and self-serving

policing system to one that will serve the people.
The public prosecutors are closely associated with the role of
the police. Prosecutors are integral in ensuring that criminal
justice works with integrity and speed. What if they too are corrupt
or deeply politicized? What if they are unable to challenge
powerful and connected criminals? What if they are deliberately
neglected so as to prevent them becoming a threat to persons at
the highest levels of government who abuse their power? These
are critical questions for people in the Philippines seeking to
defend human rights and democracy there.
Where policing and prosecuting are rotten, so too must be
adjudicating. In fact, complaints about the courts are common
among Filipinos. It is even difficult to find an ardent defender of
the system among the legal profession or intellectuals. Citizens
going to the courts in search of relief often find their suffering
compounded. But to where else should they turn to obtain comfort
and resolve their problems?
Ultimately, working criminal justice is about wellbeing. While
a lot of the talk about people’s wellbeing comes in the form of
development jargon, it underestimates or altogether ignores the
necessity for working courts, prosecutors and police. Where talk
about development and social progress does not adequately
address institutions for the rule of law and human rights it is
empty talk: sweet rhetoric that will not alter the bitter reality.
The task for people in the Philippines is to raise discussion on
how to expurgate the country’s rotten criminal justice
institutions in order to give meaning to discourse on human
rights, democracy and development. This report is intended as a
small contribution towards that end.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 3

Introduction: The criminal
justice system of the Philippines
is rotten

Editorial board, article 2

his special report, “The criminal justice system of the
Philippines is rotten” (article 2, vol. 6, no. 1, February
2007), is the first published by the Asian Legal Resource
Centre (ALRC) on the situation of criminal justice and wanton
killings, disappearances, assault, arbitrary detention and torture
by state officers or their agents in the Philippines.
The title of the report is important. Like other parts of Asia,
the problems in Philippines are at their most basic problems of
criminal justice and the institutions that should function to
implement laws: the police, prosecutors and courts. By
emphasising the rottenness of the criminal justice system, the
authors stress that gross abuses of human rights are occurring
daily in the Philippines primarily as a consequence of this
condition. The changing of political leadership, invariably the
motivating cry for street demonstrators, is meaningless without
attempts to stop the deep institutional rot eating through the
country’s law-enforcement agencies, courts and bureaucracy.
In 2006, the Philippines was elected to two key United Nations
bodies: the Human Rights Council and the Economic and Social
Council. Its election was a triumph of diplomacy over reality. As
this report amply shows, life for vast numbers of ordinary Filipinos
is made a misery by the workings of state agencies. The fact
that the country has failed to implement key recommendations
that the UN Human Rights Committee made in December 2003,
in accordance with its obligations under the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, also speaks to the low
value that the government places on its commitments under
international law, despite appearances to the contrary.
This report contains details of 110 specific cases, involving
227 victims, including 81 incidents of killing or attempted killing
documented by the sister organisation of the ALRC, the Asian
Human Rights Commission since 2004, 62 of them since the
start of 2006 alone. The remaining 39 cases relate to incidents
of torture, disappearance, abduction, illegal arrest and
4 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1
The ALRC is acutely aware that these represent only a small
fraction of the total number of such incidents in the Philippines
in recent years. That these incidents are going on constantly is
also publicly known in the Philippines, and increasingly,
internationally. From the time the words in this introduction
are written to the time that this report is published, many more
will have fallen victims of gunmen’s bullets, police or military
“ life for vast
numbers of
assault, or have received messages on telephones and in letters Filipinos is
warning them not to continue in whatever simple things they
may be doing for the improvement of their own lives and those of made a misery
their fellow humans. By default they will also have fallen victim
to the failures and neglect of investigators, prosecutors, judges by the workings
and others duty-bound to protect their rights and uphold the notion
of justice, but unwilling or unable to do so.
Notwithstanding, taken together one hundred such cases
speak clearly to the patterns of killings by “unidentified gunmen”
of state agencies

on motorcycles or abductions by others in vans, and subsequent
limited and failed investigations, non-protection of terrified
witnesses and inaction or bias by the Department of Justice and
its public prosecutors, labelling of victims as “enemies” of the
state, and belated and flawed interventions by the courts. None
of the cases in this report has, to the knowledge of the ALRC,
been satisfactorily resolved. Even those where very strong
evidence of military involvement exists, no perpetrators in state
agencies are known to have been prosecuted.
The report discusses these individual cases with reference
in particular to the country’s defective policing, inept prosecution
and failed witness protection. It also discusses them with reference
to the role of the military, and in particular, the labelling of
persons extrajudicially killed as “enemies” or equivalent, in order
to create a category of citizens for whom the ordinary laws no
longer need apply and who may be killed without fear of
consequences or the prospect of effective investigation. The
manner in which this is now being done threatens the entire
criminal justice system, and more broadly, the very fabric of
government and democracy of the country.
Six suggestions are given for ways to stop the rot, including
with reference to the need for an urgent comprehensive review
of the Philippines’ criminal justice system; the rationalising of
its deficient witness protection programme and law; the
strengthening of agencies for the receipt, investigation and
prosecution of complaints against police and military officials;
the use of labelling; action on findings into extrajudicial killings;
and the enactment of domestic laws on torture, enforced
disappearance and other fundamental rights in accordance with
international law.
Neither the recommendations nor the other contents of the
report are in themselves answers to the problems afflicting the
criminal justice system of the Philippines. Rather, they are
intended as starting points for new ideas and discussion. Where
grave problems and abuses are widely known but remain

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 5

unaddressed, something is very wrong. It is a sign that society
has not only of a failed system but of a failure in society: to grasp,
think and discuss about what is happening. This publication is

“ where grave
problems are
widely known
a small attempt, after some years of work, to provoke new
attempts at grasping, thinking and discussing.
In 2006 the Asian Human Rights Commission launched an
online petition against the ongoing extrajudicial killings in the
but remain Philippines, at, addressed to the justice
secretary and other government officials. The text of the petition
unaddressed, is among other appendices to this report: open letters to the
something is authorities in the Philippines, the country’s witness protection
law, and some recommendations of the UN Human Rights
very wrong....
” Committee to the Philippines in 2003. So far over 6000 persons
have signed the petition. We urge all readers to join them.
One of the striking characteristics about the response to the
petition has been the huge number of outraged, angry, thoughtful
and poignant comments added by signatories. In recognition of
these voices, we are reproducing just a few of them in this report.
To read all, visit the petition website and click on “signatures”.

This report was authored by staff and colleagues of the ALRC
who for security reasons must remain anonymous. It was edited
and prepared by Nick Cheesman and Lynn Yu.
The authors wish to acknowledge the following groups for the
work that they have done for the advancement on human rights
in the Philippines:
Karapatan (Alliance for the Advancement of People’s Rights)
Task Force Detainees of the Philippines
Workers’ Assistance Center, Inc.
Partnership for Agrarian Reform & Rural Development Services
Kilusan Para sa Pambansang Demokrasya
Center for Trade Union and Human Rights
Promotion of Church Peoples’ Response
Cordillera Human Rights Alliance
The authors especially acknowledge the determination of the
Filipino people to overcome the obstacles placed before them by
their country’s rotten criminal justice system and corrupted
institutions. It is their willingness to do this that makes this
publication, and others like it, both possible and meaningful.

As “The criminal justice system of the Philippines is rotten” was going to print,
the UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial executions, Professor Philip Alston,
visited the Philippines and released a summary of his observations. Shortly
thereafter the government made public the findings of the Melo Commission
into extrajudicial killings. The Special Rapporteur’s comments and extracts
from the commission report have been added to the appendices and referenced
in the body of this document.

6 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

The criminal justice system of
the Philippines is rotten

Philippines Desk, Asian Human Rights Commission,

Hong Kong

hy do victims and witnesses do not come forward to
file charges or support cases in court after shootings,
assaults and other serious crimes in the Philippines
today? Their unwillingness to lodge complaints, support
prosecutions or otherwise act to obtain justice speaks to the total
lack of confidence in the country’s rotten criminal justice system.
Impunity is written large across the face of criminal justice
in the Philippines: perpetrators of killings, torture, abductions
and other gross abuses have easy assurances that they will get
away with whatever they have done. And where these persons
are themselves a part of the police, military or armed groups
working on their behalf, impunity is all but guaranteed. Little
wonder that attacks are carried out in broad daylight and in public
places—a crowded market, the front of the victim’s home, during
a church service—by men who don’t even bother to conceal their
faces or identities. They know full well that they will never be
arrested; the victim’s family may even be too terrified to admit
seeing the perpetrators’ faces. Where they do, some innocent
persons can easily be found to take the place of the actual
offenders. Either way, the lack of witnesses and other evidence
together with disinterested and primitive investigating mean
that few cases ever reach full trial in the courts.

Flawed and misguided criminal investigations

The police are the first and biggest obstacle to victims and
their families obtaining justice in the Philippines. Where family
members and witnesses come forward, they often find that police
investigations contradict their versions of incidents. Police
investigators sometimes make premature pronouncements about
the motive for a killing and its cause, flatly rejecting alternative
suggestions, particularly where state officers or persons allegedly
connected to them are among the possible suspects.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 7

Take Enrico Cabanit (story 46), who was killed on 24 April 2006.
The police did not submit the victim’s body for postmortem
examination; police investigators later insisted that the failure
to conduct an autopsy did not violate police procedures. And
although they conducted a crime scene investigation, the police
failed to collect and secure several pieces of physical evidence—
including empty bullet casings. There are no photographs of the
fresh crime scene as the camera used was later found to have
been broken. After the victim’s family complained to the National
Bureau of Investigation attached to the Department of Justice,
Cabanit’s body was exhumed and it was found that “two fatal
wounds found in the head were caused by penetrations of a .45
caliber ammunition”, not 9mm as the police had reported. Despite
this conclusion, Police Intelligence Chief Wilfredo Puerto has
stated that the case is already closed as the gunman whom the
police maintain shot Cabanit was himself killed a month later.
Despite the NBI’s findings having contradicted their own
conclusions, the police have not moved to reinvestigate or charge
any other persons with the killing.

PHOTO: REUTERS/ STR News A police crime scene investigator walks by the body of a slain congressman in Manila

8 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

When Alberto Yadan (story 12) was murdered on 6 December
2006 in Batangas, municipal police gathered empty casings and
hauled his dead body into their vehicle, to hand it back to his
relatives. Neither a proper crime scene investigation nor
postmortem was conducted. They arrested Melchor Bataller in
the same day, reportedly without any warrant, as he was said to
have threatened Yadan and his family prior to the killing. The
“ torture of
persons to have
them confess to
absence of evidence upon which to make the arrest and the wrong
procedure of arrest both undermine the credibility of the case. crimes they did
Not only is it possible that Bataller is innocent and the charges
against him are unwarranted, but even if he is the actual
not commit is
perpetrator, the case could be dismissed by the court on grounds common in the
of the irregularities in investigation and arrest.
The arrest and torture of ordinary persons in order to have
them confess to crimes they did not commit is common in the
Philippines. This is what happened to 11 teenagers in Buguias,

Benguet on 14 February 2006 (story 105)—two of whom were
minors. Police arrested them without any warrants or witnesses
to their alleged crime: attacking a military camp and killing a
soldier. They were not told why they were being arrested or given
access to lawyers. While under police custody, they were beaten
on the genitals and electrocuted. While at the provincial jail,
one was almost stabbed in an attempt on his life by a fellow inmate;
jail guards who had been informed of threats against them had
made no special arrangements for their protection. No effective
investigation has ever been conducted into the attack to
determine who was behind it: the victims suspect that it was in
retaliation to their filing of criminal charges against the police
and military. The victims were released by a court on December
20 for lack of evidence. They are now uncertain as to whether or
not to pursue their complaints against the police and soldiers;
they fear for their lives if they proceed, are under pressure from
the accused to withdraw the case, lack confidence in the country’s
rotten criminal justice system, and have little money for
Whereas effective investigation in an ordinary criminal case
is difficult to obtain, it is all but impossible where policemen are
themselves among the accused. After Gerardo Cristobal survived
an ambush allegedly by policemen attached to the Imus police
station in Cavite (story 44), colleagues of the suspected
perpetrators investigated the case and instead accused Cristobal
of attacking the police. They filed charges against him in court
despite complaints of bias from the victim, whose testimony was
not investigated. The charges were thrown out, but no further
inquiries were conducted. The police suspected of the attempted
killing have never been investigated or charged.
Since Cristobal’s colleague Jesus Servida was subsequently
shot dead in the same municipality, his family has had little
faith in the possibility that they will ever obtain justice. The
police did not bother to cooperate with them during investigations

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 9

and have not kept them informed of their work. The family found
out through the media that the police had produced a sketch of
the alleged killer.

investigation is
Police invariably fail to involve the family of a victim in their
inquiries, often to the detriment of a case. After concluding their
investigation into the murder of husband and wife George and
Maricel Vigo (story 34), they filed charges against unidentified
members of an illegal armed group. Relatives of the victims
establishment of accused the police of working haphazardly and failing to interview
key witnesses, who had gone into hiding. Requests for new
ineffectual & investigations were ignored as the case was “closed” by virtue of
biased special it being in the court, despite the fact that the actual identities of
the gunman and his accomplice had not been established.
‘task force’ The failure of police to work with victims’ families is most

units.... glaring in cases of enforced disappearance. In practice the police
do little or nothing to assist persons searching for abducted and
missing relatives. Only where a body is recovered do investigators
go through the routine of making inquiries and completing
paperwork for the purpose of identifying the deceased, if not the
killers. Complaints of disappearances go no further than the daily
logbook, again particularly if the police are themselves the
accused, such as when they detained five persons on 28 April
2006 (story 89). Relatives of the five who went from one police
station or army camp to the next were repeatedly told that they
were not in custody there. Days later it was revealed that they
had been in police custody, and allegedly tortured, all along.
Criminal investigation in the Philippines is also mocked by
way of the establishment of ineffectual and biased special “task
force” units for specific crimes. In August 2006 the president of
the Philippines reportedly instructed the police task force
established to investigate cases of alleged extrajudicial killings
(Usig) to resolve at least ten within the following ten weeks. This
was never done. Had it been, it would still take 14 years to resolve
all the cases of killings known at the time of the instruction.
Evidently, the statement was intended as little more than a
publicity stunt, as indeed the task force to which it was directed
appears to be. Working on a monthly budget of around 300,000
Philippine Pesos (USD 6000) with limited personnel and
resources, the task force has at no point been capable of
investigating the hundreds of alleged killings and attempted
killings had it the inclination to do so, which successive
statements by its personnel have made clear it does not. The
Melo Commission report made public in February 2007 notes
that out of some 111 cases of killings acknowledged by the
Philippine police, most of which are under the responsibility of
Task Force Usig, only 37 have been forwarded to the prosecutor
(see appendix II).

10 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission
Police “solve” cases but killings continue
AS-171-2006, July 21, 2006
The Philippine National Police have a unique definition of the word “solved”.
According to them, once a charge is filed against a suspect with the Office of the
Prosecutor it is solved. Suspects not arrested? No matter, it is solved. Investigation
flawed? No matter, it is solved. Requests of victim’s family for more inquiries
unanswered? No matter, it is solved. Witnesses got no protection? No matter...
Once the case is with the prosecutor, they reason, their job is done. What happens
after that is someone else’s business.
This approach has serious implications for victims of the relentless extrajudicial
killings and other grave abuses of human rights going on in the Philippines. Take
the case of slain activists George and Maricel Vigo, a husband and wife who were
killed this June 19 in Kidapawan City. A special unit was set up to probe the
killings and it promptly identified and filed criminal charges against the alleged
perpetrators. Despite deep dissatisfaction with its findings among the victims’
relatives, the unit is reportedly refusing to make further inquiries. It also
apparently could not care less about the grave security threats to witnesses and
family members. Case solved.
When labour leader Gerardo Cristobal survived an attack on April 28--allegedly by
policemen attached to Imus Police Station, Cavite--he was himself charged with
frustrated murder by police investigators on that same day. Those who filed charges
against him are the subordinates of those who have been accused of attacking
him. There has been no impartial investigation to look into the alleged attempt
on Cristobal’s life. He has been charged; case solved.
The killing of a soldier during a February 10 raid at a military detachment in
Cabiten, Mankayan, Benguet led to the filing of robbery with homicide charges
against 11 persons whom the police illegally arrested and allegedly tortured in
Buguias two days later. Although the court ruled that the arrest was illegal, still
the police have insisted on filing the case. Again, there has been no impartial
and independent investigation into the torture allegations in this “solved” case.
Solving cases is all about performance efficiency. No doubt it suits the purposes of
the PNP to lower the bar for what qualifies as a solved case because it gives a
better impression of its supposed efficiency. Unfortunately, the reality is the
opposite. While it is true that police authority is limited to conducting investigations
and filing charges in court, efficiency rest on the outcomes of those cases: whether
or not the real perpetrators are charged; whether or not the investigation has
been done properly; whether or not the case stands up in court; whether or not the
witnesses and relatives of a victim are free from threats and attacks. By any of
these measures, the work of the Philippine police is a dismal failure and “solved”
cases are few. The effect of encouraging police to “solve” cases simply by getting
them into court is in fact to encourage them to rush inquiries, torture innocent
persons, neglect the needs and protests of concerned persons and ignore all the
The duty of the police does not end with the filing of a case with a prosecutor. It
ends only when justice has been duly served. It involves sincerity in dealings
with the victims and their families. The filing of charges is (continued overleat)

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 11

merely one step in the lengthy criminal justice process: a process that is established
in order to safely determine guilt and measure punishment. Unfortunately, in the
Philippines today this is a little-understood notion among the country’s police.
The Asian Human Rights Commission calls upon the Philippine National Police to
cease with the absurd notion that cases are solved when they are filed in court
and calls upon the police to recognise the responsibilities incumbent upon them
throughout the entire justice process. It calls upon the police to recognise their
special responsibilities to witnesses and families of the victims of extrajudicial
killings. And it calls upon the government of the Philippines to dispense with petty
and meaningless notions of efficiency and get serious about the relentless murders
of community and peasant leaders, journalists, human rights defenders, clergy
and others that are going on with its tacit approval. Ending the killings is a matter
of policy. If the government decides to act, if the police decide to play their role
responsibly rather than fraudulently, then it can be done. If not it will be subject to
growing international censure over its inaction, and growing suspicions that it
has no interest in protecting the lives of its citizens.

Non-existent victim and witness protection

Most victims of extrajudicial killings in the Philippines have

“ officials
had threats on their lives beforehand; some already having
survived earlier attacks. Those who seek protection are frustrated
by the unresponsiveness of state agencies that supposedly have
obligations to assist in such instances. Many end up dead. Human
the importance rights lawyer Norman Bocar was killed in Eastern Visayas on 1
of protecting September 2005 (story 69), after seeking protection from the local
police because of threats on his life. The police did nothing to
witnesses but assist; nor were they ever held responsible for their inaction.
fail to do Section 3 of the Witness Protection, Security and Benefit Act
(RA 6981) provides that any person who has “witnessed or has
anything knowledge or information on the commission of a crime” can be
admitted for witness protection provided that,

about it.... (c) He or any member of his family [has been] subjected to threats to his
life or bodily injury or there is a likelihood that he will be killed, forced,
intimidated, harassed or corrupted to prevent him from testifying, or to
testify falsely, or evasively, because or on account of his testimony.
To the extent that a system of police protection exists under
this provision, it works for the rich and powerful with police
contacts needing security against persons other than the police
themselves. Policemen stationed on protection duty expect to be
fed and perhaps housed or transported by the person they are
protecting: easy enough for the wealthy, but often impossible for
ordinary victims. Their commanders need to be convinced that
the threats against the person are real: easy enough for
influential persons, but again often impossible for ordinary
victims. And police are no protection against other police, as the
family of Hernan Baria knows (story 19). They have been living
in fear of both the armed men working for a local landowner and

12 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

the policemen who killed Baria after he was made the target of a
“legitimate police operation” in July 2005, apparently for having
led a local land reform struggle.
Officials acknowledge the importance of protecting witnesses
but fail to do anything about it. In a letter to the Asian Human
Rights Commission dated 25 July 2006, Police Director General
“ no witnesses
had come out in
the open for
Oscar Calderon, the national police chief, admitted that police
investigating the murder of Porferio Maglasang Sr. on 22 April
2006 (story 47) were having difficulties “in the filing of charges
fear of
against the assailants due to the non-cooperation of the
witnesses and families of the victim, out of fear for their lives”.
The alleged perpetrators are suspected to have links with military
intelligence. Despite recognising the need to protect the victim’s
family, Calderon did not mention what action had been taken, if
any, to recommend witness protection under the act, which is

—Police Director
Marcelo Ele Jr.
the responsibility of the National Bureau of Investigation once
approved by the justice department itself.
Letters from other senior police offer the same excuse for failed
investigation, without suggesting any intention to do anything
about it. One dated 31 May 2005 from Marcelo Ele Jr., former
Police Director of the Philippine National Police Directorate for
Investigation and Detective Management (DIDM), stated that “no
witnesses had come out in the open for fear of reprisal” over the
killings of Ernesto Bang and Joel Reyes on 10 and 16 March 2005
respectively (story 77). He added that in Bang’s case supposedly
even “relatives of the victim, when interviewed revealed that
they are no longer interested in filing the case due to the absence
of a witness who could identify the suspect”. Another dated 29
July 2005 from Chief Superintendent Charlegne Alejandrino,
deputy director for DIDM, added that the police could do nothing
unless the witnesses “come out in the open and willingly support
the prosecution of these cases”. Again there was no mention of
what action could or would be taken towards this end by way of
witness protection or otherwise.
While the police fail to offer any guarantees to protect
witnesses, the perpetrators offer ample proof of what they will do
to anyone who threatens to expose them. The lone witness who
came forward in Reyes’ case, Dario Oresca, was also killed within
days of Reyes. Despite the threats against him, he had no
security; nor was there even an attempt to arrange any for him.
His case too has not gone to court: both his death and the
subsequent repeat failure of justice make an utter mockery of
the complaints of senior police officers that witnesses have failed
to come forward in this and other similar cases.
Not only the police but officials of other agencies, including
the Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines, have
admitted to the failure of the witness protection act. The
commission’s special investigator in Naga City, Raymundo de
Silva, has concluded that the programme is “not yet thoroughly
understood by the populace”. Although the commission has rightly
pointed to the need to give the public more information on the

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 13

programme, it is obvious that this will be pointless if the police
and justice department persistently fail in their obligations. The
police, including senior officers, fail to give immediate security

“ they want us to
solve the cases
to at-risk witnesses and get them admitted to witness protection
arranged by the department. They call for witnesses to come
forward but fail to guarantee protection and then blame them for
but did not failed cases.
cooperate; The failure of the witness protection programme must be
attributed squarely to the rotten condition of its implementing
they are agency, the Department of Justice. Public prosecutors, who are
its officers, have also failed in their duty to refer witnesses for
inclusion in the protection programme. Even in the most serious

—Justice Secretary
cases of extrajudicial killing, torture and disappearance, they
are not known to have made recommendations and applications
for protection. This failure is all the more glaring since October
2006, when Justice Secretary Raul Gonzalez ordered public
Raul Gonzalez
prosecutors and witness protection agents “to proactively search,
secure and protect material witnesses” in a bombing incident in
Mindanao. While the department went out of its way to see the
bombing witnesses brought into the programme, it has made no
such effort for the witnesses to the hundreds of extrajudicial
killings and other serious crimes in recent times.
The justice secretary is directly responsible for the witness
protection programme, as recommendations on protection must
obtain his endorsement, and as the programme operates under
his oversight. Yet instead of ensuring that his department works
effectively for all witnesses in need of protection, Justice
Secretary Gonzalez has on several occasions blamed witnesses
and families of the dead for not cooperating. On 3 August 2006
Gonzalez was quoted by an online newsgroup People’s Journal as
saying that the failure to prosecute cases was the fault of victims’
relatives, adding that, “They want us to solve the cases. But they
did not cooperate. They are hypocrites.” Needless to say, the
making of such remarks by the senior bureaucrat responsible
both for witness protection and prosecutions does little to raise
confidence in his rotten department among the persons whom
he has admonished. Rather, he has succeeded only in further
isolating them from the offices of the state.
Attempts by the Asian Human Rights Commission and others
to have Secretary Gonzalez acknowledge his department’s
responsibility in these cases have been unsuccessful. He and
his department have in reply offered only generic assurances
that they have “given safe havens to scores of witnesses who
fears reprisals”, without any evidence of the same or explanations
as to why persons such as Norman Bocar and Dario Oresca, or
the families of Joel Reyes, Ernesto Bang and Porferio Maglasang
Sr. have never received such services. The fact that extrajudicial
killings and abductions are going on unabated and unaddressed
in the Philippines speaks to the abject failure of the justice
department to offer witness protection as it is mandated, despite
its claims to the contrary.

14 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission
Task force on killings must start with witness protection
AS-120-2006, May 26, 2006
On May 12, the Department of Interior and Local Government formed “Task Force
Usig”, a police-led investigative unit to probe the unrelenting killings of activists
and family members in the Philippines. The task force has publicly admitted that
the two big difficulties it has are that witnesses cannot be located or are unwilling
to cooperate; and, that victims’ families and local support groups are sceptical
about the task force and reluctant to get involved.
The reluctance of witnesses and victims’ families to cooperate with police
investigators comes as no surprise. The police have themselves been implicated
in the abductions and killings. For instance, one of the three hooded men who
attempted to take the life of labour leader Gerardo Cristobal in Imus, Cavite on
April 28 was allegedly police intelligence officer SPO1 Romeo Lara. In many other
cases too state agents are suspected of involvement.
(Continued overleaf)

Justice Secretary Raul Gonzalez presents a high-profile witness under protection PHOTO: REUTERS/ Joe Chan

of the National Bureau of Investigation

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 15

Although Task Force Usig has publicly recognised that it has a problem with
cooperation by witnesses and relatives of victims, it has not yet recognised that
the reason for this is the lack of effective witness protection in the Philippines. In
fact the failing undermines the country’s entire judicial system. The government
and Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines too have publicly accepted
that these killings are a “gross violation of rights” and a “failure of the justice
system” without making this connection, and taking steps to remedy the situation
by legislative and judicial means.
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) recalls the recommendations of
the UN Human Rights Committee in its concluding observations on the Philippines’
compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in
December 2003. The Committee clearly stipulated that, “The State party
[Philippines] should adopt legislative and other measures to prevent... violations,
in keeping with articles 2, 6 and 9 of the Covenant, and ensure effective
enforcement of the legislation” (para. 8a). This means giving witness protection
as stipulated under the existing law, and through constant application of the law,
improvements in procedures and measures as necessary.
Without witness protection there can be no fight against impunity. A legal system
that promotes justice but does not set in place the means to protect witnesses is a
fraud. When victims of human rights abuses understand this, naturally they do
not come forward to assert their rights against the perpetrators. No attempt is
even begun to make complaints and assert rights. The victims remain silent,
inert and fearful. If fear prevails, evidence cannot be collected. When evidence is
not collected, the courts either do not take up cases or dismiss the charges against
the accused, as the judge can only consider what is brought before the court. In
this manner, the perpetrators of torture, extrajudicial killings and forced
disappearances routinely escape justice...
Protecting witnesses is a duty of the state. This is a fundamental and globally-
established principle. Where the state declines to protect witnesses, it denies
justice to society. The state must find the people, money and means to do this. A
state that talks about witness protection but does not allocate funds and resources
for that purpose fails in its duty. But the real problem in setting up a witness
protection programme is not money; it is about the place of witness protection in
state policy. Where the importance of protecting witnesses to obtain justice is
understood and articulated, an authority to give effect to this policy can be quickly
established and developed. There are many available resources for such work
these days. Where witness protection is limited or non-existent it is primarily a
question of understanding and official will. This is the real problem that now faces
Task Force Usig...
Forming a task force is one thing, going to the root problem is another. While Task
Force Usig is a welcome initiative, it will be meaningless unless accompanied by
a firm effort to provide witness protection. Task forces come and go, but the unsolved
killings continue. The task force set up to look into the murder of human rights
lawyer Norman Bocar on 1 September 2005, for instance, has not made any progress
for the same reason that no other cases have been resolved: the failure to recognise
witness protection as the precondition to effective investigations and fair trial.
The credibility of Task Force Usig depends upon it starting by recognising and
addressing this primary obstacle to justice for the victims of killings in the

16 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

In his 21 February 2007 comments on his visit to the
Philippines (see appendix I), UN Special Rapporteur on
extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Professor Philip
Alston, stressed the link between impunity and the absence of
witness protection in the Philippines:
The vital flaw which undermines the utility of much of the judicial system
“ the present
message is that
is the problem of virtual impunity that prevails. This, in turn, is built
upon the rampant problem of witness vulnerability. The present message
if you
is that if you want to preserve your life expectancy, don’t act as a witness
in a criminal prosecution for killing. Witnesses are systematically
intimidated and harassed. In a relatively poor society, in which there is
want to
heavy dependence on community and very limited real geographical
mobility, witnesses are uniquely vulnerable when the forces accused of
killings are all too often those, or are linked to those, who are charged
with ensuring their security. The WPP is impressive—on paper. In practice,
however, it is deeply flawed and would seem only to be truly effective
your life
in a very limited number of cases. The result, as one expert suggested to expectancy,
me, is that 8 out of 10 strong cases, or 80 per cent fail to move from the
initial investigation to the actual prosecution stage.
don’t act as
Ineffectual and biased prosecutors
Public prosecutors in the Philippines depend upon police a witness in
investigators to do their jobs. They do not have a role in the
investigation process itself, and lack the capacity to evaluate
a criminal
reliably all facts submitted by the police. Investigators give prosecution for

credence to police findings without due considerations of other
factors, such as allegations of torture or irregularities in killing
investigation by the accused, as in the case of the 11 teenagers —UN expert
arrested and tortured in Benguet: despite their insistence that
they were forced to confess under torture to crimes that they did Philip Alston
not commit, and that the evidence against them was fabricated,
the prosecutor persisted with recommending that the case go to
court. The victims’ claims were not taken seriously by the
prosecutor. The court first ruled that the police had arrested the
victims illegally, and stopped short of a judgment on the charges
themselves. The defence then filed a petition for reinvestigation,
which the court approved, and subsequently dismissed the case
for lack of evidence. In the meantime, the lives of the victims
had been put at grave risk while they were kept in jail awaiting
trial. Similarly, when police allegedly attempted to kill Gerardo
Cristobal and then filed frustrated murder and attempted murder
charges against him the same day of the incident the prosecutor
indicted Cristobal in court, knowing full well that the case was
based upon a report prepared and filed by colleagues of the police
he had accused of attacking him. The prosecutor did not inquire
into Cristobal’s claim.
In practice, the burden to disprove fabricated or sloppy police
investigation reports rests upon the accused. Victims of abuse
are treated with cynicism and hostility, as shown by one state
prosecutor in May 2006 who told a newspaper that it is “normal
for accused people to claim [forced confession by] torture”. Even
in cases where allegations of torture are given credence, there
is no law prohibiting and penalising the use of torture in the

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 17

Philippines, or means for such complaints to be properly
investigated and the victims rehabilitated. Section 6 of Rule 110
of the Rules of Court requires that a complaint can only be

“ prosecutors
make little or
no attempt to
sufficient if it “designate an offense by the statute”. Without a
law the prosecutor cannot act on allegations of torture, even in
the rare instance where one may be interested to do so.
Prosecutors make little or no attempt to conceal bias in their
handling of criminal complaints. For instance, eight workers
conceal bias in were arrested and illegally detained in Rosario, Cavite on 28
their handling September 2006 (story 99); while being taken to the police station,
an arresting officer allegedly threatened one of the victims. The
of criminal prosecutor indicted the group for trespassing but reportedly

refused to register complaints against the police, saying that
complaints.... the workers filed them just to get even with the arresting officers.
In another case, the decision by a prosecutor to exonerate a
military sergeant and his men for the killing of Talib Japalali
and his wife Carmen in Tagum City (story 81) was reversed by
the Office of the Ombudsman for Military and Other Law
Enforcement Office based on forensic evidence suggesting
grounds upon which to lay charges. Even though the prosecutor
had showed either partiality towards the accused or a lack of
understanding of forensic evidence, he was still appointed to
handle the case in court. Appeals for his replacement by the
victims’ relatives have not yet been acted upon.
Once a prosecutor has brought a case into court it is extremely
difficult to get it withdrawn. One example is the arrest and
subsequent prosecution of Haron Abubakar Buisan in General
Santos City (story 108). The police who arrested him insisted
that he was Ariel Bansalao, a person wanted for robbery and
homicide, and that he had been using various aliases. They
allegedly tortured him into making a confession. However, he
and his relatives have insisted that he is not the same person,
and have produced schools records, village certification, and
testimonies from persons known to him to support their claims.
But the prosecutor proceeded to file a case against him as Ariel
Bansalao. Buisan appealed and obtained a reinvestigation;
however, the reinvestigation only reaffirmed earlier conclusions
that he was not arrested on mistaken identity: there was no
actual reinvestigation. Nor have the victim’s allegations of
torture ever been investigated, or other irregularities been
The extent of bias is again best illustrated by the head of the
Department of Justice himself. Secretary Gonzalez has gone out
of his way to defend the government by flatly rejecting legitimate
grievances about the inability of the authorities to stop
extrajudicial killings, referring to them as “black propaganda”.
He has adopted the language of the military and insinuated that
unseen forces have taken advantage of the situation as “one
way to destabilize the government” by way of creating lawlessness
within the country, thereby putting the government into shame
in the international community: as if the government was not

18 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

sufficiently adept at creating lawlessness and putting itself to
shame. In a letter to the Asian Human Rights Commission of 18
October 2006 he stated that while his department too is “anxious
to put a stop to this situation” he went on to make baseless and
profoundly disturbing comments to the effect that complainants
“may themselves be guilty of such extra-judicial killings” and for
this purpose “are promptly pointing their fingers and eagerly
“ interference
from foreign
complaining the loudest against the government”. At the end of
his letter, Gonzalez could not help but take a stab at the we can do
commission directly:
It appears from your letter that you know a lot more of our country than
other non-Filipinos and feel comfortable in ‘urging’ us to do your
bidding. Interference from foreign nationals are things [sic] we can do

—Justice Secretary
Raul Gonzalez
That Secretary Gonzalez feels safe in making open
presumptions about the guilt or innocence of persons lodging
criminal complaints and indicating that the extent of assistance
given by his department depends upon what conclusions are
drawn by its officers as to the merits of the complainant rather
than the complaint speaks volumes about the rot at all levels of
the criminal justice system of the Philippines. The making of
veiled threats against groups abroad expressing legitimate and
serious concern about the inability of his department to do
anything to address grave abuses of human rights is also
remarkable, not least of all in view of the country’s membership
on the UN Human Rights Council, a seat which it sought on the
basis of supposed compliance with international standards and
cooperation with international bodies. As the secretary is also
chairman of the Presidential Committee on Human Rights, which
has among its responsibilities to ensure that the government
policy is in keeping with human rights principles—a job that he
also seems to be doing particularly badly—the secretary must be
aware of the government’s treaty obligations, yet he appears to
hold them in very low regard.

Labelling “enemies”
In April 2005 the Intelligence Services of the Armed Forces of
the Philippines produced a PowerPoint presentation entitled
“Knowing the Enemy: Are we missing the point?”, which included
a list of organisations and persons—among them human rights
and labour groups, religious organisations, media institutions,
political parties and persons critical of the government—who are
“influenced by communists”. The presentation was distributed
on compact disc and was shown to villagers and otherwise used
in communities where the military was conducting so-called
civilian-military operations.
The “Knowing the Enemy” presentation followed the release
of a book by the former chief of Northern Luzon Command,
Lieutenant General Romeo Dominguez (retired) entitled, The
Trinity of War, in which he also identified specific individuals
and organizations as sympathizers, supporters, if not outright

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 19

members, of the Communist Party of the Philippines or the New
People’s Army. Some of the individuals named in that book were
subsequently killed by persons using very similar methods:
we strongly
“ deny that
usually riding motorcycles with ski masks or other face covers,
and using vehicles with no number plates.
At the time that the “Knowing the Enemy” CD was distributed,
Brigadier General Jose Angel Honrado, chief of the army Civil
Relation Services, denied that it contained a “hit list”; however,
such killings there was subsequently a dramatic increase in the number of
victims, in particular those attached to the organisations listed,
are government- extrajudicially killed, tortured or disappeared. Affiliated groups

” or individuals have also become targets.

For instance, Marilou Sanchez and her brother Virgilio Rubio,
—Justice Secretary both members of the legally-registered Bayan Muna party, were
Raul Gonzalez allegedly killed by troops on 22 April 2006 (story 48). The military
has tagged Bayan Muna as “aligned with the CPP/NPA”. Soldiers
entered the victims’ house to capture Marilou’s husband, Hilario,
whom they accused of being a communist rebel. Hilario, a village
chief, denied this; however, the soldiers allegedly started beating
him, and subsequently tied his wife and brother-in-law to
separate posts before shooting them dead; Hilario broke loose
and escaped into the surrounding area. There has been no
information available as to what investigation, if any has been
conducted into the incident.
Under section 14(2) of the Constitution of the Philippines “the
accused shall be presumed innocent until the contrary is proved”.
In practice the public labelling of accused persons or victims as
“communist fronts”, “destabilizers”, “enemies of the state”, or
“terrorists” negates this presumption and allows officials to do
away with due process. The double standards in implementation
of laws are most obvious in cases where such labels are applied.
The use of labels also exposes victims, their families and
colleagues to the possibility of further violence, and denies them
any hope of protection. Once a person or organisation has been
labelled “leftist” or “enemy” then there is no possibility of safety.
Whatever they may or may not have done, they are in a special
category of persons and groups guilty by suspicion, for who the
ordinary laws and procedures, to the limited extent they operate
for everyone else, are suspended.
Anybody extrajudicially killed in the Philippines is likely to be
labelled a leftist by virtue of the police having made a blanket
assessment that these killings are the result of an “internal
purge” within the communist movement. In a letter to the Asian
Human Rights Commission of 26 July 2006 Chief Superintendent
Rodolfo Mendoza, deputy director for the Directorate for
Investigation and Detective Management, stated that,
The document entitled “Cleansing Bushfire” specifically disclosed the
order by the National CPP/NPA [Communist Party of the Philippines/
New People’s Army] leadership of launching special operations by special
teams targeting enemy agents which had penetrated the ranks of CPP/
NPA, referring to the enemy spies and counter revolutionaries working
against the movement and other legal organisation [sic].

20 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

In his letter, Chief Superintendent Mendoza
implies that communist rebels have perpetrated
most of the killings. His opinions were reflected
in the 18 October 2006 letter from the Secretary
of the Department of Justice, Raul Gonzalez, who
while acknowledging that “suspicions alone do not
give the police authorities the green light to make
We strongly deny, as evidence in the possession of the
authorities will support this, that such killings are
government-inspired. [The] majority of these killings
were done by elements of Communists, the NPA, who
pass themselves off as peasants but who are in practice
and in reality, no more than bandits.
While Secretary Gonzalez claims that the
killings are not government-inspired, public
statements by military officials and the consistent
pattern of police and official inaction towards
killings, particularly those that have followed
labelling of individuals or groups, speaks to the
opposite. For instance, retired Major General
Jovito Palparan Jr., former head of the 7th Infantry
Division, was quoted by the Philippine Inquirer on
22 August 2006 as saying that, PHOTO: REUTERS

We are encouraging people to fight this problem. If
the people, who have been victimized by insurgents, I have encouraged the
decide to take it upon themselves to get even with the
enemy, that is their individual responsibility. They people to take the
know who were responsible for these killings before
we came in. I have encouraged the people to take the
law into their own hands. law into their
Despite the weight of national and
own hands
international opinion against him, Palparan was
not sanctioned for making such statements,
instead enjoying support from government
officials, including President Gloria Macapagal-

—Major General
Arroyo, who had lauded him for his anti-
Jovito Palparan Jr.
insurgency campaign during her State of the
Nation Address in July 2006.
In October Secretary Gonzalez even offered Major General
Palparan a consultancy with his department. When challenged
about the alleged gross abuses of human rights committed by
Palparan and his subordinates, Gonzalez replied that these have
“not yet been proven”. Presumably with his oversight of the
“justice” department they are unlikely to be.
However, military and official denials of responsibility have
become irrelevant since the findings of the presidentially-
appointed Melo Commission—announced at the end of January
2007—that the killings are linked to the armed forces and that
the police and justice department had failed to address them
effectively (see appendix II). On Palparan specifically the
commission noted that:

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 21

General Palparan’s statements and cavalier attitude
towards the killings inevitably reveals that he has no
qualms about the killing of those whom he considers his
enemies, whether by his order or done by his men
independently. He mentions that if his men kill civilians
suspected of [communist] connections, “it is their call,”
obviously meaning that it is up to them to do so. This
gives the impression that he may not order the killings,
but neither will he order his men to desist from doing
so. Under the doctrine of command responsibility,
General Palparan admitted his guilt of the said crimes
when he made this statement. Worse, he admittedly offers
encouragement and “inspiration” to those who may have
been responsible for the killings.
According to the Philippine Inquirer of January 30,
these findings led to recognition by the armed forces
chief, General Hermogenes Esperon, that “some
members of the AFP have been involved in the deaths
of some members of militant organizations”.
Additionally, before the Melo Commission he “refused

“some members of the

AFP have been involved
to categorically state that the AFP has absolutely
nothing to do with the killings of activists, as such
[a] statement might be too presumptuous”.

in the deaths of some Notwithstanding, the police investigate such

incidents with an eye on proving that the killings
members of militant are perpetrated by rebels, or are the result of
“legitimate operations”, rather than to gather

organisations .. .
—AFP Chief, General
Hermogenes Esperon
evidence with which to identify and prosecute the
perpetrators. In Palo, Leyte, eight villagers died—
including a seven-month-pregnant woman—when
soldiers opened fire at a house that they claimed was
used by rebels (story 66). The incident was described
as a legitimate encounter with armed groups, rather
than a massacre.
Police in Palo conducted investigations on the basis of the
military’s account, and filed fabricated charges of illegal
possession of firearms and ammunitions against surviving
victims, who were described in the police report as “captured
enemies”. In November 2006 the court dismissed the case as
“the prosecution failed to establish the ownership or possession
of any of the guns by the accused”; i.e., they had been planted.
Although the victims were exonerated, none of the actual
perpetrators has ever been held to account. Notwithstanding,
multiple murder charges were lodged against the soldiers on 21
November 2006, one year after the incident. The police involved
in producing false investigation reports have not been held
The investigation function is thus completely perverted,
directed towards justifying and explaining away killings rather
than punishing and stopping them. And under any
circumstances, if indeed the police and justice department had
proof that the killings have been perpetrated by rebels, still they

22 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

cannot excuse themselves of their failures to protect the lives of
victims, bring cases to court, and prevent further incidents from
Among those commonly labelled and targeted are labour rights
defenders and union organisers. Labour leader Enrico Estarez
was forced into hiding after the military accused him of
“ I cannot
blame [Amnesty]
because they are
involvement with the communist movement and soldiers started
harassing him and his colleagues, three of whom were arrested invited here and
and tortured after being invited for questioning (story 107). The
three claim that they were forced to provide information on the invitation
persons unknown to them and sign fabricated statements comes from
implicating such persons who were labelled by the military as
“communist rebels”. Similarly, Private First Class Rommel Felipe
Santiago admitted under police questioning on 5 October 2006
enemies of
the state

that he had been assigned to tail labour leaders on their way to a
law office that provides legal services for workers, and that he
was on duty at the time. He was released after a short time and —Major General
no further effort is known to have been made to identify who had
ordered him to conduct surveillance or for what purpose. Jovito Palparan Jr.
Church workers also are often the subject of attacks and
baseless allegations. The United Methodist Church has reported
that Librado Gallardo and his wife Martina of Nueva Ecija
committed suicide in November 2006 after being tortured by the
military over their alleged support for communist rebels. Gallardo
was chair of the local church council. The church has claimed
that the couple took their lives because of continued intimidation
by the personnel of the 48th Infantry Battalion stationed in
Barangay Conversion, Pantabangan. The couple’s nine children
are now orphaned and traumatised, and have also been forced to
separate because of continuing threats.
One of the human rights groups on the army’s list of those
“influenced by communists” was Karapatan. On 22 August 2006
eight Karapatan volunteers were arrested and allegedly tortured
and falsely charged because of assistance they rendered to the
family of Raquel Aumentado, who was reportedly killed in an
encounter between the military and insurgents in Mulanay,
Quezon (story 100). The military charged them with rebellion
but the prosecutor proceeded with a case of obstructing justice.
It was reported that one of the grounds for suspicion that they
were rebels was that they had mud on their legs. In other cases,
Karapatan volunteers have been refused assistance in inquiries
by soldiers because they are supposedly communists.
Also in August 2006 Major General Palparan, after being
identified by Amnesty International as connected with
extrajudicial killings, was quoted as saying that, “I cannot blame
the people [of Amnesty] because they are invited here and the
invitation comes from the enemies of the state”; i.e., the local
rights groups that may have helped Amnesty gather information.
An association of retired and active senior army officers proposed
that Amnesty be barred from the country. It is not known as to
whether or not the proposal has been followed, but in December

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 23

a member of the International Labour Rights Fund was refused
entry to the Philippines; he had earlier joined a mission on labour
rights and extrajudicial killings of labour leaders in the

“ the killings
are—contrary to
the conclusion
Philippines during May 2006, and had been actively working with
local groups that have been labelled as “enemies of the state”.
Others have been taken away for no more than non-
cooperation. Brothers Reynaldo and Raymond Manalo were
arrested and allegedly forcibly disappeared by armed men
of the Melo identifying themselves as soldiers who entered their house in
Commission— February 2006, after they had refused to cooperate with troops
trying to locate their neighbour and for not participating in a
certainly meeting called by the military on their anti-insurgency campaign
(story 95).
attributable Whereas the highest levels of government should be issuing
explicit orders to prohibit the use of public labelling by soldiers
to the military and law-enforcement officers, the practice is becoming
increasingly widespread, and is now virtually a de facto policy.
organisation National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales has pushed for
official labelling of party list political organisations with supposed
and the state links to the communist movement in the forthcoming May 2007

itself .... elections. Gonzales has not named specific parties himself, but
five alone were listed in the army’s “Knowing the Enemy”
presentation, and unsurprisingly the proposal is known to be
popular among the military. The effect of such tagging of
registered political parties would be just short of declaring them
illegal, and would imply that any persons voting for them are
also “influenced by communists”. And in case anybody is as yet
in any doubt about the implications of that tag, Major Michael
Samson, the military Civil Relations Service group commander,
said in an interview of 18 January 2007 that, “In the Armed
Forces’ continued campaign against communism, those that
were either supportive or sympathetic to the communist
movement were considered as enemies of the state.”
The wider consequences on the Philippines’ electoral system
and democracy would be profound and far-reaching. Tagging not
only exposes individual political organisations and persons to
violence and persecution, but undermines the entire exercise
of government and challenges the rights of all citizens to
participate in legitimate political activities.
The persistent official tolerance of public labelling of persons
and organisations as “communist fronts” by military and other
security officers speaks to the complicity of the government in
the unremitting killings and violence throughout the Philippines.
For this reason the killings are—contrary to the conclusion of
the Melo Commission—certainly attributable to the military
organisation and the state itself. Official tolerance excuses
policing and prosecuting agencies from their abject failure to
successfully identify and prosecute perpetrators. It is
contradictory to accept, as the commission has done, that there
exists a pattern of killings that can be linked to the military
while denying that this a systemic problem that goes to the heart
of the rot in the Philippine criminal justice system.
24 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1
A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission
Concerted attack on human rights groups must be strongly resisted
AS-286-2006, November 17, 2006
In what appears to be a concerted attack on the entire human rights movement in
the Philippines, army, civilian and police officials have all made scathing statements
describing the work of rights groups there as “propaganda”.
On November 15, a group of retired and active senior army officers in the Philippines
declared that Amnesty International members should be barred from the country for
accusing the military of being behind extrajudicial killings. The influential
Association of Generals and Flag Officers said in a resolution that the human rights
group had documented incidents based upon the testimonies of militants, and that
its allegations were biased. The declaration against Amnesty has reportedly been
endorsed by the armed forces.
Meanwhile, in another report, a senior official accused rights groups of spreading
“propaganda” about the killings for political purposes. The aggressive defence of the
government by Press Secretary Ignacio Bunye followed an unprecedented appeal by
the Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in the Philippines, warning that the ongoing
violent attacks could affect investment. The press secretary also specifically named
local group Karapatan as being responsible for spreading untruths, and said that his
government would “sit down with foreign investors to give the facts”.
In a further report, Philippine National Police (PNP) Deputy Director General Avelino
Razon Jr. also claimed that Karapatan had greatly inflated the number of killings,
and incredibly, compared the work of the group to that of Nazi Germany: “The group
is adhering to the Nazi propaganda lines of consistent lies, distortion of objective
facts, continuous lies and half-truths made popular by Hitler’s propagandist Goebbels
during World War II.” Ironically, the deputy director general is the head of Task
Force Usig, the main unit inside the police force investigating the killings...
The attacks are clearly aimed at intimidating all human rights groups working in
the Philippines. In fact, they constitute a threat to the entire human rights
movement. In targeting Amnesty, a large and internationally-renowned group, the
military generals have made clear that anyone else could be next, if they too attempt
to document and report on the incidence of killings and other gross abuses.
Ultimately, these are much more than simple reactions to the latest reports of
domestic and international rights bodies. They are manifestations of an extreme,
deep-rooted bias against human rights defenders. This resistance to human rights
standards, and bias against persons who work to achieve them, is also manifest in
the persistent denial about the extent and nature of the killings that the government
is being called upon to address...
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) calls upon the government of the
Philippines to unequivocally denounce the resolution passed by the Association of
Generals and Flag Officers against Amnesty International, require the police to
justify its outrageous statement comparing a local rights group to the Nazi regime,
and publicly retract the remarks of its press officer...
The struggle for the victims of extrajudicial killings in the Philippines is no less
than the struggle for the survival of democracy and some notion of the rule of law

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 25

Command irresponsibility
Even though the Melo Commission concluded that Palparan
and other military commanders are liable for killings under the

“the superior
officer is
principle of command responsibility, there is as yet no clear
indication of how the government intends to deal with senior
officers found to be complicit in grave human rights violations.
The doctrine of command responsibility in the Armed Forces
responsible of the Philippines is stipulated in its Circular No. 28, Series of
1956, which holds that for military commander to have criminal
for crimes and civil liability in abuses committed by his subordinates, three
elements must be proven: that those committing the atrocities
committed were under his command; that the commander knew or should
have known that the subordinates were engaging in
by his impermissible conduct; and, that the commander failed to prevent
or punish those responsible.

subordinates In its findings (see appendix II), the Melo Commission

discusses the principle of command responsibility at length, and—
while reaching dubious conclusions—notes clearly that:
for failing to
Contrary to the apparently inaccurate notion of command responsibility
prevent or entertained by some officers in the [Armed Forces of the Philippines],
command responsibility in the modern international law sense is also
punish them...

an omission mode of individual criminal liability wherein the superior
officer is responsible for crimes committed by his subordinates for failing
—Melo Commission to prevent or punish them (as opposed to crimes he ordered).
To establish the three elements requires careful collection of
evidence and use of witness testimony; yet in the Philippines
prosecutions in even ordinary criminal cases fail due to
inadequate evidence and frightened witnesses. To collect
sufficient evidence and obtain witness testimonies upon which
to hold powerful senior officers accountable will be a task far
beyond the country’s rotten criminal justice system unless it is
subjected to serious reform. So far the government has shown
no commitment to taking any steps that may lead to the notion
of command responsibility being made real. Despite persistent
serious allegations against Palparan and his men in particular,
there has never been any attempt to have them investigated or
sanctioned by a binding authority.
The sheer impunity enjoyed by soldiers and their commanders
is apparent in the case of Bacar Japalali and his wife Carmen,
who were killed in Tagum City during September 2004. Even
though prosecutors and the court established probable cause upon
which to arrest and charge a military sergeant and 31 of his
men with the killings, the court broke with practice and insisted
upon all of the accused being named before the issuing of
warrants for arrest. The superior officers of the accused refused
to name their subordinates; they themselves have not been held
responsible for this denial of information to the court, or for the
killing. The court order remained pending and arrest warrants
not issued for some two years; although the warrants were finally
issued, the local police were reportedly too afraid to serve them;
the respondents have meantime been transferred to another tour
of duty and are no longer in the locality.
26 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1
A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission
Publish report, protect witnesses & prosecute Palparan
AS-023-2007, February 2, 2007
The Asian Human Rights Commission cautiously welcomes the findings of the
Melo Commission that retired Major General Jovito Palparan Jr. and other military
officers could be held liable for the unabated extrajudicial killings of human rights
defenders, social campaigners, priests, political organisers and others in the
Philippines. The final report of the commission, which was headed by former
Supreme Court Justice Jose Melo, handed to the president this week, reportedly
points to the complicity of military officers in the killings and suggests that Palparan
and others had command responsibility for the deaths.
The inquiry’s conclusion puts to rest police and military claims that the allegations
against Palparan and his men are unsubstantiated. That the army is culpable for
extrajudicial killings is no longer a matter of doubt: so what happens next?
The police and military predictably sprang to the defence of Palparan and his
subordinates. In separate media interviews on January 30, Deputy Director
General Avelino Razon and General Hermogenes Esperon Jr., chiefs of Task Force
Usig and the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) respectively, made remarks
that there were no evidence against Palparan and he is no longer under military’s
jurisdiction, since he retired in September 2006. The comments from Razon are
all the more remarkable given that his task force was established to hunt for the
persons responsible for killings, not defend the accused. They are also in direct
contradiction to the Melo Commission, which based its findings largely upon police
documents, as most complainants and witnesses refused to cooperate because of
distrust and fear. The commission has admitted that its work was hampered by
the lack of cooperation; notwithstanding, it was still able to obtain sufficient
evidence to establish that the military could be held accountable.
The enormous threats facing witnesses and families of dead victims or those who
have survived attacks are the biggest obstacles to obtaining justice and redress
in cases of extrajudicial killing in the Philippines. The Asian Human Rights
Commission has repeatedly drawn attention to the absence of protection for these
persons as the primary reason that investigations there fail. For the police agency
given the task of investigating persons alleged to have been involved in the killings
to reject the findings of a presidential commission off-hand, instead of reviewing
and building evidence against those identified as responsible, is completely
The police are duty-bound to recommend complainants and witnesses be given
protection through the justice department, under the Witness Protection, Security
and Benefit Act (RA 6981). If they have not done this promptly they are either
negligent or ignorant. The result in either case is that it is much easier to reach
the convenient conclusion that there is a “lack of evidence”.
It is also ridiculous for the military to excuse itself from responsibility. The
obligations of any armed forces for the actions of its personnel do not expire when
someone retires from service. Esperon’s acknowledgement that army personnel
may have been involved in killings must be more deeply probed. Have any of the
implicated persons ever been sanctioned, disarmed or punished? What action, if
any, has been taken against them? These questions remain altogether
unanswered. (Continued overleaf)

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 27

The killings will only end when there are prosecutions. There will only be
prosecutions when witnesses and victims are protected, rather than threatened
and killed themselves, and the perpetrators are investigated, rather than defended.
The Melo Commission has no power upon which to initiate these things itself.
The responsibility instead rests on the person who ordered the inquiry: President
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. She is now obliged to see that its findings are given
meaning, and the responsible state agencies, notably Task Force Usig and the
justice department, do their jobs and the accused, including Major General Jovito
Palparan Jr., are brought before courts of justice. She must also have the report
made public without delay, in order that there is complete disclosure of its findings.
Withholding of the report will only deepen public distrust in her administration,
and raise further doubts about the assurances of her government that it is acting
in the interests of the victims and their families.

When the Philippines became a party to the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in 1987 it signified the
birth of a new era for the protection and promotion of human
rights in the country. But the significance of this and other steps
to uphold human rights must be measured in terms of
implementation. Article 2 of the Covenant stipulates that where
persons’ rights are violated, they must be afforded remedies. This
means investigating and prosecuting the perpetrators, and
compensating and rehabilitating victims. In his annual 2005
report to the UN Commission on Human Rights, the Special
Rapporteur on extrajudicial killings spelt out what this means
where a pattern of killings occurs:
In most situations, the isolated killing of individuals will constitute a
simple crime and not give rise to any governmental responsibility. But
once a pattern becomes clear in which the response of the Government is
clearly inadequate, its responsibility under international human rights
law becomes applicable. Through its inaction the Government confers a
degree of impunity upon the killers.
The Philippines is now faced with a very serious threat to its
fragile democracy and institutions for the rule of law. So far the
government response has been characterised by inaction and a
lack of proper direction over the police, justice department and
army, which acting in interests other than those of the public
have invariably made the situation worse. The government must
now counteract these steps in the wrong direction and
demonstrate that it has the will and is willing to make the
reforms necessary to dig the rot out of its criminal justice system
and erase the name of impunity from its face.

