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Tarot and Sexuality

Sexuality is all over the tarot. Lets face it, tarot readings are for adults. The main subjects in a reading revolve
around relationships, money, work, and travel. Clients want to know about their love life in particular, and
sometimes the questions are direct.

The Tarot for sexuality

The Major Arcana are the best for exploring sexuality, particularly when combined with several courts who
may represent the client and the person they are interested in.
As in every tarot reading, context is paramount. For some women, knowing that they are going to meet a
gentleman friend is as far as the reader needs to go. Others want more details these are the ones that push
for information. I remember a woman in a new relationship asking about her lover. Most prominent was the
Devil, so I casually mentioned bondage her eyes lit up and misted over in reverie of her expectations.
This list is not exhaustive, nor is it guaranteed right in every situation. Some of the practices are illegal
depending on where you live. It is not the purpose of the tarot reader to advocate any of these practices
The list is created entirely without any reference to the Tree of Life, using my imagination. I have not used all
the suggestions in a reading. I have not defined the divinatory meanings in terms of reversals it is up to you
to decide if you need reversals to fine tune your interpretation.



Losing virginity. A new lover

Reading or writing about sex.

who takes you to new levels

Letters, email, texting a lover.

of sexuality and spirituality.

Telephone sex. Bisexuality.

Going beyond ones sexual

Publishing a book on

experience into new areas.


New or original sexual

experiences. An exciting or
unpredictable lover.

High Priestess

The Empress

Fluctuations in sexual

Passionate indulgence. Sex

energy. Travelling long

for procreation, creativity, or

distance to meet a sexual

with a married or status

partner. Using intercourse to

woman. Pregnancy

explore spirituality.
Renunciation of sex.
Practicing abstinence.

The Emperor


Sex with an older partner, an

Sex within marriage or

employer, politician, military

teaching an inexperienced

person or status individual or

partner, or a religious person,

that involves domination or

priest, etc. Conventional,

strict rules. Dressing up in

unadventurous, perfunctory

uniform. Sexuality to gain

or passionless sex. Proposal

promotion. Laying down the

of marriage. Wife swapping.

law, or strict rules on

Religious advice on love and

sexuality. Parental advice


The Lovers


Exploring between lovers.

Dominating or controlling.

Lovers who are very similar

Sex on some form of

in outlook, interests. Lovers

transport the Mile High

who are neighbors.

Club Sexual obsession with

Writing letters, emails, texting

a parent. Dogging.

or phoning a lover. Love

between siblings. News
about a lover.


The Hermit

A passionate love affair.

A secret lover. Masturbation.

Bestiality. Sex magick, with

Renunciation. A secret

royalty or to raise ones

passion or obsession for

status. Taking risks. An orgy

someone secrets. Feeling

alone. Affair with a work
colleague. Counselling.



Sex for political gain with or

A legal marriage. Looking for

between politicians or a

an aesthetically pleasing or

wealthy or powerful person.

beautiful playmate. Sex with

A change in partner. A

a lawyer, solicitor, judge,

whirlwind romance.

older partner or foreigner.

The legal aspects of
sexuality. Divorce.
Demanding conjugal rights.
Finding a lover at a wedding
or legal establishment.

The Hanged
Suffering in silence. An
abusive relationship.
Making sacrifices for a
partner. Fruitless waiting for
the desired person to come
into ones life. Loss. Death of
a partner. Abortion.

Death of a partner An
intense relationship.
Sex for money or in secret
Sexual disease. Discovering

Art or
Seeing sex as a higher or
spiritual calling or with a
Guru. Holiday romances, or
a foreign partner
Complicated sexual
relationships involving
several people. The inability
to manage or cope with a

The Tower
A dominating, violent,
oppressive, abusive or
disintegrating relationship.
Sex with someone in the
military. Discovering
shocking aspects to a
partners sexuality. Realising
a partner is not faithful.
Scandal in high places.

relationship. Filming or
photographing pornography.

The Devil

The Star

An intense or suffocating

Aspirational sex. Seeing


someone as a friend and not

Bondage. A corporate or

a lover. Desiring a love affair

business love affair. The sex

with a friend or

industry. A brothel. Desire for

acquaintance. Cybersex.

domination or subjugation.

Unconventional relationships.

Being tied up.

Flirting. Finding a lover at a

Obsession with ones boss or

social event. An orgy.


Homosexuality. People with a

similar sexual outlook.
Fetishists. Fetish party

The Sun

The Moon

Sex with a rich or famous

Sexual fantasies or phobias.


Confusion about
relationships. Infidelity.
Ambiguous sexuality. Sexmagic.

Judgment or

Universe or



Making a decisions on a

End of a love affair. Meeting

relationship. Inability to deal

ones desire.

with issues in a relationship.

The object of ones

obsession. Anal-sex.
Love affair on holiday or a
foreign country

Article Name
The Tarot and sexuality
Paul Hughes-Barlow

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