28 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

Rotten to the core:
Unaddressed killings,
disappearances & torture
in the Philippines

Killing & attempted killing

Pepito Santillan: Killed for claiming land that had been 1

legally awarded him VICTIM: Pepito Santillan
At around 2am on 25 January 2007, Pepito Santillan, a 62- ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
year-old farmer, was shot dead in front of his house in Hacienda Unidentified gunmen
Velez-Malaga, Barangay Robles, La Castellana after unidentified DATE: 25 January 2007
armed men threw an empty bottle into his house and he went AHRC UA-047-2007
out to check what was going on.
Santillan was the sixth member of agrarian reform group Task
Force Mapalad to be killed in Negros Occidental since 2001 in
their efforts to obtain and use 144 hectares of land in Hacienda
Velez-Malaga that has been awarded to them by the Department
of Agrarian Reform through the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
Program. The land is part of 446 hectares of sugarcane estate
owned by the Cuenca family, which it has refused to surrender,
despite the government order and a 2004 Supreme Court ruling
in favour of the farmers, followed by an order in September 2006
from agrarian reform secretary, Nasser Pangandaman, for the
farmer beneficiaries to occupy the land themselves. However,
the schedule of entry of the farmers to the land was postponed
despite this order.
On January 24 the task force members came with the agrarian
reform beneficiaries to take the land on their own, including
Pepito Santillan. Fighting broke out between the farmers and
security guards that evening. Pepito’s nephew, Fernando
Santillan, and Rey Cortejo were seriously injured, along with
the chief security guard, Enrique Maliksi, and Renato Mata, a
farm worker of Cuenca. The killing occurred just a few hours

“ it pains me to hear and know that people don’t value life anymore and
justice is trampled upon in our dear country the Philippines—please stop all
the irrational killings in our country

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

” —Ditma Trocio, Hong Kong

SOURCE: Philppine government website (

30 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

Prof. Jose Ma Cui: Shot dead in classroom 2
On 19 January 2007, Professor Jose Ma Cui of the department VICTIM: Jose Ma Cui
of history and communication arts of the University of Eastern INCIDENT: Killing
Philippines, Northern Samar, was shot dead in front of his Two unidentified gunmen
students by two armed men in balaclavas. The students were DATE: 19 January 2007
taking their mid-term exams when he was shot at around AHRC UA-040-2007
3:35pm in the classroom at the College of Engineering building
on campus. Cui died on the spot from.45-calibre pistol gunshot
wounds to his head and chest. The gunmen fled on a motorcycle
in the direction of Mondragon town, which is towards a military
camp some 2km distant.
There was no immediate progress in the police investigation.
The police said that witnesses were unwilling to provide
Professor Cui was former secretary general of human rights
group Katungod-Eastern Visayas, the regional chapter of national
human rights organization Karapatan, and chairman of the
Employee Association of the University of Eastern Philippines,
as well as being involved in the Confederation for Unity,
Recognition and Advancement of Government Employees-
Northern Samar (Courage-NS), and the Anti-Corruption Network
(ActNow!). He was also one of the founding members of the Bayan
Muna party in Northern Samar.
Long before the incident the victim had been targetted in a
smear campaign by the armed forces, and in 2004 a complaint
“ stop the killing
and harassment of
those working for
of libel was lodged against him by the former commanding officer
of the 63rd Infantry Battalion, Colonel Manuelito Usi.
social justice

—Noeline Gannaway,
New Zealand

AHRC Asian Human Rights Commission
Barangay Village
Cafgu Citizen’s Armed Forces Geographical Unit (militia)
IB Infantry Battalion (Philippine Army)
ID Infantry Division (Philippine Army)
IFI Iglesia Filipina Independiente (Philippine Independent Church)
Karapatan Alliance for the Advancement of People’s Rights
NBI National Bureau of Investigation (Department of Justice)
NolCom Northern Luzon Command (Philippine Army)
NPA New People’s Army (insurgent group)
PPMG Provincial Police Mobile Group
PNP Philippine National Police
PO Police Officer
RMG Regional Mobile Group (PNP)
SPO Senior Police Officer
UA Urgent Appeal
UP Urgent Update

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 31

3 Judge Nathaniel Pattugalan:
VICTIM: Nathaniel Pattugalan Killed after issuing warrants for police and politician
ALLEGED PERPETRATORS: On 19 January 2007, Judge Nathaniel Pattugalan, acting
Two unidentified gunmen presiding judge of the Quezon City Metropolitan Trial Court
DATE: 19 January 2007 Branch 35 was shot dead at around 6pm in front of the Department
AHRC UA-040-2007 of Agrarian Reform building, on his way home. The victim was
sitting in a passenger jeepney near the driver when he was shot
in his chest by an armed man riding pillion on a motorcycle while
the vehicle was stopped; the bullet pierced his heart. The two
had apparently followed Judge Pattugalan from his office at the
Hall of Justice beforehand. Judge Pattugalan was taken to the
East Avenue Medical Center but was declared dead on arrival.
On 27 October 2005, Judge Pattugalan survived an earlier
attempt on his life after several unidentified armed men attacked
his personal vehicle in Baggao, Cagayan; he was wounded and
his driver was killed during that attack. He then sought a transfer
to Quezon City. His relatives claim that he had also been followed
by unknown persons after the first attempt on his life. Judge
Pattugalan had reportedly issued arrest warrants for several
policemen and a local politician in Buguey, Cagayan.
The killing was taken up by the National Bureau of
Investigation; however, the two perpetrators were not
immediately identified. The victim’s family has appealed to the
police to provide them with sufficient protection; however, again
there was no immediate action from the authorities.

4 Rodolfo Alvarado Jr.: Won’t be running for parliament

VICTIM: Rodolfo Alvarado On 31 December 2006 Rodolfo “Pong” Alvarado Jr. was shot
INCIDENT: Killing dead by unidentified armed men at around 5pm in his house in
Unidentified gunmen Barangay San Lorenzo, Ligao City. Alvarado died from eight
DATE: 31 December 2006 gunshot wounds to different parts of the body.
AHRC UA-004-2007
At the time of his death, Alvarado was a regional project
coordinator for the Bayan Muna party. He was also the sixth
nominee and potential candidate to represent the party in the
House of Representatives.

Juan Sanggalang: Killed by his military guests

VICTIMS: On 24 December 2006, 59-year-old Juan Sanggalang was shot
1. Juan Sanggalang (killed) dead around 4am by three soldiers allegedly attached to the 59th
2. Roberto Espaldon Infantry Battalion, Philippine Army and under command of
INCIDENT: Killing “Colonel Felix” who had sought accommodation at his house in
ALLEGED PERPETRATORS: Sitio Pinag-apugan, San Diego, Lian, Batangas around 8pm the
Three 59th IB personnel evening before. Sanggalang’s companion, Roberto Espaldon (57),
under “Colonel Felix”
DATE: 24 December 2006 suffered gunshot wounds to his leg and stomach.
AHRC UA-004-2007 After the shooting, the victims’ family immediately went to
the scene to help their relatives. When they arrived, Sanggalang
was already dead. Espaldon had managed to escape to nearby
coastline. The victim’s family saw the soldiers leaving the crime

32 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

Later, the village chief, Carlito Caisip, arrived together with
policemen from Lian town. A mobile phone reportedly owned by
Colonel Felix was recovered by police investigators beside the
victim’s house. The police likewise recovered several items
belonging to the military which had been left in the area.
However, some members of the Cafgu militia attached to the
same military unit were also with the police and may have
attempted to remove important evidence from the crime scene
“ we in the United
States will do
everything in our
power to bring this
during the search.
After the incident, General Mesa of the 202nd Brigade,
outrage to the
Philippine Army quickly declared that the shooting incident was attention of the US
an encounter between New People’s Army rebels and government people and people
troops. Days later, posters and pamphlets appeared around town
containing messages critical of village chief Caisip, the town’s
vice-mayor, Roberto Cunamay, and others, accusing them of
being supporters of the rebel group.
around the world
—Jeffrey Michael
Meyer, USA

Sanggalang was a member of Habagat (Haligi ng Batangenyong
Anak Dagat), a local chapter of Pambansang Lakas ng Kilusang
Mamamalakaya ng Pilipinas (Pamalakaya), which is a nationwide
federation of fisher-folk organizations.

Fransisco Bantog: Shot dead in tourism office 6

On 22 December 2006, Francisco Bantog, a municipal VICTIM: Fransisco Bantog
coordinator and provincial auditor for the Bayan Muna party in ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
the province of Sorsogon, was shot dead. He was at the Donsol Three unidentified gunmen
Tourism Office at around 10am when three gunmen on a DATE: 22 December 2006
motorcycle and wearing helmets rode up and shot him about 20 AHRC UA-004-2007
times with .45-calibre pistols. Police have recovered used
cartridges from the scene, but it is not known what other action
has been taken.

Gil Gojol: Gunned down outside court 7

On 12 December 2006, at around 9:55am, human rights lawyer VICTIMS:

1. Gil Gojol
Gil Gojol and his driver Danilo France were shot dead by four 2. Danilo France
armed men riding on two motorcycles in Barangay Carriedo, INCIDENT: Killing
Gubat, Sorsogon. Gojol and France had just left the Municipal ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
Unidentified gunmen
Trial Court when they were ambushed in their service vehicle. DATE: 12 December 2006
AHRC UA-004-2007
According to a witness, the attackers first shot France and
the van was stopped. Gojol tried to escape but failed. Both of them
died on the spot from multiple gunshot wounds. The incident
happened about 200 metres away from a detachment of the 22nd
Infantry Battalion, Philippine Army, based in San Ignacio.
Gojol was a former local government official who had served
as a provincial board member for the 1st District of Sorsogon. He
was also a former president of the Integrated Bar of the
Philippines (IBP) in Sorsogon Chapter and a legal counsel for the
Association of Democratic Labor Organizations-Kilusang Mayo

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 33

At the time of his death, Gojol was counsel in cases involving
defense of the rights of the poor. He was also legal counsel for
Sotero Llamas, a consultant of the National Democratic Front,
who was killed in May. The presidentially-appointed Melo
Commission recorded the following in its January 2007 report
concerning that case (pages 43–44):
Sotero Llamas joined the CPP/NPA during the martial law regime of
President Marcos; he was forced to go underground because he was an
active member of the Kabataang Makabayan. After he was captured in
May 1995, he was granted amnesty under the Joint Agreement on Security
and Immunity Guarantee. He thereafter served as political consultant
for the NDF in the peace negotiations between the NDF and the GRP
from 1997 to 2004. He also served as political affairs director of the Party
List Bayan Muna. In the 2004 elections, he ran for in Albay but lost.
On May 29, 2006, at about 8:30 a.m., while on board a multi-cab which
was maneuvering to make a u-turn, three men on board a motorcycle
approached the right side of the multi-cab and at close range fired several
shots, hitting Llamas once on the head and thrice on the body while the
driver sustained one gunshot wound on the right arm. Llamas was
pronounced dead upon arrival in the hospital.
Two alleged eyewitnesses, a male pedicab driver and a 19-year old female
student, who were not named in the file, supposedly identified one of
the gunmen as Edgardo Sevilla, allegedly a member of the Communist
Terrorist group operating in the first and second districts of Albay. The
two witnesses were supposedly presented before the Office of the
Regional State Prosecutor and they affirmed their statements positively
identifying Edgardo Sevilla and one Edgar Calag. According to the police,
their intelligence report disclosed that Edgardo Sevilla is currently an
NPA commander while Edgardo Calag, a discharged Phil. Army special
forces member who went AWOL after killing his detachment commander,
is “believed to be an NPA member operating in Albay and Sorsogon.”

8 Renato Estrella: Killed for opposing the military?

VICTIM: Renato Estrella At around 6pm on 12 December 2006 Renato Estrella (58), a
INCIDENT: Killing barangay (village) chief of Atlag, Malolos City, was shot in the
Unidentified gunman head at close range by a gunman in Sitio Buhangin. Estrella
DATE: 12 December 2006 died on the way to the Santos General Hospital in Malolos City.
AHRC UA-004-2007
The police have claimed that Estrella’s death was possibly
perpetrated by a rebel hit squad. However, according to the Bagong
Alyansang Makabayan (New Patriotic Alliance) in Central Luzon,
Estrella had received threats on his life, allegedly from the
military. Estrella had opposed the deployment of government
troops in his area.

9 Crisanto Frivaldo: Murdered while caring for baby

VICTIM: Crisanto Frivaldo Crisanto Frivaldo, a student at Aquinas University College of
INCIDENT: Killing Law, was shot dead by hooded gunmen in his house in San Julian,
Unidentified gunmen Irosin, Sorsogon on 11 December 2006, while caring for his two-
DATE: 11 December 2006 month-old baby. He died from five gunshot wounds: one to his
AHRC UA-004-2007 head and four to his chest.
Frivaldo was the younger brother of former councilor and Bayan
Muna party municipal coordinator Maximo Frivaldo, who was
himself shot dead on 30 January 2006.

34 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

Jesus Servida: Killed for the union 10
On 11 December 2006, Jesus Buth Servida (32) was shot dead VICTIMS:
in front of a Japanese-owned factory in Anabu, Imus, Cavite at 1. Jesus Buth Servida
around 6:15am. Servida and Joel Sale (32), together with two (killed)
2. Joel Sale (wounded)
other companions, Michael Omedes and Geminiano Retutar, 3. Kenny Mari Severo
were sitting in their service vehicle in front of factory gate no. 2, (wounded)
where they had gone to deliver vegetables, when they were INCIDENT: Killing
attacked. Servida and Sale were sitting on the right side of the Unidentified gunman
vehicle when the gunman approached and shot them. DATE: 11 December 2006
AHRC UA-399-2006
According to Nora Diloy, secretary for the Samahan ng mga
Manggagawa sa EMI union, Servida was shot to his face and
mouth. Sale was shot in his face, back, and right side of his
body, but survived. Another victim, Kenny Mari Severo (21), a
factory worker, was also hit to the left temple of his head by a
stray bullet. Sale and Severo were immediately taken to the
University Medical Center (UMC) in Dasmariñas, Cavite.
Servida and Sale were members of the Solidarity of Cavite
Workers, an alliance of labour groups and unions in Cavite.
Servida and his colleagues, Sale, Omedes and Retutar, were
former employees and officers of the Kristong Manggagawa sa
Yazaki-EMI union who had been sacked on 20 December 2005
after union disputes. They had helped form a new union and
challenged the old union over rights to represent the factory’s
4000 workers as a “sole and exclusive bargaining agent”. The
new union won in the election.
While the Imus police claimed to have completed their
investigation and produced a sketch of the alleged gunman,
Servida’s wife Maricel is not aware of the outcome of the
investigation, if any.

Bong Gonzal: Shot outside office

On 8 December 2006 Bong Gonzal survived in an attack by VICTIM: Bong Gonzal
two armed men in Estancia, Iloilo at around 10am. Gonzal was INCIDENT: Attempted Killing
on his way to the office of Progreso (Panay Rural Organising for ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
Reform and Social Order)— just 300 metres away from the Two unidentified gunmen
DATE: 8 December 2006
Estancia Municipal Hall—when he was hit in his arm and legs
AHRC UA-399-2006
by bullets fired by two unidentified gunmen. Gonzal was taken to
a nearby hospital for treatment.
According to his fellow workers, Gonzal and all the Progreso
staff had been receiving death threats. Progreso is a local group
under a national non-government organisation working on
agrarian reform, rural democratization and development. Gonzal
is regional director.

Alberto Yadan: “You’ll die when we cross paths” 12

At around 7:30pm on 6 December 2006, Alberto Yadan was in VICTIM: Alberto Yadan
his house in Barangay Tipas, San Juan, Batangas. According to INCIDENT: Killing
a witness, he was sitting near the kitchen and having coffee Two unidentified gunmen
after dinner when he was shot by a gunman in a cap who covered DATE: 6 December 2006
his face with a towel. The gunman, armed with a .45-calibre AHRC UA-399-2006
pistol, entered the house and shot at Yadan four times. Yadan
ran about five metres before falling on the ground. He died from
article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 35
a single bullet that pierced his back and exited through his chest.
After the shooting, the gunman calmly left and met a companion
who had served as a lookout outside.
No proper investigation and handling of evidence was
conducted by elements of the San Juan Municipal Police Station.
When they arrived at the crime scene, they only gathered empty
shells and hauled the victim’s dead body into their vehicle.
Prior to the incident, Yadan had been receiving threats on his
life. He had assisted his cousin Lorenza Marcos to claim
ownership of land in Pagbilao, Quezon under the Comprehensive
Agrarian Reform Program. He had just returned from a court
hearing over the case involving a land dispute when he was killed.
On December 5, the day before Yadan’s murder, PO 2 Melanio
Gazzingan allegedly made threatening remarks to Yadan and his
relatives after they attended an administrative complaint
hearing against him. Gazzingan is the son-in-law of Norma de
Leon, the original owner of the land that Marcos has claimed. He
allegedly warned Yadan that, “You’ll be put somewhere else if
you don’t stop.”
Several days earlier, Barangay police officer Melchor Bataller
also allegedly made threatening remarks to Yadan and his
relatives. Bataller reportedly said that the police would kill the
family members “when we cross paths”. Yadan and his relatives
reported the threat to the municipal police.
After the shooting, the San Juan Municipal Police Station
arrested Bataller. He was later taken to the provincial office of
the National Bureau of Investigation. Whether or not Bataller
had direct involvement in the murder of Yadan is yet to be
thoroughly investigated.
Yadan was a leader of the Ugnayan ng mga Nagsasariling Lokal
na Organisasyon sa Kanayunan who had also led a campaign to
place a 23-hectare landholding owned by another influential
landowner Lidrada Tolosa, under the land reform scheme.

Andrew Iñoza: Labour union leader murdered in street
VICTIMS: Andrew Iñoza (48) was shot dead by four gunmen at around
1. Andrew Iñoza (killed) 7:30am on 21 November 2006, while riding his motorcycle along
2. Ramon Laude (wounded) Cataquiz 2 Subdivision, Barangay Poblacion, San Pedro in Laguna.
ALLEGED PERPETRATORS: The gunmen fired at him after they blocked his path. He died on
Four unidentified gunmen the spot. Tricycle driver Ramon Laude was also wounded during
DATE: 21 November 2006 the shooting. The attackers took Iñoza’s mobile phone, wallet
AHRC UA-380-2006 and other personal belongings before fleeing on foot. Five spent
.45-calibre pistol shells and five 9mm pistol shells were recovered
by police investigators from the crime scene.
Iñoza had been the president of the Alaska Milk Workers Union
at a local factory for about ten years. He was also the provincial
chair of Bukluran ng Manggagawang Pilipino-Partido ng
Manggagawa. His colleagues believe that he could have been
killed because of his work as a labour leader.

36 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

Roderick Aspili: Shot dead watching TV with family 14
At around 6:45pm on 20 November 2006, Roderick Aspili (24) VICTIM: Roderick Aspili
was shot dead by four armed men in balaclavas inside his house INCIDENT: Killing
at Km. 11, Barangay Trinidad, Surigao City. He was watching Four unidentified gunmen
television with his family when he was attacked. Aspili’s wife DATE: 20 November 2006
and 8-month-old daughter were not harmed. The attackers fled AHRC UA-380-2006
in a van after the shooting.
Aspili suffered .45-calibre pistol gunshot wounds to the back
of his head and the right side of his neck and body.
Aspili was an organizer for United Workers of Surigao del Norte.
He was also an active member of the Student Christian Movement
of the Philippines in Butuan City and formerly its secretary-
general, from 1998 to 2003. Aspili’s colleagues believe that his
work could be the motive for his murder.

Francilita Saquital & others: Dangerous sugarcane 15

Four farmers were wounded after they were reportedly VICTIMS:
ambushed by armed security guards of an influential landowner 1. Francilita Saquital
2. Maria Luz Inlao
in Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental at 5:30pm on 17 3. Thomas Cordova
November 2006. The victims, Francilita Saquital (42), Maria Luz 4. Basilia Cordova
Inlao (53), Thomas Cordova (38) and Basilia Cordova (41), had INCIDENT: Attempted killing
just finished loading their sugarcane harvest together with other Four TTuguis
uguis Security Agency
farmers into their cargo truck and were on their way out of the personnel, including Antonio
farm when the perpetrators, who had hidden in field no. 30, Garcia, “Cañon” and “Boyet”
DATE: 17 November 2006
opened fire at the truck with 12-gauge shotguns. Five empty
AHRC UA-387-2006
shotgun shells were later recovered at the scene.
Thomas Cordova was hit in his arm, Francilita Saquital was
hit in her left arm and left side of her abdomen, Maria Luz Inlao
was hit in her right thigh and Basilia Cordova was hit and
seriously injured in her upper left breast. Cordova was carrying
her three-year-old daughter when the ambush took place.
The four injured men are members of the Hacienda Naval
Workers’ Association and beneficiaries of the Comprehensive
Agrarian Reform Program at Hacienda Naval. They were
harvesting the sugarcane they planted at field 11 of the hacienda
after the Department of Agrarian Reform awarded the land, which
was formerly owned by Jomarie Javellana, to them.
The farmers had already requested assistance and protection
from the Himamaylan City Police Office and the Municipal
Agrarian Reform Officer several times; however, the requests
were reportedly ignored. The farmers made the decision to
harvest without protection from the landowner’s men. On their
way to the plantation there had already been an altercation
between the farmers and security men.

“ WE ARE ENRAGED at the unabated extra judicial killings... we call for:

a stop to these killings, punishment of the perpetrators, and compensation for the victims’
” —Sr. Estrella Castalone, FMA Ass. of Major Religious Superiors in the Philippines

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 37

Some of the farmers identified the perpetrators as Antonio
Garcia, and two others nicknamed “Boyet” and “Cañon”, along
with a fourth man who was not identified. They said that the
perpetrators emerged from the sugarcane field after ambushing
the cargo truck and tried to chase other farmers who had been
on foot, checking the road for spikes or other means to sabotage
their exit.

Domingo Marbella: Taken away and killed

16 Domingo Marbella and another farmer were abducted by armed
VICTIMS: men in Barangay Lungib, Pilar, Sorsogon, on 13 November 2006.
1. Domingo Marbella
2. Unnamed second victim His body was found on November 21, with gunshot wounds and
INCIDENT: Killing indications that he had been tortured before he was killed.
Unidentified gunmen Marbella was the relative of an official of the Kilusang
DATE: 13 November 2006 Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (Peasants Movement in the Philippines).
AHRC UA-380-2006
17 Rev. Billy Austin: Shot on street
VICTIM: Billy Austin On 9 November 2006, Rev. Billy Austin was attending a human
INCIDENT: Attempted Killing rights programme in Vigan City, Ilocos Sur, at the United
Unidentified gunmen Methodist Church, of which he is a minister. He left there with
DATE: 9 November 2006 some others around 9pm and walked to the nearby office of
AHRC UA-369-2006 Bayan—an umbrella organisation of which he is the Ilocos Sur
UP-214-2006 head—and at that time noticed that a motorcycle and a van were
tailing them.
As Rev. Austin and the others walked along Del Pilar Street, a
blue motorcycle came in their direction. A man riding pillion
raised a gun and started shooting at them. Rev. Austin suffered
two gunshots, one in each leg. He was sent to a nearby hospital
and reported the attack to the local police.
Two unknown men went to the hospital on separate occasions
to look for Rev. Austin. They refused to identify themselves to
the nurses. Rev. Austin’s visitors were also followed by unknown
men riding on motorcycles.

18 Dr. Rodrigo Catayong: Victim of “liquidation list”

VICTIM: Rodrigo Catayong On 5 November 2006, Dr. Rodrigo Catayong and his wife Marcela
INCIDENT: Killing were attacked outside church in MacArthur, Eastern Samar, by
Five armed members of five armed men riding on motorcycles who shot Dr. Catayong at
Samar -Leyte Anti-Communist
Samar-Leyte close range, hitting him eight times in his face, chest, neck and
Movement back. He died on the spot.
DATE: 5 November 2006
AHRC UA-369-2006
Two months prior to the killing, a “liquidation list” signed by
“Ka Hector” of the Samar-Leyte Anti-Communist Movement with
the names of 31 persons, including his, was reportedly circulated
all over the province. Those on the list were identified as
members or sympathizers of the New People’s Army rebel group,
and were accused of having “committed sins against the people”.
The order for liquidation, it claimed, was approved by the
Committee Central ng Pilipinas Hukbong Tagahatol ng Bayan,
Leysam Anti-Communist Movement. Others on the list were a
mayor in Borongan, Samar; a public grade school teacher; three

38 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

professors at the Eastern Samar State University—including
Catayong—leaders of progressive political parties, a policeman
and a local media man.
The Samar-Leyte Anti-Communist Movement is alleged to be
a front of the Civil Relations Service of the armed forces in the
area. Its members had reportedly previously conducted joint anti-
communists rallies and other activities there.
Dr. Catayong chaired the Eastern Samar branch of human
rights group Karapatan since 2001.

Ronald Ocson & others:

Reign of terror by local landlord and police
On 30 October 2006, Ronald Ocson (41), president of the Asao 1. Ronald Ocson (attempted
Farmers and Residents Association (Afra), was sitting at the killing)
2. Hernan Baria (killed)
entrance of his father’s house around 6pm with his 14-year-old 3. Romeo Catalan
daughter Rowena Joy, who was inside, when a gunman, later (wounded)
identified as Roberto “Kasey” Jordan allegedly approached and 4. Jovita Baria (threatened)
5. Johnny Catalan
shouted, “Why? Is this your land?” After that he shot Ocson, hitting (threatened)
him in his leg. He was taken to the Jesus Colmenares Hospital INCIDENT: Killing; attempted
in Malbog, Balasan for treatment. killing; intimidation
The Balasan police investigation concluded that Jordan was Roberto “Kasey” Jordan,
drunk when he shot Ocson using a .357-calibre handgun, having landlord Andres Bedro and
hired gunmen
spent the day drinking with a person named “Kano” and Andres DATE: 30 October 2006 and
Bedro at his rice fields. The Bedros are influential landlords prior dates
with whom the victim and his organisation had a conflict over AHRC UA-350-2006
land. Andres and his wife Susan Bedro, former vice-mayor of UP-213-2006
Balasan, had filed a civil case to restrain 21 Afra members from
claiming land that they had been awarded under the
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program. Portions of Lot C, Psd-
74005 were redistributed to members of Afra, most of them
tenants of the Bedros, on 23 June 2003 by the Deparment of
Agrarian Reform Regional Director Alexis Arsenal.
The local court ruled in favor of the Bedro’s petition for land
ownership. But under the law, any land reform dispute should be
tried before a special agrarian court, so the jurisdiction of the
court and its verdict was brought into question and the agrarian
reform beneficiaries appealed their case.
The Bedros had then allegedly resorted to violence to get the
court order enforced, although it was not final and executable.
The villagers have all since then experienced harassment and
threats to their lives. Most recently, around 5:30am on October
11 Andres Bedro and his armed men on a cargo truck, a pickup
and a motorcycle raided the Afra members’ village in Sitio Asao,
Barangay Lawis, Balasan, destroying crops and property. Even
coconut palms were cut down. They likewise harassed and
threatened the villagers who were present. One of them, Jovita
Baria, was gathering dried coconut leaves when they came. She
was beaten by one of the men when she tried to block them, and
Bedro allegedly aimed his .45-calibre pistol at her and the other

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 39

farmers and threatened them to leave the area immediately.
Jovita’s husband, Hernan Baria, had already been killed,
apparently due to the farmers’ struggle for the land.
Three days later, on October 14 at 11pm, the house of Johnny
Catalan (28) was also fired upon by unidentified men. No one
was hurt. Villagers immediately contacted the local police station
for assistance; however, nobody answered the phone for about
an hour and the police only conducted their investigation into
the shooting the following morning, when they found four .45-
calibre empty shells and holes in the walls of the house. The 21
affected Afra farmer beneficiaries and their families then sought
refuge at the municipal gymnasium for fear of their lives.
Johnny Catalan is also a witness to the killing of Hernan
(Hernando) Baria on 23 July 2005, when at least 20 armed men—
later found to have been police—opened fire at his house on the
pretext of shooting at a rebel camp. Baria died on his way to the
hospital due to loss of blood. Johnny’s father, Romeo, was wounded
in the same attack. On 16 January 2007 the AHRC released a
statement in response to a claim by the police that the two were
targets of “legitimate police operations” (see also open letters in
Appendix III):
A press release issued by the Philippine Information Agency (PIA) on
January 12 quoted Chief Superintendent Geary Barias, director of the
Police Regional Office 6 as justifying the death of Hernan Baria and
wounding of his companion, Romeo Catalan, on 23 July 2005 in Balasan,
Iloilo on the ground of “ legitimate police operations”. Barias also denied
that his personnel committed human rights violations, in response to an
appeal issued by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) in
October 2006 requesting a fresh investigation of the case.
The AHRC categorically rejects the police version of events in the PIA
press release. The PIA, the official government newsagency of the
Philippines which has as its mission to provide for the “free flow of
accurate, timely and relevant information” published only the police
version of the event, in which the officer concerned claimed that the
AHRC had made “false allegations” and had misrepresented information.
It is astounded and outraged that the PIA would disseminate such
unsubstantiated claims that the documentation of the alleged incident
was false. In fact, it is the contents of this press release that consist of
misrepresented information, as follows.
First, the police claim that Baria and Catalan were killed and wounded
respectively in a “legitimate” police operation; however, to the knowledge
of the AHRC there has at no time been any independent investigation of
the police version of events by an authorised and impartial body. The
denial of wrongdoing by the commander of the accused officers should
not have been published by the official mouthpiece of the government
under any circumstances. In so doing it has made itself complicit with
alleged extrajudicial killers.
Who decides what is legitimate or not when someone is killed in police
fire? Can the police themselves decide? Is the information officer who
received the story in a position to know? No: this is a matter for the
courts and outside investigators. The contents of the appeal on this case
by the AHRC, which it stated were alleged and clearly cited the source of
the allegations and details as given, were all directed towards obtaining

40 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

a fresh investigation for this purpose. No such investigation has been
conducted. Thus, the allegations stand until such a time as is otherwise.
That the police claim that the allegations are unjustified is unsurprising
and irrelevant for the purposes of obtaining a credible picture of what
happened to the two men; however, the PIA should not in any case have
distributed their story.
Secondly, the AHRC did not at any point allege that the police had
engaged in “indiscriminate firing” as claimed in the PIA press release.
“ as a Norwegian
citizen with an
adopted daughter
from the Philippines,
Not only was no such “false allegation” never made in the appeal, but
the agency has itself made a false allegation, thereby confusing its stated I am shocked and
role as provider of accurate information with that of a police mouthpiece.
Again, the PIA has no capacity to weigh evidence or information and to concerned about
decide which of the allegations contained in the appeal were true or
false: this remains a matter for a judicial authority to decide.
the lawlessness in the
Thirdly, the PIA charter, stipulated under Executive Order 576 signed by
President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on 7 November 2006 enables it sincerely urge you to
“access to government media agencies for the purpose of disseminating take human rights
development-oriented information”. Nowhere in this is the authority to
issue one-sided press releases with the express purpose of exonerating
state officers from legitimate allegations of human rights abuse. The PIA
is not a public relations unit for the police. In as much as its purpose is

—Cecilie Nustad,
ostensibly to provide truthful and impartial information that is beneficial
for the community, it has in making this press statement completely
violated its mandate and undermined its professional integrity.
That the Philippine government’s information agency is now being used
to counter allegations of extrajudicial killings and other gross rights
abuses by police, when seen together with the persistent official tolerance
of the concerted and unabated killings in that country, sends a strong
message that the administration is interested in protecting the
perpetrators, not the victims, of such incidents. This is a message directed
not only to the AHRC but to all human rights groups and rights defenders
locally and internationally, and above all, to the victims and their families.
The Asian Human Rights Commission is today sending an early warning
to the human rights community that the Philippine Information Agency
may become a de facto propaganda agency for agencies that should be
responsible for addressing the killings to instead defer and deny
responsibility, attack critics, discredit legitimate information and
downplay serious and genuine grievances. This warning stems not only
from the January 12 press release but also from President Arroyo’s signing
of Administrative Order 163 on January 3, which instructed the
Presidential Human Rights Committee and its members, including the
Office of the Press Secretary, to formulate a media program that will
“portray an accurate assessment of the human rights in the country”. The
PIA is attached to the office, which is also under the Office of the President.
The government of the Philippines is today playing an increasingly
dangerous game, on the one hand attempting to create the impression of
a commitment to human rights and the manifest need to address the
gross abuses occurring in the country, while on the other doing all it can
to reject accusations without the conducting of impartial investigations
and other essential actions. The killings continue and the killers remain
at large; the credibility of the administration continues to slide. Order
163 in itself gives the signal that the government is more concerned to
spend time and money on polishing its image than it is on actually
putting a stop to the killings.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 41

The Asian Human Rights Commission stands by the contents of its urgent
appeal and reiterates its demands for independent inquiries, not police
whitewashing, of the death of Hernan Baria and wounding of Romeo
Catalan. It calls for the human rights community to oppose strongly all
such attempts at intimidation and disinformation through government
agencies. And it calls upon the Philippine Information Agency to retract
its January 12 press release and issue a public apology for the publishing
of the biased and insensitive contents.
Finally, the AHRC calls upon all concerned persons in the Philippines
not to tolerate misuse of the PIA as an agency for the distribution of
police or military propaganda. Such misuse will only justifiably increase
the already serious doubts that the public has about the government’s
will to protect it citizens and punish the perpetrators of extrajudicial
killings, and will do nothing for the credibility of either the PIA or the
government as a whole.

20 Eduardo Millares: Gang attack or something more?

VICTIMS: At 7am on 18 October 2006, Eduardo Millares (50) and
1. Eduardo Millares (killed) Victoriano Cariño (42) were on their way to work at a coconut
2. Victoriano Cariño
(wounded) plantation near their homes in Barangay Soledad, San Pablo City,
INCIDENT: Killing Laguna when an unidentified gunman attacked them near the
ALLEGED PERPETRATORS: barangay hall. Millares died instantly from four gunshots to his
Unidentified gunmen
DATE: 18 October 2006 body and head. Cariño suffered a gunshot to his right leg.
AHRC UA-347-2006 Witnesses said the attacker escaped by a motorcycle with two
other men.
Police investigators in San Pablo City Police Office rejected
the possibility that the killing of Millares could be motivated by
his activities for the urban poor. The police insisted that gang
members might have killed Millares and alleged that he was the
member of a robbery syndicate, claiming that he has a criminal
record at the city’s police station.
Millares was an active member of an urban poor group named
Samahan ng Magkakapitbahay sa Tabing-Riles (Association of
Neighbours along the Railroad), a local chapter of a national group,
Kalipunan ng Damayang Mahihirap (Kadamay-Timog
Millares’ colleagues believe that the attack could be related to
their opposition to a railway modernisation plan that threatens
to demolish local houses and displace residents.
Two months prior to the killing, elements of the 202nd Infantry
Battalion of the Philippine Army, led by Sergeant Victor Reyes,
set up detachments in communities along the railways in San
Antonio, Santa Ana, San Gregorio, San Joaquin, Soledad, Calehan
and Wawa, which are all in San Pablo City. They conducted
operations and implemented a curfew.
On October 17, the day before Millares was killed, his group
held a dialogue with the city government and representatives of
the 202nd IB. They complained about continuous military
surveillance, intimidation and harassment of residents in the
area. At that time they found out that the local government had
not been informed of the presence of the military in their

42 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

last October 23, 2004
outside our house.....
—Jennifer Tepolo-”
Badilla, Palawan....

jurisdiction, but at least two officials, Vice-Mayor Larry Vidal and

Councillor Martin Ilagan, expressed their support for its

Fr. Dionisio Ging-ging: Another priest stabbed to death 21

On 8 October 2006, a few days after the slaying of Bishop VICTIM: Dionisio Ging-ging
Ramento (following story), Fr. Dionisio Ging-ging, also a priest of INCIDENT: Killing
the Iglesia Filipina Independiente, was murdered in a similar Three unidentified men
manner in Barangay Bajao, Tago, Surigao del Sur. DATE: 8 October 2006
AHRC UA-337-2006
At around 5am, Fr. Ging-ging was on his way to Sunday mass
when three hooded men stopped him outside his house and
stabbed and hacked him to death.
As in the case of Bishop Ramento (see below), the investigating
police quickly attributed the killing, this time to the settling of a
personal score.

Bishop Alberto Ramento: 22

“I know they are going to kill me next” VICTIM: Alberto Ramento
Bishop Alberto Ramento (69) of the Iglesia Filipina INCIDENT: Killing
Independiente (IFI) was found dead in his room on the 2nd floor Unknown
of his parish in San Sebastian, Espinoza Street, Tarlac City at DATE: 3 October 2006
around 4am on 3 October 2006. He had been fatally stabbed seven AHRC UA-331-2006
On the day of the incident itself the police announced that
Bishop Ramento was a victim of robbery with homicide,
immediately dismissing a possible alternative motive. They based
their conclusion on earlier reports of break-ins at the San
Sebastian Church and also because the bishop’s cellular phone
and ring were missing. Two days after, they pronounced the case
“solved”, following the arrest of four alleged suspects in Tarlac
City, all of whom had criminal records.
However, Bishop Ramento’s family and fellow clergy believe
that his murder was methodically planned and motivated in
revenge for his work for the poor. They were dissatisfied with
the police investigation. They maintain that the bishop had
received several death threats before his killing and had told his
family, “I know they are going to kill me next. But never will I
abandon my duty to God and my ministry to the people.” However,
the police have resorted to labelling accusations that his death
was politically motivated as being “propaganda”.
Bishop Ramento had publicly criticised the administration for
its failure to stop the constant extrajudicial killings in the
Philippines or launch independent investigations into them. In
an open letter to President Arroyo on 7 September 2006, the IFI
Executive Commission, of which Bishop Ramento was a member,
called on the president to step down because of the failure of her
government to stop the killings.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 43

44 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1
Bishop Ramento also openly opposed Arroyo’s attempts to
amend the country’s constitution and change its political
structure from a presidential to a parliamentary model of
In addition to being the bishop of Tarlac Diocese, Bishop
Ramento was the chairman of the IFI’s Supreme Council of
Bishops and a co-chairperson of the Ecumenical Bishops’ Forum,
a fellowship of bishops of the Roman Catholic Church. He also
was the chairman of the National Council of Churches of the
Philippines (NCCP), and from 1993 to 1999 he served as the Obsipo
Maximo IX, the IFI’s spiritual head, chief pastor and chief
executive officer.
Outside of his formal church work, Bishop Ramento served as
a convener of Pilgrims for Peace and was also a provincial leader
of the human rights group Karapatan. He was the chairperson of
the board of the Workers’ Assistance Centre, a labour group in
Rosario, Cavite Province and he had strongly supported the farm
workers of Hacienda Luisita who staged a strike that was
violently suppressed by the police and military in November 2004,
resulting in the deaths of seven.
The AHRC released a statement on the occasion of the bishop’s
killing, which read in part:
The violent silencing of this moral voice in the Philippines indicates that
either the perpetrators have no fear of being apprehended by the police
or that agents of the state are, indeed, the perpetrators. The unwillingness
or inability of the Philippine government to seriously respond to the
hundreds of killings that have occurred in the Philippines since Arroyo
came to power in 2001 has spawned a climate of impunity in the country.
The people now live in fear, not the perpetrators of these violent acts.
Moreover, the failure of the Arroyo government to take adequate steps
to eradicate the country’s extrajudicial killings, which Karapatan states
is at least 763 deaths since 2001, is a repudiation of the Philippine
government’s international obligation to protect the lives of its citizens.
Lastly, the killing of Bishop Ramento, a public critic of the government
as previously noted, illustrates the lack of criticism permissible by the
government. This abhorrence of criticism indicates the unhealthy state
of democracy in the Philippines. Democracy is a political system based
on respect for human rights and the protection of everyone’s right to
voice their views. A government that does not defend its people’s rights,
that, indeed, does not defend the people’s most fundamental right of
all—its right to life—is a government that cannot maintain the trust of
its people and can no longer claim that it represents its people. In short,
it can no longer claim that it is a democratic government.
If the Arroyo government wishes to reclaim any pretence of legitimacy,
it must take immediate action to bring to justice those who have violently
taken the life of Bishop Alberto Ramento as well as hundreds of other
unresolved extrajudicial killings in the country. If alive, Bishop Ramento
would have uttered the same statement.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 45

23 Victor Olayvar: Victim of army hit list?
VICTIM: Victor Olayvar Victor Olayvar was shot dead at around 7:25am on 7 September
INCIDENT: Killing 2006 by gunmen riding on a motorcycle at Bridge Caban,
Two unidentified gunmen Barangay Cantubod, Danao. He was on a passenger motorcycle
DATE: 7 September 2006 heading to Tagbilaran City when another motorcycle with two
AHRC UA-300-2006 people on board blocked the route. One of them shot him at close
range. The driver of the passenger motorcycle immediately
reported the attack to a police office, at 7:30am.
Prior to the shooting Olayvar and other members of his
organisation, Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (Bayan), and their
allies felt that their lives were threatened. They had obtained
information that the military was holding a hit list which included
the names of four Bayan leaders, Olayvar’s among them, and
those of two other unknown persons. Meanwhile, they and
members of a farmers’ group, Hugpong sa mga Mag-uumang Bol-
anon (Bohol Peasant Organization), had heard of hooded strangers
riding on unregistered motorcycles and in vans asking for their
On September 2, the Bishop of Bohol, Bishop Leopoldo
Tumulak, organised a dialogue between Olayvar’s group and
representatives from the 302nd Brigade, Philippine Army based
in Bohol. They discussed the death threats, surveillance of
leaders and propaganda against their group. It was only five days
later that Olayvar was killed.

Ranbert Placencia:
VICTIM: Ranbert Placencia “You were the one who prevented the mining!”
INCIDENT: Killing On 4 September 2006, Ranbert Placencia was on his way to
ALLEGED PERPETRATORS: work on his motorcycle when seven unidentified armed men
Seven unidentified gunmen
DATE: 4 September 2006 wearing military-style clothing blocked his way along Purok 8,
AHRC UA-300-2006 Sta. Monica, Nuevo Iloco, in the Mawab municipality of the
Compostela Valley. The gunmen pointed their firearms at him
and questioned his identity. One of them, in a balaclava, was
armed with an Uzi machine gun and a .45-calibre pistol. He
searched for Ranbert’s mobile phone and seized his bag.
A witness heard an argument between Placencia and the
armed men prior to the shooting. One of the armed men said,
“You were the one who prevented the mining activity in San
Isidro!” Placencia responded, “It’s the people’s will!”
Soon after, several gunshots were heard. Witnesses saw the
gunmen shooting at Placencia with the Uzi, a .45-calibre pistol,
an M-14 Armalite, a garand rifle and an M-203. The gunmen
then immediately fled on motorcycles towards Nuevo Iloco.
Placencia suffered nine gunshot wounds to his chest and head.
Placencia was the chairman of the community in Purok 9A
San Isidro, Nuevo Iloco, municipal coordinator of the Anak Pawis
Party, a member of the Nuevo Iloco Farmers Association, and
chairman and a council member of Nagkahiusang Mag-uuma
sa Mawab. He was also employed by the National Irrigation

46 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

Napoleon Bautista: Abducted, tortured and killed 25
Napoleon Bautista (48) and his wife Ofelia were abducted on VICTIMS:
30 August 2006 in Barangay San Roque, Hagonoy, Bulacan. They 1. Napoleon Bautista (killed)
2. Ofelia Bautista (tortured)
were allegedly tortured during the abduction, and questioned INCIDENTS: Killing; torture
about alleged involvement in the New People’s Army. ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
Ofelia was released a day later and taken to the local Hagonoy DATE: 30 August 2006
District Hospital for treatment; however, no protection was offered AHRC UA-300-2006
to her.
Napoleon’s body was found on September 7, in Barangay Pungo,
Calumpit, Bulacan. His hands were tied with wire, and there
were torture marks on his feet. He had suffered two gunshot
wounds, one to his head and one to his back.
The Bautistas were members of Samahang Bantay Palaisdaan,
a fisherfolk’s group that is a local chapter of a national
organisation, Pambansang Lakas ng Kilusang Mamamalakaya
ng Pilipinas (Pamalakaya).
Napoleon Bautista was among those who survived the 1987
“Mendiola massacre”, when government forces fired at a crowd
of peasants and others demanding for genuine land reform,
killing several.

Ali Barabato & friends:

Last seen in white van with tinted windows
Ali Barabato, Ismael Sarip and Datu Abubakar were allegedly 1. Ali Barabato y Rasuman
members of the insurgent Moro Islamic Liberation Front, which (killed)
2. Ismael Sarip
is active in the southern Philippines. (disappeared)
3. Datu Abubakar
On 28 August 2006 around 10am, the three victims arrived at (disappeared)
a used clothing stall in Lizada, Boulevard, Davao City by passenger INCIDENTS: Killing;
vehicle. Ali greeted a local. Shortly thereafter a man wearing a disappearance
white t-shirt and jeans called out to Ali and his two companions. Unknown
The three were last seen inside a white L-300 van with tinted DATE: 28 August 2006
windows, together with the man who called them over. AHRC UA-363-2006

On August 31, three days after they went missing, the body of
Ali Barabato was found on the shoreline in Barangay Aumbay,
Island Garden City, Samal, Davao del Norte. Ali’s family heard
about the discovery from a news report and rushed to the funeral
parlour where his body was kept.
According to Alma, her husband’s body bore traces of brutal
torture. His hands were tied behind his back with wire. His body
and his legs were also wrapped in wire. He had a gunshot wound
on his upper forehead and three gunshot wounds to his neck.

Ceasar Quimco: Deadly disco

Ceasar Quimco was with his nephews at a crowded mobile VICTIM: Cesar Quimco
disco located in Sitio Malubog, Barangay Ipil around 1am on 24 INCIDENT: Killing
August 2006 when suddenly a gunman in a black balaclava ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
78th IB personnel
emerged from the crowd and yelled, “Put out the lights!” The lights DATE: 24 August 2006
were shut, and eleven shots rang out. All eleven shots hit 62- AHRC UA-284-2006
year-old Quimco, killing him.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 47

Quimco had allegedly been the subject of constant threats from
personnel of the 78th Infantry Battalion, Philippine Army. He
had been charged with frustrated murder after Corporal Richard
C. Semillano and Private First Class Leo Catamin Atriz (both of
Alpha Company) filed complaints against him in 2004. Quimco
had reportedly tried to restrain the two soldiers from beating up
his nephew. Quimco’s house had reportedly often been raided
since, and he had received death threats.

28 Hermelino Marqueza: Killed in house

Hermelino Marqueza
VICTIM:Hermelino On 20 August 2006, unidentified gunmen armed with M-14
INCIDENT: Killing rifles shot Hermelino Marqueza dead inside his house in
Unidentified gunmen Barangay Maitum, Tandag, Surigao del Sur at around 11pm.
DATE: 20 August 2006
Marqueza was an active leader of a peasant group Kapunungan
AHRC UA-284-2006 sa Mag-uuma sa Surigao. He was also the provincial chapter
leader of the Peasant Movement of the Philippines (Kilusang
Magbubukid ng Pilipinas-KMP).

29 Ambrosio Paler: Public transport dispute ends in death

Ambrosio Paler
VICTIM:Ambrosio Ambrosio Paler (47) was killed in an ambush by unidentified
INCIDENT: Killing gunmen along Libertad Street in Pasay City, Metro Manila on 17
Unidentified gunmen August 2006. He was declared dead on arrival at the Sanitarium
DATE: 17 August 2006 Hospital due to multiple gunshot wounds.
AHRC UA-284-2006 Paler was a transport leader who had campaigned against
illegal public transport operations in areas of Cavite, Laguna and
Batangas City. Five days before his killing Paler had successfully
obtained a prohibition on non-franchised vehicles working in
these areas.

Orlando Rivera: Shot dead at front door

Orlando Rivera
VICTIM:Orlando At 1am on 16 August 2006, Orlando Rivera (40) was with his
INCIDENT: Killing wife inside their house in Obando, Bulacan when somebody
ALLEGED PERPETRATORS: knocked at their door. Rivera answered the door, and he was
Four unidentified gunmen
DATE: 16 August 2006 shot several times. He died from three gunshot wounds from a
AHRC UA-271-2006 .45-calibre pistol. His wife saw four armed men leaving.
Rivera was formerly a member of the Pambansang Lakas ng
Kilusang Mamamalakaya ng Pilipinas (Pamalakaya), a fisherfolk’s
group active in the area.

Pastor Isaias Sta. Rosa:

Two dead bodies and an army mission order
On 3 August 2006 at around 8:30pm, around ten armed men
entered the house of the brothers of Pastor Isaias Sta. Rosa, Rey
and Jonathan in Barangay Malobago, Daraga, Albay, as they were
preparing for dinner. They then went to Pastor Isaias’ house,
taking his brothers with them. His wife Sonia opened the door,
and three armed and hooded men barged inside. They ordered
all the people to drop to the floor. They then grabbed Pastor Isaias
and threw him against a bamboo bench. He was pushed inside
his daughter’s room while his wife and children were taken to
the master bedroom.

48 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

The perpetrators questioned Pastor Isaias and assaulted him, 31
telling him to admit that he was a person named “Elmer”, for VICTIM: Isaias Sta. Rosa
whom they were looking. Pastor Isaias denied this and told them INCIDENT: Killing
to check his identification card. ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
Around ten 9th ID personnel
One of Pastor Isaias’s daughters saw that he was tied up and led by Corp. Lordger
Pastrana, commanded by
taken outside, while his family remained indoors. When his Major Earnest Mark Rosal,
family was certain that the armed men had left, Sonia rushed to Camp Matillana, Pili,
the neighbours for help. It was then they heard nine gunshots. Camarines Sur
DATE: 3 August 2006
Sonia, her children and their neighbors searched the area AHRC UA-274-2006
and found Pastor Isaias lying dead in a creek some 40-50 metres
away from their residence. He had suffered six gunshot wounds,
three to his chest, two to his thigh and another one to his foot.
Lying beside him was another dead body: that of Corporal
Lordger Pastrana of the Philippine Army. Pastrana had a bullet
in the right side of his body. A .45-calibre pistol with a silencer
was found nearby. Pastor Isaias’s wristwatch, his daughter’s
mobile phone and a Mission Order for Pastor Isaias dated 22 July
2006 and signed by Major Earnest Mark Rosal of Camp Matillana,
Pili, Camarines Sur were all recovered from Pastrana’s pocket.
Sonia identified Pastrana as the one who gave orders to his
companions when they took her husband from their house. She
recalled that he was the only short and stout one among the
group. After the incident, the administrative office of the 9th PHOTO: KARAPATAN

Infantry Division, Philippine Army conducted an investigation

and has yet to release its findings regarding the incident.
According to Jonathan’s account, Pastrana was among the ten
armed men who first entered their house. Jonathan believed
that they were from the military because of their bearing,
clothing, combat boots, and high-powered arms that they carried.
He said that on two occasions, men in military uniforms with
their name badges hidden had searched his brother’s house.
Pastrana was reportedly assigned to the Public Affairs Office
of the 9th Infantry Division, Philippine Army, based in Pili,
Camarines Sur. It is believed that he may have been accidentally
shot by his own men while they were trying to subdue their
Pastor Isaias was a member of the farmers’ group Kilusang

Magbubukid ng Bicol (Farmers’ Movement in Bicol) affiliated with this is a
the peasant group Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (Farmers’
Movement of the Philippines).
A fact-finding mission conducted in August 2006 by local —Marjorie Lord,
persons collected testimonies and evidence regarding the killing. England
The police and military have also conducted investigations into
the case, but their reports are yet to be released.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 49

32 Paquito Diaz: A “well-planned” killing
VICTIM: Paquito H. Diaz At 6:30pm on 6 July 2006, Paquito “Pax” Diaz (42), a former
INCIDENT: Killing radio broadcaster, was talking to relatives on the sidewalk of
Two unidentified gunmen Esperas Avenue, Barangay 54, Tacloban City, Leyte, near his
DATE: 6 July 2006 house—while waiting for old classmates, to attend a high school
AHRC UA-254-2006 reunion—when shot dead by a gunman on a motorbike.
Margarita Pelingon, the aunt of his wife, and her son Ariel
witnessed the attack. According to them the gunmen were riding
an XRM model motorcycle, which slowed down as they approached
Diaz. One of the men pulled a .45-calibre pistol and shot Diaz at
close range. The pistol was equipped with a silencer. Diaz was
hit in his left cheek below his eye. He was hit again as he fell to
the ground. Before the shooting the gunmen had travelled along
Esperas Avenue several times, and had hidden behind a bush
about nine metres away.
After the shooting, bystanders and neighbours tried to block
PHOTO: PCPR the way of the gunmen, but they were threatened that they would
be shot if they did not move out of the way. Diaz’s nephews,
Antonio Pelingon and Leandro Pacheco immediately took him to
the nearby Bethany Hospital by a tricycle. However, the attending
physicians declared Diaz dead on arrival. According to the
physicians, a bullet that pierced through his heart caused his
death. Dr. Angel Cordero of the PNP Crime Laboratory conducted
an autopsy.
Diaz had reportedly been receiving threats on his mobile phone,
according to Jun Estoya, anchorperson of a local AM radio station.
Superintendent Anacleto Limbo, chief of police of Tacloban
City, said initial police investigations had revealed that the attack
on Diaz was “well-planned”; however, no substantial progress is
known to have been made into the crime.
In an interview, Lulu Palencia, regional chairperson of the
Citizens Anti-Crime Assistance Group, revealed that a suspect
named Ronald Real was detained in Pastrana, Leyte at around
7pm on July 6. Real is a Private First Class reportedly attached
to the 34th Infantry Battalion, Philippine Army in San Jorge,
Western Samar. He was arrested at a police checkpoint by Senior
Superintendent Sabanal, head of the Pastrana Police Station.
Pfc. Real denied any involvement in Diaz’s killing. Lulu
Palencia said that it had yet to be investigated whether Pfc. Real
was involved in the killing. At the time of his arrest, he was
riding a motorcycle without a license plate number.
According to the January 2007 report by the presidentially-
appointed Melo Commission (page 48):
Absolutely no progress has been reported [into the case]. No witness
could even give a description of the perpetrators to provide sufficient
basis for a cartographic sketch because the driver of the motorcycle was
wearing a helmet while the gunman had a ball cap on which partly
covered his face.

50 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

Eladio Dasi-an: Gunned down on way home 33
On 20 June 2006, Eladio Dasi-an (37) was riding his motorcycle VICTIM: Eladio Dasi-an
back to his home in Sitio Tuminhao, Barangay Malusay, ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
Guihulngan, Negros Oriental about 3 kilometres away from the Three unidentified gunmen
town proper when three hooded men armed with .45-calibre DATE: 20 June 2006
pistols blocked his way. The gunmen shot him several times in AHRC UA-205-2006
head and chest. After making sure that he was dead, they boarded
a vehicle and fled the scene.
Several days prior to the incident, Dasi-an had reportedly
received information from neighbours and reliable sources that
men riding on motorcycles had been asking for his whereabouts.
Dasi-an was a government employee and worked as a
messenger for the Local Government Unit of Guihulngan, Negros

George & Maricel Vigo:

“Facing a blank wall as to the identity of the suspects”
On 19 June 2006, George Vigo (33) and his wife Maricel (36) 1. George Vigo
were riding on their motorcycle when two armed men shot at 2. Maricel Vigo
them, hitting George four times and Maricel twice, killing both. ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
Both of them had reportedly received threats via SMS from a Two unidentified gunmen
sender identified as “AralSaMasa” two weeks before their killing. DATE: 19 June 2006
Subsequently, other persons in General Santos City received AHRC UA-205-2006
similar messages (see case below).
George was a project officer of the Mindanao Youth Leadership
Program of the Community and Family Services International,
based in Cotabato City. The group works for internally displaced
persons. Maricel worked as a communications consultant for a
local public official and was area coordinator for the Solar Power
Technology System of the Department of Agrarian Reform, a
project funded by British Petroleum. Both were former journalists
and cofounders of the Federation of Reporters for Empowerment
and Equality. They had continued doing occasional media work.
The local police created a task force to investigate the killing
comprised of the Police Regional Office (PRO 12), Criminal
Investigation Detection Group and National Bureau of
Investigation. Although the task force attributed the killing to a
rebel liquidation squad, the victims’ families have said that the
manner of its investigation was not thorough and its findings
different from those of the police who conducted the initial
investigation, who were uncertain about the identity of the killers.
In a memorandum of June 19, Superintendent Danny Reyes,
Kidapawan City Police Office chief, wrote that:
As of this moment, this station is still facing a blank wall as to the
identity of the suspects, since, the witnesses could not identify the
perpetrators because the driver was wearing a safety helmet that covered
his face while his back rider used face towel to cover his head and face.
Nonetheless, without further evidence the task force has
conclusively attributed the incident to insurgents.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 51

On December 11 the presidentially-appointed Melo
Commission investigated the killing of the Vigos and recorded
the following in its January 2007 report (pages 34–36):
The spouses George and Maricel Vigo were working for People’s
Kauyahan Foundation, Inc. - a United Nations Development Programme
(“UNDP”) project partner for the upliftment of internally displaced
persons, including peasant farmers. George Vigo likewise had a local
AM radio show concerning agrarian reform issues. The spouses Vigo
were gunned down in Singao, Kidapawan City, Cotobato by unidentified
men on June 19, 2006.
Mr. Venancio Bafilar, a friend of the spouses Vigo testified that before he
was gunned down, George Vigo confided to Mr. Bafilar that he had been
receiving death threats, and that he was being suspected of authoring,
making or otherwise being behind the production of a video recording
contained in a certain compact disc. This video recording was of a certain
“bloodless” raid conducted by NPA rebels upon the municipal hall and
PNP Station of Magpet, Cotobato.
Bafilar mentioned that the spouses Vigo were political supporters of
Congresswoman Emmylou Taliño-Santos and her faction, including
Angelita Pelonio, who was running for mayor of Magpet against
incumbent Efren Piñol. In fact, Maricel Vigo was working in the office of
Congresswoman Taliño-Santos. The Taliños are the political enemies of
the Piñol faction, which includes Cotobato Governor Emmanuel F. Piñol.
Essentially, Bafilar’s testimony insinuates that the murder of the spouses
Vigo was political in motivation, and that the parties responsible come
from the camp of the Piñols.
The spouses Vigo were also in contact with a certain Ka Benjie, a suspected
NPA member, whom George Vigo interviewed a number of times in his
radio show. The Vigos were also supposedly eyewitnesses when Ka
Benjie was summarily executed by the military.
Fr. Peter Geremia, an American priest working for the Tribal Filipino
Program of the Diocese of Kidapawan, testified on his knowledge about
the deaths of the spouses Vigo. He mentioned that prior to and after the
death of the Vigos, he was subjected to surveillance by unidentified
armed men. George Vigo also confided to Fr. Geremia that a military
asset warned him (George Vigo) that he was in the “listahan” of the
After the killing of the Vigos, Fr. Geremia also received written death
threats that the killing of the Vigos was a message to him and the Tribal
Filipino Program that they would be next. The written threat more or
less stated that “whoever supports the NPA, death is what they deserve.”
In one incident in Columbio, Cotobato, Fr. Geremia was being followed
by some men, one of whom suddenly drew his gun. Upon seeing the
gun, Fr. Geremia’s companions rushed him inside a store and later asked
for help from the house of Columbio Mayor Bermudez. Mayor Bermudez,
however, stated that there was nothing he could do because, he said, that
the gunmen were military.
Fr. Geremia also testified that in a media presentation by Col. John Bucu
of the 40th IB Intelligence Unit, he (Fr. Geremia) was identified as a
supporter of the NPA – a fact which Fr. Geremia strongly denies. In fact,
Fr. Geremia mentions that after confronting Col. Bucu and clarifying
that he was not an NPA supporter, the latter apologized for the false
information they received.

52 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

However, Fr. Geremia was informed that his name and those of his staff
are still mentioned in interrogations of suspected NPA’s, and that he is
still under surveillance, albeit more discreetly. Fr. Geremia stated that
the probable reason why he and his colleagues and staff were suspected
of being NPA supporters was their constant monitoring of human rights
violations and providing legal assistance to suspects detained by the
military. In fact, with their aid, some of these suspects filed counter-
“ what kind of
government would
allow these killings ? ”
charges against military officers, such as Major Ruben Agarcio, Lt. —Erlinda L. Natulla,
Eduardo Manukan, and Col. Cesar Idio of the 25th IB. Fr. Geremia
requested the Commission and the National Bureau of Investigation to Manila
look into the threats against him and his staff, and the reason for the
surveillance on them.
Apart from their oral testimony, the aforementioned witnesses also
presented their written statements together with supporting documents.
The affidavits of other witnesses, namely Gregorio Alave, Mary Grace
Dingal, and Rea Ligtas, were submitted to the Commission. Due to lack
of time, however, they were no longer called to deliver oral testimony.
Gregorio Alave, the younger brother of Maricel Vigo, claimed to have
seen a certain Toto Amancio in the scene of the crime a few minutes
before the shooting of the Vigos. Amancio is said to be a notorious gun-
for-hire connected with powerful local politicians whom Alave did not
identify but insinuated to be the Piñols. Despite his information, the
Task Force Vigo created by the provincial government to investigate the
Vigo killings accused a certain Dionisio “Jek-Jek” Mandanguit as the
gunman. Alave, however, claims that this is not possible because
Madanguit belonged to the 39th Infantry Battalion of the Philippine
Army and was in the company of the CIDG long before the Vigo killing.

Vincente Barrios: Gunman walks out on murder plan 35

On 10 June 2006, at around 9:30pm an armed man wearing a VICTIM: Vincente Barrios
balaclava forcibly entered the house of union leader Vicente INCIDENT: Attempted killing
Barrios in Purok 2, Valencia, Barangay New Alegria, Compostela, ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
Two unidentified gunmen
in Compostela Valley Province. According to witnesses, the man DATE: 10 June 2006
who entered the house was carrying a rifle while a companion AHRC UA-191-2006
served as a lookout outside. Barrios and his wife were in their
bedroom at the time. Two other relatives were also inside the
house, and they panicked and ran towards the room where Barrios
and his wife were located when they saw the gunman. However,
the gunman also turned and fled the house.
Barrios had earlier also been threatened. He was once hit with
a sling shot pellet while riding on a motorcycle on his way home
and had been threatened with guns shown to him while at work
in the the banana packing plant of the Fresh Banana Agricultural
Corporation in Compostela. Prior to the June 10 incident, Barrios
had also been warned by one of their union members that he
had heard of a plot to kill him.
Barrios is president of Nagkahiusang Mamumuo sa Suyapa
Farms (United Workers of Suyapa Farms). The threats against
him could be related to a case filed against the management of
the Fresh Banana Agricultural Corporation with the Department
of Labor and Employment for non-payment of living cost
allowances, holiday pay, service incentives and non-wage

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 53

The military has been connected with busting labour unions
in Compostela. Findings by the International Labor Solidarity
Mission (ILSM) held in May 2006 revealed that elements of the
36th and 28th Infantry Battalions, Philippine Army had been
active in busting labour unions there in 2004 and 2005. In
September 2005, Barrios was himself called for questioning by
elements of the 28th IB, who accused him of being part of the
New People’s Army rebel group.

Vincente Barrios: Second time shot, with three friends

Before going to print it was learned that on 15 December
2006 Vincente Barrios was shot a second time, this time
with three friends, one of whom has died.
Barrios was among a group of eight travelling to work
together on motorcycles when they were overtaken by two
men, also on a motorcycle, one of whom opened fire just a
short distance from the factory in Barangay Alegria.
A single .45-calibre bullet hit Barrios in his left arm and
abdomen. Three fellow unionists, reported to be Aldrin
Cortez, Dennis Glenzondon and Gerson Lastimoso were also
seriously wounded: Lastimoso was hit in the kidney and
died in hospital at Tagum City. The other two men were hit
in the shoulder, and neck and face respectively.

36 Markus Bangit & Gloria Casuga: Murdered at bus stop

VICTIMS: Markus (Rafael) Bangit and his son Banna were onboard a bus
1. Markus Bangit for Baguio City when he was killed at a stopover restaurant around
2. Gloria Casuga
INCIDENT: Killing 3:30pm on 8 June 2006 in Echague, Isabela. The gunmen,
ALLEGED PERPETRATORS: wearing hoods, shot and killed another passenger, Gloria Casuga
Unidentified gunmen when she screamed upon seeing them shoot Bangit. The
DATE: 8 June 2006
perpetrators then fled in a van that had apparently been tailing
AHRC UA-191-2006 the bus since it had left Tabuk, Kalinga.
Bangit died from four gunshot wounds to his chest and stomach;
his son was not hurt. Gloria Casuga, who was school principal of
Quezon National High School in Quezon, Isabela, died from five
bullet wounds.
According to the January 2007 report of the presidentially-
appointed Melo Commission, “There has been no progress
whatsoever in the investigation of the case.”
Bangit was the leader of the indigenous Malbong community.
His killing is suspected to be related to his work as a regional
officer of the Cordillera People’s Alliance and chairperson of the
Binodngan Pongors Organization.

54 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

Noel Capulong: Shot and killed after visiting people’s 37
pharmacy VICTIM: Noel Capulong
Around 6pm on 27 May 2006, Noel Capulong was on his way ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
home after visiting a “Botica ng Bayan” (pharmacy of the people), Two unidentified gunmen
a project of his political party, Bayan Muna, in Calamba City, DATE: 27 May 2006
Laguna. While he was at his service vehicle in Barangay Parian, AHRC UA-175-2006
one of the two gunmen in hoods approached and fired at him
before boarding a motorcycle and speeding away.
Capulong suffered gunshots to his jaw, the left side of his body
and chest. He was immediately taken to the nearby St. John
Hospital but declared dead on arrival.
At the time of his death, Capulong was the deputy secretary
general of Bayan Muna (Southern Tagalog), regional staff of
Bagong Alyansang Makabayan, and a spokesperson for the
Southern Tagalog Environmental Advocacy Movement. He was
active in his church and chaired the Christian Witness and
Service Committee for the United Church of Christ in the
Philippines, North East Southern Tagalog Conference. He had
helped to form the Southern Tagalog Regional Ecumenical
Council, was a member of the Kapatirang Simbahan para sa
Bayan (Kasimbayan) and was convenor of the Christian
Movement for Good Government.
According to the January 2007 Melo Commission report, “A
criminal complaint for murder is supposed to have been filed
against a certain Alfredo Alinsunurin with the City Prosecutor’s
Office, Calamba City, but the file does not indicate the evidentiary
basis for the charge. The respondent is at large.”

Rev. Andy Pawican: Pulled away from congregation 38

At around 11am on 21 May 2006, Rev. Andy Pawican (30), a VICTIM: Andy Pawican
pastor with the United Church of Christ in the Philippines, was INCIDENT: Killing
allegedly seized by armed men believed to be elements attached ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
48th IB personnel, Delta
to the 48th Infantry Battalion, Philippine Army, in Sitio Maluyon, Company led by Lt. TTagliwag
Barangay Fatima, Pantabangan, Neuva Ecija. DATE: 21 May 2006
AHRC UA-175-2006
Pawican was talking to members of his congregation—most of
them women—as they were on their way to the house of other
fellow church members for lunch about 100 metres away when
armed men suddenly appeared and seized him. They told the
others to leave and pulled him off.
At around 5pm that day, villagers heard five gun bursts. Later,
Pawican’s body was found near to some villagers’ houses.
After they learned of the incident, the victim’s relatives
reported it to a local police station, but instead of registering
their complaints the police insisted that Pawican’s death was
the result of a legitimate encounter in Sitio Lomboy, Barangay
Tayabo, San Jose, early that day. This contradicts witnesses’

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 55

Pawican’s killing could have been related to his work in the
community. The village where he was working had been occupied
by the military since October 2005. Residents were complaining
of military abuses, in particular the theft of farm animals.
Pawican was active in addressing his congregation’s concerns,
angering soldiers who had allegedly resorted to more harassment
of the community.

39 Annaliza Abanador-Gandia: Shot down at shop counter

VICTIM: Annaliza Abanador Annaliza Abanador-Gandia (35) was gunned down around
INCIDENT: Killing 5:30pm in her workplace: soon after two men riding a motorcycle
Two unidentified gunmen entered the Dakki Sale Center in Balanga, Bataan where she
DATE: 18 May 2006 was working as a an assistant personnel officer, she was found
AHRC UP-111-2006 dead with four .45-calibre gunshot wounds to her head and body.
Abanador was a leader of a women’s group affiliated with the
Kilusan para sa Pambansang Demokrasya, a national political
The presidentially-appointed Melo Commission recorded the
following in its January 2007 report concerning her case (page
The police filed charges against the alleged suspects Allan Prado @ Ian
and Jose Carabeo @ Toktok, reportedly both members of the CPP-NPA
based on the identification of a tricycle driver who supposedly saw the
suspects coming out of the Dakki Sale Center. The driver identified the
suspects from photographs shown to him by the police.
PHOTO: KPD Based on said identification and without having apprehended the suspects
remaining at large, the PNP filed a criminal complaint for murder with
the Office of the City Prosecutor of Balanga City, Bataan on May 30, 2006.

40 Mario Domingo: Killed by hired guns of landlord

VICTIM: Mario Domingo On 17 May 2006 Mario Domingo was attacked by armed men
INCIDENT: Killing allegedly with connections to an influential landowner, Farley
Romulo Ellano & Eduardo Gustilo. At that time, Domingo and his companions were visiting
Semillano land awarded to them by the Department of Agrarian Reform that
DATE: 17 May 2006 was formerly owned by the Gustilos.
AHRC UA-223-2006
Before heading to the farmland, Domingo sought a security
escort from the Regional Mobile Group in Hacienda Cambuktot,
Barangay Mansalanao, La Castellana, as he had received reports
that 20 of the Gustilos men, some armed, were present there.
When the group arrived, the armed men started shooting at them;
Domingo died on the spot. The two attackers identified as
shooting Domingo were Romulo Ellano and Eduardo Semillano.
Domingo was president of the Hacienda Cambuktot Agrarian
Reform Beneficiaries Association. The contested land was
awarded to Domingo’s group in 1991. However, the Gustilos had
filed a motion for an injunction to prevent the beneficiaries from
taking it over.
At the time of the AHRC appeal being issued, no perpetrators
involved in the shooting had been arrested, despite charges having
been filed by Task Force Mapalad against them.

56 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

Jose Doton: Tailed and shot on motorcycle 41
On 16 May 2006, at around 10:30am Jose Doton and his brother VICTIMS:
Cancio were riding on their motorcycle when attacked by gunmen 1. Jose Doton (killed)
2. Cancio Doton (wounded)
on another motorcycle, who were apparently tailing the victims. INCIDENT: Killing
They fired at them soon after they overtook the victims’ ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
motorcycle. When the victims’ motorcycle fell to the ground, one Unidentified gunmen
DATE: 16 May 2006
of the gunmen alighted and shot Jose in the head at close range.
AHRC UA-175-2006
Cancio also suffered two gunshot wounds. The attackers
immediately left.
At the time of his death, Doton was the secretary general of
the Bayan Muna party in Pangasinan and president of Tignayan
dagiti Mannalon A Mangwayawaya.
The presidentially-appointed Melo Commission recorded the
following on Doton’s killing in its January 2007 report (page 44):
Jose C. Doton was the Secretary General of the Bagong Alyansang
Makabayan (Bayan Muna) and President of TIMMAWA (Tignay Ti
Mannalon a Mangwayawaya ti Agno). At about 10:30 a.m. on May 16,
2006, while the victim and his brother, Cancio Doton, were on their way
home on board a motorcycle, with the victim as backrider, two persons
wearing helmets on board a motorcycle who were apparently tailing
them fired several shots at them. The victim and his brother fell down.
Thereafter, one of the gunmen approached Jose Doton who was lying on
the ground and shot him in the head. He was rushed to a hospital but was
pronounced dead on arrival. His brother was hit at the back but managed
to survive. The incident happened on Anong Road, Sabangan River,
Brgy Camanggan, San Nicolas, Pangasinan.
A complaint for murder and frustrated murder has been filed against a
certain Joel S. Flores because: (a) the motorcycle supposedly used in the
killing is registered in his name; and (b) the .45 calibre pistol found in his
possession when subjected to a ballistic examination turned out to be the
one used in the shooting.
According to the police report, “the identities of the suspects cannot be
established as of this time since there are no witnesses who had surfaced
to give an eyewitness account of the incident and that the motives for the
killing cannot be established.” There is no report on the status of the case
filed against Joel S. Flores.

Elena Mendiola & Ricardo Balauag: “There’s somebody...” 42

It was past 1pm on 10 May 2006 when Elena “Baby” Mendiola, VICTIMS:
her partner Ricardo “Ric” Balauag and two of her grandchildren 1. Elena Mendiola
2. Ricardo Balauag
arrived in Barangay Garet, Echague. They were about to buy INCIDENT: Killing
mangoes and take them to Manila, but before going the couple ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
first went to visit members of the Nagkakaisang Magsasaka sa Unidentified gunmen
DATE: 10 May 2006
Echague (United Farmers of Echague) in the village. The couple
AHRC UA-096-2006
stayed there until the evening, and decided to have dinner at
the house of farmer Ben Caculitan, together with Rudrigo Aido, UP-111-2006
Carmelo Agcaoili and Rudy Corpuz. According to Elena’s daughter
Alena, around 7pm she received call from Elena telling her that
they would take dinner at the farm. It was the last conversation
they had.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 57

At about 8pm Elena and Ricardo were preparing to leave the
village. Elena woke her grandchildren up and took them to their
car. She then went back to a hut to say goodbye to her friends.

“ prosecute the
She suddenly noticed a gunman leaning on one side of the hut
with his gun aimed at her. She said “There’s somebody...” before
being shot twice in the hip. She tried to move away, but the
break gunman continued to fire and killed her on the spot.
Ricardo feared for their grandchildren’s safety, and tried
—Fara Diva Cortes
Gamalo, Leyte
” running towards the vehicle where they were but another
gunman shot him dead too.
During the shooting, the five people inside the hut dropped to
the ground, fearing that they would be shot also. After the gunmen
fled on a motorcycle, they took the grandchildren inside while
Rudy’s wife Marga Paat called Alena and informed her about the
shooting. Alena immediately sought the assistance of the police.
According to Alena, they didn’t seem to believe her story or take
any immediate action to investigate the incident. Around
midnight, the police finally arrived at the crime scene to
Elena suffered 14 gunshot wounds to different parts of her body;
her partner Ricardo suffered two gunshot wounds to his right
side. The five people inside the hut could not see the gunmen
clearly because there was a power shutdown at the time.
The police have claimed to have made arrests, yet no proper
and impartial investigation was carried out into the incident.
The presidentially-appointed Melo Commission recorded the
following on the case in its January 2007 report (page 48):
A witness, Bayani Villanueva, gave a supplemental statement dated June
1, 2006 that on May 10, 2006 at around 8 p.m., while on board his
motorcycle going to the house of Ruby Corpuz in Barangay Garet Sur,
Echague, Isabela to meet with Ricardo Balauag he heard several bursts of
gun fire prompting him to seek cover and at that juncture he saw two
armed men in black sweaters riding in tandem on a sports-type
motorcycle removing their bonnet masks while fleeing towards his
direction. As the light of his motorcycle was still on, he was able to
identify Renato Busania and Timoteo Corpuz whom he supposedly met
on March 2, 2006 after he was told by Ricardo Balauag about the two
persons frequenting his house and threatening him with harm if he
failed to produce something.

43 Rev. Jemias Tinambacan: Ambushed on road

VICTIMS: At around 5:30pm on 9 May 2006, Rev. Jemias Tinambacan
1. Jemias Tinambacan (49) and his wife Rev. Marilou Tinambacan were driving to
2. Marilou Tinambacan Oroquieta City from Lopez Jaena, Misamis Occidental, when four
(wounded) gunmen riding two DT Yamaha motorcycles approached their
INCIDENT: Killing vehicle and began shooting at them. Rev. Jemias Tinambacan
Mamay Guimalan and three suffered an injury to his head, and his van lost control and crashed
other unidentified gunmen into a tree. The perpetrators then proceeded towards the vehicle
DATE: 9 May 2006 saying, “The woman is still alive”. They then fired three times
AHRC UA-161-2006 towards Rev. Marilou Tinambacan but failed to kill her. When

58 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

one of the gunmen came close to the van’s door, she noticed that
he was Mamay Guimalan, a member of military intelligence.
The gunmen then ran away immediately.
Jemias and Marilou were sent to Misamis Occidental
Provincial Hospital in Oroquieta City. Jemias died soon after,
while his wife received treatment at the hospital. The
perpetrators are still at large.
The couple had been actively involved in human rights work
in the region. In particular, Jemias was an active member of
the Gloria Step Down Movement in Misamis Occidental and the
provincial chairman of the Bayan Muna party.

Gerardo Cristobal: Attacked by police and gunman 44

Labour leader Gerardo Cristobal was in a car on a crowded VICTIM: Gerardo Cristobal
street in Barangay Anabu, Coastal, Imus, Cavite on 28 April 2006. INCIDENT: Attempted killing
He was going for a protest when three armed men in hoods riding ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
SPO1 Romeo Lara
in another car, blocked his way and attacked him. Cristobal had (intelligence), Larry Reyes of
a licenced gun with him, which he had obtained after threats on Civil Security Unit (SCU) and
his life from one of the three men who was later identified as one unidentified companion
DATE: 28 April 2006
Larry Reyes, a personal bodyguard of Vice-Mayor Manny Maliksi
AHRC UA-142-2006
of Imus, Cavite—son of the governor. An exchange of gunfire
took place between Cristobal and one of his attackers, wounding
both of them.
After the shooting the gunmen fled, while a motorcycle trishaw
driver took Cristobal back to his house and then on to the Pilar
Hospital for treatment for serious gunshot wounds to his stomach,
hip and hand.
The person whom Cristobal shot was admitted to the same
hospital. He was identified as Senior Police Officer 1 Romeo Lara,
a member of police intelligence in Imus, Cavite. SPO1 Lara
suffered gunshot wounds to his head and shoulder. However, in
an interview on local radio station dzRH, Colonel Rodel Sermonia,
head of the intelligence operatives in Imus accused Cristobal of
attacking Lara, not vice versa. Another person identified as being
involved was Larry Reyes, a member of the Civilian Security
Unit (CSU) in Imus; the third person remained in the vehicle
that blocked Cristobal’s way.
Later in the afternoon, Cristobal was transferred to San Juan
de Dios Hospital in Paranaque City, Metro Manila. Cristobal’s
relatives, who were with him at the hospital, were concerned by
the presence of Special Weapons and Tactics personnel from Imus
at the hospital.
One count of frustrated murder and two counts of attempted
murder were filed against Cristobal before the Office of the
Provincial Prosecutor in Imus, Cavite on April 28. Superintendent
Efren Castro, the Imus police chief, claimed that Lara and his
two companions were on their way to an anti-illegal drugs
operation when the shooting took place. The charges against
Cristobal were dismissed months later, but his alleged attackers
are still at large.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 59

Cristobal is critical of Governor Ireneo “Ayong” Maliksi of Cavite
for his policy of “No Union, No Strike”, which practically prohibits
protests against the unfair labour practices of foreign-owned
factories in Cavite.
In January 2005, Cristobal was allegedly severely tortured by
the Imus police after being falsely accused of involvement in the
killing of another labour leader, Cris Abad, a former union
secretary of Kristong Manggagawa, a labour union of EMI (EDS
Manufacturing Incorporated) Yazaki in Cavite, of which Cristobal
had been president. He was that time released without charge
after police investigators could not produce sufficient evidence.

45 Gavino Abrojeno & Edgar Bautista:

VICTIMS: Botched attempted killing
1. Gavino Abrojeno On 26 April 2006, at around 3:15pm, Gavino Abrogena and
2. Edgar Bautista
INCIDENT: Attempted killing Edgar Bautista were on their way to a meeting to discuss plans
ALLEGED PERPETRATORS: for a May 1 Labour Day demonstration. While waiting for a ride
Five unidentified men from their office in Dagupan, San Mateo, Isabela, an unmarked
DATE: 26 April 2006
blue van stopped in front of them. The van’s driver started calling
AHRC UA-151-2006
for passengers to Santiago, a town in the province. Gavino and
Edgar decided not to take the van when they saw that all the
passengers on board were male and looked suspicious.
After the van left, two men came by motorcycle and stopped in
front of the two. One of the gunmen took out a .45-calibre pistol
and tried to shoot at Edgar, but the gun did not fire. Gavino and
Edgar quickly ran off and shouted out to bystanders in the area.
When Edgar tried to hide behind some plants, three men came
out from a nearby restaurant and grabbed his neck and arms,
asking why he was running. Edgar explained that somebody tried
to shoot him. The men tried to pacify him and told him to stop
running. Because of the noise Gavino and Edgar made, more
customers came out. The three men accosted Edgar, and then
ran towards the town centre of San Mateo.
Gavino is a spokesperson of Danggayan, a regional peasant
movement in Cagayan Valley who had been actively speaking at
protest rallies against militarisation in the region. Edgar’s wife
Grace is a human rights leader and worker in the area who was
also harassed in October 2005 after she spoke before peasants
in Naguilian, Isabela.
It was later reported that soldiers have been asking about the
men’s whereabouts. Colonel Shalimar Imperial, 5th Infantry
Division intelligence officer, has also publicly accused them of
being members of the New People’s Army.

Enrico Cabanit: A police cover-up?

On 24 April 2006, Enrico Cabanit and his daughter Daffodil
were buying food at the public market in Panabo City when a
gunman wearing a hood shot them. Enrico died on the spot due
to multiple gunshot wounds to his head, and his daughter suffered
a gunshot to her lungs. She was sent to the Intensive Care Unit
of the Davao Regional Hospital in Tagum City.

60 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

Enrico had just finished a meeting with officials of the 46
Department of Agrarian Reform where he and other farmers VICTIMS:
demanded the inclusion of a 400 hectares citrus plantation owned 1. Enrico G. Cabanit (killed)
2. Daffodil Cabanit
by the Floirendo family under the Comprehensive Agrarian (wounded)
Reform Program. The disputed land is part of over 1000 hectares INCIDENT: Killing
of land under the Worldwide Agricultural Development ALLEGED PERPETRATOR:
Two unidentified gunman
Corporation (WADECOR) owned by the Floirendos. DATE: 24 April 2006
Enrico was secretary general of Pambansang Ugnayan ng mga AHRC UA-140-2006
Nagsasariling Lokal na Organisasyon sa Kanayunan, a land UP-175-2006
reform group. He was also the chair of the WADECOR Employees
Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Association Inc. His death is
believed to be connected to his struggle for land reform. He
confronted wealthy and influential landowners in the area,
including the Floirendos.
Daffodil went into hiding after getting out of hospital out of
fear for her life. She has not been afforded any adequate
Meanwhile, the Panabo City Police were unable to secure the
relevant physical evidence from the crime scene. Not all spent
shells from the shooting were recovered. They were unable to
get photographs and sketches of the crime scene. Police
investigators used a defective camera, so the photographs taken
were of no use. There was no autopsy or postmortem examination
performed on Cabanit’s body.
Furthermore, one of the investigators, PO3 Domingo Rañain,
went on leave for a month the day after he began the
investigation. When he returned to work following his leave, he
reportedly required the victim’s family to produce 25,000 Pesos
(USD 500) for the body to be exhumed for autopsy. The victim’s
family could not produce the amount and as a result the body
was not promptly exhumed.
Although police investigators produced sketches of the
gunmen, their descriptions contradicted those of other witnesses
also present at the crime scene. It was later found out that those
who provided descriptions of the gunmen were police informants.
The description and information provided by other civilian
witnesses has reportedly not been considered.
Three or four days after the shooting, police investigators
released sketches and identified the gunman as Monching
Solon—a local hired gun and police informer—on the basis of the
opinion of a police officer assigned in nearby Tagum City, PO3
Salvador Dumas.
The investigators then searched for Solon. They received
information that he was in the nearby town of Sto. Tomas, Davao
del Norte, but he could not be found. On 26 May 2006, Solon was
reportedly killed in a shootout in General Santos City.
Although the two police informers identified Solon as the
gunman in Cabanit’s killing, one of two other witnesses
sympathetic to the Cabanit family insists that Solon was not the

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 61

person. Concerns that the real killer has not been identified are
compounded by allegations relating to the possible involvement

“I find it sick
that people
would actually
in the killing of one of the members of the Panabo City Police
Office, which is leading investigation of the case. A reliable source
connected to the victim has claimed that a hired killer was paid
150,000 Pesos (USD 3000) to carry out the murder, and that this
person in turn had hired a Panabo City policeman to do it. This

do this..
—Nancy Nguyen,
information was confirmed by two separate sources. These
allegations, however, have not been adequately investigated.
On December 11 the presidentially-appointed Melo
Commission investigated the killing of the Cabanit and recorded
the following in its January 2007 report (pages 36–38):
Enrico Cabanit was the chairperson of the WADECOR Employees and
Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Association, Inc. (“WEARBAI”) and the
Secretary General of Pambansang Ugnayan ng mga Nagsasariling
Organisasyon sa Kanayunan (“UNORKA-National”). He was assassinated
by an unidentified gunman wearing a bonnet at the public market of
Panabo City, Davao Del Norte on April 24, 2006. Wounded in the incident
was Daffodil Cabanit, Enrico Cabanit’s daughter.
As witnesses, the Commission called P/Senior Investigator Wilfredo
Puerto and PO3 Domingo Ranain, who investigated the Cabanit murder.
PSI Puerto is the Intelligence Officer of the Panabo City Police Station,
while Ranain is the police investigator on duty for the Cabanit murder.
They both claimed that they already “solved” the crime and that it was a
certain Enrique Solon who was the gunman. Enrique Solon was
supposedly identified post mortem by eyewitnesses, as he had been
killed in similar fashion in General Santos City some days later. Likewise,
a certain Benedick Mallorca supposedly overheard Solon drunkenly
boasting about killing Cabanit.
However, there are numerous discrepancies and suspicious details
regarding the investigation which tended to disprove the police theory,
thereby prompting the General Counsel to intensively cross-examine
the witnesses. In particular, the following details were suspicious:
- The body of Cabanit was not autopsied before burial, in violation of
standard procedure, and despite requests for autopsy by Cabanit’s
- The supposed eyewitness, Mr. Ryan Catalan, never stated in his
affidavit that he saw the face of the assailant. Hence, his identification
of Solon’s body as the gunman is unreliable.
- Solon’s body and face at the time the supposed witnesses identified it
were severely swollen (as shown in the submitted picture), that it was
virtually impossible to identify him based on his alleged fleeting
appearance at the crime scene.
- The police reported that Cabanit was shot with a 9mm handgun
three times, and that they recovered 9mm cartridges at the scene of the
crime. However, the NBI expert witness stated that, upon his
examination, Cabanit sustained only two (2) gunshot wounds and
that, due to their diameter, they could not have been caused by a 9mm
slug, but only by no less than .45 caliber pistol slugs.
- The police did not bother to bring Daffodil Cabanit to see and identify
Solon as the gunman. Daffodil Cabanit is in the best position to see,
describe and identify her father’s assailant.

62 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

After several questions, the police officers stated that the investigation
was still ongoing in that they have yet to identify the mastermind for the
killing. The Commission inquired as to what steps the police were taking
to do so. The police officers stated that they were waiting for further
information from their witness, Mr. Benedick Mallorca. The Commission
noted that the investigation should not be kept idly waiting for a witness
to volunteer information, especially since the case of Cabanit is, according
to Task Force Usig’s report, “under extensive investigation.”
The NBI’s Medico-Legal examiner, Dr. Edgar Saballa, testified on his
autopsy of Cabanit’s body undertaken after its exhumation was ordered
by the Commission. He discovered that there were two (2) gunshot
wounds and not three (3) as stated in the police report. He also concluded
that, based on the entry wounds, the weapon used was a .45 caliber
pistol, and definitely not a 9mm pistol as stated in the police report.
Unfortunately, no slugs were recovered from Cabanit’s body for possible
ballistic examination.
Last to testify was Mr. Rodolfo Imson, the local Regional Director of the
Department of Agrarian Reform. He testified as to the good character of
Cabanit, but that the DAR has no idea who was behind his killing. He,
however, mentioned that violence is a constant problem in the
implementation of the agrarian reform program, and that he himself
has been receiving death threats from unknown parties.

Porferio Maglasang Sr.: Taken to chapel to die 47

On 22 April 2006 three gunmen shot Porferio Maglasang Sr. VICTIM: Porferio Maglasang
dead at a chapel near his house in Kabankalan City. According INCIDENT: Killing
to Maglasang’s wife, the gunmen went to their house and asked Three unidentified gunmen
her husband to go for a talk. When he asked them who they DATE: 22 April 2006
were, he was told to come with them to a chapel nearby. They did AHRC UA-223-2006
not identify themselves or state their purpose for visiting. Soon
after Maglasang went out with the three men to the chapel he
was shot several times at close range.
Maglasang was the chairperson of the Kabankalan Chapter of
the National Federation of Free Farmers (Pambansang Katipunan
ng Malayang Magbubukid). He was among its leaders who were
earlier forced to evacuate when the military launched Operation
Thunderbolt in Southern Negros, particularly in Sipalay,
Cauayan, Candoni, Ilog and Kabankalan. Maglasang and other
fellow colleagues had long been fighting for more than 2000
hectares of land outside Kabankalan City, which is being tilled
by almost 1000 families.

Marilou Sanchez & Virgilio Rubio: Tied up and shot 48

In the night of 22 April 2006, Marilou Sanchez (42), husband VICTIMS:
Hilario (“Larry”) and brother, Virgilio Rubio (40), were sleeping 1. Marilou Sanchez (killed)
2. Virgilio Rubio (killed)
inside their hut in Barangay Magsikap, General Nakar, Quezon. 3. Hilario Sanchez
At around 2:30am, around ten armed men believed to be elements (assaulted)
of the 16th Infantry Battalion, Philippine Army, entered the hut. INCIDENT: Killing; assault
The men were wearing black long-sleeved shirts, five were Ten 16th IB personnel
wearing hoods and others were in military-style pants. The men DATE: 22 April 2006
immediately tied up Marilou and her brother Virgilio. They asked AHRC UA-151-2006
them who was Larry Sanchez, and Hilario responded affirmatively.
The armed men accused Hilario of being a member of the New
People’s Army. He denied this and told them that he was serving

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 63

the local government as chief of village security. The men started
beating Hilario until blood came out from his nose and they
thought he was unconscious; they tied him up. Then some of
them ordered their companions to take Virgilio and tied him up
on the second floor of the hut. Marilou was also tied to a post.
Hilario managed to untie his hands. One of the armed men
approached his wife and shot her. He also heard gunshots from
upstairs. Hilario immediately got up and ran off, with the
attackers shooting at him. He stayed in the forest until daytime.
Marilou died from gunshot wounds to her head while Virgilio
had wounds to his chest. The armed men also ransacked and
stole items from the house.
Marilou was a member of the Bayan Muna party, while Hilario
is as he said, chief of the Barangay Tanod (security force) of
Barangay Magsikap and also a Bayan Muna member.

Rico Adeva: Shot face down in river basin
VICTIM: Rico Adeva On 15 April 2006 Rico Adeva (39) and his wife Nenita were on
INCIDENT: Killing their way to Talisay town in Negros Occidental when they were
ALLEGED PERPETRATORS: stopped by armed men. It was around 4pm as the couple passed
Ronald Europa,
Revolutionary Proletarian through the Imbang River when three men wearing jackets and
Army–Alex Boncayao armed with .45-calibre pistols blocked their way. Rico was shot
Brigade member
member,, “Boy after they were told to turn their backs and lie down with their
Negro” & unidentified man
DATE: 15 April 2006 faces to the ground. He suffered ten gunshot wounds in the head,
AHRC UA-130-2006 ears, hands and torso.
Rico’s wife Nenita said that his murder was prompted by his
involvement in the struggle for agrarian reform. He was a staff
member of Task Force Mapalad, an agrarian organisation
assisting peasant beneficiaries of the Comprehensive Agrarian
Reform Programme to claim lands awarded to them.
In a sworn statement on April 24 Nenita identified two of the
gunmen as Ronald Europa, a distant relative of her husband,
and another person known as Boy Negro. Ronald Europa has been
confirmed to be a member of the Revolutionary Proletarian Army–
Alex Boncayao Brigade rebel group. Nenita recounted having met
with Ronald in 1997 and 1998, when he and his companions
visited their house. Nenita had not seen him again since.
However, some Task Force Mapalad leaders had reportedly been
approached by the three gunmen on April 9, who had asked what
day Adeva usually came that way. Since then, Ronald and his
group had been seen passing through Barangay San Antonio each
Although the rebel group’s leadership has reportedly confirmed
that Ronald Europa is their member in the Silay area, no arrest
has been made. They have also insisted that since 2000 Ronald
has been based in an area far from the barangay where the killing
took place. Ronald’s unnamed brother, alleged to have been the
other person involved in the killing, has just recently joined the
group and is based in Central Region, Himamaylan. However the
group has reportedly denied knowing the other gunman, Boy
64 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1
Elpidio de la Victoria: No empty threats 50
Elpidio de la Victoria, programme director of the environmental VICTIM: Elpidio de la Victoria
organisation Cebu City Bantay Dagat Commission, was shot in INCIDENT: Killing
front of his house in Barangay Dauis, Talisay City on 12 April SPO1 Marcial Ocampo
2006. He died from multiple gunshot wounds a day after the DATE: 12 April 2006
incident. AHRC UA-131-2006

De la Victoria and his colleague Antonio Oposa were at the

forefront of the fight against destructive and illegal methods of
fishing in the Visayas region of central Philippines. Their
Visayan Sea Squadron, a volunteer organisation, is campaigning
for the protection the marine environment. Prior to his death,
de la Victoria disclosed that a million pesos had been raised to
kill him and Oposa. In an email received by the AHRC, Oposa
said he was convinced that “the threats against me have not
been empty”.
On April 17 at around 3pm, one of the alleged perpetrators of
de la Victoria’s murder, SPO1 Marcial Bacudo Ocampo (43) was
arrested. He was identified by witnesses in a police line up at
the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group 7 headquarters
in Cebu City and subsequently disarmed of his .45-calibre service
pistol. However, there was no warrant for his arrest when he
was detained. The police claim that his arrest was made in a
“hot pursuit” operation and therefore they did not require a
warrant. However, hot pursuit arrest can be made only within
hours of the commission of a crime. In this case, Ocampo was
arrested five days after the murder.

Nicanor Briones: Shot while with friends at bus terminal

On 6 April 2006 at around 2:20pm Nicanor Briones and VICTIM: Nicanor Briones
companions—Jariz Vida, Eric Torrecampo, Leo Caballero, Nida INCIDENT: Attempted killing
Barcenas and Norberto Autor—were attacked by two gunmen ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
Two unidentified gunmen
riding on a motorcycle while at the CBD bus terminal in Naga DATE: 6 April 2006
City, Bicol, armed with a .45-calibre pistol with silencer. Briones AHRC UA-140-2006
was immediately sent to the Bicol Medical Center for treatment.
He suffered five gunshot wounds from which he has since
The group, members of the Camarines Sur chapter of the
Bayan alliance, had just concluded the launch of a campaign to
oppose changing the national constitution, which at least 127
member organisations had joined, when they were attacked.
Prior to the attack the group was among others in the area
subjected to propaganda for their activities.

Florencio Perez Cervantes: “Crossfire” killing in bed 52

At around 2am on 5 April 2006, Florencio Cervantes (27) and VICTIM: Florencio Cervantes
his family were sleeping when armed men in hoods broke in INCIDENT: Killing
and started shooting. Florencio’s wife Elsa grabbed the attackers’ 36th IB personnel led by
rifles to prevent them shooting their children. Florencio told her Capt. Bungcarawan
to take the children and escape. As they fled they saw five DATE: 5 April 2006
accomplices of the attackers, who attempted to block their way, AHRC UA-130-2006
and noticed several armed men cordoning off their place. As they
fled they heard several gunshots coming from the house.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 65

After the attackers left in two service vans, Elsa and her
children returned. She saw that her husband was seriously
wounded and dying. In fact, Florencio had suffered 47 gunshot
An hour later, two vans carrying armed men in military
uniforms arrived. They asked the victim’s family and villagers
what had happened. After taking pictures of the victim and his
house, they left.
On 7 April 2006, a local newspaper reported the death as having
occurred due to crossfire between the New People’s Army and
elements of the 36th Infantry Battalion, Philippine Army led by
Captain Bungcarawan. The report clearly contradicts the victim’s
family’s account.
Florencio was an active supporter of political party Bayan Muna
in the 2004 elections. He was vocal on various peasant issues in
his community.

53 Liezelda Estorba-Cuñado:
VICTIMS: Shot by neighbour after being labelled communist
1. Liezelda Estorba-Cuñado Liezelda “Inday” Estorba-Cuñado (30) and her husband Gerry
2. Gerry Cuñado (wounded) (30) were awakened at dawn on 3 April 2006 in Panadtaran,
INCIDENT: Killing Candijay, Bohol, by their neighbour Joel Bayron and his wife.
ALLEGED PERPETRATOR: They were shouting in front of their house, and yelling that the
Joel Bayron, suspected
member of Barangay Cuñados were communists and terrorists. They also accused
Intelligence Network under Gerry and Liezelda of throwing rocks at their house the night
15th IB before.
DATE: 3 April 2006
AHRC UA-118-2006 Gerry suggested that the Bayrons should solve this problem
later in the morning because they were disturbing the neighbours.
Joel left with his wife, but ten minutes later they both returned
and Joel was carrying a gun. He shot Gerry in the arm, and shot
Liezelda at close range in her chest before fleeing.
Other neighbours immediately sent Gerry and Liezelda to the
municipal hospital. Liezelda was declared dead on arrival. Gerry
was later transferred to the Provincial Hospital for treatment.
The local police arrested Joel’s wife, but Joel remains at large.
He is reportedly a member of the Barangay Intelligence Network
handled by the 15th Infantry Battalion, Philippine Army, which
had publicly labelled the couple as communists and terrorists;
Liezelda had been a staff member of the Gabriela Women’s Party.

54 Agnes & Amante Abelon: Mother and child embrace in

VICTIMS: death
1. Agnes Abelon (killed) Peasant leader Amante Abelon (42), his wife Agnes (30) and
2. Amante Abelon Jr
Jr.. (killed)
3. Amante Abelon their 5-year-old son Amante Jr. were attacked by armed men
(wounded) while riding a motorcycle on their way home on 20 March 2006.
INCIDENT: Killing The Abelon family was passing a road from the town of Castillejos,
Unidentified gunmen on their way to Palayan. When they reached the unpopulated
DATE: 20 March 2006 area of Sitio Mauao, Barangay San Isidro, armed men riding in a
AHRC UA-107-2006 dark-colored vehicle opened fire on them. Amante was hit in
different parts of his body, but he managed to run for safety while
his wife and son were left behind.

66 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

Amante hid behind a tree some 70 metres away from where
the shooting happened. He asked two workers at a nearby
plantation for help; however, they ran away when they saw that
he had been pursued by armed men.
Amante immediately phoned a friend for help. The friend
rushed to his location and took him to the hospital in San
Marcelino. He was later transferred to the James L. Gordon
Memorial Hospital in Olongapo City and underwent surgery. He
was declared in a stable condition the following day; he sustained
nine gunshot wounds.
Agnes and Amante Jr.’s bodies were later found near the
motorcycle, still embracing each other. They were both shot in
their heads.

Tirso Cruz: Labour leader shot after church 55

Labour leader Tirso Cruz (33) was walking home from a church VICTIM: Tirso Cruz
in Concepcion, Tarlac when gunmen riding on a motorcycle shot INCIDENT: Killing
him dead on 17 March 2006. He suffered six gunshot wounds in ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
Two unidentified gunmen
different parts of his body. DATE: 17 March 2006
Before the incident, Cruz had received a number of threats to AHRC UA-101-2006
his life following a 2005 protest by labourers in Hacienda Luisita.
Cruz was also actively involved in protesting against the
construction of the Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway project and
the deployment of soldiers inside the hacienda. In the days prior
to his death, Cruz had led union members and residents in a
protest calling for the withdrawal of soldiers deployed inside the
hacienda and for the expressway construction to be stopped. Family of Tirso Cruz
Residents inside the hacienda have been
protesting against the quarry operations by
project contractors in Barangay Asturias.
Some 50 Cafgu members and soldiers
attached to the 71st Infantry Division,
which was at that time under Major Gen.
Jovito Palparan, were reportedly deployed
in Barangay Pando, using the project
management’s office as their
headquarters. The soldiers were allegedly
being used to prevent any protest actions
against the management.

Nestor Arinque: Gunned down while

fixing motorcycle on roadside
On 7 March 2006 at 11:30am, Nestor
Arinque (39) and his wife were buying goods
at a market in Barangay San Roque,
Mabini, Bohol. He waited for his wife at a
store owned by Tony Salaum, who was
together with two other companions, one
of them was a member of Cafgu in Baragay

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 67

56 Half an hour later, Arinque met his friend Jorge Tutor, who
VICTIM: Nestor Arinque asked Arinque to take him home. On the way, his motorcycle’s
INCIDENT: Killing chain malfunctioned and they had to stop at Purok 1. Arinque
Two unidentified gunmen was fixing the chain when two gunmen riding on a motorcycle
DATE: 7 March 2006 stopped and one of them fired at him with a .45-calibre pistol.
AHRC UA-101-2006 Arinque died on the spot.
Prior to the incident, on March 2, at around 11am, military
men and Cafgu members attached to the 15th Infantry Battalion,
Philippine Army stationed in Sitio Mahayag, Barangay San Roque,
were seen in front of Arinque’s house. When Arinque asked them
why they were there, they told they were just roaming around.
Some of the men were known to Arinque.
Arinque had been ‘invited’ by the military to appear before
their detachment in Sitio Mahayag, but he had repeatedly
refused. He had also refused to heed their warnings against
working for peasants’ rights and as a result was allegedly included
in their Order of Battle lists.

57 Arturo Caloza: Killed at a funeral

VICTIMS: At around 9pm on 4 March 2006, Arturo Caloza (28), a member
1. Arturo Caloza (killed) of the Bayan Muna (People First) party, told his wife Julita that
2. Geronimo Pablo
(wounded) he was going to the wake of a neighbor. Before leaving, he told
3. Ursula TTabelin
abelin (wounded) her to close the door and that he would be back soon. He went to
INCIDENT: Killing the wake together with his father-in-law Clemente Somera and
Unidentified gunman uncle, Dionisio Caloza.
DATE: 4 March 2006
AHRC UA-099-2006
After arriving they sat at a table to play cards. About 10:30pm,
a man suddenly approached and shot Caloza, who fell to the ground
from his chair. When he tried to look up at the gunman, he was
shot again; this time in his chest. Stray bullets hit two persons,
Ursula Tabelin (65) and Geronimo Pablo (45).
Everyone fled the crime scene and no one dared to go back or
take Caloza to hospital until almost two hours later, when Luis
Cariaga, a villager, took him to the Heart of Jesus Hospital at
Malasin, San Jose City. Caloza was dead on arrival.
Although a unit of soldiers was stationed just 60 metres from
the crime scene, they reportedly did not respond to the gunfire
or attempt to pursue the attacker. They also did nothing for the
victims of the shooting.
Prior to the incident, on January 21 and 30, soldiers attached
to the 48th and 70th Infantry Battalions, Philippine Army,
reportedly conducted surveys of Barangay Villa Marina. On
January 23, they converted the Barangay Hall into a military
detachment. The villagers were not properly notified regarding
the purpose of their stay and how long they would be stationed in
the area. The soldiers also had been conducting interviews among
the villagers. When they interviewed the victim’s wife Julita prior
to her husband’s killing they reportedly accused her husband of
being a communist rebel.

68 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

Melanio Evangelista: Murdered in bed 58
On 17 February 2006 at around 11:45pm, Melanio Evangelista VICTIM: Melanio Evangelista
(43) was asleep at home at Purok Brotherhood, Barangay Unidad, INCIDENT: Killing
Cagwait, Surigao del Sur. His wife Nora heard voices from outside Unidentified gunman
their house calling the name of her husband, requesting him to DATE: 17 February 2006
go outside. Nora told them that Melanio was already in bed. She AHRC UA-072-2006
then heard noises from the back of the house, and immediately
went to where her husband was sleeping. She saw a man covering
his face with a handkerchief shooting at Melanio. He then
immediately went outside and rode away on a waiting motorcycle.
Melanio died from a shot to the left side of his head, the bullet
also entering the right side of his neck and exiting from his
right shoulder.
Melanio was a peasant leader of the Kapunungan sa mga Mag-
uuma sa Surigao Sur (Organization of Peasants in Surigao Sur).
He and his wife Nora were constant participants in its activities
in their municipality.
A few weeks before the killing they saw a motorcycle-riding
man destroying and burning their organisation’s posters. There
were also rumors that the 58th Infantry Battalion of the
Philippine Army had said that it would “break up” the group. Nora
also noticed motorcycle-riding men constantly passing and
seemingly observing them near their house. She believed the
men to be military intelligence. Although slightly alarmed, she
and her family had not paid much attention as they had had no

Allan Ibasan & Dante Salgado: 59

Taken away from bamboo plantation and shot VICTIMS:
Allan Ibasan (18) and Dante Salgado (17) were allegedly killed 1. Allan Ibasan
2. Dante Salgado
by military agents after their arrest on 31 January 2006. Allan INCIDENT: Killing
and Dante were workers of a bamboo plantation. They were ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
preparing for their breakfast while seven of their companions Four 71st IB personnel led
by an officer named Canlas
started the work of cutting bamboo. A few minutes after Allan DATE: 31 January 2006
and Dante left to buy more ingredients for breakfast, a loud burst AHRC UA-083-2006
of gunfire was heard some distance away. The other labourers
then ran to their employer’s house for safety.
Earlier that morning the labourers had been woken by a loud
burst of gunfire. A fight was said to have taken place between
government troops and the New People’s Army in Pansagwan
Valley, Barangay Sta. Ines West, Sta. Ignacia, Tarlac between 3
and 4am that day. So the group decided to stay at the house until
noon. While they were all inside, a group of heavily-armed military
men, believed to be attached to the 71st Infantry Battalion,
arrived. They yelled at those inside the house to come out.
The labourers stepped outside the house. They saw four soldiers
pointing guns at them wearing, one with the name “Canlas” on
his shirt. The soldiers asked if they had lost any companions.
Glen then told them that his brother Allan and uncle Dante were

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 69

not with them. The soldiers then produced Allan, who appeared
to be haggard, tired and unkempt. Glen urged the soldiers to
release his brother. The troops, however, ignored his request.
Glen then went to ask his employer, Arsenio Asuncion, to
affirm his brother’s identity, but the soldiers had already left when
they arrived back.
Glen and his companions went to the house of a Barangay
Council member, Granil, to seek refuge. While Granil’s wife was
preparing lunch, Glen saw a tank with about 20-30 soldiers
arriving nearby. Glen and his companions immediately left and
ran to a friend’s house to stay overnight.
At around 7am on February 1, Glen was informed that his
brother was already dead and the body was at the Funeraria
Corpuz funeral home. When the family went, they found that
Allan was half-naked and his body had suffered multiple gunshot
wounds. Dante’s body was also later identified in the same funeral
home by his relatives, also with gunshot wounds to his chest
and marks on some parts of his body.

60 Mateo Morales:
VICTIM: Mateo Morales Death follows series of attacks and threats
INCIDENT: Killing Mateo Morales, a staff member of the Religious of the Good
Cafgu personnel attached to Shepherd (RGS) – Tribal Filipino Ministry, was killed in his house
the 29th IB, commanded by in San Luis, Agusan del Sur, Mindanao on 24 January 2006.
Lt. Col. TTaboga
aboga Morales suffered a fatal gunshot wound to his chest and died on
DATE: 24 January 2006
his way to hospital. Although the perpetrator has not been
AHRC UA-057-2006
identified, there are indications that he may have connections
with the civilian militia unit Cafgu, attached to the 29th Infantry
Battalion of the Philippine Army, which is operating in the area.
Days after Morales’ shooting, four to six unidentified armed
Cafgu were seen close to the victim’s house, during his wake.
On January 26, two unidentified armed men also tried to enter a
house where Morales’ colleagues were staying, but they failed.
Morales’ wife Aileen believes that the Cafgu could be involved in
his death.
A reliable source said the result of the investigation made by
San Luis Municipal Station head Police Senior Inspector Nilo
Teodoro Texon into Morales’ case was not impartial and has failed
to reach any conclusive findings. Texon did not include the
testimonies of the victim’s family, and ignored incidents prior to
Morales’ death which indicated the possible involvement of Cafgu.
The RGS ministry has been vocal in denouncing alleged human
rights violations perpetrated by Cafgu members and the military
in tribal communities. There had been several earlier incidents
of violence allegedly perpetrated by Cafgu against villagers
associated with the ministry.
On 17 November 2005, unidentified armed men attempted to
break into one of the houses of the ministry’s community leader
while he was sleeping. Next day, there were combat boots prints

70 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

found surrounding the house. That evening, the armed men
returned and were able to gain entry into the house but the leader
had already fled.
On 24 November 2005, a motorcycle driver associated with
the ministry was shot by a Cafgu member. On 9 December 2005,
another Cafgu member publicly threatened a community leader
that he would be killed if he continued his work with the ministry.
Again on 22 January 2006, a Cafgu member pointed his gun at a
civilian because he was somehow connected to the religious
sisters managing the ministry. Had it not been for the
intervention of a bystander he would not have been freed.

Ofelia Rodriguez: 61
“I was only there to look after my sick mother” VICTIM: Ofelia Rodriguez
At around 5.30-6pm on 6 January 2006, Ofelia Rodriguez and INCIDENT: Killing
her family had just finished dinner in their house in Barangay 69th IB personnel,
Divisoria, Mexico, Pampanga, Luzon. Rodriguez was carrying her commanded by 2nd Lt. John
granddaughter Eliza. She was about to serve her ailing mother a Paul Nicolas,
DATE: 16 January 2006
glass of water when a gunman came to their house and shot her
in the head. Rodriguez died on the spot. AHRC UA-031-2006

Rodriguez’s granddaughter Michelle heard the gunshot. She

was at the back of their house together with her younger brother.
She saw a tall, stocky man wearing civilian clothes and a baseball
cap, leave the house and calmly walk towards another companion
outside. The two left together on a motorcycle.
Earlier that day, Michelle said her grandmother had told her
that she had seen a man standing near a tree outside their
house. A neighbour had likewise come that day and told Rodriguez
that there was a man looking for her. The man was reportedly
carrying a gun. However, he was unable to warn her that the
“ we thought the
killings and
man was armed, because he was in a hurry and was frightened. human rights
Rodriguez was a member of the Divisoria Farmers Association. violations were
Prior to the incident, her family had been constantly harassed gone with
and threatened by 2nd Lt. John Paul Nicolas, head of the 69th
Infantry Battalion, Philippine Army and his men.
disappointing to
During a convenors’ meeting in Quezon City on 25 October
2005, Rodriguez testified that she had been invited to a military learn that all is
camp for questioning. She claimed that 2nd Lt. John Paul Nicolas not well, again!
forced her to admit that she was a top-ranking leader of the New
People’s Army. On another occasion, her daughter confronted
Nicolas regarding this threat to murder her mother. According
Stop the
to her: killings!
They invited me to go to the camp, I thought it was for some other
reason, but when I arrived there, they told me, “Admit it, we already
know all important events happening in the town of Mexico, you alone
know. All those we have asked from your town have high regard for
you.” I wasn’t doing anything. I was only there to look after my sick
—Don Mullan,

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 71
After the meeting in Quezon City, harassment and threats
against Rodriguez and her family allegedly intensified. On one
occasion, a neighbour reportedly approached Rodriguez and said
to her that Nicolas had approached him, gave him a gun and
ordered him to murder her, but he refused.
Barangay Divisoria is one of the villages where the military
has their Reengineered Special Operations Team, a counter-
insurgency programme which includes deployment of military
men to “integrate” themselves into communities.

62 Audie Lucero: Abducted from hospital

VICTIM: Audie Lucero Audie Lucero (19) was found dead in Barangay Capitangan,
INCIDENT: Killing Abucay, Bataan on 13 February 2006 after meeting with
Balanga & Lubao police, policemen and military men the day before.
Bataan; 24th or 64th IB
personnel On February 12, Lucero visited his friend confined at the
DATE: 12/13 January 2006 Immaculate Catalina Medical Center in Balanga, Bataan. While
AHRC UA-078-2006 there, seven uniformed policemen introduced themselves to him
as members of the Balanga Police Station. They questioned
Lucero about his relationship with the friend whom he was
visiting, who had been accused by the police and military of being
a rebel.
When policemen left, another group from Lubao Police Station
arrived, accompanied by military men believed to be connected
with either the 24th or 64th Infantry Battalion of the Philippine
Army. They also began talking to Lucero. After that he went
missing and was found dead the next day nearby the hospital
with fatal gunshot wounds to his back, knee and left hand, and
his body had traces of torture marks.
Lucero was a member of the Youth for Nationalism and
PHOTO: KPD Democracy–Bataan, the youth arm of the political organisation
Kilusan para sa Pambansang Demokrasya.
63 In a letter to the AHRC dated 15 November 2006, the National
VICTIM: Cathy Alcantara Police Commission accused Lucero of being a member of the
ALLEGED PERPETRATORS: Marxist Leninist Party of the Philippines who was involved in an
Unidentified gunmen armed encounter with elements of 24th IB. However, the letter
DATE: 5 December 2005 did not give any information about the investigation of Lucero’s
AHRC UP-160-2005 death.

Cathy Alcantara: Shot dead at farmers’ conference

The secretary general of the Bataan chapter of the national
political organisation Kilusan para sa Pambansang Demokrasya
(KPD), Cathy Alcantara (44) was killed by unidentified armed men
while participating in a conference of farmers from across Luzon
at a resort in Barangay Gabon, Abucay, Bataan, Luzon on 5
December 2005. She was declared dead on arrival at the Bataan
Provincial Hospital.
KPD members had reported threats against them and their
colleagues prior to the killing of Alcantara, who was among those
threatened. KPD organisers had on several occasions been
monitored upon by unknown armed men, who had one time also
asked about the whereabouts of their colleagues.
72 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1
Jose Manegdeg: Same job, new victim 64
Jose “Pepe” Manegdeg III of Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte was slain VICTIM: Jose Manegdeg
on 28 November 2005 after participating in a Paralegal Training INCIDENT: Killing
Seminar at the Ursa Major Resort, sponsored by the Ilocos Human Unidentified gunmen
Rights Alliance-Karapatan. Manegdeg left the venue that evening DATE: 28 November 2005
by hired tricycle to take a bus to Manila, where was to meet his AHRC UP-158-2005
wife who was arriving from Hong Kong the following day.
As Manegdeg alighted from a tricycle at a bus stop on the
highway, a gunman emerged from a van, approached him and
shot him repeatedly. The tricycle driver sped off for fear of his
own life, but returned to where he had picked up Manegdeg to
inform his companions of what had happened.
Manegdeg’s colleagues immediately contacted the police, and
went to the scene of the killing. They found Manegdeg’s body
approximately 15 metres from the waiting shed. His bag, cell
phone and other belongings were missing. The body was found to
have 22 bullet wounds from a .45-calibre pistol.
Manegdeg was a Bayan Muna party coordinator in Ilocos PHOTO: Stop the killings
province. His predecessor, Romeo Sanchez was also killed, on 9
March 2005 in Baguio City, Luzon (case documented below).
Manegdeg was the former coordinator of the Regional Ecumenical
Council in the Cordillera Region (Reccord) and editorial staff of
“Writing on the Wall”, the official publication of the Northern
Luzon Forum for Church and Society.
Prior to his death Manegdeg was reported to have been
monitored and was receiving calls and text messages on his
mobile phone. He also received written threats on his life.
In a letter dated 23 January 2006, Secretary Raul Gonzalez of
the Department of Justice wrote to the AHRC that he had
instructed the National Bureau of Investigation under his
department to commence an investigation into Manegdeg’s
murder. He said that the NBI had also been advised to submit its
findings and recommendations as soon a practicable.

Emmylou Buñi-Cruz & Daniel Brylle: 65

Attacked near beach resort VICTIMS:
On 25 November 2005 at around 4pm, Emmylou Buñi-Cruz 1. Emmylou Buñi-Cruz
(25) and her husband Daniel Brylle (34) finished a human rights 2. Daniel Brylle
INCIDENT: Attempted killing
seminar at Sitio Punta, Barangay 8, Tuburan, Cebu, about seven ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
kilometers from the town centre. Emmylou is a staff member of Three 78th IB intelligence
the human rights group Karapatan in Central Visayas, while personnel, commanded by
Lt. Col. Jessie Alvarez
Daniel is an organiser of the Bayan Muna party in Cebu. The DATE: 25 November 2005
seminar was part of preparations International Human Rights AHRC UP-146-2005
Day on December 10. They were also monitoring the situation of
evacuees returning after fighting between the military and rebels
on 15 October 2005.
On their way back they walked along the same road as when
they had come, passing by a resort house owned by Tuburan
Councillor Roy Tabotabo, where five soldiers attached to the 78th
Infantry Battalion had been staying since October 24. As they

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 73

(Source: Brochure on the Witness Protection Act by the Department of Rights & Liberties

came close to the national highway, two motorcycles passed.

There were two persons on the first motorcycle, while the second

I am
appalled at
motorcycle had only its driver. The first motorcycle then turned
around in the direction of the victims, while the other continued
on and parked 20 metres further ahead.
what is As the first motorcycle came close to the couple, Daniel noticed
that the rider had positioned his right arm in an angle that
happening in seemed to be pulling out something. Daniel also noticed that

our country... the driver was covering his face with a handkerchief. Then he
saw the pillion pointing a pistol towards him and Emmylou. He
—Fr. Joseph Echano, tried to get out of the way, pulling Emmylou with him, but she
Paranaque was hit by a bullet on the right side of her chest, with it exiting
just below her right armpit.
Daniel immediately pulled Emmylou back into a house in the
direction from where they had come and asked for help from
residents there who were watching a basketball match. The
residents accompanied the two victims along the coast and out
onto the highway where they boarded a passenger motorcycle
and headed for a hospital.
At about 10pm Emmylou was taken by an ambulance to the
Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center in Cebu City,
accompanied by her colleagues from Karapatan-Cebu North Area.
The Municipal Mayor of Tuburan also sent four police escorts
from the Regional Mobile Group, led by P03 Raul Janetro.
Emmylou survived the attack.
Investigations revealed that the three attackers may have
been members of the 78th IB staying on the street. Within hours
of the incident, the soldiers are reported to have fled from the
area, together with Ritchel Buhawi, a caretaker at the house.
However, the chief of the Tuburan police, Inspector Crisanto
Duque, reportedly showed little effort to pursue them, and did
not summon Buhawi for questioning over the identities of the
soldiers. Nor did he summon Councillor Tabotabo, who may have
been able to assist the investigations. Inspector Duque also
rejected the victims’ request to attempt to do sketches of the

Bernabe Borra & others:

Victims of murderous and senseless military attack
At about 5am on 21 November 2005, farmers belonging to the
San Agustin Farmer Beneficiaries Association together with
members of the Bayan Muna party and farmers from a number
of villages and other associations had gathered with the intention
to occupy 12 hectares of rice fields in Palo, Leyte, about 16km
from Tacloban City, which had been awarded them by the
Department of Agrarian Reform under the Comprehensive
Agrarian Reform Program. Altogether there were at least 46
persons there, some 500 metres from the barangay proper.
Some of the farmers were already awake and cooking food
when several armed men in balaclavas suddenly appeared and
opened fire, also shooting several grenades. Five people died on

74 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

the spot. Those who were seriously wounded by gunshot and 66
shrapnel were taken to the Eastern Visayas Regional Medical VICTIMS:
Center. Two of them died while being treated. One victim, Alma 1. Bernabe Borra Jr y
Bartoline, was seven-months-pregnant when she was killed. Two Barbosa (killed)
2. Eric Nogal y Selada (killed)
others—Antonio Margallo (16) and Eduardo Margallo (24)—were 3. Roel Obijas y Lacaba
lightly wounded and taken in by a village leader in Barangay (killed)
Can-gumbang. 4. Perlito Borra (killed)
5. Gerry Almerino (killed)
Subsequently eight of the group were arrested and detained 6. Eufemia Borra y Barbosa
at the Palo Police Station. Fabricated charges for illegal possession 7. Alma Bartoline (pregnant)
of firearms and ammunitions were filed against them, and the (killed)
military accused the people of being members of a rebel group. 8. Mark Pansa/Monsa
Among them, Joselito Tobe, the secretary-general of the 9. Ramy Cumpio (wounded)
10. Ferdinand Montanejos
Concerned Citizen’s for Justice and Peace in Metro Tacloban (wounded)
and a Bayan Muna member residing in Barangay Cabuynan, 11. Bernabe Borra Sr Sr..
Tanauan, Leyte, died in custody on 12 July 2006, reportedly due (wounded)
12. Ranilo Orseda
to food poisoning. Two weeks earlier, he and his fellow detainee, (wounded)
Arniel Dizon, had received death threats while in the prison. 13. Berlito Barbosa y Borra
In an interview with local reporters, Colonel Louie Dagoy, 14. Ismael Regato (wounded)
commanding officer of the 19th Infantry Battalion, claimed that 15. Cora Bernabe (wounded)
16. Richard Cornesta y
the incident was an encounter. The survivors strongly deny the Margallo (wounded)
military’s claim and have said that the military opened fire 17. Christopher Bayase
without any warning. Their claims were substantiated by an (wounded)
18. Ariel Timbo Capatoy
independent investigation by the Citizens Anti-Crime Assistance (wounded)
Group, which concluded that the victims were deliberately 19. Antonio Margallo
attacked and were unarmed. (wounded)
20. Eduardo Margallo
On 17 February 2006, the regional office of the Commission (wounded)
on Human Rights (CHR VIII) filed complaints against the military 21. Several others wounded
22. Marivic Macawile
men involved in the killing before the Office of the Deputy (illegally arrested)
Ombudsman for the Military and Other Law Enforcement Office. 23. Joselito TTobe
obe (illegally
The commission filed charges of multiple murder and frustrated arrested; custodial death)
24. Arnel Dizon y Margallo
murder and requested “for the institution of appropriate cases (illegally arrested)
against the respondents”. 25. Mariel Obijas y Dizon
(illegally arrested)
Although the commission recommended prosecuting the 26. Eulogio Pilapil (illegally
military men involved, the Office of the Deputy Ombudsman for arrested)
27. Artemio Amante (illegally
the Military and Other Law Enforcement Office delayed acting arrested)
on its recommendations. Under existing procedures, the 28. Baltazar Mardo (illegally
ombudsman has to reexamine the findings made by the arrested)
29. Bernardo Lantajo
commission before a case proceeds to court. Repeated follow-up (illegally arrested)
inquiries by the commission did not result in any progress. Late INCIDENTS:
in 2006 charges of multiple murder and frustrated murder were Killing; illegal arrest
filed with the Office of the Provincial Prosecutor, Leyte, against 19th IB personnel (802nd
12 military men, a police officer and 13 others. Infantry Brigade) led by Lt.
Benedicto, commanded by
In a letter dated 16 May 2006 Paquito Nacino, CHR VIII regional Col. Louie Dagoy
director, assured the AHRC that his office is “closely monitoring” DATE: 21 November 2005
the case and has “recommended financial assistance to the next AHRC UA-216-2005
heirs of the deceased as well as to the surviving victims”. Nacino UP-019-2006
added that the Integrated Bar of the Philippines had pledged to UP-222-2006
provide legal assistance to the victims, who are poor and
unprivileged and were still facing fabricated charges for illegal
assembly and possession of firearms.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 75

On 17 November 2006, Judge Mario Nicolasaro of the
Palo Municipal Trial Court acquitted the eight
respondents over illegal possession of firearms and
ammunitions; however, the charge of illegal assembly
has not been resolved. The seven surviving respondents
posted bail and were released from Leyte Provincial Jail.

Victoria Samonte: Stabbed by fellow passenger

Victoria “Vicky” Samonte (51), the regional vice-chair
of a leading labour alliance (Kilusang Mayo Uno-Caraga),
was stabbed to death by an unidentified man in Bislig
City, Mindanao in the evening of 30 September 2005.
At about 9:40pm, Samonte hired a motorcycle to go
home to Barangay Mancarogo from Andres Soriano
College in Barangay Mangagoy. She was with her
neighbor and co-teacher, Mansueta “Sweet” Sanchez.
About 100 metres away from the school, a man wearing
PHOTO: PCPR a hat and a sweatshirt flagged down the motorcycle. The
Joselito Tobe before his driver refused because he had been already rented by
death in custody the two ladies, but Samonte, who was sitting alone in
the front seat, asked the man where he was going, to
which he responded Barangay Cumawas. Since it was
not out of the way from where the two women were
heading, she let the man ride with them.
67 The man sat beside Sanchez on the back of the motorcycle,
VICTIM: Victoria Samonte although she requested him to transfer and sit on the other side.
ALLEGED PERPETRATORS: When they reached Barangay Cumawas, Samonte asked the
Unidentified man man they should drop him off. The man replied “further ahead”.
DATE: 30 September 2005 When they reached Barangay Mancarogo, she asked again and
AHRC FA-029-2005 he repeated his previous reply. This time she requested the
driver to take the man to wherever his destination was first.
Upon reaching a dimly-lit part of the highway, about 100 metres
away from the crossing to Samonte’s residence the man finally
stopped the driver, paid his fare and walked towards Bislig City.
Witnesses at a waiting shed nearby later said they saw the man
running towards a single motorcycle waiting for him about 70
metres ahead.
Meanwhile, back on the motorcycle Samonte had been stabbed
in her back: she asked Sanchez to take a look, and in the
darkness, when Sanchez ran her hand over her friend’s back
she felt something stuck in it. She pulled out a knife and told
the driver to go back to the nearest hospital, at Mangagoy.
However, Samonte was declared dead on arrival.

I can’t believe this!

—Seo Jeong Seong, South Korea

76 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

Diosdado Fortuna: “Is there anybody dead here?” 68
On 22 September 2005, at around 8am labour leader Diosdado VICTIM: Diosdado Fortuna
Fortuna arrived at the compound of the Nestle Philippines- INCIDENT: Killing
Cabuyao Plant in Barangay Niugan, Cabuyao, Laguna, where Two unidentified gunmen
workers were on strike. Afterwards he went to the office of the DATE: 22 September 2005
Organised Labour in Line Industries and Agriculture located at AHRC FA-027-2005
the Shine Land Subdivision in Cabuyao for a meeting. He arrived UP-009-2006
at around 9am.
Around midday, two men in their 30s in an old maroon Toyota
Corolla stopped in front of the office, sounded their horn and
lowered a window. One of the men, who both had short-cropped
hair, white t-shirts and muscular builds, asked the union
president, “Is there anybody dead here?” Fortuna, who was then
presiding over the meeting, stood up and looked out to the gate.
Hermie, the president, told them, “Nobody died here.” The car
then sped off towards the exit of the subdivision.
Fortuna left in the afternoon and went back to the Nestle picket
line, where he met several students from the University of Sto.
Tomas and stayed until around 4:30pm. He then received a text
message from his wife, Luzviminda, informing him that their
grandson was ill and needed to be taken to hospital. Fortuna told
a colleague that he would leave and come back later.
During that time, an unidentified man was seen sitting on a
chair in front of a store inside the compound near the picket
line. He was seated directly in front of the entrance of the picket
line. When he was asked by a store attendant “Are you buying
something?” the man, who was writing text messages on his
mobile, stopped and placed his phone in his pocket. He stayed
there for about 15 minutes and hurriedly left just ahead of
Fortuna, who boarded his motorbike to go home.
Around 5:20pm, two men wearing helmets were seen shooting
Fortuna twice in his back outside the Sagara Factory. They sped
off on board a motorcycle heading towards Rodriguez Subdivision. 69
Another motorcycle came and stopped alongside Fortuna, who VICTIM: Norman Bocar
was lying on the ground wounded. INCIDENT: Killing
A tricycle driver took Fortuna to the Calamba Doctors Hospital Two unidentified gunmen
but he died an hour later of wounds to his heart and liver. DATE: 1 September 2005
AHRC UP-106-2005
Norman Bocar: Another human rights lawyer...
On the morning of 1 September 2005, human rights lawyer
Norman Bocar was shot dead by two unidentified gunmen on a
motorcycle in Borongan, Eastern Samar, Visayas. Bocar was
coming out from a meeting when he was shot in the head.
Bocar was the regional chairman of umbrella group Bayan.
He had sought help from the police for his security, after serious
threats against his life; however, he received no protection.
The police investigation into his death reached no conclusive
findings and the perpetrators were not identified. The police
formed a special task force to investigate the killing but this too
has failed to resolve the case. PHOTO: PCPR

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 77

70 Rev. Raul Domingo:
VICTIM: Raul Domingo Church worker and human rights defender slain
INCIDENT: Killing Rev. Raul Domingo was shot in Barangay San Jose, Puerto
Unknown Prinsesa City, Palawan on 20 August 2006 and he died in a Manila
DATE: 20 August 2005 hospital on September 4.
AHRC UP-106-2005
Rev. Domingo was a dedicated pastor of the United Church of
the Philippines. As key minister of the Palawan Associate
Conference- District II, he was active in the life of the church
especially in the Church Workers Organization and Christian
Witness and Service program of the UCCP. He had also
denounced military abuses and large-scale mining in his region.
He had been harassed and under threats for several years. He
served as a dedicated leader of the provincial chapter of human
rights alliance Karapatan, Kasimbayan and the multi-sectoral
alliance Bagong Alyansang Makabayan.

71 Rev. Edison Lapuz & Alfredo Malinao:

VICTIMS: Two deaths at a funeral
1. Edison Lapuz On 12 May 2005 around 5:30pm, Rev. Edison Lapuz and Alfredo
2. Alfredo Malinao
INCIDENT: Killing Malinao were shot dead by unidentified gunmen while
ALLEGED PERPETRATORS: conducting funeral rites for Malinao’s father-in-law in San Isidro,
Unidentified military Leyte.
DATE: 12 May 2005 Rev. Lapuz had been very vocal against the killings and
AHRC UP-059-2005 harassment of activists in his region, and was the convenor of
UP-061-2005 the “Justice for Atty. Felidito Dacut Alliance” (see case details
below). He had consistently supported human rights victims and
their families.
Some military personnel had reportedly
been closely monitoring Rev. Lapuz prior to
his death, and his name had also reportedly
been included in its Order of Battle. His photo
had also been seen posted at the camp of the
local Regional Mobile Group special police
In a letter dated 30 May 2005 to the AHRC,
Paquito Nacino, regional director for the
Commission on Human Rights, stated that
the relatives of both Malinao and Lapuz had
either not cooperated with inquiries or had
asked for more time to provide statements,
apparently out of fear for their own lives.

Felidito Dacut: Shot in the back for

fighting for the rights of others
On 14 March 2005, lawyer Felidito Dacut
was shot dead by two unidentified gunmen
after a consultation meeting at the Bayan
Muna party’s regional headquarters at Yao-
Ka-Sin Compound, Old Road, Sagkahan
District, Tacloban City.
PHOTO: Arkibongbayan

78 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

Dacut and a companion were on their way downtown aboard a 72
passenger vehicle at about 6:45pm when he was shot in the back VICTIM: Felidito Dacut
by one of two men riding on a motorcycle that was apparently INCIDENT: Killing
tailing them. Dacut’s companion shouted for help. Dacut was ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
Two unidentified gunmen
immediately rushed to the nearby UCCP Bethany Hospital but DATE: 14 March 2005
he died later while undergoing treatment for a single fatal wound. AHRC UP-029-2005
Members of Tacloban Philippine National Police later arrived at
the Bethany Hospital where they conducted an investigation.
Prior to his death, Dacut had provided legal services and
handled the cases of poor people free of charge, which often
involved alleged human rights abuses. He was the regional
coordinator of the Bayan Muna party and a member of the
Integrated Bar of the Philippines.
His colleagues believe that Dacut’s death was a move to silence
or discourage human rights activists from campaigning against
the recent assignment of now retired Maj. Gen. Jovito S. Palparan
Jr. as commander of the 8th Infantry Division in Eastern Visayas.

Romeo Sanchez: Killed in marketplace

On 9 March 2005, Romeo “Romy” Sanchez (39), the regional PHOTO: PCPR

coordinator of the Bayan Muna party for Ilocos Region was shot 73
dead by unidentified gunmen at around 4:30pm along 3rd Kayang VICTIM: Romeo Sanchez
Street in Baguio City, while he was buying used clothing in a INCIDENT: Killing
market with two officemates, Abraham Austin and Beth Alfiler. Unidentified gunmen
The three had just finished shopping and were on their way to a DATE: 9 March 2005
consultation when Austin and Alfier, who were walking ahead of AHRC UP-029-2005
Sanchez, heard gunfire. When they turned around they saw him
on the ground. An autopsy report later showed Sanchez died from
a single bullet to his head.
Two policemen arrived and investigated the crime scene. More
policemen from Baguio City Police arrived and likewise conducted
On 8 May 2000, Sanchez and one colleague had been arrested
by elements of the Intelligence Services of the Armed Forces of
the Philippines in Binangonan, Rizal on suspicion of being
involved in the killing of a rebel priest. They were allegedly
tortured while in custody. After his release on July 19 of the PHOTO: Stop the killings
same year, Sanchez had been harassed and threatened by
persons believed to be from the military.
His successor in the Bayan Muna party post, Jose Manegdeg,
was also killed later in the year (see above).

“ Each person has equal rights for LIFE and

LIVING in this world. Kindly bring JUSTICE for
those who are killed
” —Theresa Wong, Manila

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 79

74 Abelardo Ladera: Another victim of the Hacienda Luisita
VICTIM: Abelardo Ladera Abelardo R. Ladera (43) was the City Councilor of Tarlac, Luzon
ALLEGED PERPETRATORS: and a provincial chapter leader of the Bayan Muna party who
Unidentified military was shot dead by unidentified attackers at around 1pm on 4 March
personnel 2005 while on his way home along the McArthur Highway in
DATE: 4 March 2005
Barangay Paraiso, Tarlac City. He was hit by a bullet in his upper
AHRC UA-034-2005 left chest which pierced his heart. His driver Edwin Arocena took
him to hospital, but Ladera was declared dead on arrival.
The identity of his attackers remains unknown. However, it
is alleged that the Northern Luzon Command (NolCom) of the
Armed Forces of the Philippines had a hand in his killing after
he was falsely branded as a contact person of the Communist
Party of the Philippines and New People’s Army in Hacienda
Luisita by NolCom agents during a security briefing at NolCom
headquarters, Camp Aquino, Tarlac on 22 January 2005. He was
again labelled as a communist at a NolCom briefing to the
Association of Barangay Captains in Tarlac City.
PHOTO: Stop the killings
Ladera had been mediating between farm workers and the
Cojuanco family, owner of the Central Azucarera de Tarlac, to
settle a land dispute before and after the violent dispersal of the
Hacienda Luisita workers on 16 November 2004 that left seven
persons dead. However there was no positive response from the
Cojuanco family. Ladera, the provincial leader of Bayan Muna,
was very vocal in condemning the military and police actions
against the farm workers, and may have been killed for this
reason, among others.
In July 2006 the Hong Kong Mission for Human Rights & Peace
in the Philippines visited Hacienda Luisita and recorded the
following in its report:
The fact-finding mission travelled to Hacienda Luisita on July 26th, 2006
and met with victims’ relatives and local officials. The situation in
Hacienda Luisita continues to be problematic to date, but was, in 2004,
the scene of one of the most infamous cases of killings in the Philippines.
On 6 November 2004, at around 12pm, some 5000 mill and farm workers
from the Cantral Azucarera de Tarlac Labor Union (CATLU) and United
Luisita Worker’s Union (ULWU) held a protest in front of the gate of the
Central Azucarera de Tarlac sugarcane plantation.
The workers are ‘co-owners’ of the 4915.75 hectares of land inside the
Hacienda Luisita Inc. (HLI) that are classified as agricultural land. As
farm-worker-beneficiaries and part of the Stock Distribution Option
(SDO) scheme, they are entitled to 33.296 per cent of the SDO’s outstanding
capital stock, under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program.
The workers protested against the measures imposed on them, which
hampered their livelihood. They protested about the massive land-use
conversion in the hacienda, the implementation of the “voluntary early
retirement program” in 2000 by HLI and the continued reductions of
working days. These measures had resulted in the laying-off of more
than 1000 farm workers since 1989.

80 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

On October 1, 2004, 327 farm-workers, including nine officers of ULWU,
were sacked by the HLI management. The efforts by the CATLU to
collectively bargain with the management regarding their demands for
wage increases and benefits drew to a stand still.
These issues prompted the protesters to stage a picket in front of the gate
of the Central Azucarera de Tarlac, which started on 6 November 2005.
As the tension grew, several attempts were made by the police and the
military to disperse the protesters, but these failed. The protesters stood
their ground until a violent confrontation between protesters and the
military and police forces broke out on 16 November 2004. Seven people
were killed and ten people were severely injured, while some 200 other
protesters required hospitalisation.
To date, the investigations into these killings have not led to any
conclusive results or any perpetrators being identified or prosecuted,
despite there being a large number of persons who witnessed the attacks.
[Hong Kong Mission for Human Rights & Peace in the Philippines,
“Extrajudicial killings & human rights abuses in the Philippines”,
article 2, vol. 5, no. 5, October 2006, p. 17]

Ricardo Uy: 75
War of words with army ends with bullets in the back VICTIM: Ricardo Uy
On 18 November 2005 at 11am Ricardo Uy (57), chairperson of INCIDENT: Killing
the Bayan Muna party in Sorsogon City, was shot dead inside Unidentified gunman
his Soledad Corral Uy Ricemill in Barangay Basud. Uy’s assistant DATE: 18 November 2005
heard gunshots ring out and when he ran inside he saw a AHRC UP-143-2005
gunman in sunglasses and wearing a hat had shot Uy in the
back. The gunman aimed at the assistant, but his gun was empty.
He calmly walked to a motorcycle parked close to the rice mill
and left.
At the time of his death, Uy was the radio anchor of a morning
program at dzRS Sorsogon radio. He was a hard-hitting critic of
the militarisation of the towns of Sorsogon and other policies of
the government that he considered anti-poor.
Since 2004, the military had been vilifying Uy as a communist
supporter and recruiter of the New People’s Army in their own
radio programmes on dzMS.

Ricardo Ramos: Yet another victim of Hacienda Luisita 76

On 25 October 2005 at around 3pm Ricardo Ramos arrived at a VICTIM: Ricardo Ramos
bamboo hut about 50 metres from his house, with his wife and INCIDENT: Killing
six companions. Two soldiers attached to the 7th Infantry Unidentified gunman
Division, Philippine Army, later arrived nearby. The two, DATE: 25 October 2005
Sgt. Castillo and Joshua de la Cruz were known to the villagers AHRC UP-143-2005
because they often conducted foot patrols in the area. They asked
Jorge Gatus, a village security volunteer, whether they could
speak with Ramos, who was president of the Central Azucarera
de Tarlac Labor Union and one of the leaders of the Hacienda
Luisita workers, who in November 2004 had been attacked by
the police and military (see below). Gatus said that Ramos was
resting. The soldiers then left.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 81

After 7pm the two soldiers came back and again asked Gatus
if they could speak to Ramos, but Ramos refused to meet them.
They decided to leave and told Gatus that they would return the
next day.
After 9pm Ramos was together with several of his fellow workers
in the hut when an unidentified man approached the hut and
shot him twice from about 12 metres away. Ramos’s elder brother
Romy, and their brother-in-law, Benny Pineda, found Ramos lying
on the ground and bleeding.
At around 10:15pm, residents who live near the local military
detachment heard and saw a helicopter circling over the barrio.
They also reported seeing a van leaving the detachment after
Ramos’s killing. When the news broke out, the outraged villagers
went to protest outside the military detachment around 11pm,
believing army personnel to be responsible for the death.

77 Ernesto Bang & Joel Reyes: “No witnesses had come out
VICTIMS: in the open for fear of reprisal”
1. Ernesto Bang On 10 and 16 March 2005, Ernesto Bang (50) and Joel Reyes
2. Joel Reyes
INCIDENT: Killing (33) were slain in separate shooting incidents in Camarines
Unidentified gunmen
DATE: 10 & 16 March 2005 Bang, an information officer of Kilusang Magbubukid ng
AHRC UP-075-2005 Pilipinas, a peasant organization, was shot dead on 10 March
2005 in his house in Purok 3, Barangay Malangcao in Basud.
One of four armed men who arrived at his house shot him after
he opened his front door to find out who was knocking.
Six days later in a nearby municipality, Reyes, a trishaw driver
and organizer for the Anakpawis party, was also shot dead by one
of his passengers. The suspects who posed as passengers boarded
his vehicle at a public market and shot him before reaching the
boundary of Barangays Callero and Nakalaya, Jose Panganiban.
Reyes died on the spot from several gunshot wounds.
Policemen from the Jose Panganiban municipal police and
the Scene of the Crime Operation Team officers were not able to
produce witnesses or sufficient material evidence.
In a letter dated May 31 to the Asian Human Rights
Commission Marcelo Ele Jr., Police Director of the Philippine
National Police Directorate for Investigation and Detective
Management (DIDM) said that “no witnesses had come out in
the open for fear of reprisal”. He added that in Bang’s case even
“relatives of the victim, when interviewed revealed that they
are no longer interested in filing the case due to the absence of
a witness who could identify the suspect”. Another dated 29 July
2005 from Chief Superintendent Charlegne Alejandrino, deputy
director for DIDM, added that the police could do nothing unless
the witnesses “come out in the open and willingly support the
prosecution of these cases”.

82 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

The AHRC highlighted the case in a statement of 18 January
2006 dismissing the claims of the Philippine government to
improved law enforcement:
In its 2005 Accomplishment Report released on its official website, the
government of the Philippines claims to have worked “to improve the
operational effectiveness of law enforcement agencies”. Exactly what
this means remains unclear, as the government backs its remarks only
it’s a huge
that this
with a handful of vague statistics that say nothing of reality and the is still going on at
challenges the country faces in addressing the very deep institutional this day and age—
problems associated with building the rule of law there.
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is aware that most
serious criminal cases in the Philippines are inadequately investigated.
In most cases perpetrators are not identified, usually due to the absence
of witnesses and the lack of forensic and scientific investigation
stop the killing!

—Josephine Ho, Taiwan

techniques. Despite the Act for Witness Protection, Security and Benefit
(Republic Act 6981), witnesses to acts of murder and other grave crimes
in the Philippines know full well that they risk the same fate if they dare
to come forward with information. While this is especially the case in
the unabated killings of human rights defenders and social activists,
flagrant targetted killings of ordinary criminal suspects--such as petty
criminals in Davao and Cebu--are also on the rise, sometimes with the
public endorsement of local officials.
Letters to the AHRC repeatedly speak to the failure of police to obtain
witnesses even in crimes where the victims are killed in busy
marketplaces or houses occupied by the families of victims, and to the
fact that this problem is recognised but not addressed by the authorities.
For instance, in one letter from 2005 Marcelo Ele Jr., Police Director of
the Philippine National Police (PNP) Directorate for Investigation and
Detective Management, said that no witnesses had come forward in the
killings of Ernesto Bang and Joel Reyes for fear of reprisal. This is despite
the fact that Bang was shot at the front door to his house with his family
inside, and Reyes was shot dead in a public a market. After Dario Oresca,
a witness to the murder of Reyes was found, he too was killed. He had
received no protection.
Even where a case is filed in court, prolonged delays cause greater and
greater risks both to the witnessess and the case itself, an issue strongly
adverted to in the chapter on the Philippines in the AHRC’s recently-
released State of Human Rights in Ten Asian Nations—2005 report. There
is little evidence that the Action Program for Judicial Reform (APJR)
adopted by the Supreme Court in December 2000, which includes in its
mandate the speedy processing of cases, is making much headway, and
it continues to lack adequate funding from the government.
As a consequence, more and more Filipinos are taking the law into their
own hands. The loss of trust and confidence in the police and judiciary
among victims seeking justice, and implied approval of murders by
government officials demonstrate the country’s deteriorating law and
order and give little cause for surprise when people go outside the law
to resolve disputes and seek vengeance.
All of this indicates the extent to which the government of the Philippines
has disregarded its international obligations. In its concluding
observations on the state’s compliance with the International Covenant
on Civil and Political Rights of December 1, 2003, the U.N. Human Rights
Committee urged that, “The State party should ensure that all allegations
of torture are effectively and promptly investigated by an independent

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 83

authority, that those found responsible are prosecuted.” It further said
that, “The State party should ensure that its legislation gives full effect to
the rights recognized in the Covenant and that domestic law is
Despite these clear recommendations, torture is not yet a crime in the
Philippines, and there has been little effort to enact an enabling law that
would make it so. Similarly, the various monitoring committees and
quasi-judicial bodies established ostensibly to investigate human rights
violations have few powers and are generally ineffective. As a result, the
recognition given to international human rights standards in Article III
of the 1987 Philippine Constitution has little significance. Although an
integral part of the constitutional basis of the country, in the absence of
measures for implementation it has been trivialised.
In January 2005 Executive Order 404 established a Monitoring Committee
on Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law. Section 2
stipulates that the Committee will work closely with the national
Commission on Human Rights to investigate and monitor human rights
violations in compliance with international treaty obligations. While
apparently a step towards human rights protection, there is little evidence
of work by the committee so far. The general public of the Philippines
remains in the dark about what the committee has done, despite it being
required to “provide regular updates to concerned units and agencies of
the Government, as well as civil society groups and other entities”.
The making of grand claims about the improved effectiveness of law
enforcement agencies will not impress anyone familiar with the real
situation in the Philippines. In fact, the effect will only be to raise more
doubts among the victims of crime and rights violations about the
sincerity of the authorities in tackling the deep flaws in the country’s
policing and judicial system. Instead of pretending that things are getting
better, the government of the Philippines would obtain far greater
credibility by recognising the gravity of this situation and taking
determined steps to end the impunity that murderers and other serious
criminals, particularly those in the police and other security forces,
continue to enjoy.

78 Fr. William Tadena: Another IFI priest killed

VICTIMS: Fr. William Tadena, a priest of the Iglesia Filipina
1. William TTadena
adena (killed) Independiente, was shot repeatedly by two unidentified armed
2. Carlos Barsolaso
(wounded) men riding on a red Yamaha motorcycle without registration
3. Charlie Gabriel plates while travelling by jeep towards Victoria, Tarlac, after mass
(wounded) at a plaza in Barangay Guevarra, La Paz, Tarlac on 13 March
Two unidentified gunmen
DATE: 13 March 2005 Fr. Tadena died of multiple gun shot wounds to his head and
AHRC UP-026-2005 torso. He was with three companions at the time: two of them,
Carlos Barsolaso (38) and Charlie Gabriel (24), were wounded.
Barsolaso was hit in the head and seriously injured while Gabriel
was hit in his right leg. The third, Ervina Domingo (20), was

Fr. Allan & Aileen Caparro: Shot down on highway

Fr. Allan Caparro (40) and his wife Aileen (34) were shot by
unidentified motorcycle-riding gunmen at around 6:30pm on 18
February 2005 as they were returning from a three-day meeting
called for by the Biliran-Leyte-Samar Diocese of the Iglesia
Filipina Indepiendente (IFI) church.

84 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

The couple had left Padre Burgos at around 4pm and it was 79
past 5pm when they arrived in Mahaplag, Leyte where they VICTIMS:
stopped to refuel their motorcycle at a gasoline station. While 1. Allan Caparro
2. Aileen C. Caparro
refueling, Aileen noticed three men near a red motorcycle were INCIDENT: Attempted killing
staring at them. One of them caught the attention of Fr. Allan, ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
who ignored them. Three unidentified gunmen
DATE: 18 February 2005
After they left the gas station, the men tailed them on their AHRC UA-030-2005
bike. Fr. Caparro was maneuvering a sharp curve in the road at
Barangay Tagabaca, Abuyog when he was shot in the back by
one of the three. Fr. Caparro stopped the motorcycle and the
gunmen continued firing at them as they passed, hitting Aileen
in her stomach and thigh. The perpetrators then sped towards
Dulag, Leyte.
Fr. Allan and his wife Aileen asked for help at a nearby house.
They were later brought to Abuyog District Hospital and were
given first-aid treatment before being transferred to St. Paul’s
Hospital in Tacloban City.
Aileen went under surgery to remove a bullet lodged in one of
her kidneys, she had to be kept in intensive care and undergo
further surgery. The bullet that hit Fr. Caparro narrowly missed
his spine. The bullets were all from a .45-calibre pistol.
Fr. Caparro’s involvement in human rights advocacy and his
opposition to militarization and the numerous atrocities
committed by the military in Northern and Western Samar,
where he is based, in Barangay Sabang, Calbayog, could have
been the cause for the attack. Just before the attack he had also
spearheaded an alliance for protection of the environment against
destructive mining operations in Samar that go hand in hand
with the military presence there.

Francisco Bulane & others:

Shoot first and enjoy your victims’ fish later
Three persons were killed while three others were wounded 1. Francisco Bulane (killed)
after around 50 members of the 25th Infantry Battalion of the 2. Padilla Bulane (killed)
3. Prumencio Bulane
Philippine Army strafed them on 8 February 2005 at about 6:30am (killed)
in Sitio Latil, Barangay Colonsabak, Matan-ao, Davao del Sur, in 4. Richard Bulane
Mindanao. (wounded)
5. Rogelio Bulane
The three who were killed on the spot were all married (wounded)
6. Ricky Bulane (wounded)
brothers: Francisco (32), Padilla (29), and Prumencio Bulane (28). INCIDENT: Killing
Another brother, Rogelio Bulane (42) was wounded along with ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
his 16-year-old son, Ricky, and the fifth brother, Richard (31). All Around 50 25th IB
were farmers and members of a local indigenous group, B’laan. DATE: 8 February 2005
According to Rogelio, on the morning of February 8 he and his AHRC FA-006-2005
son Ricky went to the river some three kilometres away from UP-153-2006
their house to catch fish and frogs. They had caught about four
kilos of fish and were preparing to eat when they heard gunfire
coming in their direction for no reason. The first shot hit the
back of his head but did not penetrate. Then he was thrown about
four meters away when an M-79 shell exploded to his rear. He
also saw his son Ricky hit with bullets. He called to him to run

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 85

and get help from his brothers. After several minutes the gunfire
stopped and he pretended to be dead when the soldiers came to

“ the international
community is
check him.
According to Rogelio, the soldiers then cooked the fish and
frogs that they had caught themselves, and he overheard
somebody say, “We will charge this guy with being New People’s
monitoring the Army.” Another said, “We will finish him off,” but a further soldier
said that he was already dead.
situation and will
Sensing that the soldiers were busy eating, Rogelio slowly
hold the crawled to the riverbank to get into some grass for cover. After
Department of several minutes, the military noticed that he had disappeared
Justice and they searched the area but did not find him. They left after
several minutes. Rogelio then crawled back to the place of
accountable for incident so that his family could locate him.
failure to act to Meanwhile, Ricky had run to get help from his uncle, Richard,
prevent further loss who immediately left the house to rescue his brother. But Richard
did not reach Rogelio, as he was met with bullets. Three of

—Joshua Goldberg,

of life....
Richard’s brothers also tried to retreat when they met gunfire,
but were shot dead.
At hospital it was found that Rogelio had 12 gunshot wounds,
but only four bullets had penetrated: two in his back, one in his
left side and one in his lower left. Ricky sustained 11 gunshot
wounds, but only two bullets penetrated: one in the lower left leg
and one in the left side of his body. He was brought to hospital by
his grandmother. Richard was hit 13 times, but only two bullets
penetrated, including one in his left shoulder, which exited from
his armpit.
On 18 February 2005 the survivors of the attack, Richard,
Rogelio and Ricky, were themselves charged with attempted
murder at the Municipal Circuit Trial Court III in Padada-
Kiblawan, Davao del Sur, after the army claimed that the were
fired upon after they ambushed its troops. The case was dismissed
for lack of evidence; however, the judge recommended a charge
of rebellion be filed against the accused instead, which was
subsequently done at Regional Trial Court 20 in Digos City. On
21 March 2006 the judge presiding over the pre-trial hearings
on the charge of rebellion ordered the prosecutor to have the
case reinvestigated, and on March 31 the prosecutor
recommended that this charge also be dropped for lack of evidence.
On April 24 the judge finally ordered the case dismissed.
Meanwhile, on 7 March 2005 charges were filed with the public
prosecutor in Digos City against two lieutenants and several
others attached to the 25th Infantry Battalion. The prosecutor
finished work on the case on May 21 and forwarded the case file
to the office of the Ombudsman for Military and Other Law
Enforcement Office in Mindanao on June 15. On July 19, that
office forwarded the file to the ombudsman’s headquarters in
Quezon City. Since that time the case has been inactive.

86 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

It has also been learned that although the regional office of
the Commission on Human Rights (CHR XI) in Davao City has
investigated and decided against the version of events told by
the army, it has refused to furnish copies of its findings to the
victims; nor has it assisted in matters of compensation or
rehabilitation for the victims and their families, despite repeated
requests. It had earlier assured parties concerned with the case
that it would recommend that financial assistance be given and
the alleged perpetrators be prosecuted.

Bacar & Carmen Japalali: A lesson in military impunity

On the morning of 8 September 2004, Bacar Japalali and his VICTIMS:
wife Carmen were sleeping inside their house in Barangay 1. Bacar Japalali
Bincungan, Tagum City while their neighbours Ladia and 2. Carmen Japalali
Padama were in an adjacent house. When Ladia went outside to INCIDENT: Killing
the toilet he saw soldiers carrying firearms surrounding their ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
house as well as that of Bacar. Sgt. Serafin Jerry Napoles
and 31 other 404th IB
Ladia rushed back inside and immediately dropped to the floor personnel
DATE: 8 September 2004
for safety. The military opened fire on the two houses. According
to Ladia and Padama the gunfire lasted for ten minutes. AHRC UA-072-2005
Bacar was killed on the spot. His wife Carmen, who was 3- UP-211-2006
months pregnant at the time, managed to get out of the house
and seek help. Ladia rushed her to the mission hospital in Tagum
City, but she died while being treated.
On September 10, Bacar’s brother Talib filed charges against
Sergeant Serafin Jerry Napoles and his 31 subordinates from
the 404th Infantry Battalion, Philippine Army, with the prosecutor
in Tagum City. On September 29, the Provincial Crime
Laboratory office released the result of a paraffin test that stated
that there were no gunpowder burns on Bacar.
Talib and Rodolfo Baluyo, Carmen’s father, then lodged an
affidavit and complaint with the Commission on Human Rights
in Davao City. However, after six months the commission had
still not taken any action.
On 17 December 2004, Prosecutor Francisco Rivero sent his
resolution and records of the case to the Ombudsman for Military
and Other Law Enforcement Office for review, recommendation
and approval. But the issue of an arrest warrant was delayed in
the Regional Trial Court. On 10 February 2005 it was learned
from the Office of the Clerk of Court that the case folder had only
just been given to Judge Justino G. Aventurado for his review
and study a day before. On March 3, Talib went to the office of
Judge Aventurado to follow up on whether warrants for arrest
had been issued. He was told by the officer-in-charge that the
case folder was still with Judge Aventurado. On March 8 and 15,
“ the whole world
is watching what
is going on in the
similar explanations were given to the victims’ family and staff
of Task Force Detainees of the Philippines. Finally, on March 20
Judge Aventurado issued an order to the prosecution office to

—Wan Hoi-wing,
Hong Kong
submit additional evidence in accordance with Section 6 of Rule
112 of the Rules of Court.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 87

On May 11 the charge of murder was reduced to homicide on a
directive from Judge Aventurado. The prosecution sent the
directive to the ombudsman for comment, and it was approved by
the ombudsman. This decision and other circumstances have
led persons siding with the victims to suggest that Judge
Aventurado was colluding with the accused perpetrators. The
judge had also tried to convince the victims’ families to make a
settlement with the military, hinting that the defendants “are
willing to pay”.
Orders for the arrest of the accused were not issued until 22
November 2006. However, on December 8 when they enquired
about the arrests, they were told that the officer-in-charge was
on leave. On December 11 they were told that the warrants had
been posted to the Municipal Police office in Mawab, Compostela
Valley, which would be responsible to carry out the arrests. It is
unknown as to whether or not the warrants have actually been
served to the accused persons.

Forced disappearance
82 Jaime Fernando: An empty fishing boat
VICTIM: Jaime Fernando After midnight on 20 November 2006, unidentified members
INCIDENT: Disappearance of the military came to Wawang Atlag, Malolos, Bulacan and
Unidentified military gathered all men in the said village, took their pictures and left
personnel at around 1am.
DATE: 20 November 2006
AHRC UA-380-2006
At around 2 to 2:30am, Jaime Fernando was last seen at the
Panasahan fish market, located near a military barracks. At
around 7am, his empty boat was recovered floating near the fish
market in Malolos; he has not been seen since. His disappearance
is suspected to be connected with the activities in his village of
that night.

Edgar Sabdula: Abducted from house one night
VICTIM: Edgar Sabdula On 22 October 2006, a former member of the insurgent Moro
INCIDENT: Disappearance National Liberation Front, Edgar Sabdula (36), was forcibly
ALLEGED PERPETRATORS: abducted in his residence in Purok 1, Uyanguren, Tigatto,
Unidentified armed men
DATE: 22 October 2006 Buhangin District, Davao City. At about 12:15am, a number of
AHRC UA-363-2006 hooded perpetrators in combat shoes and armed with rifles or
machine guns barged into the house and took him from in front
of his wife and into one of three vehicles: a blue L-300 van, a
white van and a third unidentified vehicle, without plate
numbers. His whereabouts remain unknown to date.

84 Cadir Malaydan: Pulled into van on way home

VICTIM: Cadir Malaydan On 19 October 2006 Cadir Malaydan was abducted and forcibly
INCIDENT: Disappearance disappeared while travelling home by motorcycle around 10:45am
Four unidentified armed men with his wife, Sitti. They had noticed a green L-300 van tailing
DATE: 19 October 2006 them along Purok 1, Barangay Poblacion highway, Monkayo,
AHRC UA-363-2006 Compostela Valley, close to two adjacent police outposts. The van
overtook them and stopped further ahead. When they came close,
the van’s doors opened and four hooded men, some in military
uniforms and others in civilian clothes emerged and aimed
weapons at the couple, telling them to halt. Two were armed

88 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

with rifles and the others had .45-calibre pistols. The armed men
then forced Cadir towards the van. During the scuffle, Sitti fell to
the ground. She saw her husband was forced to sit on the floor of
the van. When she tried to get up and follow, another man stopped
her by aiming an Armalite rifle. She was told to run away, but
she ignored him. Minutes later, the van sped off in an unknown

Nicolas Sanchez & Heherson Medina: 85

Often seen but never found VICTIMS:
On 18 September 2006, Nicolas Sanchez (27) and Heherson 1. Nicolas Sanchez
Medina (29) were allegedly abducted around 1am by around 30 2. Heherson Medina
INCIDENT: Disappearance
soldiers in camouflage uniforms, while they were catching frogs ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
in Sitio Cabatuan, Barangay Bueno, Capas, Tarlac Province. 71st IB personnel, including
2nd Lt. Ali Sumangil (Bravo
The two victims are cousins from the indigenous Aeta group Co.) & TTech.
ech. Sgt. Gil Q.
of northern Philippines who earned their livelihoods as farmers. Villalobos
DATE: 18 September 2006
According to family members they had no involvement in local
AHRC UA-018-2007
politics whatsoever.
The two victims were reportedly seen in a military truck at
the gate of the Northern Luzon Command at Camp Servillano
Aquino, San Miguel, Tarlac City on September 21. The truck
was later identified as the same model of vehicle as that spotted
at the compound of the 71st Infantry Battalion of the Philippine
Army in Hacienda Luisita in Tarlac City.
The victims were also seen on September 24 and again on
November 1 at the Bravo Company compound of the 71st IB in
Aqua Farm, located inside of the Hacienda Luisita in Barangay
Cut-Cut II, Tarlac City.
Two officers, Second Lieutenant Ali Sumangil of Bravo
Company, 71st IB and Technical Sergeant Gil Q. Villalobos both
allegedly have known the whereabouts of the two victims.
A local rights group, Find, and the Region III office of the
national Commission on Human Rights have made inquiries to
the military about eyewitness testimonies that the two victims
had been seen at various military camps in Tarlac City, but these
reports have been denied. It was since reported that the military
had been searching for two persons who gave information about
having seen the men, who had to go into hiding.

Sherlyn Cadapan & others:

“Are you looking for the women?”
Two student activists, Sherlyn Cadapan and Karen Empeño, 1. Sherlyn Cadapan
disappeared on 26 June 2006 while staying at a house in (pregnant)
2. Karen Empeño
Purok 6, Barangay San Miguel, Hagonoy. Sherlyn Cadapan was 3. Manuel Merino
pregnant at the time of the incident. One witness related that INCIDENT: Disappearance
during the abduction Cadapan was kicked in the stomach by ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
56th IB personnel
one of her abductors. Empeño was reportedly blindfolded with her DATE: 26 June 2006
own shirt after it had been taken off her by one of the abductors. AHRC UA-245-2006

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 89

When peasant Manuel Merino confronted a group of armed
men who came to the house, he was bound and was taken
together with the victims. They were seen being taken on board
a service vehicle with license plate number RTF 597, heading
towards a nearby town in Iba, Hagonoy.
After the incident, an alliance of a local human rights groups,
Alyansa ng mga Mamamayan para sa Pantaong Karapatan-
Bulacan (People’s Alliance for Human Rights-Bulacan),
immediately formed a response team to locate the victims. They
proceeded to the headquarters of the 56th Infantry Battalion,
Philippine Army in Iba, Hagonoy, Bulacan where they spotted
the vehicle used by the perpetrators. The quick response team
was refused entry and the military denied having the three in
custody. However, while they were outside a vendor asked them,
“Are you looking for the women?” The vendor kept silent when
the group said they were indeed looking for three missing persons,
of whom two were women.
A person whom the military allegedly illegally arrested but later
released on June 28, Alberto Ramirez, confirmed that Merino
was being used by the military as guide. The service vehicle
used in arresting Ramirez had the same license plate number
to the vehicle used in abducting the three victims. Ramirez was
taken to an army detachment in Barangay Mercado, Hagonoy,
Bulacan. Upon his arrival at the army detachment, Ramirez was
asked about his relationship with Cadapan and Empeño, but he
denied that he knew them. Although released, he had not
returned home for fear of further harassment by the military.
On July 12, the University of the Philippines-Diliman council
passed a resolution expressing concern for the two students.
Department of Interior and Local Government Secretary, Ronaldo
Puno, and Department of National Defense Secretary, Avelino J.
Cruz, were requested to help the two students. However, they
have not been seen since.
The military has since reportedly stated that the two students
were members of the NPA, however the administration of the
University of the Philippines has denied any such accusations
and confirmed that they were both students on its register. The
Supreme Court of the Philippines has also released an order for
the military to release Empeño and Cadapan, but the military
has thus far taken no action concerning this order.
VICTIMS: Domingo Guinto & others:
1. Domingo Guinto
2. Abelardo Interior Taken with chickens and a few pesos
3. VVirgilio
irgilio TTranquilino
ranquilino Domingo “Jojo” Guinto, Abelardo Interior and Virgilio
Disappearance; torture Tranquilino were forcibly taken by armed men believed to be
ALLEGED PERPETRATORS: military agents in General Tinio, Nueva Ecija on 17 May 2006.
At least 30 unidentified
armed men Around 2am, the Guinto family was woken from their sleep by
DATE: 17 May 2006 the arrival of several armed men who forcibly took Guinto and
AHRC UA-172-2006 ordered the other occupants to lie with their faces to the floor.

90 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

They warned that they would be shot if they dared to look up.
They took a mobile phone belonging to Guinto’s wife and 100
Pesos (USD 2), then forced Guinto towards a black van and left.
The perpetrators then stopped in front of Abelardo Interior’s
house, less than two kilometres from Guinto’s place. Their
barking dog awakened Abelardo’s wife. When she went out to
have a look she was surprised to see a rifle pointed at her. She
did not notice that her husband had followed and was just behind
her. The armed men ordered them to get inside the house and
wake up their children. They ransacked the second floor,
apparently in search of a gun, but failed to find any. They took a
farm implement, a wallet containing 20 Pesos and five live
chickens, and ordered the family to get out of the house and lie
on the ground face down or be shot. But Interior’s youngest child
did look up and saw his father blindfolded and being assaulted a
few metres away.
The third victim, Virgilio Tranquilino, was a family friend of
the Interiors who was spending the night at their house.
After the incident, workers from the Citizens’ Alliance for the
Advancement of Human Rights, a provincial chapter of Karapatan,
started looking for the victims in various police and military
camps. They went to the military’s Fort Magsaysay and the police
headquarters in General Tinio, Nueva Ecija, but the authorities
denied having them in custody.

Philip Limjoco: 88
Disappeared after delivering son to bus station VICTIM: Philip Limjoco
Philip Limjoco was last seen by his son Glen at a bus terminal INCIDENT: Disappearance
in Dau, Pampanga around 8:20am on 8 May 2006. Glen had gone ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
Unidentified police or
to visit some of father’s friends in the area together with him military personnel
and was going back to Manila. On their way Glen noticed that a DATE: 8 May 2006
white Toyota Revo with tinted windows and number plates AHRC UA-170-2006
covered with dark fiberglass was following their car. When they
arrived at the terminal, the car had disappeared.
Once Glen reached Manila around 9:30am he sent a text
message to his father, but he did not receive a reply. Around
10:30am, he sent another, and tried to call his mobile phone at
around 11am, but no one answered. Glen first thought that his
father might be driving or busy, but when he failed to get any
response by evening he began to worry. Then he asked some of
his relatives if his father had contacted them or if they knew of
his whereabouts; but they did not.
On May 9, Glen sought the help from human rights group
Karapatan. In July 2005 he had done so once after unidentified
men following him wherever he went. Glen had no idea as to
why he was stalked, except that his father was accused of being
a member of the New People’s Army.
Philip Limjoco was included on a list of 51 individuals charged
with rebellion by the Department of Justice that was reportedly
drawn up by the police Directorate and Investigation and

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 91

Detective Management on 27 February 2006 after the country
was placed under a state of national emergency. During martial
law under the Marcos regime his name was also reportedly
included on a list of “subversives”. He was twice arrested, brutally
tortured and illegally detained.

89 Riel Custodio & others: Never arrived in Batangas

VICTIMS: Riel Custodio, Axel Pinpin, Enrico Ybanez, Michael Mesias and
1. Riel Custodio Aristides Sarmiento have been missing since 28 April 2006 when
2. Axel Pinpin
3. Enrico Ybanez they left Barangay Tolentino in Tagaytay City for Bauan, Batangas
4. Michael Mesias around 6:25pm, Tagaytay City, south of Manila by car. They could
5. Aristides Sarmiento not be contacted by phone after 7pm.
INCIDENTS: Abduction;
illegal detention The families of the victims learned that the five might be
Unidentified police detained by the elements of the 740th Philippine Air Force,
personnel located in Fernando Air Base, in Lipa City, because Aristides
DATE: 28 April 2006 Sarmiento sent an SMS message on April 30 from the same area
AHRC UA-143-2006 where the army camp in Batangas City is located. Family and
friends immediately went to the army camp with a lawyer. When
they arrived around 3pm, the army officers at the camp denied
any knowledge of the men. The families asked to enter the camp.
Sergeant Dimaculangan at first accepted their request; however,
when they approached the entrance of the detention facilities,
they were refused permission to go further.
Meanwhile, a group of people from the Batangas chapter of
human rights group Karapatan arrived at the camp and urged
camp officials to help to locate the victims. After seeing this group,
the army officers asked the families and friends of the victims
whether they were associated with that group. Even though they
said no, the army officers threatened to arrest them if they were
connected; they were allowed out of the camp shortly after that.
The Commission on Human Rights later found out that the
victims were arrested without warrants and jailed, facing charges
of rebellion. Riel and Axel were in fact peasant activists working
for the Kalipunan ng mga Magsasaka sa Kabite (Farmers’
Federation in Cavite).
It has since been alleged that it was the police who abducted
and detained the victims, not the military.

Ronald Intal: “His appointment is not yet over”
VICTIM: Ronald Intal Ronald Intal (24) was forcibly taken by armed men at around
INCIDENT: Disappearance 11am near a motorcycle terminal in Barangay Balete, Hacienda
ALLEGED PERPETRATORS: Luisita on 3 April 2006 and taken towards 70th Infantry Battalion
70th IB personnel
DATE: 3 April 2006 headquarters in Aqua Farm of the barangay.
AHRC UA-127-2006
The victim’s father Gonzalo went to the military headquarters
on April 8 to inquire about his son’s whereabouts, but the military
denied having him in their custody. Gonzalo and his wife Lourdes
then sought the assistance of Tarlac City Vice-Mayor Teresita
Vice-Mayor Cabal told them that their son was being held by
the army’s Northern Luzon Command (Nolcom) and that he would
only be released after Major General Jovito Palparan, then head
92 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1
of the 7th Infantry Division, gave an order. “General Palparan
will not release him yet because his appointment is not yet over,”
she reportedly said. However, Colonel Cesar Yano, Nolcom chief
of staff publicly announced that they had not received any report
from the barangay or local police officials about the incident.
Rodel Galang, village chief of Balete, reportedly tried to
interview witnesses in connection with Ronald’s disappearance,
but they gave conflicting accounts while others refused to speak.
Ronald was an active youth leader deeply involved in the
Hacienda Luisita farm workers’ struggle (see above). He was also
leader of the Samahan ng mga Kabataang Demokratiko sa
Asyenda Luisita (Association of Democratic Youth in Hacienda
Luisita) and the Anak ng Bayan (Children of the People) political

Dario Almonte: 91
Pulled out of house in front of neighbours and family VICTIM: Dario Almonte
On 6 April 2006 Dario Almonte was forcibly abducted in front INCIDENT: Disappearance
of his sister’s house in Puyo Compound, Sta. Clara, Batangas ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
20 unidentified armed men
City by at least 20 armed men riding in two service vehicles, DATE: 6 April 2006
some wearing hoods, who entered the compound with a couple AHRC UA-124-2006
who had peddled ice cream in the area the day before apparently
acting as informants.
The armed men surrounded Almonte’s house and those
adjacent, and grabbed him when he came out. Dario’s wife Cherry
and other relatives tried to fight with the perpetrators, but the
latter pointed guns at them. Dario clung to a post, but lost his
grip when hit with an Armalite rifle. Soon after, the perpetrators
took him with them in one of their vehicles, which had been
parked nearby.
Dario’s family immediately sought help from the former
barangay chairperson, Thelma Maranan, who in turn asked help
from the town mayor, Eddie Dimacuha, who in turn contacted
the city police chief, Superintendent Anzo, who said that the
victim was not in police custody and instead suggested that he
could be in the custody of the Intelligence Division of the Fernando
Air Base, as he had arrest warrants pending against him at police
headquarters and the Regional Police Office in Camp Caringal
in Canlubang. However, when the victim’s family and fellow
villagers went to check at the Fernando Air Base, the camp’s
acting commander, Colonel Facalso, denied having him in their
The victim’s whereabouts remain unknown. His abduction is
believed to be related to his opposition to the planned demolition
of urban areas in Sta. Clara, Batangas by the Philippine Ports
Authority for an expansion project, in his capacity as leader of
the People’s Coalition for Alternative Development.
In a letter to the AHRC the Philippine army denied that such
a case of forced disappearance had occured but failed to explain
what investigation or otherwise had been undertaken to reach
that conclusion.
article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 93
92 Rogelio Concepcion:
VICTIM: Rogelio Concepcion Labour leader dragged from front of workplace
INCIDENT: Disappearance Labour leader Rogelio Concepcion disappeared on 6 March 2006
24th IB personnel after being abducted by men riding on a motorcycle as he left the
DATE: 6 March 2006 Solid Development Corporation factory in Barangay Mataas na
AHRC UA-087-2006 Parang, San Ildefonso, Bulacan where he worked, to go home.
UP-052-2006 Concepcion’s fellow workers were frightened and fled to safety
upon seeing the armed men seizing him. None have shown
interest in cooperating with the authorities in investigations as
they also fear for their lives.
Concepcion’s family fears that he could have been abducted
and killed by elements of the 24th Infantry Battalion of the
Philippine Army. Marissa reportedly spotted a van parked near
their house on the afternoon of March 6. The van stayed until
late evening.
In November 2005, elements of the 24th IB entered the Solid
Development Corporation factory and conducted a “military
census” among the workers, then remained stationed in the
compound. Concepcion and his colleague, Ador Vasalio, were
reportedly monitored by the military since. Concepcion was
officer-in-charge of the Solid Development Corporation Workers
Association (SDCWA) and Vasalio its former president. In May
2005 the SDCWA had staged a strike because the management
refused to recognise the union, despite a Department of Labor
and Employment decision declaring the union “sole and exclusive
bargaining agent”.
The AHRC released a statement on the abduction of
Concepcion and another victim of forced disappearance, Joey
Estriber (see below) on March 20:
On 3 March 2006, Joey Estriber was waiting for a lift home in Baler,
Aurora, when four armed men suddenly dragged him into a nearby van
and drove off. Days later, Rogelio Concepcion was also forcibly
disappeared in San Ildefonso, Bulacan on March 6. According to witnesses,

“ I am in no
two men riding on a motorcycle grabbed him as he left his work at the
Solid Development Corporation factory. Concepcion is a labour leader,
while Estriber is a staff member of the Bataris Formation Center. The
men, their families and colleagues had been followed by military
personnel, and threatened and harassed prior to their abductions. There
I am just is little to suggest that serious criminal inquiries into their disappearances
will follow: to date none of the possible perpetrators among the military
disgusted by are known to have been investigated. The two cases are already following
the familiar pattern known to people throughout the Philippines, with
this— little or no investigation and an absence of witnesses and accompanying
evidence leading to “case closed” without result.
corrupt One reason for this failure is that there is no law prohibiting forced

disappearance in the Philippines, despite the frequency of blatant
bastards! abductions there. Without a law, relatives of men like Estriber and
Concepcion have little hope for adequate and effective investigations
—David Twigg, UK followed by prosecutions and punishment of the perpetrators, as well as
compensation. They have nowhere to turn. Although the proposed Act
Defining and Penalizing the Crime of Enforced or Involuntary
Disappearance (HB 1556) is pending before the parliament, it has been

94 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

unnecessarily delayed. Like other laws that seek to address human rights
and people’s grievances, the legislature seems to give it negligible
The International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from
Enforced Disappearance is due to come into effect. The convention holds
that there are absolutely no circumstances that justify forced
disappearance, which it defines as
“The arrest, detention, abduction or any other form of deprivation of
liberty committed by agents of the State or by persons or groups of
persons acting with the authorization, support or acquiescence of the
State, followed by a refusal to acknowledge the deprivation of liberty or
by concealment of the fate or whereabouts of the disappeared person,
which place such a person outside the protection of the law.”
As the Philippines was a signatory to the Declaration on the Protection
of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, presumably its government
will seek to become a party to the new convention as soon as possible, at
which time it will be bound by international law to enact a domestic
But there is no need to wait until then. The Asian Human Rights
Commission (AHRC) urges the government of the Philippines to take
the lead and criminalise forced disappearance without delay. Having
recognised the principles contained in the 1992 declaration there should
under any circumstances have been greater effort in seeing a law on
disappearances introduced. In view of the fact that state agents and others
acting on their behalf in the Philippines are known to routinely abduct
and disappear persons there, there should also have been a far greater
sense of urgency.
To see this happen, a far more vigorous public debate is desperately
needed in the Philippines on the continued use of forced disappearance,
and its significance for the society as a whole. Through such discussion,
the brutal realities of enforced disappearance will become known and
understood, not only in terms of their destructive effects on families and
communities, but also their poisonous effects on the institutions and
agencies for policing and security.
For Estriber and Concepcion the introduction of a law criminalising VICTIM: Joey Estriber
disappearances in the Philippines will come too late to have deterred the INCIDENT: Disappearance
perpetrators of their abductions from carrying out the crimes. But for ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
their families and colleagues, as well as those of other victims and the Four unidentified armed men
thousands of potential victims, it cannot come too soon. DATE: 3 March 2006
AHRC FA-036-2006
Joey Estriber: “Don’t worry, I’m alright” UP-048-2006
On 3 March 2006 around 6:20pm Joey Estriber, a programme
officer of the Bataris Formation Center, was waiting for a ride
home on San Luis Street at the corner of Burgos Extension when
forcibly dragged by four armed men towards a maroon van with
tinted windows and no registration plates parked nearby. Estriber
yelled to get attention but bystanders thought he was joking. One
of the abductors grabbed Estriber while the others subdued him
before speeding in a southbound direction.
At 6:45pm, Estriber supposedly sent an SMS message saying:
“Don’t worry, I’m alright” to his relatives, but when he was asked
of his whereabouts, he replied: “I’m in hiding.” The recipient of
the messages doubted that it was Estriber who had sent the
message. After that, his number could no longer be contacted.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 95

When they came to know of the abduction, his relatives and
co-workers immediately went to a police station to report the
incident. It was found that the van involved in the abduction was
seen parked in front of the Aurora Electric Company, a few meters
away from an Internet café where Estriber went, an hour
beforehand. Baler Police Station personnel immediately put up
checkpoints but failed to recover the victim or trace his location.
Estriber’s family called up radio stations asking for anyone who
may have seen him to come forward. However, they failed to get
any response.
The Bataris Formation Center is an alternative learning centre
for lay people. On 25 December 2005 its women’s accommodation
was deliberately set on fire. Staffers suspected that the arson
was the handiwork of the 48th Infantry Battalion, Philippine Army
in Aurora. Personnel from this unit had earlier harassed Alfonso
van Zijl, secretary general of the Justice and Peace Advocacy
Group—which is situated in the same compound—and Manding
Colcol, staff member of Bataris, on December 14.

94 Pepito Campus & Leonardo Parungao:

VICTIM: Taken by police or someone else?
1. Pepito Campus
2. Leonardo Parungao On 18 February 2006 at 2pm, Pepito Campus and Leonardo
INCIDENT: Disappearance Parungao were riding in their barangay service vehicle with
ALLEGED PERPETRATORS: Elizabeth Parungao, a community youth leader, and around 10
Four armed men in police
sweatshirts other student youth residents of Barangay Bagong Sikat, Cabiao.
DATE: 18 February 2006 They were coming from Jaen, Nueva Ecija and passing between
AHRC UA-099-2006 Barangay Luyos and Buliran (near a garbage dumpsite) in San
Antoni, Nueva Ecija when four armed men wearing long-sleeved
sweatshirts with POLICE on them stopped the vehicle at a
checkpoint. They ordered Campus and Parungao to step outside
of the vehicle. According to the students, one of the soldiers forced
Parungao to the ground, stepped on his head, tied his hands behind
his back and forced him and Campus into a maroon van that had
no license plate. The van then headed towards Barangay Marawa,
Jaen and La Paz, Tarlac. The victims’ whereabouts remain
The others in the vehicle immediately informed the victims’
families, who in turn reported the incident to the police in San
Antonio. The police, however, denied having set up a checkpoint
and deploying policemen in the area where the victims were
abducted. The policemen instead said that soldiers led by Captain
Renato Rebuelto frequently patrol in that place, but could not
give further information.
VICTIMS: Reynaldo & Raymond Manalo:
1. Reynaldo Manalo Abducted for not coming to meeting?
2. Raymond Manalo
INCIDENT: Disappearance Reynaldo Manalo and his brother Raymond were illegally
ALLEGED PERPETRATORS: arrested and subsequently disappeared on 14 February 2006 by
24th IB personnel, led by
Master Sgt. Rollie Castillo five men believed to be military agents who first broke into their
DATE: 14 February 2006 parents’ residence in Barangay Bohol na Mangga, San Ildefonso,
AHRC UA-077-2006 Bulacan after 2pm. The perpetrators were armed with rifles and

96 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

wore civilian clothes. The men’s father, Jesus, was talking to
another person near their front door while their mother Ester
was at the kitchen at the time.
One of the perpetrators went to the bedroom and allegedly took
we strongly
items in the drawers. Raymond, who was sleeping there, was
awakened by the noise. They intruders asked if he was Bestre:
a neighbour. They slapped him and hit him in the abdomen with
a rifle butt, then ordered him to lie down and tied his hands
“protest all the
behind his back. He was dragged out of the house, during which
time he was repeatedly kicked.

—Rev. Dr. P. Mohan
Larbeer, India
The perpetrators took Raymond to the house of his elder
brother, Reynaldo, whose wife Maria Leonora had just arrived
from gathering charcoal. They ordered Reynaldo to kneel down.
When he refused, the alleged perpetrators poked their guns at
him and started kicking him. One of the perpetrators entered
his house and illegally searched for hidden firearms. When they
failed to find any, they took Reynaldo and Raymond with them.
They later went to Bestre’s house, not far from the victims’
houses. They forcibly opened the door and ransacked items
The victim’s cousin, Celeste, was passing by at the time, on
her way to the house of Jesus and Ester with their grandchildren.
She noticed that the door of the house had been broken and saw
the perpetrators searching inside. When they saw her, the
perpetrators asked her name. She was hesitant to answer them,
but her cousin, Raymond, told her to cooperate with them to avoid
getting into trouble. She and the children were poked with guns
as they talked to the perpetrators. Celeste last saw Raymond
and Reynaldo taken away in a white van with their hands tied
behind their backs.
On February 15, Reynaldo’s wife Maria Leonora together with
other family members abandoned their homes for fear that the
men would return and harm them. They reported the incidents
to the Municipal Hall of Ildefonso and police station Chief Emma
Libunao at the headquarters of the Philippine National Police in
San Ildefonso. Libunao later took them to the detachment of the
24th Infantry Battalion, Philippine Army, to meet with its head,
Master Sergeant Rollie Castillo. Castillo told them not to worry,
that they would coordinate with those who took custody of the
Manalo brothers.
Prior to the incident, on February 5, Castillo’s colleague called
for a meeting with residents of Bohol na Mangga. Members of
the Manalo family reportedly failed to participate as they had not
received any notice for the meeting. It is believed that their
failure to attend the meeting may have prompted the alleged
perpetrators to arrest and harass members of the family. Ester’s
uncle, Primitivo Principe, recalled that the faces of some of the
alleged perpetrators were similar to those who called for the
February 5 meeting.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 97

96 Francis Noel Desacula: “Don’t get mad, I will be home”
VICTIM: Francis Desacula On 9 January 2006, after 3pm, elements of the 730th Combat
INCIDENT: Disappearance
ALLEGED PERPETRATORS: Group, Philippine Air Force set up a checkpoint in Barangay
730th Combat Group air Malinis, Lemery, Batangas. Thirty personnel conducted
force personnel inspections along the highway. Francis Noel Desacula (35) went
DATE: 9 January 2006
missing at that time, as he was on his way home on the same
AHRC UA-042-2006 highway. His wife Ana expected him to return home that day but
he did not. Instead, he briefly spoke to her on his mobile phone
and told her that he would come home after finishing his work,
but he did not mention his whereabouts.
On January 10, at 7:30am Desacula again called Ana, from a
different mobile phone number. When Ana asked him why he
was not using his own phone, he said that the SIM card was
blocked. Ana asked if he was okay and when he would come home.
He promised Ana to come home and told her, “Don’t get mad, I
will be home. Just stay there and wait for me.”
On January 11, at 2:30pm, Ana called her husband’s new
number to inquire why he had failed to return home. It took
awhile before the mobile phone was answered. While speaking
to her husband, Ana noticed her husband’s voice sounded as if
he was suffering from pain, and she heard voices around him.
Not long into the conversation, Desacula hung up, which he
usually did not do. He only told his wife that he was fine and
promised to come home. When Ana tried calling him back, the
phone was turned off.
On January 12, Ana sought help from the Batangas chapter of
human rights group Karapatan. They sought help from local
officials and went to different military camps for days, hoping
that they could find Desacula, but failed. On January 18 Ana and
two members of Karapatan were harassed by the military when
they went to the Air Force Camp in Palico Nasugbu, Batangas.
Two personnel attached to the 730th Combat Group of Philippine
Air Force (CGPAF) labelled them supporters of communist rebels
and they were forced to leave without receiving any information.
On January 19, one officer attached to the 730th CGPAF
informed Karapatan by text message that their commanding
officer, Colonel Ruben Carandang, had signed a statement
denying that they were holding Desacula inside the camp.
A fact-finding inquiry conducted later found that residents of
Navotas, Balayan had seen Desacula on January 15, tied up and
being used by military as a shield in their operations. Additionally,
on January 16 he was seen by residents in Laurel, Batangas on
board a military truck with elements of the Philippine Air Force.
VICTIM: Torture, intimidation
Ustadz Habib Darupo
INCIDENTS: Ustadz Habib Darupo: Driven around and tortured in van
Abudction, torture On October 24, an Arabic teacher, Ustadz Habib Darupo
Four unidentified armed men (“Sonny”), went missing after he was forcibly abducted near a
DATE: 24 October 2006 public market in the Municipality of Banaybanay, Davao Oriental
AHRC UA-363-2006 when around 4pm he was riding on his motorcycle with a

98 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

companion, Rahim, after Ed’l Fit’r celebrations. Ustadz Darupo
and Rahim were going in to the market when a gray L-300 van
suddenly blocked their way and four hooded persons alighted.
One of the perpetrators was armed with an M-16 rifle. Rahim
fled and Ustadz Darupo also briefly broke free and fell into a canal.
One of the armed men caught up with him, pulled his head and
hit on his arms. He was then dragged towards the van. His feet
were tied with rope and he blindfolded with packing tape.
Ustadz Darupo was brutally assaulted in the van for about three
hours and interrogated about the whereabouts of a certain Ustadz
Hamid. His driver’s license, identification card and Seiko diving
watch were taken. After about 30 minutes, Ustadz Darupo sensed
that the tire of the vehicle had burst, and he was transferred to
another vehicle.
Around 11am the following day, October 25, Ustadz Darupo was
released in Tagum City. Still with his eyes masked, he was put
down from the van and told not to stand up. After that his abductors

Fr. Antonio Ablon: “Even the bishop was killed; we will 98

make you an example here” VICTIM: Antonio Ablon
At around 4:45pm on 6 October 2006, Fr. Antonio Ablon, a priest INCIDENT: Intimidation
of the Iglesia Filipina Independiente (IFI) church based in Unknown
Cagayan de Oro, received a death threat via SMS (short message DATE: 6 October 2006
service) from a mobile phone with the number 09203546270. It AHRC UA-334-2006
read: “Fr. Ablon, even the supreme bishop was killed. We will
make you an example here in Cagayan de Oro.” The message
was referring to the killing on October 3 of Bishop Alberto Ramento
in Tarlac City (see case above).
Fr. Ablon has been actively engaged in human rights work as
a National Council Member of the Promotion of Church People’s
Response and secretary general of the human rights group
Karapatan in his region. It is not the first death threat that he
has received.

Gemma Lape & others: 99

“She’s smart. Why don’t we just kill her?” VICTIMS:
Eight workers were were staying at a warehouse in Rosario, 1. Gemma Lape
2. Lorna Reli
Cavite on 28 September 2006 when Philippine Economic Zone 3. Ivy Villasan
Authority (Peza) police and Jantro security guards arrived in their 4. Ana Lou Estrimos
service vehicles and arrested them. The police and guards 5. Glaysa Layesi
6. Josephine Bahar
accused the workers of providing food and supporting other 7. Pablito Sapata
workers on strike at the Korean-owned Chong Won Fashion 8. Rodelito Amo
factory nearby, where they had imposed a food blockade. They INCIDENTS:
Illegal arrest & detention
also accused them of having “subversive” materials, such as ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
books on the history of labour movement and workers’ rights. Rosario Municipal Police
Station personnel
In fact, seven of the eight arrested workers were former DATES: 28 September -
employees of another Korean-owned garment factory, SP 4 October 2006
Ventures, who lost their jobs when their factory shut down in AHRC UA-325-2006
May 2006. They were forced to stay at the warehouse to ensure

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 99

100 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1
that the remaining equipment of the insolvent factory would not
be smuggled out without the employer paying them with
severance, unpaid salaries and benefits.
According to one of the arrested workers, Gemma Lape, on
their way to the Rosario Municipal Police Station following arrest,
the police and an official questioned her regarding her
relationship with the strikers. When she told them that she had
nothing to do with them, one policewoman told her companion,
“She’s smart. Why don’t we just kill her?”
After they arrived at the police station, Lape said investigators
attached to the Rosario and Peza police started illegally searching
her and her companions’ personal belongings. Her mobile phone
was seized. She was later taken to the interrogation room while
her seven companions were locked up at the detention center.
The police refused to allow access to legal counsel. When a group
of paralegals arrived to represent the victims one of the policemen
refused to acknowledge them. They also insisted that they were
not detaining the victims, despite putting them behind bars. The
police refused to allow private conversation between the paralegal
officers and Lape. One of the policemen yelled at one of the
paralegal officers and threatened them with removal.
Some of the arrested workers had caught fevers and colds at
the time of arrest due to a heavy downpour. When the paralegals
requested the police to provide food and medicines for the
detainees, they simply replied that they didn’t have any. The
paralegals had to get food and medicines themselves.
The Rosario Municipal Police Station later attempted to file
charges of inciting sedition against the detainees, but the public
prosecutor rejected the charges for lack of evidence. Only the
charge of trespassing was recommended to be filed at the
Municipal Trial Court, and the workers were arraigned and 100
pleaded not guilty to the charge. The judge ordered their release VICTIMS:
without imposing bail. 1. Kristine TTulay
2. Christopher De Leon
According to Gemma Lape, the workers had stayed at the 3. Khristina Mae Guray
warehouse with the knowledge and consent of Peza officials but 4. Mary Jane Almoete
5. Virgilio Batardo
that the officials carried out the arrests in an effort to crack 6. Ramon Blastique Fajardo
down on support to the other workers on strike. 7. Nona Quejero
8. Leonardo Quejero
Kristine Tulay & others: INCIDENTS: Illegal arrest &
detention; torture
Detained and beaten over possession of corpse ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
Hermogenes Aumentado sought the assistance of the 74th IB personnel, led by
Col. Amado Bustillos,
Southern Tagalog chapter of human rights group Karapatan to including Lt. Marcus Bibat
retrieve the body of his daughter, Raquel Aumentado, following (Bravo Co. commander), Lt.
her killing on 18 August 2006, apparently in an encounter Dinurog, Corp. Ferdinand TT..
Ponce, Corp. Wilmer Lapinig,
between the armed forces and New People’s Army rebels. Corp. Renelio M. Miranda,
On August 22, the group organised a mission composed of eight Corp. Ruel FF.. Miranda and
Corp. Jemuel PP.. Ontic
Karapatan volunteers, two barangay officials and three staff DATE: 22 August 2006
members of a local funeral parlour. The mission notified Vice- AHRC UA-275-2006
Mayor Reynaldo Comiso before proceeding to the location where UP-169-2006
Raquel was reported killed along with family members. UP-171-2006

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 101

After 10am, elements of the 74th Infantry Battalion led by
Colonel Amado Bustillos blocked their vehicle in Barangay
Tambakan, Catanauan, ordered the family and barangay officials
to leave and detained the eight Karapatan volunteers. He also

“ the rabbis say

‘to kill one
person is to kill
refused to release the body of the deceased to her family.
The eight volunteers were forced to march for four hours at
gunpoint, and the soldiers threatened to shoot them if they did
not run fast enough to the battalion’s Bravo and Charlie
the whole human Companies’ detachment. The soldiers, under command of
race and to save Lieutenant Marcus Bibat, also repeatedly punched and beat the
group’s four male captives on their heads.
one person is to Once at the barracks, one of the detainees, Christopher de
save the whole Leon, was accused by the soldiers of being an insurgent sniper
human race’— simply because he was wearing a black shirt, after which he
was allegedly assaulted.
—Helen R. Graham,
Quezon City
” Another, Leonardo Quejero, was separated from the group and
interrogated. He was forced to kneel face-down and told to admit
that he was an insurgent. The perpetrators were then joined by
Lieutenant Dinurog, the commanding officer during the August
18 encounter. Leonardo was repeatedly punched on both sides of
his body and on his head. The soldiers also terrorized him by
repeatedly cocking their guns to imply that he would be killed.
The military subsequently filed rebellion cases against the
eight in the Provincial Prosecutor’s Office, with the support of
Corporals Ferdinand T. Ponce, Wilmer Lapinig, Renelio M.
Miranda, Ruel F. Miranda and Jemuel P. Ontic, who all acted as
petitioners. However, Provincial Prosecutors Dione V. Bustonera
and Wendell R. Ilagan dismissed the case due to lack of evidence.
The eight were released at around 11pm on August 23, and
obstruction of justice charges filed against them in lieu of the
rebellion charges. The victims also filed complaints against the

101 Diego Ramos: Assaulted for asking questions

VICTIM: Diego Ramos & Don Bon Diego Ramos, a 16-year-old boy, was severely beaten
around 11 others by a village militia officer after arrest in Barangay Maybunga in
ALLEGED PERPETRATOR: Pasig City, Metro Manila at midnight on 13 August 2006. Ramos
Cesar Zamora, Barangay was walking on his way home after a concert when the alleged
Security Force member perpetrator, Cesar Zamora, repeatedly hit him with a club and
DATE: 13 August 2006
AHRC UA-269-2006
dragged him towards a truck. Zamora, a member of the Barangay
Security Force, was at that time assisting police in arresting
persons at a concert. When Ramos asked Zamora, “Why are you
arresting me?” instead of giving an explanation, Zamora beat
him hard with a wooden club to his chest, right thigh and
stomach. Zamora also threatened Ramos with a firearm. Despite
heavy rain, he hurled Ramos into a truck without a top cover.
Ramos was not the only one who forcibly arrested and taken
towards the Barangay Hall. At least eleven others, some of them
also minors, were taken into custody and questioned. It was
reported later that they were arrested due to complaints by

102 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

residents about the noise from the concert. The village militia
said that the concert had not been approved. They threatened to
charge Ramos and others for public alarm and scandal, and for
violating the village curfew. Although some of those arrested were
minors, the militia did not inform their parents. Nor did they
give treatment for injuries caused.
Ramos and his companions were released at 5am. Ramos then
proceeded to a public hospital where his injuries were examined.
The next day, August 14, he was accompanied by his mother,
Maria Ellenor Magdaraog, to file a complaint at the Barangay
Hall. But the officials reportedly attempted to exonerate Zamora.
Christopher Tillo, head of the Peace and Order Committee who
was supervising the operation said that policemen had beaten
Ramos, not his man.
Security force personnel are not supposed to be armed unless
they have permits to carry weapons. When Zamora was asked
about the firearm he had used the night before, he claimed that
it was lent to him by the police: this is admission of illegal carrying
of a firearm. Tillo reportedly attempted to argue that his men
were allowed to have guns; however, he was unable to produce
permits to support his claims.
After going to Barangay Hall, Magdaraog and her son went to
the children and women’s desk at the Pasig City Police to report
the incident and file formal charges against the perpetrator. They
advised that Ramos had to get medical documentation. The police
then called Zamora for questioning, and Tillo accompanied him.
Tillo reportedly threatened to file counter-charges against Ramos
and his companions if he decided to file charges against Zamora.
Tillo’s men have been accused of repeatedly abusing their
authority of arrest. The group has reportedly threatened a number
of victims not to file formal charges against them once released.

Uztadz Kusain Abedin: Arrested on unverified information 102

Uztadz Kusain Abedin was arrested at a bus terminal on Don VICTIM:
Rufino Alonzo Street, Cotabato City, at 6:45pm on 3 August 2006 Uztadz Kusain Abedin
INCIDENT: Illegal arrest
and without any reason taken into custody of Task Force Tugis, ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
a special military unit headed by Colonel Calanoy. A witness Task Force TTugis
ugis personnel,
saw him forcibly put in a maroon-coloured military service utility commanded by Col. Calanoy
DATE: 3 August 2006
vehicle with license plate number SFU-275, which was last seen
AHRC UA-260-2006
heading towards the headquarters of Task Force Tugis at PC Hill,
Cotabato City. Guinaid Adam, a manager of the bus company
from where Abedin was taken, reportedly accompanied him to
the military’s headquarters.
When Abedin’s colleagues at United Youth for Peace and
Development, a Mindanao youth development organisation, went
to the Task Group Tugis’ headquarters, the military could not
present any warrants to justify Abedin’s arrest. He was not given
access to legal counsel for some hours and the reasons for his
detention were not made clear. It was later learned that it was
prompted by an SMS purportedly sent by an intelligence source

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 103

warning of a plan to bomb the bus terminal in Cotabato City.
Abedin’s colleagues decided to stay on vigil outside the
headquarters until he was released.
Uztadz Kusain Abedin was freed around 9:40pm on August 4
after negotiations between a lawyer brought by Abedin’s relatives
and the military men who arrested him. The officers insisted
that his name was included on an arrest warrant, but could not
produce any such document. They appeared to have acted on
unverified information.

103 Shamroud Adulaziz & others: “Your days are numbered”

VICTIMS: On 5 July 2006, four spokespersons of groups based in General
1. Shamroud Adulaziz Santos City, Mindanao—Shamroud Adulaziz of human rights
2. Blanche Yamba
3. Bill Andres group Karapatan, Blanche Yamba of the Gabriela Women’s Party,
4. Juvy Hornales Bill Andres of the Bayan alliance and Juvy Hornales of youth
INCIDENT: Intimidation group Anak Bayan—received SMS messages from 09066677136,
Unkown saying that, “Supporters of the Communist Party of the
DATE: 5 July 2006 Philippines-New People’s Army-National Democratic Front (CPP-
AHRC UA-228-2006 NPA-NDF) your days are numbered - AralSaMasa”.
Prior to the incident, on July 4, a local tabloid newspaper
published a story quoting an intelligence report that a “death
squad” is plotting to kill seven leaders of progressive organisations
in the area. Neither the source of the story nor a by-line was
It was learned that AralSaMasa sent similar SMS messages
to George and Maricel Vigo two weeks before they were killed on
June 19 (see case above).
The four persons approached General Santos City Mayor Pedro
Acharon Jr. and City Councillor Eduardo Leyson III, chairman of
the Committee on Peace and Order, requesting intervention; no
action was known to have been taken by them. When three of
the four met Acharaon on July 11, they found that no credible
investigations had been conducted.

104 Marissa Dumanjug-Palo:

VICTIM: “Did you notice the motorcycle following us?”
Marissa Dumanjug-Palo On 31 May 2006, Marissa Dumanjug-Palo, an official with the
INCIDENT: Intimidation
ALLEGED PERPETRATORS: National Democratic Front and former staff of human rights group
Four unidentified men Karapatan’s national office was on her way to her office in a
DATE: 31 May 2006 taxicab when four unidentified men riding on two motorcycles
AHRC UA-178-2006 followed her. Below is her account of what occured.
Around 11:15am today, 31 May 2006, I hailed a taxi along V. Luna Road,
Quezon City, in the vicinity of V. Luna hospital (several establishments
away) on my way to the office. The taxi went towards the direction of
East Avenue.
The taxi driver called my attention when we reached the traffic light
(red) in the corner of V. Luna Road and East Avenue by saying, “Ma’m,
napansin nyo ba yung motorsiklo na nakasunod? (Ma’m, did you notice
the motorcycle following us?)” I looked back but did not see a motorcycle.
I asked him, “Bakit po? Saan ninyo nakita na nakasunod? (Why po
[expression of respect for elder]? Where did you notice that it was

104 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

following us?” He replied, “Bandang kanto ng hospital nakita kong
sumunod, parang nag-cut mula sa kanto. (In the vicinity of the hospital,
near the corner, I saw that it started following us, it seems to have swerved
from the corner.)” I replied, “Sige sa EDSA ninyo idiretso, mag-U-turn
tayo sa ilalim ng fly-over, pero huwag kayong hihinto, diretso lang.
(Okay, go directly to EDSA, make a U-turn under the fly-over, but do not
stop, just go straight.)”
We turned left on East Avenue and proceeded towards EDSA. I then
looked back again and vaguely saw a black motorcycle with two men
riding but it was quite a distance and they were partly hidden by the
other vehicles. When we made a U-turn under the fly-over near GMA-7 97
station, I saw that the black motorcycle (model like a dirt bike) was one
vehicle away and also making a U-turn. Riding it were two men wearing
black helmets and dark-colored jackets. I was able to see that the
motorcycle did not have a license plate.
I instructed the taxi driver to go towards Timog Avenue (turning right)
and take one side street (the jeepney route) towards E. Rodriguez. The
black motorcycle was still following us. Before we were to turn left
towards the side street (which was three or four corners from GMA-7),
the taxi driver said, “Ma’m, dalawa na sila. (Ma’m, there are now two
motorcycles.)” I again looked back.
I saw another black motorcycle (bigger model than the dirt bike and
similar to what SWAT teams use) with two men riding it. They were also
wearing helmets and dark-colored jackets. The second motorcycle was
around ten meters behind the first motorcycle. When we turned the
corner, I asked the taxi driver, “Manong, paano ninyo nasabi na dalawa
sila? Magkasama sila? (Manong [term for elder male], how can you say
that there are two? Are they together?)” The driver replied, “Parang
synchro ang kilos eh. (It’s as if their movements are synchronized.)”
At the end of the street, we turned left towards E. Rodriquez. When I
looked back again, I saw that the second motorcycle was now one vehicle
behind us and the first motorcycle was further back.
The two motorcycles followed us the entire stretch of E. Rodriguez,
maintaining a distance of one or two vehicles (even if there was no
vehicle between us and them), did not attempt to overtake us and always
rode diagonal from each other.
I instructed the taxi driver to turn right on New York Street and towards
Lantana Street.
When we turned right on New York Street, the two motorcycles did not
follow anymore and sped straight towards the direction of Cubao. I saw
that the second motorcycle also did not have a license plate.
All four men did not have any bags with them. I was not able to see if the
back-riders were wearing gloves (like the driver’s) because they always
had their hands in their pockets or were hidden whenever I had the
chance to look towards their direction.

“ as long as the Government of the Republic of the Philippines does not

have the will to implement genuine and proper measures to bring an end
to human rights defenders’ extrajudicial killings and prosecute their
perpetrators, the death penalty will still be in force in the Philippines...

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

—Nuria Tovar Velãzquez, Spain

105 Rundren Berloize Lao & others:
VICTIMS: Suffocated, electrocuted and beaten
1. Rundren Berloize Lao
2. Anderson Alonzo Eleven young persons—two of them minors—were brutally
3. Aldoz Christian Manoza tortured and subsequently falsely charged following their arrest
4. Ron Pandino on 14 February 2006 at a checkpoint in Abatan, Buguias, Benguet
5. Ray Lester Mendoza
6. Jethro Villagracia while hitching a ride on a dump truck on their way to Sagada,
7. Neil Russel Balajadia Mountain Province. When they reached Abatan, Buguias,
8. Darwin Alagar Benguet, they were stopped by heavily-armed policemen allegedly
9. Arvie Nunez
10. Jefferson de la Rosa attached to the Provincial Police Mobile Group and the Regional
11. Frencess Ann Bernal Mobile Group of Benguet. They ordered the victims to get down
INCIDENTS: Illegal arrest & from the dump truck and ordered them to kneel down, kicking
detention; torture
ALLEGED PERPETRATORS: their backs with such force that they all fell face-first to the
1604th PMG personnel led ground. The policemen started severely beating them one after
by Pol. Suptdt. Brent the other and threatening to kill them. Every time the police
Madjaco; 3rd Company
RMG, led by Pol. Snr
Snr.. Insp. noticed any movement from the victims, they were punched,
Joseph Paolo Bayungasan, kicked and hit. One of the victims was forced to kiss the mouth
and unidentified military of a policemen’s dog.
DATES: 14-16 February 2006 After their belongings were confiscated, the eleven were taken
AHRC UA-082-2006 to the 1604th PPMG camp, where they were allegedly further
UP-063-2006 tortured. They were beaten on different parts of their bodies, and
UP-067-2006 exposed under the heat of the sun with hands tied behind their
backs. They were also blindfolded, beaten in the genitals and
UP-100-2006 threatened with death. Some of the victims were thrown into a
UP-115-2006 pit and had soil, garbage and other matter dumped over their
UP-137-2006 heads. They were electrocuted, stepped on and their fingers were
squeezed with bullets inserted between them. Others were
suffocated with plastic bags or had their heads forced into pails
of water. Buckets were also hung on their heads and water was
poured into them. They were also forced to strip naked and had
freezing water sprayed onto them.
The victims were tortured in order to force them to admit
responsibility for a raid of a military camp in Cabiten, Mankayan,
Benguet on February 10. A rebel group had already admitted
responsibility for the raid. While in police custody, four of the
victims were ordered to sketch the supposed battle area and then
guide the police to locate the supposed hidden firearms in the
mountains. When the police failed to find anything there they
tortured the victims further.
While in police custody, one of the victims, Rundren Berloize
Lao, was able to escape by jumping into a ravine beside the camp
and running for safety while being fired upon by policemen. He
went back to Baguio City and sought help there from the
Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD). The
DSWD, however, turned Rundren over to the National Bureau of
Investigation (NBI). Soon after, elements of the PPMG and RMG
served an arrest warrant on Rundren, together with the others,
for robbery with homicide. The victims were held in Benguet
Provincial Jail where they had no adequate medical treatment
or counselling.

106 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

The victims, represented by six
lawyers from the Free Legal
Assistance Group, filed motions to
withdraw the charges against them,
and on March 31 they also filed
charges against six policemen in
Buguias, Benguet, for violation of
Republic Act 7438, which defines
certain rights of persons arrested,
detained or under custodial
On May 19, the Regional Trial
Court in La Trinidad, Benguet ruled
that the arrest of the 11 victims had
been illegal as it had been without
a warrant and not during a “hot
pursuit” operation.
The two minors, Frencess Ann
Bernal (15) and Ray Lester Mendoza
(16) were only released from jail on
May 30, after the court granted an
earlier petition by their legal
counsel to turn them over to their
While the others were in jail
there was a plot to kill them. A policeman stops
Rundren Berloize Lao was told by one inmate that sometime in demonstrators calling for
April he was offered 100,000 Pesos (USD 2000) in an envelope the release of the 11
along with a knife, to kill Lao. The inmate refused the offer and torture victims, outside
instead warned Lao to take precautions. police headquarters
Similarly, a fellow inmate of Jefferson de la Rosa, William
Pangan, informed him that he had accepted money to kill either
de la Rosa or Lao, after being sent a gun on May 9. On May 7,
Pangan was transferred into de la Rosa’s cell from a cell which
was formerly adjacent to Lao’s. Pangan told de la Rosa that he
feared that he would be killed immediately after he killed either
of the two torture victims, so he would not do it.
On June 28, the victims added charges of arbitrary arrest and
detention against the policemen and other perpetrators at the
Benguet Prosecutor’s Office.
On December 20, the remaining nine torture victims were
released from the provincial jail in La Trinidad, Benguet, by the
order of Regional Trial Court Judge Benigno Galacgac after
dismissing the case due to lack of evidence.
While all the victims have been cleared of the false charges
against them, the complaints they filed against the police,
military and militia forces involved in their arrest and detention.
The Office of the National Police Commission and Office of the

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 107

Ombudsman for the Military and Other Law Enforcement Office,
which have received the complaints, are yet to decide on the
The AHRC released a statement on this case on March 31:
The brutal police torture and filing of supposedly fabricated charges

“ my brother
who is a human
rights lawyer in
against 11 persons--including two minors--in Buguias, Benguet on 14
February 2006 is yet another instance of the arbitrary use of authority by
the police and military in the Philippines. As the Asian Human Rights
Commission (AHRC) reported earlier, the group were arrested in the
north of the country while hitchhiking on a truck, and allegedly beaten
the Philippines and kicked by members of the 1604th Police Provincial Mobile Group.
Back at the police camp, they were accused of being part of a February 10
was shot last raid on a military base, and again allegedly subjected to extremely cruel
year—fortunately torture, including genital beating, suffocation and electrocution. They
have been in custody since, and the trial against them is now getting
he survived but underway.
many others like Despite the gravity of the victims’ allegations against the police, there is
no way for them to lodge complaints or obtain redress as envisaged by
him have not. common article 2 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Please stop the Rights and the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or
Degrading Treatment or Punishment--both of which the government of

—Dino Juloya, USA”

killings.. the Philippines claims to uphold. There is no law prohibiting torture in
the Philippines, even though it is outlawed by the 1987 Constitution. A
2005 bill to introduce the Anti-Torture Act (HB 4307) has been stalled in
parliament. The failure to enact a law to criminalise torture violates the
government’s international obligations, especially under the Convention
against Torture.
Not only are torture victims in the Philippines denied the possibility of
making complaints, they are also denied medical treatment. One of the
Benguet victims, Rundren Lao, managed to escape--while the police were
drunk, he says. Naively, he sought help from the Department of Welfare
and Development (DSWD). Instead of attempting to verify his story and
making arrangements for the physical and mental care that he needed,
the department turned him over to law enforcement officers, who in
turn returned him to his original captors, after they issued an arrest
warrant. So an obviously damaged and traumatised man was placed
back in the hands of his alleged torturers.
The law requires that minors and adults be confined and treated
separately. However, even in this respect the DSWD has proven itself
unwilling to fulfil its mandate and protect human rights. In the Benguet
case, a department spokesperson said in a television interview that it is
difficult for the department to transfer the victims to juvenile detention
due to the nature of the charges. This outrageous position assumes,
without any basis, that there are crimes for which children should be
treated as children and others for which they should be treated as adults.
It is a blatant denial of the responsibilities of the DSWD, and the
Philippines’ obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child,
to which it is also a party. The department’s failure to secure the detention
of the two juveniles at a separate facility and properly assess the
conditions under which the other nine were taken into custody amounts
to blatant negligence on its part, and another violation of international

108 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

The absence of a law on torture means that neither the police nor the
DSWD feels beholden to torture victims. The police cannot be charged
for having committed torture. The social welfare staff cannot be held
liable for their negligence or inaction.
The AHRC supports Senator Aquilino Pimentel’s call that the chief of
police Gen. Arturo Lumibao conduct an investigation into the victims’
allegations. The Police Regional Office of the Cordillera Administrative
Region and Provincial Police Office of Benguet must answer the
accusations against them. The accused officers should be immediately
suspended until an investigation is concluded, and a decision made
regarding the filing of charges before quasi-judicial bodies and the courts
if probable cause is established.
The police and military in the Philippines will continue to use torture as
their primary means of investigation until a law makes their practices
illegal, and perpetrators are prosecuted. The constitution and the
Convention against Torture will only have meaning in the Philippines
when the government recognises its obligations under these laws to
treat torturers as criminals. The government’s delay in introducing such
a law is completely unacceptable and without justification.
The Asian Human Rights Commission again calls on the president of the
Philippines to place the passing of a law to criminalise torture among
the government’s top priorities. Members of parliament too must ensure
that this law is passed without delay, so that no more Filipinos are
denied the possibility of remedy and redress. The enactment of this law
is a precondition to the protection and improvement of all human rights
in the Philippines.

Windel Bolinget & others: Constant threats 106

In January 2006, three human rights defenders in Baguio City, VICTIMS:
Luzon were facing serious threats. 1. Windel Bolinget
2. Joan Carling
Joan Carling, a member of the Cordillera People’s Alliance, 3. Wife of Ampi Mangile
4. Manny Loste
was followed by two suspicious-looking persons riding on a Intimidation
motorcycle while on her way home from the office. On February ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
10, her car was broken into while parked outside her house, and Unidentified men
DATE: January 2006
the lock to her house door also destroyed.
AHRC UA-067-2006
Meanwhile, Windel Bolinget, the alliance’s secretary general,
and Manny Loste, the Cordillera coordinator of the Bayan Muna
party, have also noticed that they have been followed when going
home. An attempt was also reportedly made to abduct the wife of
the alliance’s vice chairperson, Ampi Mangile, but she resisted
and escaped.
Earlier, in October 2005 there was an attempted break-in at
the alliance’s office. The perpetrators cut off the electric supply
and phone lines. They were about to enter the office block after
destroying the gate’s padlock when a member of staff who was
sleeping inside the office was awakened by the noise. The
perpetrators ran away after they were yelled at. In December,
vans with tinted windows were often seen parked near the office,
and the security guards received several phone calls warning
them to leave.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 109

107 Francis Paraon & others:
VICTIM: “If you lie, I can kill you in your house”
1. Francis Paraon
2. Herminio Zuniga On 3 November 2005, a detachment of the 24th Infantry
3. Enrico Estarez Battalion (IB) set up on the basketball court beside the Barangay
INCIDENTS: Hall in Sta. Ines, San Miguel, close to the Console Farm where
Intimidation; torture
ALLEGED PERPETRATORS: members of the Samahan ng mga Manggagawa ng Console Farm
24th IB personnel, including (Samacofa) union work. The purpose of the detachment was
Lt. Col. Reyes, Col. Oliras & reportedly to conduct an anti-insurgency campaign. After the
Sgt. Gatos
DATE: 3 November 2005 detachment was established, Lieutenant Colonel Reyes, Colonel
onwards Oliras and Sergeant Gatos started summoning workers and
AHRC UA-030-2006 villagers for questioning.
On November 6, a number of heavily-armed military men went
to visit labour leader Enrico Estarez’s house. Estarez was not there
so the military started questioning his wife Elizabeth and
demanded she produce her husband. Later in the evening, Estarez
and several members of their union went to the military
detachment to clarify matters and asked them about their
operation at the farm. About fifty heavily armed soldiers led by
Colonel Oliras were present at the time.
While having the meeting, the military took several pictures
of Estarez. When he complained, he was told that if he had no
wrongdoing then he would not feel uncomfortable. The military
asked the group about the “Oust GMA [President Gloria
Macapagal-Arroyo]” painting on the Console Farm’s wall. The
union members and Estarez were pressed to explain why the
president was the object of their campaign. Colonel Oliras then
requested them to coordinate all their activities with the army.
After the incident, Estarez stopped work, left his family and
sought refuge elsewhere, causing disruption to his family life.
His wife was constantly visited by the military, threatening her
to reveal the location of her husband. On one occasion, soldiers
illegally searched her house.
After December 25, all union members became the subject of
harassment and frequent “invitations” by the military. All 12
union officers were reportedly placed under daily surveillance.
On December 28 around 8am Francis Paraon and his farm
manager, Mario Gelogo, were summoned for questioning. Gelogo
left Paraon behind after he spoke with the military. Lieutenant
Colonel Reyes allegedly approached Paraon told him, “You know
Francis, if you will lie, I can kill you in your house.” Paraon was
taken to a small dark room where he saw another five armed
military men in plain clothes. One allegedly pointed a gun at
him and then slammed it on top of the table where he was sitting.
They tried to gather information about the activity of the union
and communist rebels, about which he said he knew nothing.
When the answers he provided did not satisfy them, one of the
interrogators cocked his gun. The military also verbally abused
him and threatened to kill him. He was further asked about
persons unknown to him, and was questioned about the union
contributors and their funds. He told them that the records were
in his house, and was taken to his house to get them, then back
110 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1
to the detachment, where he was further interrogated. He wrote
a statement under duress concerning his membership with the
union and how he was treated by the military, but they did not
accept it. They instead allegedly prepared a fabricated statement
and forced Paraon to sign it.
Another victim, Herminio Zuniga, reportedly suffered trauma
and stopped speaking to his fellow workers and union members
after interrogation.
All the alleged incidents were reported to the national and
regional offices of the Commission on Human Rights, but there
had been no response by time of documentation.

Haron Abubakar Buisan: A “justifiable degree of force” 108

On 12 December 2005, at around 6pm Haron Abubakar Buisan VICTIM:
was riding on a motorcycle together with three other persons Haron Abubakar Buisan
from Maasim, Sarangani, Mindanao when policemen attached Illegal arrest; torture
to the General Santos City Police Office—some in plain clothes ALLEGED PERPETRATORS:
and others wearing black jackets with “SWAT” (Special Weapons Plainclothes personnel of
General Santos City Police
and Army Tactics) printed on them— intercepted and arrested Office and SW
SWAAT personnel
them. They did not present any warrant of arrest or inform them DATE: 12 December 2005
of any charges against them. They took the four men to their AHRC UA-251-2005
headquarters in their service vehicle, during which time Buisan UP-007-2006
was allegedly repeatedly kicked and severely beaten all over his
body and face with a stone. UP-186-2006
Upon reaching the police headquarters at the Camp Fermin
G. Lira, the police released Buisan’s three companions while he
was held in custody for three days without charge. He was allegedly
tortured into admitting that he is really “Ariel Bansalao”, a man
wanted for robbery. He was later transferred to the Pendatun
Police Station.
On December 23, Buisan’s family lodged a habeas corpus
petition in court. Judge Isaac Alvero Moran of Regional Trial Court
Branch 36 reportedly denied the petition and pushed through
with the filing of robbery charges and illegal possession of firearms
against Buisan, in connection with a bus robbery in Barangay
Katangawan, General Santos City on 11 April 2005 (Criminal
Case No. 18639). The victim’s family completely denied his
involvement, claiming it is a case of wrong identity.
During the hearing, police director Senior Superintendent
Alfredo Toroctocon and Judge Moran were seen together with a
prosecution witness who reportedly had earlier suffered from a
coma and could not speak. The court may have filed the charges
against Buisan based on the witness’ facial gestures.
Buisan was remanded to the General Santos City Reformatory
Center and his family filed another petition to the court to have
him examined by an independent and private physician, which
was also denied. The police claimed that Buisan had already been
examined by a physician but refused to give evidence to the family.
They also refused to turn over his motorcycle, even though it is
unconnected with the charges he is facing and therefore not
needed as evidence.
article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 111
Investigators from the Commission on Human Rights regional
office (CHR XII) in General Santos City interviewed Buisan on 4
January 2006 at the reformatory centre, but did not inform the

“ the blind eye

turned to human
rights is holding
family of progress in their enquiries or give other assistance.
Buisan’s father, Lamba, was reportedly denied copies of
documents related to the case. Nor was any attention paid to the
medical or rehabilitation needs of the victim.
us back as a On 13 January 2006, the Regional Trial Court Branch 35
nation—targeting postponed the arraignment of Buisan, after finding that his name
is indeed different from that on the charge sheet. On January
individuals 17 Regional Trial Court Judge Oscar Noel ordered a
protecting reinvestigation into the case.

laborers’ rights is In a letter received by the AHRC dated 10 January 2006,

Orlando Casimiro, deputy ombudsman for the Office of the
an unwelcome Ombudsman for the Military and other Law Enforcement Office
throw-back to the said that their Fact Finding Investigation Bureau would conduct
an enquiry into the matter.

—Eduardo Reyes, UK In reply to an open letter from the AHRC (AHRC-OL-004-2006;
see Appendix III), Senior Superintendent Toroctocon also told the
media that any assault on Buisan would be justified, because he
had lied. He repeatedly insisted that Buisan and Ariel Bansalao
are the same. He made similar claims in a letter to the AHRC,
about which the following statement was issued on March 16:
In a letter dated 21 January 2006, the City Director of the General Santos
City Police Office (GSCPO), Senior Superintendent Alfredo Toroctocon
wrote to the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) to deny
allegations by torture victim Haron Abubakar Buisan against his men.
Buisan accused Toroctocon’s men of brutally beating him following his
arrest on 12 December 2005. While in police custody and being
investigated, Buisan was allegedly repeatedly kicked, beaten with a stone
and denied access to legal counsel.
Although not referring directly to Buisan’s case, Toroctocon wrote in his
letter that a “justifiable degree of force” can be used as part of the police’s
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to immobilise a person upon his
arrest. A reliable source further quoted him in media interviews stating
that the harm inflicted upon Buisan was normal because he was a liar. He
further claimed the Miranda Doctrine, within which is respect for the
suspect’s right to remain silent and to have access to a lawyer, was
observed during the victim’s arrest.
Additionally, Toroctocon repeatedly insisted that Buisan and Ariel
Bansalao, a person wanted for robbing a bus in April 2005, were the
same person. Although the court has yet to rule whether or not the
victim’s claims that his arrest was a result of mistaken identity, Toroctocon
has already stated publicly that Buisan and Bansalao are one.
Whether Buisan and Bansalao are the same person or not, the AHRC
maintains that this does not give authority nor a level of immunity to
the arresting officers of the GSCPO to torture the victim. If indeed they
have proof of the alleged crime that the victim is supposed to have
committed, then the use of torture should still in now way be used. Only
the court has the authority to impose punishments on people accused of
committing crimes. Any punishment done outside of the court’s order,
is an arbitrary use of authority and therefore a serious violation of a
person’s constitutional and human rights.

112 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

While it is acknowledged that there are certain guidelines regarding the
police’s Special Operating Procedure (SOP), under no circumstances can
the use of force or harm, or indeed the torturing of a person be justified,
as is stipulated in domestic law and in international human rights
standards. The Bill of Rights of the 1987 Philippine Constitution strictly
prohibits the use of torture and the Republic Act 7438 states the many
rights of detainees and persons under custodial investigation.
“workers should
be able to do their
Furthermore, the Convention against Torture (CAT), to which the jobs without fear of
Philippine government has acceded, gives no justification for the use of death—stop the
torture under any circumstances. These rights entitlement can never be murders of trade
The manner in which Toroctocon is handling the victim’s complaint of
torture against his men is completely biased and inappropriate. By taking
sides and exonerating his men prior to the release of the result of the

—Calvin Allen,
investigation by the Office of the Deputy Ombudsman for the Military
and Other Law Enforcement Offices, Toroctocon is no longer acting in an
objective manner, nor in the professional one, which he should. His
failure to impose necessary sanctions and restrictions upon his men, in
particular the elements of Special Weapon and Tactics (Swat), despite the
standing complaints against them is totally unacceptable.
Allegations of torture against elements of the GSCPO are no longer new.
It can be recalled that on 24 April 2002, three persons, namely Jejhon
Macalinsal, Aron Salah and Abubakar Amilhasan were also tortured by
the GSCPO allegedly to force them into admitting an incident of bombing
in a mall. Likewise, on 12 December 2004, another five persons were
arrested and three of them were subsequently tortured by the GSCPO
while being investigated.
To date, none of the policemen from the GSCPO involved in allegedly
torturing persons following their arrest have been prosecuted and
punished. The investigation into the allegations against them did not
reach any conclusive findings nor did it lead to their prosecution in
court. The torture victims, meanwhile, have been forced to face trial to
charges laid against them by way of torture. The police’s repeated abuses
point to the failure by higher authorities to hold them accountable for
past indiscretions.
Buisan’s case is yet another example of the brutal torture and arbitrary
use of power by the local police. Not only was he deprived of his
constitutional right to have his complaint investigated and the
perpetrators prosecuted, but he was also denied appropriate medical
and trauma treatment. Although the concerned authorities, in particular
the regional Commission on Human Rights (CHR XII) is aware of this
case, they have failed to remedy this situation and to afford the victim
with the rights he deserves. It is frightening that although the government
is aware of the torture victim’s present situation they have not been held
accountable for their failings and inaction. Evidently, impunity is rife
within all areas of the law enforcement system in the Philippines.
With this in mind, we call upon all concerned people to pressure the
Philippine government, in particular the House of Representatives and
the Senate to consider as a priority the passage of the proposed law
against torture. The enactment of a domestic legislation on torture in
full conformity with the CAT is a precondition to the protection of human
rights in the Philippines. In a country where torture is not treated as a
crime, victims are deprived of their constitutional and human rights and
are further denied justice when seeking to legally pursue their
perpetrators. This practice must be stopped immediately and those
responsible for committing torture must be held accountable for their

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 113

Nonetheless, in a resolution dated July 28, the newly-appointed
state prosecutor Antonio Tagami only affirmed the resolution to
charge Buisan on 23 December 2005 by Regional Trial Court
Branch 36, which was in connection with the habeas corpus
petition that had been earlier dismissed. However, considering
that that decision had already been overtaken by the court’s
recent order for reinvestigation of the charges against the victim,
a full reinvestigation should have been conducted. Instead,
Tagami merely quoted the court’s resolution and effectively
recommended the filing of robbery with homicide charges against
the victim without any reconsideration of the extenuating facts.
In particular, the victim’s allegations that he was brutally
tortured while in police custody following his arrest were not given

Rev. Fr. Terry Revollido & others:
VICTIMS: Men coming in boots and white vans
1. Eleuterio J. Revollido As chairperson of the human rights group Bayan in
2. Mariano Sepnio (killed) Pangasinan province of Luzon, Rev. Fr. Eleuterio “Terry” J.
Intimidation; killing Revollido has been subjected to monitoring and harassment by
ALLEGED PERPETRATORS: military and police intelligence units.
Military or police intelligence
personnel Towards the end of 2005, Fr. Terry’s seminary janitor informed
DATE: Since end 2005 him that he was visited three times by suspicious looking and
AHRC UA-252-2006 well-built persons who asked about the activities and personalities
of those coming and going at the seminary. Fr. Terry was not in
his house on their third visit, but his son recalled that the men
entered inside the house by force. According to his son, they
were wearing “boots and riding in a white van”. Later the
seminary assisted the family to construct a steel fence at their
house for security.
At the beginning of 2006, one of Fr. Terry’s colleagues was
allegedly approached by a man who claimed that he was working
with the National Intelligence Coordinating Agency and that he
would give money for information about the activities of Fr. Terry.
Meanwhile, two members of the seminary have themselves
been killed in recent times. Seminary vice chairman Mariano
Sepnio was killed on 9 March 2006 by two armed men riding a
motorcycle among some who were seen buying cigarettes in a
nearby store but who did not remove their helmets. Some others
had spent some hours just standing close to the seminary for
successive nights. The general secretary, Jose Doton, was also
ambushed and killed on 16 May 2006 (see case above).
On another occasion a suspicious-looking man appeared at
the seminary and asked for help. Because it was vacation, only
a few people were in residence. The man went up to the second
floor of the main building and knocked on every door of the staff
houses, which was unusual for a man asking for money for the
“burial of his brother”. On the afternoon of the same day, while
waiting for a vehicle in front of the seminary one of the male
lecturers saw another man in a L300 Mitsubishi van keenly
viewing him from a distance. The vehicle reportedly carried a
police logo on the back.
114 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1
Fr. Rolando de Leon: 110
Church service ends with bullets instead of coins VICTIM: Rolando de Leon
Another priest whose work has suffered constant harassment INCIDENT: Intimidation
is Fr. Rolando de Leon (50), Roman Catholic Priest of the Diocese 56th IB personnel under
of Malolos, Bulacan and Parish Priest of San Andres Apostol command of Lt. Col. Noel
Parish, Norzagaray. He is also the spokesperson for the provincial Clement
DATE: Since October 2005
chapter of human rights group Karapatan, Alyansa ng AHRC UA-219-2005
Mamamayan para sa Pantaong Karapatan (Alma, People’s UP-216-2006
Alliance for Human Rights) and socially-oriented church-based
groups. He has been monitoring human rights violations and
also given support to survivors and their families. He joins fact-
finding missions, dialogues with local government officials and
leads the filing of complaints to the Provincial Government and
the local Commission on Human Rights.
On 30 October 2005, Fr. De Leon received a written death
threats and bullets among donations after morning mass in San
Andres Apostol Parish Church. Four envelopes among collection
bags from the service contained papers each with the message
“A warning for you: You’re next!” Three of the envelopes also
contained one bullet each.
Fr. de Leon recalled that on March 16, a sergeant named
Arnaldo Pagala took a picture of him during a protest rally, while
pretending to be a photojournalist. He was uncovered and it was
later discovered that he had been carrying a .45-calibre pistol.
He was taken to the police headquarters in Malolos where he
had admitted to being a member of Military Intelligence Group
3, under Northern Luzon Command, based in Camp Servillano
Aquino, Tarlac City.
In December 2005 a soldier was seen putting up posters in
the main public square of Norzagaray and the adjoining streets
and bridges containing a picture of a priest celebrating mass
with the hammer-and-sickle logo on the back of his robe. Although
the priest was not identified in the poster, it was believed to
represent Fr. De Leon as there are only two priests in Norzagaray
and the other, his second, had not received any death threats.
During the same month, the army stationed a detachment of
soldiers in front of the neighbourhood clinic from where they
could observe his church.
In March 2006, Fr. De Leon spoke at a press conference about
human rights violations in Bulacan that had been documented
by the Catholic Church’s provincial human rights office in the
capital, Malolos. A few days later General Jovito Palparan Jr.,
military commander of the region at the time, was quoted in the
local newspaper Balita as saying that Father de Leon “cannot be
trusted because he is a liar”.
Moreover, between January and October 2006, the military
organised a series of meetings in five towns of the province at
which it accused Fr. De Leon of being a communist insurgent.
Throughout the year uniformed soldiers came to his convent
asking for him but never indicating the reason. Uniformed and
armed soldiers also sometimes sit in the church’s courtyard.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 115

Getting away with murder

Asian Human Rights Commission, Hong Kong

ith gross violations of human rights continuing
unabated and avenues for seeking justice and
redress completely lacking, the Philippine
government’s institutions are showing little sign of having the
will or capacity to deliver justice. The human rights crisis in the
country has worsened during 2006. There are numerous serious
cases, in particular the shocking targeted extrajudicial killings
of activists, enforced disappearance and torture, being
documented almost daily. In fact, these gross violations have
already become a subconsciously acceptable way of life for
Filipinos. These rights violation cases only represent a fairly
well-documented fraction of the reality of human rights—or the
lack of—in the country.
While the government claims to have upheld human rights at
home and abroad, in reality the victims of violations and their
relatives are experiencing the complete opposite. The
government’s election to two of the United Nations main organs—
the Human Rights Council and the Economic and Social Council
in May and November respectively—does not exonerate the
government from its bleak human rights record. Victims have
lost faith in the criminal justice system’s vital pillars: the police,
prosecution and judiciary. Should they file cases in court and
with quasi-judicial bodies, expectations are low concerning the
delivery of adequate and prompt justice in most cases.
What can victims expect from the Philippine National Police
(PNP) when in fact its personnel are not only entirely incapable
of carrying out effective investigations, but some stand accused
of having committed—or being accomplices to—these crimes?
While the police are on occasion able to identify suspects, make
arrests and file charges in court, the results of investigations
are frequently challenged or questioned by victims themselves.
Police investigators likewise often make premature
pronouncements as to the motive of killings, and reject any

This article consists of edited extracts from the 2006 Annual Human Rights
Report of the Asian Human Rights Commission, issued on 10 December
2006. The full text of the Philippines chapter is available online at:

116 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

suggestions from the victims’ families that may be helpful in
the investigation of the case. The police have also adopted a
strange definition of what they consider as a “solved” case. Once
a case is with the prosecutor, their job is done. What happens
after that is someone else’s business.
Although the government is a State-party to international
“ there are
clear patterns
before victims
human rights covenants and conventions, in particular the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and
International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights,
its actual implementation of their provisions is derisory.
Furthermore, the government has failed to implement most of

are killed

the December 2003 concluding observations of the UN Human

Rights Committee regarding the ICCPR. The unabated
extrajudicial killings of activists could have been prevented if
not completely stopped had the government seriously addressed
[the] “lack of appropriate measures to investigate crimes allegedly
committed by State security forces and agents,” and taken all
necessary measures to improve the witness protection

Widespread extrajudicial killings and links to the

military and police
From January to the start of December 2006, the Asian Human
Rights Commission (AHRC) documented the cases of 56 victims
of extrajudicial killing around country. This is a fraction of the
total number that has occurred in recent years. Attacks on
human rights defenders, political activists, human rights
lawyers, labour leaders, religious leaders, journalists, peasants
and others serving the poor and defending human rights have
intensified this year, with killings taking place almost daily in
recent months.
There are clear patterns before victims are killed: they receive
death threats, their names are included in so-called “orders of
battle” by the military, they are tagged as either being
sympathetic to the left or having “communist” ideologies, and
they are subjected to harassment and surveillance. But there
are also cases in which the victims had no known enemies and
were killed for motives that also remain unknown. Witnesses
and the victims’ families—including women and children—are
also targeted.
Despite mounting pressure on the government from inside
the country and abroad, the police have downplayed the killings
by stating that they are not a “systematic and widespread”
phenomenon. They have also tried to exonerate themselves by
putting the blame on the New People’s Army for perpetrating the
killings against “enemy spies” and “counter-revolutionaries.”
There is an entrenched bias against groups critical of the
government. Instead of acknowledging police incapability to halt
the killings, there are attempts to discredit efforts made by human
rights groups to document and inform about them.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 117

The AHRC has reported a number of cases in which members
of the military were allegedly involved in the extrajudicial killings
and other gross violation of human rights. In particular, retired

“ none of the
against Maj.
Major General Jovito Palparan, the former commander of the
7th Infantry Division of the Philippine Army, and his men stand
accused of the extrajudicial killing of 61-year-old activist Ofelia
Rodriguez (a.k.a. Nanay Perla) of Barangay Divisoria, Mexico,
Pampanga on 16 January 2006; the abduction and extrajudicial
Gen. Palparan killing of Allan Ibasan and Dante Salgado on 30 or 31 January
and his men 2006 at Sta. Ignacia, Tarlac; the extrajudicial killing of 19-year-
old activist Audie Lucero in Barangay Capitangan, Abucay, Bataan
have been on 13 February 2006; the forced disappearance of Reynaldo
thoroughly Manalo (32) and Raymond Manalo (22) of Barangay Bohol na
Mangga, San Ildefonso, Bulacan on 14 February 2006; the forced

investigated.... disappearance of labour leader Rogelio Concepcion (36) in
Barangay Mataas na Parang, San Ildefonso, Bulacan on 6 March
2006; and, the forced disappearance of 24-year-old activist Ronald
Intal of Barangay Asturias, Tarlac City on 3 April 2006.
None of these allegations against Major General Palparan and
his men have been thoroughly investigated. The police instead
exonerated him and his men even before subjecting them to
investigations. While the victims and families of the dead are
living in enormous fear, Major General Palparan meanwhile is
receiving commendations from President Gloria Macapagal-
Arroyo herself. The president has thereby already exonerated
Major General Palparan of gross abuses even before any impartial
investigation, effective prosecution or court decision. The
president also allegedly attempted to provide Major General
Palparan with de facto immunity by nominating him for
appointment as deputy director for counter-insurgency in the
National Security Council.

Flawed or inexistent investigations by the police

Investigations conducted by the PNP into extrajudicial killings
are either completely inconclusive or unsatisfactory. The police
system lacks the ability to conduct forensic investigations and
professionally gather evidence upon which to build a case that
will stand up in court. It is also unwilling to properly investigate.
For example, during an interview conducted by an international
fact-finding team, General Avelino I Razon Jr., the head of the
PNP’s Task Force Usig assigned to inquire into the killings, denied
that any members of the armed forces or the police have carried
out politically-motivated killings. Furthermore, the current
structure and operation of the Task Force causes great concern,
as it shares information and intelligence with the army and other
authorities, which severely undermines its independence and
Take the case of development activists George Vigo and his
wife Maricel who were killed in Kidapawan City on 19 June 2006.
According to Maricel’s younger sister, Maribel, the manner of a
task force investigation was not thorough and was completed too
quickly. The findings were also contrary to another report by local

118 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

police who initially conducted the investigation. One of the
victims’ relatives was made to sign an affidavit that the police
had prepared, the content of which was not properly explained to
her. It was later found that the affidavit had been used by the
police to file the case in court. The version given by Vigo’s
relatives concerning the motive of the killing was completely
“ unnecessary
delays place
victims &
The police were also quick to declare the 3 October 2006 brutal witnesses at
killing of Bishop Alberto Ramento, a prominent human rights
defender, as a case of robbery and homicide. However, Bishop
Ramento’s family and his fellow clergy believe that his murder
was methodically planned and politically motivated. Bishop
Ramento himself confirmed having received several death
serious risk

threats before he was killed. He once told his family, “I know
they are going to kill me next. But never will I abandon my duty
to God and my ministry to the people.” The police investigators
claimed there were missing belongings at Bishop Ramento’s
quarters, an indication of robbery. But Bishop Ramento’s family
and a human rights group that conducted a separate investigation
denied the police’s claim that robbery was the motive of the
killing. They established that the belongings had already been
taken out from Bishop Ramento’s convent several days before
he was attacked. The police did not consider this version. They
declared the case solved based on their findings.
It is the police investigators’ duty to determine all aspects of a
killing and to identify the perpetrators by considering all
information available to them. Only after they have exhausted
all leads in an investigation should they produce their findings
and make any pronouncements (as long as these remain non-
prejudicial to the prosecution of the suspect). To reject
information coming from the families of the dead is totally
unacceptable, and indicates a deep-rooted bias against victims.
The police are themselves instruments to deny justice and
redress. Without rigorous police reforms, the policing system in
the Philippines will not be made effective.

Delays in resolving cases by the ombudsman

Promptness in resolving cases of gross human rights violations
is essential. Often unnecessary delays place victims and
witnesses at serious risk, while giving the accused plenty of time
to counterattack. In the Philippines, such delays compound the
problems caused by non-existent protection mechanisms.
Under existing procedure, before any complaint is filed in court
against a state officer the result of investigation by the public
prosecutor should be submitted to the Office of the Ombudsman
for the Military and Other Law Enforcement Office, a quasi-
judicial body dealing with complaints against police and military
officials, for review and recommendation. The ombudsman has
failed to resolve cases in a timely manner, including whether or
not murder charges should be filed against two military
lieutenants and several others attached to the 25th Infantry

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 119

Battalion over the alleged killing of three farmers and wounding
of three others in Davao del Sur, Mindanao on 8 February 2005.
Almost two years on, the case against them cannot be filed in

failed to
court as the ombudsman has not finished deliberations.
The ombudsman has also failed to promptly resolve cases
concerning allegations of torture, illegal arrest and detention.
promptly No substantial progress has been made concerning the six
policemen accused of brutally torturing eleven persons, including
resolve cases of two minors, in Buguias, Benguet on 14 February 2006. The
ombudsman’s assurances that the alleged torture of Haron
torture, illegal Abubakar Buisan by policemen in General Santos City on 12
December 2005 would be looked into also have produced no result.
arrest & No investigations were conducted or charges have been brought

detention.... against the perpetrators. The torture victim remains in jail and
is facing false charges against him as a result of evidence
allegedly collected through the use of torture.

Proclamations, orders and “partly

unconstitutional” policies
Excessive violations of civil and political rights have also
occurred following the declaration and issuance of Presidential
Proclamation 1017, General Order No. 5 and the Calibrated Pre-
emptive Response policy. The former placed the entire Philippines
under a “State of National Emergency” while the general order
was pursuant to it, directing the Armed Forces of the Philippines
to “maintain public peace, order and safety and to prevent and
suppress lawless violence”.
When the proclamation was made on 24 February 2006, there
were illegal arrests and detentions, violent dispersal of protestors
and fabricated charges filed against those critical of the
government, as well as an illegal raid on a newspaper without a
search warrant. One of those illegally arrested—Anakpawis
Representative Crispin Beltran—remains in detention and is
still facing rebellion charges. The police arrested him with a 21
year-old warrant on charges that had long been dismissed by the
After petitions were filed questioning the legality of the actions,
the Supreme Court ruled that,
The provisions of PP 1017 commanding the AFP [Armed Forces of the
Philippines] to enforce laws not related to lawless violence, as well as
decrees promulgated by the President, are declared
In addition, it held that the arrest and dispersal of persons in
the rallies, “in the absence of proof that these petitioners were
committing acts constituting lawless violence, invasion or
rebellion” and the search of the newspaper premises were
declared unconstitutional, as well as provisions under the
response policy that freed law-enforcement officers from having
to exercise maximum restraint.

120 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

While the constitution guarantees that “no search warrant or
warrant of arrest shall issue except upon probable cause”, police
and military men on most occasions arbitrarily and excessively
violate this provision with impunity. Arrests and searches in
the absence of a lawful court order are common. Often the police,
as well as the military, effect arrest and search without warrants,
justified as part of a “hot pursuit” operation. In practice, the police
“ arrests &
searches in the
absence of a
and military decide when an arrest and search can be made
without a warrant despite not having any legal basis for doing so. lawful court
For instance, when development worker Uztadz Kusain Abedin order are
was arrested and subsequently detained on August 3 in Cotabato
City, the arresting military personnel did not have arrest warrants
with them. They detained the victim on the basis of an SMS
they received from an informant. Had Abedin’s relatives and
lawyer not intervened the soldiers would have not released him

without charges. Likewise, Wenifreda Marigondon was arrested
without a warrant on 25 November 2005 in Plaridel, Quezon. She
gave birth at the military hospital the following month. It was
not until the first week of April 2006 that she was taken to the
Regional Trial Court, Branch 62, for the preliminary hearing of
her case. Only then did she find out that she was charged with
Similarly, eight workers who were illegally arrested and
detained in Rosario, Cavite on 28 September 2006 had their
personal belongings searched without warrants. Only upon arrival
at the police station did the arresting officers try to figure out
what charges could be filed against them. The arrest also did not
meet the requirements for an arrest without warrant under Rule
113 of the 1985 Rules of Criminal Procedure, which requires
that there be an attempted offence or an actual offence occurring
or having occurred, or where the person is an escaped convict.
This was not the case also when Regional Intelligence and
Investigation Division personnel allegedly illegally searched and
harassed members of the convent of Contemplative Sisters of
the Good Shepherds in Butuan City on 1 November 2006 when
they entered the premises without warrants and heavily armed,
having reportedly gone in to the wrong building by mistake.
Under section 16 of the Constitution of the Philippines, “All
persons shall have the right to a speedy disposition of their cases
before all judicial, quasi-judicial, or administrative bodies.”
Section 7 of the Speedy Trial Act of 1998 (Republic Act 8493)
stipulates that the time limit on the length of period any accused
should be arraigned and subjected to trial is clearly prescribed:
The arraignment of an accused shall be held within thirty (30) days from
the filing of the information, or from the date the accused has appeared
before the justice, judge or court in which the charge is pending, whichever
date last occurs.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 121

Nonetheless, the courts are failing to comply with this
obligation. One example is the case of three torture victims
Jejhon Macalinsal, Aron Salah and Abubakar Amilhasan. A local
court commenced their trial only on 9 August 2005, over two
years after they were arraigned on 26 February 2003. The
reasons for the delays were variously given as frequent absences
or seminars being attended by the presiding judge, the
appointment of a new judge, a seminar of lawyers and the absence
of a court stenographer. None of these fall under exclusions
prescribed by section 10 of the Speedy Trial Act. On 25 October
2006 a police officer set to testify at the scheduled hearing at
the Municipal Trial Court, Branch II failed to appear for a second
time, because he had been transferred to another station
Torture and inhumane treatment are prohibited under the
constitution, as stipulated by the Bill of Rights. But the failure of
the government to enact enabling laws in order to ensure that
these rights are protected has denied victims any possibilities
of seeking justice and redress for ill-treatment and torture by
the police and military such as electric shock, beatings, food
and sleep deprivation, sexual humiliation, lengthy
incommunicado or solitary confinement, harassment,
Jejhon Macalinsal (L) & intimidation, extraneous exercises, and death threats. The police
his co-accused: Victims of and military employ torture with impunity and without fear of
alleged torture & court prosecution.

122 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

Take the case of 11 persons, two of them minors, who were
brutally tortured following their arrest in Buguias, Benguet on
February 12. They were beaten on different parts of their bodies,
exposed under the heat of the sun and had their hands tied behind
their backs. They were also blindfolded, beaten on the genitals
and threatened with death. Some were thrown into a pit and had
soil, garbage and other matter dumped over their heads. They
“any case
the AHRC
is not aware of
were electrocuted, stepped on and had their fingers squeezed
with bullets inserted between them. Others were suffocated with where
plastic bags or had their heads forced into pails of water. Buckets
were also hung from their heads and water was poured into them. compensation
They were forced to strip naked, at which point they had freezing
water sprayed on them, all in an effort to have them admit that
has been
they were rebels.
Armed village militia have also resorted to brutal beatings while
conducting “arrests”. On 13 August 2006, 16-year-old Don Bon
Diego Ramos was severely beaten by a militia in Pasig City. The

boy was on his way home after watching a concert when the
perpetrators attacked and arrested him. They falsely accused
him of throwing stones and creating a disturbance. When the
boy asked, “Why are you arresting me?” he was allegedly
repeatedly beaten with a wooden club.

No compensation
Republic Act 7309, an Act creating a Board of Claims under
the Department of Justice for victims of unjust imprisonment or
detention and victims of violent crimes, in principle establishes
a means for compensation in its section 3(d) for “any person who
is a victim of violent crimes [including those] committed with
malice which resulted in death or serious physical and/or
psychological injuries, permanent incapacity or disability,
insanity, abortion, serious trauma, or committed with torture,
cruelly or barbarity”.
The AHRC is not aware of any case where compensation has
been awarded. For example, despite repeated appeals, no
compensation, medical attention or trauma treatment were
afforded to torture victim Haron Abubakar Buisan who is still
detained in General Santos City. And although the Commission
on Human Rights of the Philippines has decided to take up the
complaint of torture victims Jejhon Macalinsal and his two
companions, it has not issued recommendations for them to
receive appropriate compensation and rehabilitation.

Families of the disappeared

There is also inadequate help for the families of disappeared
victims. Reynaldo Manalo and his brother Raymond were forcibly
abducted and subsequently disappeared on 14 February 2006 in
San Ildefonso, Bulacan. Although relatives have tried to seek
help from the military to locate the victims—despite having
suspicions that the military could be involved—they were only
told “not to worry and that they would coordinate with those

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 123

[personnel] who took custody of the Manalo brothers”. The victims
have not been seen since. Their relatives have also gone into
hiding, fearing for their lives.

“ disappeared
victims’ families
can file habeas
In another case the wife of labour leader Rogelio Concepcion,
who was forcibly abducted and disappeared on 6 March 2006, is
living in total insecurity. After Rogelio’s abduction, Marissa and
her family noticed the suspicious movement of persons not known
corpus petitions to them, who are believed to be closely watching them. Despite
the high security risk that she and her family are facing, she
but cannot has not received any protection or assistance. There has also
been no help from the authorities to locate her husband, who
indict has not been seen since he was abducted. As a result, the family
lives in permanent fear.
perpetrators in There is also the case of journalist and activist Joey Estriber,

who was abducted and forcibly disappeared on 3 March 2006. At
court.... around 6:20 pm, Estriber was on his way home, when he was
dragged by four armed men towards a tinted maroon van parked
nearby. As in previous cases, his whereabouts and fate remain
unknown and his family has had difficulty finding assistance
from government agencies.
Disappeared victims’ families can file habeas corpus petitions,
but cannot indict perpetrators in court for the crime of
disappearance despite strong circumstantial evidence showing
the involvement of either the military or the police. Take the
case of two student activists Sherlyn Cadapan and Karen Empeño
and peasant Manuel Merino, who were abducted on 26 June 2006
in Hagonoy, Bulacan. Cadapan was pregnant at the time. Although
the Supreme Court has granted the victims’ families petition
for habeas corpus, requiring retired Major General Palparan and
others to produce them in court, no progress has been made
regarding their whereabouts.
In August and October 2006, six people were forcibly abducted
by unknown persons and disappeared in separate incidents in
Mindanao. One of them was later found dead with brutal torture
marks on his body, while another was freed by his captors. Sitti,
the wife of disappeared victim Cadir Malaydan, was with her
husband when he was forcibly abducted by armed men in
Monkayo, Compostela Valley on October 19. There has been no
police investigation and no assistance for her to locate her
husband. Another victim, Ustadz Habib Darupo, was released a
day after he was abducted in Banaybanay, Davao Oriental on
October 24, but only after being tortured by his captors. After his
release, no protection was afforded to him and no assistance was
given to help him recover from the extreme trauma that he
experienced. Again, no effective investigation was conducted to
identify the perpetrators. And although Ali Barabato’s body was
found three days after he was abducted in Davao City on August
28, the whereabouts of his two companions remain unknown.

124 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

The Philippines is a signatory to the 1992 Declaration on the
Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance. In view
of the fact that state agents and others acting on their behalf in
the Philippines are known to routinely abduct and disappear
persons, there should have been a far greater sense of urgency
in enacting a domestic law on forced disappearances. However,
House Bill 1556, an Act Defining and Penalizing the Crime of
“ the culture of
impunity is so
rife that victims
Enforced or Involuntary Disappearance, is yet to be approved.
have lost faith
Conclusion in the criminal
The ongoing human rights crisis in the Philippines indicates
a collapse of the rule of law in the country. While the government
claims to uphold human rights and democracy before the
international community, including the United Nations, at home
there is no possibility for most victims of gross abuses of human
justice system

rights to get justice and redress. The culture of impunity,
including state and non-state actors, is so rife that victims have
already lost faith in the government’s criminal justice system.
There is extreme fear amongst the victims that exacerbates the
deep-rooted culture of silence and unwillingness to fight back,
in the country. Those victims who dare to fight back or even to
encourage and serve others to assert their own rights are
subjected to torture, death threats, disappearance or extrajudicial
Although the abolition of the death penalty in April indicates
in theory a respect for the right to life, this has no meaning to
the victims of extrajudicial killings and their families. The
government is failing to effectively address these killings.
Prior to its election to the UN Human Rights Council, the
government of the Philippines pledged to uphold human rights to
“the highest norms and standards”. This must seem like a sick
joke for most of the country’s people. There is a need for a rigorous
international campaign to deepen understanding of what is
actually going on in the country. Unless false claims and
pretences are confronted and dispelled, the culture of impunity
and attacks on human rights and democracy will only continue.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 125

Six suggestions to improve the
criminal justice system of the

Asian Legal Resource Centre, Hong Kong

he Asian Legal Resource Centre and Asian Human Rights
Commission call for the following steps to be taken as
top priorities in order to address the grave problems
afflicting the criminal justice system of the Philippines, which
deeply undermine the possibility of all persons in the country
obtaining their fundamental human rights and cause a loss of
respect and expectations in the role of institutions for the rule of
law in the Philippines and the functioning of the state itself.
1. An independent commission be established with the
guidance and technical support of key United Nations agencies
and other international bodies, comprising of senior judges,
competent jurists, reputed academics and representatives from
civil society, including human rights organizations, to undertake
a comprehensive review of the country’s criminal justice system,
and specifically the investigation, prosecution and adjudication
of cases, by way of public consultations and other relevant
methods, in order to identify defects and hindrances and make
full recommendations to the government and notify the public of
the same, in full, within six months.
2. In the interim, both the Department of Justice and
Philippine National Police clarify and widely publicise a rational,
accessible and comprehensive system of witness and victim
protection in accordance with the Witness Protection, Security
and Benefit Act (RA 6981), together with an explicit set of
operational guidelines for police that clearly stipulate officers’
duties to provide protection and spell out the sanctions that will
be taken against officers failing to comply. A full review of the
implementation and limitations of the Witness Protection,
Security and Benefit Act must be included as part of the work of
the abovementioned independent commission.

126 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

3. The strengthening of agencies for the receipt, investigation
and prosecution of complaints against police and military officials
to ensure that grievances by the victims are properly addressed
and acted upon and that complainants obtain adequate protection,
and interim measures immediately introduced by which to hold
police accountable, through an explicit set of sanctions, for cases
that have been filed in court that are found to have been
deliberately fabricated.
4. The use of labelling by the armed forces and other agencies
be brought to an immediate end by an explicit directive from the
government that the practice is prohibited and that officials found
responsible for such practices will be removed from their positions
and investigated for criminal liability in subsequent killings,
attempted killings or other incidents that may have occurred in
5. The findings of the Melo Commission be followed by
immediate investigations and prosecutions of persons identified
as responsibile for extrajudicial killings and other abuses,
whether directly or by virtue of command responsibility.
6. The enactment of domestic laws and establishing of
implementing agencies in accordance with the requirements of
the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and
Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or
Degrading Treatment or Punishment, signing of the new
International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from
Enforced Disappearance, implementation of the
recommendations of the UN Human Rights Committee of
December 2003 and issuance of a standing invitation to all United
Nations human rights experts to visit the country.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 127

Appendix I:
Statement of UN Special
Rapporteur on extrajudicial
killings after visit to
the Philippines

Manila, 21 February 2007

I have spent the past ten days in the Philippines at the
invitation of the Government in order to inquire into the
phenomenon of extrajudicial executions. I am very grateful to
the Government for the unqualified cooperation extended to me.
During my stay here I have met with virtually all of the relevant
senior officials of Government. They include the President, the
Executive Secretary, the National Security Adviser, the
Secretaries for Defence, Justice, DILG and the Peace Process. I
have also met with a significant number of members of Congress
on different sides of the political spectrum, the Chief Justice,
the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP),
the Chair of the Human Rights Commission, the Ombudsman,
the members of both sides of the Joint Monitoring Committee,
and representatives of the MNLF and MILF. Of particular
relevance to my specific concerns, I also met with Task Force
Usig, and with the Melo Commission, and I have received the
complete dossier compiled by TF Usig, as well as the report of the
Melo Commission, the responses to its findings by the AFP and
by retired Maj-Gen Palparan. I have also visited Baguio and Davao
and met with the regional Human Rights Commission offices,
local PNP and AFP commanders, and the Mayor of Davao, among
Equally importantly, roughly half of my time here was devoted
to meetings with representatives of civil society, in Manila,
Baguio, and Davao. Through their extremely valuable
contributions in the form of documentation and detailed
testimony I have learned a great deal.
Let me begin by acknowledging several important elements.
The first is that the Government’s invitation to visit reflects a
clear recognition of the gravity of the problem, a willingness to

128 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

permit outside scrutiny, and a very welcome preparedness to
engage on this issue. The assurances that I received from the
President, in particular, were very encouraging.
Second, I note that my visit takes place within the context of
a counter-insurgency operation which takes place on a range of
fronts, and I do not in any way underestimate the resulting
challenges facing for the Government and the AFP. Third, I wish
to clarify that my formal role is to report to the UN Human Rights
Council and to the Government on the situation I have found. I
consider that the very fact of my visit has already begun the
process of acting as a catalyst to deeper reflection on these issues
both within the national and international settings. Finally, I
must emphasise that the present statement is only designed to
give a general indication of some, but by no means all, of the
issues to be addressed, and the recommendations put forward,
in my final report. I expect that will be available sometime within
the next three months.

Sources of information
The first major challenge for my mission was to obtain detailed
and well supported information. I have been surprised by both
the amount and the quality of information provided to me. Most
key Government agencies are organized and systematic in much
of their data collection and classification. Similarly, Philippines
civil society organizations are generally sophisticated and
professional. I sought, and obtained, meetings across the entire
political spectrum. I leave the Philippines with a wealth of
information to be processed in the preparation of my final report.
But the question has still been posed as to whether the
information provided to me by either all, or at least certain, local
NGO groups can be considered reliable. The word ‘propaganda’
was used by many of my interlocutors. What I took them to mean
was that the overriding goal of the relevant groups in raising
extrajudicial execution questions was to gain political advantage
in the context of a broader battle for public opinion and power,
and that the human rights dimensions were secondary at best.
Some went further to suggest that many of the cases were
fabricated, or at least trumped up, to look more serious than they
I consider it essential to respond to these concerns
immediately. First, there is inevitably a propaganda element in
such allegations. The aim is to win public sympathy and to
discredit other actors. But the existence of a propaganda
dimension does not, in itself, destroy the credibility of the
information and allegations. I would insist, instead, on the need
to apply several tests relating to credibility. First, is it only NGOs
from one part of the political spectrum who are making these
allegations? The answer is clearly ‘no’. Human rights groups in
the Philippines range across the entire spectrum in terms of
their political sympathies, but I met no groups who challenged
the basic fact that large numbers of extrajudicial executions are

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 129

taking place, even if they disagreed on precise figures. Second,
how compelling is the actual information presented? I found there
was considerable variation ranging from submissions which were
entirely credible and contextually aware all the way down to some
which struck me as superficial and dubious. But the great
majority are closer to the top of that spectrum than to the bottom.
Third, has the information proved credible under ‘cross-
examination’. My colleagues and I heard a large number of cases
in depth and we probed the stories presented to us in order to
ascertain their accuracy and the broader context.
As a result, I believe that I have gathered a huge amount of
data and certainly much more than has been made available to
any one of the major national inquiries.

Extent of my focus
My focus goes well beyond that adopted by either TF Usig or
the Melo Commission, both of which are concerned essentially
with political and media killings. Those specific killings are, in
many ways, a symptom of a much more extensive problem and
we should not permit our focus to be limited artificially. The TF
Usig/Melo scope of inquiry is inappropriate for me for several
(a) The approach is essentially reactive. It is not based on an
original assessment of what is going on in the country at large,
but rather on what a limited range of civil society organisations
report. As a result, the focus then is often shifted (unhelpfully) to
the orientation of the civil society organisation, the quality of
the documentation in particular cases, etc.;
(b) Many killings are not reported, or not pursued, and for good
reason; and
(c) A significant proportion of acknowledged cases of
‘disappearances’ involve individuals who have been killed but
who are not reflected in the figures.

How many have been killed?

The numbers game is especially unproductive, although a
source of endless fascination. Is it 25, 100, or 800? I don’t have a
figure. But I am certain that the number is high enough to be
distressing. Even more importantly, numbers are not what count.
The impact of even a limited number of killings of the type alleged
is corrosive in many ways. It intimidates vast numbers of civil
society actors, it sends a message of vulnerability to all but the
most well connected, and it severely undermines the political
discourse which is central to a resolution of the problems
confronting this country.
Permit me to make a brief comment on the term ‘unexplained
killings’, which is used by officials and which I consider to be
inapt and misleading. It may be appropriate in the context of a
judicial process but human rights inquiries are more broad-
ranging and one does not have to wait for a court to secure a

130 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

conviction before one can conclude that human rights violations
are occurring. The term ‘extrajudicial killings’ which has a long
pedigree is far more accurate and should be used.

It may help to specify the types of killing which are of particular
concern in the Philippines:
• Killings by military and police, and by the NPA or other
groups, in course of counter-insurgency. To the extent that such
killings take place in conformity with the rules of international
humanitarian law they fall outside my mandate.
• Killings not in the course of any armed engagement but in
pursuit of a specific counter-insurgency operation in the field.
• Killings, whether attributed to the military, the police, or
private actors, of activists associated with leftist groups and
usually deemed or assumed to be covertly assisting CPP-NPA-
NDF. Private actors include hired thugs in the pay of politicians,
landowners, corporate interests, and others.
• Vigilante, or death squad, killings.
• Killings of journalists and other media persons.
• ‘Ordinary’ murders facilitated by the sense of impunity that

Response by the Government

The response of Government to the crisis of extrajudicial
executions varies dramatically. There has been a welcome
acknowledgement of the seriousness of the problem at the very
top. At the executive level the messages have been very mixed
and often unsatisfactory. And at the operational level, the
allegations have too often been met with a response of incredulity,
mixed with offence.

Explanations proffered
When I have sought explanations of the killings I have received
a range of answers.
(i) The allegations are essentially propaganda. I have
addressed this dimension already.
(ii) The allegations are fabricated. Much importance was
attached to two persons who had been listed as killed, but who
were presented to me alive. Two errors, in circumstances which
might partly explain the mistakes, do very little to discredit the
vast number of remaining allegations.
(iii) The theory that the ‘correct, accurate, and truthful’
reason for the recent rise in killings lies in purges committed
by the CPP/NPA. This theory was relentlessly pushed by the AFP
and many of my Government interlocutors. But we must
distinguish the number of 1,227 cited by the military from the
limited number of cases in which the CPP/NPA have

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 131

acknowledged, indeed boasted, of killings. While such cases have
certainly occurred, even those most concerned about them, such
as members of Akbayan, have suggested to me that they could
not amount to even 10 per cent of the total killings. The evidence
offered by the military in support of this theory is especially
unconvincing. Human rights organizations have documented
very few such cases. The AFP relies instead on figures and trends
relating to the purges of the late 1980s, and on an alleged CPP/
NPA document captured in May 2006 describing Operation
Bushfire. In the absence of much stronger supporting evidence
this particular document bears all the hallmarks of a fabrication
and cannot be taken as evidence of anything other than
(iv) Some killings may have been attributable to the AFP, but
they were committed by rogue elements. There is little doubt
that some such killings have been committed. The AFP needs to
give us precise details and to indicate what investigations and
prosecutions have been undertaken in response. But, in any
event, the rogue element theory does not explain or even address
the central questions with which we are concerned.

Some major challenges for the future

(a) Acknowledgement by the AFP
The AFP remains in a state of almost total denial (as its official
response to the Melo Report amply demonstrates) of its need to
respond effectively and authentically to the significant number
of killings which have been convincingly attributed to them. The
President needs to persuade the military that its reputation and
effectiveness will be considerably enhanced, rather than
undermined, by acknowledging the facts and taking genuine
steps to investigate. When the Chief of the AFP contents himself
with telephoning Maj-Gen Palparan three times in order to satisfy
himself that the persistent and extensive allegations against
the General were entirely unfounded, rather than launching a
thorough internal investigation, it is clear that there is still a
very long way to go.

(b) Moving beyond the Melo Commission

It is not for me to evaluate the Melo Report. That is for the
people of the Philippines to do. The President showed good faith
in responding to allegations by setting up an independent
commission. But the political and other capital that should have
followed is being slowly but surely drained away by the refusal to
publish the report. The justifications given are unconvincing.
The report was never intended to be preliminary or interim. The
need to get ‘leftists’ to testify is no reason to withhold a report
which in some ways at least vindicates their claims. And
extending a Commission whose composition has never succeeded
in winning full cooperation seems unlikely to cure the problems
still perceived by those groups. Immediate release of the report
is an essential first step.

132 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

(c) The need to restore accountability
The focus on TF Usig and Melo is insufficient. The enduring
and much larger challenge is to restore the various accountability
mechanisms that the Philippines Constitution and Congress
have put in place over the years, too many of which have been
systematically drained of their force in recent years. I will go
into detail in my final report, but suffice it to note for present
purposes that Executive Order 464, and its replacement,
Memorandum Circular 108, undermine significantly the capacity
of Congress to hold the executive to account in any meaningful

(d) Witness protection

The vital flaw which undermines the utility of much of the
judicial system is the problem of virtual impunity that prevails.
This, in turn, is built upon the rampant problem of witness
vulnerability. The present message is that if you want to preserve
your life expectancy, don’t act as a witness in a criminal
prosecution for killing. Witnesses are systematically intimidated
and harassed. In a relatively poor society, in which there is heavy
dependence on community and very limited real geographical
mobility, witnesses are uniquely vulnerable when the forces
accused of killings are all too often those, or are linked to those,
who are charged with ensuring their security. The WPP is
impressive—on paper. In practice, however, it is deeply flawed
and would seem only to be truly effective in a very limited number
of cases. The result, as one expert suggested to me, is that 8 out
of 10 strong cases, or 80 per cent fail to move from the initial
investigation to the actual prosecution stage.

(e) Acceptance of the need to provide legitimate political

space for leftist groups
At the national level, there has been a definitive abandonment
of President Ramos’ strategy of reconciliation. This might be
termed the Sinn Fein strategy. It involves the creation of an
opening—the party-list system—for leftist groups to enter the
democratic political system, while at the same time
acknowledging that some of those groups remain very
sympathetic to the armed struggle being waged by illegal groups
(the IRA in the Irish case, or the NPA in the Philippines case).
The goal is to provide an incentive for such groups to enter
mainstream politics and to see that path as their best option.
Neither the party-list system nor the repeal of the Anti-
Subversion Act has been reversed by Congress. But, the executive
branch, openly and enthusiastically aided by the military, has
worked resolutely to circumvent the spirit of these legislative
decisions by trying to impede the work of the party-list groups
and to put in question their right to operate freely. The idea is
not to destroy the NPA but to eliminate organizations that support
many of its goals and do not actively disown its means. While
non-violent in conception, there are cases in which it has,

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 133

certainly at the local level, spilled over into decisions to
extrajudicially execute those who cannot be reached by legal

(f) Re-evaluate problematic aspects of counter-insurgency

The increase in extrajudicial executions in recent years is
attributable, at least in part, to a shift in counterinsurgency
strategy that occurred in some areas, reflecting the considerable
regional variation in the strategies employed, especially with
respect to the civilian population. In some areas, an appeal to
hearts-and-minds is combined with an attempt to vilify left-
leaning organizations and to intimidate leaders of such
organizations. In some instances, such intimidation escalates
into extrajudicial execution. This is a grave and serious problem
and one which I intend to examine in detail in my final report.

The Philippines remains an example to all of us in terms of
the peaceful ending of martial law by the People’s Revolution,
and the adoption of a Constitution reflecting a powerful
commitment to ensure respect for human rights. The various
measures ordered by the President in response to Melo constitute
important first steps, but there is a huge amount that remains
to be done.
— Professor Philip Alston, Special Rapporteur of the United
Nations Human Rights Council on extrajudicial, summary or
arbitrary executions

134 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

Appendix II:
The Melo Commission Report


Created under Administrative Order No. 157 (s. 2006)
R E P O R T (extracts & without citations)
There is no shirking the fact that people, almost all of them activists or militants,
have been killed. There is no denying the reality that militant citizens have
been liquidated. The numbers vary. Task Force Usig of the Philippine National
Police listed down one hundred eleven (111) killings, which has since increased
to one hundred thirty six (136). Amnesty International, in its official website,
mentions 244 victims. The group Karapatan is said to have counted at least 724
killings. Unfortunately, none of the so-called activist/militant groups, be they
outright communist or satellite groups, came forward if only to inform the
Commission of the numbers of their members who have become victims of
extrajudicial killings. Be this as it may, the number, whether at a low of 111
according to Task Force Usig, or a high of 724 of Karapatan, is one too many.
It is said by those who would justify these killings that the victims are enemies
of the State. Verily, one’s attention may be called to the screams in death of the
victims of the Communist Party of the Philippines, its armed group the New
People’s Army (“NPA”), and its front organizations. Surely, ever present is
the only too human feeling of wanting to see one’s enemies and oppressors
bite the dust, so to speak, struck down on the quick based on one’s own personal
concept of justice or on the military’s unilateral assessment that they are enemies
of the State.
This may well be so, but it should be carefully noted that the victims, of which
this Commission is concerned, were all non-combatants. They were not killed
in armed clashes or engagements with the military. They were killed, it is
said, by motorcycle-riding hooded killers in assassination manner.
Government agencies hardly need reminding that in a democratic and civilized
state such as ours, one must uphold and observe the rule of law, the principles
of justice, and the system and rules of how it is dispensed – from investigation
to arrest, to inquest, and to trial. The system may be far from perfect, giving
rise to the temptation to take short-cuts. But precisely, short-cuts are in defiance
of the system of impartial justice. The rules must be observed at all times.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 135

A. Factual backdrop
In the wake of a disturbing wave of unexplained killings of civilian activists
and media personnel, President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo issued
Administrative Order No. 157 entitled “Creating an Independent Commission
to Address Media and Activist Killings.” The Commission was given the task
to prioritize and focus investigation of media and activist killings and thereafter
to submit recommendations to the President on policies and actions, including
prosecution and legislative proposals, if any, aimed at eradicating the root
causes of the extrajudicial killings and breaking such cycle of violence.
Necessarily, the Commission’s first and foremost task was to determine the
root cause of the said killings, and if possible, the persons or interest group
responsible therefor.
The Commission was not created to solve the killings, or any of them, by
pinpointing the actual gunmen involved. Neither will the Commission
prosecute who it believes are the persons behind such killings. Those tasks,
which would take years and an army of investigators and prosecutors to finish,
would be best left to the regularly constituted law enforcement authorities
and the Department of Justice.
B. Procedure
The Commission first called the Philippine National Police, which sent Gen.
Avelino Razon, Deputy Director of the PNP, together with his retinue. Gen.
Razon is likewise the head of Task Force Usig, which was created to investigate,
solve, and otherwise handle the same extrajudicial killings, and it was in his
capacity as such head that he appeared before the Commission. The
Commission was likewise informed that Task Force Usig was instructed by
the President herself to cooperate fully with the Commission. Gen. Razon
presented a comprehensive report on the activities of Task Force Usig and
their views and opinions on the suspects behind the killings.
Thereafter, the Commission called on the Armed Forces of the Philippines,
which was represented by the Chief of Staff Gen. Hermogenes Esperon, who
gave a brief report or statement on the killings, and answered various questions
propounded by the Commission. The next witness was Retired Gen. Jovito S.
Palparan, Jr., who was confronted for his image and reputation as the prime
suspect behind the extrajudicial killings.
The Commission then extended an invitation to the Commission on Human
Rights, which was represented by Chairperson Purificacion Quisumbing.
Thereafter, the Commission held hearings in Bacolod, Negros Occidental, and
in Davao City on the alleged killings of peasants and non-governmental
organization workers suspected to be perpetrated by hired goons of
landowners. The Commission noted that these killings are within its mandate
to look into, considering that the victims were farmers or peasant activists.
From the proceedings, it became plain that certain matters and facts were well-
nigh undisputed. Although not necessarily proven in such a manner that would
be binding in a court of law, these facts are nevertheless accepted as such by all
concerned and, therefore, may be presumed to be true.
The first undisputed fact is that there indeed have been extralegal killings, and
that the victims were almost entirely members of activist groups or were
media personnel. The numbers of victims and the theories behind their deaths
vary between the versions of the PNP and the military, on one hand, and
Karapatan and Amnesty International, on the other. However, it is undisputed
that there were killings.

136 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

More importantly, it is also undisputed that there was a rise in the number of
killings to an extent sufficient to alarm activist groups, non-governmental
organizations, the PNP, and, in fact, the President herself. Similarly expressing
concern was the international community, especially the European Union. The
military and police authorities likewise agree with the activist groups that
there was even a rise in the extrajudicial killings of activists and militants
between 2001 and 2006 as compared to a similar period prior thereto.
Likewise without dispute is the manner of the killings. From the reports of
Task Force Usig, victims were generally unarmed, alone, or in small groups,
and were gunned down by two or more masked or hooded assailants,
oftentimes riding motorcycles. The assailants usually surprised the victims in
public places or their homes, and made quick getaways. It is undisputed that
the killings subject of the investigation did not occur during military
engagements or firefights. These were assassination or ambush type killings,
professional hits carried out quickly and with the assailants escaping with
It is also undisputed that the PNP has not made much headway in solving these
killings. Out of the 111 killings of activists acknowledged by the PNP, only 37
had been forwarded to the proper prosecutor’s office for preliminary
investigation or filed in court. Obviously, the reason for this poor score was
the refusal of Karapatan and its allied groups to come forward and cooperate.
Lastly, it is clear that the rise in killings of such activists whom the military
brands as enemies of the state was to such an extent that it could not possibly
be attributed to a simple increase in the crime rate. In fact, the circumstances
clearly show that such killings of activists and media personnel is pursuant to
an orchestrated plan by a group or sector with an interest in eliminating the
victims, invariably activists and media personnel. The military establishment
itself acknowledges this, by attributing the rise in killings to a “purge” of
ranks by the CPP-NPA.
A. Task Force Usig; PNP Deputy Director Gen. Avelino I. Razon, Jr.
1. Introduction
Task Force Usig (TFU) was created, upon instructions of President Gloria
Macapagal-Arroyo, by Secretary Ronaldo V. Puno of the Department of Interior
and Local Government, to investigate the media and political killings.
2. Statistics on killed activists and newsmen/media men
TFU reported that from the 2001 to 2006, the total number of slain/party list
members reached 111 while the total number of media men killed for the same
period reached 26. TFU’s statistics are much lower than the figures reported by
Karapatan and Amnesty International for the same period. According to
Karapatan, there was a total of 724 killings while Amnesty International claims
that there was a total of 244 killings. Gen. Razon could not explain the difference
in the figures because according to him, Karapatan and Amnesty International
have refused to meet with TFU. An updated report of TFU as of 23 November
2006 shows an increased total of 115 cases of killings of activists or militants.
Out of this total, 46 cases are already “filed in court” and the remaining 69 are
still under “extensive investigation and case build-up.”
2.1 Out of the 111 extrajudicial militant killings, 37 criminal complaints have
been filed, while 74 cases are still under investigation. The low number of
cases filed is allegedly due to: (1) lack of witnesses; (2) absence of sufficient
evidence; and (3) the pendency of preliminary investigation. Gen. Razon further
added that there is lack of confidence in the impartiality of police, fear of
reprisal by other elements of society, and lack of interest of the victims’ families.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 137

2.2 Of the total of 26 media persons killed, twenty one (21) cases have been
filed while five (5) are still under investigation. When asked to explain the
substantial difference in the efficiency of the investigation on media men
killings vis-à-vis militant persons, Gen. Razon said that in the case of media
personnel, there are more witnesses and the police have received more
cooperation from the media.
3. Cases solved
Gen. Razon stated that the PNP deems a case solved in line with a NAPOLCOM
Resolution stating that a “case is solved” when a suspect has been identified
and charges have been filed before the prosecutor or the court, without
prejudice to further investigation. However, Gen. Razon clarified that it is not
an international definition.
In truth, the “solution efficiency” of 29% is even deceptive or misleading.As
stated in TFU’s updated report “Out of the total 45 cases filed in court, the PNP
has filed 5 cases with 8 arrested suspects who are all in jail; filed 25 cases under
preliminary investigation, filed 1 case with surrendered suspect, while the
suspects for the remaining 15 incidents are still at large and are subject of
manhunt operations.” It is not, therefore, entirely accurate that 45 cases have
already been filed in court since “25 cases [are] under preliminary
investigation.” Thus, only 20 cases have actually been filed in court; 25 cases
are only under preliminary investigation. These cases may yet be dismissed
for lack of probable cause. Of the 20 cases filed in court, the accused or suspects
have been arrested in only (6) cases. It cannot then be accurately said that the
accused in the 27 cases have been brought to justice. Indeed, with respect to the
78 cases still under “extensive investigation,” it is even doubtful whether the
perpetrators can even be identified.
When asked for the meaning of the term of “under extensive investigation,”
Gen. Razon said in each case, regular case conferences are held, more men are
assigned to investigate and the organization of special teams such as TFU.
Upon inquiry, he replied that TFU receives a monthly budget of P300,000.00.
As an incentive, each member of the unit receives P5,000.00 for every suspect
captured or case solved. Gen. Razon further testified that the PNP has not been
successful in investigating the killings of militants because the CPP/NPA has
terrorized the witnesses.
4. Reason for political killings.
Gen. Razon admitted that TFU still cannot explain the reason for the increase
in political killings. Thus, TFU fell short of its objective to “establish who is
responsible for the killings” and to determine whether there is a pattern of
serialized killings victimizing leftist activist and journalist.”
4.1 Gen. Razon refused to attribute the upsurge of political killings to the
President’s declaration of an all out war against the communist insurgents.
4.2 But he was quick to say that their records show that the killings are the
result of CPP/NPA” own purging because of “financial opportunism.” Gen.
Razon admitted that he agrees with the statement of Gen. Palparan that
organizations such as Karapatan and Bayan Muna are “fronts” of the CPP-
NPA, and that unless “we stop fooling ourselves that they are not fronts, we
will not be able to solve the insurgency problem.” He further asserted that the
NDF and Bayan Muna provide support, money, resources, and legal assistance
to the CPP/NPA.
However, when asked by Chairman Melo whether TFU has data on whom
among those killed were finance officers, Gen. Razon could point to only two
victims who were allegedly involved in financial operations.

138 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

5. TFU did not investigate Gen. Palparan, nor was he asked to account for his
5.1 Notwithstanding the widespread reports that Gen. Palparan had been
suspected of being involved in the extrajudicial killing of leftist activists, TFU
never summoned Gen. Palparan for questioning or investigation. Gen. Razon
made it clear that Gen. Palparan is not under the jurisdiction of the PNP or Task
Force Usig. Moreover, he stated that there was still no basis/evidence to
summon or investigate a personality such as Gen. Palparan. The PNP needs to
operate within the law. Hence, it needs evidence before it can investigate
Atty. Vinluan pointed out, however, that the purpose of investigation is
precisely to gather evidence. PNP does not need evidence before it can
investigate Gen. Palparan
5.2 Gen. Razon testified that TFU did not ask the Deputy Ombudsman for the
Military to look into the alleged violations of Gen. Palparan and the military.
However, he supposedly asked the head of the AFP to look into the participation
of the military in the killings. Atty. Vinluan asked for copies of such letter-
6. Command responsibility
TFU did not investigate higher-ranking military officials. Gen. Razon claimed
that the PNP cannot go further than the suspect. If the Sergeant remains silent
or refuses or fails to point to the involvement of a superior officer, the PNP
cannot go higher.
TFU pointed out that military operations are beyond the scope of the TFU.
Since the military conducts its own operations. TFU investigated only four
military personnel.
7. Personal opinion
When asked by Chairman Melo whether he would have summoned Gen.
Palparan if the latter were under his command, Gen. Razon replied that he
would have immediately called Gen. Palparan “to explain why there was an
apparent increase in the incident[s] in the areas where he was assigned.” But
Gen. Razon also said that Gen. Palparan will not incriminate himself.
8. Recommendations of TFU
To conclude his testimony, General Razon made the following
recommendations for the successful investigation and prevention of future
8.1 Closer collaboration of law enforcement/prosecution without sacrificing
their impartiality;
8.2 Faster issuance of warrants of arrests;
8.3 Expedite conduct of preliminary investigations;
8.4 Strengthen Witness Protection Program, increase budget to provide
economic opportunities for families.
B. AFP Chief of Staff Gen. Hermogenes Esperon:
1. Opening Statement: AFP Policy and Practice
Gen. Esperon sternly declared that the AFP does not condone or employ
summary executions as a matter of policy and practice. Neither does it tolerate
abuses, crimes, or summary executions. The AFP is a professional institution,
which does not engage in summary executions. The AFP, in fact, operates on
the basis of the Constitution and thus holds the value of human life to the
highest degree. Several publications have been made to educate AFP’s soldiers:

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 139

a. AFP Standing Rules of Engagement
b. Protection of Non-Combatants in the Philippines
c. The Philippine Army Soldiers’ Handbook on Human Rights and International
Humanitarian Law
d. Primer on the Comprehensive Agreement on the Restrict for Human Rights
and International Humanitarian Law
e. Rules of Behavior on Combat
f. Love of Country/Pagmamahal sa Bayan
g. Code of Ethics
Gen. Esperon further said that it is unfair to link the AFP to all political killings
just because the political inclination of the victims is toward the left. He stated
that the AFP has been stereotyped as the perpetrator of the extra-judicial killings
of journalists and militants. Subjecting the AFP to a trial by publicity is a
modus-operandi by the CPP-NPA.
However, Gen. Esperon refused to categorically state that the AFP has
absolutely nothing to do with the killings of activists, as such statement might
be too presumptuous.
2. Reaction to Gen. Jovito Palparan’s Statement “Bayan, Karapatan, Anak ng
Bayan are all front organizations of the CPP-NPA with Bayan Muna as the
umbrella organization”.
Gen. Esperon agreed that there is truth to the said statement. He claimed that
the CPP-NPA uses as a shield the National Democratic Front (NDF), which is
an aggrupation of legal organizations that are infiltrated with members of the
CPP-NPA. For example, Bayan Muna, while being a legal organization has
elements that are also members of the CPP-NPA. These members are
conveniently hiding under a legal organization to serve the ends of the CPP.
Therefore, these organizations become the front organizations of the armed
struggle of the NPA. What is meant by the term “front organizations” is that
many members of the legal organization are identified members of the NPA.
These members, who are identified with the CPP-NPA, are fooling these (legal)
organizations to be the umbrella of the CPP-NPA and work ultimately,
wittingly or unwittingly, for the cause of the CPP-NPA.
3. Presentation entitled “Knowing the Enemy”
Gen. Esperon confirmed the existence of an AFP Briefing presentation entitled
“Knowing the Enemy” which explicitly accuses progressive leftist organizations
of being front organizations of the CPP-NPA.
4. AFP considers the CPP-NPA as “enemy of the state”
The CPP-NPA is treated as an enemy of the state because the Philippines is a
democratic state. The CPP-NPA wants to supplant our democratic way of life
with a communist ideology.
However, Gen. Esperon was quick to clarify that it does not follow that the
AFP similarly treats some left-wing organizations (which are considered front
organizations of the CPP-NPA) as enemies of the state because these are legal
organizations and serve a function in a democratic way of life. He added that
Gen. Palparan’s statement that Congressmen Satur Ocampo and Teddy Casiño
are “enemies of the state” might have been prompted by the fact that the
former was a known member of the CPP.

140 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

5. Reaction to Gen. Palparan’s statement, “Even though they are in government,
as Congress representatives, no matter what appearance they take, they are
still enemies of the State”, as reported in the Philippine Daily Inquirer, May 16,
2006 issue.
Gen. Esperon said he has not been given a manuscript that contained the said
statement. He added that there could be truth to the matter in light of a narration
made by a certain Mr. Piedad, a former NPA Commander and a witness to the
mass graves in Inupakan, Leyte. According to Mr. Piedad, the orders for the
mass killings came from NPA personalities which are known in the filed as Ka
Gres, Joma Sison, Ka Louie and Ka Satur. In another incident at Aurora, a letter
was uncovered which mentions the name “Ka Satur” as responsible for the
purchase of Five Million Pesos (P5,000,000.00) worth of explosives. Though the
real identity of “Ka Satur” is unknown, it seems to be a popular name in the
underground. Thus, this could be the basis for Gen. Palparan’s statements.
11. Procedure for complaints filed
When asked about the AFP’s investigations into killings, General Esperon
stated that before an investigation can commence, a complaint must first be
filed. From the years 2000 to 2006, a total of 770 complaints were investigated.
Complaints come from the Commission on Human Rights, the victims
themselves, foreign or non-governmental organizations, the Department of
Foreign Affairs, or the joint-monitoring committee. Thereafter, the report of
the investigation will be submitted to the General Headquarters.
However, Gen. Esperon added that although the AFP entertains the complaints
filed, it is the PNP which is the rightful or correct agency to proceed with the
criminal investigation, with the AFP simply cooperating with the PNP by
giving inputs and making its personnel available for investigation.
15. AFP Investigation of Gen. Jovito Palparan
It was noted that there was an increase in activist killings in the areas where
Gen. Palparan was assigned. Thus, it earned him the moniker “Butcher” or
Gen. Esperon said that an internal investigation was conducted by the AFP.
However, no formal investigation was conducted since no formal complaints
were filed against Gen. Palparan. The internal investigations conducted were
informal in nature and thus, no records were kept.
Moreover, when the reports came out in the media, Task Force Usig was already
organized. Thus, the AFP deemed it more appropriate to let the task force
conduct any investigation lest the AFP be accused of whitewashing the matter.
Additionally, Gen. Esperon said that to investigate Gen. Palparan during the
time when he was neutralizing the NPA would have been counterproductive.
Although Gen. Esperon admitted that the AFP has the power and authority to
investigate if any of its officers has violated certain rules and regulations, such
investigation may, however, muddle or obstruct any on-going operation. Gen.
Esperon added that the AFP has confidence in the duly constituted investigative
Atty. Vinluan mentioned an incident in Mindoro wherein Eden Marcellana
and Eddie Gumanoy were abducted by 20 men believed to be members of the
military and military assets. Gen. Esperon could not say whether an
investigation was conducted on the matter, reasoning that he was stationed in
Basilan at the time the incident happened.
16. Reaction on the following statements made by Gen. Palparan:

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 141

General Esperon was asked for his reaction to General Palparan’s public image
and statements appearing in media reports, among which were as follows:
Potential vigilante style actions by anti-communist elements outside the
military organization cannot be stopped completely and the killing of activists
are necessary incident to conflict.
I cannot order my soldiers to kill, it’s their judgment call, they can do it on
their own.
I encourage people victimized by communist rebels to get even.
The killings are being attributed to me but I did not kill them, I just inspire
the trigger men.
Their (three student doing research work outside Manila) disappearance is
good for us but as to who abducted them we don’t know.
Gen. Esperon refused to answer any question in relation to Gen. Palparan’s
statements, reasoning that Gen. Palparan himself should be the one to answer
the same.
Chairman Melo asked Gen. Esperon if it occurred to him to call Gen. Palparan
to explain his statements. Gen. Esperon related that he called Gen. Palparan
regarding the three (3) students who disappeared. Gen. Palparan denied any
involvement and expressed his willingness to submit to any investigation by
the Task Force Usig. Gen. Esperon added that he recalled calling Gen. Palparan
about a statement (he forgot which) and the latter said he was misquoted by
the newspaper. Gen. Esperon advised him to be careful with his statements.
Gen. Esperon said that assuming the above-statements were true, those “are
not right words that should come from an officer.” He added that the statements,
if true, do not reflect well on the AFP, but it does not mean that the military
should be blamed for the killings.
It appears that the AFP did not investigate Gen. Palparan on the matter on the
ground that no formal complaint was lodged.
17. Command Responsibility
When asked about his concept of command responsibility, General Esperon
stated that it means that a commander is responsible for what his men do or
fail to do in terms of accomplishing the mission. It does not include criminal
liability of the superior if his men or subordinates commit an illegal act that is
criminal in nature. Only the subordinate should be liable for the criminal act
and not the superior commander. The commander is responsible only for acts
he authorized.
In relation to reported abuses allegedly committed by Gen. Palparan, Gen.
Esperon said that these are only accusations and that no complaints were filed.
Moreover, he reiterated that the matter is left to be investigated by Task Force
Usig and the Commission.
18. Actions that may be undertaken by the AFP to prevent extrajudicial killings
When asked what the AFP is doing to prevent extrajudicial killings, General
Esperon simply mentioned that the AFP has its rules on engagement and that
the AFP conducts courses which have a module on human rights and there are
several publications to reinforce AFP’s observance of human rights. Atty.
Vinluan suggested that in order to stop extrajudicial killings, the military
should correct the impression that left wing organizations, such as Bayan Muna,
Gabriela, and Anak Pawis, are fronts of the CPP-NPA. Gen. Esperon countered
that Satur Ocampo should denounce the NPA. By doing so, the AFP will know
that previous members of the CPP-NPA have truly severed their relations
with the underground.

142 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

21. Summary/Notable Matters:
a. The AFP did not conduct any formal investigation of suspects, but admits a
rise in reported killings.
b. General Esperon is convinced that the recent activist and journalist killings
were carried out by the CPP-NPA as part of a “purge.” Captured documents
supposedly prove this. The full contents or a copy of the documents, however,
were not presented to the Commission.
c. Likewise, General Esperon was firm in his position that the victims were
members of the CPP/NPA and that the activist organizations, while legal, are
infiltrated by the CPP-NPA. He stated that these organizations are being
manipulated by the NPA.
d. Gen. Esperon admitted receiving reports about Palparan being suspected of
conducting extrajudicial killings, being called Berdugo, etc. but he attributed
this to propaganda of CPP/NPA.
e. General Esperon admitted that no formal investigation was conducted by
the AFP on General Palparan, simply because no complaint was filed. He
mentioned that he merely called General Palparan on his cellphone and did
not go beyond the latter’s denials.
C. Maj. Gen. Jovito S. Palparan:
1. Introduction
Maj. Gen. Jovito S. Palparan served in the Armed Forces of the Philippines for
thirty-three (33) years before his retirement on September 11, 2006. He was
invited by the Commission to shed light on the heightened number of
extrajudicial killings of media workers and political activists that transpired
in the various posts to which he was assigned including, but not limited to, the
Commanding General - 7th Infantry Division, Central Luzon
September 2005 – September 2006
Commanding General - 8th Infantry Division, Eastern Visayas
February 2005 – August 2006
Brigade Commander - 2nd Infantry Division, Mindoro
May 2001 – April 2003
3. Organizations/Party List Representatives as support systems of the CPP-
NPA; Enemies of the State
Gen. Palparan stated that certain Organizations and Party List Representatives
act as support systems providing materials and shelter for the CPP-NPA.
However, when asked to name these organizations, Gen. Palparan declined to
mention them publicly but only agreed to disclose the names of these
organizations in a closed-door session.
When asked about his previous statements accusing party list organizations
such as Bayan, Karapatan, Gabriela, and Anak Bayan as front organizations of
the CPP-NPA with Bayan Muna as the umbrella organization, Gen. Palparan
neither confirmed nor denied having made these statements.
Upon further questioning, however, Gen. Palparan said that he based this
information on video clippings of CPP Chairman Joma Sison naming certain
“National Democratic Front Organizations” as the support systems of the CPP

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 143

Gen. Palparan affirmed his earlier statement made before the Court of Appeals
wherein he said that these seemingly legitimate and ordinary organizations
are actually enemies of the state. He made an exception, however, with respect
to members of these organizations who may not really be enemies of the state
but are considered as such due to their membership in these organizations.
In an interview by Pia Hontiveros and Tony Velasquez on the TV Program
“Top Story,” Gen. Palparan was asked why he considered organizations like
Bayan Muna as fronts for the NPA. In response thereto, Gen. Palparan said “…
a lot of the members are actually involved in atrocities and crimes …” When
asked what evidence he had to support this allegation, he said that he had no
evidence, but that “he could feel it.” At the Commission hearing, however,
Gen. Palparan said that there are witnesses who are former members of these
organizations that have severed their membership who can attest to this. These
witnesses or their statements were not presented to the Commission. Gen.
Palparan also stressed that “a lot of members” and not all members are involved
in atrocities and crimes.
4. Gen. Palparan’s Statements implicating specific Party List Organizations
Gen. Palparan was reported to have made the following statements before the
media implicating specific Party List Organizations such as Bayan, Karapatan,
Gabriela, and Anak Bayan as fronts for the NPA, to wit:
“Even though they are in Government as Party List Representatives, no matter
what appearance they take, they are still Enemies of the State.” (May 16, 2006,
Philippine Daily Inquirer)
“The Party List Members of Congress are doing things to further the
revolution, the communist movement… I wish they were not there…”
(Interview with Pia Hontiveros and Tony Velasquez -- Top Story)
“It is my belief that these members of party list in Congress are providing the
day-to-day policies of the rebel movement” (February 3, 2006, French Press
When asked to confirm during the Commission hearing whether or not he
made these statements before the media, Gen. Palparan only confirmed the
statement given in “Top Story.” With respect to the others, he simply evaded
the issue by saying that he was not sure or that he could not recall making the
statements. When asked to name which organizations he was referring to as
enemies of the state, Gen. Palparan responded “… I just want to be general, I
just don’t want to specify …”
During the latter part of his testimony, however, when he was being questioned
by Chief State Prosecutor Zuño, Gen. Palparan specifically named Bayan Muna
as a recruitment agency of the CPP NPA in Mindoro, to wit:
… in the course of our operation, there were some reports that that BAYAN
MUNA headquarters at the time in Mindoro was used as a hideout of the
armed group. And as I said, a recruitment agency because they recruit young
people there as members of some organizations then eventually go up in the
mountain. And then, there were those whosurrendered to us confirming
8. Collateral Damage; Civilians and Local Officials; Vigilante Killings
During the course of his testimony, Gen. Palparan confirmed making the
following statements:
8.1 Civilians Killed in Crossfire

144 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

My order to my soldiers is that, if they are certain that there are armed rebels
in the house or yard, shoot them. It will just be too bad if civilians are killed in
the process. We are sorry if you are killed in the crossfire.
9.2 Collateral Damage
There would be some collateral damage, but it will be short and tolerable. The
enemy would blow it up as a massive violation of human rights. But to me, it
would just be necessary incidents.
8.3 Death of Civilians and Local Officials
Sorry nalang kung may madamay na civilian;… The death of civilians and
local officials were ‘small sacrifices’ brought about by the military’s anti-
insurgency campaign. – Philippine Daily Inquirer 12 September 2006
8.4 Vigilante-Style Actions by Anti-Communist Elements Outside the Military:
[T]hey cannot be stopped completely … the killings, I would say are necessary
incidents in a conflict because they (referring to the rebels) are violent. It’s not
necessary that the military alone should be blamed. We are armed, of course,
and trained to confront and control violence. But other people whose lives are
affected in these areas are also participating …

In fact, Gen. Palparan confirmed his statement given before the House of
Representatives’ Committee on National Defense and Security on May 25,
2005 wherein he said: “I cannot categorically deny that (referring to the military
having special units, not properly identified in bonnets and masks, operating
in the middle of the night.)” Gen. Palparan, however, also said that if there are
facts proving that they (soldiers) are engaged in such activities, he is willing to
submit them. He also denounced any involvement by the AFP in the acts that
may have been carried out by individual soldiers.
14. CPP-NPA Purge Theory
Significantly, however, when asked about CPP/NPA’s participation in the
political killings, he testified that the killings are not attributable to the alleged
CPP/NPA purge. “I don’t charge it to NPA purge.” He also mentioned that he
had “to be skeptical on th[ese] report[s].”
B. Methodology of Attacks
The extrajudicial killings of activists were carried out in a great number of
cases by unidentified men riding on motorcycles wearing helmets or bonnet
The attackers rode in tandem on their motorcycles, with the backrider getting
off to do the shooting. In some of the cases where the attackers killed their
victims on foot, they made their escape using motorcycles.
The efficiency and confident manner with which the attacks were undertaken
clearly suggest that the killers were well-trained professionals who knew
their business well. Many of the attacks were carried out during daytime and
consummated with a limited number of shots hitting their intended target.
The families of the victims in many of the cases reported previous death threats
or surveillance by suspected military or police personnel.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 145

From the evidence and presentations received by the Commission, it became
apparent early on that the Commission must differentiate its inquiry into the
killings of activists from those of media personnel and agrarian reform
movement. It appeared that the killings of media personnel are more or less
attributable to reprisals for the victims’ exposés or other media practices. In
the media killings, local politicians, warlords, or big business interests are
viewed as the parties responsible for the killings, while in agrarian reform
related killings, it is suspected that landowners and those opposed to the
implementation of land reform are behind the killings. On the other hand, the
killings of activists were invariably laid at the doorstep of the military.
The investigation of killings of media personnel by the PNP was notably more
successful than that that of activist killings. For the media killings, formal
complaints have been filed in a great majority of cases. Suspects in the media
killings have been named and identified. In activist killings, there have been a
measly number of complaints filed with the authorities.
In all, the killings of media personnel have been, more or less, solved, compared
to the activist killings and agrarian reform related killings. On the other hand,
it is not clear if the agrarian reform related killings have the same etiology as
the activist killings. Thus, the Commission hereby sees fit to submit its findings
on activist killings independently of that of the media killings and agrarian
reform related killings.
With the exception of Hernando Baria, the killing of farmers-activists appeared
to have followed the same pattern as other activists. In the case of the Vigo
spouses, their killing could have been motivated by political reasons or by
reason of their perceived ties with the NPA. In the case of Enrico Cabanit, it
appears that he was killed for his activities as a peasant farmer leader, and not
for affiliation with politicians or with the NPA. In any case, their deaths are
equally deplorable and cannot be countenanced. Most of the cases of agrarian
related killings have pending investigations or legal action before the proper
authorities. Hence, the result of such investigations should shed more light on
the persons or interests behind the killings. In this regard, the prosecution and
law enforcement authorities concerned should expedite the investigation and
prosecution of these crimes. Particular attention should be placed on the
investigations being undertaken by the police in the various cases, specifically
that of Cabanit, it appearing that the police seemed to have failed to earnestly
and properly investigate the same.
From the evidence gathered, and after an extensive study of the same, the
Commission comes to the conclusion that there is no direct evidence, but only
circumstantial evidence, linking some elements in the military to the killings.
MEANING ILLEGAL LIQUIDATIONS. However, there is certainly evidence
pointing the finger of suspicion at some elements and personalities in the
armed forces, in particular General Palparan, as responsible for an
undetermined number of killings, by allowing, tolerating, and even
encouraging the killings.

146 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

No witness came forward to testify that he or she witnessed the military or any
military personnel actually participate in any extrajudicial killing. Neither are
there in almost all the cases any eyewitnesses to the killings who could actually
identify the perpetrators, much more identify them as members of the military.
Quite deplorable is the refusal of the activist groups such as Karapatan, Bayan
Muna, etc., to present their evidence before the commission. If these activist
groups were indeed legitimate and not merely NPA fronts, as they have been
scornfully tagged, it would have been to their best interest to display the
evidence upon which they rely for their conclusion that the military is behind
the killings. In fact, this refusal irresistibly lends itself to the interpretation
that they do not have the necessary evidence to prove their allegations against
the military. It would not even be unreasonable to say that their recalcitrance
only benefits the military’s position that they are indeed mere fronts for the
CPP-NPA and thus, enemies of the state.
Nevertheless, despite the refusal of the activist groups to cooperate, and
regardless of the question of their legitimacy, certain facts, taken together
with admissions and statements by the witnesses, lead the Commission to
conclude that there is some circumstantial evidence that a certain group in the
military, certainly not the whole military organization, is responsible for the
killings. To maintain otherwise would be closing one’s eyes to reality.
1. Motive
At once, it becomes clear that perhaps a small group in the armed forces may
be said to have the motives for the elimination of the civilian activists. In a
great majority of the cases of activist killings, the only explanation for the
victims’ deaths is the fact that they were allegedly rebels, or connected with
the CPP/NPA. Apart from a negligible few solved cases, the PNP has not
uncovered any other explanation for their killing.
2. Capacity and Opportunity
The suspected group in the military has no doubt the capacity or the means to
carry out the killings. In fact, the killings appear to be well organized and the
killers adequately equipped. More telling, however, is the fact that, with the
CPP-NPA out of the question, only a group with certain military capabilities
can succeed in carrying out an orchestrated plan of eliminating its admitted
3. Reaction
Likewise, the reaction of some officers of the armed forces to the rising number
of killings lends itself to the inference that they were not much averse to what
was happening. Practically nothing was done to prevent or investigate the
killings, not even to look into the worsening public opinion and accusations
against General Palparan.
4. General Palparan
The rise in killings somehow became more pronounced in areas where General
Palparan was assigned. The trend was so unusual that General Palparan was
said to have left a trail of blood or bodies in his wake wherever he was assigned.
He “earned” the moniker “Berdugo” from activist and media groups for his
reputation. General Palparan ascribes his grisly reputation to his enemies, as

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 147

part of their propaganda campaign to discredit him and to denigrate his excellent
performance in implementing the various missions and programs assigned to
him by his superiors.
General Palparan’s numerous public statements caught on film or relayed
through print media give the overall impression that he is not a bit disturbed
by the extrajudicial killings of civilian activists, whom he considers enemies
of the state. He admits having uttered statements that may have encouraged
the said killings. He also obviously condones these killings, by failing to
properly investigate the possibility that his men may have been behind them.
General Palparan’s statements and cavalier attitude towards the killings
inevitably reveals that he has no qualms about the killing of those whom he
considers his enemies, whether by his order or done by his men independently.
He mentions that if his men kill civilians suspected of NPA connections, “it is
their call,” obviously meaning that it is up to them to do so. This gives the
impression that he may not order the killings, but neither will he order his
men to desist from doing so. Under the doctrine of command responsibility,
General Palparan admitted his guilt of the said crimes when he made this
Worse, he admittedly offers encouragement and “inspiration” to those who
may have been responsible for the killings.
He also admits to having helped in the creation of so-called “barangay defense
forces”, which may or may not be armed, to prevent the entry of CPP/NPA in
such barangays. Such defense forces are equivalent to an unofficial civilian
militia. It is well-known that such militia can easily degenerate into a mindless
armed mob, where the majority simply lord it over the minority. This is a
fertile situation for extrajudicial killings. In this way, General Palparan
contributed to the extrajudicial killings by creating ideal situations for their
commission and by indirectly encouraging them.
Then too, during a hearing before the Committee on National Defense and
Security of the House of Representatives held on May 25, 2005, General Palparan
was asked the following questions by the Chairman of the
Committee,Congressman Roilo Golez:
“The Chairman: Thank you, Your Honor. May we have your comment on the
accusation that you have special teams not properly identified in bonnets or
masks operating in the middle of the night?”
“Mr. Palparan: Your Honor, I cannot categorically deny that and also admit
that, but our operations …”
“The Chairman: You do have teams that operate that way?
“Mr. Palparan: I don’t have official policy on that matter.”
The lack of a categorical denial on the part of Gen. Palparan in respect of
whether the units under his command “have special teams not properly
identified [and] in bonnets or masks operating in the middle of the night” is, as
a matter of law, an admission of the existence of such special teams. Obviously,
such special teams operating in the middle of the night wearing masks or in
bonnets have only one sinister and devious purpose or objective: the extrajudicial
elimination of the enemies of whoever formed these teams.

148 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

It being well-nigh obvious that some elements in the military were behind the
killings of activists, it becomes equally plain that some ranking officers in the
Army (for the Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard are not herein involved), have
not performed their function of investigating or preventing the said killings,
as well as punishing their perpetrators. Under the doctrine of command
responsibility, one may be held responsible for the killings if he authorized,
encouraged, ignored or tolerated the killings.
This failure to act may perhaps be attributed to the misconception of some that
command responsibility extends only to acts which a commander orders or
authorizes, and not to criminal acts of his subordinates done on their own,
although he had knowledge or, had reason to know of, or should have known
about the same. Failure to investigate and to punish is just as inculpatory.
1. Command Responsibility defined
Contrary to the apparently inaccurate notion of command responsibility
entertained by some officers in the AFP, command responsibility in the modern
international law sense is also an omission mode of individual criminal liability
wherein the superior officer is responsible for crimes committed by his
subordinates for failing to prevent or punish them (as opposed to crimes he
The doctrine of “command responsibility” is not unfamiliar, being a guiding
principle in military organizations. The doctrine was formalized by the Hague
Conventions IV (1907) and X (1907) and applied for the first time by the German
Supreme Court in Leipzig after World War I, in the Trial of Emil Muller.
Muller was sentenced by the Court for failing to prevent the commission of
crimes and to punish the perpetrators thereof.
The 1946 Yamashita case is a decision of the US Supreme Court which was
appealed from the Philippine Supreme Court, when the Philippines was still a
colony of the United States. The US Supreme Court convicted Yamashita as the
superior of the Japanese forces which committed unspeakable atrocities
throughout the Philippines, acts of violence, cruelty, and murder upon the
civilian population and prisoners of war, particularly a large-scale massacre of
civilians in Batangas, as well as wholesale pillage and wanton destruction of
religious monuments in the country. The US Supreme Court determined that
Yamashita possessed the duty as an army commander to control the operations
of his troops, and was criminally liable for permitting them to commit such
despicable acts. Various laws of warfare were cited as basis of such superior
responsibility: Articles 1 and 43 of the Regulations annexed to the Fourth
Hague Convention of 1907, Article 19 of the Tenth Hague Convention of 1907,
and Article 26 of the 1926 Geneva Convention on the wounded and sick. The
Court concluded that Yamashita possessed:
…an affirmative duty to take such measures as were within his power and
appropriate in the circumstances to protect prisoners of war and the civilian
population. This duty of a commanding officer has heretofore been recognized,
and its breach penalized by our own military tribunals.
In the Medina case, concerning the infamous My Lai Massacre in Vietnam, it
was held by an American Court Martial that a commander will be liable for
crimes of his subordinates when he orders a crime committed or knows that a
crime is about to be committed, has power to prevent it, and fails to exercise
that power.
After the Hague Convention, the first international treaty to comprehensively
codify the doctrine of command responsibility is the Additional Protocol I (AP
I) of 1977 to the Geneva Conventions of 1949, Article 86(2) of which states that:

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 149

… the fact that a breach of the Conventions or of this Protocol was committed
by a subordinate does not absolve his superiors from…responsibility…if
they knew, or had information which should have enabled them to conclude
in the circumstances at the time, that he was committing or about to commit
such a breach and if they did not take all feasible measures within their
power to prevent or repress the breach.
Article 87 obliges a commander to “prevent and, where necessary, to suppress
and report to competent authorities” any violation of the Conventions and of
AP I. In Article 86(2) for the first time a provision would “explicitly address the
knowledge factor of command responsibility.” While the Philippines signed
and ratified the Geneva Convention of 1949, it has only signed and has not
ratified AP I.
The establishment of the International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia (ICTY)
by the United Nations Security Council has led to further international
jurisprudence on the doctrine of command responsibility.
Article 7(3) of the ICTY Statute states that the fact that the crimes ‘were committed
by a subordinate does not relieve his superior of criminal responsibility if he
knew or had reason to know that the subordinate was about to commit such
acts or had done so and the superior failed to take the necessary and reasonable
measures to prevent such acts or to punish the perpetrators.’ In Prosecutor v.
Delalic et al (“the Celebici case”), the ICTY elaborated a threefold requirement
for the existence of command responsibility, which has been confirmed by
subsequent jurisprudence:
1. the existence of a superior-subordinate relationship;
2. that the superior knew or had reason to know that the criminal act was
about to be or had been committed; and
3. that the superior failed to take the reasonable measures to prevent the
criminal act or to punish the perpetrator thereof.
The applicable standards of knowledge defined in the second requirement can
further be classified as: (a) “Actual knowledge” – which may be established by
either direct or indirect evidence; and (b) “Had reason to know” wherein
absence of knowledge is not a defense where the accused did not take reasonable
steps to acquire such knowledge. Notably, in the case of Prosecutor v Timohir
Blaskic, (“the Blaskic case”), it was held that ignorance is not a defense where
the absence of knowledge is the result of negligence in the discharge of duties.
The latest expression of the doctrine of command responsibility in international
law is in Article 28 of the Rome Statute of the ICC which states:
In addition to other grounds of criminal responsibility under this Statute for
crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court:
(a) A military commander or person effectively acting as a military
commander shall be criminally responsible for crimes within the jurisdiction
of the Court committed by forces under his or her effective command and
control, or effective authority and control as the case may be, as a result of his
or her failure to exercise control properly over such
forces, where:
(i) That military commander or person either knew or, owing to the
circumstances at the time, should have known that the forces were committing
or about to commit such crimes; and
(ii) That military commander or person failed to take all necessary and
reasonable measures within his or her power to prevent or repress their
commission or to submit the matter to the competent authorities for
investigation and prosecution.

150 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

(b) With respect to superior and subordinate relationships not described in
paragraph (a), a superior shall be criminally responsible for crimes within
the jurisdiction of the Court committed by subordinates under his or her
effective authority and control, as a result of his or her failure to exercise
control properly over such subordinates, where:
(i) The superior either knew, or consciously disregarded information which
clearly indicated, that the subordinates were committing or about to commit
such crimes;
(ii) The crimes concerned activities that were within the effective responsibility
and control of the superior; and
(iii) The superior failed to take all necessary and reasonable measures within
his or her power to prevent or repress their commission or to submit the
matter to the competent authorities for investigation and prosecution.
Article 28(a) imposes individual responsibility on military commanders for
crimes committed by forces under their effective command and control if they
‘either knew or, owing to the circumstances at the time, should have known
that the forces were committing or about to commit such crimes.’

Interpreted literally, Article 28(a) adopts the stricter “should have known”
standard. Notably, the Trial Chamber in Celebici strongly suggested that the
language of Article 28(a) may reasonably be interpreted to impose an
affirmative duty to remain informed of the activities of subordinates. However,
given the example afforded by the ICTY’s conflicting interpretations of the
knowledge requirement in Article 86(2) of AP I, it cannot be assumed that a
literal interpretation of Article 28(a) will be adopted by the ICC. In fact, the
meaning of the phrase ‘owing to the circumstances at the time, should have
known’ in Article 28(a) has already become a point of contention within
international law literature. AP I and the Rome Statute, however, have not
been ratified by the Philippines, but clearly the international trend is towards
their application.
From the long line of international conventions and cases, it can be seen that
the doctrine of command responsibility has evolved from its simplistic meaning
at the time of the Hague Convention towards the much more stringent concept
under the Rome Statute. Hence, in the Yamashita case, a commander had the
duty to take appropriate steps or measures to prevent abuses on prisoners and
civilians by his subordinates. In AP I, a superior is responsible if he fails to take
feasible measures to prevent or report violations if he had knowledge or
information of the same. In the Medina standard, the same responsibility extends
to violations or abuses by subordinates which a commander “should have
knowledge” of, meaning that the commander is now responsible for criminal
acts of his subordinates of which he had actual or constructive knowledge. In
the ICTY Statute and in the cases of Delalic and Blaskic, the commander is
liable if he fails to act when he “had reason to know” that offenses would be or
have been committed by his subordinates. The Rome Statute adopts the stricter
“should have known” standard, in which the commander has an affirmative
duty to keep himself informed of the activities of subordinates. Clearly, the
indubitable trend in international law is to place greater and heavier
responsibility on those who are in positions of command or control over
military and police personnel, the only forces with the most lethal weapons at
their disposal.
2. Command Responsibility as Binding Customary International Law
As early as 1949, the Philippine Supreme Court had the occasion to rule that
the Hague Convention, including the doctrine of command responsibility,
was adopted as a generally accepted principle of international law by the

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 151

Philippines. In this case, shortly after the end of World War II, Shigenori Kuroda,
a Lieutenant General in the Japanese Imperial Army, questioned before the
Supreme Court the creation of a military tribunal that tried him for his
“command responsibility” in failing to prevent his troops from committing
abuses and atrocities against the Filipino populace during World War II. He
claimed that the Hague Convention on Rules and Regulations covering Land
Warfare, of which he was accused of violating, among others, was inapplicable
since the Philippines was not yet a signatory or party to it when the alleged
violations took place.
In ruling against Kuroda’s objection, the Supreme Court of the Philippines
categorically stated that while the Philippines was indeed not a party or
signatory to the Hague Convention at the times in question, it nonetheless
embodied generally accepted principles of international law adopted by the
1935 Constitution as part of the law of the land. The Supreme Court, through
Chief Justice Moran, stated:
It cannot be denied that the rules and regulations of the Hague and Geneva
conventions form part of and are wholly based on the generally accepted
principles of international law. In fact, these rules and principles were accepted
by the two belligerent nations, the United States and Japan, who were
signatories to the two Conventions. Such rules and principles, therefore,
form part of the law of our nation even if the Philippines was not a signatory
to the conventions embodying them, for our Constitution has been
deliberately general and extensive in its scope and is not confined to the
recognition of rules and principles of international law as contained in treaties
to which our government may have been or shall be a signatory.
Even without Kuroda, the doctrine of command responsibility has truly
acquired the status of customary international law, and is thus binding on all
nations despite the lack of any ratified treaty embodying it, at least insofar as
the Philippines is concerned. Its long and universally accepted application
since WWI until the present allows this. In fact, based on the jurisprudence of
the ad hoc international tribunals, and of other international tribunals and
national courts, as well as on state practice, no less than the International
Committee on the Red Cross (“ICRC”), has pronounced the following as a rule
of customary international humanitarian law, in both international and non-
international armed conflicts, binding on all States:
Rule 153. Commanders and other superiors are criminally responsible for
war crimes committed by their subordinates if they knew, or had reason to
know, that the subordinates were about to commit or were committing such
crimes and did not take all necessary and reasonable measures in their power
to prevent their commission, or if such crimes had been committed, to punish
the persons responsible.
More interestingly, the Philippines, even if not a party to Additional Protocol
I to the 1949 Geneva Conventions, is among the states cited by the ICRC whose
military manuals, military instructions, and legislation specify the
responsibility of commanders for the crimes of their subordinates, confirming
that the above rule has crystallized into a norm of customary international
humanitarian law. In truth, the Philippine Armed Forces’ own Articles of War
recognizes a commander’s responsibility for the actions of his subordinates
under the general provision that a commander must maintain discipline within
his ranks. Thus, Article 97 of the Articles of War states:
General Article. Though not mentioned in articles, all disorders and neglects
to the prejudice of good order and discipline and all conduct of a nature to
bring discredit upon the military services shall be taken cognizance of by a
general or special or summary court martial according to the nature and
degree of the offense, and punished at the discretion of such court.

152 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

Likewise, the utterance of statements which tend to induce subordinates to
misbehave, such as words that would inspire subordinates to commit
extrajudicial killings, is categorically punished in times of war under Article
76 of the Articles of War. Furthermore, Article 105 of the Articles of War
recognizes the duty of commanding officer to punish men under his command
for “minor offenses” and imposes a penalty for his failure to mete out the
appropriate penalty when there is enough evidence to warrant such disciplinary
Hence, it is clear that the doctrine of command responsibility in general has
been adopted by the Philippines, as a generally accepted principle of
international law, and hence, as part of the law of the land. The doctrine’s
refinements and restatements – AP I and the Rome Statute, while signed by but
as of yet lacking ratification by the Philippines, may be considered similarly
applicable and binding. This was probably put best by Justice Perfecto in his
separate opinion in Yamashita v. Styer, where he stated:
The treaties entered into between members of the family of nations are but
specific definitions and reinforcements of the general common law of nations,
the “unwritten” rules of warfare, which for centuries have limited the method
and manner of conducting wars. The common law of nations, by which all
states are and must be bound, dictates that warfare shall be carried on only in
accordance with basic considerations of humanity and chivalry.
3. International and State Responsibility
While the killings are certainly not attributable to the military organization
itself, or the State, but only to individuals or groups acting pursuant to their
own interests, this does not mean that the State can sit idly by and refuse to act.
Ultimately, the State has the responsibility of protecting its citizens and making
sure that their fundamental liberties are respected.
The growing worldwide consensus for state responsibility for non-state acts
posits that if the State fails to investigate, prosecute or redress private, non-
state acts in violation of fundamental liberties, it is in effect aiding the
perpetrators of such violations, for which it could be held responsible under
international law. Of note is the ruling of The Inter-American Court of Human
Rights in Velasquez-Rodrigues v. Honduras, viz:
172. […] An illegal act which violates human rights and which is initially not
directly imputable to a State (for example, because it is the act of private
person or because the person responsible has not been identified) can lead to
international responsibility of the State, not because of the act itself, but
because of the lack of due diligence to prevent the violation or to respond to
it as required by the Convention.
173. […] What is decisive is whether a violation of the rights recognized by
the Convention has occurred with the support or the acquiescence of the
government, or whether the State has allowed the act to take place without
taking measures to prevent it or to punish those responsible. Thus, the Court’s
task is to determine whether the violation is the result of a State’s failure to
fulfill its duty to respect and guarantee those rights, as required by Article 1
(1) of the Convention.
174. The State has a legal duty to take reasonable steps to prevent human
rights violations and to use the means at its disposal to carry out a serious
investigation of violations committed within its jurisdiction, to identify those
responsible, to impose the appropriate punishment and to ensure the victim
adequate compensation.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 153

175. This duty to prevent includes all those means of a legal, political,
administrative and cultural nature that promote the protection of human
rights and ensure that any violations are considered and treated as illegal
acts, which, as such, may lead to the punishment of those responsible and the
obligation to indemnify the victims for damages […]
177. In certain circumstances, it may be difficult to investigate acts that violate
an individual’s rights. The duty to investigate, like the duty to prevent, is not
breached merely because the investigation does not produce a satisfactory
result. Nevertheless, it must be undertaken in a serous manner and not as a
mere formality preordained to be ineffective. An investigation must have an
objective and be assumed by the State as its own legal duty, not as a step taken
by private interests that depends upon the initiative of the victim or his
family or upon their offer of proof, without an effective search for the truth
by the government. This is true regardless of what agent is eventually found
responsible for the violation. Where the acts of private parties that violate
the convention are not seriously investigated, those parties are aided in a
sense by the government, thereby making the State responsible on the
international plane.
The Inter-American Court of Human Rights eventually found Honduras, as a
state, liable for the prolonged detention and disappearance of a detainee, thereby
entitling the victim’s family to damages.
The same offenses may also give rise to liability for the commanders for
damages under the municipal law of other States. In another case relevant to
the Philippine setting, Maximo Hilao v. Estate of Ferdinand Marcos decided
by the Ninth Circuit of U.S. Court of Appeals, victims and families of victims
of human rights violations during the administration of Pres. Ferdinand Marcos
filed a class suit against the estate of the late President seeking damages for
human rights abuses committed against them or their decedents. The principal
defense of the Marcos Estate was that the Estate would only be held liable for
“acts actually committed by Ferdinand Marcos”. The U.S. Circuit Court of
Appeals rejected this defense under the doctrine of command responsibility,
holding that
“[A] higher official need not have personally performed or ordered the abuses
in order to be held liable” and that “[R]esponsibility for torture, summary
execution, or disappearances extends beyond the person who actually
committed those acts – anyone with higher authority who authorized,
tolerated or knowingly ignored those acts is liable for them.” This shows that
responsibility for acts committed in violation of customary international
law may be recognized outside the state where they were committed by the
international community.
The Commission’s recommendations, which mostly fall within the Principles
on the Effective Prevention and Investigation of Extra-legal, Arbitrary and
Summary Executions, recommended by the Economic and Social Council of
the United Nations on May 24, 1989, are as follows:
A. Political will
In the field of extralegal killings, it is urged that the President reiterate in the
strongest possible manner her expressions or pronouncements of
determination and firm resolve to stop the same. If extrajudicial executions
are to be stopped, the political will to do what is right however great the cost
must pervade all levels of government so that our beloved country can move

154 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

towards the greater ideals of democracy and justice; it must start with the
President who must pursue the prevention and prosecution of extrajudicial
killings with urgency and fervor.
As recommended by Amnesty International, the Government must consistently
and at all levels condemn political killings. The President and all the
departments of the Government should make clear to all members of the
police and military forces that extrajudicial executions will not be countenanced
under any circumstances.
B. Investigation
To ensure that all reports and complaints of extrajudicial killings against the
military are investigated promptly, impartially, and effectively, the
investigation must be conducted by a body or agency independent from the
armed forces. This civilian investigative agency should be independent of,
and not under the command, control, or influence of the Armed Forces, and it
must have control of its own budget. The personnel must be civilian agents
well trained in law enforcement and investigative work and equipped with
the necessary array of technical devices to enhance their investigative
capabilities. They must be authorized to execute warrants and make arrests.
They must be provided with an adequate forensic laboratory and other technical
services. In the United States, the Army’s professional investigative agency is
called the Criminal Investigation Division; the Air Force’s is called the Office
of Special Investigation; the Navy and Marines are serviced by the Naval
Criminal Investigation Service; and for the Coast Guard, the organization is
called the Coast Guard Investigation Service. Our armed forces is not so big as
to require separate agencies for its services. A single investigating body will
be enough. The President should recommend legislation to Congress for the
creation of a similar investigation agency to look into and prosecute complaints
against military personnel.
On the part of the PNP, the law that created the National Police Commission
(Rep. Act No. 6995) should be amended and strengthened to ensure the thorough
and impartial investigation of erring police officers by personnel not under
the control of the PNP command.
In the conduct of the investigation of extrajudicial killing of activists, or of
any case for that matter, the PNP must be enjoined to ensure that the evidence
must be strong and sufficient for conviction. The present policy of the PNP –
as confirmed by Police Deputy Director General Avelino Razon, Jr. in his
testimony before the Commission – to consider their job done or finished
from the moment they have filed the complaint with the office of the public
prosecutor has inevitably encouraged sloppy and shoddy investigations; it is
not infrequent that police investigators, especially in remote areas, would file
a case with the office of the public prosecutor, no matter how inadequate the
evidence is, just so they can say that the case has been solved and if it is later
dismissed for insufficiency of evidence they blame the prosecutor for
incompetence or for being corrupt.
The office of the public prosecutor in each province or city must assign
prosecutors to review all complaints filed by the police to evaluate the
sufficiency of evidence not only to determine the existence of probable cause
but also for conviction. If the reviewing prosecutor is of the opinion that the
evidence is insufficient, then he must reject the complaint and return it to the
police, indicating what additional evidence is needed. Once a complaint is
accepted after such review, it means that there is enough evidence for a successful
prosecution. This will avoid finger pointing on who is to blame for the dismissal
of a case or acquittal of the accused and, more importantly, compel the police
to do a thorough job in the investigation of every case.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 155

If after the lapse of six (6) months from the commission of the extrajudicial
killing of an activist or media personality the investigation by PNP has not
yielded any positive result, the police personnel in charge must request the
NBI to take over the investigation. For this purpose, the NBI must be provided
with the necessary funds and allowed to hire additional personnel if necessary.
C. Prosecution
To ensure that those responsible for the extrajudicial execution of activists
and media people are brought to justice and that the prosecution is handled
with efficiency and dispatch, the Department of Justice (DOJ) must create a
special team of competent and well-trained prosecutors to handle the trial of
said cases. Also, the DOJ should request the Supreme Court to designate special
courts to hear and try said cases and to require the courts so designated to give
the highest priority to them, conduct daily hearings, and resolve them within
six (6) months.
With respect to pending cases the prosecution of which has not been moving
for lack of judges or because of the fault or negligence of the public prosecutor,
the Office of the Chief State Prosecutor should make representations with the
Office of the Court Administrator to detail judges to the vacant salas, or to
designate special prosecutors to take over the prosecution, as the case may be.
As regards killings in areas where witnesses are afraid to testify because of
fear of reprisal, steps should be taken to transfer the venue to Manila.
D. Protection of witnesses
As part of the need to ensure the successful prosecution of those responsible
for extrajudicial killings, the present Witness Protection Program created under
Republic Act. No. 6981 should be enhanced and made more effective so as to
guarantee the safety of witnesses to the killings. The existing program is
suffering from lack of funds and necessary manpower. The Government must
give the highest priority to the improvement, strengthening, and funding of
said program, preferably patterned after the U.S. federal witness protection
The program should also be made available to persons who have received
death threats or who are otherwise in danger of extralegal, arbitrary or
summary execution.
E. Special law for strict chain-of-command responsibility
The President should propose legislation to require police and military forces
and other government officials to maintain strict chain-of-command
responsibility with respect to extrajudicial killings and other offenses
committed by personnel under their command, control or authority. Such
legislation must deal specifically with extralegal, arbitrary, and summary
executions and forced “disappearances” and provide appropriate penalties
which take into account the gravity of the offense. It should penalize a superior
government official, military or otherwise, who encourages, incites, tolerates
or ignores, any extrajudicial killing committed by a subordinate. The failure
of such a government official to prevent an extrajudicial killing if he had a
reasonable opportunity to do so, or his failure to investigate and punish his
subordinate, or to otherwise take appropriate action to deter or prevent its
commission or punish his erring subordinate should be criminalized. Even
“general information” – e.g., media reports – which would place the superior
on notice of possible unlawful acts by his subordinate should be sufficient to
hold him criminally liable if he failed to investigate and punish his subordinate.

156 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

There should be no requirement that a causal relationship be established
between a superior’s failure to act and the subordinate’s crime; his liability
under the doctrine of command responsibility should be based on his omission
to prevent the commission of the offense or to punish the perpetrator.
F. Enhancement of investigative capabilities of the PNP and NBI.
The investigative capabilities of the PNP and NBI should be improved and
enhanced through the following measures, among others:
(a) improvement of the forensic laboratories and equipment of the PNP and
NBI and further training of forensic technicians;
(b) establishment of a national automated ballistic information system;
(c) procurement of a software program for composite sketches of suspects;
(d) adoption of crime mapping in all police stations and NBI offices; and
(e) strengthening of the information reward system.
G. Proper orientation and training of security forces.
Perhaps much of the failure of the proper and accountable officers to prevent,
investigate, or punish criminal acts by their subordinates stems from a lack of
proper understanding and emphasis on the present concept of command
responsibility. The AFP should be encouraged and supported to conduct
intensive seminars, orientations, or training for mid to high-ranking officers,
to make them conscious of the prevailing doctrines of command responsibility,
and the ramifications thereof. This will hopefully foster responsibility and
accountability among the officers concerned, as well as the men they command.
Understandable is the military’s wariness in dealing with the party list
organizations. However, unless otherwise declared outside the law by
competent authority, these organizations should be treated with fairness and
their members should not be unilaterally considered as “enemies of the state.”
As suggested in Amnesty International’s 14-point Program for the prevention
of extra-legal executions: “The prohibition of extra-judicial executions should
be reflected in the training of all officials involved in the arrest and custody of
prisoners and all officials authorized to use lethal force and in the instructions
issued to them. These officials should be instructed that they have the right
and duty to refuse to obey any order to participate in an extrajudicial execution.
An order from a superior officer or a public authority must never be invoked
as a justification for taking part in an extra-judicial execution.”
“The Philippines,” declares the Constitution, “is a democratic and republican
State.” An essential characteristic of such State is the rule of law, which principle
is expressly mentioned in the Constitution’s Preamble. According to the
previously cited authority, the rule of law “expresses the concept that
government officials have only the authority given them by law and defined
by law, and that such authority continues only with the consent of the people”.
Thus, without any hesitation, the Supreme Court in Callanta v. Office of the
Ombudsman declared that “[i]n our jurisdiction, the rule of law, and not of
men, governs,” while in Villavicencio v. Lukban, it upheld the primacy of law
by declaring that “[n]o official, no matter how high, is above the law.”

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 157

In fact, the Supreme Court is not unfamiliar with the present situation. Of
particular interest is the case of Aberca v. Ver. In ruling that pre-emptive
strikes by the military against suspected communist safehouses violated the
civil rights of the victims, and thus made the perpetrators thereof liable for
damages, the Supreme Court, through Justice Pedro L. Yap, stated:
Its message is clear; no man may seek to violate those sacred rights with
impunity. In times of great upheaval or of social and political stress, when
the temptation is strongest to yield — borrowing the words of Chief Justice
Claudio Teehankee — to the law of force rather than the force of law, it is
necessary to remind ourselves that certain basic rights and liberties are
immutable and cannot be sacrificed to the transient needs or imperious
demands of the ruling power. The rule of law must prevail, or else liberty
will perish. Our commitment to democratic principles and to the rule of law
compels us to reject the view which reduces law to nothing but the expression
of the will of the predominant power in the community. “Democracy cannot
be a reign of progress, of liberty, of justice, unless the law is respected by him
who makes it and by him for whom it is made. Now this respect implies a
maximum of faith, a minimum of idealism. On going to the bottom of the
matter, we discover that life demands of us a certain residuum of sentiment
which is not derived from reason, but which reason nevertheless controls.
It may be that the respondents, as members of the Armed Forces of the
Philippines, were merely responding to their duty, as they claim, “to prevent
or suppress lawless violence, insurrection, rebellion and subversion” in
accordance with Proclamation No. 2054 of President Marcos, despite the lifting
of martial law on January 27, 1981, and in pursuance of such objective, to
launch preemptive strikes against alleged communist terrorist underground
houses. But this cannot be construed as a blanket license or a roving
commission untrammeled by any constitutional restraint, to disregard or
transgress upon the rights and liberties of the individual citizen enshrined in
and protected by the Constitution. The Constitution remains the supreme
law of the land to which all officials, high or low, civilian or military, owe
obedience and allegiance at all times.
Be that as it may, however, the decisive factor in this case, in our view, is the
language of Article 32. The law speaks of an officer or employee or person
“directly” or “indirectly” responsible for the violation of the constitutional
rights and liberties of another. Thus, it is not the actor alone (i.e. the one
directly responsible) who must answer for damages under Article 32; the
person indirectly responsible has also to answer for the damages or injury
caused to the aggrieved party.
By this provision, the principle of accountability of public officials under the
Constitution acquires added meaning and assumes a larger dimension. No
longer may a superior official relax his vigilance or abdicate his duty to
supervise his subordinates, secure in the thought that he does not have to
answer for the transgressions committed by the latter against the
constitutionally protected rights and liberties of the citizen. Part of the factors
that propelled people power in February 1986 was the widely held perception
that the government was callous or indifferent to, if not actually responsible
for, the rampant violations of human rights. While it would certainly be too
naive to expect that violators of human rights would easily be deterred by
the prospect of facing damage suits, it should nonetheless be made clear in no
uncertain terms that Article 32 of the Civil Code makes the persons who are
directly, as well as indirectly, responsible for the transgression joint tortfeasors.

158 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

Even assuming that these victims and these “enemies of the state” are indeed
guilty of crimes against the nation, they have not been convicted of the said
offenses. If some military elements indeed had reason to believe that these
persons were NPA agents or operatives, then they could have simply instituted
the proper criminal actions against them and had them arrested. By declaring
persons enemies of the state, and in effect, adjudging them guilty of crimes,
these persons have arrogated unto themselves the power of the courts and of
the executive branch of government. It is as if their judgment is: These people,
as enemies of the state, deserve to be slain on sight. This, they cannot do. Such
an abuse of power strikes at the very heart of freedom and democracy, which
are, ironically, the very bylines and principles these rogue elements invoke in
seeking the “neutralization” of these so-called enemies of state.
January 22, 2007.











General Counsel

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 159

Appendix III:
Open letters to the
Philippine authorities

1. A functioning and effective policing and judicial

system is required if extra-judicial killings are to
be properly prosecuted and prevented
AHRC-OL-002-2006, January 11, 2006

Hon. Raul Gonzalez

Department of Justice
DOJ Bldg., Padre Faura
1004 Manila

Fax: +63 2 521 1614

Email: [email protected]

Dear Mr. Gonzalez

PHILIPPINES: A functioning and effective policing and

judicial system is required if extra-judicial killings are to
be properly prosecuted and prevented
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is in receipt of
your letter dated 13 December 2005 detailing the Philippine
government’s response to our concern about the unabated
incidents of extra-judicial killings and violence against activists,
the lack of witness protection and the failures in police
investigations. In your letter you said: “I assure you that the
Philippine government never condones murders, assassinations,
killings and other violent acts against activists or protesters. All
reported killings incidents are promptly and meticulously
investigated by the police and other intelligence unit”.
While we appreciate these assurances, there was no mention
of exactly how this is being done or how justice and human rights
protection are effectively being upheld. Your Department
acknowledges the need for witnesses as an essential
requirement for prosecution but, did not elaborate on how it is

160 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

responding to ensure their protection and security, as stipulated
in RA 6981, an Act for Witness Protection, Security and Benefit.
As you are aware, the AHRC has previously sent you many letters
requesting your intervention in providing protection to witnesses.
Yet despite our request and your department’s obligations to
implement the provisions of the Act, we are unaware of any action
taken in the cases we have forwarded to you.
Under Section 3 of RA 6981, any person who has witnessed or
has knowledge or information on the commission of a crime and
has testified or is testifying or about to testify before any judicial
or quasi-judicial body, or before any investigating authority, may
be admitted into the programme. Additionally, one of the
conditions is that any member of a family subjected to threats
on their lives shall likewise be admitted. In line with this, the
AHRC wishes to bring your attention your department’s failure
to apply the conditions of the Act to potential witnesses and
relatives of the dead.
We specifically draw your attention to the killings of activists
who failed to receive security and protection from the police; a
witness killed prior to testifying in court; another witness fleeing
for fear of his life; and the many families who have failed to secure
protection and as a result are reluctant to cooperate in any
investigation for fear of their lives. Despite your department
having been made aware of these situations, to our knowledge
no adequate action has been taken.
Mr Norman Bocar, a lawyer from Eastern Samar, was killed
on 1 September 2005. Prior to his death Bocar sought the help of
the police for his security following serious threats against his
life. It is not known however, whether the police acted on his
request. The police investigation into his death has reached no
conclusive findings and the perpetrators were not identified. The
police formed “Task Force Bocar” to investigate the killing but
this has failed to bring any justice to this case.
Mr Joel Reyes was killed on 16 March 2005 in Panganiban,
Camarines Norte. The lone witness to his case, Dario Oresca,
was also slain before he could testify in court. Even though the
local police were aware of the threats made against Oresca, he
was not placed under any protection. In a letter to the AHRC, the
Commission on Human Rights (CHR) regional office in Naga City,
the Commission’s special investigator, Raymundo de Silva
admitted failure of the RA 6981. De Silva said that the programme
was not yet thoroughly understood by the populace.
Although De Silva concluded in his findings that the killing of
Reyes and Oresca could have been perpetrated by a reformist
armed group critical of the communist movement and identified
two alleged perpetrators, named only as Ka Clito or Ka Abril and
Ka Darlin or Ka Love, these persons have not been located. Thus,
the case will be highly jeopardised by the absence of a prosecution
witness in court.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 161

Mr Felidito Dacut, a human rights lawyer, was slain on 14
March 2005 in Tacloban City. In a 30 May 2005 letter received
by the AHRC from the Commission on Human Rights (CHR)
regional director, Mr Paquito Nacino stated that the witness in
his case, Felix Dumlao, could no longer be located, thus
jeopardising the process in prosecuting the perpetrators. Dumlao
soon after went into hiding for fear for his life. The AHRC is
unaware of any action taken by the government to locate him or
provide him with security under RA 6981.
Mr Alfredo Malinao and Fr. Edison Lapuz were slain on 12 May
2005 in San Isidro, Leyte. An inquiry conducted by the CHR
regional director, Mr Nacino has revealed that their relatives
are either reluctant or not cooperating in their inquiry. The
relatives’ reluctance to cooperate does not constitute a disinterest
in pursuing this case, but rather demonstrates the fear they
have for their security should they become involved.
Additionally, the AHRC has observed that of those
investigations conducted into extra-judicial killings and violence
against activists by the police, their actions have been completely
inadequate. We are unaware of any effort to maximise the
country’s forensic or scientific methods of investigation. If this
in fact has been done, why then have the police failed to identify
the suspects in most cases? Why too has the government failed
to arrest and prosecute the hit-and-run squads who continually
evade the law?
While we appreciate the government’s written concern and
assurance that it will remedy this situation, mere words alone
will not ensure this. Government’s assurances are empty and
have no meaning to the families of the dead if they continue to
endure serious threats to their lives and the perpetrators
continue to remain at large.
Protection of human rights, in particular the right to life – as
a non derogable right – is clearly stipulated in the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), of which the
Philippine government has ratified. However, there is a ‘key
challenge of accountability’ regarding how these rights are
enjoyed by Filipinos. In his annual report for 2005, Mr Philip
Alston, UN Special Rapporteur for extra-judicial, summary or
arbitrary executions clearly states that: “The essential thrust of
international human rights law is to establish and uphold the
principle of accountability for measure both to protect human
rights and to respond fully and appropriately to violations of those
Thus, the responsibility of the Philippine government to
properly intervene in this matter does not only include “prompt
and meticulous” investigation, but also requires an adequate
effort to protect victims and witnesses in order to prevent the
violence from reoccurring. Therefore, it is essential that the
witness protection mechanism be functional and effective and

162 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

provided in all cases where required. This is a precondition to
uphold the protection of human rights envisaged in the ICCPR
Unless the government assumes responsibility and
accountability to find effective remedies to prosecute the
perpetrators of these killings and prevent further violence
against its citizens, in particular against human rights and
political activist, the competence of the country’s policing and
judicial system will continue to be challenged.
I trust that these concerns that I have raised will be acted
upon appropriately.
Yours sincerely,
Basil Fernando
Executive Director
Asian Human Rights Commission

2. Brutal beating of a person by the police was not

a “justifiable degree of force”
AHRC-OL-004-2006, March 9, 2006
Senior Superintendent Alfredo Toroctocon
City Police Director
General Santos City Police Office (GSCPO)
Camp Fermin G. Lira
9500 General Santos City

Tel. No.: +63 83 554 6606

Pages: 2

Dear Sr. Supt. Toroctocon

PHILIPPINES: Brutal beating of a person by the police was

not a “justifiable degree of force”
The Asian Human Rights Commission is in receipt of your
letter dated 21 January 2006 in which you deny allegations of
torture on Haron Abubakar Buisan by elements of the General
Santos City Police Office (GSCPO), and in particular the Special
Weapon and Tactics (Swat), to which you are the Director.
Although not referring directly to Buisan’s case, you wrote that
a certain “justifiable degree of force” could be applied as a
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) when a person resisted arrest
in order to immobilise him. Do you subscribe as justifiable your
police’s act of allegedly brutally beating Buisan even though there
was no resistance on his part and that he was already in their
We are aware that Buisan was kicked and repeatedly beaten
all over his body with a stone following his arrest on 12 December
2005. We are also aware that Buisan was beaten despite there
being no justifiable circumstance for the police to use force on
article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 163
him. He was not armed and did not resist when arrested at a
police checkpoint. We are also aware that while he was subjected
to custodial investigation at your headquarters, he was tortured
You mentioned that the Miranda Doctrine was observed by
your men when arresting Buisan. Are you claiming that there
was no violation when the arresting officers failed to inform
Buisan of the nature of the charges against him upon arrest, to
show him the valid warrants for his arrest, to inform him of his
right to remain silent, and in denying him legal counsel of his
choice while under custodial investigation?
If indeed these procedures and the doctrine were observed by
your police during Buisan’s arrest, why are there reports
regarding allegations of irregularities in the conduct of arrest,
detention and treatment of the victim while in police custody?
Furthermore, why have the police reportedly not been
transparent with the victim’s family, in particular in providing
them the results of the victim’s medical examination?
While we recognise the order of the Regional Trial Court (RTC)
by Judge Isaac Alvero V. Moran issued on 23 December 2005
denying the victim’s application for habeas corpus and
subsequently confirming that Haron Abubakar Buisan and Ariel
Bansalao, a person charged for robbery with homicide are the
same, we strongly maintain the this does not give the police
immunity in torturing the victim.
The use of torture in any circumstance is totally unacceptable.
This is evident in the 1987 Philippine Constitution, Article 3,
Section 12 (2) which stipulates that: “no torture, force, violence,
threat, intimidation, or any other means which vitiate the free
will shall be used against him (any persons)”. Additionally, the
Republic Act 7438 stipulates the rights of persons arrested,
detained or under custodial investigation, which were clearly
violated in this case.
We deeply regret that you have justified the acts of your men
while arbitrarily denying the victim of his constitutional rights.
We are extremely disappointed that no appropriate investigation
was conducted and that the police involved have not had to answer
to the allegations made against them. We urge you to take
effective steps to comply with the existing complaint mechanism
in the police service.
We are deeply concerned by the continued denial of appropriate
medical treatment and rehabilitation for the victim to ensure
his full recovery. As the arresting officers, the local police are
obligated according to law to ensure the victim’s health. We are
completely unaware of any intervention made by your office on
this matter.
We take this opportunity to inform you of the order issued by
Regional Trial Court (RTC) Judge Oscar Noel on 17 January 2006
to conduct a reinvestigation into the charges of robbery with

164 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

homicide against Buisan. We were informed that contrary to the
earlier ruling, there is now reasonable ground to look into the
victim’s claim of mistaken identity. We urge your full cooperation
on this matter.
We trust that you will take effective action in this case.
Yours sincerely,
Kate Hurst
Urgent Appeal Programme Coordinator
Asian Human Rights Commission

3. Police chief must aim to identify, arrest and

prosecute killers of human rights defenders
AHRC-OL-025-2006, July 6, 2006
Director General Oscar Calderon
Chief, Philippine National Police
Camp General Rafael Crame
Quezon City

Tel: +63 2726 4361/4366/8763

Fax: +63 2724 8763

Dear General Calderon

PHILIPPINES: Police chief must aim to identify, arrest

and prosecute killers of human rights defenders
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to
congratulate you on your appointment as the new chief of the
Philippine National Police (PNP) on 5 July 2006.
On the occasion of your appointment, the AHRC wishes to
suggest to you that your top priority as police chief must be to
address the unabated killings of human rights defenders and
social activists in the Philippines. We are aware that you are
well-informed of these killings, most of which remain unsolved.
Your predecessor, General Arturo Lomibao, gave assurances
that these killings would be investigated and perpetrators
arrested. We are disappointed that this did not happen prior to
his retirement; however, we note that the PNP was made one of
the lead agencies in Task Force Usig, a special unit mandated
to investigate cases of extrajudicial killings, which was created
in May 2006.
Nonetheless, the killings continue and questions about prior
killings remain unanswered. In particular, we wish to draw to
your attention the following recent cases, in which police have
failed to investigate properly or recommend or afford protection
to family members of victims or witnesses:

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 165

1. George Vigo (33) and his wife Maricel (a.k.a Macel) (36) were
killed in Kidapawan City on 19 June 2006. The next day, Task
Force Vigo was set up to investigate. The task force has not
satisfied the victims’ families, whom it duped into signing a paper
which they later realised was a complaint against an alleged
perpetrator. The task force has worked unprofessionally and
without actively involving the concerned families.
2. The investigation into the killing of Reverend Andy Pawican
of Pantabangan, Nueva Ecija on 21 May 2006 has also been
inadequate. After his dead body was found, relatives reportedly
informed a local police station. But instead of registering their
account, the police insisted that Reverend Pawican died in an
“encounter killing” in Sitio Lomboy, Barangay Tayabo, San Jose
at early dawn that day. This assertion contradicts witness
3. Labour activist Gerardo Cristobal (35) of Imus, Cavite
survived an attempt on his life on 28 April 2006, allegedly by
local policemen. Cristobal was charged on the same day with
frustrated murder of the police who allegedly planned to kill him.
The complaint against Cristobal has been lodged by policemen
whose subordinates were allegedly part of the extrajudicial killing
plot. We are unaware of any impartial investigation conducted
into this matter.
4. No conclusive findings have been reached into the shooting
death of Enrico G. Cabanit (a.k.a. Ka Eric) of Panabo City, Davao
del Norte at a public market on 24 April 2006. Cabanit was with
his daughter, Daffodil, when they were attacked; she survived.
We are unaware of any protection and security afforded to her
and her family since. The police investigating the case have
also been unable to establish the identities of the alleged
5. Even if the perpetrators are known, the police have been
unable to make arrests. Activists Liezelda Estorba-Cu?ado (a.k.a.
Inday) (30) and her partner Gerry (30) of Candijay, Bohol were
killed on 3 April 2006. Witnesses identified the gunman as Joel
Bayron, believed to be a member of the Barangay (village)
Intelligence Network. But Bayron is not known to have been
arrested and charged.
6. Similarly, peasant leader Amante Abelon survived an attack
by gunmen in San Marcelino, Zambales on 20 March 2006; his
wife Agnes and 5-year-old son Amante Jr. were killed. Amante,
who was seriously wounded, is not known to have obtained any
protection since. Witnesses to the killing have not come forward
to testify for fear of their lives.
7. Likewise, witnesses to the presumed abduction of activist
Audie Lucero (19) who was found dead near a hospital in Barangay
Capitangan, Abucay, Bataan on 13 February 2006 have obtained
no protection. Lucero was last seen on February 12 together with

166 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

uniformed policemen, reportedly from Balanga Police Station,
accompanied by military personnel. No adequate investigation
is known to have been conducted into these allegations.
8. Activist Elena Mendiola (a.k.a. Baby) and her partner Ricardo
Balauag were killed on 10 May 2006 in Barangay Garit, Echague,
Isabela. Elena had survived an earlier attempt on 10 March 2006,
after which she was not afforded any protection by the authorities.
The lack of concern for her security, despite her life obviously
being in danger, cost her and her partner their lives.
These are a few among the extraordinarily large number of
killings that have been documented by the AHRC and other groups
in recent times. Together they speak to a total failure of the
criminal investigation, witness protection and policing system
of the Philippines when it comes to the lives of human rights
defenders and social activists.
The Witness Protection Security and Benefit Act (6981) does
not appear to be operative at all. Nor are we aware of any efforts
made by the police to recommend that persons at risk be
recommended to the Department of Justice as beneficiaries
under this law.
Over a month since Task Force Usig was created there is no
evidence of any substantial progress in its work. No results of its
findings or progress of its investigations have been made public,
in order that concerned persons in the Philippines and abroad
be able to discuss its work and engage the government on the
basis of recommendations given by the task force.
The Asian Human Rights Commission therefore urges you as
the new chief of the Philippine National Police to exhaust all
possible means to prevent further killings and place the
investigations of earlier incidents as your foremost priority. We
call upon you to make a public commitment to the victims, their
families and witnesses in these cases. It is not sufficient to say
that simply addressing the unrelenting killings is a part of your
agenda: it must be at the TOP of your agenda. Perpetrators must
be identified, arrested and prosecuted. Witnesses and families
must be protected. The killings must stop.
The credibility and efficiency of your leadership and that of
the Philippine National Police, not to mention your country’s
reputation internationally, rests upon your response to these
killings. We sincerely hope that you will take your duty in this
regard with the utmost seriousness and look forward to your firm
action accordingly.
Yours sincerely
Basil Fernando
Executive Director
Asian Human Rights Commission, Hong Kong

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 167

4. Alleged rights abuses by army demand full
investigations, not whitewashing
AHRC-OL-035-2006, July 27, 2006
Director General Oscar Calderon
Chief, Philippine National Police
Camp General Rafael Crame
Quezon City

Fax: +63 2724 8763

Dear General Calderon

PHILIPPINES: Alleged rights abuses by army demand full

investigations, not whitewashing
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has read with
concern your interview published in the Philippine Daily Inquirer
of 25 July 2006 entitled, “PNP clears Palparan on killings”. The
article refers to how you have exonerated Major General Jovito
Palparan, the commander of the 7th Infantry Division of the
Philippine Army from allegations of serious rights violations.
As you are aware, the AHRC has sent both you and your
predecessor the details of a number of alleged grave human rights
violations, including killings, by Palparan and his subordinates.
We have rightly sought impartial and effective investigations
into these. It therefore comes as a shock to the AHRC to read
the remark attributed to you that, “[Palparan] was never
implicated in any of our investigations so we have never asked
for his statement (regarding the allegations).”
Allow us to take a moment to remind you of some of the recent
incidents attributed to troops under the command of Major
General Palparan:
1. FORCED DISAPPEARANCE: On the night of 13 October 2005,
Tomas Paras, a 47-year-old rebel returnee was arbitrarily
arrested and taken away by elements of 24th Infantry Battalion,
one of whom was reportedly Staff Sergeant Elizaldo Betty. He has
not been seen since. No investigation is known to have been
2. TORTURE & INTIMIDATION: In November 2005, labour
leader Enrico Estarez was alleged to have been threatened by an
officer and men attached to the 24th Infantry Battalion in San
Miguel, Bulacan. Estarez went into hiding; three of his colleagues,
namely Francis Paraon, Reynaldo Pizon and Herminio Zuniga,
were reportedly tortured at a military detachment. No charges
are known to have been laid. Estarez and his family have not
received any government-sponsored protection.
3. INTIMIDATION: Since December 2005, 54-year-old Yolanda
Lorenzana, her daughter Aileen Gutierez, and her ten children
have left their village in Barangay Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan,

168 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

for fear of the lives due to continuous harassment by the military.
Elements of the 24th Infantry Battalion led by Master Sergeant
Rollie Castillo allegedly forced Yolanda to disclose the whereabouts
of two men, identified as “Emon” and “Ogie”, whom they claimed
to be rebels and the sons of Lorenzana. There has been no known
investigation into the family’s alleged intimidation.
4. EXTRAJUDICIAL KILLING: On 16 January 2006, 61-year-
old activist Ofelia Rodriguez (a.k.a. Nanay Perla) of Barangay
Divisoria, Mexico, Pampanga, was shot dead by two gunmen
believed to be working for the military. Prior to the murder, 2nd
Lt. John Paul Nicolas, head of the 69th Infantry Battalion, allegedly
threatened to kill Rodriguez and had given a gun to her neighbour
in order to carry out the killing. Earlier she was reportedly forced
to state that she was a rebel leader. We are not aware of any
progress in the murder investigation, or inquiries about the
army’s alleged role.
2006, Allan Ibasan and Dante Salgado were found dead at a
funeral home a day after they were arrested and forcibly taken
in Sta. Ignacia, Tarlac, allegedly by four military men attached
to the 71st Infantry Battalion. It is reported that seven other
villagers were harassed, namely Glen Ibasan (17), Cesar Andaya
(44), Annie Salgado, Reynaldo Reyla, Ricky Salgado, Eduardo
Magallanes, Dominic Reyla. Again the soldiers are not known to
have not been investigated regarding their possible involvement
in the killings.
6. EXTRAJUDICIAL KILLING: On 13 February 2006, 19-year-
old activist Audie Lucero was found dead in Barangay Capitangan,
Abucay, Bataan, nearby a hospital where a day earlier he was
seen when the building was approached by Lubao (Pampanga)
Police, and then by more than ten personnel of the 24th Infantry
Battalion. Yet again, there is no known investigation into the
alleged connection between his killing and the security forces
present at the time.
2006, villagers Reynaldo Manalo (32) and Raymond Manalo (22)
of Barangay Bohol na Mangga, San Ildefonso, Bulacan were
reported to have been illegally arrested by elements of the 24th
Infantry Battalion headed by Master Sergeant Rollie Castillo and
subsequently disappeared in San Ildefonso, Bulacan. Several of
their relatives, namely Jesus Manalo, his wife Ester, Reynaldo’s
wife Maria Leonora, and the victims’ cousin Celeste and seven
children were also reportedly threatened. Reynaldo and Raymond’s
whereabouts are unknown. Again, there is no known
investigation of the troops’ alleged role.
8. FORCED DISAPPEARANCE: On 6 March 2006, labour leader
Rogelio Concepcion (36) was forcibly abducted and disappeared
by armed men in Barangay Mataas na Parang, San Ildefonso,
Bulacan. Witnesses allege that military men were in the area

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 169

at the time of the abduction, and that Concepcion was a target
due to his criticism of a military deployment inside the factory
where he worked as an organiser.
9. FORCED DISAPPEARANCE: On 3 April 2006, 24-year-old
activist Ronald Intal of Barangay Asturias, Tarlac City, was forcibly
abducted and subsequently disappeared, allegedly by armed men
who were seen taking him towards a military detachment in
Barangay Asturias, Tarlac City, where elements of the 70th
Infantry Battalion are stationed. He has not been seen since.
Those allegedly involved are not known to have been investigated.
As you will agree, these are serious allegations of grave abuses
committed by troops under the command of Major General
Palparan. In fact, they are but some among many such
allegations. Yet in effect you have reportedly cleared him of
wrongdoing even without having investigated these incidents or
having called him to respond to the substantial allegations of
rights violations committed by his subordinates.
Regardless of whether or not Major General Palparan was
directly involved in any of the alleged abuses, which remain
unclear, he is ultimately answerable for the actions of his men.
As you will understand very well, the principle of command
responsibility is central to the maintenance of discipline in any
security force. Where an officer is shown to be beyond the law by
virtue of his rank, and not liable for the wrongdoing of those under
his orders, it sends a message that it is impunity rather than
law that rules the day. It sends a message to the victims and
their families that there is no point in seeking justice. It sends
a message to the perpetrators of killings, torture and abductions
that they are free to continue without fear of retribution. It is
therefore essential that senior officers are held to account.
The Asian Human Rights Commission strongly insists that
unless these and other similar allegations are adequately and
effectively investigated, there can be no justification to exonerate
either Major General Palparan or any of his accused subordinates.
We urge you to retract your publicly reported statement freeing
the major general of responsibility, and instruct your
subordinates to continue with their inquiries as their top priority.
They must exhaust all means possible to ensure that conclusive
and strong cases are brought before the courts and the
perpetrators of these serious crimes fully prosecuted.
In this, we wish to remind you of the commitment given by
President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo in her State of the Nation
Address on 24 July 2006: “In the harshest possible terms I
condemn political killings. We together stopped judicial
executions with the abolition of the death penalty. We urge
witnesses to come forward. Together we will stop extrajudicial
Extrajudicial executions and related gross abuses of human
rights will only stop, and witnesses come forward, when you as
the chief of police recognise that the perpetrators of killings are

170 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

members of the armed forces, police, paramilitaries and persons
working for them, and make as a top priority the pursuit,
investigation and prosecution of the perpetrators. We urge you
to do this without delay, and respond to the commitment of your
president in real and unequivocal terms that will send a message
to the victims and perpetrators alike that these killings and
abductions will not be tolerated.
Yours sincerely
Basil Fernando
Executive Director
Asian Human Rights Commission, Hong Kong

5. Urgent need for Ombudsman to demonstrate

efficiency in resolving cases
AHRC-OL-053-2006, August 25, 2006
Mr Orlando Casimiro
Deputy Ombudsman
Office of the Deputy Ombudsman for the Military and
Other Law Enforcement Offices (MOLEO)
3rd Floor, Ombudsman Bldg., Agham Road, Diliman (1104)
Quezon City

Fax: + 63 2 926 8747

Dear Mr Casimiro

PHILIPPINES: Urgent need for Ombudsman to

demonstrate efficiency in resolving cases
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is writing to
you having learnt of your letter to the editor published in the
Philippine Daily Inquirer on 22 July 2006, entitled “Baseless
complaint vs. graft-buster”. In the last paragraph of that letter
you quote the 2005 Ombdusman’s annual report in order to assert
that the part of the office under your authority is “the highest
performing office in terms of cases resolved”. This remark seeks
to give the impression that your agency is performing well.
We regret to differ. You are surely aware that the AHRC has in
recent times actively and sincerely approached your office and
sought intervention on a number of serious cases involving police
and military personnel. We have rightly asked you to conduct
thorough investigations, recommended the filing of appropriate
charges in court, the imposition of sanctions and immediate
action on the cases endorsed to you for review. Regrettably, the
results of these requests have not been commensurate with our
efforts. Allow us to remind you of some of these:
1. Your office has failed to act on the recommendation made
by the Commission on Human Rights (CHR VIII) to file multiple
murder and attempted murder charges against a military major,

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 171

his two sergeants and a corporal involved in the killing of nine
peasants in Palo, Leyte on 21 November 2005. The Commission
endorsed its findings for your review in February but your office
has yet to act on it. Charges cannot be filed in court as a result.
2. You also failed to act on the recommendations made by the
Office of the Provincial Prosecutor to file murder and attempted
murder charges against two military lieutenants and their men
involved in the killing of three persons and wounding of three
others in Kiblawan, Davao del Sur on 8 February 2005. The
prosecutor already endorsed the findings to you on July 2005,
yet you have failed to resolve the case. The military men involved
have not been formally charged in court.
3. We are not aware of any response from your office to the
directives of a Regional Trial Court judge on 17 May 2006 to
amend the charge of murder to homicide against a military
sergeant and his 31 men involved in the killings of Bacar Japalali
and his wife Carmen in Tagum City during September 2004.
You are aware that the case cannot proceed in court unless your
office responds to the judge’s directives to determine the nature
of the charges against the military.
4. We are not aware of any result of your investigation into
the alleged torture of Haron Abubakar Buisan, who was arrested
due to mistaken identity by policemen in General Santos City
on 12 December 2005. In a letter dated 10 January 2006 you
assured us that there would be “an appropriate fact finding
investigation” conducted by your office. But to our knowledge
there has been no action against the accused police.
5. You made similar assurances concerning the case of slain
activists Jose Manegdeg III of San Esteban, Ilocos Sur; Albert
Terredano of Bangued, Abra; and Cathy Alcantara of Abucay,
Bataan. You have been repeatedly requested to intervene into
these cases, but again we are unaware of any conclusive
investigation by your office. The perpetrators of these killings--
alleged to have been state personnel or persons linked to them-
-have not even been identified, let alone arrested and charged.
We believe that you will agree with us that any claims of
efficiency and high standards of performance by any government
office, in particular yours, must be reflected of how this
performance contributes to upholding the public interest. Where
your office is concerned, there is a special obligation to meet the
interests of the victims and family members who are seeking
redress for the wrongful acts of military and law-enforcement
When victims are denied speedy disposition of their cases due
to inaction and unnecessary delays, while in the meantime they
are forced to endure constant threats and insecurity, any public
office responsible for this situation is not worthy of citation as
“high performing”. Only when the needs and interests of these
persons and the public are fully met can such praise be given.

172 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

For the time being we must withhold any such praise from
your office. However, we remain hopeful that this situation may
change. We look forward to your office effectively and efficiently
dealing with all of the abovementioned cases, as all cases of
alleged gross violations by army and police officers that come to
its attention, in order to fulfil public expectations as well as those
of the parties with a direct interest. We will continue to submit
cases to your office and will judge your performance not by
numbers in an annual report but by what we clear action we can
see in response to these.
Yours sincerely,
Basil Fernando
Executive Director
Asian Human Rights Commission

6. HRC Commissioner exhibits lack of concern for

human rights crisis in the country
AHRC-OL-062-2006, November 6, 2006
Mrs. Purificacion Quisumbing
Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines (CHRP)
SAAC Bldg., Commonwealth Avenue
U.P. Complex, Diliman
Quezon City

Fax: +63 2 929 0102

Email: [email protected]

Dear Commissioner Quisumbing

PHILIPPINES: HRC Commissioner exhibits lack of concern

for human rights crisis in the country
We are writing to you regarding the position you have taken,
as reported the Philippine Daily Inquirer on November 4, 2006,
following the Philippines’ election on November 2, 2006, as a
member of the United Nation’s Economic and Social Council
(ECOSOC). The Philippines received the most votes in the
election, gaining 188 out of 192 votes. 18 seats to the 54-member
Council were being contested in this election.
You were quoted as having lauded Ambassador Lauro Baja Jr.,
the permanent representative of the Philippines to the UN for
[his] “engineering an exceptional win for the Philippines, despite
criticisms and negative reports from non-governmental
organizations and the media.” Your remarks seem to discredit
NGOs and the media for any “negative” reports concerning the
country’s human rights record and imply that these reports are
unhelpful, and this despite the unquestionable fact that a large
number of extra-judicial killings and forced disappearances are
being perpetrated in the country.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 173

While it can be said that the election of the Philippines to the
ECOSOC Council is a victory at the diplomatic level for the
country, this should not be seen as a vindication of the
Philippines’ human rights record or a laundering thereof.
Having taken this position, can you confirm that you believe
that the government’s current human rights record enables it
to have the credibility and reputation required to represent the
global community? Are you convinced that the government is in
fact conducting itself in line with the highest standards
concerning the implementation of human rights recognized in
the International Covenants and Conventions to which the
Philippines is party? Are you of the opinion that the government
is effectively implementing its laws on economic and social
reform, more specifically the Social Reform and Poverty
Alleviation Act (RA 8425), Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law
of 1988 (RA 6657) and Urban Development and Housing Act (RA
Furthermore, do you claim that your office has adequate
capacity and the Constitutional mandate to investigate, seek
justice and provide compensation for human rights victims
involving economic and social rights?
We are disappointed by the position you have taken, since we
do not believe that the situation of human rights in the
Philippines is in any way a matter that can be celebrated, or
that the Philippines can be considered as a credible ambassador
of human rights at the international level. The attack on the
credibility and roles of NGOs and the media from a person in
your position is a serious concern. We strongly believe that the
above questions require clear answers, in light of your recent
comments. It would be interesting to understand how you can
characterize the situation in the country as anything other than
“negative” at present.
We would also like to draw your attention to why we believe
the Philippines, under the current administration, does not
deserve its ECOSOC seat or its membership in the UN Human
Rights Council.

Extra-judicial killings and disappearance of social

activists continue unabated
The relentless extra-judicial killing and forced disappearance
as well as the continuing threats to activists and leaders from
various sectors, including peasants seeking genuine land reform,
fisher folks, the urban poor, labour groups and indigenous peoples’
groups, are a stark manifestation not only of the government’s
inability to protect the lives of its citizens but also the undue
punishment of those who seek to protect them. You are aware of
the number of cases sent to your office and the fact that most of
the perpetrators of these acts have not been identified, arrested
and charged in court. In cases where suspects or perpetrators
have been identified, there are rarely arrests and, even when
there are, such cases are showing little or no progress in court.

174 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

The activists and leaders facing threats, along with their families,
have not been afforded any meaningful protection. The continuing
insecurity of witnesses of killings and the families of the deceased
is preventing the effective prosecution of perpetrators in court.

Ineffective implementation of poverty alleviation,

agrarian reform and urban poor development laws
On Social Reform and Poverty Alleviation Act (RA 8425):
In September 2005, we sent you hunger-related cases from
General Santos City, the Municipality of Alabel in Sarangani
and Guindolungan, Maguindanao. These cases involve hunger-
related deaths, severe malnutrition, villagers being forced to eat
poisonous frogs for lack of food, children forced to sleep with empty
stomachs and villagers facing continuing threats of hunger due
to sporadic fighting. Although interventions were made on this,
the AHRC is unaware of any sustained support afforded to the
affected families to combat the hunger and malnutrition. In fact,
the family of an infant who died due to severe malnutrition in
General Santos City is still experiencing hunger and extreme
poverty to date.
Even the creation of the National Anti-Poverty Commission
(NAPC), which was mandated under Section 5 of RA 8425, to
formulate and review policies on poverty-reduction, has had no
significant positive impact on the lives of the majority of its
planned beneficiaries. The rising number of hunger incidents
all over the country underlines thee ineffective implementation
of the NAPC’s poverty-reduction and social reform program.
On Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1988 (RA 6657):
After RA 6657 was enacted, most of the land reform
beneficiaries have not been able to claim land ownership as
provided for by the land reform law. Peasants and land reform
beneficiaries are killed and harassed almost daily for asserting
their Constitutional rights to land ownership. Some of the land
reform beneficiaries were even only made aware of the law years
after it was enacted. This is true of the cases of farm beneficiaries
in Bondoc Peninsula in the province of Quezon, in Hacienda
Luisita in Tarlac and in Balasan, Iloilo, as well as in other similar
cases of farmers seeking genuine land reform around the
On Urban Development and Housing Act (RA 7279):
Although this law requires that relocation sites should be made
available before urban poor villages are demolished, in practice,
they are not. The AHRC is aware of a number of cases where
urban poor villages have been illegally and violently demolished,
with villagers being denied relocation sites and losing their
livelihood due to these forced evictions. Take the case we sent
to your offices regarding the settlers in Dacudao Compound in
Agdao, Davao City in March 2005 and in Mactan, Lapu-lapu City
in September 2006. These state-perpetrated forced evictions
have had a significant negative impact on the lives of the affected

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 175

settlers. They were not provided with relocation sites,
compensation or alternative means of making a livelihood in
order to ensure their subsistence. This is a further illustration
of the government’s complete disregard for its citizens’ rights to
adequate housing and economic rights.
Alongside these issues, the AHRC is also concerned that the
Human Rights Commission does not have the Constitutional
mandate to intervene with regard to economic, social and
cultural rights violations. We are aware that Article XIII, Section
18 (1) of the Philippine Constitution stipulates that “the
[Commission on Human Rights] investigates “violations involving
civil and political rights”. While we appreciate that there have
been efforts by the Commission to include investigation on
economic, social and cultural rights violations, we are deeply
concerned by its lack of a Constitutional mandate to carry out
these activities. We strongly believe that unless the Commission
has had a clear mandate it cannot effectively function and perform
its duties. We are aware that the Commission’s ability to
investigate violations of economic and social rights is restricted
by mandate limitations. The capabilities of the Commission’s
investigators concerning labour and agrarian related cases are
not satisfactory.
How can the Commission perform its duties and function
effectively with regard to economic, social and cultural rights
when it has no Constitutional mandate to do so? What is the
Commission doing to have this situation changed?
The AHRC is seriously concerned by your comments, notably
as they appear to brand the media and NGOs as disruptive and
“negative” forces when they take up human rights issues. The
media and the NGOs play a significant role in the protection and
promotion of human rights and in attempts to make the
authorities accountable for their actions where violations occur.
These activities should be welcomed by the Human Rights
Commission, if it is indeed itself engaged in the protection and
promotion of human rights in good faith. It is vital that the Human
Rights Commission fulfill its mandate in a transparent and
independent manner if it is to be of any value to the people of the
Philippines - not just to the country’s authorities.
We trust that you will give serious consideration to these
matters and will make a public statement of acknowledgement
of the gravity of the human rights situation in the country and
the importance of the roles of the free press and NGOs with regard
to human rights and the creation of a just and humane society
in the Philippines.
Yours sincerely,
Basil Fernando
Executive Director
Asian Human Rights Commission

176 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

7. The national information agency is not a
mouthpiece for police propaganda
AHRC-OL-003-2007, January 19, 2006
Secretary Condrado A. Limcaoco, Jr.
Philippine Information Agency (PIA)
PIA Building, Visayas Avenue, Diliman
Quezon City, Metro Manila

Tel: +63 2 920 4386

Fax: +63 2 920 1224
Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Dear Secretary Limcaoco

PHILIPPINES: The national information agency is not a

mouthpiece for police propaganda
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is writing to
you regarding the press release issued by the Philippine
Information Agency on January 12 entitled, “PNP clarifies case
of Herman Baria before Asian Human Rights Commission”. The
press release consisted entirely of remarks by Police Chief
Superintendent Geary L. Barias denying any wrongdoing by his
subordinates in the killing of Hernan Baria and wounding of
Romeo Catalan in Iloilo on 23 July 2005, and contained attacks
on the AHRC for its call that there should be an independent
inquiry into the incident.
The AHRC is outraged by the contents of this press release.
While state officials are perfectly entitled to defend themselves
against allegations of human rights abuses, it is not the
responsibility of your agency to distribute such defences on their
behalf. You are not public relations officers for the police. If they
wish to respond, they have their own channels, and the
concerned officers may hire legal counsel and obtain other
support from the institutions established to assist them. The
PIA Charter spells out its mission as “to provide for free flow of
accurate, timely and relevant information” in order “to assist
people in decision-making and identification of opportunities to
improve quality of life” and “to enable citizens to participate
meaningfully in the democratic processes”. How have any of these
functions been fulfilled by your distributing the police account of
events that lead to the death of a person, which has never been
independently verified?
By giving an entirely one-sided account of the killing and
wounding, the press release impliedly validated the police
account of what happened to the two victims, without your agency
having the means or authority by which to verify the facts. In
effect, your office has pre-empted the courts on matters over
which they alone have jurisdiction: that is, to judge whether or
not the police operation was “legitimate” as claimed, and whether

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 177

or not any offences have been committed. It is for this purpose
that the AHRC issued its appeal on the case: that there might be
a credible, independent investigation by the concerned
authorities followed by the necessary judicial intervention. Until
this much is done, upon what grounds does your agency have
any right to issue press releases on behalf of the police? Without
this much being done, what part of your press release could be
deemed “accurate”?
By reproducing what amounts to a factually erroneous rebuttal
of some serious allegations against the police, your agency’s
credibility has been severely damaged, as has that of the entire
Philippine administration. It casts serious doubts on the sincerity
of the state to afford redress to victims of killings, disappearances,
torture and other gross abuses in the Philippines. It further
isolates victims and their families, and boosts the impunity and
fear that is spreading throughout the country. It also undermines
the role of the justice system and increases public distrust in
the capacity of the state to respond to the very grave human
rights abuses that are going on constantly in the Philippines.
Your agency has a crucial role and great responsibility to the
people of the Philippines. On this occasion you have somehow
confused that role with the acting as a mouthpiece for police
propaganda. The Asian Human Rights Commission urges you to
rescue your reputation and restore some confidence in the work
of the government of the Philippines on human rights issues by
1. Retracting the January 12 press release and issuing a public
apology to the families of the victims without delay.
2. Conducting an inquiry to establish and discipline the person
or persons in your office responsible for the press release.
3. Undertaking that no further such press releases will be
issued in the future and that reporting by the agency will in fact
be based upon facts rather than one-sided and unproven
statements from the police or any other state officers.
The credibility and reputation of any media institution--be it
public or private--depends on the accuracy, fairness and
independence of its reporting. While your agency is justified in
concentrating its reports on the work of state officials and their
offices, you cannot afford to confuse this legitimate exercise with
becoming an accomplice to contrived and manipulated
information aimed at exonerating authorities from wrongdoing
or achieving other dubious ends. Do not allow yourselves to be
used. If you make that mistake, you will loose the trust of the
public in the Philippines and very many other interested persons
and organisations beyond its borders, and become known as
nothing other than a mouthpiece for state propaganda.
Yours sincerely
Basil Fernando
Executive Director
Asian Human Rights Commission

178 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

8. Retract statement justifying killing & order
impartial investigation
AHRC-OL-004-2007, January 23, 2007
General Oscar Calderon
Philippine National Police (PNP)
Camp General Rafael Crame
Quezon City

Tel: +63 2 726 4361/4366/8763

Fax: +63 2724 8763
Email: [email protected]

Dear General Calderon

PHILIPPINES: Retract statement justifying killing & order

impartial investigation
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to express
our outrage at a recent statement by a senior police officer issued
through the Philippine Information Agency asserting that the
killing and wounding respectively of two men was due to a
“legitimate police operation”, and to call for a retraction of the
statements and a proper investigation into the incident, as
demanded by human rights defenders in the Philippines and our
On January 12, the national information agency issued a press
release quoting former Police Regional Office 6 director Chief
Superintendent Geary Barias justifying the killing and wounding
of two agrarian reform activists, Hernando Baria and Romeo
Catalan, on 23 July 2005 in Balasan, Iloilo. The release goes on
to accuse the AHRC of spreading false information about the
The AHRC flatly rejects Barias’ assertions and demands that
the Philippine National Police makes clear on what grounds and
in what capacity he was making his remarks. No mention is
made in the statement of any independent investigation ever
having been conducted, as called for by our organisation. Nor is
there any indication of under whose authority or in what capacity
Barias was making the comments.
Whether the operation was legitimate and can be justified or
not is in no way a matter for concerned the police to decide.
Those police stand as the accused and comments in defence by
the alleged perpetrators or their superiors are of relevance only
inasmuch that they may be taken in evidence by independent
investigators, and weighed against other statements and
evidence by a judicial authority.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 179

In October 2006 we in fact called upon you to order a fresh
investigation into this incident. We are unaware of any impartial
or independent investigation since that time. Therefore, the
statement of January 12 through the official government
mouthpiece amounts to nothing more than an attempt by the
former commander of the accused to exonerate his own men
and whitewash the case.
We take this opportunity to remind you of just some of the
irregularities surrounding the incident, none of which were ever
addressed in the Philippine Information Agency’s release:

1. Incorrect search warrant

The Regional Trial Court, Branch 66 in Iloilo issued a search
warrant for “Herman Baria”, not Hernando Baria, the deceased
victim. Under the rules of criminal procedure, valid warrants
must carry the correct names of persons concerned. In this case
the “legitimate police operation” was carried out on an invalid
warrant, making it illegal.

2. Terms of warrant breached

The court granted the warrant to search the house of “Herman
Baria” but the police used it to search a farmers’ training centre,
entering around midnight and allegedly failing to identify
themselves properly. A copy of the warrant also was not given to
the concerned parties until 9am the following morning, although
colleagues of the victims had arrived on the scene some six hours

3. False claim against victims

In his statement, Barias maintains that, “This police operation
was a response to the request for protection by local residents
against harassment by armed groups of land owner Susan Bedio
[sic].” In fact, the victims were members of the Asao Farmers
and Residents Association, which has been lobbying for Bedro’s
landholdings to be turned over to peasants under the
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program. The claim that they
could have been working for Bedro is wholly inconsistent with

4. No protection given to victims

Baria and Catalan had reportedly been requesting police
protection prior to the incident, without success. The failure to
respond to their requests constitutes a serious violation of the
Memorandum of Agreement of 3 May 1995 between the police,
Department of Interior and Local Government, and the
Department of Agrarian Reform, which obliges the police to render
assistance to maintain peace and order in land reform cases
(reiterated in Joint Circular No. 05-02).

180 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

5. Questionable evidence
The police claim to have recovered firearms and ammunitions
from the two victims, but have not produced any independent
and verifiable evidence to counter claims that they planted the
weapons themselves. Nor are we aware of any other substantive
evidence that would demonstrate beyond reasonable doubt the
guilt of either of the two men.

6. Inconsistent reports
According to the information received by the AHRC, the police
seizure report states that Catalan was “not around” when the
initial search was conducted. But the January 12 press release
acknowledges that the operation resulted in the “wounding of
Romeo Catalan”. Furthermore, it states that he is now “facing
charges for illegal possession of firearms and armed resistance”.
However, Catalan has never received any summons informing
him of these or other charges. If charges have been laid, why
has the respondent not been informed?
The Asian Human Rights Commission stands by our original
demand that you order an impartial and independent
investigation into this case and see its findings submitted to a
judicial authority. It furthermore calls upon you to take
disciplinary action against Chief Superintendent Geary Barias
for his premature public defence of his subordinates, which
amounts to a completely unacceptable breach of police conduct,
and demands that his statement be retracted and an apology
The unrelenting extrajudicial killings in the Philippines and
lack of effective independent investigations where police are
allegedly to have been involved are a cause for growing
international alarm. Greater scrutiny is leading to more and more
questions about the actual intentions of the authorities to
address these killings. Your action is needed to prevent
whitewashing and ensure that the families of victims, survivors
and witnesses obtain the justice that they deserve, as well as to
protect the credibility and reputation of your agency and the
government of the Philippines.
Yours sincerely
Basil Fernando
Executive Director
Asian Human Rights Commission

[Note: Since this letter was published the AHRC was made aware
that Chief Superintendent Geary Barias is now head of Task Force
Usig, the unit responsible for investigating alleged extrajudicial

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 181

Appendix IV:
Witness Protection,
Security & Benefit Act


Sec. 1. Name of Act. — This Act shall be known as the “Witness Protection,
Security and Benefit Act.”
Sec. 2. Implementation of Program. — The Department of Justice, hereinafter
referred to as the Department, through its Secretary, shall formulate and
implement a “Witness Protection, Security and Benefit Program”, hereinafter
referred to as the Program, pursuant to and consistent with the provisions of
this Act.
The Department may call upon any department, bureau, office or any other
executive agency to assist in the implementation of the Program and the latter
offices shall be under legal duty and obligation to render such assistance.
Sec. 3. Admission into the Program. — Any person who has witnessed or has
knowledge or information on the commission of a crime and has testified or
is testifying or about to testify before any judicial or quasi-judicial body, or
before any investigating authority, may be admitted into the Program:
Provided, That:
(a) the offense in which his testimony will be used is a grave felony as defined
under the Revised Penal Code, or its equivalent under special laws;
(b) his testimony can be substantially corroborated in its material points;
(c) he or any member of his family within the second civil degree of
consanguinity or affinity is subjected to threats to his life or bodily injury or
there is a likelihood that he will be killed, forced, intimidated, harassed or
corrupted to prevent him from testifying, or to testify falsely, or evasively,
because or on account of his testimony; and
(d) he is not a law enforcement officer, even if he would be testifying against
the other law enforcement officers. In such a case, only the immediate members
of his family may avail themselves of the protection provided for under this
If the Department, after examination of said applicant and other relevant facts,
is convinced that the requirements of this Act and its implementing rules and
regulations have been complied with, it shall admit said applicant to the
Program, require said witness to execute a sworn statement detailing his

182 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

knowledge or information on the commission of the crime, and thereafter
issue the proper certification. For purposes of this Act, any such person admitted
to the Program shall be known as the Witness.
Sec. 4. Witness in Legislative Investigations. — In case of legislative
investigations in aid of legislation, a witness, with his express consent, may be
admitted into the Program upon the recommendation of the legislative
committee where his testimony is needed when in its judgment there is pressing
necessity therefor: Provided, That such recommendation is approved by the
President of the Senate or the Speaker of the House of Representatives, as the
case may be.
Sec. 5. Memorandum of Agreement with the Person to be Protected. — Before
a person is provided protection under this Act, he shall first execute a
memorandum of agreement which shall set forth his responsibilities including:
(a) to testify before and provide information to all appropriate law enforcement
officials concerning all appropriate proceedings in connection with or arising
from the activities involved in the offense charged;
(b) t avoid the commission of the crime;
(c) to take all necessary precautions to avoid detection by others of the facts
concerning the protection provided him under this Act;
(d) to comply with legal obligations and civil judgments against him;
(e) to cooperate with respect to all reasonable requests of officers and
employees of the Government who are providing protection under this Act;
(f) to regularly inform the appropriate program official of his current activities
and address.
Sec. 6. Breach of the Memorandum of Agreement. — Substantial breach of the
memorandum of agreement shall be a ground for the termination of the
protection provided under this Act: Provided, however, That before terminating
such protection, the Secretary of Justice shall send notice to the person involved
of the termination of the protection provided under this Act, stating therein
the reason for such termination.
Sec. 7. Confidentiality of Proceedings. — All proceedings involving application
for admission into the Program and the action taken thereon shall be
confidential in nature. No information or documents given or submitted in
support thereof shall be released except upon written order of the Department
or the proper court.
Any person who violates the confidentiality of said proceedings shall upon
conviction be punished with imprisonment of not less than one (1) year but
not more than six (6) years and deprivation of the right to hold a public office
or employment for a period of five (5) years.
Sec. 8. Rights and Benefits. — The witness shall have the following rights and
(a) To have a secure housing facility until he has testified or until the threat,
intimidation or harassment disappears or is reduced to a manageable or
tolerable level. When the circumstances warrant, the Witness shall be entitled
to relocation and/or change of personal identity at the expense of the Program.
This right may be extended to any member of the family of the Witness within
the second civil degree of consanguinity or affinity.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 183

(b) The Department shall, whenever practicable, assist the Witness in obtaining
a means of livelihood. The Witness relocated pursuant to this Act shall be
entitled to a financial assistance from the Program for his support and that of
his family in such amount and for such duration as the Department shall
(c) In no case shall the Witness be removed from or demoted in work because
or on account of his absences due to his attendance before any judicial or quasi-
judicial body or investigating authority, including legislative investigations
in aid of legislation, in going thereto and in coming therefrom: Provided, That
his employer is notified through a certification issued by the Department,
within a period of thirty (30) days from the date when the Witness last reported
for work: Provided, further, That in the case of prolonged transfer or permanent
relocation, the employer shall have the option to remove the Witness from
employment after securing clearance from the Department upon the
recommendation of the Department of Labor and Employment.
Any Witness who failed to report for work because of witness duty shall be
paid his equivalent salaries or wages corresponding to the number of days of
absence occasioned by the Program. For purposes of this Act, any fraction of a
day shall constitute a full day salary or wage. This provision shall be applicable
to both government and private employees.
(d) To be provided with reasonable traveling expenses and subsistence
allowance by the Program in such amount as the Department may determine
for his attendance in the court, body or authority where his testimony is
required, as well as conferences and interviews with prosecutors or
investigating officers.
(e) To be provided with free medical treatment, hospitalization and medicines
for any injury or illness incurred or suffered by him because of witness duty in
any private or public hospital, clinic, or at any such institution at the expense
of the Program.
(f) If a Witness is killed, because of his participation in the Program, his heirs
shall be entitled to a burial benefit of not less than Ten thousand pesos
(P10,000.00) from the Program exclusive of any other similar benefits he may
be entitled to under other existing laws.
(g) In case of death or permanent incapacity, his minor or dependent children
shall be entitled to free education, from primary to college level in any state,
or private school, college or university as may be determined by the
Department, as long as they shall have qualified thereto.
Sec. 9. Speedy Hearing or Trial. — In any case where a Witness admitted into
the Program shall testify, the judicial or quasi-judicial body, or investigating
authority shall assure a speedy hearing or trial and shall endeavor to finish
said proceeding within three (3) months from the filing of the case.
Sec. 10. State Witness. — Any person who has participated in the commission
of a crime and desires to be a witness for the State, can apply and, if qualified
as determined in this Act and by the Department, shall be admitted into the
Program whenever the following circumstances are present:
(a) the offense in which his testimony will be used is a grave felony as defined
under the Revised Penal Code or its equivalent under special laws;
(b) there is absolute necessity for his testimony;
(c) there is no other direct evidence available for the proper prosecution of the
offense committed:
(d) his testimony can be substantially corroborated on its material points;
(e) he does not appear to be most guilty; and

184 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

(f) he has not at any time been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude.
An accused discharged from an information or criminal complaint by the
court in order that he may be a State Witness pursuant to Section 9 and 10 of
Rule 119 of the Revised Rules of Court may upon his petition be admitted to
the Program if he complies with the other requirements of this Act. Nothing in
this Act shall prevent the discharge of an accused, so that he can be used as a
State Witness under Rule 119 of the Revised Rules of Court.
Sec. 11. Sworn Statement. — Before any person is admitted into the Program
pursuant to the next preceding Section he shall execute a sworn statement
describing in detail the manner in which the offense was committed and his
participation therein. If after said examination of said person, his sworn
statement and other relevant facts, the Department is satisfied that the
requirements of this Act and its implementing rules are complied with, it may
admit such person into the Program and issue the corresponding certification.
If his application for admission is denied, said sworn statement and any other
testimony given in support of said application shall not be admissible in
evidence, except for impeachment purposes.
Sec. 12. Effect of Admission of a State Witness into the Program. — The
certification of admission into the Program by the Department shall be given
full faith and credit by the provincial or city prosecutor who is required not to
include the Witness in the criminal complaint or information and if included
therein, to petition the court for his discharge in order that he can utilized as a
State Witness. The Court shall order the discharge and exclusion of the said
accused from the information.
Admission into the Program shall entitle such State Witness to immunity from
criminal prosecution for the offense or offenses in which his testimony will be
given or used and all the rights and benefits provided under Section 8 hereof.
Sec. 13. Failure or Refusal of the Witness to Testify. — Any Witness registered
in the Program who fails or refuses to testify or to continue to testify without
just cause when lawfully obliged to do so, shall be prosecuted for contempt. If
he testifies falsely or evasively, he shall be liable to prosecution for perjury. If
a State Witness fails or refuses to testify, or testifies falsely or evasively, or
violates any condition accompanying such immunity without just cause, as
determined in a hearing by the proper court, his immunity shall be removed
and he shall be subject to contempt or criminal prosecution. Moreover, the
enjoyment of all rights and benefits under this Act shall be deemed terminated.
The Witness may, however, purge himself of the contumacious acts by testifying
at any appropriate stage of the proceedings.
Sec. 14. Compelled Testimony. — Any Witness admitted into the Program
pursuant to Sections 3 and 10 of this Act cannot refuse to testify or give evidence
or produce books, documents, records or writings necessary for the prosecution
of the offense or offenses for which he has been admitted into the Program on
the ground of the constitutional right against self-incrimination but he shall
enjoy immunity from criminal prosecution and cannot be subjected to any
penalty or forfeiture for any transaction, matter or thing concerning his
compelled testimony or books, documents, records and writings produced.
In case of refusal of said Witness to testify or give evidence or produce books,
documents, records, or writings, on the ground of the right against self-
incrimination, and the state prosecutor or investigator believes that such
evidence is absolutely necessary for a successful prosecution of the offense or
offenses charged or under investigation, he, with the prior approval of the
department, shall file a petition with the appropriate court for the issuance of
an order requiring said Witness to testify, give evidence or produce the books,
documents, records, and writings described, and the court shall issue the proper
article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 185
The court, upon motion of the state prosecutor or investigator, shall order the
arrest and detention of the Witness in any jail contiguous to the place of trial or
investigation until such time that the Witness is willing to give such testimony
or produce such documentary evidence.
Sec. 15. Perjury or Contempt. — No Witness shall be exempt from prosecution
for perjury or contempt committed while giving testimony or producing
evidence under compulsion pursuant to this Act. The penalty next higher in
degree shall be imposed in case of conviction for perjury. The procedure
prescribed under Rule 71 of the Rules of Court shall be followed in contempt
proceedings but the penalty to be imposed shall not be less than one (1) month
but not more than one (1) year imprisonment.
Sec. 16. Credibility of Witness. — In all criminal cases, the fact of the entitlement
of the Witness to the protection and benefits provided for in this Act shall not
be admissible in evidence to diminish or affect his credibility.
Sec. 17. Penalty for Harassment of Witness. — Any person who harasses a
Witness and thereby hinders, delays, prevents or dissuades a Witness from:
(a) attending or testifying before any judicial or quasi-judicial body or
investigating authority;
(b) reporting to a law enforcement officer or judge the commission or possible
commission of an offense, or a violation of conditions or probation, parole, or
release pending judicial proceedings;
(c) seeking the arrest of another person in connection with the offense;
(d) causing a criminal prosecution, or a proceeding for the revocation of a
parole or probation; or
(e) performing and enjoying the rights and benefits under this Act or attempts
to do so, shall be fined not more than Three thousand pesos (P3,000.00) or
suffer imprisonment of not less than six (6) months but not more than one (1)
year, or both, and he shall also suffer the penalty of perpetual disqualification
from holding public office in case of a public officer.
Sec. 18. Rules and Regulations. — The Department shall promulgate such rules
and regulations as may be necessary to implement the intent and purposes of
this Act. Said rules and regulations shall be published in two (2) newspapers of
general circulation.
Sec. 19. Repealing Clause. — All laws, decrees, executive issuances, rules and
regulations inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed or modified
Sec. 20. Funding. — The amount of Ten million pesos (P10,000,000.00) is hereby
authorized to be appropriated out of any funds in the National Treasury not
otherwise appropriated to carry into effect the purpose of this Act.
Expenses incurred in the implementation of the Program may be recovered as
part of the cost or indemnity imposed upon the accused.
Furthermore, other funding schemes or sources, subject to the limitations of
the law, shall be allowed in furtherance hereof.
Sec. 21. Separability Clause. — The declaration of unconstitutionality or
invalidity of any provision of this Act shall not affect the other provisions
Sec. 22. Effectivity. — This Act shall take effect after fifteen (15) days following
its publication in two (2) newspapers of general circulation.
Approved: April 24, 1991

186 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

Appendix V:
Online Petition—
Stop the killings!


Dear Secretary of the Department of Justice


Recent years have seen an extraordinary number of political
activists and human rights defenders extra-judicially killed in
the Philippines. Reports indicate that approximately 290 such
persons have been killed since 2004. These figures and the
current situation in the Philippines are entirely unacceptable
and require urgent intervention by the Government if the killings
are to stop.
The unabated killings and attacks against activists in the
Philippines have revealed a completely inadequate response by
the government to prevent further deaths and to remedy this
worsening situation. The police’s responsibility in investigating
these cases has fallen completely short of what is required,
resulting in the perpetrators, in most cases, having yet to be
prosecuted in a court of law. This lack of an effective police
investigation into the killings and violence against activists and
the Governments seeming unwillingness to properly intervene
are the greatest obstacles in prosecuting the perpetrators and
bringing an end to these deaths.
It appears that in the Philippines no system exists to properly
ensure that perpetrators of serious crimes may be brought to
justice for their actions. One of the basic elements of
investigation, the gathering of evidence, appears to be non-
existent in the Philippines right now. In most of the cases
involving the killings of activists, this inability to properly gather
evidence has meant that the perpetrators have not even been
identified or persons who were present are so afraid that they
are unwilling to be witnesses. Owing to this, many of the cases
have not even made it to a court of law.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 187

The failure to implement an effective investigation and a
functioning witness protection mechanism appear to be major
obstacles in bringing justice to cases of extra-judicial killings.
Remedying this would require the effective implementation of
the Republic Act 6981, an act providing for witness protection,
security and benefit, including protection for activists who are
facing threats to their lives. This would be extremely beneficial
to all activists and human rights defenders who currently face
such fears.
The Government of Philippines has failed to respond to the
concluding observations and the recommendations made by the
Human Rights Committee of the United Nations on 1 December
2003. The Government is obligated to take appropriate action,
as State party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights (ICCPR), to the Committee’s conclusion and
recommendation that reads;
No. 8. " The Committee is concerned about the lack of appropriate
measures to investigate crimes allegedly committed by State
security forces and agents, in particular those committed against
human rights defenders, journalists and leaders of indigenous
peoples, and the lack of measures taken to prosecute and punish
the perpetrators."
(a)The State party should adopt legislative and other measures
to prevent such violations, in keeping articles 2, 6 and 9 of the
Covenant, and ensure effective enforcement of the legislation.
The Government’s failure to take adequate action in response
to these recommendations and to the killings themselves, are
clearly depriving Filipinos of their right to life. Such action has
terrorised and silenced the people, in particular those critical of
the state, which is entirely unacceptable. It has also denied
Filipinos of an environment where the basic rule of law exists.
To prevent further killings of activists and human rights
defenders and to avert a new social crisis in the country, the
government must take immediate action regarding these
matters. First, and most obviously, full investigations and judicial
inquiries must follow without delay, with a view to holding the
perpetrators fully accountable for their crimes and making clear
that this pattern of killings will not be allowed to continue.
Secondly, witness protection must be given to all persons who
have witnessed the crimes. Thirdly, the Commission on Human
Rights of the Philippines must play an active role by coordinating
its work with the National Bureau of Investigation, rather than
waiting for other agencies to take the initiative, and by
considering recommendations to indemnify the families of the
dead. Fourthly, the Government must condemn and demand the
retraction of statements by the armed forces listing groups as
‘communist sympathisers’.
Until these measures are taken, the perpetrators will remain
free and the killings will undoubtedly continue. The Government
of the Philippines must take action if this situation is to be
188 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1
article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 189
Appendix VI:
Concluding observations of the
UN Human Rights Committee on
the Philippines

[CCPR/CO/79/PHL, 1 December 2003, extracts]

1. The Human Rights Committee considered the consolidated second and
third periodic reports of the Philippines (CCPR/C/PHL/2002/2) at its 2138th,
2139th and 2140th meetings, held on 20 and 21 October 2003 (see CCPR/C/
SR.2138, 2139 and 2140). It adopted the following concluding observations at
its 2153rd and 2154th meetings (CCPR/C/SR. 2153 and 2154), held on 30 October
A. Introduction
2. The Committee notes the submission of the consolidated second and third
periodic reports of the Philippines, which contain detailed information on
domestic legislation in the area of civil and political rights, and the opportunity
to resume the dialogue with the State party after an interval of more than 14
years. The Committee considers that the failure to submit a report for such a
long period constitutes a failure to observe its obligation under article 40 of
the Covenant.
3. The Committee welcomes the information provided in the report. While
appreciating the delegation’s comments on a series of questions posed orally
by members of the Committee, it regrets that an extensive number of questions
remained wholly or partly unanswered at the conclusion of the discussion.
Some additional written material received on 24 October 2003 was taken into
account by the Committee.
B. Positive aspects
4. The Committee appreciates the progress made by the State party to reform
its domestic legal order to comply with its commitments under the Covenant.
It welcomes, among other actions, the ratification of the Optional Protocol to
the Covenant in August 1989. The Committee considers that the process of
reform should be accelerated and strengthened.
5. The Committee notes with satisfaction that the State party has facilitated
international assistance in relation to education and training on the protection
of human rights.
C. Principal subjects of concern and recommendations
6. The Committee notes the absence of information regarding the status in
domestic law of the Covenant and on whether any Covenant provisions have
been invoked in court proceedings to date.

190 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

The State party should ensure that its legislation gives full effect to the rights
recognized in the Covenant and that domestic law is harmonized with the
obligations subscribed to under the Covenant.
7. The Committee regrets the lack of information on the procedure for the
implementation of the Committee’s Views under the Optional Protocol. In
particular, it is concerned by the grave breaches by the State party of its
obligations constituted by its lack of compliance with the Committee’s requests
for interim measures of protection in cases submitted under the Optional
Protocol (Piandiong, Morallos and Bulan v. Philippines).
The State party should establish procedures to implement Views of the
Committee and to ensure compliance with requests for interim measures of
8. The Committee is concerned about the lack of appropriate measures to
investigate crimes allegedly committed by State security forces and agents, in
particular those committed against human rights defenders, journalists and
leaders of indigenous peoples, and the lack of measures taken to prosecute and
punish the perpetrators. Furthermore, the Committee is concerned at reports
of intimidation and threats of retaliation impeding the right to an effective
remedy for persons whose rights and freedoms have been violated.
(a) The State party should adopt legislative and other measures to prevent
such violations, in keeping with articles 2, 6 and 9 of the Covenant, and ensure
effective enforcement of the legislation.
(b) The State party should provide information on the outcome of the
proceedings related to the cases of Eden Marcellana and Eddie Gumanoy and
the execution of 11 persons on Commonwealth Avenue, Manila, in 1995.
11. The Committee expresses concern regarding reported cases of extrajudicial
killings, arbitrary detention, harassment, intimidation and abuse, including
of detainees, many of whom are women and children, that have neither been
investigated nor prosecuted. Such a situation is conducive to perpetration of
further violations of human rights and to a culture of impunity.
The State party should adopt and enforce legislative and other measures to
prevent such violations, in keeping with articles 6 and 9 of the Covenant and
to improve the implementation of relevant laws. The State party should conduct
prompt and impartial investigations, and prosecute and punish the perpetrators.
12. The Committee is concerned about the reports of persistent and widespread
use of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment of
detainees by law enforcement officials and the lack of legislation specifically
prohibiting torture in accordance with articles 7 and 10 of the Covenant. The
Committee notes that evidence is not admissible if it is shown to have been
obtained by improper means, but remains concerned that the victim bears the
burden of proof in this event.
The State party should institute an effective system of monitoring treatment
of all detainees, to ensure that their rights under articles 7 and 10 of the Covenant
are fully protected. The State party should ensure that all allegations of torture
are effectively and promptly investigated by an independent authority, that
those found responsible are prosecuted, and that victims are given adequate
compensation. Free access to legal counsel and a doctor should be guaranteed
in practice, immediately after arrest and during all stages of detention. All
allegations that statements of detainees have been obtained through coercion
must lead to an investigation and such statements must never be used as
evidence, except as evidence of torture, and the burden of proof, in such cases,
should not be borne by the alleged victim.

article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1 191

14. The Committee is concerned that the law allowing for warrant-less arrest is
open to abuse, in that arrests in practice do not always respect the statutory
conditions that the person arrested is actually committing a crime or that the
arresting officer has “personal” knowledge of facts indicating that the person
arrested committed the crime. The Committee is also concerned that a vaguely
worded anti-vagrancy law is used to arrest persons without warrant, especially
female prostitutes and street children.
The State party should ensure that its laws and practices with regard to arrest
are brought into full conformity with article 9 of the Covenant.
15. The Committee is concerned at continuing reports of displacement of persons
and evacuation of populations, including indigenous population groups, in
areas of counter-insurgency operations.
The State party should take urgent measures to ensure the protection of
civilians in areas affected by military operations, in accordance with its human
rights obligations.
20. In accordance with rule 70, paragraph 5, of the Committee's rules of
procedure, the State party should provide information, within one year, on its
response to the Committee's recommendations contained in paragraphs 10, 11
and 14. The Committee requests the State party to provide information in its
next report on the other recommendations made and on the implementation
of the Covenant as a whole.

192 article 2 Š February 2007 Vol. 6, No. 1

Other special reports published in article 2

Lawless law enforcement & the parody of judiciary in Bangladesh

vol. 5, no. 4, August 2006

Protecting witnesses or perverting justice in Thailand

vol. 5, no. 3, June 2006

Rule of law vs. rule of lords in Thailand

vol. 4, no. 2, April 2005

The mathematics of barbarity & zero rule of law in Nepal

vol. 3, no. 6, December 2004

Endemic torture & the collapse of policing in Sri Lanka

vol. 3, no. 1, February 2004

Extrajudicial killings of alleged drug dealers in Thailand

vol. 2, no. 3, June 2003

Torture by the police in Sri Lanka

vol. 1, no. 4, August 2002

All editions available in PDF and text formats at the article 2 website:
article 2 is published by the Asian Legal
Resource Centre (ALRC) in conjuction
with Human Rights SOLIDARITY,
In this issue of article 2 published online by the Asian Human
Rights Commission (AHRC).
SPECIAL REPORT: The criminal justice ALRC is an independent regional non-
system of the Philippines is rotten governmental organisation holding
general consultative status with the
Basil Fernando, Executive Director, Asian Human Rights Economic and Social Council of the
United Nations. ALRC seeks to
Commission & Asian Legal Resource Centre, Hong Kong
strengthen and encourage positive action
„ Foreword: The rotten criminal justice system of on legal and human rights issues at local
the Philippines must be cleaned out and national levels throughout Asia.
ALRC invites submissions to article 2
Editorial board, article 2 by interested persons and organisations
„ Introduction: The criminal justice system of the concerned with implementation of
Philippines is rotten human rights standards in the region.
For further details, email the editor:
Asian Human Rights Commission, Hong Kong [email protected]
„ The criminal justice system of the Philippines Back issues of article 2 available online:
is rotten
„ Getting away with murder

Editorial Board
Asian Legal Resource Centre, Hong Kong
„ Six suggestions to improve the criminal justice Nick CHEESMAN
system of the Philippines Meryam DABHOIWALA
And Jayantha de Almeida GUNERATNE
„ Rotten to the core: Unaddressed killings, KWAK Nohyun
disappearances & torture in the Philippines LAO Mong Hay
„ Statement of UN Special Rapporteur on Kishali PINTO-JAYAWARDENA
extrajudicial killings after visit to the Philippines Samith de SILVA
„ The Melo Commission Report WONG Kai Shing
„ Open letters to the Philippine authorities
„ Witness Protection, Security & Benefit Act
„ Online petition—Stop the killings! Annual Subscription Fee (6 issues)
„ Concluding observations of the UN Human
Hong Kong HK$250
Rights Committee on the Philippines Asian Countries US$35
Outside Asia US$50

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